to rise; to raise; to get up; to set out; to start; to appear; to launch; to initiate (action); to draft; to establish; to get (from a depot or counter); verb suffix, to start; starting from (a time, place, price etc); classifier for occurrences or unpred
up here, down there (idiom); to rise and fall in succession; no sooner one subsides, the next arises; repeating continuously; occurring again and again (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc)
此起彼落此起彼落ci3 qi3 bi3 luo4
to rise and fall in succession (idiom); repeating continuously
大会报告起草人大會報告起草人da4 hui4 bao4 gao4 qi3 cao3 ren2
大起大落大起大落da4 qi3 da4 luo4
(of market prices etc) to rapidly fluctuate (idiom); volatile; significant ups and downs; roller coaster
吊起吊起diao4 qi3
to hoist
迭起迭起die2 qi3
continuously arising; to arise repeatedly
东山再起東山再起dong1 shan1 zai4 qi3
lit. to return to office after living as a hermit on Mount Dongshan (idiom); fig. to make a comeback
东太平洋隆起東太平洋隆起dong1 tai4 ping2 yang2 long2 qi3
East Pacific rise (a mid-oceanic ridge stretching from California down to Antarctica)
短距起落飞机短距起落飛機duan3 ju4 qi3 luo4 fei1 ji1
short takeoff and landing aircraft
对不起對不起dui4 bu5 qi3
unworthy; to let down; I'm sorry; excuse me; pardon me; if you please; sorry? (please repeat)
对得起對得起dui4 de5 qi3
not to let sb down; to treat sb fairly; be worthy of
躲不起躲不起duo3 bu5 qi3
can't avoid; can't hide from; unavoidable
发起發起fa1 qi3
to originate; to initiate; to launch (an attack, an initiative etc); to start; to propose sth (for the first time)
lit. like tofu strung on horsetail, you can't lift it; fig. let's not talk of this (pun on 提)
买不起買不起mai3 bu5 qi3
cannot afford; can't afford buying
满嘴起疱滿嘴起皰man3 zui3 qi3 pao4
to have lips covered in blisters
铆起来鉚起来mao3 qi3 lai5
to get enthusiastic; to put in all one's energy
没起子沒起子mei2 qi3 zi5
(dialect) (of a person) useless; pathetic; spineless
民变峰起民變峰起min2 bian4 feng1 qi3
seething discontent (idiom); widespread popular grievances
磨起泡磨起泡mo2 qi3 pao4
friction blister
拿得起放得下拿得起放得下na2 de5 qi3 fang4 de5 xia4
lit. can pick it up or put it down (idiom); fig. to take what comes; to meet gains or losses with equanimity
拿起拿起na2 qi3
to pick up
南昌起义南昌起義nan2 chang1 qi3 yi4
Nanchang Uprising, 1st August 1927, the beginning of military revolt by the Communists in the Chinese Civil War
农民起义農民起義nong2 min2 qi3 yi4
peasant revolt
拍案而起拍案而起pai1 an4 er2 qi3
lit. to slap the table and stand up (idiom); fig. at the end of one's tether; unable to take it any more
排起长队排起長隊pai2 qi3 chang2 dui4
to form a long line (i.e. of people waiting)
翩翩起舞翩翩起舞pian1 pian1 qi3 wu3
(to start) dancing lightly and gracefully
拼起来拼起來pin1 qi5 lai5
to put together
平地起风波平地起風波ping2 di4 qi3 feng1 bo1
trouble appearing from nowhere; unforeseen situation
平地起家平地起家ping2 di4 qi3 jia1
to start from scratch (idiom)
平起平坐平起平坐ping2 qi3 ping2 zuo4
to be on an equal footing
起爆起爆qi3 bao4
to explode; to set off an explosion; to detonate
起搏器起搏器qi3 bo2 qi4
artificial pacemaker
起步起步qi3 bu4
to set out; to set in motion; the start (of some activity)
起草起草qi3 cao3
to make a draft; to draw up (plans)
起程起程qi3 cheng2
to set out; to leave
起重葫芦起重葫蘆qi3 chong2 hu2 lu5
hoist pulley
起初起初qi3 chu1
originally; at first; at the outset
起床起床qi3 chuang2
to get out of bed; to get up
起床号起床號qi3 chuang2 hao2
起磁起磁qi3 ci2
magnetization; to magnetize
起点起點qi3 dian3
starting point
起点线起點線qi3 dian3 xian4
starting line
起电机起電機qi3 dian4 ji1
electric generator; dynamo
起钉器起釘器qi3 ding1 qi4
staple remover
起动起動qi3 dong4
to start up (a motor); to launch (a computer application)
起动钮起動鈕qi3 dong4 niu3
starter button; on switch
起飞起飛qi3 fei1
(of an aircraft) to take off
起飞弹射起飛彈射qi3 fei1 tan2 she4
takeoff catapult (on aircraft carrier)
起伏起伏qi3 fu2
to move up and down; to undulate; ups and downs
起稿起稿qi3 gao3
to make a draft; to draft (a document)
起航起航qi3 hang2
(of a ship) to set sail; (of an aeroplane) to take off; also written 啟航|启航
起哄起鬨qi3 hong4
to heckle; rowdy jeering; to create a disturbance
起火起火qi3 huo3
to catch fire; to cook; to get angry
起家起家qi3 jia1
to start out by; to grow an enterprise beginning with; to begin one's career by
起价起價qi3 jia4
initial price (e.g. for the first kilometer); prices starting from
起见起見qi3 jian4
motive; purpose; (sth) being the motive or purpose
起讲起講qi3 jiang3
to start a story
起降起降qi3 jiang4
(of aircraft) to take off and land
起劲起勁qi3 jin4
vigorously; energetically; enthusiastically
起敬起敬qi3 jing4
to feel respect
起居起居qi3 ju1
everyday life; regular pattern of life
起居室起居室qi3 ju1 shi4
living room; sitting room
起居作息起居作息qi3 ju1 zuo4 xi1
lit. rising and lying down, working and resting (idiom); fig. everyday life; daily routine; to go about one's daily life
起开起開qi3 kai5
(dialect) to step aside; Get out of the way!
起课起課qi3 ke4
to practice divination
起来起來qi3 lai5
to stand up; to get up; also pr.
起立起立qi3 li4
to stand; Stand up!
起落起落qi3 luo4
to rise and fall; takeoff and landing; ups and downs
起落场起落場qi3 luo4 chang3
airfield; takeoff and landing strip
起落架起落架qi3 luo4 jia4
起落装置起落裝置qi3 luo4 zhuang1 zhi4
aircraft takeoff and landing gear
起码起碼qi3 ma3
at the minimum; at the very least
起锚起錨qi3 mao2
to weigh anchor
起毛起毛qi3 mao2
fluff; lint; to feel nervous
起名起名qi3 ming2
to name; to christen; to take a name
起名儿起名兒qi3 ming2 er5
erhua variant of 起名
起模范起模範qi3 mo2 fan4
to set an example
起跑起跑qi3 pao3
to start running; the start of a race
起跑线起跑線qi3 pao3 xian4
the starting line (of a race); scratch line (in a relay race)
起泡起泡qi3 pao4
to bubble; to foam; to blister; to sprout boils (on one's body); sparkling (wine etc)
起泡沫起泡沫qi3 pao4 mo4
to emit bubbles; to bubble; to foam (with rage); to seethe
起皮起皮qi3 pi2
(of skin) to peel
起扑起撲qi3 pu1
chip shot (golf)
起扑杆起撲桿qi3 pu1 gan1
chipper (golf)
起迄起迄qi3 qi4
start and end (dates); origin and destination
起讫起訖qi3 qi4
beginning and end (dates)
起色起色qi3 se4
a turn for the better; to pick up; to improve
起身起身qi3 shen1
to get up; to leave; to set forth
起始起始qi3 shi3
to originate
起誓起誓qi3 shi4
to vow; to swear an oath
起士起士qi3 shi4
cheese (loanword) (Tw)
起士蛋糕起士蛋糕qi3 shi4 dan4 gao1
起司起司qi3 si1
cheese (loanword) (Tw)
起司蛋糕起司蛋糕qi3 si1 dan4 gao1
起死回生起死回生qi3 si3 hui2 sheng1
to rise from the dead (idiom); fig. an unexpected recovery
起诉起訴qi3 su4
to sue; to bring a lawsuit against; to prosecute
起诉书起訴書qi3 su4 shu1
indictment (law); statement of charges (law)
起诉员起訴員qi3 su4 yuan2
起诉者起訴者qi3 su4 zhe3
起头起頭qi3 tou2
to start; at first; beginning
起先起先qi3 xian1
at first; in the beginning
起小起小qi3 xiao3
since childhood
起小兒起小儿qi3 xiao3 er5
erhua variant of 起小
起亚起亞qi3 ya4
Kia (Motors)
起意起意qi3 yi4
to conceive a scheme; to devise a plan
起义起義qi3 yi4
uprising; insurrection; revolt
起因起因qi3 yin1
cause; a factor (leading to an effect)
起用起用qi3 yong4
to promote; to reinstate (in a position or job)
起源起源qi3 yuan2
origin; to originate; to come from
起云剂起雲劑qi3 yun2 ji4
clouding agent; emulsifier
起运起運qi3 yun4
variant of 啟運|启运
起早摸黑起早摸黑qi3 zao3 mo1 hei1
see 起早貪黑|起早贪黑
起早贪黑起早貪黑qi3 zao3 tan1 hei1
to be industrious, rising early and going to bed late
起造员起造員qi3 zao4 yuan2
draftsman; draughtsman
起重机起重機qi3 zhong4 ji1
起皱纹起皺紋qi3 zhou4 wen2
to shrivel
起子起子qi3 zi5
baking soda (used to leaven bread); screwdriver; bottle opener
起来起來qi5 lai5
(after a verb) indicating the beginning and continuation of an action or a state; indicating an upward movement (e.g. after 站); bringing things together (e.g. after 收拾); (after a perception verb, e.g. 看) expressing preliminary judgment; also pr.
to take defeat with bad grace; to be a sore loser; cannot afford to lose
竖起豎起shu4 qi3
to erect (a tent etc); to prick up (one's ears); to raise (one's eyebrows); to stick up (one's thumb); to turn up (one's collar); (of a bird) to puff up (one's feathers)
竖起大拇指豎起大拇指shu4 qi3 da4 mu5 zhi3
to give a thumbs-up; to express one's approval
竖起耳朵豎起耳朵shu4 qi3 er3 duo5
to prick up one's ears; to strain to hear sth
说起說起shuo1 qi3
to mention; to bring up (a subject); with regard to; as for
思潮起伏思潮起伏si1 chao2 qi3 fu2
thoughts surging in one's mind (idiom); different thoughts coming to mind
四起四起si4 qi3
to spring up everywhere; from all around
肃然起敬肅然起敬su4 ran2 qi3 jing4
to feel deep veneration for sb (idiom)
抬起抬起tai2 qi3
to lift up
特起特起te4 qi3
to appear on the scene; to arise suddenly
提起提起ti2 qi3
to mention; to speak of; to lift; to pick up; to arouse; to raise (a topic, a heavy weight, one's fist, one's spirits etc)
提起公诉提起公訴ti2 qi3 gong1 su4
to raise a charge; to sue; to institute proceedings
提起精神提起精神ti2 qi3 jing1 shen5
to raise one's spirits; to take courage
提前起爆提前起爆ti2 qian2 qi3 bao4
"fizzle" (atomic bomb misfire); preinitiation
挑起挑起tiao3 qi3
to provoke; to stir up; to incite
听起来聽起來ting1 qi5 lai5
to sound like
投袂而起投袂而起tou2 mei4 er2 qi3
lit. to shake one's sleeves and rise (idiom); fig. to get excited and move to action
突起突起tu1 qi3
to appear suddenly; projection; bit sticking out
凸起凸起tu1 qi3
convex; protruding; to protrude; to bulge; to buckle upwards
突起部突起部tu1 qi3 bu4
bit sticking out; projection
万事起头难萬事起頭難wan4 shi4 qi3 tou2 nan2
the first step is the hardest (idiom)
万丈高楼平地起萬丈高樓平地起wan4 zhang4 gao1 lou2 ping2 di4 qi3
towering buildings are built up from the ground (idiom); great oaks from little acorns grow
围起圍起wei2 qi3
to surround; to encircle; to enclose; to fence in
蔚起蔚起wei4 qi3
(literary) to mushroom; to flourish
闻鸡起舞聞雞起舞wen2 ji1 qi3 wu3
to start practicing at the first crow of the cock (idiom); to be diligent in one's studies
无风不起浪無風不起浪wu2 feng1 bu4 qi3 lang4
lit. without wind there cannot be waves (idiom); there must be a reason; no smoke without fire
吴起吳起wu2 qi3
Wu Qi (440-381 BC), military leader and politician of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), author of Wuzi 吳子|吴子, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书
吴起吳起wu2 qi3
Wuqi county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi
吴起县吳起縣wu2 qi3 xian4
Wuqi county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi
武昌起义武昌起義wu3 chang1 qi3 yi4
Wuchang Uprising of October 10th, 1911, which led to Sun Yat-sen's Xinhai Revolution and the fall of the Qing dynasty
物种起源物種起源wu4 zhong3 qi3 yuan2
Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species"
掀起掀起xian1 qi3
to lift; to raise in height; to begin; upsurge; to set off (a campaign)
想起想起xiang3 qi3
to recall; to think of; to call to mind
想起来想起來xiang3 qi5 lai5
to remember; to recall
小起重机小起重機xiao3 qi3 zhong4 ji1
兴起興起xing1 qi3
to rise; to spring up; to burgeon; to be aroused; to come into vogue
雄起雄起xiong2 qi3
(cry of encouragement); to arise; to stand up; to gain the ascendancy; Come on!
before the first wave subsides, a new wave rises (idiom); a new problem arises before the old is solved; many twists and turns to a story; one thing after another