angle; corner; horn; horn-shaped; unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan

role (theater); to compete; ancient three legged wine vessel; third note of pentatonic scale

surname Jue

strokes 7
strokes after radical 0
八角 八角 ba1 jiao3
anise; star anise; aniseed; octagonal; Fructus Anisi stellati

八角床 八角床 ba1 jiao3 chuang2
traditional-style canopy bed

八角枫 八角楓 ba1 jiao3 feng1

八角茴香 八角茴香 ba1 jiao3 hui2 xiang1
Chinese anise; star anise; Fructus Anisi stellati

八角街 八角街 ba1 jiao3 jie1
Barkhor street, central business area and pilgrim circuit around Jokhang temple in Lhasa, Tibet; same as 八廓街

八角形 八角形 ba1 jiao3 xing2

百慕大三角 百慕大三角 bai3 mu4 da4 san1 jiao3
Bermuda Triangle

保角 保角 bao3 jiao3
(math.) angle-preserving; conformal

保角对应 保角對應 bao3 jiao3 dui4 ying4
(math.) distance-preserving correspondence; conformal map

北角 北角 bei3 jiao3
North Point district of Hong Kong

边角科 邊角科 bian1 jiao3 ke1
leftover bits and pieces (of industrial, material)

边角料 邊角料 bian1 jiao3 liao4
scrap; bits and pieces left over

鬓角 鬢角 bin4 jiao3
temples; hair on the temples

冰山一角 冰山一角 bing1 shan1 yi1 jiao3
tip of the iceberg

补角 補角 bu3 jiao3
supplementary angle

不等边三角形 不等邊三角形 bu4 deng3 bian1 san1 jiao3 xing2
scalene triangle

不规则三角形 不規則三角形 bu4 gui1 ze2 san1 jiao3 xing2
scalene triangle (math.)

长江三角洲 長江三角洲 chang2 jiang1 san1 jiao3 zhou1
Yangtze River Delta

长江三角洲经济区 長江三角洲經濟區 chang2 jiang1 san1 jiao3 zhou1 jing1 ji4 qu1
Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone (economic region including Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu)

长角羊 長角羊 chang2 jiao3 yang2
Tibetan long horned antelope

长三角 長三角 chang2 san1 jiao3
Yangtze River Delta; abbr. for 長江三角洲|长江三角洲

长三角经济区 長三角經濟區 chang2 san1 jiao3 jing1 ji4 qu1
Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone (economic region including Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu)

吃角子老虎 吃角子老虎 chi1 jiao3 zi5 lao3 hu5
slot machine

丑角 丑角 chou3 jue2
clown role in opera; clown; buffoon

初露头角 初露頭角 chu1 lu4 tou2 jiao3
lit. to first show one's horns (idiom); fig. a first show of emerging talent; first sign of emerging talent; budding genius

触角 觸角 chu4 jiao3
antenna; feeler

唇角 唇角 chun2 jiao3
corner of the mouth; labial angle

错角 錯角 cuo4 jiao3
alternate angles (where one line meets two parallel lines)

大角星 大角星 da4 jiao3 xing1
Arcturus (brightest star in the constellation Boötes 牧夫座)

大眼角 大眼角 da4 yan3 jiao3
inner corner of the eye

旦角 旦角 dan4 jue2
dan, female roles in Chinese opera (traditionally played by specialized male actors)

等边三角形 等邊三角形 deng3 bian1 san1 jiao3 xing2
equilateral triangle

等腰三角形 等腰三角形 deng3 yao1 san1 jiao3 xing2
isosceles triangle

地角天涯 地角天涯 di4 jiao3 tian1 ya2
The ends of the earth

顶角 頂角 ding3 jiao3
angle at apex; summit angle; cusp

豆角 豆角 dou4 jiao3
string bean; snap bean; green bean

豆角儿 豆角兒 dou4 jiao3 er5
erhua variant of 豆角

独角鲸 獨角鯨 du2 jiao3 jing1
narwhal (Monodon monoceros)

独角兽 獨角獸 du2 jiao3 shou4

独角戏 獨角戲 du2 jiao3 xi4
monodrama; one-man show; comic talk

对顶角 對頂角 dui4 ding3 jiao3
angle to the vertical; angle (between two lines or two planes)

对角 對角 dui4 jiao3
opposite angle

对角线 對角線 dui4 jiao3 xian4
(geometry) a diagonal

钝角 鈍角 dun4 jiao3
obtuse angle

多角体 多角體 duo1 jiao3 ti3
polyhedron; polytope

多角形 多角形 duo1 jiao3 xing2
polygon; same as 多邊形|多边形

多面角 多面角 duo1 mian4 jiao3
solid angle

额角 額角 e2 jiao3
forehead; temples

反角 反角 fan3 jiao3
reflex angle

反角 反角 fan3 jue2
bad guy (in a story); villain

泛珠江三角 泛珠江三角 fan4 zhu1 jiang1 san1 jiao3
the Pan-Pearl river delta (economic zone including the 5 provinces around Guangzhou and Hong Kong)

泛珠三角 泛珠三角 fan4 zhu1 san1 jiao3
Pan-Pearl River delta; The nine provinces of Southern China around Guangzhou and the Pearl River delta; South China

方位角 方位角 fang1 wei4 jiao3

非洲之角 非洲之角 fei1 zhou1 zhi1 jiao3
Horn of Africa

分角器 分角器 fen1 jiao3 qi4
a protractor (device to divide angles)

凤毛麟角 鳳毛麟角 feng4 mao2 lin2 jiao3
lit. as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns (idiom); fig. few and far between

佛得角 佛得角 fo2 de2 jiao3
Cape Verde

抚远三角洲 撫遠三角洲 fu3 yuan3 san1 jiao3 zhou1
Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilongjiang or Amur river, at mouth of the Ussuri River opposite Khabarovsk; same as Heixiazi Island 黑瞎子島|黑瞎子岛

富贵角 富貴角 fu4 gui4 jiao3
Cape Fukuei, the northernmost point of Taiwan Island

干扁豆角 干扁豆角 gan1 bian3 dou4 jiao3
green beans in sauce, popular Beijing dish

宫商角徵羽 宮商角徵羽 gong1 shang1 jue2 zhi3 yu3
pre-Tang names of the five notes of the pentatonic scale, corresponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la

勾心斗角 勾心鬥角 gou1 xin1 dou4 jiao3
to fight and scheme against each other (idiom); (in palace construction) elaborate and refined

钩心斗角 鉤心鬥角 gou1 xin1 dou4 jiao3
variant of 勾心鬥角|勾心斗角

拐角 拐角 guai3 jiao3
to turn a corner; corner

拐弯抹角 拐彎抹角 guai3 wan1 mo4 jiao3
lit. going round the curves and skirting the corners (idiom); fig. to speak in a roundabout way; to equivocate; to beat about the bush

广角 廣角 guang3 jiao3
wide-angle; panoramic; fig. wide perspective; panorama

广角镜 廣角鏡 guang3 jiao3 jing4
wide-angle lens

广角镜头 廣角鏡頭 guang3 jiao3 jing4 tou2
wide angle camera shot

哈丰角 哈豐角 ha1 feng1 jiao3
Cape Ras Hafun, Somalia, the easternmost point in Africa

海角 海角 hai3 jiao3
cape; promontory

海角天涯 海角天涯 hai3 jiao3 tian1 ya2
see 天涯海角

好望角 好望角 hao3 wang4 jiao3
Cape of Good Hope

号角 號角 hao4 jiao3
bugle horn

黑喉毛角燕 黑喉毛角燕 hei1 hou2 mao2 jiao3 yan4
(bird species of China) Nepal house martin (Delichon nipalense)

黑头角雉 黑頭角雉 hei1 tou2 jiao3 zhi4
(bird species of China) western tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus)

红腹角雉 紅腹角雉 hong2 fu4 jiao3 zhi4
(bird species of China) Temminck's tragopan (Tragopan temminckii)

红角鸮 紅角鴞 hong2 jiao3 xiao1
(bird species of China) oriental scops owl (Otus sunia)

红胸角雉 紅胸角雉 hong2 xiong1 jiao3 zhi4
(bird species of China) satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra)

黄腹角雉 黃腹角雉 huang2 fu4 jiao3 zhi4
(bird species of China) Cabot's tragopan (Tragopan caboti)

黄嘴角鸮 黃嘴角鴞 huang2 zui3 jiao3 xiao1
(bird species of China) mountain scops owl (Otus spilocephalus)

灰腹角雉 灰腹角雉 hui1 fu4 jiao3 zhi4
(bird species of China) Blyth's tragopan (Tragopan blythii)

犄角 犄角 ji1 jiao3

犄角旮旯 犄角旮旯 ji1 jiao3 ga1 la2
corner; nook

极角 極角 ji2 jiao3
polar angle; argument (angle in polar coordinates)

夹角 夾角 jia1 jiao3
angle (between two intersecting lines)

岬角 岬角 jia3 jiao3
cape; headland; promontory

交角 交角 jiao1 jiao3
angle of intersection; angle at which two lines meet

角百灵 角百靈 jiao3 bai3 ling2
(bird species of China) horned lark (Eremophila alpestris)

角标 角標 jiao3 biao1

角尺 角尺 jiao3 chi3
set square (tool to measure right angles)

角蛋白 角蛋白 jiao3 dan4 bai2
keratin (protein forming nails and feathers etc)

角钉 角釘 jiao3 ding1
corner bracket (for securing the corner of a picture frame etc); brad

角动量 角動量 jiao3 dong4 liang4
angular momentum

角斗士 角鬥士 jiao3 dou4 shi4

角度 角度 jiao3 du4
angle; point of view

角分符号 角分符號 jiao3 fen1 fu2 hao4
prime symbol (′) (math., linguistics etc)

角弓 角弓 jiao3 gong1
bow decorated with animal horns

角弓反张 角弓反張 jiao3 gong1 fan3 zhang1
opitoshtonous (med.), muscular spasm of the body associated with tetanus and meningitis

角规 角規 jiao3 gui1
angle gauge; clinograph

角回 角回 jiao3 hui2
angular gyrus (convolution of the brain)

角伎 角伎 jiao3 ji4
high-class prostitute; courtesan

角妓 角妓 jiao3 ji4
high-class prostitute; courtesan

角口 角口 jiao3 kou3
to quarrel

角龙 角龍 jiao3 long2

角楼 角樓 jiao3 lou2
corner (between walls)

角落 角落 jiao3 luo4
nook; corner

角马 角馬 jiao3 ma3
gnu; wildebeest

角门 角門 jiao3 men2
corner gate

角秒符号 角秒符號 jiao3 miao3 fu2 hao4
double prime symbol (″) (math., linguistics etc)

角膜 角膜 jiao3 mo2

角磨机 角磨機 jiao3 mo2 ji1
angle grinder

角膜接触镜 角膜接觸鏡 jiao3 mo2 jie1 chu4 jing4
contact lens

角膜炎 角膜炎 jiao3 mo2 yan2
keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)

角䴙䴘 角鷿鷈 jiao3 pi4 ti1
(bird species of China) horned grebe (Podiceps auritus)

角票 角票 jiao3 piao4
banknote in Jiao units (Mao, one-tenth of yuan)

角频率 角頻率 jiao3 pin2 lv4
angular frequency

角球 角球 jiao3 qiu2
corner kick (in soccer); free strike in hockey

角曲尺 角曲尺 jiao3 qu1 chi3
miter square (tool to measure angles)

角朊 角朊 jiao3 ruan3

角闪石 角閃石 jiao3 shan3 shi2
hornblende (rock-forming mineral, type of amphibole)

角速度 角速度 jiao3 su4 du4
angular velocity

角铁 角鐵 jiao3 tie3
angle iron

角头 角頭 jiao3 tou2
gang leader; mafia boss

角鸮 角鴞 jiao3 xiao1
screech owl (genus Megascops, a.k.a. Otus)

角椅 角椅 jiao3 yi3
chair designed to fit in corner of a room

角砧 角砧 jiao3 zhen1
beck iron (corner of anvil)

角质 角質 jiao3 zhi4
cutin; keratin

角质层 角質層 jiao3 zhi4 ceng2
stratum corneum (outermost layer of the skin)

角质素 角質素 jiao3 zhi4 su4

角柱体 角柱體 jiao3 zhu4 ti3
prism (math.)

角锥 角錐 jiao3 zhui1

角子 角子 jiao3 zi5
one Jiao coin (Mao, one-tenth of yuan)

角嘴海雀 角嘴海雀 jiao3 zui3 hai3 que4
(bird species of China) rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata)

金角湾 金角灣 jin1 jiao3 wan1
Zolotoy Rog or Golden Horn Bay in Vladivostok (famous for its pollution)

金三角 金三角 jin1 san1 jiao3
Golden Triangle (Southeast Asia)

距角 距角 ju4 jiao3
elongation (astronomy)

角抵 角抵 jue2 di3
wrestling; to wrestle

角斗 角鬥 jue2 dou4
to wrestle

角斗场 角鬥場 jue2 dou4 chang3
wrestling ring

角力 角力 jue2 li4
wrestling; a trial of strength

角色 角色 jue2 se4
role; character in a novel; persona; also pr.

角色扮演游戏 角色扮演遊戲 jue2 se4 ban4 yan3 you2 xi4
role-playing game (RPG)

角逐 角逐 jue2 zhu2
to tussle; to contend; to contest

卡纳维尔角 卡納維爾角 ka3 na4 wei2 er3 jiao3
Cape Canaveral, Florida

卡纳维拉尔角 卡納維拉爾角 ka3 na4 wei2 la1 er3 jiao3
Cape Canaveral, Florida, home of Kennedy space center 肯尼迪航天中心

肯尼迪角 肯尼迪角 ken3 ni2 di2 jiao3
Cape Kennedy, name 1963-1973 of Cape Canaveral 卡納維拉爾角|卡纳维拉尔角, Florida

口角 口角 kou3 jiao3
corner of the mouth

口角战 口角戰 kou3 jiao3 zhan4
war of words

口角 口角 kou3 jue2
altercation; wrangle; angry argument

榄角 欖角 lan3 jiao3
black olive (Canarium tramdenum)

棱角 稜角 leng2 jiao3
edge and corner; protrusion; sharpness (of a protrusion); craggy; ridge corner

立体角 立體角 li4 ti3 jiao3
solid angle

量角器 量角器 liang2 jiao3 qi4
protractor; angle gauge

麟角凤觜 麟角鳳觜 lin2 jiao3 feng4 zui3
lit. qilin's horn, phoenix's mouth (idiom); fig. rara avis; rarity

菱角 菱角 ling2 jiao3
water caltrop or water chestnut (genus Trapa)

领角鸮 領角鴞 ling3 jiao3 xiao1
(bird species of China) Japanese scops owl (Otus semitorques)

琉球角鸮 琉球角鴞 liu2 qiu2 jiao3 xiao1
(bird species of China) Ryukyu scops owl (Otus elegans)

六角 六角 liu4 jiao3

六角括号 六角括號 liu4 jiao3 kuo4 hao4
square brackets 〔〕

六角螺帽 六角螺帽 liu4 jiao3 luo2 mao4
hexagonal nut

六角星 六角星 liu4 jiao3 xing1
six-pointed star; hexagram; star of David

六角形 六角形 liu4 jiao3 xing2

鹿角 鹿角 lu4 jiao3
antler; deer horn; abatis

麦角 麥角 mai4 jiao3

湄公河三角洲 湄公河三角洲 mei2 gong1 he2 san1 jiao3 zhou1
Mekong River delta

鸣角鸮 鳴角鴞 ming2 jiao3 xiao1
Screech-owl (genus Megascops, a.k.a. Otus)

名角 名角 ming2 jue2
famous actor

名角儿 名角兒 ming2 jue2 er5
erhua variant of 名角

墨角兰 墨角蘭 mo4 jiao3 lan2
marjoram (Origanum majorana)

南三角座 南三角座 nan2 san1 jiao3 zuo4
Triangulum Australe (constellation)

内六角扳手 內六角扳手 nei4 liu4 jiao3 ban1 shou3
Allen key; hex key

内六角圆柱头螺钉 內六角圓柱頭螺釘 nei4 liu4 jiao3 yuan2 zhu4 tou2 luo2 ding1
hexagon socket head cap screw

内眼角 內眼角 nei4 yan3 jiao3
inner corner of the eye

牛角 牛角 niu2 jiao3
cow horn

牛角包 牛角包 niu2 jiao3 bao1

牛角挂书 牛角掛書 niu2 jiao3 gua4 shu1
lit. to hang one's books on cow horns (idiom); fig. to be diligent in one's studies

牛角椒 牛角椒 niu2 jiao3 jiao1
Cayenne pepper; red pepper; chili

牛角面包 牛角麵包 niu2 jiao3 mian4 bao1

扭角羚 扭角羚 niu3 jiao3 ling2
takin (Budorcas taxicolor); goat-antelope

帕斯卡三角形 帕斯卡三角形 pa4 si1 ka3 san1 jiao3 xing2
Pascal's Triangle (math.)

配角 配角 pei4 jue2
supporting role (in play, film etc); minor role; to play a secondary role (in business etc); to play second fiddle

捧角 捧角 peng3 jue2
to praise an actor; adulation

捧角儿 捧角兒 peng3 jue2 er5
erhua variant of 捧角

偏角 偏角 pian1 jiao3
angle of drift (navigation); deflection (from course); angle of divergence

偏转角 偏轉角 pian1 zhuan3 jiao3
angle of drift (navigation); deflection (from course); angle of divergence

平面角 平面角 ping2 mian4 jiao3
plane angle

普通角闪石 普通角閃石 pu3 tong1 jiao3 shan3 shi2
hornblende (rock-forming mineral, type of amphibole)

七角形 七角形 qi1 jiao3 xing2

前房角 前房角 qian2 fang2 jiao3
anterior chamber (the front chamber of the eye)

墙角 牆角 qiang2 jiao3
corner (junction of two walls)

倾角 傾角 qing1 jiao3
dip; angle of dip (inclination of a geological plane down from horizontal); tilt (inclination of ship from vertical)

缺角 缺角 que1 jiao3
(of a square shape, such as a house plan) to have a corner missing; (fig.) to lack something; missing piece

锐角 銳角 rui4 jiao3
acute angle

三等分角 三等分角 san1 deng3 fen1 jiao3
trisection (math.); trisecting an angle

三貂角 三貂角 san1 diao1 jiao3
Cape San Diego or Santiao, easternmost point of Taiwan Island

三角 三角 san1 jiao3

三角板 三角板 san1 jiao3 ban3
set square; triangle (for drawing right angles)

三角测量法 三角測量法 san1 jiao3 ce4 liang2 fa3
triangulation (surveying)

三角凳 三角凳 san1 jiao3 deng4
three-legged stool

三角法 三角法 san1 jiao3 fa3
trigonometry (math.)

三角腹带 三角腹帶 san1 jiao3 fu4 dai4
athletic supporter

三角关系 三角關係 san1 jiao3 guan1 xi4
triangle relationship; a love triangle

三角函数 三角函數 san1 jiao3 han2 shu4
trigonometric function

三角肌 三角肌 san1 jiao3 ji1
deltoid muscle (over the shoulder)

三角巾 三角巾 san1 jiao3 jin1
sling (for a wounded arm)

三角恐龙 三角恐龍 san1 jiao3 kong3 long2
triceratops (dinosaur)

三角裤 三角褲 san1 jiao3 ku4
briefs; panties

三角裤衩 三角褲衩 san1 jiao3 ku4 cha3
briefs; panties

三角恋爱 三角戀愛 san1 jiao3 lian4 ai4
love triangle

三角龙 三角龍 san1 jiao3 long2

三角铁 三角鐵 san1 jiao3 tie3
triangle (musical instrument); angle iron

三角形 三角形 san1 jiao3 xing2

三角学 三角學 san1 jiao3 xue2

三角债 三角債 san1 jiao3 zhai4
triangular debt

三角洲 三角洲 san1 jiao3 zhou1
delta (geography)

三角柱体 三角柱體 san1 jiao3 zhu4 ti3
triangular prism (math.)

三角锥 三角錐 san1 jiao3 zhui1
triangular pyramid (math.)

三角座 三角座 san1 jiao3 zuo4
Triangulum (constellation)

沙头角 沙頭角 sha1 tou2 jiao3
Sha Tau Kok (town in Hong Kong)

十二角形 十二角形 shi2 er4 jiao3 xing2

十角形 十角形 shi2 jiao3 xing2

视角 視角 shi4 jiao3
viewpoint; angle on sth; perspective

书角 書角 shu1 jiao3
corner of a page

戍角 戍角 shu4 jiao3
garrison trumpet call

摔角 摔角 shuai1 jiao3
to wrestle; wrestling

双角犀 雙角犀 shuang1 jiao3 xi1
two-horned rhinoceros; Dicerorhinini

双角犀鸟 雙角犀鳥 shuang1 jiao3 xi1 niao3
(bird species of China) great hornbill (Buceros bicornis)

死角 死角 si3 jiao3
gap in coverage; gap in protection or defenses; neglected or overlooked area; dead end

四角 四角 si4 jiao3
the four corners (of a rectangle); the eaves that the four corners of a building

四角号码 四角號碼 si4 jiao3 hao4 ma3
four corner code (input method for Chinese characters)

四角裤 四角褲 si4 jiao3 ku4
boxer shorts

四角形 四角形 si4 jiao3 xing2
square; quadrilateral

四角柱体 四角柱體 si4 jiao3 zhu4 ti3
cuboid; rectangular prism (math.)

替角 替角 ti4 jue2
(theater) understudy

替角儿 替角兒 ti4 jue2 er5
erhua variant of 替角

天涯海角 天涯海角 tian1 ya2 hai3 jiao3
Cape Haijiao in Sanya 三亞|三亚, Hainan

天涯海角 天涯海角 tian1 ya2 hai3 jiao3
the ends of the earth; separated worlds apart

田中角荣 田中角榮 tian2 zhong1 jiao3 rong2
Tanaka Kakuei (1918-1993), Japanese politician, prime minister 1972-1974

头角 頭角 tou2 jiao3
youngster's talent; brilliance of youth

头角峥嵘 頭角崢嶸 tou2 jiao3 zheng1 rong2
promise of brilliant young person (idiom); showing extraordinary gifts

挖角 挖角 wa1 jue2
to poach (talent, personnel from competitors); to raid (a competitor for its talent); Taiwan pr.

外错角 外錯角 wai4 cuo4 jiao3
outer alternate angles (where one line meets two parallel lines)

外眼角 外眼角 wai4 yan3 jiao3
outer corner of the eye

弯角 彎角 wan1 jiao3
corner; bend; curve

旺角 旺角 wang4 jiao3
Mong Kok (area in Hong Kong)

维德角 維德角 wei2 de2 jiao3
Cape Verde (Tw)

五角 五角 wu3 jiao3

五角场 五角場 wu3 jiao3 chang3
Wujiaochang neighborhood of Shanghai, adjacent to Fudan University

五角大楼 五角大樓 wu3 jiao3 da4 lou2
the Pentagon

五角星 五角星 wu3 jiao3 xing1

五角形 五角形 wu3 jiao3 xing2

西红角鸮 西紅角鴞 xi1 hong2 jiao3 xiao1
(bird species of China) Eurasian scops owl (Otus scops)

西领角鸮 西領角鴞 xi1 ling3 jiao3 xiao1
(bird species of China) collared scops owl (Otus lettia)

弦切角 弦切角 xian2 qie1 jiao3
chord angle (i.e. angle a chord of a curve makes to the tangent)

相角 相角 xiang4 jiao3
phase angle

小眼角 小眼角 xiao3 yan3 jiao3
outer corner of the eye

斜角 斜角 xie2 jiao3
bevel angle; oblique angle

性别角色 性別角色 xing4 bie2 jue2 se4
gender role

旋转角 旋轉角 xuan2 zhuan3 jiao3
angle of rotation

旋转角速度 旋轉角速度 xuan2 zhuan3 jiao3 su4 du4
rotational angular velocity

眼角 眼角 yan3 jiao3
outer or inner corner of the eye; canthus

眼角膜 眼角膜 yan3 jiao3 mo2

衍射角 衍射角 yan3 she4 jiao3
angle of diffraction (physics)

羊角包 羊角包 yang2 jiao3 bao1

羊角村 羊角村 yang2 jiao3 cun1
Giethoorn (city in the Netherlands)

羊角豆 羊角豆 yang2 jiao3 dou4
okra (Hibiscus esculentus); lady's fingers

羊角疯 羊角瘋 yang2 jiao3 feng1
variant of 羊角風|羊角风

羊角风 羊角風 yang2 jiao3 feng1

羊角面包 羊角麵包 yang2 jiao3 mian4 bao1

羊角芹 羊角芹 yang2 jiao3 qin2
ground-elder (Aegopodium podagraria)

要角 要角 yao4 jiao3
significant role; major figure

衣角 衣角 yi1 jiao3
corner of the lower hem of a jacket etc

一角银币 一角銀幣 yi1 jiao3 yin2 bi4

伊洛瓦底三角洲 伊洛瓦底三角洲 yi1 luo4 wa3 di3 san1 jiao3 zhou1
Irrawaddy delta in south Myanmar (Burma)

英语角 英語角 ying1 yu3 jiao3
English corner; spoken English practice group

优角 優角 you1 jiao3
reflex angle

有棱有角 有稜有角 you3 leng2 you3 jiao3
(of a shape) sharp and clearcut; (of a person) definite in his opinion

余角 餘角 yu2 jiao3
complementary angle (additional angle adding to 90 degrees)

皂角 皂角 zao4 jiao3
Chinese honey locust (Gleditsia sinensis)

崭露头角 嶄露頭角 zhan3 lu4 tou2 jiao3
to reveal outstanding talent (idiom); to stand out as conspicuously brilliant

张角 張角 zhang1 jue2
Zhang Jue (-184), leader of the Yellow turban rebels during the late Han

折角 折角 zhe2 jiao3
to fold the corner of a page; to dog-ear

正角 正角 zheng4 jiao3
positive angle

正角 正角 zheng4 jue2
good guy (in a story); hero

直角 直角 zhi2 jiao3
a right angle

直角尺 直角尺 zhi2 jiao3 chi3
a set square (carpenter's tool)

直角器 直角器 zhi2 jiao3 qi4
a set square (carpenter's tool)

直角三角 直角三角 zhi2 jiao3 san1 jiao3
a right angled triangle

直角三角形 直角三角形 zhi2 jiao3 san1 jiao3 xing2
a right angled triangle

直角坐标 直角座標 zhi2 jiao3 zuo4 biao1
rectangular coordinates

珠江三角洲 珠江三角洲 zhu1 jiang1 san1 jiao3 zhou1
Pearl River Delta (PRD)

珠三角 珠三角 zhu1 san1 jiao3
Pearl River Delta

主角 主角 zhu3 jue2
leading role; lead

转角 轉角 zhuan3 jiao3
bend in a street; corner; to turn a corner

转弯抹角 轉彎抹角 zhuan3 wan1 mo4 jiao3
see 拐彎抹角|拐弯抹角

总角之好 總角之好 zong3 jiao3 zhi1 hao3
childhood friend (idiom)

总角之交 總角之交 zong3 jiao3 zhi1 jiao1
childhood friend (idiom)

纵纹角鸮 縱紋角鴞 zong4 wen2 jiao3 xiao1
(bird species of China) pallid scops owl (Otus brucei)

钻牛角 鑽牛角 zuan1 niu2 jiao3
lit. honing a bull's horn; fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem; to bash one's head against a brick wall; a wild goose chase; a blind alley; to split hairs; same as idiom 鑽牛角尖|钻牛角尖

钻牛角尖 鑽牛角尖 zuan1 niu2 jiao3 jian1
lit. to penetrate into a bull's horn (idiom); fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem; to bash one's head against a brick wall; a wild goose chase; a blind alley; to split hairs

嘴角 嘴角 zui3 jiao3
corner of the mouth