to look after; to take care of; to watch; to guard
to see; to look at; to read; to watch; to visit; to call on; to consider; to regard as; to look after; to treat (an illness); to depend on; to feel (that); (after verb) to give it a try; Watch out! (for a danger)
lit. eyeing what's in the pot as one eats from one's bowl (idiom); not content with what one already has; (of men, typically) to have the wandering eye
翻看翻看fan1 kan4
to browse; to look over (books)
高看高看gao1 kan4
to attach importance to sth; to value
给你点颜色看看給你點顏色看看gei3 ni3 dian3 yan2 se4 kan4 kan5
(I'll) teach you a lesson; put you in your place
刮目相看刮目相看gua1 mu4 xiang1 kan4
to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth; to sit up and take notice (of sb's improved performance etc)
观看觀看guan1 kan4
to watch; to view
好看好看hao3 kan4
good-looking; nice-looking; good (of a movie, book, TV show etc); embarrassed; humiliated
活动看板活動看板huo2 dong4 kan4 ban3
calendar of events
监看監看jian1 kan4
to monitor; to keep an eye on
据我看據我看ju4 wo3 kan4
in my view; in my opinion; from what I can see
看菜吃饭看菜吃飯kan1 cai4 chi1 fan4
to eat depending on the dish (idiom); fig. to act according to actual circumstances; to live within one's means
eat depending on the dish, cut cloth according to the body (idiom); to fit the appetite to the dishes and the dress to the figure; to act according to actual circumstances; to live within one's means
看管看管kan1 guan3
to look after
看护看護kan1 hu4
to nurse; to look after; to watch over; (old) hospital nurse
看花眼看花眼kan1 hua1 yan3
to be dazzled; to not believe one's own eyes
看家看家kan1 jia1
to look after the house; (of skill, ability) special; outstanding
看门人看門人kan1 men2 ren2
janitor; watchman
看破红尘看破紅塵kan1 po4 hong2 chen2
to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk); disillusioned with human society; to reject the world for a monastic life
看守看守kan1 shou3
to guard; to watch over
看守者看守者kan1 shou3 zhe3
看押看押kan1 ya1
to detain; to take into custody; to imprison temporarily
看板看板kan4 ban3
看扁看扁kan4 bian3
to have a low opinion of
看贬看貶kan4 bian3
to expect (a currency etc) to depreciate
看病看病kan4 bing4
to visit a doctor; to see a patient
看不顺眼看不順眼kan4 bu4 shun4 yan3
unpleasant to the eye; objectionable
看不习惯看不習慣kan4 bu4 xi2 guan4
看不出看不出kan4 bu5 chu1
can't see; can't make out; unable to tell
看不懂看不懂kan4 bu5 dong3
unable to make sense of what one is looking at
看不惯看不慣kan4 bu5 guan4
cannot bear to see; to hate; to dislike; to disapprove
看不过看不過kan4 bu5 guo4
cannot stand by idly and watch; unable to put up with it any longer; see 看不過去|看不过去
看不过去看不過去kan4 bu5 guo4 qu5
cannot stand by idly and watch; unable to put up with it any longer
看不见看不見kan4 bu5 jian4
unseen; to be invisible
看不起看不起kan4 bu5 qi3
to look down upon; to despise
看不清看不清kan4 bu5 qing1
not able to see clearly
看不中看不中kan4 bu5 zhong1
not impressed by
看成看成kan4 cheng2
to regard as
看出看出kan4 chu1
to make out; to see
看穿看穿kan4 chuan1
see through (a person, scheme, trick etc)
看错看錯kan4 cuo4
to misinterpret what one sees or reads; to misjudge (sb); to mistake (sb for sb else); to misread (a document)
看呆看呆kan4 dai1
to gape at; to stare blankly; to stare in rapture; to stare in awe
看待看待kan4 dai4
to look upon; to regard
看得见看得見kan4 de2 jian4
can see; visible
看得过看得過kan4 de5 guo4
presentable; passable
看得过儿看得過兒kan4 de5 guo4 er5
erhua variant of 看得過|看得过
看得起看得起kan4 de5 qi3
to show respect for; to think highly of
看得中看得中kan4 de5 zhong4
to take a liking for; to fancy
看懂看懂kan4 dong3
to understand what one is reading or watching
看法看法kan4 fa3
way of looking at a thing; view; opinion
看顾看顧kan4 gu4
to watch over
看官看官kan4 guan1
dear reader; dear listener
看倌看倌kan4 guan1
dear reader; dear listener
看惯看慣kan4 guan4
to be used to the sight of
看好看好kan4 hao3
optimistic (about the outcome); bullish; to think highly of; to support
看见看見kan4 jian4
to see; to catch sight of
看开看開kan4 kai1
to come to accept an unpleasant fact; to get over sth; to cheer up
看看看看kan4 kan5
to take a look at; to examine; to survey; (coll.) pretty soon
看客看客kan4 ke4
audience; spectators; onlookers
看来看來kan4 lai5
apparently; it seems that
看鸟人看鳥人kan4 niao3 ren2
a bird-watcher
看破看破kan4 po4
to see through; disillusioned with; to reject (the world of mortals)
看齐看齊kan4 qi2
to follow sb's example; to emulate; (of troops etc) to dress (come into alignment for parade formation)
看起来看起來kan4 qi3 lai5
seemingly; apparently; looks as if; appear to be; gives the impression that; seems on the face of it to be
看清看清kan4 qing1
to see clearly
看轻看輕kan4 qing1
to belittle; to scorn; to take sth lightly
看情况看情況kan4 qing2 kuang4
depending on the situation
看球看球kan4 qiu2
to watch a football game (or other ball game); Fore! (golf); Watch out for the ball!
看热闹看熱鬧kan4 re4 nao5
to enjoy watching a bustling scene; to go where the crowds are
看人下菜碟儿看人下菜碟兒kan4 ren2 xia4 cai4 die2 er5
(dialect) to treat sb according to their social status, relationship with them etc (idiom); not to treat everyone equally favorably
看人行事看人行事kan4 ren2 xing2 shi4
to treat people according to their rank and one's relationship with them (idiom)
看上看上kan4 shang4
to look upon; to take a fancy to; to fall for
看上去看上去kan4 shang5 qu5
it would appear; it seems (that)
看书看書kan4 shu1
to read; to study
看似看似kan4 si4
to look as if; to seem
看台看台kan4 tai2
terrace; spectator's grandstand; viewing platform
看透看透kan4 tou4
to understand thoroughly; to see beyond the facade; to see through (sb)
看头看頭kan4 tou5
qualities that make sth worth seeing (or reading)
看望看望kan4 wang4
to visit; to pay a call to
看戏看戲kan4 xi4
to watch a play; to watch passively (i.e. from the sidelines, from the crowd)
看相看相kan4 xiang4
to tell fortune by reading the subject's facial features
看样子看樣子kan4 yang4 zi5
it seems; it looks as if
看一看看一看kan4 yi1 kan4
to have a look
看在看在kan4 zai4
(in the expression 看在 ... 的份上|看在 ... 的分上) for the sake of ...; considering ...
看在眼里看在眼裡kan4 zai4 yan3 li5
to observe; to take it all in
看涨看漲kan4 zhang3
bull market (prices appear to be rising)
看着办看著辦kan4 zhe5 ban4
to do as one sees fit; to play it by ear (according to the circumstances)
看着不管看著不管kan4 zhe5 bu4 guan3
to stand by and pay no heed; to ignore
看重看重kan4 zhong4
to regard as important; to care about
看中看中kan4 zhong4
to have a preference for; to fancy; to choose after consideration; to settle on
看准看準kan4 zhun3
to observe and make sure; to check
看准机会看準機會kan4 zhun3 ji1 hui4
to watch for an opportunity; to see one's chance to
看走眼看走眼kan4 zou3 yan3
to make an error of judgment; to be taken in
看作看作kan4 zuo4
to look upon as; to regard as
看做看做kan4 zuo4
to regard as; to look upon as
可看可看ke3 kan4
worth seeing
来看來看lai2 kan4
to come and see; to see a topic from a certain point of view
连连看連連看lian2 lian2 kan4
pattern matching (puzzle game); matching (type of test question in which presented items are to be paired up)
另眼相看另眼相看ling4 yan3 xiang1 kan4
to treat sb favorably; to view in a new light
猛一看猛一看meng3 yi1 kan4
at first glance; first impression
耐看耐看nai4 kan4
able to withstand careful appreciation; well worth a second look
while the connoisseur recognizes the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show
你看着办吧你看著辦吧ni3 kan4 zhe5 ban4 ba5
You figure it out for yourself.; Do as you please.
轻看輕看qing1 kan4
to look down upon
请看請看qing3 kan4
please see ...; vide
杀鸡给猴看殺雞給猴看sha1 ji1 gei3 hou2 kan4
lit. to kill a chicken in front of a monkey; fig. to make an example of sb (by punishment) to frighten others
试试看試試看shi4 shi4 kan4
to give it a try
收看收看shou1 kan4
to watch (a TV program)
受看受看shou4 kan4
踏看踏看ta4 kan4
to investigate on the spot
探看探看tan4 kan4
to visit; to go to see what's going on
偷看偷看tou1 kan4
to peep; to peek; to steal a glance
雾里看花霧里看花wu4 li3 kan4 hua1
lit. to look at flowers in the fog (idiom); fig. blurred vision
细看細看xi4 kan4
to peer; to scan; to examine carefully
相看相看xiang1 kan4
to look at one another; to take a good look at; to look upon
想想看想想看xiang3 xiang3 kan4
to think about it
小看小看xiao3 kan4
to look down on; to underestimate
斜眼看斜眼看xie2 yan3 kan4
from the side of the eye; askance
眼看眼看yan3 kan4
soon; in a moment; to look on as sth happens
要看要看yao4 kan4
it depends on...
一切向钱看一切向錢看yi1 qie4 xiang4 qian2 kan4
to put money above everything else
依我看依我看yi1 wo3 kan4
in my opinion
依我来看依我來看yi1 wo3 lai2 kan4
as I see it; in my opinion
一眼看穿一眼看穿yi1 yan3 kan4 chuan1
to see through something at first glance (idiom)
在我看在我看zai4 wo3 kan4
in my opinion; in my view
乍看乍看zha4 kan4
at first glance
照看照看zhao4 kan4
to look after; to attend to; to have in care
正向前看正向前看zheng4 xiang4 qian2 kan4
look-ahead assertion
中看中看zhong1 kan4
pleasant to the eye; Taiwan pr.
中看不中用中看不中用zhong4 kan4 bu4 zhong4 yong4
impressive-looking but useless
走马看花走馬看花zou3 ma3 kan4 hua1
lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation; to make a quick judgment based on inadequate information