to bury (the dead); to inter

old variant of 葬

strokes 12
strokes after radical 9
安葬 安葬 an1 zang4
to bury (the dead)

殡葬 殯葬 bin4 zang4
funeral and interment

薄养厚葬 薄養厚葬 bo2 yang3 hou4 zang4
to neglect one's parents but give them a rich funeral; hypocrisy in arranging a lavish funeral after treating one's parents meanly

古墓葬群 古墓葬群 gu3 mu4 zang4 qun2
(archeology) burial complex

国葬 國葬 guo2 zang4
state funeral

合葬 合葬 he2 zang4
to bury husband and wife together; joint interment

厚养薄葬 厚養薄葬 hou4 yang3 bo2 zang4
generous care but a thrifty funeral; to look after one's parents generously, but not waste money on a lavish funeral

火葬 火葬 huo3 zang4
to cremate

火葬场 火葬場 huo3 zang4 chang3

落葬 落葬 luo4 zang4
to bury the dead

埋葬 埋葬 mai2 zang4
to bury

墓葬 墓葬 mu4 zang4
(archeology) grave; tomb

墓葬区 墓葬區 mu4 zang4 qu1
burial area

墓葬群 墓葬群 mu4 zang4 qun2
burial complex (archaeology)

陪葬 陪葬 pei2 zang4
to be buried with or next to dead person (of deceased's partner, or of funerary objects)

陪葬品 陪葬品 pei2 zang4 pin3
funerary objects (items buried together with the dead)

丧葬 喪葬 sang1 zang4
funeral; burial

丧葬费 喪葬費 sang1 zang4 fei4
funeral expenses

树葬 樹葬 shu4 zang4
burial of cremated remains at the foot of a tree

死无葬身之地 死無葬身之地 si3 wu2 zang4 shen1 zhi1 di4
to die without a burial site; to die a pauper; a tragic end

送葬 送葬 song4 zang4
to participate in funeral procession; to attend a burial

随葬品 隨葬品 sui2 zang4 pin3
burial goods; burial gifts

天葬 天葬 tian1 zang4
sky burial (Tibetan funeral practice)

土葬 土葬 tu3 zang4
burial (in earth)

瓮棺葬 甕棺葬 weng4 guan1 zang4
urn burial

下葬 下葬 xia4 zang4
to bury; to inter

殉葬 殉葬 xun4 zang4
to bury sth along with the dead; sacrificial grave goods

葬礼 葬禮 zang4 li3
burial; funeral

葬埋 葬埋 zang4 mai2
to bury

葬身 葬身 zang4 shen1
to bury a corpse; to be buried

葬式 葬式 zang4 shi4

葬送 葬送 zang4 song4
to hold a funeral procession and burial; to give sb a final send-off; (fig.) to ruin (one's future prospects etc)

葬仪 葬儀 zang4 yi2
funeral; obsequies

葬玉埋香 葬玉埋香 zang4 yu4 mai2 xiang1
lit. burying jade and interring incense (idiom); funeral for a beautiful person