if two tigers fight, one will get injured (idiom); if you start a war, someone is bound to get hurt
两情相悦兩情相悅liang3 qing2 xiang1 yue4
(of a couple) to be harmonious; to be each other's sunshine
两相兩相liang3 xiang1
both sides
两相情愿兩相情願liang3 xiang1 qing2 yuan4
both sides are willing; by mutual consent
两相兩相liang3 xiang4
two-phase (physics)
亮相亮相liang4 xiang4
to strike a pose (Chinese opera); (fig.) to make a public appearance; to come out in public (revealing one's true personality, opinions etc); (of a product) to appear on the market or at a trade show etc
蔺相如藺相如lin4 xiang1 ru2
Ling Xiangru (dates unknown, 3rd century BC), famous statesman of Zhao 趙國|赵国
灵犀相通靈犀相通ling2 xi1 xiang1 tong1
kindred spirits
另眼相看另眼相看ling4 yan3 xiang1 kan4
to treat sb favorably; to view in a new light
露相露相lou4 xiang4
to show one's true colors
录相錄相lu4 xiang4
variant of 錄像|录像
卖相賣相mai4 xiang4
outward appearance; demeanor
貌相貌相mao4 xiang4
appearance (esp. superficial); looks; to judge a person by appearances
密切相关密切相關mi4 qie4 xiang1 guan1
closely related
密切相连密切相連mi4 qie4 xiang1 lian2
to relate closely; closely related
面面相觑面面相覷mian4 mian4 xiang1 qu4
to look at each other in dismay (idiom)
面相面相mian4 xiang4
facial features; appearence; physiognomy
名相名相ming2 xiang4
famous prime minister (in ancient China); names and appearances (Buddhism)
命相命相ming4 xiang4
男傧相男儐相nan2 bin1 xiang4
best man (in a marriage)
怒目相向怒目相向nu4 mu4 xiang1 xiang4
to glower at each other (idiom)
女傧相女儐相nv3 bin1 xiang4
贫相貧相pin2 xiang4
mean; stingy
萍水相逢萍水相逢ping2 shui3 xiang1 feng2
strangers coming together by chance (idiom)
破相破相po4 xiang4
(of facial features) to be marred by a scar etc; to disfigure; to make a fool of oneself
旗鼓相当旗鼓相當qi2 gu3 xiang1 dang1
lit. two armies have equivalent banners and drums (idiom); fig. evenly matched; roughly comparable (opponents)
前首相前首相qian2 shou3 xiang4
former prime minister
强相互作用強相互作用qiang2 xiang1 hu4 zuo4 yong4
strong interaction (in particle physics); strong force
穷酸相窮酸相qiong2 suan1 xiang4
wretched look; shabby looks
拳脚相向拳腳相向quan2 jiao3 xiang1 xiang4
to square off; to exchange blows; to rain blows on sb
人不可貌相人不可貌相ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xiang4
you can't judge a person by appearance (idiom); you can't judge a book by its cover; often in combination 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量
physiognomy (judgment of a person's fate, character etc, based on facial features)
弱相互作用弱相互作用ruo4 xiang1 hu4 zuo4 yong4
weak interaction (in particle physics); weak force
三十二相三十二相san1 shi2 er4 xiang4
the thirty-two physical characteristics of Buddha
三相点三相點san1 xiang4 dian3
triple point (thermodynamics)
色相色相se4 xiang4
coloration; hue; sex; sex appeal
傻瓜相机傻瓜相機sha3 gua1 xiang4 ji1
point-and-shoot camera; compact camera
上相上相shang4 xiang4
photogenic; (old) high official
生肖属相生肖屬相sheng1 xiao4 shu3 xiang4
birth year as designated by animal symbols (mouse, ox, tiger etc)
实不相瞒實不相瞞shi2 bu4 xiang1 man2
truth to tell; to be quite honest...
实相實相shi2 xiang4
actual situation; the ultimate essence of things (Buddhism)
识相識相shi2 xiang4
sensitive; tactful
世代相传世代相傳shi4 dai4 xiang1 chuan2
passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
事件相关电位事件相關電位shi4 jian4 xiang1 guan1 dian4 wei4
event-related potential
世相世相shi4 xiang4
the ways of the world
收支相抵收支相抵shou1 zhi1 xiang1 di3
to break even; balance between income and expenditure
守望相助守望相助shou3 wang4 xiang1 zhu4
to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to defend against external aggressors; mutual help and protection
首尾相接首尾相接shou3 wei3 xiang1 jie1
to join head to tail; bumper-to-bumper (of traffic jam)
首相首相shou3 xiang4
prime minister (of Japan or UK etc)
手相手相shou3 xiang4
palmistry; features of a palm (in palmistry)
蜀相蜀相shu3 xiang4
the Prime Minister of Shu (i.e. Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮)
属相屬相shu3 xiang4
colloquial term for 生肖 the animals associated with the years of a 12-year cycle
数码相机數碼相機shu4 ma3 xiang4 ji1
digital camera
数码照相机數碼照相機shu4 ma3 zhao4 xiang4 ji1
digital camera
水底相机水底相機shui3 di3 xiang4 ji1
underwater camera
水相水相shui3 xiang4
aqueous solution
睡相睡相shui4 xiang4
sleeping posture
似曾相识似曾相識si4 ceng2 xiang1 shi2
déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time); seemingly familiar; apparently already acquainted
素不相能素不相能su4 bu4 xiang1 neng2
unable to get along (idiom)
素不相识素不相識su4 bu4 xiang1 shi2
to be total strangers (idiom)
弹冠相庆彈冠相慶tan2 guan1 xiang1 qing4
lit. to flick dust off sb's cap (idiom); to celebrate an official appointment; to congratulate and celebrate (promotion, graduation etc)
坦诚相见坦誠相見tan3 cheng2 xiang1 jian4
to trust one another fully; to treat sb with sincerity
调相調相tiao2 xiang4
phase modulation
铁血宰相鐵血宰相tie3 xue4 zai3 xiang4
Iron Chancellor, refers to Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), Prussian politician, Minister-President of Prussia 1862-1873, Chancellor of Germany 1871-1890
同病相怜同病相憐tong2 bing4 xiang1 lian2
fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company
同类相食同類相食tong2 lei4 xiang1 shi2
同类相吸同類相吸tong2 lei4 xiang1 xi1
Like attracts like.
同性相斥同性相斥tong2 xing4 xiang1 chi4
like polarities repel each other; (fig.) like repels like
外相外相wai4 xiang4
Foreign Minister
文人相轻文人相輕wen2 ren2 xiang1 qing1
scholars tend to disparage one another (idiom)
息息相关息息相關xi1 xi1 xiang1 guan1
closely bound up (idiom); intimately related
狭路相逢狹路相逢xia2 lu4 xiang1 feng2
lit. to meet face to face on a narrow path (idiom); fig. enemies or rivals meet face to face
狭义相对论狹義相對論xia2 yi4 xiang1 dui4 lun4
special relativity
贤相賢相xian2 xiang4
sagacious prime minister (in feudal China)
现量相违現量相違xian4 liang4 xiang1 wei2
to not fit one's perception of sth (idiom)
相爱相愛xiang1 ai4
to love each other
相安无事相安無事xiang1 an1 wu2 shi4
to live together in harmony
相伴相伴xiang1 ban4
to accompany sb; to accompany each other
相帮相幫xiang1 bang1
to help one another; to aid
相保相保xiang1 bao3
to guard each other
相背相背xiang1 bei4
contrary; opposite
相比相比xiang1 bi3
to compare
相比之下相比之下xiang1 bi3 zhi1 xia4
by comparison
相差相差xiang1 cha4
to differ; discrepancy between
相差不多相差不多xiang1 cha4 bu5 duo1
not much difference
相称相稱xiang1 chen4
to match; to suit; mutually compatible
相衬相襯xiang1 chen4
to contrast; to set off one another; to go well with
相城相城xiang1 cheng2
Xiangcheng district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市, Jiangsu
相承相承xiang1 cheng2
to complement one another
相乘相乘xiang1 cheng2
to multiply (math.); multiplication
相城区相城區xiang1 cheng2 qu1
Xiangcheng district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市, Jiangsu
相持相持xiang1 chi2
locked in a stalemate; to confront one another
相持不下相持不下xiang1 chi2 bu4 xia4
at a stalemate; deadlocked; in unrelenting mutual opposition
相斥相斥xiang1 chi4
mutual repulsion (e.g. electrostatic); to repel one another
相处相處xiang1 chu3
to be in contact (with sb); to associate; to interact; to get along (well, poorly)
相传相傳xiang1 chuan2
to pass on; to hand down; tradition has it that ...; according to legend
相待相待xiang1 dai4
to treat
相当相當xiang1 dang1
equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; to a certain extent; fairly; quite
相当于相當於xiang1 dang1 yu2
equivalent to
相当于或大于相當於或大於xiang1 dang1 yu2 huo4 da4 yu2
greater than or equal to ≥; at least as great as
相得益彰相得益彰xiang1 de2 yi4 zhang1
to bring out the best in each other (idiom); to complement one another well
相等相等xiang1 deng3
equal; equally; equivalent
相抵相抵xiang1 di3
to balance up; to offset; to counterbalance
相对相對xiang1 dui4
relatively; opposite; to resist; to oppose; relative; vis-a-vis; counterpart
相对地址相對地址xiang1 dui4 di4 zhi3
relative address (computing)
相对论相對論xiang1 dui4 lun4
theory of relativity
相对论性相對論性xiang1 dui4 lun4 xing4
relativistic (physics)
相对密度相對密度xiang1 dui4 mi4 du4
relative density
相对湿度相對濕度xiang1 dui4 shi1 du4
relative humidity
相对位置相對位置xiang1 dui4 wei4 zhi5
relative position
相恶相惡xiang1 e4
to hate one another
相反相反xiang1 fan3
opposite; contrary
相仿相仿xiang1 fang3
相逢相逢xiang1 feng2
to meet (by chance); to come across
相符相符xiang1 fu2
to match; to tally
相辅相成相輔相成xiang1 fu3 xiang1 cheng2
to complement one another (idiom)
相干相干xiang1 gan1
relevant; to have to do with; coherent (Physics: light etc)
相隔相隔xiang1 ge2
separated by (distance or time etc)
相关相關xiang1 guan1
related; relevant; pertinent; to be interrelated; (statistics) correlation
相关性相關性xiang1 guan1 xing4
相好相好xiang1 hao3
to be intimate; close friend; paramour
相合相合xiang1 he2
to conform to; to fit with; to be compatible with
相互相互xiang1 hu4
each other; mutual
相互保证毁灭相互保證毀滅xiang1 hu4 bao3 zheng4 hui3 mie4
Mutual Assured Destruction
相互关系相互關係xiang1 hu4 guan1 xi4
mutual relations; common interest
相互兼容相互兼容xiang1 hu4 jian1 rong2
mutually compatible
相互作用相互作用xiang1 hu4 zuo4 yong4
to interact; interaction; interplay
相会相會xiang1 hui4
to meet together
相继相繼xiang1 ji4
in succession; following closely
相加性的相加性的xiang1 jia1 xing4 de5
相间相間xiang1 jian4
to alternate; to follow one another
相见相見xiang1 jian4
to see each other; to meet in person
相见恨晚相見恨晚xiang1 jian4 hen4 wan3
to regret not having met earlier (idiom); It is nice to meet you finally.; It feels like we have known each other all along.
相交相交xiang1 jiao1
to cross over (e.g. traffic); to intersect; to make friends
相交数相交數xiang1 jiao1 shu4
intersection number (math.)
相较相較xiang1 jiao4
to compare
相接相接xiang1 jie1
to merge with; interlinking; to join with; to interlock
相近相近xiang1 jin4
close; similar to
相敬如宾相敬如賓xiang1 jing4 ru2 bin1
to treat each other as an honored guest (idiom); mutual respect between husband and wife
相聚相聚xiang1 ju4
to meet together; to assemble
相距相距xiang1 ju4
distance apart; separated by a given distance
相看相看xiang1 kan4
to look at one another; to take a good look at; to look upon
相类相類xiang1 lei4
相联相聯xiang1 lian2
to interact; interrelated
相连相連xiang1 lian2
to link; to join; link; connection
相恋相戀xiang1 lian4
to love each other
相邻相鄰xiang1 lin2
neighbor; adjacent
相命者相命者xiang1 ming4 zhe3
fortune teller
相配相配xiang1 pei4
to match; well-suited
相配人相配人xiang1 pei4 ren2
match (couple); persons well suited for each other
相配物相配物xiang1 pei4 wu4
thing that is well suited; pet animal that suits its owner
相碰撞相碰撞xiang1 peng4 zhuang4
to collide with one another
相扑相撲xiang1 pu1
sumo wrestling; also pr.
相契相契xiang1 qi4
(literary) to be a good match
相亲相親xiang1 qin1
blind date; arranged interview to evaluate a proposed marriage partner (Taiwan pr. ); to be deeply attached to each other
相亲相爱相親相愛xiang1 qin1 xiang1 ai4
to be kind and love one another (idiom); bound by deep emotions
相觑相覷xiang1 qu4
to look at each other
相劝相勸xiang1 quan4
to persuade; to exhort; to advise
相认相認xiang1 ren4
to know each other; to recognize; to identify; to acknowledge (an old relationship)
相容相容xiang1 rong2
compatible; consistent; to tolerate (each other)
相容条件相容條件xiang1 rong2 tiao2 jian4
conditions for consistency
相濡以沫相濡以沫xiang1 ru2 yi3 mo4
to moisten with spittle (idiom); sharing meager resources; mutual help in humble circumstances
相若相若xiang1 ruo4
on a par with; comparable to
相山相山xiang1 shan1
Xiangshan district of Huaibei city 淮北市, Anhui
相山区相山區xiang1 shan1 qu1
Xiangshan district of Huaibei city 淮北市, Anhui
相生相生xiang1 sheng1
to engender one another
相识相識xiang1 shi2
to get to know each other; acquaintance
相手蟹相手蟹xiang1 shou3 xie4
crab of the family Sesarmidae
相思相思xiang1 si1
to yearn; to pine
相思病相思病xiang1 si1 bing4
相似相似xiang1 si4
to resemble; similar; like; resemblance; similarity
相似性相似性xiang1 si4 xing4
resemblance; similarity
相提并论相提並論xiang1 ti2 bing4 lun4
to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms; to place on a par with; (often with negatives: impossible to mention X in the same breath as Y)
相通相通xiang1 tong1
interlinked; connected; communicating; in communication; accommodating
相同相同xiang1 tong2
identical; same
相同名字相同名字xiang1 tong2 ming2 zi4
like-named; having the same name
相投相投xiang1 tou2
agreeing with one another; congenial
相望相望xiang1 wang4
to look at one another; to face each other
相违相違xiang1 wei2
to conflict with (an idea or opinion etc); to depart from (established norms or standards etc)
相吸相吸xiang1 xi1
mutual attraction (e.g. electrostatic); to attract one another
相向相向xiang1 xiang4
facing one another; face-to-face
相像相像xiang1 xiang4
to resemble one another; to be alike; similar
相向突击相向突擊xiang1 xiang4 tu1 ji1
sudden attack from the opposite direction (idiom)
相偕相偕xiang1 xie2
together (literary)
相信相信xiang1 xin4
to be convinced (that sth is true); to believe; to accept sth as true
相形见绌相形見絀xiang1 xing2 jian4 chu4
pale by comparison (idiom)
相沿成习相沿成習xiang1 yan2 cheng2 xi2
well established; accepted as a result of long usage
相依相依xiang1 yi1
to be interdependent
相依为命相依為命xiang1 yi1 wei2 ming4
mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upon one another for survival; interdependent
相宜相宜xiang1 yi2
to be suitable or appropriate
相异相異xiang1 yi4
different; dissimilar
相应相應xiang1 ying4
to correspond; answering (one another); to agree (among the part); corresponding; relevant; appropriate; (modify) accordingly
相映成趣相映成趣xiang1 ying4 cheng2 qu4
to set each other off nicely
相遇相遇xiang1 yu4
to meet; to encounter; to come across
相约相約xiang1 yue1
to agree (on a meeting place, date etc); to reach agreement; to make an appointment
相争相爭xiang1 zheng1
to vie against one another; to fight each other; mutual aggression
相中相中xiang1 zhong4
to find to one's taste; to pick (after looking at); Taiwan pr.
相助相助xiang1 zhu4
to help one another; to come to sb's help
相撞相撞xiang1 zhuang4
collision; crash; to crash together; to collide with; to bump into
相左相左xiang1 zuo3
to fail to meet each other; to conflict with each other; to be at odds with
相簿相簿xiang4 bu4
photo album
相册相冊xiang4 ce4
photo album
相对象相對象xiang4 dui4 xiang4
to meet a possible marriage partner
相夫教子相夫教子xiang4 fu1 jiao4 zi3
to assist one's husband and educate the children (idiom); the traditional roles of a good wife
相公相公xiang4 gong5
lord; master; young gentleman; male prostitute; catamite; mahjong player disqualified by unintentionally taking in the wrong number of dominoes; (old form of address for one's husband) husband
相国相國xiang4 guo2
prime minister (in ancient China)
相机相機xiang4 ji1
at the opportune moment; as the circumstances allow; abbr. for 照相機|照相机
相机而动相機而動xiang4 ji1 er2 dong4
to wait for the opportune moment before taking action (idiom)
相机而行相機而行xiang4 ji1 er2 xing2
to act according to the situation (idiom)
相机行事相機行事xiang4 ji1 xing2 shi4
to act as circumstances dictate (idiom)
相架相架xiang4 jia4
picture frame
相角相角xiang4 jiao3
phase angle
相空间相空間xiang4 kong1 jian1
phase space (math., ordinary differential equations)
fortune-teller who uses the subject's face for his prognostication
相术相術xiang4 shu4
相态相態xiang4 tai4
phase (state of matter)
相体裁衣相體裁衣xiang4 ti3 cai2 yi1
lit. tailor the clothes to fit the body (idiom); fig. act according to real circumstances
相图相圖xiang4 tu2
phase diagram (math.); phase portrait
相位相位xiang4 wei4
phase (waves)
相位差相位差xiang4 wei4 cha1
phase difference
相纸相紙xiang4 zhi3
photographic paper
笑脸相迎笑臉相迎xiao4 lian3 xiang1 ying2
to welcome sb with a smiling face (idiom)
薪火相传薪火相傳xin1 huo3 xiang1 chuan2
lit. the flame of a burning piece of firewood passes on to the rest (idiom); fig. (of knowledge, skill etc) to be passed on from teachers to students, one generation to another
心心相印心心相印xin1 xin1 xiang1 yin4
two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit
星相十足星相十足xing1 xiang1 shi2 zu2
(coll.) to look every bit the big star
星相星相xing1 xiang4
astrology and physiognomy
星相家星相家xing1 xiang4 jia1
星相师星相師xing1 xiang4 shi1
星相术星相術xing1 xiang4 shu4
星相图星相圖xing1 xiang4 tu2
star chart
星相学星相學xing1 xiang4 xue2
惺惺相惜惺惺相惜xing1 xing1 xiang1 xi1
see 惺惺惜惺惺
形影相吊形影相弔xing2 ying3 xiang1 diao4
with only body and shadow to comfort each other (idiom); extremely sad and lonely
形影相随形影相隨xing2 ying3 xiang1 sui2
lit. body and shadow follow each other (idiom); fig. inseparable
凶相兇相xiong1 xiang4
ferocious appearance
凶相毕露兇相畢露xiong1 xiang4 bi4 lu4
show one's ferocious appearance (idiom); the atrocious features revealed; with fangs bared
休戚相关休戚相關xiu1 qi1 xiang1 guan1
to share the same interests (idiom); to be closely related; to be in the same boat
血肉相连血肉相連xue4 rou4 xiang1 lian2
one's own flesh and blood (idiom); closely related
雅相雅相ya3 xiang4
elegant appearance; dignity
燕雀相贺燕雀相賀yan4 que4 xiang4 he4
lit. sparrow and swallow's congratulation (idiom); fig. to congratulate sb on completion of a building project; congratulations on your new house!
洋相洋相yang2 xiang4
social gaffe or blunder; faux pas; see 出洋相
一脉相承一脈相承yi1 mai4 xiang1 cheng2
traceable to the same stock (idiom); of a common origin (of trends, ideas etc)