surname Hong

red; popular; revolutionary; bonus

strokes 6
strokes after radical 3
白喉红臀鹎 白喉紅臀鵯 bai2 hou2 hong2 tun2 bei1
(bird species of China) sooty-headed bulbul (Pycnonotus aurigaster)

白喉红尾鸲 白喉紅尾鴝 bai2 hou2 hong2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) white-throated redstart (Phoenicurus schisticeps)

爆红 爆紅 bao4 hong2
to be a big hit; to be hugely popular

北红尾鸲 北紅尾鴝 bei3 hong2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) Daurian redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus)

变红 變紅 bian4 hong2
to redden

波士顿红袜 波士頓紅襪 bo1 shi4 dun4 hong2 wa4
Boston Red Sox (baseball) team

不分青红皂白 不分青紅皂白 bu4 fen1 qing1 hong2 zao4 bai2
not distinguishing red-green or black-white (idiom); not to distinguish between right and wrong

不问青红皂白 不問青紅皂白 bu4 wen4 qing1 hong2 zao4 bai2
not distinguishing red-green or black-white (idiom); not to distinguish between right and wrong

惨红 慘紅 can3 hong2
dark red

姹紫嫣红 奼紫嫣紅 cha4 zi3 yan1 hong2
fig. beautiful purples and brilliant reds (idiom); lit. beautiful flowers

唱红脸 唱紅臉 chang4 hong2 lian3
to play the role of the hero (idiom); to play the good cop

潮红 潮紅 chao2 hong2

橙红色 橙紅色 cheng2 hong2 se4
red-orange color; dark orange

赤红山椒鸟 赤紅山椒鳥 chi4 hong2 shan1 jiao1 niao3
(bird species of China) scarlet minivet (Pericrocotus speciosus)

仇人相见,分外眼红 仇人相見,分外眼紅 chou2 ren2 xiang1 jian4 - fen4 wai4 yan3 hong2
when the enemies come face to face, their eyes blaze with hatred (idiom)

闯红灯 闖紅燈 chuang3 hong2 deng1
to run a red light; failing to stop at a red traffic light; (slang) to have sex with a girl while she is menstruating

窜红 竄紅 cuan4 hong2
to become suddenly popular; suddenly all the rage

大红 大紅 da4 hong2

大红鼻子 大紅鼻子 da4 hong2 bi2 zi5
rhinophyma (red nose, often related to rosacea or excessive alcohol); brandy nose

大红大绿 大紅大綠 da4 hong2 da4 lv4
bright-colored; garish

大红大紫 大紅大紫 da4 hong2 da4 zi3
to hit the big time

大红灯笼高高挂 大紅燈籠高高掛 da4 hong2 deng1 long2 gao1 gao1 gua4
Raise the Red Lantern (1991), movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋

大红鹳 大紅鸛 da4 hong2 guan4
(bird species of China) greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

大红袍 大紅袍 da4 hong2 pao2
an expensive type of oolong tea

带红色 帶紅色 dai4 hong2 se4

胆红素 膽紅素 dan3 hong2 su4

当红 當紅 dang1 hong2
currently popular (of movie stars, singers etc)

灯红酒绿 燈紅酒綠 deng1 hong2 jiu3 lv4
lanterns red, wine green (idiom); feasting and pleasure-seeking; debauched and corrupt environment

滇红 滇紅 dian1 hong2
Dian Hong tea

东方红 東方紅 dong1 fang1 hong2
The East is Red, north Shaanxi folk song

发红 發紅 fa1 hong2
to turn red; to blush; to flush

发行红利股 發行紅利股 fa1 xing2 hong2 li4 gu3
a bonus issue (a form of dividend payment)

番红花 番紅花 fan1 hong2 hua1
saffron (Crocus sativus)

番茄红素 番茄紅素 fan1 qie2 hong2 su4

泛红 泛紅 fan4 hong2
to blush; to redden; flushed

绯红 緋紅 fei1 hong2
crimson; scarlet

飞红 飛紅 fei1 hong2
to blush

分红 分紅 fen1 hong2
dividend; to award a bonus

粉红 粉紅 fen3 hong2

粉红腹岭雀 粉紅腹嶺雀 fen3 hong2 fu4 ling3 que4
(bird species of China) Asian rosy finch (Leucosticte arctoa)

粉红椋鸟 粉紅椋鳥 fen3 hong2 liang2 niao3
(bird species of China) rosy starling (Pastor roseus)

粉红色 粉紅色 fen3 hong2 se4

粉红山椒鸟 粉紅山椒鳥 fen3 hong2 shan1 jiao1 niao3
(bird species of China) rosy minivet (Pericrocotus roseus)

粉红胸鹨 粉紅胸鷚 fen3 hong2 xiong1 liu4
(bird species of China) rosy pipit (Anthus roseatus)

粉红燕鸥 粉紅燕鷗 fen3 hong2 yan4 ou1
(bird species of China) roseate tern (Sterna dougallii)

高铁血红蛋白 高鐵血紅蛋白 gao1 tie3 xue4 hong2 dan4 bai2

贺兰山红尾鸲 賀蘭山紅尾鴝 he4 lan2 shan1 hong2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) Alashan redstart (Phoenicurus alaschanicus)

黑喉红臀鹎 黑喉紅臀鵯 hei1 hou2 hong2 tun2 bei1
(bird species of China) red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer)

黑喉红尾鸲 黑喉紅尾鴝 hei1 hou2 hong2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) Hodgson's redstart (Phoenicurus hodgsoni)

红矮星 紅矮星 hong2 ai3 xing1
red dwarf star

红安 紅安 hong2 an1
Hong'an county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈, Hubei

红安县 紅安縣 hong2 an1 xian4
Hong'an county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈, Hubei

红白喜事 紅白喜事 hong2 bai2 xi3 shi4
weddings and funerals

红斑 紅斑 hong2 ban1
erythema (pathol.); rash in red patches

红斑性狼疮 紅斑性狼瘡 hong2 ban1 xing4 lang2 chuang1
lupus erythematosus

红包 紅包 hong2 bao1
money wrapped in red as a gift; bonus payment; kickback; bribe

红堡 紅堡 hong2 bao3
Red Fort (historic building in Delhi, India)

红宝石 紅寶石 hong2 bao3 shi2

红宝书 紅寶書 hong2 bao3 shu1
the "Little Red Book" of selected writings of Mao Zedong (refers to 毛主席語錄|毛主席语录)

红背伯劳 紅背伯勞 hong2 bei4 bo2 lao2
(bird species of China) red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)

红背红尾鸲 紅背紅尾鴝 hong2 bei4 hong2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) rufous-backed redstart (Phoenicurus erythronotus)

红背蜘蛛 紅背蜘蛛 hong2 bei4 zhi1 zhu1
redback spider

红璧玺 紅璧璽 hong2 bi4 xi3

红臂章 紅臂章 hong2 bi4 zhang1
(southern dialects) red armband

红脖子 紅脖子 hong2 bo2 zi5
redneck (mildly disparaging term for poor white Americans, sim. hillbilly)

红不让 紅不讓 hong2 bu4 rang4
home run (loanword); a big hit (hugely popular) (Tw)

红菜头 紅菜頭 hong2 cai4 tou2
beet; beetroot; (dialect) carrot

红茶 紅茶 hong2 cha2
black tea

红茶菌 紅茶菌 hong2 cha2 jun1
kombucha (fermented tea)

红肠 紅腸 hong2 chang2

红场 紅場 hong2 chang3
Red Square (in Moscow)

红超巨星 紅超巨星 hong2 chao1 ju4 xing1
red supergiant (star)

红潮 紅潮 hong2 chao2
to blush; flush; red tide (algal bloom); menstruation

红尘 紅塵 hong2 chen2
the world of mortals (Buddhism); human society; worldly affairs

红橙 紅橙 hong2 cheng2
blood orange

红橙黄绿蓝靛紫 紅橙黃綠藍靛紫 hong2 cheng2 huang2 lv4 lan2 dian4 zi3
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet; Colors of the rainbow

红翅凤头鹃 紅翅鳳頭鵑 hong2 chi4 feng4 tou2 juan1
(bird species of China) chestnut-winged cuckoo (Clamator coromandus)

红翅䴗鹛 紅翅鶪鶥 hong2 chi4 ju2 mei2
(bird species of China) Blyth's shrike-babbler (Pteruthius aeralatus)

红翅绿鸠 紅翅綠鳩 hong2 chi4 lv4 jiu1
(bird species of China) white-bellied green pigeon (Treron sieboldii)

红翅薮鹛 紅翅藪鶥 hong2 chi4 sou3 mei2
(bird species of China) scarlet-faced liocichla (Liocichla ripponi)

红翅旋壁雀 紅翅旋壁雀 hong2 chi4 xuan2 bi4 que4
(bird species of China) wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria)

红筹股 紅籌股 hong2 chou2 gu3
red chip stocks (Chinese company stocks incorporated outside Mainland China and listed in the Hong Kong stock exchange)

红醋栗 紅醋栗 hong2 cu4 li4
red currant

红灯 紅燈 hong2 deng1
red light

红灯记 紅燈記 hong2 deng1 ji4
The Legend of the Red Lantern

红灯区 紅燈區 hong2 deng1 qu1
red-light district

红地毯 紅地毯 hong2 di4 tan3
red carpet

红顶绿鸠 紅頂綠鳩 hong2 ding3 lv4 jiu1
(bird species of China) whistling green pigeon (Treron formosae)

红顶鹛 紅頂鶥 hong2 ding3 mei2
(bird species of China) chestnut-capped babbler (Timalia pileata)

红豆 紅豆 hong2 dou4
azuki bean; red bean

红豆沙 紅豆沙 hong2 dou4 sha1
red bean paste

红豆杉醇 紅豆杉醇 hong2 dou4 shan1 chun2
Taxol (a.k.a. Paclitaxel), mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy

红额金翅雀 紅額金翅雀 hong2 e2 jin1 chi4 que4
(bird species of China) European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)

红额穗鹛 紅額穗鶥 hong2 e2 sui4 mei2
(bird species of China) rufous-fronted babbler (Stachyridopsis rufifrons)

红耳鹎 紅耳鵯 hong2 er3 bei1
(bird species of China) red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)

红粉 紅粉 hong2 fen3
rouge and powder; (fig.) the fair sex

红腹滨鹬 紅腹濱鷸 hong2 fu4 bin1 yu4
(bird species of China) red knot (Calidris canutus)

红腹红尾鸲 紅腹紅尾鴝 hong2 fu4 hong2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) white-winged redstart (Phoenicurus erythrogastrus)

红腹灰雀 紅腹灰雀 hong2 fu4 hui1 que4
(bird species of China) Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)

红腹角雉 紅腹角雉 hong2 fu4 jiao3 zhi4
(bird species of China) Temminck's tragopan (Tragopan temminckii)

红腹锦鸡 紅腹錦雞 hong2 fu4 jin3 ji1
(bird species of China) golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)

红腹山雀 紅腹山雀 hong2 fu4 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) rusty-breasted tit (Poecile davidi)

红腹咬鹃 紅腹咬鵑 hong2 fu4 yao3 juan1
(bird species of China) Ward's trogon (Harpactes wardi)

红岗 紅崗 hong2 gang3
Honggang district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆, Heilongjiang

红岗区 紅崗區 hong2 gang3 qu1
Honggang district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆, Heilongjiang

红高粱 紅高粱 hong2 gao1 liang2
red sorghum

红箍儿 紅箍兒 hong2 gu1 er5
(northern dialects) red armband

红姑娘 紅姑娘 hong2 gu1 niang5
Chinese lantern plant; winter cherry; strawberry ground-cherry; Physalis alkekengi

红古 紅古 hong2 gu3
Honggu District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市, Gansu

红股 紅股 hong2 gu3
(economics) bonus stock or share, i.e. share issued fully or partly paid to an existing shareholder in a company, generally on a pro rata basis

红古区 紅古區 hong2 gu3 qu1
Honggu District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市, Gansu

红骨髓 紅骨髓 hong2 gu3 sui3
red bone marrow (myeloid tissue)

红寡妇鸟 紅寡婦鳥 hong2 gua3 fu5 niao3
Red Bishop; Euplectes orix

红灌木茶 紅灌木茶 hong2 guan4 mu4 cha2
rooibos tea

红果 紅果 hong2 guo3
haw fruit

红孩症 紅孩症 hong2 hai2 zheng4
kwashiorkor (a form of malnutrition)

红海 紅海 hong2 hai3
Red Sea

红河 紅河 hong2 he2
Honghe county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan; Red River in China; Northern Vietnam

红河哈尼族彝族自治州 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州 hong2 he2 ha1 ni2 zu2 yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1
Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南

红河县 紅河縣 hong2 he2 xian4
Honghe county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan

红河州 紅河州 hong2 he2 zhou1
Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南

红喉歌鸲 紅喉歌鴝 hong2 hou2 ge1 qu2
(bird species of China) Siberian rubythroat (Calliope calliope)

红喉姬鹟 紅喉姬鶲 hong2 hou2 ji1 weng1
(bird species of China) taiga flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla)

红喉鹨 紅喉鷚 hong2 hou2 liu4
(bird species of China) red-throated pipit (Anthus cervinus)

红喉潜鸟 紅喉潛鳥 hong2 hou2 qian2 niao3
(bird species of China) red-throated loon (Gavia stellata)

红喉山鹧鸪 紅喉山鷓鴣 hong2 hou2 shan1 zhe4 gu1
(bird species of China) rufous-throated partridge (Arborophila rufogularis)

红胡子 紅胡子 hong2 hu2 zi5
band of mounted bandits in Manchuria (archaic)

红花 紅花 hong2 hua1
safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)

红花岗 紅花崗 hong2 hua1 gang3
Honghua district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市, Guizhou

红花岗区 紅花崗區 hong2 hua1 gang3 qu1
Honghua district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市, Guizhou

红环 紅環 hong2 huan2
Rotring (company)

红火 紅火 hong2 huo3

红火蚁 紅火蟻 hong2 huo3 yi3
fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), an introduced species in China

红极一时 紅極一時 hong2 ji2 yi1 shi2
tremendously popular for a while

红鲣 紅鰹 hong2 jian1
red mullet

红交嘴雀 紅交嘴雀 hong2 jiao1 zui3 que4
(bird species of China) red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)

红脚鲣鸟 紅腳鰹鳥 hong2 jiao3 jian1 niao3
(bird species of China) red-footed booby (Sula sula)

红脚苦恶鸟 紅腳苦惡鳥 hong2 jiao3 ku3 e4 niao3
(bird species of China) brown crake (Amaurornis akool)

红脚隼 紅腳隼 hong2 jiao3 sun3
(bird species of China) Amur falcon (Falco amurensis)

红角鸮 紅角鴞 hong2 jiao3 xiao1
(bird species of China) oriental scops owl (Otus sunia)

红脚鹬 紅腳鷸 hong2 jiao3 yu4
(bird species of China) common redshank (Tringa totanus)

红巾军 紅巾軍 hong2 jin1 jun1
the Red Turbans, peasant rebellion at the end of the Yuan dynasty

红颈瓣蹼鹬 紅頸瓣蹼鷸 hong2 jing3 ban4 pu3 yu4
(bird species of China) red-necked phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus)

红颈滨鹬 紅頸濱鷸 hong2 jing3 bin1 yu4
(bird species of China) red-necked stint (Calidris ruficollis)

红颈绿啄木鸟 紅頸綠啄木鳥 hong2 jing3 lv4 zhuo2 mu4 niao3
(bird species of China) red-collared woodpecker (Picus rabieri)

红景天 紅景天 hong2 jing3 tian1
roseroot; Rhodiola rosea

红颈苇鹀 紅頸葦鵐 hong2 jing3 wei3 wu2
(bird species of China) Japanese reed bunting (Emberiza yessoensis)

红巨星 紅巨星 hong2 ju4 xing1
red giant (star)

红军 紅軍 hong2 jun1
Red Army (1928-1937), predecessor of the PLA; (Soviet) Red Army (1917-1946)

红磡 紅磡 hong2 kan4
Hung Hom, a locality in Kowloon, Hong Kong

红客 紅客 hong2 ke4
"honker", Chinese hacker motivated by patriotism, using one's skills to protect domestic networks and work in national interest

红辣椒 紅辣椒 hong2 la4 jiao1
hot red pepper; chili

红辣椒粉 紅辣椒粉 hong2 la4 jiao1 fen3
red pepper powder; paprika

红利 紅利 hong2 li4
bonus; dividend

红利股票 紅利股票 hong2 li4 gu3 piao4
scrip shares (issued as dividend payment)

红莲 紅蓮 hong2 lian2
red lotus

红脸 紅臉 hong2 lian3
to blush; to turn red

红脸鸬鹚 紅臉鸕鶿 hong2 lian3 lu2 ci2
(bird species of China) red-faced cormorant (Phalacrocorax urile)

红磷 紅磷 hong2 lin2
red phosphorus

红铃虫 紅鈴蟲 hong2 ling2 chong2
pink bollworm; Pectinophora gassypiella

红领 紅領 hong2 ling3
red collar; government worker

红领巾 紅領巾 hong2 ling3 jin1
red neckscarf; by extension, a member of the Young Pioneers

红领绿鹦鹉 紅領綠鸚鵡 hong2 ling3 lv4 ying1 wu3
(bird species of China) rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri)

红楼梦 紅樓夢 hong2 lou2 meng4
A Dream of Red Mansions (first completed edition 1791) by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹, one of the four great novels

红轮 紅輪 hong2 lun2
the sun

红萝卜 紅蘿蔔 hong2 luo2 bo5
carrot; radish

红绿灯 紅綠燈 hong2 lv4 deng1
traffic light; traffic signal

红马甲 紅馬甲 hong2 ma3 jia3
red waistcoat; floor trader in stock market; stockbroker

红玛瑙 紅瑪瑙 hong2 ma3 nao3

红毛丹 紅毛丹 hong2 mao2 dan1
rambutan or rumbutan (tropical fruit) (Nephelium lappaceum)

红梅花雀 紅梅花雀 hong2 mei2 hua1 que4
(bird species of China) red avadavat (Amandava amandava)

红眉松雀 紅眉松雀 hong2 mei2 song1 que4
(bird species of China) crimson-browed finch (Carpodacus subhimachalus)

红霉素 紅霉素 hong2 mei2 su4

红霉素 紅黴素 hong2 mei2 su4

红眉朱雀 紅眉朱雀 hong2 mei2 zhu1 que4
(bird species of China) Chinese beautiful rosefinch (Carpodacus davidianus)

红魔鬼 紅魔鬼 hong2 mo2 gui3
Red Devils, nickname of Manchester United Football Club

红木 紅木 hong2 mu4
red wood; mahogany; rosewood; padauk

红男绿女 紅男綠女 hong2 nan2 lv4 nv3
young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (idiom)

红泥月亮 紅泥月亮 hong2 ni2 yue4 liang5

红娘 紅娘 hong2 niang2

红牛 紅牛 hong2 niu2
Red Bull (energy drink)

红牛皮菜 紅牛皮菜 hong2 niu2 pi2 cai4
chard (Beta vulgaris), a foliage beet

红牌 紅牌 hong2 pai2
red card (sports)

红盘 紅盤 hong2 pan2
(of a stock price or market index) currently higher than at the previous day's close

红扑扑 紅撲撲 hong2 pu1 pu1
red; rosy; flushed

红桤树 紅榿樹 hong2 qi1 shu4
red alder (Alnus rubra)

红旗 紅旗 hong2 qi2
Red flag city district; Hongqi district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市, Henan

红旗 紅旗 hong2 qi2
red flag

红旗区 紅旗區 hong2 qi2 qu1
Red flag city district; Hongqi district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市, Henan

红桥 紅橋 hong2 qiao2
Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipality 天津市

红桥区 紅橋區 hong2 qiao2 qu1
Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipality 天津市

红曲 紅曲 hong2 qu1
red food dye made from yeast

红日 紅日 hong2 ri4

红润 紅潤 hong2 run4
ruddy; rosy; florid

红色 紅色 hong2 se4
red (color); revolutionary

红色高棉 紅色高棉 hong2 se4 gao1 mian2
Khmer Rouge, Cambodian political party

红色娘子军 紅色孃子軍 hong2 se4 niang2 zi5 jun1
Red Detachment of Women

红山 紅山 hong2 shan1
Hongshan district of Chifeng city 赤峰市, Inner Mongolia

红珊瑚 紅珊瑚 hong2 shan1 hu2
red coral; precious coral (Corallium rubrum and several related species of marine coral)

红山区 紅山區 hong2 shan1 qu1
Hongshan district of Chifeng city 赤峰市, Inner Mongolia

红烧 紅燒 hong2 shao1
simmer-fried (dish)

红烧肉 紅燒肉 hong2 shao1 rou4
red braised pork

红苕 紅苕 hong2 shao2
(dialect) sweet potato or yam

红十字 紅十字 hong2 shi2 zi4
Red Cross

红薯 紅薯 hong2 shu3
sweet potato

红树 紅樹 hong2 shu4
red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)

红树林 紅樹林 hong2 shu4 lin2
mangrove forest or swamp

红寺堡 紅寺堡 hong2 si4 bao3
Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市, Ningxia

红寺堡区 紅寺堡區 hong2 si4 bao3 qu1
Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市, Ningxia

红寺堡镇 紅寺堡鎮 hong2 si4 bao3 zhen4
Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市, Ningxia

红隼 紅隼 hong2 sun3
(bird species of China) common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)

红塔 紅塔 hong2 ta3
Hongta district of Yuxi city 玉溪市, Yunnan

红塔区 紅塔區 hong2 ta3 qu1
Hongta district of Yuxi city 玉溪市, Yunnan

红毯 紅毯 hong2 tan3
red carpet

红糖 紅糖 hong2 tang2
dark brown sugar; molasses

红桃 紅桃 hong2 tao2
heart ♥ (in card games)

红通 紅通 hong2 tong1
(Interpol) red notice; abbr. for 紅色通緝令|红色通缉令

红通通 紅通通 hong2 tong1 tong1
variant of 紅彤彤|红彤彤

红彤彤 紅彤彤 hong2 tong1 tong1
bright red

红铜 紅銅 hong2 tong2
copper (chemistry); see also 銅|铜

红头菜 紅頭菜 hong2 tou2 cai4

红头长尾山雀 紅頭長尾山雀 hong2 tou2 chang2 wei3 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) black-throated bushtit (Aegithalos concinnus)

红头灰雀 紅頭灰雀 hong2 tou2 hui1 que4
(bird species of China) red-headed bullfinch (Pyrrhula erythrocephala)

红头潜鸭 紅頭潛鴨 hong2 tou2 qian2 ya1
(bird species of China) common pochard (Aythya ferina)

红头穗鹛 紅頭穗鶥 hong2 tou2 sui4 mei2
(bird species of China) rufous-capped babbler (Stachyridopsis ruficeps)

红头鸦雀 紅頭鴉雀 hong2 tou2 ya1 que4
(bird species of China) rufous-headed parrotbill (Psittiparus bakeri)

红头咬鹃 紅頭咬鵑 hong2 tou2 yao3 juan1
(bird species of China) red-headed trogon (Harpactes erythrocephalus)

红头噪鹛 紅頭噪鶥 hong2 tou2 zao4 mei2
(bird species of China) chestnut-crowned laughingthrush (Trochalopteron erythrocephalum)

红土 紅土 hong2 tu3
red soil; laterite

红腿斑秧鸡 紅腿斑秧雞 hong2 tui3 ban1 yang1 ji1
(bird species of China) red-legged crake (Rallina fasciata)

红腿小隼 紅腿小隼 hong2 tui3 xiao3 sun3
(bird species of China) collared falconet (Microhierax caerulescens)

红外 紅外 hong2 wai4
infrared (ray)

红外光谱 紅外光譜 hong2 wai4 guang1 pu3
infrared spectrum

红外线 紅外線 hong2 wai4 xian4
infrared ray

红外线导引飞弹 紅外線導引飛彈 hong2 wai4 xian4 dao3 yin3 fei1 dan4
infrared guided missile

红尾伯劳 紅尾伯勞 hong2 wei3 bo2 lao2
(bird species of China) brown shrike (Lanius cristatus)

红尾鸫 紅尾鶇 hong2 wei3 dong1
(bird species of China) Naumann's thrush (Turdus naumanni)

红尾歌鸲 紅尾歌鴝 hong2 wei3 ge1 qu2
(bird species of China) rufous-tailed robin (Larvivora sibilans)

红尾鹲 紅尾鸏 hong2 wei3 meng2
(bird species of China) red-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda)

红尾水鸲 紅尾水鴝 hong2 wei3 shui3 qu2
(bird species of China) plumbeous water redstart (Phoenicurus fuliginosus)

红卫兵 紅衛兵 hong2 wei4 bing1
Red Guard(s) (during the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976)

红五星旗 紅五星旗 hong2 wu3 xing1 qi2
name of the flag of the People's Republic of China

红细胞 紅細胞 hong2 xi4 bao1
erythrocyte; red blood cell

红细胞沉降率 紅細胞沉降率 hong2 xi4 bao1 chen2 jiang4 lv4
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

红线 紅線 hong2 xian4
red line

红胁蓝尾鸲 紅脅藍尾鴝 hong2 xie2 lan2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) red-flanked bluetail (Tarsiger cyanurus)

红胁绣眼鸟 紅脅繡眼鳥 hong2 xie2 xiu4 yan3 niao3
(bird species of China) chestnut-flanked white-eye (Zosterops erythropleurus)

红心 紅心 hong2 xin1
heart ♥ (in card games); red, heart-shaped symbol; bullseye

红新月 紅新月 hong2 xin1 yue4
Red Crescent

红星 紅星 hong2 xing1
Hongxing district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang

红星 紅星 hong2 xing1
red star; five pointed star as symbol or communism or proletariat; hot film star

红星区 紅星區 hong2 xing1 qu1
Hongxing district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang

红杏出墙 紅杏出牆 hong2 xing4 chu1 qiang2
lit. the red apricot tree leans over the garden wall (idiom); fig. a wife having an illicit lover

红胸黑雁 紅胸黑雁 hong2 xiong1 hei1 yan4
(bird species of China) red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis)

红胸鸻 紅胸鴴 hong2 xiong1 heng2
(bird species of China) Caspian plover (Charadrius asiaticus)

红胸姬鹟 紅胸姬鶲 hong2 xiong1 ji1 weng1
(bird species of China) red-breasted flycatcher (Ficedula parva)

红胸角雉 紅胸角雉 hong2 xiong1 jiao3 zhi4
(bird species of China) satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra)

红胸秋沙鸭 紅胸秋沙鴨 hong2 xiong1 qiu1 sha1 ya1
(bird species of China) red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator)

红胸山鹧鸪 紅胸山鷓鴣 hong2 xiong1 shan1 zhe4 gu1
(bird species of China) chestnut-breasted partridge (Arborophila mandellii)

红胸田鸡 紅胸田雞 hong2 xiong1 tian2 ji1
(bird species of China) ruddy-breasted crake (Porzana fusca)

红胸朱雀 紅胸朱雀 hong2 xiong1 zhu1 que4
(bird species of China) red-fronted rosefinch (Carpodacus puniceus)

红胸啄花鸟 紅胸啄花鳥 hong2 xiong1 zhuo2 hua1 niao3
(bird species of China) fire-breasted flowerpecker (Dicaeum ignipectus)

红熊猫 紅熊貓 hong2 xiong2 mao1
lesser Panda; red panda; firefox

红学 紅學 hong2 xue2
"Redology", academic field devoted to the study of A Dream of Red Mansions

红血球 紅血球 hong2 xue4 qiu2
erythrocyte; red blood cell

红血球生成素 紅血球生成素 hong2 xue4 qiu2 sheng1 cheng2 su4
erythropoietin (EPO)

红殷殷 紅殷殷 hong2 yan1 yan1
dark red; crimson; also pr.

红颜 紅顏 hong2 yan2
a beautiful woman; young beauties; youths; rosy cheeks

红颜薄命 紅顏薄命 hong2 yan2 bo2 ming4
beautiful women suffer unhappy fates (idiom)

红颜祸水 紅顏禍水 hong2 yan2 huo4 shui3
femme fatale

红颜知己 紅顏知己 hong2 yan2 zhi1 ji3
close female friend; confidante

红眼病 紅眼病 hong2 yan3 bing4
pinkeye; envy; jealousy

红艳艳 紅艷艷 hong2 yan4 yan4
brilliant red

红羊劫 紅羊劫 hong2 yang2 jie2
national disaster (ancient astrological allusion)

红腰朱雀 紅腰朱雀 hong2 yao1 zhu1 que4
(bird species of China) red-mantled rosefinch (Carpodacus rhodochlamys)

红叶 紅葉 hong2 ye4
red autumnal leaves

红衣主教 紅衣主教 hong2 yi1 zhu3 jiao4
Catholic Cardinal

红移 紅移 hong2 yi2
red shift (astronomy)

红樱枪 紅櫻槍 hong2 ying1 qiang1
ancient spear-like weapon, decorated with a red tassel

红油 紅油 hong2 you2
chili oil

红玉髓 紅玉髓 hong2 yu4 sui3
cornelian (mineral)

红原 紅原 hong2 yuan2
Hongyuan county (Tibetan: rka khog rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州, northwest Sichuan

红原鸡 紅原雞 hong2 yuan2 ji1
(bird species of China) red junglefowl (Gallus gallus)

红原县 紅原縣 hong2 yuan2 xian4
Hongyuan county (Tibetan: rka khog rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州, northwest Sichuan

红运 紅運 hong2 yun4
good luck

红晕 紅暈 hong2 yun4
to blush; to flush red

红枣 紅棗 hong2 zao3
jujube; red date

红肿 紅腫 hong2 zhong3
inflamed; red and swollen

红妆 紅妝 hong2 zhuang1
splendid gay female clothing

红嘴钩嘴鹛 紅嘴鉤嘴鶥 hong2 zui3 gou1 zui3 mei2
(bird species of China) coral-billed scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus ferruginosus)

红嘴巨鸥 紅嘴巨鷗 hong2 zui3 ju4 ou1
(bird species of China) Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia)

红嘴蓝鹊 紅嘴藍鵲 hong2 zui3 lan2 que4
(bird species of China) red-billed blue magpie (Urocissa erythroryncha)

红嘴椋鸟 紅嘴椋鳥 hong2 zui3 liang2 niao3
(bird species of China) vinous-breasted starling (Acridotheres burmannicus)

红嘴鹲 紅嘴鸏 hong2 zui3 meng2
(bird species of China) red-billed tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus)

红嘴鸥 紅嘴鷗 hong2 zui3 ou1
(bird species of China) black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)

红嘴山鸦 紅嘴山鴉 hong2 zui3 shan1 ya1
(bird species of China) red-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)

红嘴相思鸟 紅嘴相思鳥 hong2 zui3 xiang1 si1 niao3
(bird species of China) red-billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea)

红嘴鸦雀 紅嘴鴉雀 hong2 zui3 ya1 que4
(bird species of China) great parrotbill (Conostoma oemodium)

花红 花紅 hua1 hong2
flowers on red silk (a traditional gift to celebrate weddings etc); a bonus; crab apple (Malus asiatica)

花红柳绿 花紅柳綠 hua1 hong2 liu3 lv4
red flowers and green willow; all the colors of spring

花无百日红 花無百日紅 hua1 wu2 bai3 ri4 hong2
No flower can bloom for a hundred days.; Good times do not last long. (idiom)

火红 火紅 huo3 hong2
fiery; blazing

见红 見紅 jian4 hong2
(coll.) to bleed (esp. vaginal bleeding); to suffer a financial loss

娇红 嬌紅 jiao1 hong2
tender pink

金红 金紅 jin1 hong2
reddish-gold (color)

金红石 金紅石 jin1 hong2 shi2
rutile (mineral form of titanium oxide TiO2)

酒红朱雀 酒紅朱雀 jiu3 hong2 zhu1 que4
(bird species of China) vinaceous rosefinch (Carpodacus vinaceus)

橘红 橘紅 ju2 hong2
orange (color); orange peel (used in TCM)

开红盘 開紅盤 kai1 hong2 pan2
(of a store) to open for business for the first time in the New Year; (of a business) to be profitable; (of a stock market) to rise; (sport) to win one's first match of a competition

开门红 開門紅 kai1 men2 hong2
a good beginning

看破红尘 看破紅塵 kan1 po4 hong2 chen2
to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk); disillusioned with human society; to reject the world for a monastic life

口红 口紅 kou3 hong2

蓝额红尾鸲 藍額紅尾鴝 lan2 e2 hong2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) blue-fronted redstart (Phoenicurus frontalis)

蓝头红尾鸲 藍頭紅尾鴝 lan2 tou2 hong2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) blue-capped redstart (Phoenicurus coeruleocephala)

联通红筹公司 聯通紅籌公司 lian2 tong1 hong2 chou2 gong1 si1
Unicom Red Chip, Hong Kong subsidiary of China Unicom 中國聯通|中国联通

脸红 臉紅 lian3 hong2
to blush; to redden (with shame, indignation etc)

脸红脖子粗 臉紅脖子粗 lian3 hong2 bo2 zi5 cu1
red in the face; extremely angry

脸红筋暴 臉紅筋暴 lian3 hong2 jin1 bao4
red and tense with anger (idiom)

脸红筋涨 臉紅筋漲 lian3 hong2 jin1 zhang3
red and tense with anger (idiom)

猎杀红色十月号 獵殺紅色十月號 lie4 sha1 hong2 se4 shi2 yue4 hao4
"The Hunt for Red October", a novel by Tom Clancy

柳绿花红 柳綠花紅 liu3 lv4 hua1 hong2
green willow and red flowers; all the colors of spring

绿惨红愁 綠慘紅愁 lv4 can3 hong2 chou2
(of women) grieved appearance (idiom); sorrowful mien

绿女红男 綠女紅男 lv4 nv3 hong2 nan2
young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (idiom)

满江红 滿江紅 man3 jiang1 hong2
Man Jiang Hong (Chinese poems)

满堂红 滿堂紅 man3 tang2 hong2
success across the board; victory in everything one touches

梅红 梅紅 mei2 hong2
pinkish-red (color)

玫红眉朱雀 玫紅眉朱雀 mei2 hong2 mei2 zhu1 que4
(bird species of China) pink-browed rosefinch (Carpodacus rodochroa)

面红耳赤 面紅耳赤 mian4 hong2 er3 chi4
flushed with anger (or excitement)

描红 描紅 miao2 hong2
to trace over red characters (as a method of learning to write)

女儿红 女兒紅 nv3 er2 hong2
kind of Chinese wine

女红 女紅 nv3 gong1
the feminine arts (e.g. needlework)

欧亚红尾鸲 歐亞紅尾鴝 ou1 ya4 hong2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)

披红 披紅 pi1 hong2
to drape sb in red silk as a sign of honor

品红 品紅 pin3 hong2
pink; light red

乔红 喬紅 qiao2 hong2
Qiao Hong (1968-), former PRC female table tennis player

茄红素 茄紅素 qie2 hong2 su4

清红帮 清紅幫 qing1 hong2 bang1
traditional secret society, Chinese equivalent of Freemasons

青红帮 青紅幫 qing1 hong2 bang1
traditional secret society, Chinese equivalent of Freemasons

青红皂白 青紅皂白 qing1 hong2 zao4 bai2
the rights and wrongs of a matter (idiom)

腮红 腮紅 sai1 hong2
rouge (cosmetics)

烧红 燒紅 shao1 hong2
heat until red

深红色 深紅色 shen1 hong2 se4
deep red; crimson; scarlet

圣诞红 聖誕紅 sheng4 dan4 hong2
poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)

曙红朱雀 曙紅朱雀 shu3 hong2 zhu1 que4
(bird species of China) pink-rumped rosefinch (Carpodacus eos)

台湾酒红朱雀 臺灣酒紅朱雀 tai2 wan1 jiu3 hong2 zhu1 que4
(bird species of China) Taiwan rosefinch (Carpodacus formosanus)

桃红 桃紅 tao2 hong2

套红 套紅 tao4 hong2
printing portions of a page (e.g. a banner headline) in red (or other color)

通红 通紅 tong1 hong2
very red; red through and through; to blush (deep red)

透红 透紅 tou4 hong2

万紫千红 萬紫千紅 wan4 zi3 qian1 hong2
thousands of purples and reds (idiom); a blaze of color; fig. a profusion of flourishing trades

网红 網紅 wang3 hong2
Internet celebrity

网络红人 網絡紅人 wang3 luo4 hong2 ren2
Internet celebrity

五星红旗 五星紅旗 wu3 xing1 hong2 qi2
five-starred red flag (PRC national flag)

西红脚隼 西紅腳隼 xi1 hong2 jiao3 sun3
(bird species of China) red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus)

西红角鸮 西紅角鴞 xi1 hong2 jiao3 xiao1
(bird species of China) Eurasian scops owl (Otus scops)

西红柿 西紅柿 xi1 hong2 shi4

喜山红眉朱雀 喜山紅眉朱雀 xi3 shan1 hong2 mei2 zhu1 que4
(bird species of China) Himalayan beautiful rosefinch (Carpodacus pulcherrimus)

鲜红 鮮紅 xian1 hong2
scarlet; bright red

香港红十字会 香港紅十字會 xiang1 gang3 hong2 shi2 zi4 hui4
Hong Kong Red Cross

萧红 蕭紅 xiao1 hong2
Xiao Hong (1911-1942), prominent woman writer, originally from Heilongjiang

小粉红 小粉紅 xiao3 fen3 hong2
young Chinese cyber-nationalists

小红萝卜 小紅蘿蔔 xiao3 hong2 luo2 bo5
summer radish (the small red kind)

小红帽 小紅帽 xiao3 hong2 mao4
Little Red Riding Hood

小红莓 小紅莓 xiao3 hong2 mei2

猩红 猩紅 xing1 hong2

猩红热 猩紅熱 xing1 hong2 re4
scarlet fever

猩红色 猩紅色 xing1 hong2 se4
scarlet (color)

羞红 羞紅 xiu1 hong2
to blush

锈红腹旋木雀 鏽紅腹旋木雀 xiu4 hong2 fu4 xuan2 mu4 que4
(bird species of China) rusty-flanked treecreeper (Certhia nipalensis)

雪里红 雪裡紅 xue3 li3 hong2
potherb mustard; Brassica juncea var. crispifolia

血红蛋白 血紅蛋白 xue4 hong2 dan4 bai2

血红素 血紅素 xue4 hong2 su4

殷红 殷紅 yan1 hong2
dark red

眼红 眼紅 yan3 hong2
to covet; envious; jealous; green with envy; infuriated; furious

眼圈红了 眼圈紅了 yan3 quan1 hong2 le5
to be on the verge of tears

艳红色 艷紅色 yan4 hong2 se4

洋红 洋紅 yang2 hong2
carmine; magenta

一炮而红 一炮而紅 yi1 pao4 er2 hong2
to win instant success (idiom); to become an instant hit

一品红 一品紅 yi1 pin3 hong2
poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)

一夜爆红 一夜爆紅 yi1 ye4 bao4 hong2
to become popular overnight

银红 銀紅 yin2 hong2
pink; silvery red; pale rose color

映山红 映山紅 ying4 shan1 hong2
Indian azalea (Rhododendron simsii)

又红又肿 又紅又腫 you4 hong2 you4 zhong3
to be red and swollen (idiom)

玉红省 玉紅省 yu4 hong2 sheng3
rubicene (chemistry)

藏红花 藏紅花 zang4 hong2 hua1
saffron (Crocus sativus)

曾庆红 曾慶紅 zeng1 qing4 hong2
Zeng Qinghong (1939-), vice-president of PRC 2003-2008

涨红 漲紅 zhang4 hong2
to turn red (in the face); to flush (with embarrassment or anger)

赭红尾鸲 赭紅尾鴝 zhe3 hong2 wei3 qu2
(bird species of China) black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)

钟楚红 鐘楚紅 zhong1 chu3 hong2
Cherie Chung (1960-), Hong Kong actress

中国红 中國紅 zhong1 guo2 hong2

朱红 朱紅 zhu1 hong2

朱红灯 朱紅燈 zhu1 hong2 deng1
Zhu Hongdeng, one of the leaders of the Boxer Rebellion

砖红土 磚紅土 zhuan1 hong2 tu3
red brick clay

紫红色 紫紅色 zi3 hong2 se4
red-purple; mauve; prune (color); claret

棕红 棕紅 zong1 hong2
reddish brown

走红 走紅 zou3 hong2
to be popular; to be in luck; to have good luck; to develop smoothly