Harqin Left Mongol autonomous county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning
开蒙開蒙kai1 meng2
(old) (of a child) to begin schooling
克莱蒙特克萊懞特ke4 lai2 meng2 te4
Clermont (French town)
坑蒙坑蒙keng1 meng1
to swindle
坑蒙拐骗坑蒙拐騙keng1 meng1 guai3 pian4
to swindle; to cheat
雷蒙德雷蒙德lei2 meng2 de2
Raymond (name)
里奇蒙里奇蒙li3 qi2 meng2
Richmond (place name or surname)
凌蒙初凌蒙初ling2 meng2 chu1
Ling Mengchu (1580-1644), Ming dynasty novelist and dramatist; also written 凌濛初
凌蒙初凌濛初ling2 meng2 chu1
Ling Mengchu (1580-1644), Ming dynasty novelist and dramatist; also written 凌蒙初
罗蒙诺索夫羅蒙諾索夫luo2 meng2 nuo4 suo3 fu1
Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765), Russian polymath and writer
吕蒙呂蒙lv3 meng2
Lü Meng (178-219), general of the southern state of Wu
麦德蒙麥德蒙mai4 de2 meng2
McDermott (name)
蒙蒙黑矇矇黑meng1 meng1 hei1
蒙蒙亮矇矇亮meng1 meng1 liang4
dawn; the first glimmer of light
蒙骗矇騙meng1 pian4
to hoodwink; to deceive; to dupe sb
蒙骗蒙騙meng1 pian4
variant of 矇騙|蒙骗
蒙松雨矇松雨meng1 song1 yu3
drizzle; fine rain
蒙头转向矇頭轉向meng1 tou2 zhuan3 xiang4
to lose one's bearings; utterly confused
蒙药蒙藥meng1 yao4
anesthetic; knockout drops
蒙巴顿蒙巴頓meng2 ba1 dun4
Mountbatten (name, Anglicization of German Battenberg); Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (1900-1979), British commander in Southeast Asia during WWII, presided over the partition of India in 1947, murdered by the IRA.
蒙巴萨蒙巴薩meng2 ba1 sa4
Mombasa (city in Kenya)
蒙彼利埃蒙彼利埃meng2 bi3 li4 ai1
Montpellier (French town)
蒙蔽蒙蔽meng2 bi4
to deceive; to hoodwink
蒙城蒙城meng2 cheng2
Mengcheng county in Bozhou 亳州, Anhui
蒙城县蒙城縣meng2 cheng2 xian4
Mengcheng county in Bozhou 亳州, Anhui
蒙大拿蒙大拿meng2 da4 na2
Montana, US state
蒙大拿州蒙大拿州meng2 da4 na2 zhou1
Montana, US state
蒙代尔蒙代爾meng2 dai4 er3
Walter Mondale (1928-), US democratic politician, US vice-president 1977-1981 and ambassador to Japan 1993-1996
蒙得维的亚蒙得維的亞meng2 de2 wei2 di4 ya4
Montevideo, capital of Uruguay
蒙地卡罗蒙地卡羅meng2 di4 ka3 luo2
Monte-Carlo (Monaco) (Tw)
蒙恩蒙恩meng2 en1
to receive favor
蒙覆蒙覆meng2 fu4
to cover
蒙哥马利蒙哥馬利meng2 ge1 ma3 li4
Bernard Montgomery (Montie) (1887-1976), Second World War British field marshal; Montgomery or Montgomerie (surname)
蒙古百灵蒙古百靈meng2 gu3 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) Mongolian lark (Melanocorypha mongolica)
蒙古沙雀蒙古沙雀meng2 gu3 sha1 que4
(bird species of China) Mongolian finch (Bucanetes mongolicus)
蒙馆蒙館meng2 guan3
primary school
蒙哄蒙哄meng2 hong3
to deceive; to cheat
蒙混矇混meng2 hun4
to deceive; to hoodwink; Taiwan pr.
蒙混过关矇混過關meng2 hun4 guo4 guan1
to get away with it; to slip through; to bluff one's way out; Taiwan pr.
(bird species of China) Naung Mung scimitar babbler (Jabouilleia naungmungensis)
内蒙內蒙nei4 meng3
Inner Mongolia or Inner Mongolia autonomous region 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区
内蒙古內蒙古nei4 meng3 gu3
Inner Mongolia; abbr. for 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区, Inner Mongolia autonomous region
内蒙古大学內蒙古大學nei4 meng3 gu3 da4 xue2
Inner Mongolia University
内蒙古自治区內蒙古自治區nei4 meng3 gu3 zi4 zhi4 qu1
Inner Mongolia autonomous region, abbr. 內蒙古|内蒙古, capital Hohhot 呼和浩特市
派拉蒙影业派拉蒙影業pai4 la1 meng2 ying3 ye4
Paramount Pictures (US movie company)
欺蒙欺矇qi1 meng2
to deceive; to dupe
启蒙啟矇qi3 meng2
variant of 啟蒙|启蒙; to instruct the young
启蒙啟蒙qi3 meng2
to instruct the young; to initiate; to awake sb from ignorance; to free sb from prejudice or superstition; primer; enlightened; the Enlightenment; Western learning from the late Qing dynasty
Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德, Hebei
瞈蒙瞈矇weng3 meng2
blurred vision
吴下阿蒙吳下阿蒙wu2 xia4 a1 meng2
General Lü Meng 呂蒙|吕蒙 of the southern state of Wu (idiom); model of self-improvement by diligent study (from unlettered soldier to top strategist of Wu)
雾蒙蒙霧蒙蒙wu4 meng2 meng2
foggy; misty; hazy
西格蒙德西格蒙德xi1 ge2 meng1 de2
Sigmund (name)
希蒙·佩雷斯希蒙·佩雷斯xi1 meng3 - pei4 lei2 si1
Shimon Peres, ninth president of Israel
西蒙·舒斯特西蒙·舒斯特xi1 meng3 - shu1 si1 te4
Simon and Schuster, US publisher
易蒙停易蒙停yi4 meng2 ting2
Imodium (drug brand name); loperamide (used to treat diarrhea)