lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks; With a will, you can achieve anything.
精诚所至精誠所至jing1 cheng2 suo3 zhi4
with a will, you can achieve anything (idiom); cf 精誠所至,金石為開|精诚所至,金石为开
lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks; With a will, you can achieve anything.
精虫精蟲jing1 chong2
spermatozoon; spermatozoa
精虫冲脑精蟲衝腦jing1 chong2 chong1 nao3
lit. the spermatozoons have gone to his head; fig. overwhelmed by lust
精粹精粹jing1 cui4
succinct; pure and concise
精打光精打光jing1 da3 guang1
with absolutely nothing; completely broke
精打细算精打細算jing1 da3 xi4 suan4
meticulous planning and careful accounting (idiom)
精当精當jing1 dang4
precise and appropriate
精雕细刻精雕細刻jing1 diao1 xi4 ke4
lit. fine sculpting (idiom); fig. to work with extreme care and precision
精读精讀jing1 du2
intensive reading; to peruse; perusal
精读课精讀課jing1 du2 ke4
intensive reading course
精度精度jing1 du4
精干精幹jing1 gan4
crack (troops); special (forces); highly capable
精干高效精幹高效jing1 gan4 gao1 xiao4
top-notch efficiency
精耕细作精耕細作jing1 geng1 xi4 zuo4
intensive farming
精工精工jing1 gong1
refined; delicate; exquisite (craftsmanship)
精工精工jing1 gong1
Seiko, Japanese watch and electronics company
精光精光jing1 guang1
nothing left (money, food etc); all finished; bright and shiny; radiant; glorious
精河精河jing1 he2
Jing Nahiyisi or Jinghe county in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州|博尔塔拉蒙古自治州, Xinjiang
精河县精河縣jing1 he2 xian4
Jing Nahiyisi or Jinghe county in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州|博尔塔拉蒙古自治州, Xinjiang
精华精華jing1 hua2
best feature; most important part of an object; quintessence; essence; soul
精魂精魂jing1 hun2
spirit; soul
精简精簡jing1 jian3
to simplify; to reduce
精减精減jing1 jian3
to reduce; to pare down; to streamline
精简开支精簡開支jing1 jian3 kai1 zhi1
to reduce spending; to cut spending
精讲多练精講多練jing1 jiang3 duo1 lian4
to speak concisely and practice frequently (idiom)
精校本精校本jing1 jiao4 ben3
corrected edition
精进精進jing1 jin4
to forge ahead vigorously; to dedicate oneself to progress
精尽人亡精盡人亡jing1 jin4 ren2 wang2
to die from excessive ejaculation
精矿精礦jing1 kuang4
refined ore; concentrate
精力精力jing1 li4
精力充沛精力充沛jing1 li4 chong1 pei4
vigorous; energetic
精练精練jing1 lian4
(textiles) to scour; to degum (silk); variant of 精煉|精炼
精炼精煉jing1 lian4
to refine (a substance); to purify; to refine (one's skills, writing etc); refined; polished; succinct; skilled; capable
精炼厂精煉廠jing1 lian4 chang3
refinery (of oil etc)
精粮精糧jing1 liang2
refined grain (rice, wheat etc)
精良精良jing1 liang2
excellent; of superior quality
精灵精靈jing1 ling2
spirit; fairy; elf; sprite; genie
精灵宝钻精靈寶鑽jing1 ling2 bao3 zuan4
treasure of spirits; Silmarillion or Quenta Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien 托爾金|托尔金
精灵文精靈文jing1 ling2 wen2
Elvish (language of elves)
精美精美jing1 mei3
delicate; fine; refinement
精米精米jing1 mi3
refined rice
精密精密jing1 mi4
accuracy; exact; precise; refined
精密化精密化jing1 mi4 hua4
refinement; to add precision
精密陶瓷精密陶瓷jing1 mi4 tao2 ci2
fine ceramics (used for dental implants, synthetic bones, electronics, knife blades etc); advanced ceramics; engineered ceramics
精密仪器精密儀器jing1 mi4 yi2 qi4
precision instruments
精妙精妙jing1 miao4
exquisite; fine and delicate (usu. of works of art)
精明精明jing1 ming2
astute; shrewd
精明能干精明能幹jing1 ming2 neng2 gan4
able and efficient
精明强干精明強幹jing1 ming2 qiang2 gan4
intelligent and capable (idiom)
精囊精囊jing1 nang2
精疲力竭精疲力竭jing1 pi2 li4 jie2
spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent; drained; washed out
精疲力尽精疲力盡jing1 pi2 li4 jin4
spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent; drained; washed out
精辟精闢jing1 pi4
clear and penetrating (e.g. analysis); incisive; insightful
精品精品jing1 pin3
quality goods; premium product; fine work (of art)
精品店精品店jing1 pin3 dian4
精气神精氣神jing1 qi4 shen2
the three energies of Chinese medicine: 精, 氣|气, and 神
精巧精巧jing1 qiao3
精确精確jing1 que4
accurate; precise
精确度精確度jing1 que4 du4
accuracy; precision
精锐精銳jing1 rui4
elite (e.g. troops); crack; best quality personnel
lit. vitality a hundredfold (idiom); refreshed; one's vigor thoroughly restored
精神饱满精神飽滿jing1 shen2 bao3 man3
full of vigor (idiom); lively; in high spirits
精神崩溃精神崩潰jing1 shen2 beng1 kui4
nervous breakdown
精神病精神病jing1 shen2 bing4
mental disorder; psychosis
精神病患精神病患jing1 shen2 bing4 huan4
mental illness
精神病学精神病學jing1 shen2 bing4 xue2
精神病医院精神病醫院jing1 shen2 bing4 yi1 yuan4
psychiatric hospital
精神财富精神財富jing1 shen2 cai2 fu4
spiritual wealth
精神错乱精神錯亂jing1 shen2 cuo4 luan4
精神抖擞精神抖擻jing1 shen2 dou3 sou3
spirit trembling with excitement (idiom); in high spirits; lively and full of enthusiasm; full of energy; con brio
精神分裂症精神分裂症jing1 shen2 fen1 lie4 zheng4
精神分析精神分析jing1 shen2 fen1 xi1
精神官能症精神官能症jing1 shen2 guan1 neng2 zheng4
精神焕发精神煥發jing1 shen2 huan4 fa1
in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor
精神恍惚精神恍惚jing1 shen2 huang3 hu1
absent-minded; in a trance
精神疾病精神疾病jing1 shen2 ji2 bing4
mental illness
精神健康精神健康jing1 shen2 jian4 kang1
mental health
精神科精神科jing1 shen2 ke1
精神狂乱精神狂亂jing1 shen2 kuang2 luan4
delirium; mental illness
精神疗法精神療法jing1 shen2 liao2 fa3
psychotherapy; mental health treatment
精神领袖精神領袖jing1 shen2 ling3 xiu4
spiritual leader (of a nation or church); religious leader
精神满腹精神滿腹jing1 shen2 man3 fu4
full of wisdom (idiom); astute and widely experienced
精神生活精神生活jing1 shen2 sheng1 huo2
spiritual or moral life
精神衰弱精神衰弱jing1 shen2 shuai1 ruo4
psychasthenia; obsessive-compulsive disorder
精神文明精神文明jing1 shen2 wen2 ming2
spiritual culture
精神性精神性jing1 shen2 xing4
spirituality; mental; nervous; psychogenic
精神性厌食症精神性厭食症jing1 shen2 xing4 yan4 shi2 zheng4
anorexia nervosa
精神学精神學jing1 shen2 xue2
精神学家精神學家jing1 shen2 xue2 jia1
精神训话精神訓話jing1 shen2 xun4 hua4
pep talk
精神药物精神藥物jing1 shen2 yao4 wu4
psychotropic drugs
精神奕奕精神奕奕jing1 shen2 yi4 yi4
in great spirits; to have great vitality
精神支柱精神支柱jing1 shen2 zhi1 zhu4
moral pillars; spiritual props
精神状态精神狀態jing1 shen2 zhuang4 tai4
mental state; psychological condition
精神精神jing1 shen5
vigor; vitality; drive; spiritual
精瘦精瘦jing1 shou4
(coll.) lean (figure, meat etc); slender
精算精算jing1 suan4
精算师精算師jing1 suan4 shi1
精髓精髓jing1 sui3
marrow; pith; quintessence; essence
精挑细选精挑細選jing1 tiao1 xi4 xuan3
to select very carefully
精通精通jing1 tong1
to be proficient in; to master (a subject)
精微精微jing1 wei1
subtle; profound
精卫精衛jing1 wei4
mythological bird, reincarnation of drowned daughter Nüwa 女娃 of Fiery Emperor 炎帝
精卫填海精衛填海jing1 wei4 tian2 hai3
lit. mythical bird Jingwei tries to fill the ocean with stones (idiom); futile ambition; task of Sisyphus; determination in the face of impossible odds
精细精細jing1 xi4
fine; meticulous; careful
精心精心jing1 xin1
with utmost care; fine; meticulous; detailed
精选精選jing1 xuan3
carefully chosen; handpicked; best of the bunch; choice (product); concentration (mining); to concentrate; to winnow
精研精研jing1 yan2
to research carefully; to study intensively
精液精液jing1 ye4
精义精義jing1 yi4
quintessence; essentials
精益求精精益求精jing1 yi4 qiu2 jing1
to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom); constantly improving
精英精英jing1 ying1
cream; elite; essence; quintessence
精油精油jing1 you2
essential oil
精于精於jing1 yu2
skillful in; proficient in; adept at
精于此道精於此道jing1 yu2 ci3 dao4
to be proficient in the area of; skilled in this field
take the cream, discard the dross (political and educational slogan); keep what is good, discard the rest; You need to be selective when studying.; In modernizing the country, don't accept uncritically all foreign ideas.
全副精力全副精力quan2 fu4 jing1 li4
to concentrate entirely on sth; fully engaged; with full force
人工授精人工授精ren2 gong1 shou4 jing1
artificial insemination
人精人精ren2 jing1
sophisticate; man with extensive experience; child prodigy; Wunderkind (i.e. brilliant child); spirit within a person (i.e. blood and essential breath 血氣|血气 of TCM)
material and spiritual culture; matter and mind; material progress, ideology and culture (philosophic slogan, adopted into Deng Xiaoping theory from 1978)
to preserve and nurture one's spirit (idiom); honing one's strength for the big push
妖精妖精yao1 jing5
evil spirit; alluring woman
业精于勤業精於勤ye4 jing1 yu2 qin2
mastery of study lies in diligence (idiom). You can only master a subject by assiduous study.; Excellence in work is only possible with diligence.; Practice makes perfect.