grain; corn

surname Gu


strokes 7
strokes after radical 0
隘谷 隘谷 ai4 gu3
ravine; canyon; V-shaped river valley with steep sides

百谷 百穀 bai3 gu3
all the grains; every kind of cereal crop

苞谷 苞穀 bao1 gu3
variant of 包穀|包谷

包谷 包穀 bao1 gu3
(dialect) maize; corn; also written 苞穀|苞谷

贝卡谷地 貝卡谷地 bei4 ka3 gu3 di4
Bekaa Valley between Lebanon and Syria

波谷 波谷 bo1 gu3

簸谷 簸穀 bo3 gu3
to winnow grain

布谷 布穀 bu4 gu3

布谷鸟 布谷鳥 bu4 gu3 niao3
cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.); same as 杜鵑鳥|杜鹃鸟

长谷川 長谷川 chang2 gu3 chuan1
Hasegawa (Japanese surname)

陈谷子烂芝麻 陳谷子爛芝麻 chen2 gu3 zi5 lan4 zhi1 ma5
lit. stale grain, overcooked sesame (idiom); fig. the same boring old gossip

川谷 川穀 chuan1 gu3
sams as 薏苡

催谷 催谷 cui1 gu3
to boost; to propel

脆谷乐 脆穀樂 cui4 gu3 le4
Cheerios (breakfast cereal)

打谷 打穀 da3 gu3
to thresh

打谷场 打穀場 da3 gu3 chang2
threshing floor

打谷机 打穀機 da3 gu3 ji1
threshing machine

大裂谷 大裂谷 da4 lie4 gu3
great rift valley

大峡谷 大峽谷 da4 xia2 gu3
great valley; Grand Canyon of Colorado River

稻谷 稻穀 dao4 gu3
rice crops

低谷 低谷 di1 gu3
valley; trough (as opposed to peaks); fig. low point; lowest ebb; nadir of one's fortunes

跌至谷底 跌至谷底 die1 zhi4 gu3 di3
to hit rock bottom (idiom)

东非大裂谷 東非大裂谷 dong1 fei1 da4 lie4 gu3
Great East African rift valley

梵谷 梵谷 fan4 gu3
Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch post-Impressionist painter (Tw)

非洲大裂谷 非洲大裂谷 fei1 zhou1 da4 lie4 gu3
Great East African rift valley

府谷 府谷 fu3 gu3
Fugu County in Yulin 榆林, Shaanxi

府谷县 府谷縣 fu3 gu3 xian4
Fugu County in Yulin 榆林, Shaanxi

甘谷 甘谷 gan1 gu3
Gangu county in Tianshui 天水, Gansu

甘谷县 甘谷縣 gan1 gu3 xian4
Gangu county in Tianshui 天水, Gansu

高岸深谷 高岸深谷 gao1 an4 shen1 gu3
high bank, deep valley (idiom); secluded location

沟谷 溝谷 gou1 gu3

谷氨酸 穀氨酸 gu3 an1 suan1
glutamic acid (Glu), an amino acid

谷氨酸钠 穀氨酸鈉 gu3 an1 suan1 na4
monosodium glutamate (MSG) (E621)

谷氨酰胺 谷氨酰胺 gu3 an1 xian1 an4
glutamine (Gln), an amino acid

谷仓 穀倉 gu3 cang1

谷草 穀草 gu3 cao3

谷城 谷城 gu3 cheng2
Gucheng county in Xiangfan 襄樊, Hubei

谷城县 谷城縣 gu3 cheng2 xian4
Gucheng county in Xiangfan 襄樊, Hubei

谷底 谷底 gu3 di3
valley floor; (fig.) lowest ebb; all-time low

谷地 谷地 gu3 di4

谷歌 穀歌 gu3 ge1
variant of 谷歌

谷歌 谷歌 gu3 ge1
Google Internet company and search engine

谷糠 穀糠 gu3 kang1
grain chaff

谷壳 穀殼 gu3 ke2
husk of grain; grain and chaff

谷口 谷口 gu3 kou3
Taniguchi (Japanese surname)

谷类 穀類 gu3 lei4
cereal; grain

谷粒 穀粒 gu3 li4
grain (of cereal)

谷梁 穀梁 gu3 liang2
surname Guliang; abbr. for 穀梁傳|谷梁传, Guliang Annals

谷梁传 穀梁傳 gu3 liang2 zhuan4
Guliang Annals, commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋, first published during the Han Dynasty

谷神 穀神 gu3 shen2
harvest God

谷神星 穀神星 gu3 shen2 xing1
Ceres, dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, discovered in 1801 by G. Piazzi

谷穗 穀穗 gu3 sui4
ear of grain; gerbe (used on coats of arms)

谷物 穀物 gu3 wu4
cereal; grain

谷雨 穀雨 gu3 yu3
Guyu or Grain Rain, 6th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 20th April-4th May

谷子 穀子 gu3 zi5

硅谷 硅谷 gui1 gu3
Silicon Valley

哈巴谷书 哈巴谷書 ha1 ba1 gu3 shu1
Book of Habakkuk

函谷关 函谷關 han2 gu3 guan1
Hangu Pass in modern day Henan Province, strategic pass forming the eastern gate of the Qin State during the Warring States Period (770-221 BC)

河谷 河谷 he2 gu3
river valley

禾谷 禾穀 he2 gu3
cereal; food grain

壑谷 壑谷 he4 gu3
low-lying humid terrain

积谷防饥 積穀防饑 ji1 gu3 fang2 ji1
storing grain against a famine; to lay sth by for a rainy day; also written 積穀防飢|积谷防饥

进退维谷 進退維谷 jin4 tui4 wei2 gu3
no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma; trapped; in an impossible situation

景谷 景谷 jing3 gu3
Jinggu Dai and Yi autonomous county in Pu'er 普洱, Yunnan

景谷傣族彝族自治县 景谷傣族彞族自治縣 jing3 gu3 dai3 zu2 yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Jinggu Dai and Yi autonomous county in Pu'er 普洱, Yunnan

景谷县 景谷縣 jing3 gu3 xian4
Jinggu Dai and Yi autonomous county in Pu'er 普洱, Yunnan

科罗拉多大峡谷 科羅拉多大峽谷 ke1 luo2 la1 duo1 da4 xia2 gu3
the Grand Canyon (Colorado)

空谷足音 空谷足音 kong1 gu3 zu2 yin1
the sound of footsteps in a deserted valley (idiom); sth hard to come by; sth wonderful and rare

浪谷 浪穀 lang4 gu3
trough of a wave; (fig.) low point; lowest level

裂谷 裂谷 lie4 gu3
rift valley

裂谷热病毒 裂谷熱病毒 lie4 gu3 re4 bing4 du2
Rift Valley fever virus

灵谷寺 靈谷寺 ling2 gu3 si4
Linggu temple (Nanjing)

鹿谷 鹿谷 lu4 gu3
Lugu or Luku township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县, central Taiwan

鹿谷乡 鹿谷鄉 lu4 gu3 xiang1
Lugu or Luku township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县, central Taiwan

马尔谷 馬爾谷 ma3 er3 gu3
Mark; St Mark the evangelist; less common variant of 馬克|马克 preferred by the Catholic church

满坑满谷 滿坑滿谷 man3 keng1 man3 gu3
filling every nook and cranny

曼谷 曼谷 man4 gu3
Bangkok, capital of Thailand

怒江大峡谷 怒江大峽谷 nu4 jiang1 da4 xia2 gu3
the Grand Canyon of the Nujiang river in Tibet and Yunnan

辟谷 辟穀 pi4 gu3
to abstain from eating cereals (Taoist practice); to fast

平谷 平谷 ping2 gu3
Pinggu rural district of Beijing, formerly Pinggu county

平谷区 平谷區 ping2 gu3 qu1
Pinggu rural district of Beijing, formerly Pinggu county

平谷县 平谷縣 ping2 gu3 xian4
former Pinggu county, now Pinggu rural district in Beijing,

全谷物 全穀物 quan2 gu3 wu4
whole grain

日比谷公园 日比谷公園 ri4 bi3 gu3 gong1 yuan2
Hibiya Park in central Tokyo

山谷 山谷 shan1 gu3
valley; ravine

山谷市 山谷市 shan1 gu3 shi4
the Valley, capital of Anguilla

深谷 深谷 shen1 gu3
deep valley; ravine

双龙大裂谷 雙龍大裂谷 shuang1 long2 da4 lie4 gu3
Shuanglong ravine in Mt Xiong'er national geological park 熊耳山, Zaozhuang 棗莊|枣庄, Shandong

斯瓦特谷地 斯瓦特谷地 si1 wa3 te4 gu3 di4
Swat valley in Pakistani Northwest Frontier

四体不勤,五谷不分 四體不勤,五穀不分 si4 ti3 bu4 qin2 - wu3 gu3 bu4 fen1
never move your four limbs, can't distinguish the five crops (idiom); living as a parasite

太谷 太谷 tai4 gu3
Taigu county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi

太谷县 太谷縣 tai4 gu3 xian4
Taigu county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi

土谷祠 土穀祠 tu3 gu3 ci2
local monastery

吐谷浑 吐谷渾 tu3 yu4 hun2
Tuyuhun, a Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people; a state in Qinhai in 4th-7th century AD

暾欲谷 暾欲穀 tun1 yu4 gu3
Tonyukuk (died c. 724 AD)

五谷 五穀 wu3 gu3
five crops, e.g. millet 粟, soybean 豆, sesame 麻, barley 麥|麦, rice 稻 or other variants; all crops; all grains; oats, peas, beans and barley

五谷丰登 五穀豐登 wu3 gu3 feng1 deng1
abundant harvest of all food crops; bumper grain harvest

矽谷 矽谷 xi1 gu3
Silicon Valley

溪谷 溪谷 xi1 gu3
valley; gorge

狭谷 狹谷 xia2 gu3

峡谷 峽谷 xia2 gu3
canyon; gill; ravine

虚怀若谷 虛懷若谷 xu1 huai2 ruo4 gu3
receptive as an echoing canyon (idiom); modest and open-minded

崖谷 崖谷 ya2 gu3
valley; ravine

雅鲁藏布大峡谷 雅魯藏布大峽谷 ya3 lu3 zang4 bu4 da4 xia2 gu3
Great Canyon of Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra (through the southeast Himalayas, from Tibet to Assam and Bangladesh)

阳谷 陽谷 yang2 gu3
Yangu county in Liaocheng 聊城, Shandong

扬谷 揚穀 yang2 gu3
to winnow

阳谷县 陽谷縣 yang2 gu3 xian4
Yangu county in Liaocheng 聊城, Shandong

幽谷 幽谷 you1 gu3
deep valley

幼发拉底河谷 幼發拉底河谷 you4 fa1 la1 di3 he2 gu3
Euphrates river valley

渊谷 淵谷 yuan1 gu3
deep valley

杂谷脑 雜谷腦 za2 gu3 nao3
Zagunao river in Sichuan, tributary of Minjiang 岷江

杂谷脑镇 雜谷腦鎮 za2 gu3 nao3 zhen4
Zagunao town in Li county 理縣|理县, Sichuan

曾孝谷 曾孝谷 zeng1 xiao4 gu3
Zeng Xiaogu (1873-1937), actor and pioneer of Chinese drama in New Culture style

最低谷 最低谷 zui4 di1 gu3
lowest point; nadir