lit. the mouth that has been fed by others is soft, the hand that has received doesn't reach (idiom); fig. one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted
lit. for some things a foot may be too short, and for the other an inch will suffice (proverb); fig. everyone has their strong and weak points; everything has its advantages and disadvantages
(bird species of China) greater short-toed lark (Calandrella brachydactyla)
东家长西家短東家長西家短dong1 jia1 chang2 xi1 jia1 duan3
to gossip (idiom)
短板短板duan3 ban3
short stave of the barrel (which allows the contents to escape); (fig.) shortcoming; weak point
短兵相接短兵相接duan3 bing1 xiang1 jie1
lit. short-weaponed soldiery fight one another (idiom); fierce hand-to-hand infantry combat; to fight at close quarters
短波短波duan3 bo1
shortwave (radio)
短波长短波長duan3 bo1 chang2
short wavelength
短程短程duan3 cheng2
short range
短程线短程線duan3 cheng2 xian4
a geodesic (curve); a shortest curve
短处短處duan3 chu4
shortcoming; defect; fault; one's weak points
短传短傳duan3 chuan2
short pass (in ball game)
短粗短粗duan3 cu1
stocky (short and robust)
短促短促duan3 cu4
short in time; fleeting; brief; gasping (breath); curt (tone of voice)
短打扮短打扮duan3 da3 ban5
shorts; tight-fitting clothes
短多短多duan3 duo1
good prospects in the short term (finance)
短耳鸮短耳鴞duan3 er3 xiao1
(bird species of China) short-eared owl (Asio flammeus)
短歌短歌duan3 ge1
短工短工duan3 gong1
temporary job; odd job; seasonal worker
短简短簡duan3 jian3
短剑短劍duan3 jian4
短见短見duan3 jian4
short-sighted; suicide
短句短句duan3 ju4
短距离短距離duan3 ju4 li2
short distance; a stone's throw away
短距起落飞机短距起落飛機duan3 ju4 qi3 luo4 fei1 ji1
short takeoff and landing aircraft
短空短空duan3 kong1
poor prospects in the short term (finance)
短裤短褲duan3 ku4
short pants; shorts
短路短路duan3 lu4
short circuit
短命短命duan3 ming4
to die young; short-lived
短命鬼短命鬼duan3 ming4 gui3
sb who dies prematurely
短跑短跑duan3 pao3
sprint (race)
短篇小说短篇小說duan3 pian1 xiao3 shuo1
short story
短片短片duan3 pian4
short film; video clip
短期短期duan3 qi1
short term; short-term
短期融资短期融資duan3 qi1 rong2 zi1
short-term financing
短浅短淺duan3 qian3
narrow and shallow
短欠短欠duan3 qian4
to fall short in one's payments; to lack; to be short of
短缺短缺duan3 que1
短少短少duan3 shao3
to be short of the full amount
短时储存短時儲存duan3 shi2 chu3 cun2
short-term storage; store
短时间短時間duan3 shi2 jian1
short term; short time
短时语音记忆短時語音記憶duan3 shi2 yu3 yin1 ji4 yi4
short-term phonological memory
短视短視duan3 shi4
to lack foresight
短腿猎犬短腿獵犬duan3 tui3 lie4 quan3
dachshund; basset hound
短袜短襪duan3 wa4
短尾矮袋鼠短尾矮袋鼠duan3 wei3 ai3 dai4 shu3
短尾鹱短尾鸌duan3 wei3 hu4
(bird species of China) short-tailed shearwater (Puffinus tenuirostris)
短尾鹪鹛短尾鷦鶥duan3 wei3 jiao1 mei2
(bird species of China) streaked wren-babbler (Napothera brevicaudata)
短尾鹩鹛短尾鷯鶥duan3 wei3 liao2 mei2
(bird species of China) rufous-throated wren-babbler (Spelaeornis caudatus)
短尾信天翁短尾信天翁duan3 wei3 xin4 tian1 weng1
(bird species of China) short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus)
短尾鸦雀短尾鴉雀duan3 wei3 ya1 que4
(bird species of China) short-tailed parrotbill (Neosuthora davidiana)
短尾鹦鹉短尾鸚鵡duan3 wei3 ying1 wu3
(bird species of China) vernal hanging parrot (Loriculus vernalis)
短尾贼鸥短尾賊鷗duan3 wei3 zei2 ou1
(bird species of China) parasitic jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus)
短线短線duan3 xian4
short term
短小精悍短小精悍duan3 xiao3 jing1 han4
(of a person) short but plucky (idiom); (of an article) concise and forceful
短信短信duan3 xin4
text message; SMS
短袖短袖duan3 xiu4
short sleeves; short-sleeved shirt
短靴短靴duan3 xue1
ankle boots
短讯短訊duan3 xun4
SMS; text message
短训班短訓班duan3 xun4 ban1
short training course
短衣短衣duan3 yi1
short garment; short jacket
短衣帮短衣幫duan3 yi1 bang1
lit. short jacket party; working people; the toiling masses; blue collar workers
短语短語duan3 yu3
phrase; clause (grammar)
短暂短暫duan3 zan4
of short duration; brief; momentary
短债短債duan3 zhai4
short-term loan
短指短指duan3 zhi3
brachydactylism (genetic abnormality of short or missing fingers)
短趾雕短趾鵰duan3 zhi3 diao1
(bird species of China) short-toed snake eagle (Circaetus gallicus)
短至短至duan3 zhi4
the winter solstice
短中抽长短中抽長duan3 zhong1 chou1 chang2
to make the best of a bad job; to make the best use of limited resources (idiom)
短中取长短中取長duan3 zhong1 qu3 chang2
see 短中抽長|短中抽长
短嘴豆雁短嘴豆雁duan3 zui3 dou4 yan4
(bird species of China) tundra bean goose (Anser serrirostris)
短嘴金丝燕短嘴金絲燕duan3 zui3 jin1 si1 yan4
(bird species of China) Himalayan swiftlet (Aerodramus brevirostris)
短嘴山椒鸟短嘴山椒鳥duan3 zui3 shan1 jiao1 niao3
(bird species of China) short-billed minivet (Pericrocotus brevirostris)
发短信發短信fa1 duan3 xin4
to text; to send SMS messages
飞短流长飛短流長fei1 duan3 liu2 chang2
to spread malicious gossip
蜚短流长蜚短流長fei1 duan3 liu2 chang2
to spread malicious gossip; also written 飛短流長|飞短流长
高山短翅莺高山短翅鶯gao1 shan1 duan3 chi4 ying1
(bird species of China) russet bush warbler (Locustella mandelli)
黑短脚鹎黑短腳鵯hei1 duan3 jiao3 bei1
(bird species of China) black bulbul (Hypsipetes leucocephalus)
护短護短hu4 duan3
to shield (one's shortcoming); to cover up (errors)
灰短脚鹎灰短腳鵯hui1 duan3 jiao3 bei1
(bird species of China) ashy bulbul (Hemixos flavala)
灰眼短脚鹎灰眼短腳鵯hui1 yan3 duan3 jiao3 bei1
(bird species of China) grey-eyed bulbul (Iole propinqua)
极短篇小说極短篇小說ji2 duan3 pian1 xiao3 shuo1
flash fiction
简短簡短jian3 duan3
brief; short-duration
简短介绍簡短介紹jian3 duan3 jie4 shao4
brief introduction
较长絜短較長絜短jiao4 chang2 xie2 duan3
to compare long and short; to compare the pros and cons
较短絜长較短絜長jiao4 duan3 xie2 chang2
to compare long and short; to compare the pros and cons
截长补短截長補短jie2 chang2 bu3 duan3
take from the long to supplement the short (idiom); to offset each other's deficiencies; to complement each other
巨嘴短翅莺巨嘴短翅鶯ju4 zui3 duan3 chi4 ying1
(bird species of China) long-billed bush warbler (Locustella major)
蓝短翅鸫藍短翅鶇lan2 duan3 chi4 dong1
(bird species of China) white-browed shortwing (Brachypteryx montana)
蓝腰短尾鹦鹉藍腰短尾鸚鵡lan2 yao1 duan3 wei3 ying1 wu3
(bird species of China) blue-rumped parrot (Psittinus cyanurus)
栗背短翅鸫栗背短翅鶇li4 bei4 duan3 chi4 dong1
(bird species of China) Gould's shortwing (Heteroxenicus stellatus)
栗背短脚鹎栗背短腳鵯li4 bei4 duan3 jiao3 bei1
(bird species of China) chestnut bulbul (Hemixos castanonotus)
栗耳短脚鹎栗耳短腳鵯li4 er3 duan3 jiao3 bei1
(bird species of China) brown-eared bulbul (Hypsipetes amaurotis)
论长道短論長道短lun4 chang2 dao4 duan3
lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits (idiom); to gossip
绿翅短脚鹎綠翅短腳鵯lv4 chi4 duan3 jiao3 bei1
(bird species of China) mountain bulbul (Ixos mcclellandii)
目光短浅目光短淺mu4 guang1 duan3 qian3
to be shortsighted
瑙蒙短尾鹛瑙蒙短尾鶥nao3 meng2 duan3 wei3 mei2
(bird species of China) Naung Mung scimitar babbler (Jabouilleia naungmungensis)
能源短缺能源短缺neng2 yuan2 duan3 que1
energy shortage
弄短弄短nong4 duan3
to shorten; shortening
齐B短裙齊B短裙qi2 - duan3 qun2
(slang) micro-miniskirt
齐B小短裙齊B小短裙qi2 - xiao3 duan3 qun2
(slang) micro-miniskirt
浅短淺短qian3 duan3
narrow and shallow (knowledge or skill); superficial
取长补短取長補短qu3 chang2 bu3 duan3
lit. use others' strengths to make up for one's weak points (idiom from Mencius); to use this in place of that; what you lose on the swings, you win on the roundabouts
人穷志短人窮志短ren2 qiong2 zhi4 duan3
poor and with low expectations; poverty stunts ambition