surname Guo

to cross; to go over; to pass (time); to celebrate (a holiday); to live; to get along; excessively; too-

(experienced action marker)

strokes 6
strokes after radical 3
八仙过海,各显其能 八仙過海,各顯其能 ba1 xian1 guo4 hai3 - ge4 xian3 qi2 neng2
see 八仙過海,各顯神通|八仙过海,各显神通

八仙过海,各显神通 八仙過海,各顯神通 ba1 xian1 guo4 hai3 - ge4 xian3 shen2 tong1
lit. the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his own special talent (idiom); fig. (of each individual in a group) to give full play to one's unique capabilities

白驹过隙 白駒過隙 bai2 ju1 guo4 xi4
a white steed flits past a crack (idiom); How time flies!

闭门思过 閉門思過 bi4 men2 si1 guo4
shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes

表演过火 表演過火 biao3 yan3 guo4 huo3
to overact; to overdo one's part

补过 補過 bu3 guo4
to make up for an earlier mistake; to make amends

不过 不過 bu4 guo4
only; merely; no more than; but; however; anyway (to get back to a previous topic); cannot be more (after adjectival)

不过尔尔 不過爾爾 bu4 guo4 er3 er3
not more than so-so (idiom); mediocre; nothing out of the ordinary

不过意 不過意 bu4 guo4 yi4
to be sorry; to feel apologetic

不求有功,但求无过 不求有功,但求無過 bu4 qiu2 you3 gong1 - dan4 qiu2 wu2 guo4
lit. not aiming to achieve the best possible result, but rather trying to avoid making mistakes (idiom); fig. to take a risk-averse approach

擦肩而过 擦肩而過 ca1 jian1 er2 guo4
brief encounter; to brush past sb

擦身而过 擦身而過 ca1 shen1 er2 guo4
to brush past

才气过人 才氣過人 cai2 qi4 guo4 ren2
an outstanding talent (idiom); surpassing insight and acumen

才识过人 才識過人 cai2 shi2 guo4 ren2
an outstanding talent (idiom); surpassing insight and acumen

操之过急 操之過急 cao1 zhi1 guo4 ji2
to act with undue haste (idiom); eager and impatient; overhasty

超过 超過 chao1 guo4
to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip

超过限度 超過限度 chao1 guo4 xian4 du4
to exceed; to go beyond; to overstep the limit

尺寸过大 尺寸過大 chi3 cun5 guo4 da4
oversize (baggage, cargo etc)

除过 除過 chu2 guo4
(dialect) except; besides

穿过 穿過 chuan1 guo4
to pass through

传三过四 傳三過四 chuan2 san1 guo4 si4
to spread rumors; to gossip

喘不过 喘不過 chuan3 bu5 guo4
to be unable to breathe easily

喘不过气来 喘不過氣來 chuan3 bu5 guo4 qi4 lai2
to be unable to breathe

闯过 闖過 chuang3 guo4
to crash one's way through

聪明过头 聰明過頭 cong1 ming5 guo4 tou2
too clever by half; excessive ingenuity

错过 錯過 cuo4 guo4
to miss (train, opportunity etc)

打不过 打不過 da3 bu5 guo4
unable to defeat; to be no match for sb

大过 大過 da4 guo4
serious mistake; major demerit

大过年 大過年 da4 guo4 nian2
Chinese New Year

大人不记小人过 大人不記小人過 da4 ren2 bu4 ji4 xiao3 ren2 guo4
a person of great moral stature does not remember the offenses committed by one of low moral stature

大喜过望 大喜過望 da4 xi3 guo4 wang4
overjoyed at unexpected good news (idiom)

代人受过 代人受過 dai4 ren2 shou4 guo4
to take the blame for sb else; to be made a scapegoat

单方过失碰撞 單方過失碰撞 dan1 fang1 guo4 shi1 peng4 zhuang4
collision in which only one party is at fault

单过 單過 dan1 guo4
to live independently; to live on one's own

倒过儿 倒過兒 dao4 guo4 er5
the wrong way round (back to front, inside out etc)

得过且过 得過且過 de2 guo4 qie3 guo4
satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through; without high ambitions, but getting by

低空飞过 低空飛過 di1 kong1 fei1 guo4
to just scrape through with a narrow pass (in an exam)

颠倒过来 顛倒過來 dian1 dao3 guo4 lai2
to invert

掉过 掉過 diao4 guo4
to swap places

掉过儿 掉過兒 diao4 guo4 er5
erhua variant of 掉過|掉过

渡过 渡過 du4 guo4
to cross over; to pass through

度过 度過 du4 guo4
to pass; to spend (time); to survive; to get through

对过 對過 dui4 guo4
across; opposite; the other side

翻过 翻過 fan1 guo4
to turn over; to transform

翻过来 翻過來 fan1 guo4 lai2
to overturn; to turn upside down

反过来说 反過來說 fan3 guo4 lai2 shuo1
on the other hand

反过来 反過來 fan3 guo5 lai2
conversely; in reverse order; in an opposite direction

饭后一支烟,赛过活神仙 飯後一支煙,賽過活神仙 fan4 hou4 yi1 zhi1 yan1 - sai4 guo4 huo2 shen2 xian1
have a smoke after each meal and you will surpass the immortals (proverb)

防卫过当 防衛過當 fang2 wei4 guo4 dang4
excessive self-defense (self-defense with excessive force)

放过 放過 fang4 guo4
to let off; to let slip by; to let sb get away with sth

放马过来 放馬過來 fang4 ma3 guo4 lai2
bring it on!; give me all you got!

飞过 飛過 fei1 guo4
to fly over; to fly past

逢年过节 逢年過節 feng2 nian2 guo4 jie2
at the Chinese New Year or other festivities

服药过量 服藥過量 fu2 yao4 guo4 liang4
overdose of drugs

富不过三代 富不過三代 fu4 bu4 guo4 san1 dai4
wealth never survives three generations (idiom)

改过 改過 gai3 guo4
to correct; to fix

改过自新 改過自新 gai3 guo4 zi4 xin1
to reform and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf

功过 功過 gong1 guo4
merits and demerits; contributions and errors

供过于求 供過於求 gong1 guo4 yu2 qiu2
supply exceeds demand

工作过度 工作過度 gong1 zuo4 guo4 du4

关关难过,关关过 關關難過,關關過 guan1 guan1 nan2 guo4 - guan1 guan1 guo4
to meet with great difficulties but pull through

过半 過半 guo4 ban4
over fifty percent; more than half

过磅 過磅 guo4 bang4
to weigh (on a scale)

过不去 過不去 guo4 bu5 qu4
to make life difficult for; to embarrass; unable to make it through

过不下 過不下 guo4 bu5 xia4
to be unable to continue living (in a certain manner); to be unable to make a living

过场 過場 guo4 chang3
interlude; to cross the stage; to do sth as a mere formality; to go through the motions

过程 過程 guo4 cheng2
course of events; process

过程比终点更美 過程比終點更美 guo4 cheng2 bi3 zhong1 dian3 geng4 mei3
The process is more beautiful than the outcome.; It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.

过从 過從 guo4 cong2
to have relations with; to associate with

过错 過錯 guo4 cuo4
mistake; fault; responsibility (for a fault)

过当 過當 guo4 dang4

过道 過道 guo4 dao4
passageway; corridor; aisle

过得 過得 guo4 de2
How are you getting by?; How's life?; contraction of 過得去|过得去, can get by; tolerably well; not too bad

过得去 過得去 guo4 de2 qu4
lit. can pass through (an opening); fig. can get by (in life); tolerably well; not too bad; How are you getting by?; How's life?

过低 過低 guo4 di1
too low

过冬 過冬 guo4 dong1
to get through the winter

过渡 過渡 guo4 du4
to cross over (by ferry); transition; interim; caretaker (administration)

过度 過度 guo4 du4
excessive; over-; excess; going too far; extravagant; intemperate; overdue

过渡贷款 過渡貸款 guo4 du4 dai4 kuan3
bridging loan

过度关怀 過度關懷 guo4 du4 guan1 huai2
obsession; excessive concern

过渡金属 過渡金屬 guo4 du4 jin1 shu3
transition metal (chemistry)

过度紧张 過度緊張 guo4 du4 jin3 zhang1
hypertension; excessive stress

过渡时期 過渡時期 guo4 du4 shi2 qi1

过渡性 過渡性 guo4 du4 xing4
transitional; bridging

过渡性贷款 過渡性貸款 guo4 du4 xing4 dai4 kuan3
bridging loan

过多 過多 guo4 duo1
too many; excessive

过而能改,善莫大焉 過而能改,善莫大焉 guo4 er2 neng2 gai3 - shan4 mo4 da4 yan1
If one can change after making a mistake, there is nothing better (idiom)

过犯 過犯 guo4 fan4
previous sins

过房 過房 guo4 fang2
to adopt; to give for adoption (usually to a childless relative)

过份 過份 guo4 fen4
unduly; excessive

过分 過分 guo4 fen4
excessive; undue; overly

过份简单化 過份簡單化 guo4 fen4 jian3 dan1 hua4
oversimplification; to oversimplify

过高 過高 guo4 gao1
too high

过关 過關 guo4 guan1
to cross a barrier; to get through (an ordeal); to pass (a test); to reach (a standard)

过关斩将 過關斬將 guo4 guan1 zhan3 jiang4
to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom); abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五关斩六将

过惯 過慣 guo4 guan4
to be accustomed to (a certain lifestyle etc)

过河拆桥 過河拆橋 guo4 he2 chai1 qiao2
lit. to destroy the bridge after crossing the river (idiom); fig. to abandon one's benefactor upon achieving one's goal

过后 過後 guo4 hou4
after the event

过活 過活 guo4 huo2
to live one's life; to make a living

过火 過火 guo4 huo3
to go too far (in word or deed); over the top

过激 過激 guo4 ji1
drastic; extreme; aggressive

过继 過繼 guo4 ji4
to adopt; to give for adoption (usually to a childless relative)

过家家 過家家 guo4 jia1 jia1
to play house

过肩摔 過肩摔 guo4 jian1 shuai3
shoulder throw (judo)

过奖 過獎 guo4 jiang3
to overpraise; to flatter

过胶 過膠 guo4 jiao1
(stationery) to laminate

过街老鼠 過街老鼠 guo4 jie1 lao3 shu3
sb or sth detested by all; target of scorn; anathema; cf. 老鼠過街,人人喊打|老鼠过街,人人喊打

过街天桥 過街天橋 guo4 jie1 tian1 qiao2
skywalk; pedestrian bridge

过节 過節 guo4 jie2
to celebrate a festival; after the celebrations (i.e. once the festival is over)

过节儿 過節兒 guo4 jie2 er5
(coll.) grudge; strife; good manners

过境 過境 guo4 jing4
to pass through a country's territory; transit

过境签证 過境簽證 guo4 jing4 qian1 zheng4
transit visa

过客 過客 guo4 ke4
passing traveler; transient guest; sojourner

过来 過來 guo4 lai2
to come over; to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of

过来人 過來人 guo4 lai2 ren2
an experienced person; sb who has 'been around (the block)'; sb who has personally experienced it

过来 過來 guo4 lai5
see 過來|过来

过劳 過勞 guo4 lao2

过劳肥 過勞肥 guo4 lao2 fei2
overweight from overwork (the supposition that white collar workers become fat as a consequence of factors associated with being under pressure at work, including irregular diet, lack of exercise and inadequate rest)

过劳死 過勞死 guo4 lao2 si3
karoshi (loanword from Japanese), death from overwork

过了这村没这店 過了這村沒這店 guo4 le5 zhe4 cun1 mei2 zhe4 dian4
past this village, you won't find this shop (idiom); this is your last chance

过量 過量 guo4 liang4
excess; overdose

过路费 過路費 guo4 lu4 fei4
toll (fee for using a road)

过路人 過路人 guo4 lu4 ren2
a passer-by

过滤 過濾 guo4 lv4
to filter; filter

过滤器 過濾器 guo4 lv4 qi4
filtering apparatus; (machine) filter

过滤嘴香烟 過濾嘴香煙 guo4 lv4 zui3 xiang1 yan1
filter-tipped cigarette

过马路 過馬路 guo4 ma3 lu4
to cross the street

过门 過門 guo4 men2
to pass through a doorway; (of a woman) to marry; orchestral music interlude in an opera

过敏 過敏 guo4 min3
oversensitive; allergic; allergy

过敏反应 過敏反應 guo4 min3 fan3 ying4
allergic reaction

过敏性 過敏性 guo4 min3 xing4
hypersensitive; allergic reaction; anaphylaxis

过敏性反应 過敏性反應 guo4 min3 xing4 fan3 ying4
allergic reaction; hypersensitive reaction; anaphylaxis

过敏性休克 過敏性休克 guo4 min3 xing4 xiu1 ke4
anaphylactic shock

过目 過目 guo4 mu4
to look over

过目不忘 過目不忘 guo4 mu4 bu4 wang4
to have a highly retentive memory; to have sth imprinted in one's memory

过年 過年 guo4 nian2
to celebrate the Chinese New Year

过胖暴食症 過胖暴食症 guo4 pang4 bao4 shi2 zheng4
binge eating disorder (BED)

过期 過期 guo4 qi1
to be overdue; to exceed the time limit; to expire (as in expiration date)

过气 過氣 guo4 qi4
past one's prime; has-been

过桥贷款 過橋貸款 guo4 qiao2 dai4 kuan3
bridge loan

过去 過去 guo4 qu4
(in the) past; former; previous; to go over; to pass by

过去时 過去時 guo4 qu4 shi2
past tense (grammar)

过去 過去 guo4 qu5
(verb suffix)

过去分词 過去分詞 guo4 qu5 fen1 ci2
past participle (in European grammar)

过去经验 過去經驗 guo4 qu5 jing1 yan4
past experience

过去式 過去式 guo4 qu5 shi4
past tense

过热 過熱 guo4 re4
to overheat (e.g. an economy)

过人 過人 guo4 ren2
to surpass others; outstanding; (basketball, soccer etc) to get past an opponent

过日子 過日子 guo4 ri4 zi5
to live one's life; to pass one's days; to get along

过山车 過山車 guo4 shan1 che1
roller coaster

过少 過少 guo4 shao3
too few; insufficient

过剩 過剩 guo4 sheng4
surplus; excess

过失 過失 guo4 shi1
error; fault; (law) negligence; delinquency

过失杀人 過失殺人 guo4 shi1 sha1 ren2
see 過失致死罪|过失致死罪

过失致死罪 過失致死罪 guo4 shi1 zhi4 si3 zui4
(law) negligent homicide

过时 過時 guo4 shi2
old-fashioned; out of date; to be later than the time stipulated or agreed upon

过时不候 過時不候 guo4 shi2 bu4 hou4
being late is not acceptable (idiom)

过世 過世 guo4 shi4
to die; to pass away

过塑 過塑 guo4 su4
(stationery) to laminate

过堂 過堂 guo4 tang2
to appear in court for trial (old); (of Buddhist monks) to have a meal together in the temple hall

过庭录 過庭錄 guo4 ting2 lu4
lit. Notes on passing the hall, historical jottings by 12th century Southern Song poet Fan Gongcheng 範公偁|范公偁, containing moral instructions derived from great men of Song dynasty

过头 過頭 guo4 tou2
to overdo it; to overstep the limit; excessively; above one's head; overhead

过头话 過頭話 guo4 tou2 hua4

过往 過往 guo4 wang3
to come and go; to have friendly relations with; in the past; previous

过问 過問 guo4 wen4
to show an interest in; to get involved with

过五关斩六将 過五關斬六將 guo4 wu3 guan1 zhan3 liu4 jiang4
lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom); fig. to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success)

过细 過細 guo4 xi4
extremely careful; meticulous; overattentive

过氧 過氧 guo4 yang3
peroxy-; peroxide (chemistry)

过氧苯甲酰 過氧苯甲酰 guo4 yang3 ben3 jia3 xian1
benzoil peroxide

过氧化 過氧化 guo4 yang3 hua4

过氧化苯甲酰 過氧化苯甲酰 guo4 yang3 hua4 ben3 jia3 xian1
benzoil peroxide

过氧化氢 過氧化氫 guo4 yang3 hua4 qing1
hydrogen peroxide H2O2

过氧化氢酶 過氧化氫酶 guo4 yang3 hua4 qing1 mei2
catalase (enzyme); hydrogen peroxidase

过氧化物 過氧化物 guo4 yang3 hua4 wu4

过氧物酶体 過氧物酶體 guo4 yang3 wu4 mei2 ti3
peroxisome (type of organelle)

过夜 過夜 guo4 ye4
to spend the night; overnight

过一会儿 過一會兒 guo4 yi1 hui4 er5
later; after a while

过意不去 過意不去 guo4 yi4 bu4 qu4
to feel very apologetic

过瘾 過癮 guo4 yin3
to satisfy a craving; to get a kick out of sth; gratifying; immensely enjoyable; satisfying; fulfilling

过硬 過硬 guo4 ying4
to have perfect mastery of sth; to be up to the mark

过犹不及 過猶不及 guo4 you2 bu4 ji2
too far is as bad as not enough (idiom, from the Analects)

过于 過於 guo4 yu2
too much; excessively

过誉 過譽 guo4 yu4
to praise too much; I really don't deserve so much praise

过载 過載 guo4 zai4

过早 過早 guo4 zao3
premature; untimely

过早起爆 過早起爆 guo4 zao3 qi3 bao4

过站大厅 過站大廳 guo4 zhan4 da4 ting1
transit lounge

过帐 過帳 guo4 zhang4
posting (accounting)

过招 過招 guo4 zhao1
to fight; to exchange blows

过重 過重 guo4 zhong4
overweight (luggage)

好过 好過 hao3 guo4
to have an easy time; (feel) well

横过 橫過 heng2 guo4
to traverse

呼啸而过 呼嘯而過 hu1 xiao4 er2 guo4
to whistle past; to hurtle past; to zip by

花粉过敏 花粉過敏 hua1 fen3 guo4 min3
hay fever

划过 劃過 hua2 guo4
(of a meteor etc) to streak across (the sky); (of a searchlight, lightning etc) to play across (the sky)

悔过 悔過 hui3 guo4
to regret; to repent

悔过书 悔過書 hui3 guo4 shu1
written repentance

悔过自新 悔過自新 hui3 guo4 zi4 xin1
to repent and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf

疾驰而过 疾馳而過 ji2 chi2 er2 guo4
to sweep past; to hurtle past; to swoosh past

挤过 擠過 ji3 guo4
to squeeze through; to force one's way through

记过 記過 ji4 guo4
to give sb a demerit

矫枉过正 矯枉過正 jiao3 wang3 guo4 zheng4
to overcorrect (idiom); to overcompensate

矫枉过直 矯枉過直 jiao3 wang3 guo4 zhi2
see 矯枉過正|矫枉过正

接过 接過 jie1 guo4
to take (sth proffered)

结合过程 結合過程 jie2 he2 guo4 cheng2
cohesive process(es)

借过 借過 jie4 guo4
excuse me (i.e. let me through, please)

经过 經過 jing1 guo4
to pass; to go through; process; course

君子不计小人过 君子不計小人過 jun1 zi3 bu4 ji4 xiao3 ren2 guo4
see 大人不記小人過|大人不记小人过

开发过程 開發過程 kai1 fa1 guo4 cheng2
development process

砍头不过风吹帽 砍頭不過風吹帽 kan3 tou2 bu4 guo4 feng1 chui1 mao4
to regard decapitation as no more important than the wind blowing off your hat (idiom)

看不过 看不過 kan4 bu5 guo4
cannot stand by idly and watch; unable to put up with it any longer; see 看不過去|看不过去

看不过去 看不過去 kan4 bu5 guo4 qu5
cannot stand by idly and watch; unable to put up with it any longer

看得过 看得過 kan4 de5 guo4
presentable; passable

看得过儿 看得過兒 kan4 de5 guo4 er5
erhua variant of 看得過|看得过

跨过 跨過 kua4 guo4
to surmount; to cross over

老鼠过街,人人喊打 老鼠過街,人人喊打 lao3 shu3 guo4 jie1 - ren2 ren2 han3 da3
lit. when a rat crosses the street, people chase it down (idiom); fig. everyone detests a lowlife

路过 路過 lu4 guo4
to pass by or through

滤过 濾過 lv4 guo4
to filter

略过 略過 lve4 guo4
to pass over; to skip

掠过 掠過 lve4 guo4
to flit across; to sweep past; to glance (strike at an angle)

马尔可夫过程 馬爾可夫過程 ma3 er3 ke3 fu1 guo4 cheng2
Markov process (mathematics)

瞒天过海 瞞天過海 man2 tian1 guo4 hai3
to cross the sea by a trick (idiom); to achieve one's aim by underhanded means

忙不过来 忙不過來 mang2 bu4 guo4 lai2
to have more work than one can deal with; to have one's hands full

蒙混过关 矇混過關 meng2 hun4 guo4 guan1
to get away with it; to slip through; to bluff one's way out; Taiwan pr.

面壁思过 面壁思過 mian4 bi4 si1 guo4
to face the wall and ponder about one's misdeeds; to stand in the corner (punishment); (fig.) to examine one's conscience

摸石头过河 摸石頭過河 mo1 shi2 tou5 guo4 he2
lit. crossing the river by feeling for stones; improvise by trial-and-error; move cautiously

摸着石头过河 摸著石頭過河 mo1 zhe5 shi2 tou5 guo4 he2
to wade the river by groping for stones (idiom); to advance step by step; to feel one's way around

莫过于 莫過於 mo4 guo4 yu2
nothing can surpass

南飞过冬 南飛過冬 nan2 fei1 guo4 dong1
(of birds) to migrate south for the winter

难过 難過 nan2 guo4
to feel sad; to feel unwell; (of life) to be difficult

泥菩萨过江,自身难保 泥菩薩過江,自身難保 ni2 pu2 sa4 guo4 jiang1 - zi4 shen1 nan2 bao3
like a clay Bodhisattva fording a river, can't guarantee his own safety; unable to save oneself, let alone others

你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥 你走你的陽關道,我過我的獨木橋 ni3 zou3 ni3 de5 yang2 guan1 dao4 - wo3 guo4 wo3 de5 du2 mu4 qiao2
lit. you hit the high road, I'll cross the log bridge (idiom); fig. you go your way, I'll go mine; you do it your way, I'll do it mine

碾过 碾過 nian3 guo4
to crush sth by running over it

拗不过 拗不過 niu4 bu5 guo4
can't persuade; unable to make (sb) change their mind; unable to resist (sb)

气不过 氣不過 qi4 bu5 guo4
so angry it's unbearable; bitter about unbearable grievances

秋风过耳 秋風過耳 qiu1 feng1 guo4 er3
lit. as the autumn breeze passes the ear (idiom); not in the least concerned

饶过 饒過 rao2 guo4
to pardon; to excuse; to forgive

绕过 繞過 rao4 guo4
to detour; to bypass; to circumvent; to avoid; to wind around (of a road etc)

人谁无过 人誰無過 ren2 shei2 wu2 guo4
Everyone makes mistakes (idiom)

三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮 三個臭皮匠,賽過一個諸葛亮 san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 - sai4 guo4 yi1 ge4 zhu1 ge3 liang4
lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom; wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual

三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮 三個臭皮匠,賽過諸葛亮 san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 - sai4 guo4 zhu1 ge3 liang4
lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom; wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual

三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮 三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮 san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 - sheng4 guo4 yi1 ge4 zhu1 ge3 liang4
variant of 三個臭皮匠,賽過一個諸葛亮|三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮

杀人不过头点地 殺人不過頭點地 sha1 ren2 bu4 guo4 tou2 dian3 di4
It's all exaggeration, you don't need to take it seriously; a fuss about nothing; nothing to write home about

闪过 閃過 shan3 guo4
to flash through (one's mind); to dodge (away from pursuers)

涉过 涉過 she4 guo4
to ford (a stream, river etc)

神经过敏 神經過敏 shen2 jing1 guo4 min3
jumpy; nervous; oversensitive

胜过 勝過 sheng4 guo4
to excel; to surpass

时过境迁 時過境遷 shi2 guo4 jing4 qian1
things change with the passage of time (idiom)

事不过三 事不過三 shi4 bu4 guo4 san1
a thing should not be attempted more than three times (idiom); don't repeat the same mistake again and again; bad things don't happen more than three times

事过境迁 事過境遷 shi4 guo4 jing4 qian1
The issue is in the past, and the situation has changed (idiom).; It is water under the bridge.

数不过来 數不過來 shu3 bu4 guo4 lai2
can't manage to count; too many to count

睡过头 睡過頭 shui4 guo4 tou2
to oversleep

说不过去 說不過去 shuo1 bu5 guo4 qu4
cannot be justified; inexcusable

说得过去 說得過去 shuo1 de5 guo4 qu4
acceptable; passable; justifiable; (of a course of action) to make sense

思过 思過 si1 guo4
to reflect on one's past errors

髓过氧化物酶 髓過氧化物酶 sui3 guo4 yang3 hua4 wu4 mei2
Myeloperoxidase (MPO), chemical in neutrophil granulocytes, used to kill pathogens

太过 太過 tai4 guo4
excessively; too

体温过低 體溫過低 ti3 wen1 guo4 di1

通过 通過 tong1 guo4
by means of; through; via; to pass through; to get through; to adopt; to pass (a bill or inspection etc); to switch over

通过事后 通過事後 tong1 guo4 shi4 hou4

透过 透過 tou4 guo4
through; via

为时过早 為時過早 wei2 shi2 guo4 zao3
premature; too soon

委过 委過 wei3 guo4
variant of 諉過|诿过

诿过 諉過 wei3 guo4
to put the blame on sb else

文过饰非 文過飾非 wen2 guo4 shi4 fei1
to cover up one's faults (idiom); to whitewash

闻过则喜 聞過則喜 wen2 guo4 ze2 xi3
to accept criticism gladly (humble expr.); to be happy when one's errors are pointed out

现在是过去钥匙 現在是過去鑰匙 xian4 zai4 shi4 guo4 qu5 yao4 shi5
Today is the key to the past.

小过 小過 xiao3 guo4
little mistake; minor offense; slightly too much

信不过 信不過 xin4 bu4 guo4
to distrust; to be suspicious

信得过 信得過 xin4 de5 guo4
trustworthy; reliable

言过其实 言過其實 yan2 guo4 qi2 shi2
to exaggerate; to overstate the facts

研制过程 研製過程 yan2 zhi4 guo4 cheng2
manufacturing environment

眼过劳 眼過勞 yan3 guo4 lao2
eye strain

雁过拔毛 雁過拔毛 yan4 guo4 ba2 mao2
lit. to grab feathers from a flying goose; fig. to seize any opportunity; pragmatic

业务过失 業務過失 ye4 wu4 guo4 shi1
professional negligence

一带而过 一帶而過 yi1 dai4 er2 guo4
to skate around; to skip over; to skimp

一过性 一過性 yi1 guo4 xing4

一闪而过 一閃而過 yi1 shan3 er2 guo4
to flash past; to flit by

英雄难过美人关 英雄難過美人關 ying1 xiong2 nan2 guo4 mei3 ren2 guan1
even heroes have a weakness for the charms of a beautiful woman (idiom)

映射过程 映射過程 ying4 she4 guo4 cheng2
mapping process

有过之而无不及 有過之而無不及 you3 guo4 zhi1 er2 wu2 bu4 ji2
not to be inferior in any aspects (idiom); to surpass; to outdo; (derog.) to be even worse

雨过天青 雨過天青 yu3 guo4 tian1 qing1
sky clears after rain; new hopes after a disastrous period (idiom); every cloud has a silver lining (idiom); see also 雨過天晴|雨过天晴

雨过天晴 雨過天晴 yu3 guo4 tian1 qing2
sky clears after rain; new hopes after a disastrous period (idiom); every cloud has a silver lining (idiom); see also 雨過天青|雨过天青

远超过 遠超過 yuan3 chao1 guo4
to exceed by far; to outclass

远远超过 遠遠超過 yuan3 yuan3 chao1 guo4
surpassing by far

越过 越過 yue4 guo4
to cross over; to transcend; to cover distance; to overcome; to rise above

再好不过 再好不過 zai4 hao3 bu4 guo4
(saying) can't be better

朝过夕改 朝過夕改 zhao1 guo4 xi1 gai3
to correct in the evening a fault of the morning (idiom); to quickly amend one's ways

招摇过市 招搖過市 zhao1 yao2 guo4 shi4
to parade oneself ostentatiously about town (idiom)

折过儿 折過兒 zhe1 guo4 er5
to turn over

知过改过 知過改過 zhi1 guo4 gai3 guo4
to acknowledge one's faults and correct them (idiom)

只不过 祇不過 zhi3 bu4 guo4
it's just that ...

只不过 只不過 zhi3 bu5 guo4
only; merely; nothing but; no more than

注意力不足过动症 注意力不足過動症 zhu4 yi4 li4 bu4 zu2 guo4 dong4 zheng4
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

注意力缺陷过动症 注意力缺陷過動症 zhu4 yi4 li4 que1 xian4 guo4 dong4 zheng4
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

转变过程 轉變過程 zhuan3 bian4 guo4 cheng2
process of change

走过 走過 zou3 guo4
to walk past; to pass by

走过场 走過場 zou3 guo4 chang3
to go through the motions

罪过 罪過 zui4 guo5
sin; offense

左不过 左不過 zuo3 bu5 guo4
anyhow; in any event; just; only