Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
不平等条约不平等條約bu4 ping2 deng3 tiao2 yue1
unequal treaty
不约而同不約而同bu4 yue1 er2 tong2
to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action without prior consultation
除另有约定除另有約定chu2 ling4 you3 yue1 ding4
unless otherwise agreed
绰约綽約chuo4 yue1
graceful; charming
词约指明詞約指明ci2 yue1 zhi3 ming2
concise but unambiguous (idiom)
大卫营和约大衛營和約da4 wei4 ying2 he2 yue1
the Camp David agreement of 1978 brokered by President Jimmy Carter between Israel and Egypt
大约大約da4 yue1
approximately; probably
缔约締約di4 yue1
to conclude a treaty
缔约方締約方di4 yue1 fang1
party in a contract, treaty etc
缔约国締約國di4 yue1 guo2
signatory states; countries that are party to a treaty
定约定約ding4 yue1
to conclude a treaty; to make an agreement; contract (at bridge)
儿童权利公约兒童權利公約er2 tong2 quan2 li4 gong1 yue1
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
法律约束力法律約束力fa3 lv4 yue1 shu4 li4
legal force (i.e. binding in law)
反酷刑折磨公约反酷刑折磨公約fan3 ku4 xing2 zhe2 mo2 gong1 yue1
UN convention against torture and cruel treatment (ratified by PRC in 1988)
风姿绰约風姿綽約feng1 zi1 chuo4 yue1
graceful; charming; feminine
赴约赴約fu4 yue1
to keep an appointment
改订伊犁条约改訂伊犁條約gai3 ding4 yi1 li2 tiao2 yue1
Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881 in which Russia agreed to hand back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
协约協約xie2 yue1
entente; pact; agreement; negotiated settlement
协约国協約國xie2 yue1 guo2
Allies; entente (i.e. Western powers allied to China in WW1)
辛丑条约辛丑條約xin1 chou3 tiao2 yue1
Boxer Protocol of 1901 signed in Beijing, ending the Eight-power Allied Force intervention after the Boxer uprising
新约新約xin1 yue1
New Testament
新约全书新約全書xin1 yue1 quan2 shu1
New Testament
信贷违约掉期信貸違約掉期xin4 dai4 wei2 yue1 diao4 qi1
credit default swap (finance)
续约續約xu4 yue1
to renew or extend a contract
约塔約塔yao1 ta3
iota (Greek letter Ιι)
约维克約維克yao1 wei2 ke4
Gjøvik (city in Oppland, Norway)
邀约邀約yao1 yue1
to invite; to make an appointment
要约要約yao1 yue4
to restrict; to agree to a contract; offer; bid
隐隐约约隱隱約約yin3 yin3 yue1 yue1
faint; distant; barely audible
隐约隱約yin3 yue1
vague; faint; indistinct
隐约其辞隱約其辭yin3 yue1 qi2 ci2
equivocal speech; to use vague or ambiguous language
有约在先有約在先you3 yue1 zai4 xian1
to have a prior engagement
语言誓约語言誓約yu3 yan2 shi4 yue1
language pledge (to speak only the target language in a language school)
预约預約yu4 yue1
booking; reservation; to book; to make an appointment
远期合约遠期合約yuan3 qi1 he2 yue1
forward contract (finance)
约伯約伯yue1 bo2
Job (name); Book of Job in the Old Testament
约伯记約伯記yue1 bo2 ji4
Book of Job (in the Old Testament)
约出約出yue1 chu1
to ask sb out (on a date etc)
约旦約旦yue1 dan4
约但約但yue1 dan4
variant of 約旦|约旦, Jordan
约但河約但河yue1 dan4 he2
variant of 約旦河|约旦河
约旦河約旦河yue1 dan4 he2
Jordan River
约当现金約當現金yue1 dang1 xian4 jin1
cash equivalent (accountancy)
约等于約等於yue1 deng3 yu2
approximately equal to
约定約定yue1 ding4
to agree on sth (after discussion); to conclude a bargain; to arrange; to promise; to stipulate; to make an appointment; stipulated (time, amount, quality etc); an arrangement; a deal; appointment; undertaking; commitment; understanding; engagement; stipu
约定俗成約定俗成yue1 ding4 su2 cheng2
established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement; customary convention
约定资讯速率約定資訊速率yue1 ding4 zi1 xun4 su4 lv4
committed information rate (Frame Relay); CIR
约珥书約珥書yue1 er3 shu1
Book of Joel
约法約法yue1 fa3
temporary law; provisional constitution
约法三章約法三章yue1 fa3 san1 zhang1
to agree on three laws (idiom); three-point covenant; (fig.) preliminary agreement; basic rules
约分約分yue1 fen1
reduced fraction (e.g. one half for three sixths); to reduce a fraction by canceling common factors in the numerator and denominator
约根約根yue1 gen1
Jurgen (name)
约柜約櫃yue1 gui4
Ark of the Covenant
约翰約翰yue1 han4
John (name); Johan (name); Johann (name)
约翰·本仁約翰·本仁yue1 han4 - ben3 ren2
John Bunyan (1628-1688), English puritan writer, author of Pilgrim's Progress 天路歷程|天路历程
约翰·厄普代克約翰·厄普代克yue1 han4 - e4 pu3 dai4 ke4
John Updike, US novelist (1932-2009), Pulitzer Prize winner
约翰·霍金斯約翰·霍金斯yue1 han4 - huo4 jin1 si1
John Hawkins (1532-1595), British seaman involved in sea war with Spain; Johns Hopkins (1795-1873), American entrepreneur, abolitionist and philanthropist
John Rabe (1882-1950), German who helped protect Chinese during the Nanking massacre period
约翰保罗約翰保羅yue1 han4 bao3 luo2
John Paul (name); Pope John Paul II, Karol Józef Wojtyła (1920-2005), Pope 1978-2005
约翰参书約翰參書yue1 han4 can1 shu1
Third epistle of St John; also written 約翰三書|约翰三书
约翰贰书約翰貳書yue1 han4 er4 shu1
Second epistle of St John; also written 約翰二書|约翰二书
约翰二书約翰二書yue1 han4 er4 shu1
Second epistle of St John
约翰福音約翰福音yue1 han4 fu2 yin1
Gospel according to St John
约翰内斯堡約翰內斯堡yue1 han4 nei4 si1 bao3
Johannesburg, South Africa
约翰三书約翰三書yue1 han4 san1 shu1
Third epistle of St John
约翰斯顿約翰斯頓yue1 han4 si1 dun4
Johnston, Johnson, Johnstone etc, name
约翰逊約翰遜yue1 han4 xun4
Johnson or Johnston (name)
约翰壹书約翰壹書yue1 han4 yi1 shu1
First epistle of St John; also written 約翰一書|约翰一书
约翰一书約翰一書yue1 han4 yi1 shu1
First epistle of St John
约合約合yue1 he2
approximately; about (some numerical value)
约会約會yue1 hui4
appointment; engagement; date; to arrange to meet
约会对象約會對象yue1 hui4 dui4 xiang4
partner for dating; a date (boyfriend or girlfriend)
约集約集yue1 ji2
to assemble by agreement; to gather
约计約計yue1 ji4
approximate estimate; a rough count
约见約見yue1 jian4
to arrange an interview; an appointment (with the foreign ambassador)
约克約克yue1 ke4
约克郡約克郡yue1 ke4 jun4
Yorkshire (English region)
约略約略yue1 lve4
approximate; rough
约略估计約略估計yue1 lve4 gu1 ji4
approximate estimate; to reckon roughly
约摸約摸yue1 mo5
about; around; approximately; also written 約莫|约莫
约莫約莫yue1 mo5
about; around; approximately
约拿书約拿書yue1 na2 shu1
Book of Jonah
约纳約納yue1 na4
约炮約炮yue1 pao4
(slang) to hook up for a one night stand; booty call
约契約契yue1 qi4
contract; oath of allegiance
约请約請yue1 qing3
to invite; to issue an invitation
约瑟約瑟yue1 se4
Joseph (name)
约瑟夫約瑟夫yue1 se4 fu1
Joseph (name)
约瑟夫·斯大林約瑟夫·斯大林yue1 se4 fu1 - si1 da4 lin2
Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet dictator
约沙法約沙法yue1 sha1 fa3
Jehoshaphat, fourth king of Judah (Judaism)
约书亚約書亞yue1 shu1 ya4
Joshua (name)
约书亚记約書亞記yue1 shu1 ya4 ji4
Book of Joshua
约数約數yue1 shu4
divisor (of a number); approximate number
约束約束yue1 shu4
to restrict; to limit to; to constrain; restriction; constraint
约束力約束力yue1 shu4 li4
(of a contract) binding (law)
约束条件約束條件yue1 shu4 tiao2 jian4
restrictive condition; constraint
约坦約坦yue1 tan3
Jotham (son of Uzziah)
约同約同yue1 tong2
to promise to accompany; an appointment (to go together with sb)
约西亚約西亞yue1 xi1 ya4
Josiah or Yoshiyahu (649-609 BC), a king of Judah (Judaism)
约言約言yue1 yan2
promise; one's word; pledge; abbreviation
约章約章yue1 zhang1
约制約制yue1 zhi4
to bind; to restrict; to constrain
照约定照約定zhao4 yue1 ding4
according to agreement; as arranged; as stipulated
制约制約zhi4 yue1
to restrict; condition
中俄北京条约中俄北京條約zhong1 e2 bei3 jing1 tiao2 yue1
the Treaty of Beijing of 1860 between Qing China and Tsarist Russia
中俄改订条约中俄改訂條約zhong1 e2 gai3 ding4 tiao2 yue1
Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
中俄尼布楚条约中俄尼布楚條約zhong1 e2 ni2 bu4 chu3 tiao2 yue1
Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing China and Russia
中俄伊犁条约中俄伊犁條約zhong1 e2 yi1 li2 tiao2 yue1
Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
中法新约中法新約zhong1 fa3 xin1 yue1
treaty of Tianjin of 1885 ceding Vietnam to France
自奉俭约自奉儉約zi4 feng4 jian3 yue1
to live frugally (idiom)
租约租約zu1 yue1
最大公约数最大公約數zui4 da4 gong1 yue1 shu4
highest common factor HCF; greatest common divisor GCD