Ahmedabad, largest city in west Indian state Gujarat 古吉拉特
安达安達an1 da2
Anda county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang
安达曼岛安達曼島an1 da2 man4 dao3
Andaman islands; variant of 安達曼群島|安达曼群岛
安达曼海安達曼海an1 da2 man4 hai3
Andaman Sea
安达曼群岛安達曼群島an1 da2 man4 qun2 dao3
Andaman islands
安达仕安達仕an1 da2 shi4
Andaz (hotel brand)
安达市安達市an1 da2 shi4
Anda county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang
安地卡及巴布达安地卡及巴布達an1 di4 ka3 ji2 ba1 bu4 da2
Antigua and Barbuda (Tw)
安提瓜和巴布达安提瓜和巴布達an1 ti2 gua1 he2 ba1 bu4 da2
Antigua and Barbuda
八达岭八達嶺ba1 da2 ling3
Badaling, a particular section of the Great Wall that is a favorite tourist destination
巴达木巴達木ba1 da2 mu4
almond (loanword)
八达通八達通ba1 da2 tong1
Octopus card (Hong Kong smart card for electronic payments)
芭达雅芭達雅ba1 da2 ya3
variant of 帕塔亞|帕塔亚; Pattaya or Phatthaya city in Chon Buri province of east Thailand
巴格达巴格達ba1 ge2 da2
Baghdad, capital of Iraq
百慕达百慕達bai3 mu4 da2
Bermuda (Tw)
班达亚齐班達亞齊ban1 da2 ya4 qi2
Banda Aceh, capital of Aceh province of Indonesia in northwest Sumatra
北达科他北達科他bei3 da2 ke1 ta1
North Dakota, US state
北达科他州北達科他州bei3 da2 ke1 ta1 zhou1
North Dakota, US state
蹦达蹦達beng4 da2
active; still bouncy (esp. of old person)
毕达哥拉斯畢達哥拉斯bi4 da2 ge1 la1 si1
表达表達biao3 da2
to express; to convey
表达失语症表達失語症biao3 da2 shi1 yu3 zheng4
expressive aphasia
表达式表達式biao3 da2 shi4
expression (math.)
博格达峰博格達峰bo2 ge2 da2 feng1
Mt Bogda in eastern Tianshan
博格达山脉博格達山脈bo2 ge2 da2 shan1 mai4
Bogda Mountain range in Tianshan mountains
布达拉宫布達拉宮bu4 da2 la1 gong1
Potala, winter palace of Dalai Lamas in Lhasa, Tibet
布达拉山布達拉山bu4 da2 la1 shan1
Mt Potala in Lhasa, with Potala Palace 布達拉宮|布达拉宫
布达佩斯布達佩斯bu4 da2 pei4 si1
Budapest, capital of Hungary
步进马达步進馬達bu4 jin4 ma3 da2
stepper motor
层层传达層層傳達ceng2 ceng2 chuan2 da2
to send down the line
柴达木柴達木chai2 da2 mu4
Tsaidam or Qaidam basin (Mongolian: salt marsh), depression northeast of the Plateau of Tibet, located between the Qilian Shan and the Kunlun Shan at the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.
柴达木盆地柴達木盆地chai2 da2 mu4 pen2 di4
Tsaidam or Qaidam basin (Mongolian: salt marsh), depression northeast of the Plateau of Tibet, located between the Qilian Shan and the Kunlun Shan at the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.
长达長達chang2 da2
to extend as long as; to lengthen out to
畅达暢達chang4 da2
free-flowing; smooth
陈伯达陳伯達chen2 bo2 da2
Chen Boda (1904-1989), communist party theorist, interpreter of Maoism
传达傳達chuan2 da2
to pass on; to convey; to relay; to transmit; transmission
传达室傳達室chuan2 da2 shi4
reception office; janitor's office
传达员傳達員chuan2 da2 yuan2
usher; receptionist
词不达意詞不達意ci2 bu4 da2 yi4
words do not convey the meaning; poorly expressed; senseless; inarticulate
词素通达模型詞素通達模型ci2 su4 tong1 da2 mo2 xing2
morpheme access model (MA model)
词通达模型詞通達模型ci2 tong1 da2 mo2 xing2
word access model
达·芬奇達·芬奇da2 - fen1 qi2
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian Renaissance painter
达坂城達坂城da2 ban3 cheng2
Dabancheng district of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市, Xinjiang
达坂城区達坂城區da2 ban3 cheng2 qu1
Dabancheng district of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市, Xinjiang
Darhan Muming'an united banner in Baotou 包頭|包头, Inner Mongolia
达尔马提亚達爾馬提亞da2 er3 ma3 ti2 ya4
Dalmatia, Croatian region on the eastern coast of Adriatic Sea
达尔文達爾文da2 er3 wen2
Charles Darwin (1809-1882), British biologist and author of "On the Origin of Species" 物種起源|物种起源; Darwin, capital of the Northern Territory (Australia) 北領地|北领地
达尔文港達爾文港da2 er3 wen2 gang3
Darwin, capital of the Northern Territory, Australia
达尔文学说達爾文學說da2 er3 wen2 xue2 shuo1
达尔文学徒達爾文學徒da2 er3 wen2 xue2 tu2
达菲達菲da2 fei1
oseltamivir; Tamiflu
达芬西達芬西da2 fen1 xi1
see 達·芬奇|达·芬奇
达观達觀da2 guan1
to take things philosophically
达官達官da2 guan1
high-ranking official
达官贵人達官貴人da2 guan1 gui4 ren2
high official and noble persons (idiom); the great and the good
达喀尔達喀爾da2 ka1 er3
Dakar, capital of Senegal
达卡達卡da2 ka3
Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh; (Tw) Dakar, capital of Senegal
达科塔·芬妮達科塔·芬妮da2 ke1 ta3 - fen1 ni1
Dakota Fanning, American actress
达克龙達克龍da2 ke4 long2
Dacron (brand)
达拉斯達拉斯da2 la1 si1
达拉特達拉特da2 la1 te4
Dalad banner in Ordos 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯, Inner Mongolia
达拉特旗達拉特旗da2 la1 te4 qi2
Dalad banner in Ordos 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯, Inner Mongolia
达赖達賴da2 lai4
the Dalai Lama; abbr. of 達賴喇嘛|达赖喇嘛
达赖喇嘛達賴喇嘛da2 lai4 la3 ma5
Dalai Lama
达兰萨拉達蘭薩拉da2 lan2 sa4 la1
Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh, north India, home of Tibetan government in exile
达朗贝尔達朗貝爾da2 lang3 bei4 er3
D'Alembert (1717-1783), French mathematician
达累斯萨拉姆達累斯薩拉姆da2 lei4 si1 sa4 la1 mu3
Dar es Salaam (former capital of Tanzania)
达令達令da2 ling4
Darling (name)
达噜噶齐達嚕噶齊da2 lu1 ga2 qi2
Mongolian daruqachi, local commander in Mongol and Yuan times
达鲁花赤達魯花赤da2 lu3 hua1 chi4
Mongolian daruqachi, local commander in Mongol and Yuan times
达罗毗荼達羅毗荼da2 luo2 pi2 tu2
Dravidian (general term for South Indian people and languages)
达茂旗達茂旗da2 mao4 qi2
Darhan Muming'an united banner in Baotou 包頭|包头, Inner Mongolia; abbr. for 達爾罕茂明安聯合旗|达尔罕茂明安联合旗
达美航空達美航空da2 mei3 hang2 kong1
Delta Air Lines, Inc., airline headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia
达摩達摩da2 mo2
Dharma, the teaching of Buddha; Bodhidharma
达姆弹達姆彈da2 mu3 dan4
dumdum bullet (loanword); expanding bullet
达尼亚達尼亞da2 ni2 ya4
Dania, Tania etc
达人達人da2 ren2
expert; person who takes things philosophically
达仁達仁da2 ren2
Daren or Tajen township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县, southeast Taiwan
达仁乡達仁鄉da2 ren2 xiang1
Daren or Tajen township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县, southeast Taiwan
达日達日da2 ri4
Darlag or Dari county (Tibetan: dar lag rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture 果洛州, Qinghai
达日县達日縣da2 ri4 xian4
Darlag or Dari county (Tibetan: dar lag rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture 果洛州, Qinghai
达特茅斯達特茅斯da2 te4 mao2 si1
Dartmouth (place name)
达特茅斯学院達特茅斯學院da2 te4 mao2 si1 xue2 yuan4
Dartmouth College
达味達味da2 wei4
David (name)
达味王達味王da2 wei4 wang2
King David
达文西達文西da2 wen2 xi1
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian Renaissance painter (Tw)
达斡尔達斡爾da2 wo4 er3
Daur ethnic group of Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang
达斡尔语達斡爾語da2 wo4 er3 yu3
Daur language (of Daur ethnic group of Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang)
达沃斯達沃斯da2 wo4 si1
Davos (Swiss ski resort); Davos world economic forum (WEF)
达沃斯论坛達沃斯論壇da2 wo4 si1 lun4 tan2
Davos world economic forum (WEF)
达乌里寒鸦達烏裡寒鴉da2 wu1 li3 han2 ya1
(bird species of China) Daurian jackdaw (Coloeus dauuricus)
达悟族達悟族da2 wu4 zu2
Tao or Yami, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
达县達縣da2 xian4
Da county in Dazhou 達州|达州, Sichuan
达意達意da2 yi4
to express or convey one's ideas
达因達因da2 yin1
dyne (loanword)
达阵達陣da2 zhen4
touchdown; try (sports)
达州達州da2 zhou1
Dazhou prefecture level city in Sichuan
达州市達州市da2 zhou1 shi4
Dazhou prefecture level city in Sichuan
达孜達孜da2 zi1
Dagzê county, Tibetan: Stag rtse rdzong in Lhasa 拉薩|拉萨, Tibet
达孜县達孜縣da2 zi1 xian4
Dagzê county, Tibetan: Stag rtse rdzong in Lhasa 拉薩|拉萨, Tibet
Morin Dawa Daur Autonomous Banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia
纳达尔納達爾na4 da2 er3
Nadal (name); Rafael Nadal (1986-), Spanish tennis player
那达慕那達慕na4 da2 mu4
Nadam or Games, Mongolian national harvest festival in July-August
那斯达克那斯達克na4 si1 da2 ke4
NASDAQ (stock exchange)
纳斯达克納斯達克na4 si1 da2 ke4
NASDAQ (stock exchange)
南达科他南達科他nan2 da2 ke1 ta1
South Dakota, US state
南达科他州南達科他州nan2 da2 ke1 ta1 zhou1
South Dakota, US state
内华达內華達nei4 hua2 da2
Nevada, US state
内华达州內華達州nei4 hua2 da2 zhou1
Nevada, US state
品达品達pin3 da2
Pindar, Greek poet
菩提达摩菩提達摩pu2 ti2 da2 mo2
普拉达普拉達pu3 la1 da2
Prada (brand)
齐内丁·齐达内齊內丁·齊達內qi2 nei4 ding1 - qi2 da2 nei4
Zinedine Zidane (Zizou), a past French soccer player
千里达和多巴哥千里達和多巴哥qian1 li3 da2 he2 duo1 ba1 ge1
Trinidad and Tobago
千里达及托巴哥千里達及托巴哥qian1 li3 da2 ji2 tuo1 ba1 ge1
Trinidad and Tobago (Tw)
切达切達qie4 da2
Cheddar (cheese)
任达华任達華ren4 da2 hua2
Simon Yam Tat-Wah (1955-), Hong Kong actor and film producer
萨达姆薩達姆sa4 da2 mu3
萨达姆·侯赛因薩達姆·侯賽因sa4 da2 mu3 - hou2 sai4 yin1
Saddam Hussein
萨达特薩達特sa4 da2 te4
Anwar Al Sadat
萨噶达娃节薩噶達娃節sa4 ga2 da2 wa2 jie2
Tibetan festival on 15th April marking Sakyamuni's birthday
色达色達se4 da2
Sêrtar county (Tibetan: gser thar rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)
色达县色達縣shai3 da2 xian4
Sêrtar county (Tibetan: gser thar rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)
山达基山達基shan1 da2 ji1
上达上達shang4 da2
to reach the higher authorities
生达生達sheng1 da2
Sinda, name of former county 1983-1999 in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区, Tibet
生达县生達縣sheng1 da2 xian4
Sinda county, name of former county 1983-1999 in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区, Tibet
生达乡生達鄉sheng1 da2 xiang1
Sinda village in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区, Tibet
识时达务識時達務shi2 shi2 da2 wu4
understanding; to know what's up
斯巴达斯巴達si1 ba1 da2
斯彻达尔斯徹達爾si1 che4 da2 er3
Stjørdal (city in Trøndelag, Norway)
斯柯达斯柯達si1 ke1 da2
Škoda, Czech Republic car manufacturer, a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group
思密达思密達si1 mi4 da2
(slang) (used humorously or mockingly at the end of a sentence in imitation of Korean speech) (loanword from Korean verb ending "seumnida"); (jocularly) a Korean
司汤达司湯達si1 tang1 da2
四通八达四通八達si4 tong1 ba1 da2
roads open in all directions (idiom); accessible from all sides
送达送達song4 da2
to deliver; to serve notice (law)
苏金达蘇金達su1 jin1 da2
Sukinda, Indian city
苏门达腊蘇門達臘su1 men2 da2 la4
variant of 蘇門答臘|苏门答腊
速可达速可達su4 ke3 da2
scooter (loanword)
速克达速克達su4 ke4 da2
scooter (loanword)
泰达泰達tai4 da2
TEDA (Tianjin Economic Development Area)
特立尼达特立尼達te4 li4 ni2 da2
特立尼达和多巴哥特立尼達和多巴哥te4 li4 ni2 da2 he2 duo1 ba1 ge1
Trinidad and Tobago
体育达标测验體育達標測驗ti3 yu4 da2 biao1 ce4 yan4
physical fitness test (for school students etc)
铁达尼号鐵達尼號tie3 da2 ni2 hao4
RMS Titanic, British passenger liner that sank in 1912 (Taiwan); PRC equivalent: 泰坦尼克號|泰坦尼克号
通达通達tong1 da2
to understand clearly; to be sensible or reasonable; understanding
通情达理通情達理tong1 qing2 da2 li3
fair and reasonable (idiom); sensible; standing to reason
通权达变通權達變tong1 quan2 da2 bian4
to adapt to circumstances
通宵达旦通宵達旦tong1 xiao1 da2 dan4
overnight until daybreak (idiom); all night long; day and night