gall bladder; courage; guts; gall; inner container (e.g. bladder of a football, inner container of a thermos)

strokes 9
strokes after radical 5
撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的 撐死膽大的,餓死膽小的 cheng1 si3 dan3 da4 de5 - e4 si3 dan3 xiao3 de5
fullness for the bold, famine for the timid (idiom)

吃熊心豹子胆 吃熊心豹子膽 chi1 xiong2 xin1 bao4 zi5 dan3
to eat bear heart and leopard gall (idiom); to pluck up some courage

赤胆忠心 赤膽忠心 chi4 dan3 zhong1 xin1
lit. red-bellied devotion (idiom); wholehearted loyalty; to serve sb with body and soul

大胆 大膽 da4 dan3
brazen; audacious; outrageous; bold; daring; fearless

胆颤心惊 膽顫心驚 dan3 chan4 xin1 jing1

胆大 膽大 dan3 da4
daring; bold; audacious

胆大包天 膽大包天 dan3 da4 bao1 tian1
reckless; extremely daring

胆大妄为 膽大妄為 dan3 da4 wang4 wei2
daring; presumptuous; daredevil

胆道 膽道 dan3 dao4
bile duct; biliary tract

胆儿 膽兒 dan3 er5
see 膽子|胆子

胆敢 膽敢 dan3 gan3
to dare (negative connotation); to have the audacity to (do sth)

胆固醇 膽固醇 dan3 gu4 chun2

胆管 膽管 dan3 guan3
bile duct

胆寒 膽寒 dan3 han2
to fear; to be terrified

胆红素 膽紅素 dan3 hong2 su4

胆碱 膽鹼 dan3 jian3
choline (amine related to vitamin B complex)

胆碱酯酶 膽鹼酯酶 dan3 jian3 zhi3 mei2
choline esterase (ChE), hydrolyzing enzyme in blood plasma

胆结石 膽結石 dan3 jie2 shi2

胆惊心颤 膽驚心顫 dan3 jing1 xin1 chan4
see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战

胆力 膽力 dan3 li4
courage; bravery

胆量 膽量 dan3 liang4
courage; boldness; guts

胆绿素 膽綠素 dan3 lv4 su4

胆略 膽略 dan3 lve4
courage and resource

胆囊 膽囊 dan3 nang2
gall bladder

胆魄 膽魄 dan3 po4
courage; bravery

胆破 膽破 dan3 po4
to be frightened to death

胆气 膽氣 dan3 qi4
courageous; bold

胆怯 膽怯 dan3 qie4
timid; cowardly

胆色素 膽色素 dan3 se4 su4

胆石 膽石 dan3 shi2

胆识 膽識 dan3 shi2
courage and insight

胆石绞痛 膽石絞痛 dan3 shi2 jiao3 tong4
gallstone colic

胆石症 膽石症 dan3 shi2 zheng4

胆小 膽小 dan3 xiao3
cowardice; timid

胆小鬼 膽小鬼 dan3 xiao3 gui3

胆小如鼠 膽小如鼠 dan3 xiao3 ru2 shu3
chicken-hearted (idiom); gutless

胆战 膽戰 dan3 zhan4
to tremble with fear

胆战心惊 膽戰心驚 dan3 zhan4 xin1 jing1
to tremble with fear (idiom); scared witless

胆汁 膽汁 dan3 zhi1
gall; bile

胆子 膽子 dan3 zi5
courage; nerve; guts

斗胆 斗膽 dou3 dan3
(courteous) to be so bold as to

独胆 獨膽 du2 dan3
individually courageous

独胆英雄 獨膽英雄 du2 dan3 ying1 xiong2
bold and courageous hero (idiom)

放胆 放膽 fang4 dan3
to act boldly

肝胆相照 肝膽相照 gan1 dan3 xiang1 zhao4
to treat one another with absolute sincerity (idiom); to show total devotion

狗胆包天 狗膽包天 gou3 dan3 bao1 tian1
extremely daring (idiom); foolhardy

孤胆 孤膽 gu1 dan3
solitary hero; maverick

孤胆英雄 孤膽英雄 gu1 dan3 ying1 xiong2
solitary hero; maverick

海胆 海膽 hai3 dan3
sea urchin

惊心胆颤 驚心膽顫 jing1 xin1 dan3 chan4
frightening; frightened (idiom)

苦胆 苦膽 ku3 dan3
gall bladder

龙胆 龍膽 long2 dan3
rough gentian; Japanese gentian (Gentiana scabra)

龙胆紫 龍膽紫 long2 dan3 zi3
gentian violet C25H30ClN3; crystal violet

龙肝凤胆 龍肝鳳膽 long2 gan1 feng4 dan3
rare food; ambrosia (delicacy)

明目张胆 明目張膽 ming2 mu4 zhang1 dan3
openly and without fear; brazenly

披肝沥胆 披肝瀝膽 pi1 gan1 li4 dan3
lit. to open one's liver and drip gall (idiom); wholehearted loyalty

破胆 破膽 po4 dan3
to be scared stiff

破胆寒心 破膽寒心 po4 dan3 han2 xin1
to be scared out of one's wits

剖肝沥胆 剖肝瀝膽 pou1 gan1 li4 dan3
to be completely honest and sincere (idiom)

倾心吐胆 傾心吐膽 qing1 xin1 tu3 dan3
to pour out one's heart (idiom)

丧胆 喪膽 sang4 dan3
panic-stricken; scared out of one's wits

色胆 色膽 se4 dan3
boldness in pursuing one's sexual urges

色胆包天 色膽包天 se4 dan3 bao1 tian1
outrageously bold in one's lust; debauched (idiom)

蛇胆 蛇膽 she2 dan3
snake gall (used in TCM)

鼠胆 鼠膽 shu3 dan3

碎心裂胆 碎心裂膽 sui4 xin1 lie4 dan3
in mortal fear (idiom)

提心吊胆 提心吊膽 ti2 xin1 diao4 dan3
(saying) to be very scared and on edge

闻风丧胆 聞風喪膽 wen2 feng1 sang4 dan3
hear the wind and lose gall (idiom); terror-stricken at the news

卧薪尝胆 臥薪嚐膽 wo4 xin1 chang2 dan3
lit. to lie on firewood and taste gall (idiom); fig. suffering patiently, but firmly resolved on revenge

吓破胆 嚇破膽 xia4 po4 dan3
to be scared out of one's wits; to scare stiff

心胆 心膽 xin1 dan3

心胆俱裂 心膽俱裂 xin1 dan3 ju4 lie4
to be scared out of one's wits (idiom)

心惊胆颤 心驚膽顫 xin1 jing1 dan3 chan4
see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战

心惊胆战 心驚膽戰 xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4
lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear (idiom); prostrate with fear; scared witless

熊胆 熊膽 xiong2 dan3
bear gall (used in TCM)

熊胆草 熊膽草 xiong2 dan3 cao3
Conyza blinii

一身是胆 一身是膽 yi1 shen1 shi4 dan3
devoid of fear (idiom); intrepid

乙酰胆碱 乙酰膽鹼 yi3 xian1 dan3 jian3
acetylcholine ACh (amine related to vitamin B complex)

有胆量 有膽量 you3 dan3 liang4

有色无胆 有色無膽 you3 se4 wu2 dan3
to be perverse and suggestive towards the opposite sex, but shrinking back when provoked to act on it; to have perverted thoughts but no guts to actually do it; to be all talk and no action

壮起胆子 壯起膽子 zhuang4 qi3 dan3 zi5
to proceed with sth even though scared; to put on a brave face