body; life; oneself; personally; one's morality and conduct; the main part of a structure or body; pregnant; classifier for sets of clothes: suit, twinset; Kangxi radical 158
to be born of; to come from; family background; class origin
初试身手初試身手chu1 shi4 shen1 shou3
to have a try; to try one's hand; initial foray
船身船身chuan2 shen1
hull; body of a ship
刺身刺身ci4 shen1
打翻身仗打翻身仗da3 fan1 shen1 zhang4
to work hard towards a turnaround; to fight to reverse sth
大显身手大顯身手da4 xian3 shen1 shou3
(idiom) fully displaying one's capabilities
单身單身dan1 shen1
unmarried; single
单身狗單身狗dan1 shen1 gou3
(Internet slang) person who is neither married nor in a relationship (used self-deprecatingly)
单身贵族單身貴族dan1 shen1 gui4 zu2
fig. unmarried person; single person (especially one who is comfortable financially)
单身汉單身漢dan1 shen1 han4
bachelor; unmarried man
单身汪單身汪dan1 shen1 wang1
(Internet slang) person who is neither married nor in a relationship (used self-deprecatingly)
刀身刀身dao1 shen1
blade (of a knife or sword)
动身動身dong4 shen1
to go on a journey; to leave
独身獨身du2 shen1
unmarried; single
翻身翻身fan1 shen1
to turn over (when lying); (fig.) to free oneself; to emancipate oneself; to bring about a change of one's fortunes
反身反身fan3 shen1
to turn around
反身代词反身代詞fan3 shen1 dai4 ci2
reflexive pronoun
防身防身fang2 shen1
self-protection; to defend oneself
放下身段放下身段fang4 xia4 shen1 duan4
to get off one's high horse (idiom); to dispense with posturing (and adopt a more humble or empathetic attitude)
飞身飛身fei1 shen1
to move quickly; to vault; flying tackle
飞身翻腾飛身翻騰fei1 shen1 fan1 teng2
flying somersault
分身分身fen1 shen1
to spare time for a separate task; doppelgänger; sockpuppet (Internet slang)
分身乏术分身乏術fen1 shen1 fa2 shu4
to be up to one's ears in work (idiom); to be unable to attend to other things at the same time
粉身碎骨粉身碎骨fen3 shen1 sui4 gu3
lit. torn body and crushed bones (idiom); fig. to die horribly; to sacrifice one's life
奋不顾身奮不顧身fen4 bu4 gu4 shen1
to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dangers; regardless of perils
伏地挺身伏地挺身fu2 di4 ting3 shen1
pushup (exercise)
俯身俯身fu3 shen1
to lean over; to bend over; to stoop; to bow
附身附身fu4 shen1
to enter a body; to possess
感同身受感同身受gan3 tong2 shen1 shou4
to feel as if it had happened to oneself; to sympathize; (polite expression of gratitude for a favor received by a friend etc) I take it as a personal favor
弓身弓身gong1 shen1
to bend the body at the waist; to bow
躬身躬身gong1 shen1
to bow
孤身孤身gu1 shen1
alone; lonely
孤身只影孤身隻影gu1 shen1 zhi1 ying3
lit. a lonely body with only a shadow for company; to be all alone (idiom)
lit. to take the yellow gown (idiom); fig. to be made emperor; to take the crown
浑身渾身hun2 shen1
all over; from head to foot
浑身上下渾身上下hun2 shen1 shang4 xia4
all over; from head to toe
浑身解数渾身解數hun2 shen1 xie4 shu4
to give it your all; to go at it with all you've got; to throw your whole weight behind it; also pr.
机身機身ji1 shen1
body of a vehicle or machine; fuselage of a plane
跻身躋身ji1 shen1
to rise (in society)
机身宽大機身寬大ji1 shen1 kuan1 da4
wide body; wide-bodied (aircraft)
健身健身jian4 shen1
to exercise; to keep fit; to work out; physical exercise
剑身劍身jian4 shen1
sword blade
健身房健身房jian4 shen1 fang2
gym; gymnasium
健身馆健身館jian4 shen1 guan3
a gym (health center)
健身室健身室jian4 shen1 shi4
孑然一身孑然一身jie2 ran2 yi1 shen1
to be all alone in the world
孑身孑身jie2 shen1
all by oneself; all alone
洁身自好潔身自好jie2 shen1 zi4 hao4
clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorality; to shun evil influence; to mind one's own business and keep out of trouble; to keep one's hands clean
紧身緊身jin3 shen1
进身進身jin4 shen1
to get oneself promoted to a higher rank
进身之阶進身之階jin4 shen1 zhi1 jie1
stepping-stone to greater power or higher rank
净身凈身jing4 shen1
to purify one's body (i.e. to get castrated)
净身出户凈身出戶jing4 shen1 chu1 hu4
to leave a marriage with nothing (no possessions or property)
净心修身凈心修身jing4 xin1 xiu1 shen1
to have an untroubled heart and behave morally (idiom)
可身可身ke3 shen1
to fit well (clothes)
空身空身kong1 shen1
empty handed (carrying nothing); alone
立身处世立身處世li4 shen1 chu3 shi4
the way of one's conduct and interaction in society (idiom)
量身量身liang2 shen1
to take sb's measurements; to measure sb up
量身定制量身定製liang2 shen1 ding4 zhi4
卖身賣身mai4 shen1
to prostitute oneself; to sell oneself into slavery
满身滿身man3 shen1
covered all over
满身尘埃滿身塵埃man3 shen1 chen2 ai1
毛出在羊身上毛出在羊身上mao2 chu1 zai4 yang2 shen1 shang4
lit. wool comes from the sheep's back (idiom); One gets the benefit, but the price has been paid.; Nothing comes for free.
明哲保身明哲保身ming2 zhe2 bao3 shen1
a wise man looks after his own hide (idiom); to put one's own safety before matters of principle
to use an opponent's own methods to obtain retribution (idiom, from Song dynasty neo-Confucianist Zhu Xi 朱熹); to get revenge by playing sb back at his own game; to give sb a taste of his own medicine
以身报国以身報國yi3 shen1 bao4 guo2
to give one's body for the nation (idiom); to spend one's whole life in the service of the country
以身抵债以身抵債yi3 shen1 di3 zhai4
forced labor to repay a debt
以身试法以身試法yi3 shen1 shi4 fa3
to challenge the law (idiom); to knowingly violate the law
以身相许以身相許yi3 shen1 xiang1 xu3
to give one's heart to; to devote one's life to
以身许国以身許國yi3 shen1 xu3 guo2
to dedicate oneself to the cause of one's country (idiom)
以身作则以身作則yi3 shen1 zuo4 ze2
to set an example (idiom); to serve as a model
艺不压身藝不壓身yi4 bu4 ya1 shen1
see 藝多不壓身|艺多不压身
艺多不压身藝多不壓身yi4 duo1 bu4 ya1 shen1
it's always good to have more skills (idiom)
引火烧身引火燒身yin3 huo3 shao1 shen1
to invite trouble
隐身隱身yin3 shen1
to hide oneself; invisible (person or online status)
隐身草隱身草yin3 shen1 cao3
legendary grass conferring invisibility; fig. to conceal oneself or one's plans
隐身草儿隱身草兒yin3 shen1 cao3 er5
erhua variant of 隱身草|隐身草
有失身份有失身份you3 shi1 shen1 fen4
to be beneath one's dignity
有氧健身操有氧健身操you3 yang3 jian4 shen1 cao1
欲火焚身慾火焚身yu4 huo3 fen2 shen1
burning with desire
殒身不恤殞身不恤yun3 shen1 bu4 xu4
to die without regrets (idiom); to sacrifice oneself without hesitation
在身在身zai4 shen1
to possess; to be occupied or burdened with (work, a contract, a lawsuit)
葬身葬身zang4 shen1
to bury a corpse; to be buried
澡身浴德澡身浴德zao3 shen1 yu4 de2
to bathe the body and cleanse virtue (idiom); to improve oneself by meditation; cleanliness is next to godliness
真身真身zhen1 shen1
the real body (of Buddha or a God); true effigy
只身隻身zhi1 shen1
alone; by oneself
置身置身zhi4 shen1
to place oneself; to stay
置身事外置身事外zhi4 shen1 shi4 wai4
not to get involved; to stay out of it
终身終身zhong1 shen1
lifelong; all one's life; marriage
终身大事終身大事zhong1 shen1 da4 shi4
major turning point of lifelong import (esp. marriage)
终身俸終身俸zhong1 shen1 feng4
(Tw) retirement pay; pension
终身监禁終身監禁zhong1 shen1 jian1 jin4
life sentence
重身子重身子zhong4 shen1 zi5
pregnant; pregnant woman
周身周身zhou1 shen1
whole body
柱身柱身zhu4 shen1
column shaft (architecture)
转身轉身zhuan3 shen1
(of a person) to turn round; to face about; (of a widow) to remarry (archaic)