to make an about-turn; to reverse one's direction, policy, sequence etc; to turn things on their head
地址的转换地址的轉換di4 zhi3 de5 zhuan3 huan4
address translation
电动转盘電動轉盤dian4 dong4 zhuan4 pan2
an electric turntable
电视转播電視轉播dian4 shi4 zhuan3 bo1
TV relay; to broadcast
电转盘電轉盤dian4 zhuan4 pan2
an electric turntable
掉转掉轉diao4 zhuan3
to turn around
调转調轉diao4 zhuan3
to reassign sb to a different job; to turn around; to change direction; to make a U turn
斗转星移斗轉星移dou3 zhuan3 xing1 yi2
lit. the Big Dipper 北斗星 has turned and the stars have moved; time flies; also written 星移斗轉|星移斗转
二人转二人轉er4 ren2 zhuan4
genre of song-and-dance duet popular in northeast China
法轮常转法輪常轉fa3 lun2 chang2 zhuan4
the Wheel turns constantly (idiom); Buddhist teaching will overcome everything
翻转翻轉fan1 zhuan3
to roll; to turn over; to invert; to flip
反转反轉fan3 zhuan3
reversal; inversion; to reverse; to invert (upside down, inside out, back to front, white to black etc)
反转录反轉錄fan3 zhuan3 lu4
reverse transcription
反转录病毒反轉錄病毒fan3 zhuan3 lu4 bing4 du2
反转选择反轉選擇fan3 zhuan3 xuan3 ze2
to invert the selection (on computer)
飞转飛轉fei1 zhuan4
to spin rapidly; to whirl around; (of time) to fly by
粉转黑粉轉黑fen3 zhuan3 hei1
(Internet slang) to go from being an admirer to being a detractor
峰回路转峰回路轉feng1 hui2 lu4 zhuan3
the mountain road twists around each new peak (idiom); (of a mountain road) twisting and turning; fig. an opportunity has come unexpectedly; things have taken a new turn
风水轮流转風水輪流轉feng1 shui3 lun2 liu2 zhuan4
fortunes rise and fall; times change
复转復轉fu4 zhuan3
to demobilize; to transfer to other tasks (of troops)
刚体转动剛體轉動gang1 ti3 zhuan3 dong4
rigid rotation
公转公轉gong1 zhuan4
orbital revolution
好转好轉hao3 zhuan3
to improve; to take a turn for the better; improvement
核转变核轉變he2 zhuan3 bian4
nuclear transformation; nuclear transmutation
回心转意回心轉意hui2 xin1 zhuan3 yi4
to change one's mind (idiom)
回转迴轉hui2 zhuan3
to revolve; to rotate; rotation
回转回轉hui2 zhuan3
to rotate; to turn round; slalom
回转寿司回轉壽司hui2 zhuan3 shou4 si1
revolving belt sushi (restaurant)
急转急轉ji2 zhuan3
to whirl; to turn around quickly
急转弯急轉彎ji2 zhuan3 wan1
to make a sudden turn
急转直下急轉直下ji2 zhuan3 zhi2 xia4
to develop rapidly after abrupt turn (idiom); dramatic change
简繁转换簡繁轉換jian3 fan2 zhuan3 huan4
conversion from simple to traditional Chinese characters
见风转舵見風轉舵jian4 feng1 zhuan3 duo4
lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation
可转换同位素可轉換同位素ke3 zhuan3 huan4 tong2 wei4 su4
fertile isotope
可转让可轉讓ke3 zhuan3 rang4
transferable; negotiable
可转让证券可轉讓證券ke3 zhuan3 rang4 zheng4 quan4
negotiable securities
快转快轉kuai4 zhuan3
连轴转連軸轉lian2 zhou2 zhuan4
lit. to continuously revolve; to work non-stop; to work around the clock (idiom)
流转流轉liu2 zhuan3
to be on the move; to roam or wander; to circulate (of goods or capital)
漏水转浑天仪漏水轉渾天儀lou4 shui3 zhuan4 hun2 tian1 yi2
water-driven armillary sphere (Zhang Heng's famous astronomical apparatus)
路转粉路轉粉lu4 zhuan3 fen3
(Internet slang) to go from being indifferent to being a big fan
轮转机輪轉機lun2 zhuan3 ji1
轮转輪轉lun2 zhuan4
to rotate
蒙头转向矇頭轉向meng1 tou2 zhuan3 xiang4
to lose one's bearings; utterly confused
模数转换器模數轉換器mo2 shu4 zhuan3 huan4 qi4
analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
目不转睛目不轉睛mu4 bu4 zhuan3 jing1
unable to take one's eyes off (idiom); to gaze steadily; to stare
逆转逆轉ni4 zhuan3
to turn back; to reverse
逆转录病毒逆轉錄病毒ni4 zhuan3 lu4 bing4 du2
reverse transcription virus; retrovirus
逆转录酶逆轉錄酶ni4 zhuan3 lu4 mei2
reverse transcriptase
扭转扭轉niu3 zhuan3
to reverse; to turn around (an undesirable situation)
批转批轉pi1 zhuan3
to approve and forward; to endorse; stamp "approved for distribution"
偏转偏轉pian1 zhuan3
deflection (physics); deviation (away from a straight line)
偏转角偏轉角pian1 zhuan3 jiao3
angle of drift (navigation); deflection (from course); angle of divergence
山不转路转山不轉路轉shan1 bu4 zhuan4 lu4 zhuan4
see 山不轉水轉|山不转水转
山不转水转山不轉水轉shan1 bu4 zhuan4 shui3 zhuan4
it's a small world; only mountains never meet
闪转腾挪閃轉騰挪shan3 zhuan3 teng2 nuo2
to move nimbly about, dodging and weaving (martial arts)
实况转播實況轉播shi2 kuang4 zhuan3 bo1
live relay; broadcast of actual scene; to broadcast live
时来运转時來運轉shi2 lai2 yun4 zhuan3
the time comes, fortune turns (idiom); to have a lucky break; things change for the better
十字转门十字轉門shi2 zi4 zhuan4 men2
数模转换器數模轉換器shu4 mo2 zhuan3 huan4 qi4
digital-to-analog converter (DAC)
耍得团团转耍得團團轉shua3 de5 tuan2 tuan2 zhuan4
to fool; to dupe
顺风转舵順風轉舵shun4 feng1 zhuan3 duo4
to act according to whatever is the current outlook; pragmatic; unprincipled
瞬间转移瞬間轉移shun4 jian1 zhuan3 yi2
天旋地转天旋地轉tian1 xuan2 di4 zhuan4
the sky spins, the earth goes round (idiom); giddy with one's head spinning; fig. huge changes in the world
天摇地转天搖地轉tian1 yao2 di4 zhuan3
lit. the sky shakes and the ground revolves; momentous changes are underway (idiom)
土耳其旋转烤肉土耳其旋轉烤肉tu3 er3 qi2 xuan2 zhuan3 kao3 rou4
Turkish döner kebab
团团转團團轉tuan2 tuan2 zhuan4
to go round and round; running around in circles; fig. frantically busy
玩儿不转玩兒不轉wan2 er5 bu4 zhuan4
can't handle it; can't find any way (of doing sth); not up to the task
from prosperity to decline; at its peak before the decline
右转右轉you4 zhuan3
to turn right
远端转移遠端轉移yuan3 duan1 zhuan3 yi2
晕头转向暈頭轉向yun1 tou2 zhuan4 xiang4
confused and disoriented
运转運轉yun4 zhuan3
to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around
再转复再轉復zai4 zhuan3 fu4
to transfer again
展转展轉zhan3 zhuan3
variant of 輾轉|辗转
辗转輾轉zhan3 zhuan3
to toss about in bed; from person to person; indirectly; to wander
辗转反侧輾轉反側zhan3 zhuan3 fan3 ce4
to toss and turn restlessly (in the bed)
展转腾挪展轉騰挪zhan3 zhuan3 teng2 nuo2
see 閃轉騰挪|闪转腾挪
折转折轉zhe2 zhuan3
reflex (angle); to turn back
折转摺轉zhe2 zhuan3
reflex (angle); to turn back
中转中轉zhong1 zhuan3
to change (train or plane); transfer; correspondence
中转柜台中轉櫃檯zhong1 zhuan3 gui4 tai2
transfer desk; correspondence desk
中转站中轉站zhong1 zhuan3 zhan4
hub (network equipment)
周转周轉zhou1 zhuan3
to rotate; to circulate (cash, stock etc); turnover; circulation; cash flow
周转不开周轉不開zhou1 zhuan3 bu4 kai1
to have financial difficulties; unable to make ends meet
周转不灵周轉不靈zhou1 zhuan3 bu4 ling2
to have a cash flow problem
周转金周轉金zhou1 zhuan3 jin1
revolving fund; working capital; petty cash; turnover
轴旋转軸旋轉zhou2 xuan2 zhuan3
to rotate about an axis; axis of rotation (math.)
珠流璧转珠流璧轉zhu1 liu2 bi4 zhuan3
lit. pearl flows, jade moves on (idiom); fig. the passage of time; water under the bridge
转文轉文zhuai3 wen2
to parade by interspersing one's speech or writing with literary allusions; Taiwan pr.
转氨基酶轉氨基酶zhuan3 an1 ji1 mei2
amino transferase (enzyme)
转氨酶轉氨酶zhuan3 an1 mei2
transferase (enzyme)
转悲为喜轉悲為喜zhuan3 bei1 wei2 xi3
to turn grief into happiness (idiom)
转背轉背zhuan3 bei4
to turn one's back; to turn around; fig. change in a very short time
转变轉變zhuan3 bian4
to change; to transform; shift; transformation
转变过程轉變過程zhuan3 bian4 guo4 cheng2
process of change
转变立场轉變立場zhuan3 bian4 li4 chang3
to change positions; to shift one's ground
转播轉播zhuan3 bo1
relay; broadcast (on radio or TV)
转步轉步zhuan3 bu4
to turn around
转侧轉側zhuan3 ce4
to change one's viewpoint; to turn from side to side (in bed)
转差轉差zhuan3 cha1
to slip (e.g. of clutch); slippage; also used of economic indicators, statistical discrepancies etc
转差率轉差率zhuan3 cha1 lv4
slippage rate
转产轉產zhuan3 chan3
to change production; to move over to new products
转车轉車zhuan3 che1
to transfer; to change trains, buses etc
转乘轉乘zhuan3 cheng2
to transfer; to change trains, buses etc
转船轉船zhuan3 chuan2
to transfer ships
转达轉達zhuan3 da2
to pass on; to convey; to communicate
转导轉導zhuan3 dao3
转道轉道zhuan3 dao4
to make a detour; to go by way of
转抵轉抵zhuan3 di3
to convert; to exchange
转递轉遞zhuan3 di4
to pass on; to relay
转调轉調zhuan3 diao4
(music) to change key; modulation; (of an employee) to be transferred to another post
转动轉動zhuan3 dong4
to turn sth around; to swivel
转动惯量轉動慣量zhuan3 dong4 guan4 liang4
moment of inertia (mechanics)
转而轉而zhuan3 er2
to turn to (sth else); to switch to
转发轉發zhuan3 fa1
to transmit; to forward (mail, SMS, packets of data); to pass on; to republish (an article from another publication)
转法轮轉法輪zhuan3 fa3 lun2
to transmit Buddhist teaching; chakram or chakka (throwing disk)
转帆轉帆zhuan3 fan1
to tack (of sailing ship); to jibe; to go about
转干轉幹zhuan3 gan4
to become a cadre (e.g. a promotion from shopfloor)
转告轉告zhuan3 gao4
to pass on; to communicate; to transmit
转给轉給zhuan3 gei3
to pass on to
转关系轉關係zhuan3 guan1 xi5
to transfer (from one unit to another)
转轨轉軌zhuan3 gui3
to change track
转行轉行zhuan3 hang2
to change profession
转好轉好zhuan3 hao3
improvement; turnaround (for the better)
转化轉化zhuan3 hua4
to change; to transform; isomerization (chemistry)
转化糖轉化糖zhuan3 hua4 tang2
inverted sugar
转圜轉圜zhuan3 huan2
to save or redeem (a situation); to mediate; to intercede
转圜余地轉圜餘地zhuan3 huan2 yu2 di4
to have room to save a situation; margin for error (idiom)
转换轉換zhuan3 huan4
to change; to switch; to convert; to transform
转换断层轉換斷層zhuan3 huan4 duan4 ceng2
transform fault (geology)
转换器轉換器zhuan3 huan4 qi4
converter; transducer
转回轉回zhuan3 hui2
to turn back; to put back; reversal; melodic inversion (in music)
转会轉會zhuan3 hui4
to transfer to another club (professional sports)
转会费轉會費zhuan3 hui4 fei4
transfer fee; signing bonus; sign-on bonus
转机轉機zhuan3 ji1
(to take) a turn for the better; to change planes
转基因轉基因zhuan3 ji1 yin1
genetic modification
转基因食品轉基因食品zhuan3 ji1 yin1 shi2 pin3
genetically modified (GM) food
转寄轉寄zhuan3 ji4
to forward (a message, letter, article etc)
转嫁轉嫁zhuan3 jia4
to remarry (of widow); to pass on (blame, cost, obligation, unpleasant consequence etc); to transfer (blame, guilt); to pass the buck
转交轉交zhuan3 jiao1
to pass on to sb; to carry and give to sb else
转角轉角zhuan3 jiao3
bend in a street; corner; to turn a corner
转接轉接zhuan3 jie1
switch; connection; to put through (to telephone extension)
转介轉介zhuan3 jie4
to refer sb to an agency (or hospital etc); referral
转剧轉劇zhuan3 ju4
becoming acute; to exacerbate
转科轉科zhuan3 ke1
to change major (at college); to take up a new specialist subject; to transfer to a different medical department
转口轉口zhuan3 kou3
entrepot; transit (of goods); (coll.) to deny; to go back on one's word
转脸轉臉zhuan3 lian3
to turn one's head; in no time; in the twinkling of an eye
转捩轉捩zhuan3 lie4
to turn
转捩点轉捩點zhuan3 lie4 dian3
turning point
转录轉錄zhuan3 lu4
transcription; to make a copy of a recording
转轮圣帝轉輪聖帝zhuan3 lun2 sheng4 di4
Chakravarti raja; emperor in Hindu mythology
转轮王轉輪王zhuan3 lun2 wang2
Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of Kings); emperor in Hindu mythology
转卖轉賣zhuan3 mai4
to resell
转面无情轉面無情zhuan3 mian4 wu2 qing2
to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy (idiom); to turn against a friend
转念轉念zhuan3 nian4
to have second thoughts about sth; to think better of
转让轉讓zhuan3 rang4
transfer (technology, goods etc); conveyancing (property)
转入轉入zhuan3 ru4
change over to; shift to; switch to
转入地下轉入地下zhuan3 ru4 di4 xia4
to go underground; to turn to secret activities
转身轉身zhuan3 shen1
(of a person) to turn round; to face about; (of a widow) to remarry (archaic)
转生轉生zhuan3 sheng1
reincarnation (Buddhism)
转世轉世zhuan3 shi4
reincarnation or transmigration (Buddhism)
转手轉手zhuan3 shou3
to pass on; to resell; to change hands
转授轉授zhuan3 shou4
to delegate
转述轉述zhuan3 shu4
to pass on (stories); to relate
转送轉送zhuan3 song4
转台轉台zhuan3 tai2
to change the channel (TV)
转体轉體zhuan3 ti3
to roll over; to turn over (one's body)
转头轉頭zhuan3 tou2
to turn one's head; to change direction; U-turn; volte face; to repent
转托轉托zhuan3 tuo1
to pass on a task; to delegate one's work; to pass the buck
转弯轉彎zhuan3 wan1
to turn; to go around a corner
转弯抹角轉彎抹角zhuan3 wan1 mo4 jiao3
see 拐彎抹角|拐弯抹角
转往轉往zhuan3 wang3
to change (to final stretch of journey)
转危为安轉危為安zhuan3 wei1 wei2 an1
to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert a danger (esp. political or medical)
转位轉位zhuan3 wei4
transposition; displacement; inversion; translocation; to displace; to transpose
转文轉文zhuan3 wen2
(Internet) to repost (Tw)
转徙轉徙zhuan3 xi3
to migrate; to move house
转向轉向zhuan3 xiang4
to change direction; fig. to change one's stance
转向灯轉向燈zhuan3 xiang4 deng1
vehicle turn indicator light
转向盘轉向盤zhuan3 xiang4 pan2
steering wheel
转向信号轉向信號zhuan3 xiang4 xin4 hao4
turn signal (auto.); turning indicator
转校轉校zhuan3 xiao4
to transfer (school)
转写轉寫zhuan3 xie3
to transmit; to pass on written message
转型轉型zhuan3 xing2
transformation; to transform
转学轉學zhuan3 xue2
to change schools; to transfer to another college
转学生轉學生zhuan3 xue2 sheng5
student who changes school
转眼轉眼zhuan3 yan3
in a flash; in the blink of an eye; to glance
转眼便忘轉眼便忘zhuan3 yan3 bian4 wang4
what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't miss (idiom)
转眼即逝轉眼即逝zhuan3 yan3 ji2 shi4
to pass in an instant; over in the twinkling of an eye
转业轉業zhuan3 ye4
to change one's profession; to transfer to civilian work
转移轉移zhuan3 yi2
to shift; to divert or distract (attention etc); to change; to transform; metastasis (medicine); to evacuate (people)
转移安置轉移安置zhuan3 yi2 an1 zhi4
to relocate; to evacuate
转移视线轉移視線zhuan3 yi2 shi4 xian4
to shift one's eyes; (fig.) to shift one's attention; to divert attention
转移阵地轉移陣地zhuan3 yi2 zhen4 di4
to move one's base (of operations); to reposition; to relocate
转移支付轉移支付zhuan3 yi2 zhi1 fu4
transfer payment (payment from government or private sector for which no good or service is required in return)
转译轉譯zhuan3 yi4
to translate (to another language); to convert
转义轉義zhuan3 yi4
transferred meaning
转引轉引zhuan3 yin3
to quote from secondary source
转用轉用zhuan3 yong4
to adapt for use for another purpose
转喻轉喻zhuan3 yu4
转院轉院zhuan3 yuan4
to transfer (a patient) to a different hospital; to transfer to hospital (e.g. a prisoner)
转韵轉韻zhuan3 yun4
change of rhyme (within a poem)
转运轉運zhuan3 yun4
to forward goods; to ship; to distribute; transshipment; a lucky break; change of fortune (for the better)
转运站轉運站zhuan3 yun4 zhan4
distribution depot; staging post; transit center
转运栈轉運棧zhuan3 yun4 zhan4
storage depot on a transportation route
转载轉載zhuan3 zai3
to forward (a shipment); to reprint sth published elsewhere; Taiwan pr.
转赠轉贈zhuan3 zeng4
to pass on a present
转战轉戰zhuan3 zhan4
to fight in one place after another
转战千里轉戰千里zhuan3 zhan4 qian1 li3
fighting everywhere over a thousand miles (idiom); constant fighting across the country; never-ending struggle
转账轉賬zhuan3 zhang4
to transfer (money to a bank account)
转账卡轉賬卡zhuan3 zhang4 ka3
a debit card
转折轉折zhuan3 zhe2
shift in the trend of events; turnaround; plot shift in a book; turn in the conversation
转折点轉折點zhuan3 zhe2 dian3
turning point; breaking point
转诊轉診zhuan3 zhen3
to transfer (a patient for treatment in a different hospital)
转正轉正zhuan3 zheng4
to transfer to full membership; to obtain tenure
转钟轉鐘zhuan3 zhong1
past midnight
转注轉注zhuan3 zhu4
transfer character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); character with meanings influenced by other words; sometimes called mutually explanatory character
转注字轉注字zhuan3 zhu4 zi4
transfer character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); character with meanings influenced by other words; sometimes called mutually explanatory character
转租轉租zhuan3 zu1
to sublet; to sublease
转败为胜轉敗為勝zhuan4 bai4 wei2 sheng4
to turn defeat into victory (idiom); snatching victory from the jaws of defeat
转笔刀轉筆刀zhuan4 bi3 dao1
pencil sharpener
转车轉車zhuan4 che1
a turntable
转车台轉車台zhuan4 che1 tai2
a turntable
转动轉動zhuan4 dong4
to rotate (about an axis); to revolve; to turn; to move in a circle; to gyrate
转动件轉動件zhuan4 dong4 jian4
转动轴轉動軸zhuan4 dong4 zhou2
axis of rotation (mechanics); spindle
转鼓轉鼓zhuan4 gu3
rotary drum
转浑天仪轉渾天儀zhuan4 hun2 tian1 yi2
armillary sphere (astronomy)
转筋轉筋zhuan4 jin1
muscle cramp
转矩轉矩zhuan4 ju3
转矩臂轉矩臂zhuan4 ju3 bi4
torque arm
转距轉距zhuan4 ju4
转来转去轉來轉去zhuan4 lai2 zhuan4 qu4
to rove around; to run around in circles; to walk back and forth
转铃轉鈴zhuan4 ling2
bicycle bell (with revolving cap)
转铃儿轉鈴兒zhuan4 ling2 er5
erhua variant of 轉鈴|转铃
转炉轉爐zhuan4 lu2
converter (rotary furnace in steelmaking)
转轮轉輪zhuan4 lun2
rotating disk; wheel; rotor; cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism
转轮圣王轉輪聖王zhuan4 lun2 sheng4 wang2
Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of Kings); emperor in Hindu mythology
转轮手枪轉輪手槍zhuan4 lun2 shou3 qiang1
revolver (handgun)
转门轉門zhuan4 men2
revolving door; turnstile
转磨轉磨zhuan4 mo4
rotary grindstone
转纽轉紐zhuan4 niu3
organ stop (button activating a row of pipes)
转盘轉盤zhuan4 pan2
turntable; rotary (traffic)
转去轉去zhuan4 qu4
to return; to go back
转圈轉圈zhuan4 quan1
to rotate; to twirl; to run around; to encircle; rotation; (coll.) to speak indirectly; to beat about the bush
转速轉速zhuan4 su4
angular velocity; number of revolutions per minute
转速表轉速錶zhuan4 su4 biao3
tachometer; RPM gauge
转塔轉塔zhuan4 ta3
rotating turret
转台轉台zhuan4 tai2
rotating stage; swivel table
转头轉頭zhuan4 tou2
nutation (plants turning to face the sun)
转位轉位zhuan4 wei4
index (rotating gauge); cam gradation
转向轉向zhuan4 xiang4
to get lost; to lose one's way
转腰子轉腰子zhuan4 yao1 zi5
(coll.) to pace around nervously; to speak indirectly; to beat about the bush