to leave out; to be missing; to leave behind or forget to bring; to lag or fall behind
see 落枕 and 落炕
to fall or drop; (of the sun) to set; (of a tide) to go out; to lower; to decline or sink; to lag or fall behind; to fall onto; to rest with; to get or receive; to write down; whereabouts; settlement
lit. the falling flowers are yearning for love, but the heartless brook ripples on (idiom); fig. one side is willing, yet the other one remains indifferent (usually of unrequited love)
落基山落基山luo4 ji1 shan1
Rocky Mountains in West US and Canada
落脚落腳luo4 jiao3
to stay for a time; to stop over; to lodge; to sink down (into soft ground); leftovers
落藉落藉luo4 jie4
to stay; to reside (old)
落井下石落井下石luo4 jing3 xia4 shi2
to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down
落空落空luo4 kong1
to fail; to fall through; to come to nothing
落空落空luo4 kong4
to omit; to neglect
落款落款luo4 kuan3
inscription with name, date, or short sentence, on a painting, gift, letter etc
落泪落淚luo4 lei4
to shed tears; to weep
落落大方落落大方luo4 luo4 da4 fang1
(of one's conduct, speech etc) natural and unrestrained
落落寡合落落寡合luo4 luo4 gua3 he2
aloof; standoffish; unsociable
落落寡欢落落寡歡luo4 luo4 gua3 huan1
melancholy; unhappy
落落寡交落落寡交luo4 luo4 gua3 jiao1
aloof and as a result friendless (idiom)
落落难合落落難合luo4 luo4 nan2 he2
a loner; someone who does not easily get along with others
落马落馬luo4 ma3
(lit.) to fall from a horse; (fig.) to suffer a setback; to come a cropper; to be sacked (e.g. for corruption)
落马洲落馬洲luo4 ma3 zhou1
Lok Ma Chau (place in Hong Kong)
落莫落莫luo4 mo4
variant of 落寞
落漠落漠luo4 mo4
variant of 落寞
落寞落寞luo4 mo4
lonely; desolate
落幕落幕luo4 mu4
the curtain drops; the end of the show
落难落難luo4 nan4
to meet with misfortune; to fall into dire straits
落跑落跑luo4 pao3
to run away; to escape
落魄落魄luo4 po4
down and out; in dire straits; unrestrained; unconventional; also pr.
落漆落漆luo4 qi1
see 掉漆
落日落日luo4 ri4
setting sun
落入落入luo4 ru4
to fall into
落入法网落入法網luo4 ru4 fa3 wang3
to fall into the net of justice (idiom); finally arrested
落腮胡子落腮鬍子luo4 sai1 hu2 zi5
variant of 絡腮鬍子|络腮胡子
落石落石luo4 shi2
falling stone
落实落實luo4 shi2
practical; workable; to implement; to carry out; to decide
落水落水luo4 shui3
to fall into water; to sink; overboard; fig. to degenerate; to sink (into depravity); to go to the dogs
落水狗上岸落水狗上岸luo4 shui3 gou3 shang4 an4
like a dog who fell in the river and climbs out—shaking all over
落水管落水管luo4 shui3 guan3
drainpipe; water spout
落俗落俗luo4 su2
to show poor taste
落汤鸡落湯雞luo4 tang1 ji1
a person who looks drenched and bedraggled; like a drowned rat; deep distress
落托落托luo4 tuo1
down and out; in dire straits; unrestrained; unconventional
落拓落拓luo4 tuo4
down and out; in dire straits; unrestrained; unconventional
落网落網luo4 wang3
(of a bird, fish etc) to be caught in a net; (of a tennis ball) to hit the net; (of a criminal) to be captured
落伍落伍luo4 wu3
to fall behind the ranks; to be outdated
落下落下luo4 xia4
to fall; to drop; to land (of projectile)
落选落選luo4 xuan3
to fail to be chosen (or elected); to lose an election
落叶落葉luo4 ye4
dead leaves; to lose leaves (of plants); deciduous
落叶层落葉層luo4 ye4 ceng2
leaf litter
落叶归根落葉歸根luo4 ye4 gui1 gen1
Getting Home, 2007 PRC comedy-drama film directed by 張揚|张扬, starring 趙本山|赵本山
落叶归根落葉歸根luo4 ye4 gui1 gen1
lit. a falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom); fig. all things go back to their source eventually; in old age, an expatriate returns home
落叶剂落葉劑luo4 ye4 ji4
落叶乔木落葉喬木luo4 ye4 qiao2 mu4
deciduous tree
落叶松落葉松luo4 ye4 song1
larch tree (Pinus larix); deciduous pine tree
落叶植物落葉植物luo4 ye4 zhi2 wu4
deciduous plant; deciduous vegetation
落于下风落於下風luo4 yu2 xia4 feng1
to be at a disadvantage
落葬落葬luo4 zang4
to bury the dead
落栈落棧luo4 zhan4
to make a rest stop at a hotel; to put sth into storage
fig. a tree may grow a thousand zhang high, but its leaves return to their roots (proverb); fig. everything has its ancestral home; in old age, an expatriate returns home
衰落衰落shuai1 luo4
to fall; to drop; to decline; to deteriorate; to go downhill
水落归槽水落歸槽shui3 luo4 gui1 cao2
spilt water returns to the trough (idiom); fig. people remember where they belong
水落石出水落石出shui3 luo4 shi2 chu1
as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom); the truth comes to light