to be a dancing partner to sb; to perform as a backup dancer; taxi dancer (hired dancing partner); escort
北京舞蹈学院北京舞蹈學院bei3 jing1 wu3 dao3 xue2 yuan4
Beijing Dance Academy
编舞編舞bian1 wu3
choreography; choreographer
不令人鼓舞不令人鼓舞bu4 ling4 ren2 gu3 wu3
discouraging; disheartening
长袖善舞長袖善舞chang2 xiu4 shan4 wu3
long sleeves help one dance beautifully (idiom); money and power will help you in any occupation
电臀舞電臀舞dian4 tun2 wu3
twerking, sexually provocative dance involving hip movements while in a low, squatting position
独舞獨舞du2 wu3
solo dance
肚皮舞肚皮舞du4 pi2 wu3
belly dance
飞舞飛舞fei1 wu3
to flutter; to dance in the breeze
钢管舞鋼管舞gang1 guan3 wu3
pole dancing
歌舞歌舞ge1 wu3
singing and dancing
歌舞伎歌舞伎ge1 wu3 ji4
歌舞升平歌舞升平ge1 wu3 sheng1 ping2
lit. to celebrate peace with songs and dance (idiom); fig. to make a show of happiness and prosperity
歌舞团歌舞團ge1 wu3 tuan2
song and dance troupe
鼓舞鼓舞gu3 wu3
heartening (news); to boost (morale)
国标舞國標舞guo2 biao1 wu3
international standard ballroom dancing
杭丁顿舞蹈症杭丁頓舞蹈症hang2 ding1 dun4 wu3 dao3 zheng4
Huntington's disease
亨丁顿舞蹈症亨丁頓舞蹈症heng1 ding1 dun4 wu3 dao4 zheng4
Huntington's disease
狐步舞狐步舞hu2 bu4 wu3
fox-trot (ballroom dance) (loanword)
化妆舞会化妝舞會hua4 zhuang1 wu3 hui4
欢欣鼓舞歡欣鼓舞huan1 xin1 gu3 wu3
elated and excited (idiom); overjoyed
挥舞揮舞hui1 wu3
to brandish; to wave sth
假面舞会假面舞會jia3 mian4 wu3 hui4
masked ball; masquerade
焦糖舞焦糖舞jiao1 tang2 wu3
交谊舞交誼舞jiao1 yi4 wu3
social dance; ballroom dancing
街舞街舞jie1 wu3
street dance (e.g. breakdance)
镜框舞台鏡框舞台jing4 kuang4 wu3 tai2
theatrical set
爵士舞爵士舞jue2 shi4 wu3
jazz (loanword)
康康舞康康舞kang1 kang1 wu3
cancan (loanword)
拉丁舞拉丁舞la1 ding1 wu3
Latin dance
凌波舞凌波舞ling2 bo1 wu3
limbo (dance) (loanword)
令人鼓舞令人鼓舞ling4 ren2 gu3 wu3
encouraging; heartening
龙飞凤舞龍飛鳳舞long2 fei1 feng4 wu3
flamboyant or bold cursive calligraphy (idiom)
漫天飞舞漫天飛舞man4 tian1 fei1 wu3
(of snow etc) to fill the sky
眉飞色舞眉飛色舞mei2 fei1 se4 wu3
smiles of exultation; radiant with delight
民间舞民間舞min2 jian1 wu3
folk dance
民间舞蹈民間舞蹈min2 jian1 wu3 dao3
folk dance
民族舞蹈民族舞蹈min2 zu2 wu3 dao3
folk dance
能歌善舞能歌善舞neng2 ge1 shan4 wu3
can sing and dance (idiom); fig. a person of many talents
排舞排舞pai2 wu3
a dance in formation; choreographed dance; line dance
霹雳舞霹靂舞pi1 li4 wu3
to breakdance; breakdancing
翩翩起舞翩翩起舞pian1 pian1 qi3 wu3
(to start) dancing lightly and gracefully
飘舞飄舞piao1 wu3
to fly up; to dance in the air (of snowflakes, flower petals etc)
恰恰舞恰恰舞qia4 qia4 wu3
(loanword) cha-cha (dance)
森巴舞森巴舞sen1 ba1 wu3
samba (Tw) (loanword)
莎莎舞莎莎舞sha1 sha1 wu3
salsa (dance)
社交舞社交舞she4 jiao1 wu3
social dancing
盛大舞会盛大舞會sheng4 da4 wu3 hui4
grand ball
手舞足蹈手舞足蹈shou3 wu3 zu2 dao3
hands dance and feet trip (idiom); dancing and gesticulating for joy
太空舞步太空舞步tai4 kong1 wu3 bu4
moonwalk (dance)
踢踏舞踢踏舞ti1 ta4 wu3
tap dance
踢蹋舞踢蹋舞ti1 ta4 wu3
tap dance; step dance
跳集体舞跳集體舞tiao4 ji2 ti3 wu3
communal dancing
跳舞跳舞tiao4 wu3
to dance
脱衣舞脫衣舞tuo1 yi1 wu3
闻鸡起舞聞雞起舞wen2 ji1 qi3 wu3
to start practicing at the first crow of the cock (idiom); to be diligent in one's studies
舞伴舞伴wu3 ban4
dancing partner
舞弊舞弊wu3 bi4
舞抃舞抃wu3 bian4
to dance for joy
舞步舞步wu3 bu4
dance steps
舞场舞場wu3 chang3
dance hall
舞池舞池wu3 chi2
dance floor
舞蹈舞蹈wu3 dao3
dance (performance art); dancing
舞蹈家舞蹈家wu3 dao3 jia1
舞动舞動wu3 dong4
to move as in a dance; to wave (some implement); to flourish; (of eyes, hands etc) to dance; to flutter
舞钢舞鋼wu3 gang1
Wugang county level city in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山, Henan
舞钢市舞鋼市wu3 gang1 shi4
Wugang county level city in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山, Henan
舞会舞會wu3 hui4
dance; ball; party
舞会舞舞會舞wu3 hui4 wu3
party dancing
舞技舞技wu3 ji4
dancing skill
舞妓舞妓wu3 ji4
(loanword) maiko; apprentice geisha
舞剑舞劍wu3 jian4
to perform a sword-dance
舞剧舞劇wu3 ju4
dance drama; ballet
舞龙舞龍wu3 long2
dragon dance
舞娘舞孃wu3 niang2
female dancer
舞弄舞弄wu3 nong4
to wave; to brandish
舞曲舞曲wu3 qu3
dance music
舞狮舞獅wu3 shi1
lion dance (traditional Chinese dance form)
舞水端里舞水端里wu3 shui3 duan1 li3
Musudan-ri, North Korean rocket launch site in North Hamgyeong Province 咸鏡北道|咸镜北道
舞台舞臺wu3 tai2
stage; arena; fig. in the limelight
舞台音乐舞台音樂wu3 tai2 yin1 yue4
musical theater
舞厅舞廳wu3 ting1
dance hall; ballroom
舞厅舞舞廳舞wu3 ting1 wu3
ballroom dancing
舞阳舞陽wu3 yang2
Wuyang county in Luohe 漯河, Henan
舞阳县舞陽縣wu3 yang2 xian4
Wuyang county in Luohe 漯河, Henan
舞者舞者wu3 zhe3
舞姿舞姿wu3 zi1
dancer's posture and movement
膝上舞膝上舞xi1 shang4 wu3
lap dance
现代舞現代舞xian4 dai4 wu3
modern dance
项庄舞剑項莊舞劍xiang4 zhuang1 wu3 jian4
lit. Xiang Zhuang performs the sword dance, but his mind is set on Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦 (idiom, refers to plot to kill Liu Bang during Feast at Hongmen 鴻門宴|鸿门宴 in 206 BC); fig. an elaborate deception hiding malicious intent
lit. Xiang Zhuang performs the sword dance, but his mind is set on Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦 (idiom); refers to 206 BC plot to murder Liu Bang, aka Duke of Pei 沛公 and the future Han emperor, during a sword dance at Feast at Hongmen 鴻門宴|鸿门宴; an elaborate deception to