medicine; drug; substance used for a specific purpose (e.g. poisoning, explosion, fermenting); to poison

leaf of the iris; variant of 藥|药

strokes 9
strokes after radical 6
阿仙药 阿仙藥 a1 xian1 yao4
gambier extract (from Uncaria gambir), used in TCM

安眠药 安眠藥 an1 mian2 yao4
sleeping pill

熬药 熬藥 ao2 yao4
to decoct medicinal herbs

八宝眼药 八寶眼藥 ba1 bao3 yan3 yao4
eight-jewel eye ointment (TCM)

北京中医药大学 北京中醫藥大學 bei3 jing1 zhong1 yi1 yao4 da4 xue2
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine

避孕药 避孕藥 bi4 yun4 yao4
oral contraceptive

补药 補藥 bu3 yao4

不可救药 不可救藥 bu4 ke3 jiu4 yao4
incurable; incorrigible; beyond cure; hopeless

草药 草藥 cao3 yao4
herbal medicine

成药 成藥 cheng2 yao4
patent medicine; medicine already made up

吃错药 吃錯藥 chi1 cuo4 yao4
(lit.) to have taken the wrong medicine; (fig.) (of one's behavior etc) different than usual; abnormal

吃后悔药 吃後悔藥 chi1 hou4 hui3 yao4
(fig.) to regret (doing sth)

吃枪药 吃槍藥 chi1 qiang1 yao4
(lit.) to have swallowed gunpowder; (fig.) to be ablaze with anger; ornery; snappy

吃药 吃藥 chi1 yao4
to take medicine

传统医药 傳統醫藥 chuan2 tong3 yi1 yao4
Chinese traditional medicine

传统中国医药 傳統中國醫藥 chuan2 tong3 zhong1 guo2 yi1 yao4
Chinese traditional medicine

春药 春藥 chun1 yao4

催眠药 催眠藥 cui1 mian2 yao4
soporific drug

单味药 單味藥 dan1 wei4 yao4
medicine made from a single herb; drug made from a single substance

弹药 彈藥 dan4 yao4

弹药补给站 彈藥補給站 dan4 yao4 bu3 ji3 zhan4
ammunition depot

弹药库 彈藥庫 dan4 yao4 ku4
ammunition dump

跌打药 跌打藥 die1 da3 yao4

毒药 毒藥 du2 yao4

对症发药 對症發藥 dui4 zheng4 fa1 yao4
lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illness (idiom); fig. to study a problem to find the right way to solve it; to take appropriate steps

对症下药 對症下藥 dui4 zheng4 xia4 yao4
lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illness (idiom); fig. to study a problem to find the right way to solve it; to take appropriate steps

非处方药 非處方藥 fei1 chu3 fang1 yao4
over-the-counter drug

敷汤药 敷湯藥 fu1 tang1 yao4
(coll.) to pay compensation for medical expenses

服药 服藥 fu2 yao4
to take medicine

服药过量 服藥過量 fu2 yao4 guo4 liang4
overdose of drugs

感冒药 感冒藥 gan3 mao4 yao4
medicine for colds

高能烈性炸药 高能烈性炸藥 gao1 neng2 lie4 xing4 zha4 yao4
high explosive

膏药 膏藥 gao1 yao5
herbal plaster applied to a wound

膏药旗 膏藥旗 gao1 yao5 qi2
Japanese flag (derog.)

狗皮膏药 狗皮膏藥 gou3 pi2 gao1 yao5
dogskin plaster, used in TCM for treating contusions, rheumatism etc; quack medicine; sham goods

孤儿药 孤兒藥 gu1 er2 yao4
orphan drug

广东药学院 廣東藥學院 guang3 dong1 yao4 xue2 yuan4
Guangdong Pharmaceutical University

广州中医药大学 廣州中醫藥大學 guang3 zhou1 zhong1 yi1 yao4 da4 xue2
Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

国家食品药品监督管理局 國家食品藥品監督管理局 guo2 jia1 shi2 pin3 yao4 pin3 jian1 du1 guan3 li3 ju2
State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA)

嗨药 嗨藥 hai1 yao4
(slang) to take drugs; recreational drug

葫芦里卖的是什么药 葫蘆裡賣的是什麼藥 hu2 lu5 li3 mai4 de5 shi4 shen2 me5 yao4
what has (he) got up (his) sleeve?; what's going on?

花药 花藥 hua1 yao4
anther (pollen sack on stamen)

化学弹药 化學彈藥 hua4 xue2 dan4 yao4
chemical ammunition

换汤不换药 換湯不換藥 huan4 tang1 bu4 huan4 yao4
different broth but the same old medicine (idiom); a change in name only; a change in form but not in substance

黄色炸药 黃色炸藥 huang2 se4 zha4 yao4
trinitrotoluene (TNT), C6H2(NO2)3CH3

火药 火藥 huo3 yao4

火药味甚浓 火藥味甚濃 huo3 yao4 wei4 shen4 nong2
strong smell of gunpowder; fig. tense situation; standoff

假药 假藥 jia3 yao4
fake drugs

降血压药 降血壓藥 jiang4 xue4 ya1 yao4
antihypertensive drug

交叉耐药性 交叉耐藥性 jiao1 cha1 nai4 yao4 xing4

解毒药 解毒藥 jie3 du2 yao4
an antidote

解酸药 解酸藥 jie3 suan1 yao4
to relieve acidity; anti-acid

解药 解藥 jie3 yao4

禁药 禁藥 jin4 yao4
drugs ban (e.g. for athletes)

精神药物 精神藥物 jing1 shen2 yao4 wu4
psychotropic drugs

酒药 酒藥 jiu3 yao4
brewer's yeast; yeast for fermenting rice wine

局麻药 侷麻藥 ju2 ma2 yao4
local anesthetic

开药 開藥 kai1 yao4
to prescribe medicine

抗病毒药 抗病毒藥 kang4 bing4 du2 yao4

抗菌药 抗菌藥 kang4 jun1 yao4

抗药 抗藥 kang4 yao4
drug-resistance (of a pathogen)

抗药能力 抗藥能力 kang4 yao4 neng2 li4
drug-resistance (of a pathogen)

抗药性 抗藥性 kang4 yao4 xing4
drug resistance (medicine)

抗抑郁药 抗抑鬱藥 kang4 yi4 yu4 yao4

抗忧郁药 抗憂鬱藥 kang4 you1 yu4 yao4

抗组胺药 抗組胺藥 kang4 zu3 an4 yao4

嗑药 嗑藥 ke4 yao4
to take (illegal) drugs

李百药 李百藥 li3 bai3 yao4
Li Baiyao (565-648), Tang dynasty writer and historian, compiler of History of Qi of the Northern dynasties 北齊書|北齐书

良药 良藥 liang2 yao4
good medicine; panacea; fig. a good solution; a good remedy (e.g. to a social problem)

良药苦口 良藥苦口 liang2 yao4 ku3 kou3
good medicine tastes bitter (idiom); fig. frank criticism is hard to swallow

灵丹妙药 靈丹妙藥 ling2 dan1 miao4 yao4
effective cure, miracle medicine (idiom); fig. wonder-cure for all problems; panacea; elixir

灵药 靈藥 ling2 yao4
legendary magic potion of immortals; panacea; fig. wonder solution to a problem

令药 令藥 ling4 yao4
seasonal medication

麻药 麻藥 ma2 yao4

麻醉药 麻醉藥 ma2 zui4 yao4
anesthetic; narcotic; chloroform

麻醉药品 麻醉藥品 ma2 zui4 yao4 pin3

蒙药 蒙藥 meng1 yao4
anesthetic; knockout drops

迷幻药 迷幻藥 mi2 huan4 yao4
hallucinogen; dimethyltryptamine (DMT); psychedelic

迷药 迷藥 mi2 yao4
knockout drops; incapacitating agent; Mickey Finn

棉药签 棉藥籤 mian2 yao4 qian1
medical swab

灭鼠药 滅鼠藥 mie4 shu3 yao4
rat poison

末药 末藥 mo4 yao4
myrrh (Commiphora myrrha); also written 沒藥|没药

没药 沒藥 mo4 yao4
myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)

耐药性 耐藥性 nai4 yao4 xing4
drug resistance; drug tolerance (medicine)

拟阿拖品药物 擬阿拖品藥物 ni3 a1 tuo1 pin3 yao4 wu4
atropinemimetic drug

农药 農藥 nong2 yao4
agricultural chemical; farm chemical; pesticide

配药 配藥 pei4 yao4
to dispense (drugs); to prescribe

祛痰药 祛痰藥 qu1 tan2 yao4
medicine to dispel phlegm (TCM)

入药 入藥 ru4 yao4
to use in medicine

杀虫药 殺蟲藥 sha1 chong2 yao4

杀蠹药 殺蠹藥 sha1 du4 yao4

杀鼠药 殺鼠藥 sha1 shu3 yao4
rat poison

山药 山藥 shan1 yao5
Dioscorea opposita; yam

山药蛋 山藥蛋 shan1 yao5 dan4
(dialect) potato; rube; yokel

芍药 芍藥 shao2 yao4
Chinese peony (Paeonia lactiflora); common herbaceous peony; peony used in TCM

生技医药 生技醫藥 sheng1 ji4 yi1 yao4
biopharmaceutical; drug produced by biotechnology

生物弹药 生物彈藥 sheng1 wu4 dan4 yao4
biological ammunition

生药 生藥 sheng1 yao4
unprocessed medicinal herb

圣药 聖藥 sheng4 yao4

食品药品监督管理局 食品藥品監督管理局 shi2 pin3 yao4 pin3 jian1 du1 guan3 li3 ju2
(China) Food and Drug Administration

食品药品监督局 食品藥品監督局 shi2 pin3 yao4 pin3 jian1 du1 ju2
state food and drug administration (SDA)

食物及药品管理局 食物及藥品管理局 shi2 wu4 ji2 yao4 pin3 guan3 li3 ju2
US Food and Drug Administration authority (FDA)

是药三分毒 是藥三分毒 shi4 yao4 san1 fen1 du2
every medicine has its side effect

试药族 試藥族 shi4 yao4 zu2
people who participate in clinical trials

兽药 獸藥 shou4 yao4
veterinary medicine

鼠药 鼠藥 shu3 yao4
rat poison

司药 司藥 si1 yao4

塑胶炸药 塑膠炸藥 su4 jiao1 zha4 yao4
plastic explosive

汤药 湯藥 tang1 yao4
tisane; decoction (Chinese medicine)

调药刀 調藥刀 tiao2 yao4 dao1

退烧药 退燒藥 tui4 shao1 yao4
antipyretic (drug to reduce fever, such as sulfanilamide)

违禁药品 違禁藥品 wei2 jin4 yao4 pin3
illegal medicines

无可救药 無可救藥 wu2 ke3 jiu4 yao4
lit. no antidote is possible (idiom); incurable; incorrigible; beyond redemption

无农药 無農藥 wu2 nong2 yao4
without agricultural fertilizer (i.e. organic farming)

无药可救 無藥可救 wu2 yao4 ke3 jiu4
see 無可救藥|无可救药

西药 西藥 xi1 yao4
Western medicine

下药 下藥 xia4 yao4
to prescribe medicine; to poison; to slip a drug (into sb's drink etc)

仙药 仙藥 xian1 yao4
legendary magic potion of immortals; panacea; fig. wonder solution to a problem

消炎药 消炎藥 xiao1 yan2 yao4
anti-inflammatory medicine

泻药 瀉藥 xie4 yao4

眼药 眼藥 yan3 yao4
eye drops; eye ointment

眼药水 眼藥水 yan3 yao4 shui3
eye drops; eye lotion

药补 藥補 yao4 bu3
medicinal dietary supplement that helps build up one's health

药补不如食补 藥補不如食補 yao4 bu3 bu4 ru2 shi2 bu3
the benefits of medicine are not as great as those of good nutrition

药材 藥材 yao4 cai2
drug ingredients

药草 藥草 yao4 cao3
medicinal herb

药典 藥典 yao4 dian3

药店 藥店 yao4 dian4

药方 藥方 yao4 fang1

药方儿 藥方兒 yao4 fang1 er5
erhua variant of 藥方|药方

药房 藥房 yao4 fang2
pharmacy; drugstore

药膏 藥膏 yao4 gao1

药罐 藥罐 yao4 guan4
pot for decocting herbal medicine

药剂 藥劑 yao4 ji4
medicine; medicament; drug; chemical compound

药剂师 藥劑師 yao4 ji4 shi1
drugstore; chemist; pharmacist

药剂士 藥劑士 yao4 ji4 shi4
druggist; pharmacist

药监局 藥監局 yao4 jian1 ju2
State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA); abbr. for 國家食品藥品監督管理局|国家食品药品监督管理局

药检 藥檢 yao4 jian3
drugs test (e.g. on athletes)

药局 藥局 yao4 ju2
pharmacy; dispensary

药理学 藥理學 yao4 li3 xue2

药疗 藥療 yao4 liao2
to treat with medicine

药流 藥流 yao4 liu2
medical abortion

药棉 藥棉 yao4 mian2
sterilized cotton (used for medical swabs)

药苗 藥苗 yao4 miao2

药片 藥片 yao4 pian4
a (medicine) pill or tablet

药品 藥品 yao4 pin3
medicaments; medicine; drug

药瓶 藥瓶 yao4 ping2
medicine bottle

药签 藥籤 yao4 qian1
medical swab

药膳 藥膳 yao4 shan4
medicinal cuisine

药商 藥商 yao4 shang1

药师佛 藥師佛 yao4 shi1 fo2
Medicine Buddha (Sanskrit: Bhaisajyaguru)

药师经 藥師經 yao4 shi1 jing1
Healing sutra; Bhaisajyaguru sutra

药师如来 藥師如來 yao4 shi1 ru2 lai2
Medicine Buddha (Sanskrit: Bhaisajyaguru)

药食同源 藥食同源 yao4 shi2 tong2 yuan2
lit. food and medicine come from the same source (idiom); fig. there is no clear-cut distinction between food and medicine

药水 藥水 yao4 shui3
Yaksu in North Korea, near the border with Liaoning and Jiling province

药水 藥水 yao4 shui3
medicine in liquid form; bottled medicine; lotion

药水儿 藥水兒 yao4 shui3 er5
erhua variant of 藥水|药水

药丸 藥丸 yao4 wan2

药物 藥物 yao4 wu4
medicaments; pharmaceuticals; medication; medicine; drug

药物学 藥物學 yao4 wu4 xue2

药物学家 藥物學家 yao4 wu4 xue2 jia1

药学 藥學 yao4 xue2

药用 藥用 yao4 yong4
medicinal use; pharmaceutical

药用价值 藥用價值 yao4 yong4 jia4 zhi2
medicinal value

药渣 藥渣 yao4 zha4
dregs of a decoction

医药 醫藥 yi1 yao4
medical care and medicines; medicine (drug); medical; pharmaceutical

医药分离 醫藥分離 yi1 yao4 fen1 li2
separating medical consultation from dispensing drugs, proposed policy to counteract perceived PRC problem of "drugs serving to nourish doctors" 以藥養醫|以药养医

医药商店 醫藥商店 yi1 yao4 shang1 dian4
chemist; druggist; pharmacy

医药学 醫藥學 yi1 yao4 xue2
medical science

以药养医 以藥養醫 yi3 yao4 yang3 yi1
"drugs serving to nourish doctors", perceived problem in PRC medical practice

有药瘾者 有藥癮者 you3 yao4 yin3 zhe3

原子爆破弹药 原子爆破彈藥 yuan2 zi3 bao4 po4 dan4 yao4
atomic demolition munition

炸药 炸藥 zha4 yao4
explosive (material)

镇定药 鎮定藥 zhen4 ding4 yao4
sedative drug

镇静药 鎮靜藥 zhen4 jing4 yao4

镇痛药 鎮痛藥 zhen4 tong4 yao4

止痛药 止痛藥 zhi3 tong4 yao4
painkiller; analgesic; anodyne

制药 制藥 zhi4 yao4
to manufacture medicine

制药厂 製藥廠 zhi4 yao4 chang3
pharmaceutical company; drugs manufacturing factory

制药企业 製藥企業 zhi4 yao4 qi3 ye4
pharmaceutical company

制药业 制藥業 zhi4 yao4 ye4
pharmaceutical industry

中草药 中草藥 zhong1 cao3 yao4
Chinese herbal medicine

中成药 中成藥 zhong1 cheng2 yao4
prepared prescription (Chinese medicine)

中药 中藥 zhong1 yao4
(traditional) Chinese medicine

抓药 抓藥 zhua1 yao4
to make up a prescription (of herbal medicine)

专利药品 專利藥品 zhuan1 li4 yao4 pin3
patent drugs

坐药 坐藥 zuo4 yao4