to disobey; to violate; to separate; to go against

strokes 7
strokes after radical 4
不违农时 不違農時 bu4 wei2 nong2 shi2
not miss the farming season; do farm work in the right season

脚违例 腳違例 jiao3 wei2 li4
foot fault (tennis etc)

久违 久違 jiu3 wei2
(haven't done sth) for a long time; a long time since we last met

睽违 睽違 kui2 wei2
to be separated (from a friend, one's homeland etc) for a period of time; after a hiatus of (x years)

类精神分裂型人格违常 類精神分裂型人格違常 lei4 jing1 shen2 fen1 lie4 xing2 ren2 ge2 wei2 chang2
schizoid personality disorder (SPD)

事与愿违 事與願違 shi4 yu3 yuan4 wei2
things turn out contrary to the way one wishes (idiom)

违碍 違礙 wei2 ai4
taboo; prohibition

违拗 違拗 wei2 ao4
to disobey; to defy; deliberately going against (rule, convention, sb's wishes etc)

违傲 違傲 wei2 ao4
to disobey

违背 違背 wei2 bei4
to go against; to be contrary to; to violate

违悖 違悖 wei2 bei4
to transgress; to violate (the rules); same as 違背|违背

违标 違標 wei2 biao1
to go against the stipulated criteria

违别 違別 wei2 bie2
to leave; to depart; to go against

违恩负义 違恩負義 wei2 en1 fu4 yi4
to disobey one's benefactor; to violate debts of gratitude; to repay good with evil

违法 違法 wei2 fa3
illegal; to break the law

违法乱纪 違法亂紀 wei2 fa3 luan4 ji4
to break the law and violate discipline (idiom)

违反 違反 wei2 fan3
to violate (a law)

违反宪法 違反憲法 wei2 fan3 xian4 fa3
to violate the constitution

违犯 違犯 wei2 fan4
to violate; to infringe

违规 違規 wei2 gui1
to violate (rules); irregular; illegal; corrupt

违和 違和 wei2 he2
unwell; indisposed; out of sorts; euphemism or honorific for ill

违纪 違紀 wei2 ji4
lack of discipline; to break a rule; to violate discipline; to breach a principle

违禁 違禁 wei2 jin4
to violate a prohibition or ban; prohibited; illicit

违禁药品 違禁藥品 wei2 jin4 yao4 pin3
illegal medicines

违抗 違抗 wei2 kang4
to disobey

违戾 違戾 wei2 li4
to violate; to go against

违例 違例 wei2 li4
to break the rules

违利赴名 違利赴名 wei2 li4 fu4 ming2
to renounce profit and seek fame (idiom); to abandon greed for reputation; to choose fame over fortune

违令 違令 wei2 ling4
to disobey; to go against orders

违命 違命 wei2 ming4
disobedient; to violate the Mandate of Heaven (天命)

违逆 違逆 wei2 ni4
to disobey; to defy an edict; to violate; to go against; to run counter to

违强陵弱 違強陵弱 wei2 qiang2 ling2 ruo4
to avoid the strong and attack the weak (idiom); to bully

违强凌弱 違強凌弱 wei2 qiang2 ling2 ruo4
to avoid the strong and attack the weak (idiom); to bully; also written 違強陵弱|违强陵弱

违失 違失 wei2 shi1
fault; mistake; shortcoming; error; misconduct

违时绝俗 違時絕俗 wei2 shi2 jue2 su2
to defy the times and reject custom (idiom); in breach of current conventions

违天害理 違天害理 wei2 tian1 hai4 li3
lit. violating heaven and reason (idiom); immoral character

违天逆理 違天逆理 wei2 tian1 ni4 li3
lit. violating heaven and reason (idiom); immoral character

违忤 違忤 wei2 wu3
to disobey

违误 違誤 wei2 wu4
to disobey and cause delays; to obstruct and procrastinate

违宪 違憲 wei2 xian4

违心 違心 wei2 xin1
false; untrue to one's convictions; against one's will; disloyal

违心之言 違心之言 wei2 xin1 zhi1 yan2
false assertion; speech against one's own convictions

违信背约 違信背約 wei2 xin4 bei4 yue1
in violation of contract and good faith

违言 違言 wei2 yan2
unreasonable words; wounding complaints

违约 違約 wei2 yue1
to break a promise; to violate an agreement; to default (on a loan or contract)

违约金 違約金 wei2 yue1 jin1
penalty (fee)

违章 違章 wei2 zhang1
to break the rules; to violate regulations

违章者 違章者 wei2 zhang1 zhe3
violator; lawbreaker

违者 違者 wei2 zhe3

戏剧化人格违常 戲劇化人格違常 xi4 ju4 hua4 ren2 ge2 wei2 chang2
histrionic personality disorder (HPD)

现量相违 現量相違 xian4 liang4 xiang1 wei2
to not fit one's perception of sth (idiom)

相违 相違 xiang1 wei2
to conflict with (an idea or opinion etc); to depart from (established norms or standards etc)

信贷违约掉期 信貸違約掉期 xin4 dai4 wei2 yue1 diao4 qi1
credit default swap (finance)

阳奉阴违 陽奉陰違 yang2 feng4 yin1 wei2
outward devotion but inner opposition (idiom); to pay lip service; to agree overtly, but oppose in secret