dry measure for grain equal to ten dou 斗; ten pecks; one hundred liters

surname Shi

rock; stone; stone inscription; one of the eight ancient musical instruments 八音

strokes 5
strokes after radical 0
埃尔金大理石 埃爾金大理石 ai1 er3 jin1 da4 li3 shi2
the Elgin Marbles, the Parthenon marbles stolen in 1801-1810 by Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin

安如磐石 安如磐石 an1 ru2 pan2 shi2
as solid as rock (idiom); as sure as houses

安石榴 安石榴 an1 shi2 liu2

白斑黑石鵖 白斑黑石鵖 bai2 ban1 hei1 shi2 bi1
(bird species of China) pied bush chat (Saxicola caprata)

白喉石鵖 白喉石鵖 bai2 hou2 shi2 bi1
(bird species of China) white-throated bush chat (Saxicola insignis)

白榴石 白榴石 bai2 liu2 shi2

白石砬子 白石砬子 bai2 shi2 la2 zi5
national nature reserve at Kuandian 寬甸|宽甸 in Liaoning

白云石 白雲石 bai2 yun2 shi2

搬起石头砸自己的脚 搬起石頭砸自己的腳 ban1 qi3 shi2 tou5 za2 zi4 ji3 de5 jiao3
to crush one's own foot while trying to maneuver a rock (to a cliff edge, to drop on one's enemy) (idiom); hoisted by one's own petard

搬石头砸自己的脚 搬石頭砸自己的腳 ban1 shi2 tou5 za2 zi4 ji3 de5 jiao3
to move a stone and stub one's toe; to shoot oneself in the foot (idiom)

绊脚石 絆腳石 ban4 jiao3 shi2
stumbling block; obstacle; someone who gets in your way

宝石 寶石 bao3 shi2
precious stone; gem

碑石 碑石 bei1 shi2
stele; vertical stone tablet for carved inscriptions

砭石 砭石 bian1 shi2
stone needle used in acupuncture

冰晶石 冰晶石 bing1 jing1 shi2

冰洲石 冰洲石 bing1 zhou1 shi2
Iceland spar

采石场 採石場 cai3 shi2 chang3
stone pit; quarry

草石蚕 草石蠶 cao3 shi2 can2
Chinese artichoke; Stachys sieboldii

长石 長石 chang2 shi2
stone beam; horizontal slab of stone; feldspar or felspar (geology)

磁石 磁石 ci2 shi2

慈石 慈石 ci2 shi2
magnetite Fe3O4

簇茎石竹 簇莖石竹 cu4 jing1 shi2 zhu2
boreal carnation or northern pink; Dianthus repens (botany)

打火石 打火石 da3 huo3 shi2

打制石器 打製石器 da3 zhi4 shi2 qi4
a chipped stone (paleolithic) implement

大理石 大理石 da4 li3 shi2

大石鸻 大石鴴 da4 shi2 heng2
(bird species of China) great stone-curlew (Esacus recurvirostris)

大石鸡 大石雞 da4 shi2 ji1
(bird species of China) rusty-necklaced partridge (Alectoris magna)

大石桥 大石橋 da4 shi2 qiao2
Great stone bridge or Dashiqiao county level city in Yingkou 營口|营口, Liaoning

大石桥市 大石橋市 da4 shi2 qiao2 shi4
Great stone bridge or Dashiqiao county level city in Yingkou 營口|营口, Liaoning

胆结石 膽結石 dan3 jie2 shi2

胆石 膽石 dan3 shi2

胆石绞痛 膽石絞痛 dan3 shi2 jiao3 tong4
gallstone colic

胆石症 膽石症 dan3 shi2 zheng4

蛋白石 蛋白石 dan4 bai2 shi2

石鼓 石鼓 dan4 gu3
Dangu district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡阳市, Hunan

石鼓区 石鼓區 dan4 gu3 qu1
Dangu district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡阳市, Hunan

滴石 滴石 di1 shi2
a dripstone (geology); stalactites and stalagmites

滴水穿石 滴水穿石 di1 shui3 chuan1 shi2
dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty.

滴水石穿 滴水石穿 di1 shui3 shi2 chuan1
dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty.

点金石 點金石 dian3 jin1 shi2
philosopher's stone

点石成金 點石成金 dian3 shi2 cheng2 jin1
to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing into a literary gem

奠基石 奠基石 dian4 ji1 shi2
a foundation stone; a cornerstone

垫脚石 墊腳石 dian4 jiao3 shi2
stepping stone; fig. person used to advance one's career

电气石 電氣石 dian4 qi4 shi2

叠层石 疊層石 die2 ceng2 shi2

鼎铛玉石 鼎鐺玉石 ding3 cheng1 yu4 shi2
lit. to use a sacred tripod as cooking pot and jade as ordinary stone (idiom); fig. a waste of precious material; casting pearls before swine

东石 東石 dong1 shi2
Dongshi or Tungshih township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan

东石乡 東石鄉 dong1 shi2 xiang1
Dongshi or Tungshih township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan

东亚石䳭 東亞石䳭 dong1 ya4 shi2 ji2
(bird species of China) Stejneger's stonechat (Saxicola stejnegeri)

独居石 獨居石 du2 ju1 shi2

独立钻石 獨立鑽石 du2 li4 zuan4 shi2
solitaire (puzzle)

煅石膏 煅石膏 duan4 shi2 gao1
plaster of Paris; calcined gypsum

敦煌石窟 敦煌石窟 dun1 huang2 shi2 ku1
Dunhuang caves in Gansu; refers to Mogao caves 莫高石窟

鹅卵石 鵝卵石 e2 luan3 shi2
pebble; cobblestone

番石榴 番石榴 fan1 shi2 liu5
guava (fruit)

翻石鹬 翻石鷸 fan1 shi2 yu4
(bird species of China) ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres)

钒钾铀矿石 釩鉀鈾礦石 fan2 jia3 you2 kuang4 shi2

方解石 方解石 fang1 jie3 shi2
calcite (CaCO3 as rock-forming mineral)

沸石 沸石 fei4 shi2

粉砂石 粉砂石 fen3 sha1 shi2

浮石 浮石 fu2 shi2

氟石 氟石 fu2 shi2
fluorite CaF2; fluorspar; fluor

矸石 矸石 gan1 shi2
waste rock (mining); gangue (worthless minerals mixed in with coal or ore)

橄榄石 橄欖石 gan3 lan3 shi2
olivine (rock-forming mineral magnesium-iron silicate (Mg,Fe)2SiO4); peridot

锆石 鋯石 gao4 shi2
zircon (colored crystal of zirconium silicate ZrSiO4)

公石 公石 gong1 dan4
hectoliter; quintal

光卤石 光鹵石 guang1 lu3 shi2
carnallite (hydrated potassium magnesium chloride mineral)

硅灰石 硅灰石 gui1 hui1 shi2
wollastonite CaSiO3

硅石 硅石 gui1 shi2
siliceous rock

海枯石烂 海枯石爛 hai3 ku1 shi2 lan4
lit. when the seas run dry and the stones go soft (idiom); fig. forever; until the end of time

合成石油 合成石油 he2 cheng2 shi2 you2
synthetic oil

荷兰石竹 荷蘭石竹 he2 lan2 shi2 zhu2
grenadine; carnation; clove pink; Dianthus caryophyllus (botany)

河卵石 河卵石 he2 luan3 shi2

黑喉石鵖 黑喉石鵖 hei1 hou2 shi2 bi1
(bird species of China) Siberian stonechat (Saxicola maurus)

黑曜石 黑曜石 hei1 yao4 shi2
obsidian (mining)

红宝石 紅寶石 hong2 bao3 shi2

花岗石 花崗石 hua1 gang1 shi2

花石 花石 hua1 shi2

花石峡 花石峽 hua1 shi2 xia2
Huashixia town in Madoi county 瑪多縣|玛多县 in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Qinghai

花石峡镇 花石峽鎮 hua1 shi2 xia2 zhen4
Huashixia town in Madoi county 瑪多縣|玛多县 in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Qinghai

滑石 滑石 hua2 shi2

化石 化石 hua4 shi2

化石群 化石群 hua4 shi2 qun2
fossil assemblage

化石燃料 化石燃料 hua4 shi2 ran2 liao4
fossil fuel

环状列石 環狀列石 huan2 zhuang4 lie4 shi2
circular standing stones

黄石 黃石 huang2 shi2
Huangshi prefecture level city in Hubei

黄石港 黃石港 huang2 shi2 gang3
Huangshigang district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市, Hubei

黄石港区 黃石港區 huang2 shi2 gang3 qu1
Huangshigang district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市, Hubei

黄石公 黃石公 huang2 shi2 gong1
Huang Shigong, also known as Xia Huanggong 夏黃公|夏黄公 (dates of birth and death uncertain), Daoist hermit of the Qin Dynasty 秦代 and purported author

黄石公三略 黃石公三略 huang2 shi2 gong1 san1 lve4
“Three Strategies of Huang Shigong”, also known as Taigong Bingfa 太公兵法, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书, variously attributed to Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙, Huang Shigong 黃石公|黄石公 or an anonymous author

黄石市 黃石市 huang2 shi2 shi4
Huangshi prefecture level city in Hubei

辉石 輝石 hui1 shi2
pyroxene (family of rock-forming minerals); augite

活化石 活化石 huo2 hua4 shi2
living fossil

火石 火石 huo3 shi2
flint (stone)

基石 基石 ji1 shi2

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县 積石山保安族東鄉族撒拉族自治縣 ji1 shi2 shan1 bao3 an1 zu2 dong1 xiang1 zu2 sa1 la1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Jishishan Bonan, Dongxiang and Salar autonomous county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州, Gansu

鸡血石 雞血石 ji1 xue4 shi2
bloodstone; red-fleck chalcedony; heliotrope (mineralogy)

坚如磐石 堅如磐石 jian1 ru2 pan2 shi2
solid as a boulder (idiom); absolutely secure; rock-firm and unyielding

尖石 尖石 jian1 shi2
Jianshi or Chienshih township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县, northwest Taiwan

尖石乡 尖石鄉 jian1 shi2 xiang1
Jianshi or Chienshih township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县, northwest Taiwan

姜石年 薑石年 jiang1 shi2 nian2
Jiang Shinian (c. 2000 BC), birth name of Shennong 神農|神农 Farmer God, first of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝 and creator of agriculture in China

蒋介石 蔣介石 jiang3 jie4 shi2
Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975), military leader, head of the Nationalist government in China 1928-1949 and the government in exile on Taiwan 1950-1975

礁石 礁石 jiao1 shi2

角闪石 角閃石 jiao3 shan3 shi2
hornblende (rock-forming mineral, type of amphibole)

结石 結石 jie2 shi2
calculus; stone

金刚石 金剛石 jin1 gang1 shi2
diamond; also called 鑽石|钻石

金瓜石 金瓜石 jin1 gua1 shi2
Jinguashi, town in Ruifang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan, noted for its historic gold and copper mines, used as a prisoner-of-war camp by the Japanese (1942-1945)

金匮石室 金匱石室 jin1 gui4 shi2 shi4
variant of 金櫃石室|金柜石室

金柜石室 金櫃石室 jin1 gui4 shi2 shi4
safe places for storing important articles

金红石 金紅石 jin1 hong2 shi2
rutile (mineral form of titanium oxide TiO2)

金石 金石 jin1 shi2
metal and stone; fig. hard objects; inscription on metal or bronze

金石良言 金石良言 jin1 shi2 liang2 yan2
gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice

金石学 金石學 jin1 shi2 xue2

精诚所加,金石为开 精誠所加,金石為開 jing1 cheng2 suo3 jia1 - jin1 shi2 wei4 kai1
lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks; With a will, you can achieve anything.

精诚所至,金石为开 精誠所至,金石為開 jing1 cheng2 suo3 zhi4 - jin1 shi2 wei4 kai1
lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks; With a will, you can achieve anything.

酒石酸 酒石酸 jiu3 shi2 suan1
tartaric acid

旧石器时代 舊石器時代 jiu4 shi2 qi4 shi2 dai4
Paleolithic Era

巨石 巨石 ju4 shi2
huge rock; boulder; monolith

巨石阵 巨石陣 ju4 shi2 zhen4
giant stone arrangement; Stonehenge

巨石柱群 巨石柱群 ju4 shi2 zhu4 qun2

氪气石 氪氣石 ke4 qi4 shi2

矿石 礦石 kuang4 shi2

蓝宝石 藍寶石 lan2 bao3 shi2

礌石 礌石 lei4 shi2
(old) stones that can be rolled down onto an attacking enemy

离石 離石 li2 shi2
Lishi district of Lüliang city 呂梁市|吕梁市, Shanxi 山西

离石区 離石區 li2 shi2 qu1
Lishi district of Lüliang city 呂梁市|吕梁市, Shanxi 山西

砾石 礫石 li4 shi2
gravel; pebbles

磷灰石 磷灰石 lin2 hui1 shi2
apatite; phosphatic limestone

磷矿石 磷礦石 lin2 kuang4 shi2

磷石 磷石 lin2 shi2
muscovite, mica (used in TCM); Muscovitum

灵石 靈石 ling2 shi2
Lingshi county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi

灵石县 靈石縣 ling2 shi2 xian4
Lingshi county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi

龙门石窟 龍門石窟 long2 men2 shi2 ku1
Longmen Grottoes at Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan

卵石 卵石 luan3 shi2
cobble; pebble

乱石 亂石 luan4 shi2
rocks; stones; rubble; riprap

乱石砸死 亂石砸死 luan4 shi2 za2 si3
to stone to death

罗塞塔石碑 羅塞塔石碑 luo2 sai1 ta3 shi2 bei1
Rosetta Stone

落井下石 落井下石 luo4 jing3 xia4 shi2
to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down

落石 落石 luo4 shi2
falling stone

绿宝石 綠寶石 lv4 bao3 shi2

绿泥石 綠泥石 lv4 ni2 shi2
chlorite (geology)

绿松石 綠松石 lv4 song1 shi2
turquoise (gemstone)

麦积山石窟 麥積山石窟 mai4 ji1 shan1 shi2 ku1
Mt Maiji Caves at Tianshui 天水, Gansu

脉石 脈石 mai4 shi2
veinstone (stone containing a vein of precious metal)

煤矸石 煤矸石 mei2 gan1 shi2
waste rock (in coal mining)

美石 美石 mei3 shi2
precious stone; jewel

摸石头过河 摸石頭過河 mo1 shi2 tou5 guo4 he2
lit. crossing the river by feeling for stones; improvise by trial-and-error; move cautiously

摸着石头过河 摸著石頭過河 mo1 zhe5 shi2 tou5 guo4 he2
to wade the river by groping for stones (idiom); to advance step by step; to feel one's way around

磨刀石 磨刀石 mo2 dao1 shi2
whetstone (for honing knives)

磨脚石 磨腳石 mo2 jiao3 shi2
pumice stone

磨石 磨石 mo2 shi2
whetstone; millstone

磨石粗砂岩 磨石粗砂岩 mo2 shi2 cu1 sha1 yan2
millstone grit

磨石砂砾 磨石砂礫 mo2 shi2 sha1 li4
millstone grit; coarse sandstone

磨制石器 磨製石器 mo2 zhi4 shi2 qi4
a polished stone (neolithic) implement

木人石心 木人石心 mu4 ren2 shi2 xin1
lit. body made of wood, heart made of stone (idiom); fig. heartless

墓石 墓石 mu4 shi2
tombstone; gravestone

泥石流 泥石流 ni2 shi2 liu2
landslide; torrent of mud and stones; mudslide

涅石 涅石 nie4 shi2
alumen; alunite (TCM)

欧石鸻 歐石鴴 ou1 shi2 heng2
(bird species of China) Eurasian stone-curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus)

磐石 磐石 pan2 shi2
Panshi county level city in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province

磐石 磐石 pan2 shi2

盘石 盤石 pan2 shi2
variant of 磐石

蟠石 蟠石 pan2 shi2
variant of 磐石

磐石市 磐石市 pan2 shi2 shi4
Panshi county level city in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province

磐石县 磐石縣 pan2 shi2 xian4
Panshi county in Jilin

普通角闪石 普通角閃石 pu3 tong1 jiao3 shan3 shi2
hornblende (rock-forming mineral, type of amphibole)

七带石斑鱼 七帶石斑魚 qi1 dai4 shi2 ban1 yu2
Epinephelus septemfasciatus

齐白石 齊白石 qi2 bai2 shi2
Qi Baishi (1864-1957), famous Chinese painter

羟基磷灰石 羥基磷灰石 qiang3 ji1 lin2 hui1 shi2
hydroxy-apatite (phosphatic lime deposited in bone)

乔石 喬石 qiao2 shi2
Qiao Shi (Chinese leadership contender)

青金石 青金石 qing1 jin1 shi2
lapis lazuli (mineral of the square albite family)

青石 青石 qing1 shi2
bluestone; limestone (colloquial)

蜻蜓撼石柱 蜻蜓撼石柱 qing1 ting2 han4 shi2 zhu4
lit. the dragon-fly shakes the stone tower (idiom); fig. to overestimate one's capabilities

轻质石油 輕質石油 qing1 zhi4 shi2 you2
light petroleum (product); gasoline and diesel oil

轻质石油产品 輕質石油產品 qing1 zhi4 shi2 you2 chan3 pin3
light petroleum product (i.e. gasoline and diesel oil)

球粒陨石 球粒隕石 qiu2 li4 yun3 shi2
chondrite (type of meteorite)

泉石膏肓 泉石膏肓 quan2 shi2 gao1 huang1
lit. mountain springs and rocks in one's heart (idiom); a deep love of mountain scenery

砂石 砂石 sha1 shi2
sandstone; sand and stone; aggregate

沙石 沙石 sha1 shi2
sand and stones

闪石 閃石 shan3 shi2
amphibole (silicate rock-forming mineral)

蛇纹石 蛇紋石 she2 wen2 shi2
serpentine (geology)

麝香石竹 麝香石竹 she4 xiang1 shi2 zhu2
grenadine; carnation; clove pink; Dianthus caryophyllus (botany)

肾结石 腎結石 shen4 jie2 shi2
kidney stone

生石膏 生石膏 sheng1 shi2 gao1
gypsum CaSO4·2(H2O); plaster

生石灰 生石灰 sheng1 shi2 hui1
calcium oxide CaO; quicklime

石南花 石南花 shi1 nan2 hua1
heather (Ericaceae)

狮头石竹 獅頭石竹 shi1 tou2 shi2 zhu2
grenadine; carnation; clove pink; Dianthus caryophyllus (botany)

石斑鱼 石斑魚 shi2 ban1 yu2
grouper (Portuguese: garoupa); also called 鮨; Epinephelinae (subfamily of Serranidae, fish family including grouper)

石板 石板 shi2 ban3
slab; flagstone; slate

石板路 石板路 shi2 ban3 lu4
road or pavement laid with flagstones

石板瓦 石板瓦 shi2 ban3 wa3
slate tile

石碑 石碑 shi2 bei1
stele; stone tablet (for inscription)

石沉大海 石沉大海 shi2 chen2 da4 hai3
lit. to throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea (idiom); fig. to elicit no response

石城 石城 shi2 cheng2
Shicheng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi

石城县 石城縣 shi2 cheng2 xian4
Shicheng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi

石川 石川 shi2 chuan1
Ishikawa (Japanese surname and place name)

石雕 石雕 shi2 diao1
stone carving; carved sculpture

石刁柏 石刁柏 shi2 diao1 bai3

石碇 石碇 shi2 ding4
Shiding or Shihting township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

石碇乡 石碇鄉 shi2 ding4 xiang1
Shiding or Shihting township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

石洞 石洞 shi2 dong4
cave; cavern

石舫 石舫 shi2 fang3
Marble Boat, famous pavilion

石粉 石粉 shi2 fen3
talcum powder

石峰区 石峰區 shi2 feng1 qu1
Shifeng district of Zhuzhou city 株洲市, Hunan

石敢当 石敢當 shi2 gan3 dang1
stone tablet erected to ward off evil spirits

石冈 石岡 shi2 gang1
Shihkang township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan

石冈乡 石岡鄉 shi2 gang1 xiang1
Shihkang township in Taichung county, 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan

石岗 石崗 shi2 gang3
Shek Kong (area in Hong Kong)

石膏 石膏 shi2 gao1
gypsum CaSO4·2(H2O); plaster; plaster cast (for a broken bone)

石膏绷带 石膏繃帶 shi2 gao1 beng1 dai4
plaster cast

石膏墙板 石膏牆板 shi2 gao1 qiang2 ban3
drywall; gypsum wallboard; plasterboard

石工 石工 shi2 gong1
stonemasonry; stonemason

石鼓文 石鼓文 shi2 gu3 wen2
early form of Chinese characters inscribed in stone, a precursor of the small seal 小篆

石拐区 石拐區 shi2 guai3 qu1
Shiguai district of Baotou city 包頭市|包头市, Inner Mongolia

石棺 石棺 shi2 guan1

石磙 石磙 shi2 gun3
stone roller

石河子 石河子 shi2 he2 zi3
Shixenze shehiri (Shixenze city) or Shíhézǐ subprefecture level city in north Xinjiang

石河子市 石河子市 shi2 he2 zi3 shi4
Shixenze shehiri (Shixenze city) or Shíhézǐ subprefecture level city in north Xinjiang

石虎 石虎 shi2 hu3
Shi Hu

石花菜 石花菜 shi2 hua1 cai4
seaweed (Gelidium amansii); Japanese Isinglass

石化 石化 shi2 hua4
to petrify; petrochemical industry

石化厂 石化廠 shi2 hua4 chang3
petroleum plant; refinery

石灰 石灰 shi2 hui1
lime (calcium oxide)

石灰华 石灰華 shi2 hui1 hua2
travertine (geology); tufa (a type of banded marble)

石灰石 石灰石 shi2 hui1 shi2

石灰岩 石灰岩 shi2 hui1 yan2

石鸡 石雞 shi2 ji1
(bird species of China) chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar)

石家庄 石家莊 shi2 jia1 zhuang1
Shijiazhuang prefecture level city and capital of Hebei Province 河北省 in north China

石家庄地区 石家莊地區 shi2 jia1 zhuang1 di4 qu1
Shijiazhuang prefecture in Hebei

石家庄市 石家莊市 shi2 jia1 zhuang1 shi4
Shijiazhuang prefecture level city and capital of Hebei Province 河北省 in north China

石匠 石匠 shi2 jiang4

石匠痨 石匠癆 shi2 jiang4 lao2
silicosis (occupational disease of miners); grinder's disease; also written 矽末病

石阶 石階 shi2 jie1
stone step

石蜐 石蜐 shi2 jie2
goose barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes)

石井 石井 shi2 jing3
Ishii (Japanese surname)

石景山 石景山 shi2 jing3 shan1
Mt Shijing in 珠海市, Guangdong; Shijingshan inner district of west Beijing

石景山区 石景山區 shi2 jing3 shan1 qu1
Shijingshan inner district of west Beijing

石咀山 石咀山 shi2 ju3 shan1
Shijushan or Shizuishan (place name); variant of Shizuishan 石嘴山, prefecture level city in Ningxia on the border with Inner Mongolia

石咀山区 石咀山區 shi2 ju3 shan1 qu1
variant of 石嘴山區|石嘴山区; Shizuishan district of Shizuishan, Ningxia

石咀山市 石咀山市 shi2 ju3 shan1 shi4
variant of Shizuishan 石嘴山市, prefecture level city in Ningxia on the border with Inner Mongolia

石刻 石刻 shi2 ke4
stone inscription; carved stone

石窟 石窟 shi2 ku1
rock cave; grotto; cliff caves (often with Buddhist statues)

石库门 石庫門 shi2 ku4 men2
"shikumen" style architecture: traditional (ca. 19th century) residences with courtyards, once common in Shanghai

石块 石塊 shi2 kuai4
stone; rock

石蜡 石蠟 shi2 la4
paraffin wax

石勒 石勒 shi2 le4
Shi Le, founder of Later Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms 後趙|后赵 (319-350)

石林 石林 shi2 lin2
Stone Forest, notable set of limestone formations in Yunnan

石林风景区 石林風景區 shi2 lin2 feng1 jing3 qu1
Petrified forest scenic area in Shilin Yi autonomous county 石林彞族自治縣|石林彝族自治县 in Kunming 昆明, Yunnan

石林县 石林縣 shi2 lin2 xian4
Shilin Yi autonomous county in Kunming 昆明, Yunnan

石林彝族自治县 石林彞族自治縣 shi2 lin2 yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Shilin Yi autonomous county in Kunming 昆明, Yunnan

石鲮鱼 石鯪魚 shi2 ling2 yu2
pangolin (Manis pentadactylata); scaly ant-eater

石榴 石榴 shi2 liu5

石榴石 石榴石 shi2 liu5 shi2
garnet (red gemstone Mg3Al2Si3O12)

石榴树 石榴樹 shi2 liu5 shu4
pomegranate tree

石榴子 石榴子 shi2 liu5 zi3
pomegranate seeds; pomegranate arils

石龙 石龍 shi2 long2
Shilong district of Pingdingshan city 平頂山市|平顶山市, Henan

石龙区 石龍區 shi2 long2 qu1
Shilong district of Pingdingshan city 平頂山市|平顶山市, Henan

石龙子 石龍子 shi2 long2 zi5
skink; lizard

石楼 石樓 shi2 lou2
Shilou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西

石楼县 石樓縣 shi2 lou2 xian4
Shilou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西

石门 石門 shi2 men2
Shimen or Shihmen township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

石门县 石門縣 shi2 men2 xian4
Shimen county in Changde 常德, Hunan

石门乡 石門鄉 shi2 men2 xiang1
Shimen or Shihmen township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan

石棉 石棉 shi2 mian2

石绵 石綿 shi2 mian2

石棉 石棉 shi2 mian2
Shimian County in Ya'an 雅安, Sichuan

石棉瓦 石棉瓦 shi2 mian2 wa3
asbestos roofing sheet (corrugated)

石棉县 石棉縣 shi2 mian2 xian4
Shimian county in Ya'an 雅安, Sichuan

石墨 石墨 shi2 mo4
black lead; graphite; plumbago

石磨 石磨 shi2 mo4

石末沉着病 石末沉著病 shi2 mo4 chen2 zhuo2 bing4
silicosis (occupational disease of miners); grinder's disease; also written 矽末病

石末肺 石末肺 shi2 mo4 fei4
silicosis; grinder's disease; also written 矽末病

石墨气冷堆 石墨氣冷堆 shi2 mo4 qi4 leng3 dui1
gas-graphite reactor

石墨烯 石墨烯 shi2 mo4 xi1

石南属 石南屬 shi2 nan2 shu3

石南树 石南樹 shi2 nan2 shu4

石脑油 石腦油 shi2 nao3 you2

石弩 石弩 shi2 nu3
catapult; ballista (siege catapult firing stone blocks)

石女 石女 shi2 nv3
female suffering absence or atresia of vagina (as birth defect)

石片 石片 shi2 pian4

石屏 石屏 shi2 ping2
Shiping county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan

石屏县 石屏縣 shi2 ping2 xian4
Shiping county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan

石破天惊 石破天驚 shi2 po4 tian1 jing1
earth-shattering; breakthrough; remarkable and original work

石砌 石砌 shi2 qi4
stone steps

石器 石器 shi2 qi4
stone tool; stone implement

石器时代 石器時代 shi2 qi4 shi2 dai4
Stone Age

石阡 石阡 shi2 qian1
Siqian county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区, Guizhou

石阡县 石阡縣 shi2 qian1 xian4
Siqian county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区, Guizhou

石青 石青 shi2 qing1
azurite; copper azurite 2CuCO3-Cu(OH)2; azure blue

石渠 石渠 shi2 qu2
Sêrxü county (Tibetan: ser shul rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet); name of several historical figures

石渠 石渠 shi2 qu2
stone channel (e.g. drain)

石渠阁 石渠閣 shi2 qu2 ge2
cabinet meeting in 51 BC that established the five classics of Confucianism 五經|五经 as state canon

石渠阁议 石渠閣議 shi2 qu2 ge2 yi4
cabinet meeting in 51 BC that established the five classics of Confucianism 五經|五经 as state canon

石渠县 石渠縣 shi2 qu2 xian4
Sêrxü county (Tibetan: ser shul rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)

石泉 石泉 shi2 quan2
Shiquan County in Ankang 安康, Shaanxi

石泉县 石泉縣 shi2 quan2 xian4
Shiquan County in Ankang 安康, Shaanxi

石雀 石雀 shi2 que4
(bird species of China) rock sparrow (Petronia petronia)

石蕊 石蕊 shi2 rui3
reindeer moss; litmus (chemistry)

石蕊试纸 石蕊試紙 shi2 rui3 shi4 zhi3
litmus paper (chemistry)

石狮 石獅 shi2 shi1
Shishi county level city in Quanzhou 泉州, Fujian

石狮 石獅 shi2 shi1
see 石獅子|石狮子

石狮市 石獅市 shi2 shi1 shi4
Shishi county level city in Quanzhou 泉州, Fujian

石狮子 石獅子 shi2 shi1 zi5
guardian lion, a lion statue traditionally placed at the entrance of Chinese imperial palaces, imperial tombs, temples etc

石屎 石屎 shi2 shi3

石屎森林 石屎森林 shi2 shi3 sen1 lin2
concrete jungle

石首 石首 shi2 shou3
Shishou county level city in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州, Hubei

石首市 石首市 shi2 shou3 shi4
Shishou county level city in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州, Hubei

石松 石鬆 shi2 song1
Lycopodiopsida (club mosses)

石蒜 石蒜 shi2 suan4
red spider lily (Lycoris radiata)

石笋 石筍 shi2 sun3

石台 石臺 shi2 tai2
Shitai county in Chizhou 池州, Anhui

石台县 石臺縣 shi2 tai2 xian4
Shitai county in Chizhou 池州, Anhui

石炭 石炭 shi2 tan4
coal (arch.)

石炭纪 石炭紀 shi2 tan4 ji4
Carboniferous (geological period 354-292m years ago)

石炭井 石炭井 shi2 tan4 jing3
Shitanjing subdistrict of Dawukou district 大武口區|大武口区 of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市, Ningxia

石炭井区 石炭井區 shi2 tan4 jing3 qu1
Shitanjing subdistrict of Dawukou district 大武口區|大武口区 of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市, Ningxia

石炭酸 石炭酸 shi2 tan4 suan1
phenol C6H5OH; same as 苯酚

石炭系 石炭系 shi2 tan4 xi4
carboniferous system; coal measure (geology)

石涛 石濤 shi2 tao1
Shi Tao (1642-1707), Chinese landscape painter and poet

石田 石田 shi2 tian2
Ishida (Japanese surname and place name)

石田芳夫 石田芳夫 shi2 tian2 fang1 fu1
Ishida Yoshio (1948-), Japanese Go player

石庭 石庭 shi2 ting2
rock garden

石投大海 石投大海 shi2 tou2 da4 hai3
to disappear like a stone dropped into the sea; to vanish forever without trace

石头 石頭 shi2 tou5

石头、剪子、布 石頭、剪子、布 shi2 tou5 - jian3 zi5 - bu4
rock-paper-scissors (hand game)

石头火锅 石頭火鍋 shi2 tou5 huo3 guo1
claypot (used in cooking)

石头记 石頭記 shi2 tou5 ji4
The Story of the Stone, another name for A Dream of Red Mansions 紅樓夢|红楼梦

石硪 石硪 shi2 wo4
flat stone with ropes attached, used to ram the ground

石罅 石罅 shi2 xia4
a crack in a rock

石像 石像 shi2 xiang4
stone statue

石刑 石刑 shi2 xing2
stoning (execution method)

石盐 石鹽 shi2 yan2
rock salt

石印 石印 shi2 yin4
lithography; lithographic printing

石英 石英 shi2 ying1

石英卤素灯 石英鹵素燈 shi2 ying1 lu3 su4 deng1
quartz halogen lamp

石英脉 石英脈 shi2 ying1 mai4
quartz vein

石英钟 石英鐘 shi2 ying1 zhong1
quartz clock

石油 石油 shi2 you2
oil; petroleum

石油化学 石油化學 shi2 you2 hua4 xue2

石油换食品项目 石油換食品項目 shi2 you2 huan4 shi2 pin3 xiang4 mu4
Iraq Oil for Food Program

石油蜡 石油蠟 shi2 you2 la4
petroleum wax

石油醚 石油醚 shi2 you2 mi2
petroleum ether

石油输出国组织 石油輸出國組織 shi2 you2 shu1 chu1 guo2 zu3 zhi1
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

石玉昆 石玉昆 shi2 yu4 kun1
Shi Yukun (probably c. 1810-c. 1871), Qing pinghua 評話|评话 master storyteller

石原慎太郎 石原慎太郎 shi2 yuan2 shen4 tai4 lang2
Ishihara Jintarō (1932-), Japanese author and politician, governor of Tokyo since 1999

石渣 石渣 shi2 zha1

石质 石質 shi2 zhi4

石钟乳 石鐘乳 shi2 zhong1 ru3

石竹 石竹 shi2 zhu2
China pink; Dianthus chinensis (botany)

石竹科 石竹科 shi2 zhu2 ke1
Caryophyllaceae family (carnations and pinks)

石竹目 石竹目 shi2 zhu2 mu4
Class Magnoliopsida (biology)

石竹属 石竹屬 shi2 zhu2 shu3
Dianthus genus (carnations and pinks)

石柱 石柱 shi2 zhu4
Shizhu Tujia autonomous county, Chongqing

石柱 石柱 shi2 zhu4
stela; upright stone; obelisk

石柱土家族自治县 石柱土家族自治縣 shi2 zhu4 tu3 jia1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality

石柱县 石柱縣 shi2 zhu4 xian4
Shizhu Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality

石状 石狀 shi2 zhuang4

石子儿 石子兒 shi2 zi3 er5

石嘴山 石嘴山 shi2 zui3 shan1
Shizuishan prefecture level city in Ningxia on the border with Inner Mongolia

石嘴山区 石嘴山區 shi2 zui3 shan1 qu1
Shizuishan district of Shizuishan, Ningxia

石嘴山市 石嘴山市 shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4
Shizuishan prefecture level city in Ningxia on the border with Inner Mongolia

石作 石作 shi2 zuo4
masonry workshop

史前石桌 史前石桌 shi3 qian2 shi2 zhuo1
menhir; prehistoric stone table

试金石 試金石 shi4 jin1 shi2
touchstone; fig. test that sth is genuine

熟石膏 熟石膏 shu2 shi2 gao1
plaster of Paris; calcined gypsum

熟石灰 熟石灰 shu2 shi2 hui1
slaked lime; hydrated lime

水滴石穿 水滴石穿 shui3 di1 shi2 chuan1
dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty.

水落石出 水落石出 shui3 luo4 shi2 chu1
as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom); the truth comes to light

水磨石 水磨石 shui3 mo2 shi2

斯通亨治石栏 斯通亨治石欄 si1 tong1 heng1 zhi4 shi2 lan2
Stonehenge stone circle

斯托肯立石圈 斯托肯立石圈 si1 tuo1 ken3 li4 shi2 quan1
Stonehenge stone circle

四大石窟 四大石窟 si4 da4 shi2 ku1
the four great caves, namely: Longmen Grottoes 龍門石窟|龙门石窟 at Luoyang, Henan, Yungang Caves 雲岡石窟|云冈石窟 at Datong, Shanxi, Mogao Caves 莫高窟 at Dunhuang, Gansu, and Mt Maiji Caves 麥積山石窟|麦积山石窟 at Tianshui, Gansu

松化石 松化石 song1 hua4 shi2
turquoise (gemstone); also written 松石

松石 松石 song1 shi2
turquoise (gemstone)

燧石 燧石 sui4 shi2

碎石 碎石 sui4 shi2
crushed or broken rock, stone etc

索尔兹伯里石环 索爾茲伯里石環 suo3 er3 zi1 bo2 li3 shi2 huan2
Stonehenge; Salisbury stone circle

他山之石可以攻玉 他山之石可以攻玉 ta1 shan1 zhi1 shi2 ke3 yi3 gong1 yu4
lit. the other mountain's stone can polish jade (idiom); to improve oneself by accepting criticism from outside; to borrow talent from abroad to develop the nation effectively

太石村 太石村 tai4 shi2 cun1
Taishi village (in Guangdong province)

天惊石破 天驚石破 tian1 jing1 shi2 po4
see 石破天驚|石破天惊

天青石 天青石 tian1 qing1 shi2
lapis lazuli

铁矿石 鐵礦石 tie3 kuang4 shi2
iron ore

铁石 鐵石 tie3 shi2
iron and stone

铁石心肠 鐵石心腸 tie3 shi2 xin1 chang2
to have a heart of stone; hard-hearted; unfeeling

投井下石 投井下石 tou2 jing3 xia4 shi2
to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down

投石问路 投石問路 tou2 shi2 wen4 lu4
lit. to toss a stone to find out what's ahead (idiom); fig. to test the waters

土耳其石 土耳其石 tu3 er3 qi2 shi2
turquoise (gemstone) (loanword)

土石流 土石流 tu3 shi2 liu2
(Tw) debris flow; mudslide

王安石 王安石 wang2 an1 shi2
Wang Anshi (1021-1086), Song dynasty politician and writer, one of the Eight Giants 唐宋八大家

望夫石 望夫石 wang4 fu1 shi2
Amah Rock in Sha Tin 沙田, Hong Kong

文石 文石 wen2 shi2
aragonite (geology)

熹平石经 熹平石經 xi1 ping2 shi2 jing1
Xiping steles, calligraphic work on carved steles of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD)

锡石 錫石 xi1 shi2
tin oxide SnO2; cassiterite; tinstone

吸铁石 吸鐵石 xi1 tie3 shi2
a magnet; same as 磁鐵|磁铁

细磨刀石 細磨刀石 xi4 mo4 dao1 shi2
whetstone (for honing knives)

夏目漱石 夏目漱石 xia4 mu4 shu4 shi2
Natsume Sōseki (1867-1916), one of the first modern Japanese novelists

硝石 硝石 xiao1 shi2
niter; saltpeter; potassium nitrate KNO3

消石灰 消石灰 xiao1 shi2 hui1
calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2; slaked lime

斜长石 斜長石 xie2 chang2 shi2
plagioclase (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)

新石器 新石器 xin1 shi2 qi4

新石器时代 新石器時代 xin1 shi2 qi4 shi2 dai4
Neolithic Era

玄石 玄石 xuan2 shi2
magnetite Fe3O4

雪佛龙石油公司 雪佛龍石油公司 xue3 fo2 long2 shi2 you2 gong1 si1
Chevron Corporation

牙克石 牙克石 ya2 ke4 shi2
Yakeshi county level city, Mongolian Yagshi xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia

牙克石市 牙克石市 ya2 ke4 shi2 shi4
Yakeshi county level city, Mongolian Yagshi xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia

岩石 岩石 yan2 shi2

岩石层 岩石層 yan2 shi2 ceng2
rock stratum

岩石圈 岩石圈 yan2 shi2 quan1
lithosphere (in geology, the rigid crust of the earth)

岩石学 岩石學 yan2 shi2 xue2
petrology; lithology; study of rocks

砚石 硯石 yan4 shi2
ink stone; ink slab

耶律大石 耶律大石 ye1 lv4 da4 shi2
Yollig Taxin or Yelü Dashi (1087-1143), Chinese-educated Khitan leader, founder of Western Liao 西遼|西辽 in Central Asia

液化石油气 液化石油氣 ye4 hua4 shi2 you2 qi4
liquefied petroleum gas

一石二鸟 一石二鳥 yi1 shi2 er4 niao3
to kill two birds with one stone (idiom)

以卵击石 以卵擊石 yi3 luan3 ji1 shi2
lit. to strike a stone with egg (idiom); to attempt the impossible; to invite disaster by overreaching oneself

英国石油 英國石油 ying1 guo2 shi2 you2
British Petroleum, BP

英国石油公司 英國石油公司 ying1 guo2 shi2 you2 gong1 si1
British Petroleum, BP

英石 英石 ying1 shi2
ornamental limestone made in Yingde, Guangdong

萤石 螢石 ying2 shi2
fluorite CaF2; fluorspar; fluor

硬石膏 硬石膏 ying4 shi2 gao1
anhydrite CaSO4

玉石 玉石 yu4 shi2
precious stones; jade and stone

礜石 礜石 yu4 shi2
arsenic ore; arsenopiryte FeAsS

玉石俱焚 玉石俱焚 yu4 shi2 ju4 fen2
to burn both jade and common stone; to destroy indiscriminately (idiom)

圆石头 圓石頭 yuan2 shi2 tou5

月光石 月光石 yue4 guang1 shi2

云冈石窟 雲岡石窟 yun2 gang1 shi2 ku1
Yungang Caves at Datong 大同, Shanxi 山西

云石斑鸭 雲石斑鴨 yun2 shi2 ban1 ya1
(bird species of China) marbled teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris)

陨石 隕石 yun3 shi2
meteorite; aerolite

凿石场 鑿石場 zao2 shi2 chang3
rock quarry

皂石 皂石 zao4 shi2

哲人石 哲人石 zhe2 ren2 shi2
philosopher's stone

赭石 赭石 zhe3 shi2
ocher (pigment)

柘榴石 柘榴石 zhe4 liu2 shi2

枕石漱流 枕石漱流 zhen3 shi2 shu4 liu2
to live a hermit's life (in seclusion); a frugal life (idiom)

正长石 正長石 zheng4 chang2 shi2
orthoclase KAlSi3O8 (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)

蛭石 蛭石 zhi4 shi2

中国海洋石油总公司 中國海洋石油總公司 zhong1 guo2 hai3 yang2 shi2 you2 zong3 gong1 si1
CNOOC; China National Offshore Oil Corporation

中国石化 中國石化 zhong1 guo2 shi2 hua4
China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec

中国石油和化学工业协会 中國石油和化學工業協會 zhong1 guo2 shi2 you2 he2 hua4 xue2 gong1 ye4 xie2 hui4
China Petrol and Chemical Industry Association (CPCIA)

中国石油化工股份有限公司 中國石油化工股份有限公司 zhong1 guo2 shi2 you2 hua4 gong1 gu3 fen4 you3 xian4 gong1 si1
China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec; abbr. to 中石化

中国石油天然气集团公司 中國石油天然氣集團公司 zhong1 guo2 shi2 you2 tian1 ran2 qi4 ji2 tuan2 gong1 si1
China National Petroleum Corporation

钟乳石 鐘乳石 zhong1 ru3 shi2

中石化 中石化 zhong1 shi2 hua4
China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec; abbr. for 中國石油化工股份有限公司|中国石油化工股份有限公司

中石器时代 中石器時代 zhong1 shi2 qi4 shi2 dai4
Mesolithic Era

中石油川东钻探公司 中石油川東鑽探公司 zhong1 shi2 you2 chuan1 dong1 zuan4 tan4 gong1 si1
Chuandong Oil Drilling & Exploration Company (CODEC)

重晶石 重晶石 zhong4 jing1 shi2
barite (geology)

柱石 柱石 zhu4 shi2

砖石 磚石 zhuan1 shi2

紫石英 紫石英 zi3 shi2 ying1

紫石英号 紫石英號 zi3 shi2 ying1 hao4
HMS Amethyst, Royal Navy corvette involved in a 1949 gunfight with the PLA on the Changjiang

钻石 鑽石 zuan4 shi2

钻石王老五 鑽石王老五 zuan4 shi2 wang2 lao3 wu3
highly eligible bachelor; desirable male partner