pen; pencil; writing brush; to write or compose; the strokes of Chinese characters; classifier for sums of money, deals

strokes 10
strokes after radical 4
白板笔 白板筆 bai2 ban3 bi3
whiteboard marker; dry-erase marker

白鬼笔 白鬼筆 bai2 gui3 bi3
(botany) common stinkhorn (Phallus impudicus)

败笔 敗筆 bai4 bi3
a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting; a faulty expression in writing

刨笔刀 刨筆刀 bao4 bi3 dao1
pencil sharpener

笔触 筆觸 bi3 chu4
brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy; brushwork; style of drawing or writing

笔底下 筆底下 bi3 di3 xia4
ability to write

笔电 筆電 bi3 dian4
notebook (computer)

笔调 筆調 bi3 diao4
(of writing) tone; style

笔法 筆法 bi3 fa3
technique of writing; calligraphy; or drawing

笔锋 筆鋒 bi3 feng1
the tip of a writing brush; vigor of style in writing; stroke; touch

笔杆 筆桿 bi3 gan3
the shaft of a pen or writing brush; pen-holder; pen

笔杆子 筆桿子 bi3 gan3 zi5
pen; an effective writer

笔耕 筆耕 bi3 geng1
to make a living by writing; to write (as an author)

笔供 筆供 bi3 gong4
written evidence, as opposed to oral evidence 口供

笔管面 筆管麵 bi3 guan3 mian4
penne pasta

笔画 筆畫 bi3 hua4
strokes of a Chinese character

笔划 筆劃 bi3 hua4
variant of 筆畫|笔画

笔划检字表 筆劃檢字表 bi3 hua4 jian3 zi4 biao3
lookup table for Chinese character based on radical and stroke count

笔画数 筆畫數 bi3 hua4 shu4
stroke count (number of brushstrokes of a Chinese character)

笔会 筆會 bi3 hui4
PEN (association of writers)

笔记 筆記 bi3 ji4
to take down (in writing); notes; a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches

笔迹 筆跡 bi3 ji4

笔记本 筆記本 bi3 ji4 ben3
notebook (stationery); notebook (computing)

笔记本电脑 筆記本電腦 bi3 ji4 ben3 dian4 nao3
laptop; notebook (computer)

笔记本计算机 筆記本計算機 bi3 ji4 ben3 ji4 suan4 ji1
laptop; notebook (computer)

笔记型电脑 筆記型電腦 bi3 ji4 xing2 dian4 nao3
notebook (computer)

笔架 筆架 bi3 jia4
pen rack; pen-holder

笔尖 筆尖 bi3 jian1
nib; pen point; the tip of a writing brush or pencil

笔力 筆力 bi3 li4
vigor of strokes in calligraphy or drawing; vigor of style in literary composition

笔录 筆錄 bi3 lu4
to put down in writing; to take down notes; transcript; record

笔帽 筆帽 bi3 mao4
the cap of a pen, pencil, or writing brush

笔名 筆名 bi3 ming2
pen name; pseudonym

笔墨 筆墨 bi3 mo4
pen and ink; words; writing

笔胜于刀文比武强 筆勝於刀文比武強 bi3 sheng4 yu2 dao1 wen2 bi3 wu3 qiang2
the pen is mightier than the sword (idiom)

笔试 筆試 bi3 shi4
written examination; paper test (for an applicant)

笔顺 筆順 bi3 shun4
stroke order (when writing Chinese character)

笔算 筆算 bi3 suan4
to do a sum in writing; written calculation

笔谈 筆談 bi3 tan2
to communicate by means of written notes (instead of speaking); to publish one's opinion (e.g. as part of a scholarly dialog); (in book titles) essays; sketches

笔套 筆套 bi3 tao4
the cap of a pen, pencil or writing brush; the sheath of a pen (made of cloth, silk or thread)

笔替 筆替 bi3 ti4
(poorly paid) ghostwriter or substitute calligrapher

笔挺 筆挺 bi3 ting3
(standing) very straight; straight as a ramrod; bolt upright; well-ironed; trim

笔筒 筆筒 bi3 tong3
pen container; brush pot

笔头 筆頭 bi3 tou2
ability to write; writing skill; written; in written form

笔误 筆誤 bi3 wu4
a slip of a pen

笔下 筆下 bi3 xia4
the wording and purport of what one writes

笔下生花 筆下生花 bi3 xia4 sheng1 hua1
to write elegantly

笔仙 筆仙 bi3 xian1
a form of automatic writing in which two or more participants hold a single pen over a sheet of paper and invite a spirit to write answers to their questions; a spirit so invited

笔心 筆心 bi3 xin1
pencil lead; refill (for a ball-point pen)

笔砚 筆硯 bi3 yan4
writing brush and ink stone

笔译 筆譯 bi3 yi4
written translation

笔友 筆友 bi3 you3
pen pal

笔战 筆戰 bi3 zhan4
written polemics

笔者 筆者 bi3 zhe3
the author; the writer

笔直 筆直 bi3 zhi2
perfectly straight; straight as a ramrod; bolt upright

秉笔 秉筆 bing3 bi3
to hold the pen; to do the actual writing

秉笔直书 秉筆直書 bing3 bi3 zhi2 shu1
to record faithfully

擦擦笔 擦擦筆 ca1 ca1 bi3
erasable pen

持橐簪笔 持橐簪筆 chi2 tuo2 zan1 bi3
to serve as a counselor (idiom)

触控笔 觸控筆 chu4 kong4 bi3
stylus pen

辍笔 輟筆 chuo4 bi3
to stop writing or painting; to leave off writing midway

代笔 代筆 dai4 bi3
to write on behalf of sb; to ghostwrite

刀笔 刀筆 dao1 bi3
writing up of official or judicial documents; pettifoggery

点睛之笔 點睛之筆 dian3 jing1 zhi1 bi3
the brush stroke that dots in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing touch; the crucial point that brings the subject to life; a few words to clinch the point

独立中文笔会 獨立中文筆會 du2 li4 zhong1 wen2 bi3 hui4
Independent Chinese PEN center

粉笔 粉筆 fen3 bi3

奋笔疾书 奮筆疾書 fen4 bi3 ji2 shu1
to write at a tremendous speed

伏笔 伏筆 fu2 bi3
foreshadowing (literary device); foretaste of material to come (in essay or story)

附笔 附筆 fu4 bi3

钢笔 鋼筆 gang1 bi3
fountain pen

搁笔 擱筆 ge1 bi3
to put down the pen; to stop writing

工笔 工筆 gong1 bi3
gongbi, traditional Chinese painting method characterized by meticulous brush technique and detailed description

光笔 光筆 guang1 bi3
light pen

国际笔会 國際筆會 guo2 ji4 bi3 hui4
International PEN

好记性不如烂笔头 好記性不如爛筆頭 hao3 ji4 xing4 bu4 ru2 lan4 bi3 tou2
the palest ink is better than the best memory (idiom)

横笔 橫筆 heng2 bi3
bristles lying down (brush movement in painting)

画笔 畫筆 hua4 bi3
painting brush

记号笔 記號筆 ji4 hao5 bi3
(permanent) marker (pen)

卷笔刀 卷筆刀 juan3 bi3 dao1
pencil sharpener (blade-only type)

绝笔 絕筆 jue2 bi3
words written on one’s deathbed; an artist's final work; swansong

开笔 開筆 kai1 bi3
to start learning as a poet; to write one's first (poem, essay etc)

口诛笔伐 口誅筆伐 kou3 zhu1 bi3 fa2
to condemn in speech and in writing (idiom); to denounce by word and pen

蜡笔 蠟筆 la4 bi3

蜡笔小新 蠟筆小新 la4 bi3 xiao3 xin1
Crayon Shin-chan (クレヨンしんちゃん), Japanese manga and anime series popular in China

连笔 連筆 lian2 bi3
to write without lifting one's pen from the paper

落笔 落筆 luo4 bi3
to put pen to paper; pen mark

马克笔 馬克筆 ma3 ke4 bi3
marker (loanword); felt marker

麦克笔 麥克筆 mai4 ke4 bi3
marker pen (loanword)

毛笔 毛筆 mao2 bi3
writing brush

眉笔 眉筆 mei2 bi3
eyebrow pencil (cosmetics)

梦溪笔谈 夢溪筆談 meng4 xi1 bi3 tan2
Dream Pool Essays by Shen Kuo 沈括, book on various fields of knowledge, the first to describe the magnetic needle compass

妙笔 妙筆 miao4 bi3
talented, gifted or ingenious writing

妙笔生花 妙筆生花 miao4 bi3 sheng1 hua1
gifted or skillful writing

墨笔 墨筆 mo4 bi3
writing brush

奇异笔 奇異筆 qi2 yi4 bi3
marker (writing instrument)

铅笔 鉛筆 qian1 bi3
(lead) pencil

铅笔刀 鉛筆刀 qian1 bi3 dao1
pencil sharpener

铅笔盒 鉛筆盒 qian1 bi3 he2
pencil case

签字笔 簽字筆 qian1 zi4 bi3
felt-tip pen; roller ball pen; gel ink pen

亲笔 親筆 qin1 bi3
in one's own handwriting

罄笔难书 罄筆難書 qing4 bi3 nan2 shu1
too numerous to be cited (of atrocities or misdeeds) (idiom); see also 罄竹難書|罄竹难书

曲笔 曲筆 qu1 bi3
falsification in writing; misrepresentation in written history; deliberate digression

冗笔 冗筆 rong3 bi3
superfluous words (in writing); superfluous strokes (in calligraphy)

润笔 潤筆 run4 bi3
remuneration for literary or artistic work

煞笔 煞筆 sha1 bi3
to stop one's pen; to break off writing; final remarks (at the end of a book or article)

涉笔 涉筆 she4 bi3
to move the pen; to start writing; putting pen to paper

神笔 神筆 shen2 bi3
lit. divine pen; fig. outstanding writing

生花妙笔 生花妙筆 sheng1 hua1 miao4 bi3
beautiful or talented writing

手笔 手筆 shou3 bi3
sth written or painted in one's own hand; (of a writer, calligrapher or painter) skill; style; hand; (fig.) style shown in spending money, handling business etc; scale

竖笔 豎筆 shu4 bi3
vertical stroke (in Chinese characters)

死亡笔记 死亡筆記 si3 wang2 bi3 ji4
Death note (Japanese: デスノート), translation of cult manga series by author ŌBA Tsugumi 大場鶇|大场鸫 (pen-name) and illustrator OBATA Takeshi 小畑健

随笔 隨筆 sui2 bi3
essay-writing; belles-lettres

提笔 提筆 ti2 bi3
to take up one's pen; to start to write

提笔忘字 提筆忘字 ti2 bi3 wang4 zi4
to have difficulty remembering how to write Chinese characters

投笔从戎 投筆從戎 tou2 bi3 cong2 rong2
to lay down the pen and take up the sword (idiom); to join the military (esp. of educated person)

屠毒笔墨 屠毒筆墨 tu2 du2 bi3 mo4
poisonous writing; disparaging writing; calumny

橐笔 橐筆 tuo2 bi3
to make one's living by writing

文笔 文筆 wen2 bi3
writings; writing style

五笔 五筆 wu3 bi3
abbr. of 五筆字型|五笔字型, five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983

五笔编码 五筆編碼 wu3 bi3 bian1 ma3
five-stroke code, Chinese character input method

五笔输入法 五筆輸入法 wu3 bi3 shu1 ru4 fa3
five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983

五笔字型 五筆字型 wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2
five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983

五笔字形 五筆字形 wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2
Chinese character input method for entering characters by numbered strokes; variant of 五筆字型|五笔字型

下笔 下筆 xia4 bi3
to put pen to paper

削铅笔机 削鉛筆機 xiao1 qian1 bi3 ji1
pencil sharpener (mechanical or electric)

小笔电 小筆電 xiao3 bi3 dian4
mini laptop or notebook (computer); netbook

信笔 信筆 xin4 bi3
to write freely; to express oneself as one pleases

眼线笔 眼線筆 yan3 xian4 bi3
eyeliner (cosmetics)

一笔不苟 一筆不苟 yi1 bi3 bu4 gou3
lit. not even one stroke is negligent (idiom); fig. to write characters (calligraphy) in which every stroke is placed perfectly

一笔勾销 一筆勾銷 yi1 bi3 gou1 xiao1
to write off at one stroke

一笔抹杀 一筆抹殺 yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1
to blot out at one stroke; to reject out of hand; to deny without a hearing

一笔抹煞 一筆抹煞 yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1
variant of 一筆抹殺|一笔抹杀

意存笔先,画尽意在 意存筆先,畫盡意在 yi4 cun2 bi3 xian1 - hua4 jin4 yi4 zai4
the idea is present before the first stroke of the brush, when the last stroke is placed the idea shines through

荧光笔 熒光筆 ying2 guang1 bi3
highlighter (pen)

硬笔 硬筆 ying4 bi3
generic term for hard writing instruments such as quill pens, fountain pens, ball pens and pencils, as opposed to writing brushes

羽毛笔 羽毛筆 yu3 mao2 bi3
quill pen

圆珠笔 圓珠筆 yuan2 zhu1 bi3
ballpoint pen

原子笔 原子筆 yuan2 zi3 bi3
ballpoint pen; also written 圓珠筆|圆珠笔

阅微草堂笔记 閱微草堂筆記 yue4 wei1 cao3 tang2 bi3 ji4
Notes on a Minutely Observed Thatched Hut by Ji Yun 紀昀|纪昀, novel of the supernatural; The Thatched Study of Close Scrutiny

运笔 運筆 yun4 bi3
to wield the pen; to write

折笔 折筆 zhe2 bi3
against the bristles (brush movement in painting)

直笔 直筆 zhi2 bi3
a straightforward honest account

执笔 執筆 zhi2 bi3
to write; to do the actual writing

转笔刀 轉筆刀 zhuan4 bi3 dao1
pencil sharpener

拙笔 拙筆 zhuo1 bi3
my clumsy writing (humble expr.); my humble pen

着笔 著筆 zhuo2 bi3
to put pen to paper

自动铅笔 自動鉛筆 zi4 dong4 qian1 bi3
mechanical pencil; propelling pencil

作笔记 作筆記 zuo4 bi3 ji4
to take notes