close kindred slaughter one another (idiom); internecine strife
骨肉相连骨肉相連gu3 rou4 xiang1 lian2
lit. interrelated as bones and flesh (idiom); inseparably related; closely intertwined
挂羊头卖狗肉掛羊頭賣狗肉gua4 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4
lit. to hang a sheep's head while selling dog meat (idiom); fig. to cheat; dishonest advertising; wicked deeds carried out under banner of virtue
滚刀肉滾刀肉gun3 dao1 rou4
annoying person; troublemaker; pain in the neck
果肉果肉guo3 rou4
何不食肉糜何不食肉糜he2 bu4 shi2 rou4 mi2
lit. "Why don't they eat meat?" (said by Emperor Hui of Jin 晉惠帝|晋惠帝 when told that his people didn't have enough rice to eat); fig. (of people from higher class etc) to be oblivious to other people's plight
横肉橫肉heng2 rou4
红烧肉紅燒肉hong2 shao1 rou4
red braised pork
回锅肉回鍋肉hui2 guo1 rou4
twice-cooked pork
肌肉肌肉ji1 rou4
muscle; flesh
鸡肉雞肉ji1 rou4
chicken meat
肌肉发达肌肉發達ji1 rou4 fa1 da2
肌肉松弛剂肌肉鬆弛劑ji1 rou4 song1 chi2 ji4
muscle relaxant (medicine)
肌肉萎缩症肌肉萎縮症ji1 rou4 wei1 suo1 zheng4
muscular dystrophy
肌肉注射肌肉注射ji1 rou4 zhu4 she4
intramuscular injection
肌肉组织肌肉組織ji1 rou4 zu3 zhi1
muscle tissue
绞肉絞肉jiao3 rou4
minced meat
绞肉机絞肉機jiao3 rou4 ji1
meat grinder
芥兰牛肉芥蘭牛肉jie4 lan2 niu2 rou4
beef with broccoli
酒池肉林酒池肉林jiu3 chi2 rou4 lin2
lakes of wine and forests of meat (idiom); debauchery; sumptuous entertainment
酒肉朋友酒肉朋友jiu3 rou4 peng2 you5
lit. a friend when wining and dining (idiom); fair-weather friend
卡波西氏肉瘤卡波西氏肉瘤ka3 bo1 xi1 shi4 rou4 liu2
Kaposi's sarcoma
烤肉烤肉kao3 rou4
barbecue (lit. roast meat)
烤肉酱烤肉醬kao3 rou4 jiang4
barbecue sauce
焢肉焢肉kong4 rou4
slow-braised pork belly (Tw)
爌肉爌肉kong4 rou4
slow-braised pork belly (Tw)
扣肉扣肉kou4 rou4
steamed pork
苦肉计苦肉計ku3 rou4 ji4
the trick of injuring oneself to gain the enemy's confidence
狼多肉少狼多肉少lang2 duo1 rou4 shao3
many wolves and not enough meat; not enough to go around
里肌肉里肌肉li3 ji1 rou4
loin (of pork)
连骨肉連骨肉lian2 gu3 rou4
chop; rib meat
卤肉滷肉lu3 rou4
stewed meat
鹿肉鹿肉lu4 rou4
卖肉賣肉mai4 rou4
butcher; meat merchant
卖肉者賣肉者mai4 rou4 zhe3
米粉肉米粉肉mi3 fen3 rou4
rice flour meat
木犀肉木犀肉mu4 xi5 rou4
pork and scrambled eggs
牛脊肉牛脊肉niu2 ji3 rou4
sirloin (beef joint)
牛肉牛肉niu2 rou4
牛肉干牛肉乾niu2 rou4 gan1
dried beef; jerky; charqui
牛肉面牛肉麵niu2 rou4 mian4
beef noodle soup
牛肉丸牛肉丸niu2 rou4 wan2
beef meatballs
胬肉胬肉nu3 rou4
pterygium (medicine)
皮肤肌肉囊皮膚肌肉囊pi2 fu1 ji1 rou4 nang2
dermo-muscular sac
皮开肉绽皮開肉綻pi2 kai1 rou4 zhan4
flesh lacerated from corporal punishment (idiom)
皮肉皮肉pi2 rou4
skin and flesh; superficial; physical (suffering); bodily
皮肉之苦皮肉之苦pi2 rou4 zhi1 ku3
physical pain; lit. skin and flesh suffer
皮笑肉不笑皮笑肉不笑pi2 xiao4 rou4 bu4 xiao4
to put on a fake smile (idiom); to smile insincerely
切肉刀切肉刀qie1 rou4 dao1
meat cleaver
亲生骨肉親生骨肉qin1 sheng1 gu3 rou4
one's own flesh and blood
情同骨肉情同骨肉qing2 tong2 gu3 rou4
as close as flesh and bones (idiom); deep friendship
情逾骨肉情逾骨肉qing2 yu2 gu3 rou4
feelings deeper than for one's own flesh and blood (idiom); deep friendship