lower form of animal life, including insects, insect larvae, worms and similar creatures; person with a particular undesirable characteristic

strokes 6
strokes after radical 0
阿米巴原虫 阿米巴原蟲 a1 mi3 ba1 yuan2 chong2
amoeba; ameba

巴贝西亚原虫病 巴貝西亞原蟲病 ba1 bei4 xi1 ya4 yuan2 chong2 bing4

白蜡虫 白蠟蟲 bai2 la4 chong2
Chinese white wax bug (Ericerus pela)

百足之虫死而不僵 百足之蟲死而不僵 bai3 zu2 zhi1 chong2 si3 er2 bu4 jiang1
a centipede dies but never falls down; old institutions die hard

鼻涕虫 鼻涕蟲 bi2 ti4 chong2
a slug; sb with a runny nose

鞭虫 鞭蟲 bian1 chong2

扁虫 扁蟲 bian3 chong2

扁锹形虫 扁鍬形蟲 bian3 qiao1 xing2 chong2
giant stag beetle (Dorcus titanus)

变形虫 變形蟲 bian4 xing2 chong2

标本虫 標本蟲 biao1 ben3 chong2
spider beetle

病虫 病蟲 bing4 chong2
plant diseases and insect pests

病虫害 病蟲害 bing4 chong2 hai4
plant diseases and insect pests

病虫害绿色防控 病蟲害綠色防控 bing4 chong2 hai4 lv4 se4 fang2 kong4
green pest prevention and control; environmentally friendly methods of pest control and prevention

捕虫叶 捕蟲葉 bu3 chong2 ye4
insect-catching leaf

步行虫 步行蟲 bu4 xing2 chong2
ground beetle

长虫 長蟲 chang2 chong5
(coll.) snake

潮虫 潮蟲 chao2 chong2
woodlouse (suborder Oniscidea within the order Isopoda); a.k.a. roly-poly, pill bug, sow bug etc

成虫 成蟲 cheng2 chong2
imago (adult, sexually mature insect, the final stage of its development)

虫白蜡 蟲白蠟 chong2 bai2 la4
white wax from Chinese white wax bug (Ericerus pela)

虫草 蟲草 chong2 cao3
see 冬蟲夏草|冬虫夏草

虫洞 蟲洞 chong2 dong4
worm-hole (in cosmology and science fiction)

虫儿 蟲兒 chong2 er5
see 蟲子|虫子

虫害 蟲害 chong2 hai4
insect pest; damage from insects

虫蜡 蟲蠟 chong2 la4
white wax from Chinese white wax bug (Ericerus pela)

虫类 蟲類 chong2 lei4

虫媒病毒 蟲媒病毒 chong2 mei2 bing4 du2

虫鸟叫声 蟲鳥叫聲 chong2 niao3 jiao4 sheng1

虫牙 蟲牙 chong2 ya2
caries; rotten tooth (colloquial); see also 齲齒|龋齿

虫灾 蟲災 chong2 zai1
insect damage; destruction of crops by pest insects

虫豸 蟲豸 chong2 zhi4
small bug; base person (used as a curse word)

虫蛀 蟲蛀 chong2 zhu4
damaged by moths or worms

虫子 蟲子 chong2 zi5
insect; bug; worm

虫子牙 蟲子牙 chong2 zi5 ya2
see 蟲牙|虫牙

臭虫 臭蟲 chou4 chong2
bedbug (Cimex lectularius); tick

臭屁虫 臭屁蟲 chou4 pi4 chong2
stink bug

打虫 打蟲 da3 chong2
to swat an insect; to get rid of intestinal parasite with drugs

大虫 大蟲 da4 chong2

滴虫病 滴蟲病 di1 chong2 bing4
trichomoniasis (medicine)

敌百虫 敵百蟲 di2 bai3 chong2
trichlorphon C4H8Cl3PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide; also called dipterex

底栖有孔虫 底棲有孔蟲 di3 qi1 you3 kong3 chong2
benthic foraminifera

雕虫小技 雕蟲小技 diao1 chong2 xiao3 ji4
insignificant talent; skill of no high order; minor accomplishment

雕虫篆刻 雕蟲篆刻 diao1 chong2 zhuan4 ke4
literary trifles; minor skill

冬虫夏草 冬蟲夏草 dong1 chong2 xia4 cao3
caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps sinensis)

毒虫 毒蟲 du2 chong2
poisonous insect (or spider etc); (slang) junkie

蠹虫 蠹蟲 du4 chong2
moth; harmful person; vermin

恶性疟原虫 惡性瘧原蟲 e4 xing4 nve4 yuan2 chong2
plasmodium falciparum (malaria parasite)

放屁虫 放屁蟲 fang4 pi4 chong2
stink bug

放射虫 放射蟲 fang4 she4 chong2
radiolarian (single-celled animal)

飞虫 飛蟲 fei1 chong2
flying insect; winged insect

非洲锥虫病 非洲錐蟲病 fei1 zhou1 zhui1 chong2 bing4
sleeping sickness; African trypanosomiasis

复殖吸虫 複殖吸蟲 fu4 zhi2 xi1 chong2
digenetic trematode worm (i.e. from Order Digenea 複殖目|复殖目)

肝吸虫 肝吸蟲 gan1 xi1 chong2
liver fluke

跟屁虫 跟屁蟲 gen1 pi4 chong2
lit. bum beetle; sb who tags along; shadow; sycophant

跟头虫 跟頭蟲 gen1 tou5 chong2
wriggler; mosquito larva

管圆线虫 管圓線蟲 guan3 yuan2 xian4 chong2
"eel worm", a parasitic worm carrying meningitis

害虫 害蟲 hai4 chong2
injurious insect; pest

害人虫 害人蟲 hai4 ren2 chong2
pest; evildoer

红铃虫 紅鈴蟲 hong2 ling2 chong2
pink bollworm; Pectinophora gassypiella

糊涂虫 糊塗蟲 hu2 tu5 chong2
blunderer; bungler

胡涂虫 胡塗蟲 hu2 tu5 chong2
blunderer; bungler; also written 糊塗蟲|糊涂虫

蝗虫 蝗蟲 huang2 chong2

蛔虫 蛔蟲 hui2 chong2
roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), a human parasite

蛔虫病 蛔蟲病 hui2 chong2 bing4
ascariasis; infectation by parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides

寄生虫 寄生蟲 ji4 sheng1 chong2
parasite; drone

甲虫 甲蟲 jia3 chong2

甲虫车 甲蟲車 jia3 chong2 che1
Volkswagen Beetle

贾第虫 賈第蟲 jia3 di4 chong2
Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite that inhabits the gut

贾第虫病 賈第蟲病 jia3 di4 chong2 bing4
Giardiasis, a form of gastro-enteritis caused by infection of gut by Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite

贾第虫属 賈第蟲屬 jia3 di4 chong2 shu3
Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite that inhabits the gut

甲壳虫类 甲殼蟲類 jia3 ke2 chong2 lei4

甲壳虫 甲殼蟲 jia3 qiao4 chong2
the Beatles (1960s UK pop group)

甲壳虫 甲殼蟲 jia3 qiao4 chong2

精虫 精蟲 jing1 chong2
spermatozoon; spermatozoa

精虫冲脑 精蟲衝腦 jing1 chong2 chong1 nao3
lit. the spermatozoons have gone to his head; fig. overwhelmed by lust

九香虫 九香蟲 jiu3 xiang1 chong2
brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB)

可怜虫 可憐蟲 ke3 lian2 chong2
pitiful creature; wretch

昆虫 昆蟲 kun1 chong2

昆虫学 昆蟲學 kun1 chong2 xue2

蜡虫 蠟蟲 la4 chong2
Chinese white wax bug (Ericerus pela)

懒虫 懶蟲 lan3 chong2
lazy fellow (insult); idle slob

裂体吸虫 裂體吸蟲 lie4 ti3 xi1 chong2
schistosome, parasitic flatworm causing snail fever (bilharzia or schistosomiasis)

马蛔虫 馬蛔蟲 ma3 hui2 chong2
horse roundworm; parascaris equorum

螨虫 蟎蟲 man3 chong2
mite (zoology)

毛虫 毛蟲 mao2 chong2

毛毛虫 毛毛蟲 mao2 mao5 chong2

米虫 米蟲 mi3 chong2
rice weevil; (fig.) sponger; parasite

灭虫宁 滅蟲寧 mie4 chong2 ning4
bephenium, anti-parasitic worm medicine

螟虫 螟蟲 ming2 chong2
boring insect; snout moth's larva (Aphomia gullaris or Plodia interpuncuella or Heliothus armigera etc), major agricultural pest

男虫 男蟲 nan2 chong2
swindler; conman

蛲虫 蟯蟲 nao2 chong2
parasitic worm; human pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)

蛲虫病 蟯蟲病 nao2 chong2 bing4

粘虫 粘蟲 nian2 chong2
army worm (e.g. Mythimna separata or Leucania separata etc, major cereal pests)

鸟虫书 鳥蟲書 niao3 chong2 shu1
bird writing, a calligraphic style based on seal script 篆书, but with characters decorated as birds and insects

疟原虫 瘧原蟲 nve4 yuan2 chong2
plasmodium (malaria parasite)

爬虫 爬蟲 pa2 chong2
reptile (old or common word for 爬行動物|爬行动物)

爬虫动物 爬蟲動物 pa2 chong2 dong4 wu4

爬虫类 爬蟲類 pa2 chong2 lei4
reptiles; also written 爬行類|爬行类

蟠尾丝虫 蟠尾絲蟲 pan2 wei3 si1 chong2
Onchocerca volvulus, the filarial parasite worm causing "river blindness" or onchocerciasis, the second most common cause of blindness in humans

蟠尾丝虫症 蟠尾絲蟲症 pan2 wei3 si1 chong2 zheng4
"river blindness" or onchocerciasis, the second most common cause of blindness in humans, caused by the filarial parasite worm Onchocerca volvulus

瓢虫 瓢蟲 piao2 chong2
ladybug; ladybird

七星瓢虫 七星瓢蟲 qi1 xing1 piao2 chong2
seven-spotted ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata)

千足虫 千足蟲 qian1 zu2 chong2

锹形虫 鍬形蟲 qiao1 xing2 chong2
stag beetle (generic term for the beetles in the family of lucanidae)

茄二十八星瓢虫 茄二十八星瓢蟲 qie2 er4 shi2 ba1 xing1 piao2 chong2
28-spotted ladybird; hadda beetle; Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata

球虫 球蟲 qiu2 chong2
coccidia (biology)

蛆虫 蛆蟲 qu1 chong2

蠕虫 蠕蟲 ru2 chong2

三叶虫 三葉蟲 san1 ye4 chong2

杀虫 殺蟲 sha1 chong2

沙虫 沙蟲 sha1 chong2

杀虫剂 殺蟲劑 sha1 chong2 ji4
insecticide; pesticide

杀虫药 殺蟲藥 sha1 chong2 yao4

食虫目 食蟲目 shi2 chong2 mu4

食虫植物 食蟲植物 shi2 chong2 zhi2 wu4
insectivorous plant

书虫 書蟲 shu1 chong2

睡眠虫 睡眠蟲 shui4 mian2 chong2

丝盘虫 絲盤蟲 si1 pan2 chong2
Trichoplax adhaerens (biology)

绦虫 絛蟲 tao1 chong2

绦虫纲 絛蟲綱 tao1 chong2 gang1
Cestoda (an order of flatworms)

网虫 網蟲 wang3 chong2
Internet addict

蚊虫 蚊蟲 wen2 chong2

涡虫纲 渦蟲綱 wo1 chong2 gang1
Turbellaria (an order of flatworms)

无钩绦虫 無鉤絛蟲 wu2 gou1 tao1 chong2
beef tapeworm

吸虫 吸蟲 xi1 chong2
trematoda; fluke; trematode worm, approx 6000 species, mostly parasite, incl. on humans

吸虫纲 吸蟲綱 xi1 chong2 gang1
Class Trematoda; fluke; trematode worm, a parasite incl. on humans

夏虫不可以语冰 夏蟲不可以語冰 xia4 chong2 bu4 ke3 yi3 yu3 bing1
a summer insect cannot discuss ice (idiom)

线虫 線蟲 xian4 chong2
nematode worm (Caenorhabditis elegans)

小毛虫 小毛蟲 xiao3 mao2 chong2

血吸虫 血吸蟲 xue4 xi1 chong2

血吸虫病 血吸蟲病 xue4 xi1 chong2 bing4

蚜虫 蚜蟲 ya2 chong2
greenfly (Aphis spp.); aphid

胭脂虫 胭脂蟲 yan1 zhi1 chong2
cochineal insect

眼虫 眼蟲 yan3 chong2
Euglena (genus of single-celled plant)

眼虫藻 眼蟲藻 yan3 chong2 zao3
euglena (biology)

恙虫病 恙蟲病 yang4 chong2 bing4
Scrub typhus; Tsutsugamushi disease; Mite-borne typhus fever

益虫 益蟲 yi4 chong2
beneficial insect

淫虫 淫蟲 yin2 chong2
sex maniac

隐翅虫 隱翅蟲 yin3 chi4 chong2
rove beetle

应声虫 應聲蟲 ying1 sheng1 chong2
yes-man; opinionless person

萤火虫 螢火蟲 ying2 huo3 chong2
firefly; glowworm; lightning bug

有钩绦虫 有鉤絛蟲 you3 gou1 tao1 chong2
tapeworm (Taenia solium)

有孔虫 有孔蟲 you3 kong3 chong2

幼虫 幼蟲 you4 chong2

鱼虫 魚蟲 yu2 chong2
water flea (small crustacean of genus Daphnia)

蚖虫 蚖蟲 yuan2 chong2
Protura (soil dwelling primitive hexapod)

糟齿类爬虫 糟齒類爬蟲 zao1 chi3 lei4 pa2 chong2
thecodontia (primitive dinosaur)

蚱虫 蚱蟲 zha4 chong2

蛰虫 蟄蟲 zhe2 chong2
dormant insect

稚虫 稚蟲 zhi4 chong2
naiad; larva; developmental stage of insect

蛀虫 蛀蟲 zhu4 chong2
insect that eats into wood, books, clothes etc; fig. vermin

锥虫病 錐蟲病 zhui1 chong2 bing4
trypanosomiasis; trypanosomosis

钻心虫 鑽心蟲 zuan1 xin1 chong2
boring insect; snout moth's larva (Aphomia gullaris or Plodia interpuncuella or Heliothus armigera etc), major agricultural pest