to recover one's youthful vigor; to feel rejuvenated (idiom)
国际儿童节國際兒童節guo2 ji4 er2 tong2 jie2
International Children's Day (June 1)
孩童孩童hai2 tong2
河童河童he2 tong2
Kappa, a child-size humanoid water creature in Japanese folklore
花童花童hua1 tong2
page boy; flower girl (at a wedding)
乩童乩童ji1 tong2
spirit medium
家童家童jia1 tong2
金童玉女金童玉女jin1 tong2 yu4 nv3
lit. golden boys and jade maidens (idiom); attendants of the Daoist immortals; fig. lovely young children; a golden couple; (of a couple who are in the public eye) a lovely young couple
"left-behind children", rural children whose parents have to make a living as migrant workers in distant urban areas, but cannot afford to keep the family with them
六一儿童节六一兒童節liu4 yi1 er2 tong2 jie2
Children's Day (June 1st), PRC national holiday for children under 14
娈童孌童luan2 tong2
catamite (boy as homosexual partner); kept man; gigolo
娈童恋孌童戀luan2 tong2 lian4
娈童者孌童者luan2 tong2 zhe3
child molester; sex tourist
门童門童men2 tong2
doorman; bell boy
牧童牧童mu4 tong2
shepherd boy
男童男童nan2 tong2
boy; male child
女童女童nv3 tong2
small girl
球童球童qiu2 tong2
ball boy (tennis); caddie (golf)
神童神童shen2 tong2
child prodigy
特殊儿童特殊兒童te4 shu1 er2 tong2
child with special needs; gifted child
童便童便tong2 bian4
urine of boys under 12, used as medicine (TCM)
童床童床tong2 chuang2
crib; children's bed
童儿童兒tong2 er2
童工童工tong2 gong1
child labor
童花头童花頭tong2 hua1 tou2
short bobbed hairstyle
童话童話tong2 hua4
children's fairy tales
童话故事童話故事tong2 hua4 gu4 shi4
fairy tale
童乩童乩tong2 ji1
spirit medium
童军童軍tong2 jun1
Scout (youth organization); see also 童子軍|童子军
童蒙童蒙tong2 meng2
young and ignorant; ignorant and uneducated
童男童男tong2 nan2
virgin male
童年童年tong2 nian2
童女童女tong2 nv3
virgin female
童趣童趣tong2 qu4
qualities that delight children (e.g. bold colors in a picture, anthropomorphized characters in a TV show, the physical challenge of playground equipment)
童山濯濯童山濯濯tong2 shan1 zhuo2 zhuo2
treeless hill; (fig.) bald head
童身童身tong2 shen1
undefiled body; virginity; virgin
童生童生tong2 sheng1
candidate who has not yet passed the county level imperial exam
童叟无欺童叟無欺tong2 sou3 wu2 qi1
cheating neither old nor young (idiom); treating youngsters and old folk equally scrupulously; Our house offers sincere treatment to all and fair trade to old and young alike.
童心童心tong2 xin1
childish heart; childish innocence
童星童星tong2 xing1
child star
童言无忌童言無忌tong2 yan2 wu2 ji4
children's words carry no harm (idiom)
童养媳童養媳tong2 yang3 xi2
child bride; girl adopted into a family as future daughter-in-law
童养媳妇童養媳婦tong2 yang3 xi2 fu4
child bride; girl adopted into a family as future daughter-in-law
童谣童謠tong2 yao2
nursery rhyme
童真童真tong2 zhen1
childishness; naivete
童贞童貞tong2 zhen1
virginity; chastity
童稚童稚tong2 zhi4
child; childish
童装童裝tong2 zhuang1
children's clothing
童子童子tong2 zi3
童子军童子軍tong2 zi3 jun1
Scout (youth organization)
童子军童子軍tong2 zi3 jun1
child soldiers; juvenile militia
童子尿童子尿tong2 zi3 niao4
urine of boys under 12, used as medicine (TCM)
顽童頑童wan2 tong2
挽救儿童挽救兒童wan3 jiu4 er2 tong2
to rescue a child; Save the Children, a British charity