road; path; principle; truth; morality; reason; skill; method; Dao (of Daoism); to say; to speak; to talk; classifier for long thin things (rivers, cracks etc), barriers (walls, doors etc), questions (in an exam etc), commands, courses in a meal, steps in
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), British novelist and author of Brave New World 美麗新世界|美丽新世界
安道尔安道爾an1 dao4 er3
安道尔城安道爾城an1 dao4 er3 cheng2
Andorra la Vella, capital of Andorra
安道尔共和国安道爾共和國an1 dao4 er3 gong4 he2 guo2
Republic of Andorra
安贫乐道安貧樂道an1 pin2 le4 dao4
to be content with poverty and strive for virtue (idiom)
八道江八道江ba1 dao4 jiang1
Badaojiang district in Baishan city 白山市, Jilin
八道江区八道江區ba1 dao4 jiang1 qu1
Badaojiang district in Baishan city 白山市, Jilin
八相成道八相成道ba1 xiang4 cheng2 dao4
the eight stages of the Buddha's life (Buddhism)
八正道八正道ba1 zheng4 dao5
the Eight-fold Noble Way (Buddhism)
霸道霸道ba4 dao4
the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. for 霸王之道; despotic rule; rule by might; evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道; overbearing; tyranny; (of liquor, medicine etc) strong; potent
霸王之道霸王之道ba4 wang2 zhi1 dao4
the Way of the Hegemon; despotic rule; abbr. to 霸道
白道白道bai2 dao4
lunar orbit; legitimate; righteous; see also 黑道
百度知道百度知道bai3 du4 zhi1 dao5
Baidu’s online Q & A forum,
摆了一道擺了一道bai3 le5 yi1 dao4
to play tricks on; to make a fool of
摆事实讲道理擺事實講道理bai3 shi4 shi2 jiang3 dao4 li3
present the facts and reason things out
扳道扳道ban1 dao4
railroad switch
扳道岔扳道岔ban1 dao4 cha4
railroad switch
扳道员扳道員ban1 dao4 yuan2
pointsman; switchman
报道報道bao4 dao4
to report (news); report
报道摄影师報道攝影師bao4 dao4 she4 ying3 shi1
卑卑不足道卑卑不足道bei1 bei1 bu4 zu2 dao4
to be too petty or insignificant to mention; to not be worth mentioning (idiom)
卑不足道卑不足道bei1 bu4 zu2 dao4
not worth mentioning
悲声载道悲聲載道bei1 sheng1 zai4 dao4
lamentations fill the roads (idiom); severe suffering all around
北海道北海道bei3 hai3 dao4
Hokkaidō, Japan
背道而驰背道而馳bei4 dao4 er2 chi2
to run in the opposite direction (idiom); to run counter to
变道變道bian4 dao4
to change lanes
便道便道bian4 dao4
pavement; sidewalk; shortcut; makeshift road
步道步道bu4 dao4
walking path; pathway
布道布道bu4 dao4
to preach (the Christian gospel)
布道佈道bu4 dao4
sermon; to sermonize; to preach; to evangelize
不道德不道德bu4 dao4 de2
不人道不人道bu4 ren2 dao4
不足道不足道bu4 zu2 dao4
inconsiderable; of no consequence; not worth mentioning
不足为道不足為道bu4 zu2 wei2 dao4
to be not worth mentioning
不足为外人道不足為外人道bu4 zu2 wei2 wai4 ren2 dao4
no use to tell others; let's keep this between ourselves (idiom)
踩道踩道cai3 dao4
to scout; to reconnoiter
惨无人道慘無人道can3 wu2 ren2 dao4
inhuman (idiom); brutal and unfeeling
茶道茶道cha2 dao4
Japanese tea ceremony; sado
茶马古道茶馬古道cha2 ma3 gu3 dao4
old tea-horse road or southern Silk Road, dating back to 6th century, from Tibet and Sichuan through Yunnan and Southeast Asia, reaching to Bhutan, Sikkim, India and beyond
岔道岔道cha4 dao4
side road; byway
豺狼当道豺狼當道chai2 lang2 dang1 dao4
ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power; a vicious tyranny rules the land
产道產道chan3 dao4
birth canal (in obstetrics)
常道常道chang2 dao4
normal and proper practice; conventional practice; common occurrence
肠道腸道chang2 dao4
intestines; gut
肠胃道腸胃道chang2 wei4 dao4
digestive tract
抄道抄道chao1 dao4
to take a shortcut
朝鲜八道朝鮮八道chao2 xian3 ba1 dao4
the eight provinces of Yi dynasty Korea
车道車道che1 dao4
traffic lane; driveway
车行道車行道che1 xing2 dao4
roadway; carriageway
车行通道車行通道che1 xing2 tong1 dao4
traffic passage
陈再道陳再道chen2 zai4 dao4
Chen Zaidao (1909-1993), general in the People's Liberation Army
称道稱道cheng1 dao4
to commend; to praise
成道成道cheng2 dao4
to reach illumination (Buddhism)
赤道赤道chi4 dao4
equator (of the earth or astronomical body)
赤道几内亚赤道幾內亞chi4 dao4 ji1 nei4 ya4
Equatorial Guinea
赤道逆流赤道逆流chi4 dao4 ni4 liu2
equatorial counter current
赤道仪赤道儀chi4 dao4 yi2
equatorial mount (for a telescope)
赤道雨林赤道雨林chi4 dao4 yu3 lin2
equatorial rain forest
出道出道chu1 dao4
to make one's first public performance (of an entertainer etc); to start one's career
处世之道處世之道chu3 shi4 zhi1 dao4
way of life; attitude; modus operandi
传道傳道chuan2 dao4
to lecture on doctrine; to expound the wisdom of ancient sages; to preach; a sermon
传道部傳道部chuan2 dao4 bu4
传道受业傳道受業chuan2 dao4 shou4 ye4
to teach (idiom); lit. to give moral and practical instruction
传道书傳道書chuan2 dao4 shu1
Ecclesiastes (biblical book of sermons)
传道者傳道者chuan2 dao4 zhe3
missionary; preacher
传输通道傳輸通道chuan2 shu1 tong1 dao4
transport channel
慈江道慈江道ci2 jiang1 dao4
Chagang province, in the north of North Korea
此道此道ci3 dao4
such matters; things like this; this line of work; this pursuit; this hobby; this endeavor
打道回府打道回府da3 dao4 hui2 fu3
to go home (in a ceremonial procession); to return home
打交道打交道da3 jiao1 dao4
to come into contact with; to have dealings
大道大道da4 dao4
main street; avenue
大道理大道理da4 dao4 li5
major principle; general truth; sermon (reproof); bombastic talk
大逆不道大逆不道da4 ni4 bu4 dao4
disgraceful (of behavior that is unfilial, rebellious or otherwise in grave breach of the norms of society)
大行其道大行其道da4 xing2 qi2 dao4
rampant; very popular
大修道院大修道院da4 xiu1 dao4 yuan4
abbey; large monastery or convent
大修道院长大修道院長da4 xiu1 dao4 yuan4 zhang3
单行道單行道dan1 xing2 dao4
one-way street
胆道膽道dan3 dao4
bile duct; biliary tract
弹道彈道dan4 dao4
trajectory (of a projectile); ballistic curve
弹道导弹彈道導彈dan4 dao4 dao3 dan4
ballistic missile
当道當道dang1 dao4
in the middle of the road; to be in the way; to hold power
道白道白dao4 bai2
spoken lines in opera
道别道別dao4 bie2
leave taking; to say goodbye
道不拾遗道不拾遺dao4 bu4 shi2 yi2
lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom); fig. honesty prevails throughout society
道不同不相为谋道不同不相為謀dao4 bu4 tong2 bu4 xiang1 wei2 mou2
lit. persons who walk different paths cannot make plans together; to go separate ways (idiom)
道碴道碴dao4 cha2
(railway) ballast
道岔道岔dao4 cha4
railroad switch
道场道場dao4 chang3
Taoist or Buddhist rite; abbr. for 菩提道場|菩提道场
道出道出dao4 chu1
to speak; to tell; to voice
道德道德dao4 de2
virtue; morality; ethics
道德败坏道德敗壞dao4 de2 bai4 huai4
vice; immorality; moral turpitude
道德家道德家dao4 de2 jia1
道德经道德經dao4 de2 jing1
the Book of Dao by Laozi or Lao-Tze, the sacred text of Daoism
道德困境道德困境dao4 de2 kun4 jing4
ethical dilemma
道德沦丧道德淪喪dao4 de2 lun2 sang4
moral bankruptcy; moral degeneracy
道德认识道德認識dao4 de2 ren4 shi5
moral cognition; ethical awareness
道地道地dao4 di4
authentic; original
道尔顿道爾頓dao4 er3 dun4
Dalton (name); John Dalton (1766-1844), British scientist who contributed to atomic theory
道孚道孚dao4 fu2
Dawu county (Tibetan: rta 'u rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)
道孚县道孚縣dao4 fu2 xian4
Dawu county (Tibetan: rta 'u rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)
More moral strength increases one's safety, more power and influence increases one's danger (idiom, from Records of the Historian 史記|史记). cf Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it (William Pitt the Elder, 1770).
General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), US commander in Pacific during WW2, sacked in 1951 by President Truman for exceeding orders during the Korean war
道姑道姑dao4 gu1
Daoist nun
道观道觀dao4 guan4
Daoist temple
道光道光dao4 guang1
reign name of Qing emperor (1821-1850)
道光帝道光帝dao4 guang1 di4
Daoguang Emperor
道贺道賀dao4 he4
to congratulate
道行道行dao4 heng2
skills acquired through religious practice; (fig.) ability; skill; Taiwan pr.
道家道家dao4 jia1
Daoist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), based on the teachings of Laozi or Lao-tze 老子 (c. 500 BC-) and Zhuangzi 庄子 (369-286 BC)
If sb has grasped the truth before you, take him as your teacher (Tang dynasty essayist Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈).; We should learn from one who knows the way.
道台道台dao4 tai2
taotai; ancient official title
道听途说道聽途說dao4 ting1 tu2 shuo1
gossip; hearsay; rumor
道统道統dao4 tong3
Confucian orthodoxy
道外道外dao4 wai4
Daowai district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨 in Heilongjiang
道外区道外區dao4 wai4 qu1
Daowai district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨 in Heilongjiang
道喜道喜dao4 xi3
to congratulate
道县道縣dao4 xian4
Dao county in Yongzhou 永州, Hunan
道谢道謝dao4 xie4
to express thanks
道学道學dao4 xue2
Confucian study of ethics; study of Daoism; school for Daoism in Tang and Song times; Daoist magic; another name for 理學|理学, rational learning of Song dynasty neo-Confucianism
(of yamen bailiffs etc) to walk ahead of an official, shouting at pedestrians to clear the way
黑道黑道hei1 dao4
dark road; criminal ways; the underworld; see also 白道
黑道家族黑道家族hei1 dao4 jia1 zu2
The Sopranos (US TV series)
横断步道橫斷步道heng2 duan4 bu4 dao4
pedestrian crossing
横行霸道橫行霸道heng2 xing2 ba4 dao4
to oppress; to rule as a despot; to tyrannize
厚道厚道hou4 dao5
kind and honest; generous; sincere
呼吸道呼吸道hu1 xi1 dao4
respiratory tract
胡说八道胡說八道hu2 shuo1 ba1 dao4
to talk rubbish
胡诌乱道胡謅亂道hu2 zhou1 luan4 dao4
to talk nonsense (idiom); saying whatever comes into his head
滑出跑道滑出跑道hua2 chu1 pao3 dao4
runway (at airport)
华容道華容道hua2 rong2 dao4
Huarong Road (traditional puzzle involving sliding wooden blocks, loosely based on an episode in Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义)
滑行道滑行道hua2 xing2 dao4
taxiway (at airport)
滑雪索道滑雪索道hua2 xue3 suo3 dao4
黄道黃道huang2 dao4
the ecliptic (the plane of the solar system)
黄道十二宫黃道十二宮huang2 dao4 shi2 er4 gong1
see 十二宮|十二宫
黄海北道黃海北道huang2 hai3 bei3 dao4
North Hwanghae Province of west North Korea
黄海道黃海道huang2 hai3 dao4
former Hwanghae Province of northwest Korea, divided into North and South Hwanghae Province of North Korea in 1954
黄海南道黃海南道huang2 hai3 nan2 dao4
South Hwanghae Province of west North Korea
记者报道記者報道ji4 zhe3 bao4 dao4
press report
济州特别自治道濟州特別自治道ji4 zhou1 te4 bie2 zi4 zhi4 dao4
Jeju island special autonomous province, South Korea, a World Heritage site
夹道夾道jia1 dao4
a narrow street (lined with walls); to line the street
家道家道jia1 dao4
family financial circumstances
夹道欢迎夾道歡迎jia1 dao4 huan1 ying2
to line the streets in welcome
家道中落家道中落jia1 dao4 zhong1 luo4
to come down in the world (idiom); to suffer a reversal of fortune
假道假道jia3 dao4
via; by way of
假道伐虢假道伐虢jia3 dao4 fa2 guo2
to obtain safe passage to conquer the State of Guo; to borrow the resources of an ally to attack a common enemy (idiom)
架空索道架空索道jia4 kong1 suo3 dao4
aerial ropeway; cable car
剑道劍道jian4 dao4
kendō (sports)
江原道江原道jiang1 yuan2 dao4
Gangwon Province of Korea during Joseon Dynasty; Kangwon province of North Korea; Gangwon province in northeast South Korea, capital Chuncheon 春川
讲道講道jiang3 dao4
to preach; a sermon
降落跑道降落跑道jiang4 luo4 pao3 dao4
runway (at airport)
叫道叫道jiao4 dao4
to call; to shout
街道街道jie1 dao4
street; subdistrict; residential district
街道办事处街道辦事處jie1 dao4 ban4 shi4 chu4
sub-district office; neighborhood official; an official who works with local residents to report to higher government authorities
劫道劫道jie2 dao4
to kidnap; to hijack
截拳道截拳道jie2 quan2 dao4
Jeet Kun Do or Way of the Intercepting Fist, a fusion of Eastern and Western martial arts led by Bruce Lee 李小龍|李小龙
津津乐道津津樂道jin1 jin1 le4 dao4
to discuss sth enthusiastically
近道近道jin4 dao4
shortcut; a quicker method
进道若蜷進道若蜷jin4 dao4 ruo4 quan2
entering the Way, you seem to coil back (Laozi 老子, the Book of Dao 道德经, Chap. 14); progress in the Dao can seem illusory
进道若退進道若退jin4 dao4 ruo4 tui4
entering the Way, you seem to coil back (Laozi 老子, the Book of Dao 道德经, Chap. 14); progress in the Dao can seem illusory
近地轨道近地軌道jin4 di4 gui3 dao4
low Earth orbit (LEO)
京畿道京畿道jing1 ji1 dao4
Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, surrounding Seoul and Incheon, capital Suweon City 水原市
精于此道精於此道jing1 yu2 ci3 dao4
to be proficient in the area of; skilled in this field
径道徑道jing4 dao4
path; short-cut
就道就道jiu4 dao4
to set off; to take to the road
据报道據報道ju4 bao4 dao4
according to a report; It is reported that...
开道開道kai1 dao4
to clear the way
开锣喝道開鑼喝道kai1 luo2 he4 dao4
to clear a street by banging gongs and shouting loudly (idiom)
康庄大道康莊大道kang1 zhuang1 da4 dao4
broad and open road (idiom); fig. brilliant future prospects
靠走道靠走道kao4 zou3 dao4
on the aisle (referring to seats on a plane etc)
柯南·道尔柯南·道爾ke1 nan2 - dao4 er3
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), author of the Sherlock Holmes stories 歇洛克·福爾摩斯|歇洛克·福尔摩斯
坑道坑道keng1 dao4
mine shaft; gallery; tunnel
空手道空手道kong1 shou3 dao4
孔道孔道kong3 dao4
opening providing access; the teaching of Confucius
孔孟之道孔孟之道kong3 meng4 zhi1 dao4
the teaching of Confucius and Mencius
口碑载道口碑載道kou3 bei1 zai4 dao4
lit. praise fills the roads (idiom); praise everywhere; universal approbation
苦集灭道苦集滅道ku3 ji2 mie4 dao4
the Four Noble Truths (Budd.), namely: all life is suffering 苦, the cause of suffering is desire 集, emancipation comes only by eliminating passions 滅|灭, the way 道 to emancipation is the Eight-fold Noble Way 八正道; also called 四諦|四谛
lit. repair the plank road by day while secretly crossing the Wei River 渭河 at Chencang (idiom, refers to a stratagem used by Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦 in 206 BC against Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽 of Chu); fig. to feign one thing while doing another; to cheat under cover of a di
lit. you hit the high road, I'll cross the log bridge (idiom); fig. you go your way, I'll go mine; you do it your way, I'll do it mine
鸟道鳥道niao3 dao4
a road only a bird can manage; steep dangerous road
尿道尿道niao4 dao4
urethra; urinary tract
尿生殖管道尿生殖管道niao4 sheng1 zhi2 guan3 dao4
urinogenital tract
女修道女修道nv3 xiu1 dao4
女修道院女修道院nv3 xiu1 dao4 yuan4
女修道张女修道張nv3 xiu1 dao4 zhang1
攀亲道故攀親道故pan1 qin1 dao4 gu4
to use claims to kinship or friendship to climb socially (idiom)
盘道盤道pan2 dao4
twining mountain road
旁门左道旁門左道pang2 men2 zuo3 dao4
dissenting religious sect (idiom); heretical school of opinion; dissident group
跑道跑道pao3 dao4
athletic track; track; runway (i.e. airstrip)
贫道貧道pin2 dao4
poor Taoist
频道頻道pin2 dao4
frequency; (television) channel
平安北道平安北道ping2 an1 bei3 dao4
North P'yong'an Province in west of North Korea, adjacent to Liaoning
平安道平安道ping2 an1 dao4
P'yong'ando Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into South Pyong'an Province 平安南道 and North Pyong'an Province 平安北道 of North Korea
平安南道平安南道ping2 an1 nan2 dao4
South P'yong'an Province in west of North Korea
平交道平交道ping2 jiao1 dao4
level crossing
坡道坡道po1 dao4
road on a slope; inclined path; ramp
菩提道场菩提道場pu2 ti2 dao4 chang3
Bodhimanda (place of enlightenment associated with a Bodhisattva)
气道氣道qi4 dao4
flue; air duct; air passage; respiratory tract
纤道縴道qian4 dao4
towpath (along a canal)
秦岭蜀栈道秦嶺蜀棧道qin2 ling3 shu3 zhan4 dao4
the Qinling plank road to Shu, a historical mountain road from Shaanxi to Sichuan
清道清道qing1 dao4
to clean the street; to clear the road (i.e. get rid of people for passage of royalty or VIP)
清道夫清道夫qing1 dao4 fu1
street cleaner; garbage collector
轻型轨道交通輕型軌道交通qing1 xing2 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1
light rail; transit system (underground, at street level or elevated); streetcar; metro; abbr. to 輕軌|轻轨
庆尙北道慶尙北道qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4
North Gyeongsang Province, in east South Korea, capital Daegu 大邱
庆尚北道慶尚北道qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4
North Gyeongsang Province, in east South Korea, capital Daegu 大邱
庆尚道慶尚道qing4 shang4 dao4
Gyeongsang Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Gyeongsang Province 慶尚北道|庆尚北道 and South Gyeongsang Province 慶尚南道|庆尚南道
庆尙南道慶尙南道qing4 shang4 nan2 dao4
South Gyeongsang Province, in south east South Korea, capital Changwon 昌原
庆尚南道慶尚南道qing4 shang4 nan2 dao4
South Gyeongsang Province, in south east South Korea, capital Changwon 昌原
球道球道qiu2 dao4
fairway (golf); lane (ten-pin bowling)
求道于盲求道於盲qiu2 dao4 yu2 mang2
see 問道於盲|问道于盲
渠道渠道qu2 dao4
irrigation ditch; (fig.) channel; means
取道取道qu3 dao4
via; by way of; en route to
全罗北道全羅北道quan2 luo2 bei3 dao4
North Jeolla Province, in west South Korea, capital Jeonju 全州
全罗道全羅道quan2 luo2 dao4
Jeolla or Cholla Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Jeolla Province 全羅北道|全罗北道 and South Jeolla Province 全羅南道|全罗南道
全罗南道全羅南道quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4
South Jeolla Province, in southwest South Korea, capital Gwangju 光州
绕道繞道rao4 dao4
roundabout route; detour
人道人道ren2 dao4
human sympathy; humanitarianism; humane; the "human way", one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism); sexual intercourse
人道救援人道救援ren2 dao4 jiu4 yuan2
humanitarian aid
人道主义人道主義ren2 dao4 zhu3 yi4
humanism; humanitarian (aid)
人行道人行道ren2 xing2 dao4
人行地下通道人行地下通道ren2 xing2 di4 xia4 tong1 dao4
pedestrian underpass
人行横道人行橫道ren2 xing2 heng2 dao4
pedestrian crossing
人行横道线人行橫道線ren2 xing2 heng2 dao4 xian4
crosswalk; pedestrian crossing with zebra stripes
仁义道德仁義道德ren2 yi4 dao4 de2
compassion, duty, propriety and integrity (idiom); all the traditional virtues; mainly used sarcastically, to mean hypocritical
任重道远任重道遠ren4 zhong4 dao4 yuan3
a heavy load and a long road; fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7)
日本黑道日本黑道ri4 ben3 hei1 dao4
Yakuza (Japanese mafia)
柔道柔道rou2 dao4
入道入道ru4 dao4
to enter the Way; to become a Daoist
赛道賽道sai4 dao4
race course
三道眉草鹀三道眉草鵐san1 dao4 mei2 cao3 wu2
(bird species of China) meadow bunting (Emberiza cioides)
山道年山道年shan1 dao4 nian2
santonin (loanword)
上轨道上軌道shang4 gui3 dao4
to stay on track; to proceed smoothly
上呼吸道感染上呼吸道感染shang4 hu1 xi1 dao4 gan3 ran3
upper respiratory tract infection
谁知道誰知道shei2 zhi1 dao4
God knows...; Who would have imagined...?
神道神道shen2 dao4
Shinto (Japanese religion)
生财有道生財有道sheng1 cai2 you3 dao4
lit. there are principles behind making money (idiom); fig. to have a knack for good business; knowing how to accumulate wealth; good at feathering one's own nest
声道聲道sheng1 dao4
sound track; audio channel
失道失道shi1 dao4
to lose the way; unjust; moral failing
失道寡助失道寡助shi1 dao4 gua3 zhu4
an unjust cause finds little support (idiom, from Mencius); cf 得道多助 a just cause attracts much support
食道食道shi2 dao4
esophagus; the proper way to eat; food transportation route
食道癌食道癌shi2 dao4 ai2
esophageal cancer
世道世道shi4 dao4
the ways of the world; the morals of the time
熟道熟道shu2 dao4
familiar road; well-trodden path
熟道儿熟道兒shu2 dao4 er5
familiar road; well-trodden path
数黄道黑數黃道黑shu3 huang2 dao4 hei1
to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels; also written 數黑論黃|数黑论黄
双节棍道雙節棍道shuang1 jie2 gun4 dao4
nunchaku martial arts
水道水道shui3 dao4
aqueduct; sewer
水道口水道口shui3 dao4 kou3
mouth of sewer
顺道順道shun4 dao4
on the way
说长道短說長道短shuo1 chang2 dao4 duan3
lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits (idiom); to gossip
说道說道shuo1 dao4
to state; to say (the quoted words)
说道說道shuo1 dao5
to discuss; reason (behind sth)
说三道四說三道四shuo1 san1 dao4 si4
to make thoughtless remarks (idiom); to criticize; gossip
送上轨道送上軌道song4 shang4 gui3 dao4
to send into orbit
颂声载道頌聲載道song4 sheng1 zai4 dao4
lit. praise fills the roads (idiom); praise everywhere; universal approbation
塑胶跑道塑膠跑道su4 jiao1 pao3 dao4
synthetic athletics track; tartan track
隧道隧道sui4 dao4
索道索道suo3 dao4
跆拳道跆拳道tai2 quan2 dao4
Taekwando (Korean martial art); Tae Kwon Do
唐手道唐手道tang2 shou3 dao4
Tang soo do (Korean martial art)
天道天道tian1 dao4
natural law; heavenly law; weather (dialect)
天道酬勤天道酬勤tian1 dao4 chou2 qin2
Heaven rewards the diligent. (idiom)
天公地道天公地道tian1 gong1 di4 dao4
absolutely fair and reasonable (idiom); equitable
天球赤道天球赤道tian1 qiu2 chi4 dao4
celestial equator
铁道鐵道tie3 dao4
railway line; rail track
铁道部鐵道部tie3 dao4 bu4
Ministry of Railways (MOR), disbanded in 2013 with its regulatory functions taken over by the Ministry of Transport 交通運輸部|交通运输部
通道通道tong1 dao4
Tongdao Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化, Hunan
通道通道tong1 dao4
(communications) channel; thoroughfare; passage
通道侗族自治县通道侗族自治縣tong1 dao4 dong4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Tongdao Dong Autonomous County in Huaihua 懷化|怀化, Hunan
通道县通道縣tong1 dao4 xian4
Tongdao Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化, Hunan
通讯通道通訊通道tong1 xun4 tong1 dao4
communications channel
同道同道tong2 dao4
same principle
同道者同道者tong2 dao4 zhe3
fellow-traveler; like-minded person
同道中人同道中人tong2 dao4 zhong1 ren2
kindred spirit
头道頭道tou2 dao4
first time; first (round, course, coat of paint etc)
头头是道頭頭是道tou2 tou2 shi4 dao4
clear and logical
拖牵索道拖牽索道tuo1 qian1 suo3 dao4
anchor lift (ski-lift)
歪门邪道歪門邪道wai1 men2 xie2 dao4
dishonest practices
外耳道外耳道wai4 er3 dao4
external auditory meatus; auditory canal, between the outer ear 外耳 and tympanum 鼓膜
弯道彎道wan1 dao4
winding road; road curve
弯道超车彎道超車wan1 dao4 chao1 che1
to overtake on a bend (driving); (fig.) taking opportunity of tight corners to make swift progress (economy etc)
腕隧道症候群腕隧道症候群wan4 sui4 dao4 zheng4 hou4 qun2
carpal tunnel syndrome (pain in the hands due to pressure on the median nerve); median neuropathy at the wrist
汪道涵汪道涵wang1 dao4 han2
Wang Daohan (1915-2005), former president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits
王道王道wang2 dao4
the Way of the King; statecraft; benevolent rule; virtuous as opposed to the Way of Hegemon 霸道
微不足道微不足道wei1 bu4 zu2 dao4
negligible; insignificant
尾水渠道尾水渠道wei3 shui3 qu2 dao4
outflow channel
卫道衛道wei4 dao4
to defend traditional values
卫道士衛道士wei4 dao4 shi4
traditionalist; moralist; champion (of a cause)
味道味道wei4 dao5
flavor; smell; hint of
胃绕道胃繞道wei4 rao4 dao4
gastric bypass
文以载道文以載道wen2 yi3 zai4 dao4
words of truth; moral expressed in words; written article explaining a moral
问道問道wen4 dao4
to ask the way; to ask
问道于盲問道於盲wen4 dao4 yu2 mang2
lit. to ask a blind man the way (idiom); fig. to seek advice from an incompetent
无道無道wu2 dao4
tyrannical; brutal (regime)
五道口五道口wu3 dao4 kou3
Wudaokou neighborhood of Beijing
五斗米道五斗米道wu3 dou3 mi3 dao4
Way of the Five Pecks of Rice (Taoist movement); Way of the Celestial Master
武士道武士道wu3 shi4 dao4
bushidō or way of the warrior, samurai code of chivalry
下水道下水道xia4 shui3 dao4
祆道祆道xian1 dao4
Zoroastrianism; see also 祆教
先王之道先王之道xian1 wang2 zhi1 dao4
the way of former kings
咸镜北道咸鏡北道xian2 jing4 bei3 dao4
North Hamgyeong Province in northeast of North Korea, capital Chongjin 清津市
咸镜道咸鏡道xian2 jing4 dao4
Hamgyeongdo Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Hamgyeong Province 咸鏡北道|咸镜北道 and South Hamgyeong Province 咸鏡南道|咸镜南道 of North Korea
咸镜南道咸鏡南道xian2 jing4 nan2 dao4
South Hamgyeong Province of east North Korea
现场报道現場報道xian4 chang3 bao4 dao4
on-the-spot report
消化道消化道xiao1 hua4 dao4
digestive tract
小道小道xiao3 dao4
bypath; trail; bribery as a means of achieving a goal; minor arts (Confucian reference to agriculture, medicine, divination, and other professions unworthy of a gentleman)
小道新闻小道新聞xiao3 dao4 xin1 wen2
news from the grapevine
孝道孝道xiao4 dao5
filial piety (Confucian virtue); to be a good son or daughter
lit. when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven (idiom); fig. to ride on sb else's success; Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too; Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it
一条道走到黑一條道走到黑yi1 tiao2 dao4 zou3 dao4 hei1
to stick to one's ways; to cling to one's course
一语道破一語道破yi1 yu3 dao4 po4
one word says it all (idiom); to hit the nail on the head; to be pithy and correct
to use an opponent's own methods to obtain retribution (idiom, from Song dynasty neo-Confucianist Zhu Xi 朱熹); to get revenge by playing sb back at his own game; to give sb a taste of his own medicine
阴道陰道yin1 dao4
阴道口陰道口yin1 dao4 kou3
female external genitalia (anatomy); vulva
阴道炎陰道炎yin1 dao4 yan2
vaginal infection; inflammation of the vulva or vagina; colpitis
阴道棕榈状壁陰道棕櫚狀壁yin1 dao4 zong1 lv2 zhuang4 bi4
palmate folds of cervical canal; plicae palmatae canalis cervicis uteri