meat; flesh; pulp (of a fruit); (coll.) (of a fruit) squashy; (of a person) flabby; irresolute

strokes 6
strokes after radical 0
白肉 白肉 bai2 rou4
plain boiled pork

包子有肉不在褶上 包子有肉不在褶上 bao1 zi5 you3 rou4 bu4 zai4 zhe3 shang4
a book is not judged by its cover (idiom)

鼻息肉 鼻息肉 bi2 xi1 rou4
nasal polyp

大肉 大肉 da4 rou4

大鱼大肉 大魚大肉 da4 yu2 da4 rou4
dishes with generous amounts of meat and fish; lavish meal

东坡肉 東坡肉 dong1 po1 rou4
stir-fried pork, favorite of Northern Song writer Su Shi 蘇軾|苏轼, a.k.a. Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡

冻肉 凍肉 dong4 rou4
cold or frozen meat

炖肉 燉肉 dun4 rou4
stewed meat; beef stew

多肉 多肉 duo1 rou4

多肉植物 多肉植物 duo1 rou4 zhi2 wu4
succulent (plant)

肥肉 肥肉 fei2 rou4
fat (e.g. pork fat); fatty meat; (fig.) a gold mine; cash cow

腐肉 腐肉 fu3 rou4
rotting flesh; carrion

宫爆肉丁 宮爆肉丁 gong1 bao4 rou4 ding1
stir-fried diced pork

狗肉 狗肉 gou3 rou4
dog meat

咕咾肉 咕咾肉 gu1 lao3 rou4
sweet and sour meat (pork)

咕噜肉 咕嚕肉 gu1 lu1 rou4
sweet and sour meat (pork)

骨肉 骨肉 gu3 rou4
blood relation; kin; one's flesh and blood

骨肉相残 骨肉相殘 gu3 rou4 xiang1 can2
close kindred slaughter one another (idiom); internecine strife

骨肉相连 骨肉相連 gu3 rou4 xiang1 lian2
lit. interrelated as bones and flesh (idiom); inseparably related; closely intertwined

挂羊头卖狗肉 掛羊頭賣狗肉 gua4 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4
lit. to hang a sheep's head while selling dog meat (idiom); fig. to cheat; dishonest advertising; wicked deeds carried out under banner of virtue

滚刀肉 滾刀肉 gun3 dao1 rou4
annoying person; troublemaker; pain in the neck

果肉 果肉 guo3 rou4

何不食肉糜 何不食肉糜 he2 bu4 shi2 rou4 mi2
lit. "Why don't they eat meat?" (said by Emperor Hui of Jin 晉惠帝|晋惠帝 when told that his people didn't have enough rice to eat); fig. (of people from higher class etc) to be oblivious to other people's plight

横肉 橫肉 heng2 rou4

红烧肉 紅燒肉 hong2 shao1 rou4
red braised pork

回锅肉 回鍋肉 hui2 guo1 rou4
twice-cooked pork

肌肉 肌肉 ji1 rou4
muscle; flesh

鸡肉 雞肉 ji1 rou4
chicken meat

肌肉发达 肌肉發達 ji1 rou4 fa1 da2

肌肉松弛剂 肌肉鬆弛劑 ji1 rou4 song1 chi2 ji4
muscle relaxant (medicine)

肌肉萎缩症 肌肉萎縮症 ji1 rou4 wei1 suo1 zheng4
muscular dystrophy

肌肉注射 肌肉注射 ji1 rou4 zhu4 she4
intramuscular injection

肌肉组织 肌肉組織 ji1 rou4 zu3 zhi1
muscle tissue

绞肉 絞肉 jiao3 rou4
minced meat

绞肉机 絞肉機 jiao3 rou4 ji1
meat grinder

芥兰牛肉 芥蘭牛肉 jie4 lan2 niu2 rou4
beef with broccoli

酒池肉林 酒池肉林 jiu3 chi2 rou4 lin2
lakes of wine and forests of meat (idiom); debauchery; sumptuous entertainment

酒肉朋友 酒肉朋友 jiu3 rou4 peng2 you5
lit. a friend when wining and dining (idiom); fair-weather friend

卡波西氏肉瘤 卡波西氏肉瘤 ka3 bo1 xi1 shi4 rou4 liu2
Kaposi's sarcoma

烤肉 烤肉 kao3 rou4
barbecue (lit. roast meat)

烤肉酱 烤肉醬 kao3 rou4 jiang4
barbecue sauce

焢肉 焢肉 kong4 rou4
slow-braised pork belly (Tw)

爌肉 爌肉 kong4 rou4
slow-braised pork belly (Tw)

扣肉 扣肉 kou4 rou4
steamed pork

苦肉计 苦肉計 ku3 rou4 ji4
the trick of injuring oneself to gain the enemy's confidence

狼多肉少 狼多肉少 lang2 duo1 rou4 shao3
many wolves and not enough meat; not enough to go around

里肌肉 里肌肉 li3 ji1 rou4
loin (of pork)

连骨肉 連骨肉 lian2 gu3 rou4
chop; rib meat

卤肉 滷肉 lu3 rou4
stewed meat

鹿肉 鹿肉 lu4 rou4

卖肉 賣肉 mai4 rou4
butcher; meat merchant

卖肉者 賣肉者 mai4 rou4 zhe3

米粉肉 米粉肉 mi3 fen3 rou4
rice flour meat

木犀肉 木犀肉 mu4 xi5 rou4
pork and scrambled eggs

牛脊肉 牛脊肉 niu2 ji3 rou4
sirloin (beef joint)

牛肉 牛肉 niu2 rou4

牛肉干 牛肉乾 niu2 rou4 gan1
dried beef; jerky; charqui

牛肉面 牛肉麵 niu2 rou4 mian4
beef noodle soup

牛肉丸 牛肉丸 niu2 rou4 wan2
beef meatballs

胬肉 胬肉 nu3 rou4
pterygium (medicine)

皮肤肌肉囊 皮膚肌肉囊 pi2 fu1 ji1 rou4 nang2
dermo-muscular sac

皮开肉绽 皮開肉綻 pi2 kai1 rou4 zhan4
flesh lacerated from corporal punishment (idiom)

皮肉 皮肉 pi2 rou4
skin and flesh; superficial; physical (suffering); bodily

皮肉之苦 皮肉之苦 pi2 rou4 zhi1 ku3
physical pain; lit. skin and flesh suffer

皮笑肉不笑 皮笑肉不笑 pi2 xiao4 rou4 bu4 xiao4
to put on a fake smile (idiom); to smile insincerely

切肉刀 切肉刀 qie1 rou4 dao1
meat cleaver

亲生骨肉 親生骨肉 qin1 sheng1 gu3 rou4
one's own flesh and blood

情同骨肉 情同骨肉 qing2 tong2 gu3 rou4
as close as flesh and bones (idiom); deep friendship

情逾骨肉 情逾骨肉 qing2 yu2 gu3 rou4
feelings deeper than for one's own flesh and blood (idiom); deep friendship

裘馨氏肌肉萎缩症 裘馨氏肌肉萎縮症 qiu2 xin1 shi4 ji1 rou4 wei1 suo1 zheng4
Duchenne muscular dystrophy

人肉搜索 人肉搜索 ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3
human flesh search; a large-scale collective effort to find details about a person or event (Internet slang); see 人肉搜索引擎

人肉搜索引擎 人肉搜索引擎 ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3 yin3 qing2
human flesh search engine; a large-scale collective effort to find details about a person or event (Internet slang)

人为刀俎,我为鱼肉 人為刀俎,我為魚肉 ren2 wei2 dao1 zu3 - wo3 wei2 yu2 rou4
lit. to be the meat on sb's chopping block (idiom); fig. to be at sb's mercy

日式烧肉 日式燒肉 ri4 shi4 shao1 rou4
yakiniku (Japanese-style grilled meat)

肉棒 肉棒 rou4 bang4
meat stick; penis

肉包子打狗 肉包子打狗 rou4 bao1 zi3 da3 gou3
what's gone can never come back

肉饼 肉餅 rou4 bing3
meat patty

肉搏战 肉搏戰 rou4 bo2 zhan4
hand-to-hand combat

肉垂麦鸡 肉垂麥雞 rou4 chui2 mai4 ji1
(bird species of China) red-wattled lapwing (Vanellus indicus)

肉垫 肉墊 rou4 dian4
pad (on animal paw)

肉丁 肉丁 rou4 ding1
diced meat

肉豆蔻 肉豆蔻 rou4 dou4 kou4
nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt); mace; Myristicaceae (family of plants producing aromatic or hallucinogenic oils)

肉豆蔻料 肉豆蔻料 rou4 dou4 kou4 liao4
Myristicaceae (family of plants producing aromatic or hallucinogenic oils, including nutmeg)

肉嘟嘟 肉嘟嘟 rou4 du1 du1

肉毒杆菌 肉毒桿菌 rou4 du2 gan3 jun1
Clostridium botulinum

肉毒杆菌毒素 肉毒桿菌毒素 rou4 du2 gan3 jun1 du2 su4
botulinum toxin

肉毒素 肉毒素 rou4 du2 su4
botulin; botulinal toxin; XR (Botulinum toxin)

肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌 肉毒梭狀芽孢桿菌 rou4 du2 suo1 zhuang4 ya2 bao1 gan3 jun1
Clostridium difficile (bacterium causing gut infection)

肉贩 肉販 rou4 fan4

肉脯 肉脯 rou4 fu3
dried meat

肉感 肉感 rou4 gan3
sexiness; sexy; sensuality; sensual; voluptuous

肉羹 肉羹 rou4 geng1
stew; bouillon

肉冠 肉冠 rou4 guan1
comb (fleshy crest on a bird's head)

肉桂 肉桂 rou4 gui4
Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia)

肉鸡 肉雞 rou4 ji1
chicken raised for meat; broiler; (computing) zombie; infected computer in a botnet

肉夹馍 肉夾饃 rou4 jia1 mo2
lit. meat wedged in steamed bun; "Chinese burger"; sliced meat sandwich popular in north China

肉碱 肉鹼 rou4 jian3
carnitine (biochemistry)

肉酱 肉醬 rou4 jiang4
minced meat sauce; (fig.) mincemeat; a person cut to pieces

肉类 肉類 rou4 lei4

肉瘤 肉瘤 rou4 liu2
wart; sarcoma; superfluous; useless

肉麻 肉麻 rou4 ma2
sickening; corny; sappy; maudlin; fulsome (of praise)

肉糜 肉糜 rou4 mi2
minced meat

肉沫 肉沫 rou4 mo4
minced pork

肉末 肉末 rou4 mo4
ground meat

肉皮 肉皮 rou4 pi2
pork skin

肉片 肉片 rou4 pian4
meat slice

肉票 肉票 rou4 piao4

肉蒲团 肉蒲團 rou4 pu2 tuan2
The Carnal Prayer Mat, Chinese erotic novel from 17th century, usually attributed to Li Yu 李漁|李渔

肉铺 肉鋪 rou4 pu4
butcher's shop

肉商 肉商 rou4 shang1
meat merchant; butcher

肉身 肉身 rou4 shen1
corporeal body

肉食 肉食 rou4 shi2

肉食动物 肉食動物 rou4 shi2 dong4 wu4

肉丝 肉絲 rou4 si1
shredded meat; shredded pork

肉松 肉鬆 rou4 song1
meat floss; shredded dried pork

肉袒 肉袒 rou4 tan3
to make a humble apology (formal writing)

肉汤 肉湯 rou4 tang1
meat soup; broth

肉汤面 肉湯麵 rou4 tang1 mian4
noodles in meat soup

肉体 肉體 rou4 ti3
physical body

肉条 肉條 rou4 tiao2

肉丸 肉丸 rou4 wan2

肉馅 肉餡 rou4 xian4
ground meat; mincemeat

肉刑 肉刑 rou4 xing2
corporal punishment (such as castration or amputation)

肉眼 肉眼 rou4 yan3
naked eye; layman's eyes

肉眼凡胎 肉眼凡胎 rou4 yan3 fan2 tai1
ignoramus (idiom)

肉眼观察 肉眼觀察 rou4 yan3 guan1 cha2
observation by naked eye

肉欲 肉慾 rou4 yu4
carnal desire

肉汁 肉汁 rou4 zhi1
meat stock

肉质 肉質 rou4 zhi4
quality of meat; succulent (botany)

肉质根 肉質根 rou4 zhi4 gen1
succulent root (botany)

肉中刺 肉中刺 rou4 zhong1 ci4
a thorn in one's flesh

肉中毒 肉中毒 rou4 zhong1 du2

肉孜节 肉孜節 rou4 zi1 jie2
see 開齋節|开斋节

肉足鹱 肉足鸌 rou4 zu2 hu4
(bird species of China) flesh-footed shearwater (Puffinus carneipes)

入肉 入肉 ru4 rou4
to have intercourse; to fuck

弱肉强食 弱肉強食 ruo4 rou4 qiang2 shi2
lit. the weak are prey to the strong (idiom); fig. predatory behavior; the law of the jungle

少块肉 少塊肉 shao3 kuai4 rou4
(coll.) (usually used in the negative) (can't) hurt (to do sth); (won't) hurt (to do sth)

生肉 生肉 sheng1 rou4
raw meat

生死肉骨 生死肉骨 sheng1 si3 rou4 gu3
lit. the dead returning to life; a miracle (idiom)

食肉 食肉 shi2 rou4

食肉动物 食肉動物 shi2 rou4 dong4 wu4

食肉类 食肉類 shi2 rou4 lei4
carnivorous species

食肉目 食肉目 shi2 rou4 mu4
Carnivora, order of carnivores within Mammalia

食肉寝皮 食肉寢皮 shi2 rou4 qin3 pi2
to eat sb's flesh and sleep on their hide (idiom); to swear revenge on sb; implacable hatred; to have sb's guts for garters

手心手背都是肉 手心手背都是肉 shou3 xin1 shou3 bei4 dou1 shi4 rou4
lit. both the palm and the back of the hand are made of flesh (idiom); fig. to both be of equal importance; to value both equally

手抓羊肉 手抓羊肉 shou3 zhua1 yang2 rou4
hand-held mutton (mutton pieces on the bone, eaten with the fingers)

瘦肉 瘦肉 shou4 rou4
lean meat

瘦肉精 瘦肉精 shou4 rou4 jing1
leanness-enhancing agent

涮羊肉 涮羊肉 shuan4 yang2 rou4
Mongolian hot pot; instant-boiled mutton (dish)

蒜苗炒肉片 蒜苗炒肉片 suan4 miao2 chao3 rou4 pian4
stir-fried pork with garlic

碎肉 碎肉 sui4 rou4
ground meat; mincemeat

糖醋肉 糖醋肉 tang2 cu4 rou4
sweet and sour pork

甜酸肉 甜酸肉 tian2 suan1 rou4
sweet and sour pork

调味肉汁 調味肉汁 tiao2 wei4 rou4 zhi1

铁板牛肉 鐵板牛肉 tie3 ban3 niu2 rou4
beef grilled on a hot iron plate

土耳其旋转烤肉 土耳其旋轉烤肉 tu3 er3 qi2 xuan2 zhuan3 kao3 rou4
Turkish döner kebab

脱皮掉肉 脫皮掉肉 tuo1 pi2 diao4 rou4
lit. to shed skin, drop flesh; to work as hard as possible; to work one's butt off

挖肉补疮 挖肉補瘡 wa1 rou4 bu3 chuang1
to cut one's flesh to cover a sore (idiom); faced with a current crisis, to make it worse by a temporary expedient

温体肉 溫體肉 wen1 ti3 rou4
meat that is not refrigerated after the animal is slaughtered

五花肉 五花肉 wu3 hua1 rou4
streaky pork

五花腌猪肉 五花醃豬肉 wu3 hua1 yan1 zhu1 rou4
streaky bacon

瘜肉 瘜肉 xi1 rou4
variant of 息肉

息肉 息肉 xi1 rou4
(medicine) polyp

细皮嫩肉 細皮嫩肉 xi4 pi2 nen4 rou4
soft skin and tender flesh (idiom); smooth-skinned

咸肉 鹹肉 xian2 rou4
bacon; salt-cured meat

香肉 香肉 xiang1 rou4
(dialect) dog meat

小牛肉 小牛肉 xiao3 niu2 rou4

小鲜肉 小鮮肉 xiao3 xian1 rou4
(coll.) teen idol (male)

蟹肉 蟹肉 xie4 rou4
crab meat

谢肉节 謝肉節 xie4 rou4 jie2
carnival (esp. Christian)

心惊肉跳 心驚肉跳 xin1 jing1 rou4 tiao4
lit. heart alarmed, body leaping (idiom); fear and trepidation in the face of disaster

心头肉 心頭肉 xin1 tou2 rou4

行尸走肉 行屍走肉 xing2 shi1 zou3 rou4
walking corpse (idiom); zombie; person who lives only on the material level

胸肉 胸肉 xiong1 rou4
breast meat (brisket, chicken breast etc)

悬羊头卖狗肉 懸羊頭賣狗肉 xuan2 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4
see 掛羊頭賣狗肉|挂羊头卖狗肉

旋转烤肉 旋轉烤肉 xuan2 zhuan3 kao3 rou4
döner kebab

血肉 血肉 xue4 rou4

血肉横飞 血肉橫飛 xue4 rou4 heng2 fei1
flesh and blood flying (idiom); carnage; people blown to pieces

血肉模糊 血肉模糊 xue4 rou4 mo2 hu5
to be badly mangled or mutilated (idiom)

血肉相连 血肉相連 xue4 rou4 xiang1 lian2
one's own flesh and blood (idiom); closely related

熏肉 燻肉 xun1 rou4

腌肉 醃肉 yan1 rou4
salt pork; bacon; marinaded meat; cured meat

烟肉 煙肉 yan1 rou4
bacon; smoked ham

腌猪肉 醃豬肉 yan1 zhu1 rou4
bacon; cured pork

羊肉 羊肉 yang2 rou4
mutton; goat meat

羊肉串 羊肉串 yang2 rou4 chuan4
lamb kebab

羊肉馅 羊肉餡 yang2 rou4 xian4
minced mutton

羊头狗肉 羊頭狗肉 yang2 tou2 gou3 rou4
see 掛羊頭賣狗肉|挂羊头卖狗肉

腰肉 腰肉 yao1 rou4

鱼肉百姓 魚肉百姓 yu2 rou4 bai3 xing4
to prey on the people

鱼生火,肉生痰,青菜豆腐保平安 魚生火,肉生痰,青菜豆腐保平安 yu2 sheng1 huo3 - rou4 sheng1 tan2 - qing1 cai4 dou4 fu5 bao3 ping2 an1
fish brings heat, meat brings phlegm, vegetables and tofu keep you healthy

鱼香肉丝 魚香肉絲 yu2 xiang1 rou4 si1
pork strips stir-fried with yuxiang 魚香|鱼香

元肉 元肉 yuan2 rou4
dried longan pulp

猪肉 豬肉 zhu1 rou4

赘肉 贅肉 zhui4 rou4
excess flesh; unwanted fat; flab; bulge

自相鱼肉 自相魚肉 zi4 xiang1 yu2 rou4
butchering one another as fish and flesh (idiom); killing one another; internecine strife