to go through; to know well; (suffix) expert; to connect; to communicate; open; to clear; classifier for letters, telegrams, phone calls etc

classifier for an activity, taken in its entirety (tirade of abuse, stint of music playing, bout of drinking etc)

strokes 10
strokes after radical 7
阿尔斯通公司 阿爾斯通公司 a1 er3 si1 tong1 gong1 si1
Alstom (company name)

八达通 八達通 ba1 da2 tong1
Octopus card (Hong Kong smart card for electronic payments)

八仙过海,各显神通 八仙過海,各顯神通 ba1 xian1 guo4 hai3 - ge4 xian3 shen2 tong1
lit. the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his own special talent (idiom); fig. (of each individual in a group) to give full play to one's unique capabilities

百事通 百事通 bai3 shi4 tong1
knowledgeable person; know all

半通不通 半通不通 ban4 tong1 bu4 tong1
to not fully understand (idiom)

贝纳通 貝納通 bei4 na4 tong1
Benetton, clothes company

变通 變通 bian4 tong1
pragmatic; flexible; to act differently in different situations; to accommodate to circumstances

博古通今 博古通今 bo2 gu3 tong1 jin1
conversant with things past and present; erudite and informed

博识多通 博識多通 bo2 shi2 duo1 tong1
knowledgeable and perspicacious (idiom)

不可通约 不可通約 bu4 ke3 tong1 yue1
having no common measure; incommensurable; incommensurate

不通 不通 bu4 tong1
to be obstructed; to be blocked up; to be impassable; to make no sense; to be illogical

不圆通 不圓通 bu4 yuan2 tong1
inflexible; unaccommodating

畅通 暢通 chang4 tong1
unimpeded; free-flowing; straight path; unclogged; move without obstruction

朝鲜中央通讯社 朝鮮中央通訊社 chao2 xian3 zhong1 yang1 tong1 xun4 she4
North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA); abbr. to 朝中社

车行通道 車行通道 che1 xing2 tong1 dao4
traffic passage

触类旁通 觸類旁通 chu4 lei4 pang2 tong1
to comprehend (new things) by analogy

传输通道 傳輸通道 chuan2 shu1 tong1 dao4
transport channel

串通 串通 chuan4 tong1
to collude; to collaborate; to gang up

串通一气 串通一氣 chuan4 tong1 yi1 qi4
to act in collusion (idiom)

词汇通路 詞彙通路 ci2 hui4 tong1 lu4
lexical route

词素通达模型 詞素通達模型 ci2 su4 tong1 da2 mo2 xing2
morpheme access model (MA model)

词通达模型 詞通達模型 ci2 tong1 da2 mo2 xing2
word access model

磁通量 磁通量 ci2 tong1 liang4
magnetic flux

此路不通 此路不通 ci3 lu4 bu4 tong1
this road is blocked; fig. This method does not work.; Doing this is no good.

打不通 打不通 da3 bu5 tong1
cannot get through (on phone)

打通 打通 da3 tong1
to open access; to establish contact; to remove a block; to put through (a phone connection)

打通宵 打通宵 da3 tong1 xiao1
to spend the whole night

大久保利通 大久保利通 da4 jiu3 bao3 li4 tong1
Oukubo Toshimichi (1830-1878), Japanese politician

大通 大通 da4 tong1
Datong district of Huainan city 淮南市, Anhui; Datong Hui and Tu autonomous county in Xining 西寧|西宁, Qinghai

大通回族土族自治县 大通回族土族自治縣 da4 tong1 hui2 zu2 tu3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Datong Hui and Tu autonomous county in Xining 西寧|西宁, Qinghai

大通区 大通區 da4 tong1 qu1
Datong district of Huainan city 淮南市, Anhui

大通县 大通縣 da4 tong1 xian4
Datong Hui and Tu autonomous county in Xining 西寧|西宁, Qinghai

大显神通 大顯神通 da4 xian3 shen2 tong1
to display one's remarkable skill or prowess; to give full play to one's brilliant abilities

灯火通明 燈火通明 deng1 huo3 tong1 ming2
brightly lit

邓通 鄧通 deng4 tong1
Deng Tong (2nd c. BC), one of the wealthiest Former Han Dynasty 前漢|前汉 officials

地下通道 地下通道 di4 xia4 tong1 dao4
underpass; subway; tunnel

电报通知 電報通知 dian4 bao4 tong1 zhi1
electronic communication (fax, email etc)

恶性通货膨胀 惡性通貨膨脹 e4 xing4 tong1 huo4 peng2 zhang4

凡世通 凡世通 fan2 shi4 tong1
Firestone (Tire and Rubber Company)

防毒通道 防毒通道 fang2 du2 tong1 dao4
protective passageway

肺通气 肺通氣 fei4 tong1 qi4
pulmonary ventilation (medicine)

费孝通 費孝通 fei4 xiao4 tong1
Fei Xiaotong (1910-2005), Chinese sociologist

富士通 富士通 fu4 shi4 tong1

改善通讯 改善通訊 gai3 shan4 tong1 xun4
to improve communications

高通公司 高通公司 gao1 tong1 gong1 si1

搞通 搞通 gao3 tong1
to make sense of sth

戈德斯通 戈德斯通 ge1 de2 si1 tong1
Goldstone (name)

亘古通今 亙古通今 gen4 gu3 tong1 jin1
from ancient times up to now; throughout history

公共交通 公共交通 gong1 gong4 jiao1 tong1
public transport; mass transit

共通 共通 gong4 tong1
in common; universal

共通性 共通性 gong4 tong1 xing4
commonality; universality

沟通 溝通 gou1 tong1
to join; to connect; to link up; to communicate

狗屁不通 狗屁不通 gou3 pi4 bu4 tong1
incoherent (writing or speech); nonsensical; a load of crap

古尔班通古特沙漠 古爾班通古特沙漠 gu3 er3 ban1 tong1 gu3 te4 sha1 mo4
Gurbantunggut Desert, northern Xinjiang

官运亨通 官運亨通 guan1 yun4 heng1 tong1
(of a political career) everything is going smoothly (idiom)

冠状动脉旁通手术 冠狀動脈旁通手術 guan1 zhuang4 dong4 mai4 pang2 tong1 shou3 shu4
coronary bypass operation

贯通 貫通 guan4 tong1
to link up; to thread together

光通量 光通量 guang1 tong1 liang4
luminous flux (physics)

轨道交通 軌道交通 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1
metro; rapid transit; subway

国际文传通讯社 國際文傳通訊社 guo2 ji4 wen2 chuan2 tong1 xun4 she4
Interfax News Agency

韩国联合通讯社 韓國聯合通訊社 han2 guo2 lian2 he2 tong1 xun4 she4
Yonghap (South Korean news agency)

亨通 亨通 heng1 tong1
to go smoothly; prosperous; going well

红通 紅通 hong2 tong1
(Interpol) red notice; abbr. for 紅色通緝令|红色通缉令

红通通 紅通通 hong2 tong1 tong1
variant of 紅彤彤|红彤彤

互通 互通 hu4 tong1
to intercommunicate; to interoperate

互通性 互通性 hu4 tong1 xing4
interoperability (of communications equipment)

互通有无 互通有無 hu4 tong1 you3 wu2
mutual exchange of assistance (idiom); to benefit from each other's strengths and make up each other's shortfalls; to reciprocate with material assistance; scratch each other's back

即时通讯 即時通訊 ji2 shi2 tong1 xun4
instant messaging (IM); instant message

讲不通 講不通 jiang3 bu4 tong1
it does not make sense

交通 交通 jiao1 tong1
to be connected; traffic; transportation; communications; liaison

交通标志 交通標誌 jiao1 tong1 biao1 zhi4
traffic sign

交通部 交通部 jiao1 tong1 bu4
Ministry of Transport; Transport Department

交通车 交通車 jiao1 tong1 che1
shuttle bus

交通大学 交通大學 jiao1 tong1 da4 xue2
abbr. for 上海交通大學|上海交通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 西安交通大學|西安交通大学 Xia'an Jiaotong University, 國立交通大學|国立交通大学 National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) etc

交通堵塞 交通堵塞 jiao1 tong1 du3 se4
road congestion; traffic jam

交通费 交通費 jiao1 tong1 fei4
transport costs

交通工具 交通工具 jiao1 tong1 gong1 ju4
means of transportation; vehicle

交通管理局 交通管理局 jiao1 tong1 guan3 li3 ju2
department of transport

交通建设 交通建設 jiao1 tong1 jian4 she4
transport infrastructure

交通警察 交通警察 jiao1 tong1 jing3 cha2
traffic police; abbr. to 交警

交通警卫 交通警衛 jiao1 tong1 jing3 wei4
road traffic policing

交通卡 交通卡 jiao1 tong1 ka3
public transportation card; prepaid transit card; subway pass

交通枢纽 交通樞紐 jiao1 tong1 shu1 niu3
traffic hub

交通协管员 交通協管員 jiao1 tong1 xie2 guan3 yuan2
traffic warden

交通意外 交通意外 jiao1 tong1 yi4 wai4
traffic accident; car crash

交通银行 交通銀行 jiao1 tong1 yin2 hang2
Bank of Communications

交通拥挤 交通擁擠 jiao1 tong1 yong1 ji3
traffic congestion

交通运输部 交通運輸部 jiao1 tong1 yun4 shu1 bu4
PRC Ministry of Transport (MOT)

交通肇事罪 交通肇事罪 jiao1 tong1 zhao4 shi4 zui4
culpable driving causing serious damage or injury

交通阻塞 交通阻塞 jiao1 tong1 zu3 se4
traffic jam

接通 接通 jie1 tong1
to connect; to put through

接通费 接通費 jie1 tong1 fei4
connection charge

进行通信 進行通信 jin4 xing2 tong1 xin4
to communicate; to carry out communications

精通 精通 jing1 tong1
to be proficient in; to master (a subject)

警世通言 警世通言 jing3 shi4 tong1 yan2
Stories to Caution the World, vernacular short stories by Feng Menglong 馮夢龍|冯梦龙 published in 1624

卡通 卡通 ka3 tong1
cartoon (loanword)

开通 開通 kai1 tong5
to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transport routes etc); open-minded

可通 可通 ke3 tong1
passable; possible to reach

可通约 可通約 ke3 tong1 yue1
commensurable; having a common measure

克拉通 克拉通 ke4 la1 tong1
craton (loanword)

空气流通 空氣流通 kong1 qi4 liu2 tong1
fresh air; draft

空中交通管制 空中交通管制 kong1 zhong1 jiao1 tong1 guan3 zhi4
air traffic control

空中交通管制员 空中交通管制員 kong1 zhong1 jiao1 tong1 guan3 zhi4 yuan2
air traffic controller

口语沟通 口語溝通 kou3 yu3 gou1 tong1
oral communication (psychology)

历朝通俗演义 歷朝通俗演義 li4 chao2 tong1 su2 yan3 yi4
Dramatized history of successive dynasties (from Han to Republican China) by Cai Dongfan 蔡東藩|蔡东藩

利通区 利通區 li4 tong1 qu1
Litong district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市, Ningxia

联邦通信委员会 聯邦通信委員會 lian2 bang1 tong1 xin4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

连通 連通 lian2 tong1
to connect; to communicate; to relate; (math.) connected

联通 聯通 lian2 tong1
China United Telecommunications Corporation; aka China Unicom or Unicom; abbr. for 中國聯通|中国联通

联通 聯通 lian2 tong1
connection; link; to link together

联通红筹公司 聯通紅籌公司 lian2 tong1 hong2 chou2 gong1 si1
Unicom Red Chip, Hong Kong subsidiary of China Unicom 中國聯通|中国联通

连通器 連通器 lian2 tong1 qi4
communicating vessels (in scientific experiment)

灵通 靈通 ling2 tong1
fast and abundant (news); clever; effective

灵犀相通 靈犀相通 ling2 xi1 xiang1 tong1
kindred spirits

灵犀一点通 靈犀一點通 ling2 xi1 yi1 dian3 tong1
mental rapport; likeness of mind; spiritual link

另行通知 另行通知 ling4 xing2 tong1 zhi1
to notify at a different time; to notify later; to give prior notice

流通 流通 liu2 tong1
to circulate; to distribute; circulation; distribution

录取通知书 錄取通知書 lu4 qu3 tong1 zhi1 shu1
admission notice (delivered by a university)

滤毒通风装置 濾毒通風裝置 lv4 du2 tong1 feng1 zhuang1 zhi4
filtration equipment

买通 買通 mai3 tong1
to bribe

美国聯合通訊社 美國聯合通訊社 mei3 guo2 lian2 he2 tong1 xun4 she4
Associated Press (AP); abbr. to 美聯社|美联社

美国运通 美國運通 mei3 guo2 yun4 tong1
American Express Co. (Amex)

民国通俗演义 民國通俗演義 min2 guo2 tong1 su2 yan3 yi4
Dramatized history of Republican China until 1927 by Cai Dongfan 蔡東藩|蔡东藩, and later chapters by Xu Qinfu 許廑父|许廑父

穆通 穆通 mu4 tong1
Mouton (name); Gabriel Mouton (1618-1694), French clergyman and scientist, pioneer of the metric system

南通 南通 nan2 tong1
Nantong prefecture level city in Jiangsu

南通地区 南通地區 nan2 tong1 di4 qu1
Nantong prefecture in Jiangsu

南通市 南通市 nan2 tong1 shi4
Nantong prefecture level city in Jiangsu

弄懂弄通 弄懂弄通 nong4 dong3 nong4 tong1
to get a thorough understanding of sth (idiom)

弄通 弄通 nong4 tong1
to get a good grasp of

潘通 潘通 pan1 tong1
Pantone color system

彭博通讯社 彭博通訊社 peng2 bo2 tong1 xun4 she4
Bloomberg L.P., financial software services, news and data company

扑通 撲通 pu1 tong1
(onom.) sound of object falling into water; plop

普利司通 普利司通 pu3 li4 si1 tong1
Bridgestone tire company

普普通通 普普通通 pu3 pu3 tong1 tong1
ordinary; mediocre; nothing special

普通 普通 pu3 tong1
common; ordinary; general; average

普通车 普通車 pu3 tong1 che1
local train; ordinary vehicle

普通赤杨 普通赤楊 pu3 tong1 chi4 yang2
alder tree (Alnus glutinosa)

普通翠鸟 普通翠鳥 pu3 tong1 cui4 niao3
(bird species of China) common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)

普通法 普通法 pu3 tong1 fa3
common law

普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 普通高等學校招生全國統一考試 pu3 tong1 gao1 deng3 xue2 xiao4 zhao1 sheng1 quan2 guo2 tong3 yi1 kao3 shi4
NCEE, National College Entrance Examination (college entrance exam in PRC); usually abbr. to 高考

普通股 普通股 pu3 tong1 gu3
common stock

普通话 普通話 pu3 tong1 hua4
Mandarin (common language); Putonghua (common speech of the Chinese language); ordinary speech

普通角闪石 普通角閃石 pu3 tong1 jiao3 shan3 shi2
hornblende (rock-forming mineral, type of amphibole)

普通教育 普通教育 pu3 tong1 jiao4 yu4
general education

普通鵟 普通鵟 pu3 tong1 kuang2
(bird species of China) eastern buzzard (Buteo japonicus)

普通老百姓 普通老百姓 pu3 tong1 lao3 bai3 xing4
common people; average people; hoi polloi

普通楼燕 普通樓燕 pu3 tong1 lou2 yan4
(bird species of China) common swift (Apus apus)

普通鸬鹚 普通鸕鶿 pu3 tong1 lu2 ci2
(bird species of China) great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)

普通民众 普通民眾 pu3 tong1 min2 zhong4
ordinary people; the masses

普通名词 普通名詞 pu3 tong1 ming2 ci2
common noun (grammar)

普通潜鸟 普通潛鳥 pu3 tong1 qian2 niao3
(bird species of China) common loon (Gavia immer)

普通秋沙鸭 普通秋沙鴨 pu3 tong1 qiu1 sha1 ya1
(bird species of China) common merganser (Mergus merganser)

普通人 普通人 pu3 tong1 ren2
ordinary person; private citizen; people; the person in the street

普通䴓 普通鳾 pu3 tong1 shi1
(bird species of China) Eurasian nuthatch (Sitta europaea)

普通问题 普通問題 pu3 tong1 wen4 ti2
common questions; general questions

普通燕鸻 普通燕鴴 pu3 tong1 yan4 heng2
(bird species of China) oriental pratincole (Glareola maldivarum)

普通燕鸥 普通燕鷗 pu3 tong1 yan4 ou1
(bird species of China) common tern (Sterna hirundo)

普通秧鸡 普通秧雞 pu3 tong1 yang1 ji1
(bird species of China) brown-cheeked rail (Rallus indicus)

普通夜鹰 普通夜鷹 pu3 tong1 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) grey nightjar (Caprimulgus jotaka)

普通鹰鹃 普通鷹鵑 pu3 tong1 ying1 juan1
(bird species of China) common hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx varius)

普通中学 普通中學 pu3 tong1 zhong1 xue2
general middle school

普通朱雀 普通朱雀 pu3 tong1 zhu1 que4
(bird species of China) common rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus)

钱可通神 錢可通神 qian2 ke3 tong1 shen2
with money, you can do anything (idiom); money talks

钱能通神 錢能通神 qian2 neng2 tong1 shen2
money is all-powerful; money can move God

抢通 搶通 qiang3 tong1
to rush through urgently (e.g. emergency supplies)

清代通史 清代通史 qing1 dai4 tong1 shi3
General history of the Qing dynasty, compiled under Xiao Yishan 蕭一山

轻型轨道交通 輕型軌道交通 qing1 xing2 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1
light rail; transit system (underground, at street level or elevated); streetcar; metro; abbr. to 輕軌|轻轨

全球通 全球通 quan2 qiu2 tong1
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) (telecommunications)

人行地下通道 人行地下通道 ren2 xing2 di4 xia4 tong1 dao4
pedestrian underpass

融会贯通 融會貫通 rong2 hui4 guan4 tong1
to master the subject via a comprehensive study of surrounding areas

融通 融通 rong2 tong1
to circulate; to flow (esp. capital); to intermingle; to merge; to become assimilated

润肠通便 潤腸通便 run4 chang2 tong1 bian4
to cure constipation with laxatives

萨斯卡通 薩斯卡通 sa4 si1 ka3 tong1
Saskatoon city, Saskatchewan, Canada

三通 三通 san1 tong1
T-joint; T-piece; T-pipe; three links

上海交通大学 上海交通大學 shang4 hai3 jiao1 tong1 da4 xue2
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

神通 神通 shen2 tong1
remarkable ability; magical power

神通广大 神通廣大 shen2 tong1 guang3 da4
to possess great magical power; to possess remarkable abilities

识时通变 識時通變 shi2 shi2 tong1 bian4
understanding and adaptable

时运亨通 時運亨通 shi2 yun4 heng1 tong1
our luck is in, everything is going smoothly (idiom)

事先通知 事先通知 shi4 xian1 tong1 zhi1
preliminary notification; to announce in advance

疏通 疏通 shu1 tong1
to unblock; to dredge; to clear the way; to get things flowing; to facilitate; to mediate; to lobby; to explicate (a text)

疏通费 疏通費 shu1 tong1 fei4
facilitation payment; bribe

数据通信 數據通信 shu4 ju4 tong1 xin4
data communication

数码通 數碼通 shu4 ma3 tong1
SmarTone-Vodafone (Hong Kong and Macau company)

数字通信 數字通信 shu4 zi4 tong1 xin4
digital communications

水陆交通 水陸交通 shui3 lu4 jiao1 tong1
water and land transport

水泄不通 水洩不通 shui3 xie4 bu4 tong1
lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic)

说不通 說不通 shuo1 bu4 tong1
it does not make sense

说通 說通 shuo1 tong1
to get sb to understand; to persuade

私通 私通 si1 tong1
to have secret ties with; to be in covert communication with (the enemy etc); to engage in an illicit sexual relationship; adultery

斯通亨治石栏 斯通亨治石欄 si1 tong1 heng1 zhi4 shi2 lan2
Stonehenge stone circle

四通八达 四通八達 si4 tong1 ba1 da2
roads open in all directions (idiom); accessible from all sides

条条大路通罗马 條條大路通羅馬 tiao2 tiao2 da4 lu4 tong1 luo2 ma3
all roads lead to Rome; use different means to obtain the same result (idiom)

通报 通報 tong1 bao4
to inform; to notify; to announce; circular; bulletin; (scientific) journal

通便 通便 tong1 bian4
to evacuate the bowels

通病 通病 tong1 bing4
common problem; common failing

通布图 通佈圖 tong1 bu4 tu2
Timbuctoo (town and historical cultural center in Mali, a World Heritage site)

通才 通才 tong1 cai2
polymath; all-round person

通才教育 通才教育 tong1 cai2 jiao4 yu4
liberal education; general education

通菜 通菜 tong1 cai4
see 蕹菜

通草 通草 tong1 cao3
rice-paper plant (Tetrapanax papyriferus)

通常 通常 tong1 chang2
regular; usual; normal; usually; normally

通畅 通暢 tong1 chang4
unobstructed; clear

通车 通車 tong1 che1
to open to traffic (e.g. new bridge, rail line etc); (of a locality) to have a transportation service; (Tw) to commute

通彻 通徹 tong1 che4
to understand completely

通称 通稱 tong1 cheng1
generic term; general name for sth

通城 通城 tong1 cheng2
Tongcheng county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁, Hubei

通城县 通城縣 tong1 cheng2 xian4
Tongcheng county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁, Hubei

通川区 通川區 tong1 chuan1 qu1
Tongchuan district of Dazhou city 達州市|达州市, Sichuan

通达 通達 tong1 da2
to understand clearly; to be sensible or reasonable; understanding

通道 通道 tong1 dao4
Tongdao Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化, Hunan

通道 通道 tong1 dao4
(communications) channel; thoroughfare; passage

通道侗族自治县 通道侗族自治縣 tong1 dao4 dong4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Tongdao Dong Autonomous County in Huaihua 懷化|怀化, Hunan

通道县 通道縣 tong1 dao4 xian4
Tongdao Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化, Hunan

通电 通電 tong1 dian4
to set up an electric circuit; to electrify; to switch on; to be connected to an electricity grid; open telegram

通电话 通電話 tong1 dian4 hua4
to phone sb up

通牒 通牒 tong1 die2
diplomatic note

通风 通風 tong1 feng1
airy; ventilation; to ventilate; to disclose information

通风管 通風管 tong1 feng1 guan3
ventilation duct

通风孔 通風孔 tong1 feng1 kong3
air vent; louvre

通风口 通風口 tong1 feng1 kou3
air vent; opening for ventilation

通告 通告 tong1 gao4
to announce; to give notice

通古斯 通古斯 tong1 gu3 si1

通关 通關 tong1 guan1
to clear customs

通观 通觀 tong1 guan1
to take an overall view of sth; comprehensive view

通关节 通關節 tong1 guan1 jie2
to facilitate by means of bribery

通关密语 通關密語 tong1 guan1 mi4 yu3

通关文牒 通關文牒 tong1 guan1 wen2 die2

通过 通過 tong1 guo4
by means of; through; via; to pass through; to get through; to adopt; to pass (a bill or inspection etc); to switch over

通过事后 通過事後 tong1 guo4 shi4 hou4

通海 通海 tong1 hai3
Tonghai county in Yuxi 玉溪, Yunnan

通海县 通海縣 tong1 hai3 xian4
Tonghai county in Yuxi 玉溪, Yunnan

通航 通航 tong1 hang2
connected by air, sea traffic or service

通河 通河 tong1 he2
Tonghe county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨, Heilongjiang

通河县 通河縣 tong1 he2 xian4
Tonghe county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨, Heilongjiang

通红 通紅 tong1 hong2
very red; red through and through; to blush (deep red)

通化 通化 tong1 hua4
Tonghua prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China; also Tonghua county

通话 通話 tong1 hua4
to hold a conversation; to talk over the telephone; phone call

通化地区 通化地區 tong1 hua4 di4 qu1
former Tonghua prefecture, Jilin

通化市 通化市 tong1 hua4 shi4
Tonghua prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China

通化县 通化縣 tong1 hua4 xian4
Tonghua county in Tonghua 通化, Jilin

通婚 通婚 tong1 hun1
to intermarry

通货 通貨 tong1 huo4
currency; exchange of goods

通货紧缩 通貨緊縮 tong1 huo4 jin3 suo1

通货膨胀 通貨膨脹 tong1 huo4 peng2 zhang4

通缉 通緝 tong1 ji1
to order the arrest of sb as criminal; to list as wanted

通缉犯 通緝犯 tong1 ji1 fan4
wanted criminal; fugitive (from the law)

通假 通假 tong1 jia3
phonetic loan character; using one character interchangeably for phonetically related characters

通假字 通假字 tong1 jia3 zi4
phonetic loan character; using one character interchangeably for phonetically related characters

通奸 通姦 tong1 jian1
adultery; to commit adultery

通江 通江 tong1 jiang1
Tongjiang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花, south Sichuan

通江县 通江縣 tong1 jiang1 xian4
Tongjiang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花, south Sichuan

通经 通經 tong1 jing1
conversant with the Confucian classics; to stimulate menstrual flow (TCM)

通力 通力 tong1 li4
to cooperate; concerted effort

通例 通例 tong1 li4
general rule; standard practice

通力合作 通力合作 tong1 li4 he2 zuo4
to join forces; to give full cooperation

通量 通量 tong1 liang4

通辽 通遼 tong1 liao2
Tongliao prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia

通辽市 通遼市 tong1 liao2 shi4
Tongliao prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia

通灵 通靈 tong1 ling2
to communicate with the spirits; psychic; (ears) sensitive; (information) accurate

通灵板 通靈板 tong1 ling2 ban3
Ouija board

通路 通路 tong1 lu4
thoroughfare; passage; pathway; channel

通名 通名 tong1 ming2
common noun; generic term; to introduce oneself

通明 通明 tong1 ming2
brightly lit

通盘 通盤 tong1 pan2
across the board; comprehensive; overall; global

通判 通判 tong1 pan4
local magistrate

通配符 通配符 tong1 pei4 fu2
wildcard character (computing)

通票 通票 tong1 piao4
through ticket

通气 通氣 tong1 qi4
ventilation; aeration; to keep each other informed; to release information

通气会 通氣會 tong1 qi4 hui4

通气孔 通氣孔 tong1 qi4 kong3
an airvent; a louvre; airflow orifice

通勤 通勤 tong1 qin2

通情达理 通情達理 tong1 qing2 da2 li3
fair and reasonable (idiom); sensible; standing to reason

通权达变 通權達變 tong1 quan2 da2 bian4
to adapt to circumstances

通融 通融 tong1 rong2
flexible; to accommodate; to stretch or get around regulations; a short-term loan

通山 通山 tong1 shan1
Tongshan county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁, Hubei

通山县 通山縣 tong1 shan1 xian4
Tongshan county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁, Hubei

通商 通商 tong1 shang1
having trading relations (of nations or regions)

通商口岸 通商口岸 tong1 shang1 kou3 an4
treaty port, forced on Qing China by the 19th century Great Powers

通识 通識 tong1 shi2
general knowledge; overall knowledge; common knowledge; widely known; erudition

通什 通什 tong1 shi2
Tongshi, Hainan

通识教育 通識教育 tong1 shi2 jiao4 yu4
general education

通识课程 通識課程 tong1 shi2 ke4 cheng2
general course; general education course; core course; general curriculum; general education curriculum; core curriculum

通识培训 通識培訓 tong1 shi2 pei2 xun4
general culture

通史 通史 tong1 shi3
narrative history; comprehensive history; a history covering an extended period

通书 通書 tong1 shu1

通水 通水 tong1 shui3
to have running water (in a house etc)

通顺 通順 tong1 shun4
smooth; clear and coherent

通俗 通俗 tong1 su2
common; everyday; average

通俗科学 通俗科學 tong1 su2 ke1 xue2
popular science

通俗小说 通俗小說 tong1 su2 xiao3 shuo1
popular fiction; light literature

通俗易懂 通俗易懂 tong1 su2 yi4 dong3
easy to understand

通体 通體 tong1 ti3
(of sb or sth) whole or entire body

通天彻地 通天徹地 tong1 tian1 che4 di4
to know all under heaven; exceptionally talented (idiom)

通通 通通 tong1 tong1
all; entire; complete

通同 通同 tong1 tong2
to collude; to gang up on

通透 通透 tong1 tou4

通途 通途 tong1 tu2

通脱木 通脫木 tong1 tuo1 mu4
rice-paper plant (Tetrapanax papyriferus)

通往 通往 tong1 wang3
to lead to

通渭 通渭 tong1 wei4
Tongwei county in Dingxi 定西, Gansu

通渭县 通渭縣 tong1 wei4 xian4
Tongwei county in Dingxi 定西, Gansu

通问 通問 tong1 wen4
to mutually send greetings; to communicate; to exchange news

通县 通縣 tong1 xian4
Tong county in Beijing

通向 通向 tong1 xiang4
to lead to

通霄 通霄 tong1 xiao1
Tongxiao or Tunghsiao town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县, northwest Taiwan

通宵 通宵 tong1 xiao1
all night; throughout the night

通宵达旦 通宵達旦 tong1 xiao1 da2 dan4
overnight until daybreak (idiom); all night long; day and night

通霄镇 通霄鎮 tong1 xiao1 zhen4
Tongxiao or Tunghsiao town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县, northwest Taiwan

通晓 通曉 tong1 xiao3
proficient (in sth); to understand sth through and through

通心菜 通心菜 tong1 xin1 cai4
see 蕹菜

通心粉 通心粉 tong1 xin1 fen3

通心面 通心麵 tong1 xin1 mian4

通信 通信 tong1 xin4
to correspond (by letter etc); to communicate; communication

通信地址 通信地址 tong1 xin4 di4 zhi3
mail address

通信服务 通信服務 tong1 xin4 fu2 wu4
communication service

通信负载 通信負載 tong1 xin4 fu4 zai4
communications load

通信技术 通信技術 tong1 xin4 ji4 shu4
communications technology

通信量 通信量 tong1 xin4 liang4
communications volume

通信密度 通信密度 tong1 xin4 mi4 du4
communications density

通信网络 通信網絡 tong1 xin4 wang3 luo4
communications network

通信卫星 通信衛星 tong1 xin4 wei4 xing1
communications satellite

通信线 通信線 tong1 xin4 xian4
communication line; hot line

通信协定 通信協定 tong1 xin4 xie2 ding4
communications protocol

通信中心 通信中心 tong1 xin4 zhong1 xin1
communications center

通行 通行 tong1 xing2
to go through; a passage through; in general use; a pass or laissez-passer; a license (to a computer account)

通行税 通行稅 tong1 xing2 shui4

通行无阻 通行無阻 tong1 xing2 wu2 zu3
unobstructed passage; to go through unhindered

通行证 通行證 tong1 xing2 zheng4
a pass (authority to enter); a laissez-passer or safe conduct

通许 通許 tong1 xu3
Tongxu county in Kaifeng 開封|开封, Henan

通许县 通許縣 tong1 xu3 xian4
Tongxu county in Kaifeng 開封|开封, Henan

通学 通學 tong1 xue2
to attend school as a day student

通讯 通訊 tong1 xun4
communications; news story; dispatch

通讯处 通訊處 tong1 xun4 chu4
contact address

通讯行业 通訊行業 tong1 xun4 hang2 ye4
communications industry

通讯录 通訊錄 tong1 xun4 lu4
address book; directory

通讯社 通訊社 tong1 xun4 she4
a news service (e.g. Xinhua)

通讯通道 通訊通道 tong1 xun4 tong1 dao4
communications channel

通讯卫星 通訊衛星 tong1 xun4 wei4 xing1
communications satellite

通讯系统 通訊系統 tong1 xun4 xi4 tong3
communication system

通讯协定 通訊協定 tong1 xun4 xie2 ding4
communications protocol

通讯员 通訊員 tong1 xun4 yuan2
correspondent; reporter; messenger boy

通讯院士 通訊院士 tong1 xun4 yuan4 shi4
corresponding member (of an academy); junior academician

通讯自动化 通訊自動化 tong1 xun4 zi4 dong4 hua4
communications automation

通夜 通夜 tong1 ye4
all through the night; overnight

通译 通譯 tong1 yi4
(old) to translate; to interpret; translator; interpreter

通用 通用 tong1 yong4
common (use); interchangeable

通用串行总线 通用串行總線 tong1 yong4 chuan4 xing2 zong3 xian4
Universal Serial Bus, USB (computer)

通用电器 通用電器 tong1 yong4 dian4 qi4
General Electric; GE

通用电气 通用電氣 tong1 yong4 dian4 qi4
General Electric (GE)

通用汉字标准交换码 通用漢字標準交換碼 tong1 yong4 han4 zi4 biao1 zhun3 jiao1 huan4 ma3
UCS, Chinese character coding adopted in PRC 1986; abbr. to 通用碼|通用码

通用码 通用碼 tong1 yong4 ma3
common coding; same as 通用漢字標準交換碼|通用汉字标准交换码

通用拼音 通用拼音 tong1 yong4 pin1 yin1
the common use romanization system introduced in Taiwan in 2003

通用汽车 通用汽車 tong1 yong4 qi4 che1
General Motors (car company)

通用汽车公司 通用汽車公司 tong1 yong4 qi4 che1 gong1 si1
General Motors

通用性 通用性 tong1 yong4 xing4

通用语 通用語 tong1 yong4 yu3
common language; lingua franca

通用字符集 通用字符集 tong1 yong4 zi4 fu2 ji2
universal character set UCS

通邮 通郵 tong1 you2
to have postal communications

通榆 通榆 tong1 yu2
Tongyu county in Baicheng 白城, Jilin

通榆县 通榆縣 tong1 yu2 xian4
Tongyu county in Baicheng 白城, Jilin

通约 通約 tong1 yue1
common measure

通则 通則 tong1 ze2
general rule; general principle

通胀 通脹 tong1 zhang4

通胀率 通脹率 tong1 zhang4 lv4
inflation rate

通知 通知 tong1 zhi1
to notify; to inform; notice; notification

通知单 通知單 tong1 zhi1 dan1
notification; notice; ticket; receipt

通州 通州 tong1 zhou1
Tongzhou district east of Beijing, formerly Tong county; Tongzhou county level city in Nantong 南通, Jiangsu

通州区 通州區 tong1 zhou1 qu1
Tongzhou district east of Beijing, formerly Tong county; Tongzhou county level city in Nantong 南通, Jiangsu

统通 統通 tong3 tong1

透通性 透通性 tou4 tong1 xing4
transparency (networking)

万事亨通 萬事亨通 wan4 shi4 heng1 tong1
everything is going smoothly (idiom)

万事通 萬事通 wan4 shi4 tong1
jack-of-all-trades; know-it-all

网通 網通 wang3 tong1
China Network Communications (CNC) Group Corporation (one of China's large telephone companies)

无师自通 無師自通 wu2 shi1 zi4 tong1
self-taught; to learn without a teacher (idiom)

五口通商 五口通商 wu3 kou3 tong1 shang1
the five treaty ports forced on Qing China by the 1842 treaty of Nanjing 南京條約|南京条约 that concluded the First Opium War, namely: Guangzhou 廣州|广州, Fuzhou 福州, Ningbo 寧波|宁波, Xiamen or Amoy 廈門|厦门 and Shanghai 上海

五通桥 五通橋 wu3 tong1 qiao2
Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市, Sichuan

五通桥区 五通橋區 wu3 tong1 qiao2 qu1
Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市, Sichuan

西安交通大学 西安交通大學 xi1 an1 jiao1 tong1 da4 xue2
Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU)

西南交通大学 西南交通大學 xi1 nan2 jiao1 tong1 da4 xue2
Southwest Jiaotong University

相通 相通 xiang1 tong1
interlinked; connected; communicating; in communication; accommodating

想不通 想不通 xiang3 bu5 tong1
unable to understand; unable to get over

想通 想通 xiang3 tong1
to figure out; to realize; to become convinced; to come round (to an idea); to get over it

消息灵通 消息靈通 xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1
to be well-informed

消息灵通人士 消息靈通人士 xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1 ren2 shi4
well-informed source; person with inside information

小灵通 小靈通 xiao3 ling2 tong1
mobile phone (with a local, 7-digit phone number)

小灵通机站 小靈通機站 xiao3 ling2 tong1 ji1 zhan4
cell phone base or repeater station (telecommunications)

谢通门 謝通門 xie4 tong1 men2
Xaitongmoin county, Tibetan: Bzhad mthong smon rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet

谢通门县 謝通門縣 xie4 tong1 men2 xian4
Xaitongmoin county, Tibetan: Bzhad mthong smon rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet

心有灵犀一点通 心有靈犀一點通 xin1 you3 ling2 xi1 yi1 dian3 tong1
hearts linked as one, just as the proverbial rhinoceros communicates emotion telepathically through his single horn (idiom); fig. two hearts beat as one

信息与通讯技术 信息與通訊技術 xin4 xi1 yu3 tong1 xun4 ji4 shu4
information and communication technology, ICT

信息灵通 信息靈通 xin4 xi5 ling2 tong1
see 消息靈通|消息灵通

行不通 行不通 xing2 bu5 tong1
won't work; will get (you) nowhere

行得通 行得通 xing2 de5 tong1
practicable; realizable; will work

一点就通 一點就通 yi1 dian3 jiu4 tong1
a hint is all that is needed; understanding each other without the need to explain

一卡通 一卡通 yi1 ka3 tong1
Yikatong (Beijing public transport smart card)

一窍不通 一竅不通 yi1 qiao4 bu4 tong1
lit. doesn't (even) enter a single aperture (of one's head); I don't understand a word (idiom); it's all Greek to me

伊通 伊通 yi1 tong1
Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin

一通百通 一通百通 yi1 tong1 bai3 tong1
grasp this fundamental point and all the rest will follow (idiom)

伊通河 伊通河 yi1 tong1 he2
Yitong River in Siping 四平, Jilin

伊通火山群 伊通火山群 yi1 tong1 huo3 shan1 qun2
Yitong volcanic area in Yitong Manchurian autonomous county 伊通滿族自治縣|伊通满族自治县, Siping, Jilin

伊通满族自治县 伊通滿族自治縣 yi1 tong1 man3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin

伊通县 伊通縣 yi1 tong1 xian4
Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin

伊通镇 伊通鎮 yi1 tong1 zhen4
Yitong township, capital of Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin

伊通自然保护区 伊通自然保護區 yi1 tong1 zi4 ran2 bao3 hu4 qu1
Yitong nature reserve in Yitong Manchurian autonomous county 伊通滿族自治縣|伊通满族自治县, Siping, Jilin

移动通信网络 移動通信網絡 yi2 dong4 tong1 xin4 wang3 luo4
cell phone network

因特网联通 因特網聯通 yin1 te4 wang3 lian2 tong1
Internet connection

有无相通 有無相通 you3 wu2 xiang1 tong1
mutual exchange of assistance (idiom); to reciprocate with material assistance

语音通讯通道 語音通訊通道 yu3 yin1 tong1 xun4 tong1 dao4
voice (communications) channel

圆通 圓通 yuan2 tong1
flexible; accommodating

原子科学家通报 原子科學家通報 yuan2 zi3 ke1 xue2 jia1 tong1 bao4
Journal of Atomic Scientists

昭通 昭通 zhao1 tong1
Zhaotong prefecture level city in Yunnan

昭通地区 昭通地區 zhao1 tong1 di4 qu1
Zhaotong prefecture in Yunnan

昭通市 昭通市 zhao1 tong1 shi4
Zhaotong prefecture level city in Yunnan

政通人和 政通人和 zheng4 tong1 ren2 he2
efficient government, people at peace (idiom); all is well with the state and the people

正字通 正字通 zheng4 zi4 tong1
Zhengzitong, Chinese character dictionary with 33,549 entries, edited by Ming scholar Zhang Zilie 張自烈|张自烈 in 17th century

直通 直通 zhi2 tong1
to lead directly to

直通车 直通車 zhi2 tong1 che1
"through train" (refers to the idea of retaining previous legislature after transition to Chinese rule in Hong Kong or Macao)

直通火车 直通火車 zhi2 tong1 huo3 che1
through train

中等普通教育 中等普通教育 zhong1 deng3 pu3 tong1 jiao4 yu4
general middle school education

中国交通建设 中國交通建設 zhong1 guo2 jiao1 tong1 jian4 she4
China Communications Construction Company

中国交通运输协会 中國交通運輸協會 zhong1 guo2 jiao1 tong1 yun4 shu1 xie2 hui4
China Communications and Transportation Association (CCTA)

中国联通 中國聯通 zhong1 guo2 lian2 tong1
China Unicom

中国通 中國通 zhong1 guo2 tong1
China watcher; an expert on China; an old China hand

中国移动通信 中國移動通信 zhong1 guo2 yi2 dong4 tong1 xin4
China Mobile (PRC state telecommunications company)

资治通鉴 資治通鑒 zi1 zhi4 tong1 jian4
A Mirror for the Wise Ruler (or Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government), a vast chronological general history, written by 司馬光|司马光 Sima Guang (1019-1089) and collaborators during the Northern Song in 1084, covering the period 403 BC-959 AD, 294 scrolls

字根通用码 字根通用碼 zi4 gen1 tong1 yong4 ma3
common coding for components of Chinese character; same as Zheng coding 鄭碼|郑码

最后通牒 最後通牒 zui4 hou4 tong1 die2