surname Jin; surname Kim (Korean); Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234)
gold; chemical element Au; generic term for lustrous and ductile metals; money; golden; highly respected; one of the eight ancient musical instruments 八音
Agincourt (near Arras in north France, scene of a battle in 1415)
阿特金斯阿特金斯a1 te4 jin1 si1
Atkins (name)
埃尔金埃爾金ai1 er3 jin1
James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin (1811-1863), British High Commissioner to China who ordered the looting and destruction of the Old Winter Palace Yuanmingyuan 圓明園|圆明园 in 1860; Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin (1766-1841), who stole the Parthenon Marbles in 1
埃尔金大理石埃爾金大理石ai1 er3 jin1 da4 li3 shi2
the Elgin Marbles, the Parthenon marbles stolen in 1801-1810 by Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin
奥斯卡金像奖奧斯卡金像獎ao4 si1 ka3 jin1 xiang4 jiang3
Academy Awards; Oscars
巴金巴金ba1 jin1
Ba Jin (1904-2005), novelist, author of the trilogy 家, 春, 秋
An ounce of gold can't buy you an interval of time (idiom); Money can't buy you time.; Time is precious.
寸土寸金寸土寸金cun4 tu3 cun4 jin1
land is extremely expensive (in that area) (idiom)
大金背啄木鸟大金背啄木鳥da4 jin1 bei4 zhuo2 mu4 niao3
(bird species of China) greater flameback (Chrysocolaptes lucidus)
贷学金貸學金dai4 xue2 jin1
student loan
等额比基金等額比基金deng3 e2 bi3 ji1 jin1
equality ration fund, a charitable investment fund that can be drawn down in proportion to further donations
抵用金抵用金di3 yong4 jin1
store credit (credit to be spent at a specified retailer)
第一桶金第一桶金di4 yi1 tong3 jin1
the first pot of gold; the initial profits from an economic endeavour
点金成铁點金成鐵dian3 jin1 cheng2 tie3
to transform gold into base metal (idiom); fig. to edit sb else's beautiful prose and ruin it
点金石點金石dian3 jin1 shi2
philosopher's stone
点石成金點石成金dian3 shi2 cheng2 jin1
to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing into a literary gem
点铁成金點鐵成金dian3 tie3 cheng2 jin1
to touch base matter and turn it to gold (idiom); fig. to turn crude writing into a literary gem
定金定金ding4 jin1
down payment; advance payment
订金訂金ding4 jin1
an initial payment; earnest money; deposit
镀金鍍金du4 jin1
to gold-plate; to gild; (fig.) to make sth quite ordinary seem special
短嘴金丝燕短嘴金絲燕duan3 zui3 jin1 si1 yan4
(bird species of China) Himalayan swiftlet (Aerodramus brevirostris)
堆金积玉堆金積玉dui1 jin1 ji1 yu4
lit. pile up gold and jade; very rich
对冲基金對衝基金dui4 chong1 ji1 jin1
hedge fund
夺金奪金duo2 jin1
to snatch gold; to take first place in a competition
额尔金額爾金e2 er3 jin1
James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin (1811-1863), British High Commissioner to China who ordered the looting and destruction of the Old Winter Palace Yuanmingyuan 圓明園|圆明园 in 1860; Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin (1766-1841), who stole the Parthenon Marbles in 1
儿童基金会兒童基金會er2 tong2 ji1 jin1 hui4
UNICEF (United Nations Children's fund)
罚金罰金fa2 jin1
fine; to forfeit
非金属非金屬fei1 jin1 shu3
nonmetal (chemistry)
粪金龟糞金龜fen4 jin1 gui1
dung beetle
粪金龟子糞金龜子fen4 jin1 gui1 zi3
dung beetle
抚慰金撫慰金fu3 wei4 jin1
consolation money; compensation
抚恤金撫恤金fu3 xu4 jin1
compensation payment (for injury); relief payment
高山金翅雀高山金翅雀gao1 shan1 jin1 chi4 que4
(bird species of China) yellow-breasted greenfinch (Chloris spinoides)
锆合金鋯合金gao4 he2 jin1
戈氏金丝燕戈氏金絲燕ge1 shi4 jin1 si1 yan4
(bird species of China) German's swiftlet (Aerodramus germani)
公积金公積金gong1 ji1 jin1
official reserves; accumulated fund
公益金公益金gong1 yi4 jin1
public welfare funds; community chest
共同基金共同基金gong4 tong2 ji1 jin1
mutual fund
股本金比率股本金比率gu3 ben3 jin1 bi3 lv4
equity ratio
固若金汤固若金湯gu4 ruo4 jin1 tang1
secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water (idiom); well fortified; invulnerable to attack
关金關金guan1 jin1
see 關金圓|关金圆
关金圆關金圓guan1 jin1 yuan2
Chinese customs gold unit, currency used in China between 1930 and 1948
ferrous metals (i.e. iron, chromium, manganese and alloys containing them)
黑头金翅雀黑頭金翅雀hei1 tou2 jin1 chi4 que4
(bird species of China) black-headed greenfinch (Chloris ambigua)
红额金翅雀紅額金翅雀hong2 e2 jin1 chi4 que4
(bird species of China) European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
后金後金hou4 jin1
Later Jin dynasty (from 1616-); Manchu Khanate or kingdom that took over as Qing dynasty in 1644
黄金黃金huang2 jin1
gold; golden (opportunity); prime (time)
黄金宝黃金寶huang2 jin1 bao3
Wong Kam-po (1973-), Hong Kong champion cyclist
黄金档黃金檔huang2 jin1 dang4
prime time
黄金分割黃金分割huang2 jin1 fen1 ge1
golden ratio; golden section
黄金海岸黃金海岸huang2 jin1 hai3 an4
name of various places including Gold Coast (Australian city), Gold Coast (former British colony in Africa) and Costa Daurada (area on the coast of Catalonia, Spain)
黄金辉黃金輝huang2 jin1 hui1
Wee Kim Wee (1915-2005), president of Singapore (1985-1993)
黄金时代黃金時代huang2 jin1 shi2 dai4
golden age
黄金时段黃金時段huang2 jin1 shi2 duan4
prime time
黄金屋黃金屋huang2 jin1 wu1
lit. house made of gold; fig. luxurious residence
黄金周黃金週huang2 jin1 zhou1
Golden Week, two 7-day national holiday periods
挥金如土揮金如土hui1 jin1 ru2 tu3
lit. to squander money like dirt (idiom); fig. to spend money like water; extravagant
汇金匯金hui4 jin1
活期资金活期資金huo2 qi1 zi1 jin1
funds on call; invested sum that can be cashed
火眼金睛火眼金睛huo3 yan3 jin1 jing1
piercing eyes; discerning eyes
霍金霍金huo4 jin1
Hawkins or Hawking; Stephen Hawking (1942-), British physicist and author of A Brief History of Time 時間簡史|时间简史
霍金斯霍金斯huo4 jin1 si1
Hawkins (name); also written 霍金
霍普金斯大学霍普金斯大學huo4 pu3 jin1 si1 da4 xue2
Johns Hopkins University
击鼓鸣金擊鼓鳴金ji1 gu3 ming2 jin1
to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. to order an advance or retreat; to egg people on or to call them back
基金基金ji1 jin1
基金会基金會ji1 jin1 hui4
foundation (institution supported by an endowment)
the storm put strong grass to the test, fire tests true gold (idiom); fig. troubled times test a faithful minister; to show one's true colors after a stern test
rich person does not sit under the eaves (idiom); prudent not to place oneself in danger
碱金属鹼金屬jian3 jin1 shu3
alkali metal
碱土金属鹼土金屬jian3 tu3 jin1 shu3
alkaline earth (i.e. beryllium Be 鈹|铍, magnesium Mg 鎂|镁, calcium Ca 鈣|钙, strontium Sr 鍶|锶, barium Ba 鋇|钡 and radium Ra 鐳|镭)
碱性金属鹼性金屬jian3 xing4 jin1 shu3
alkali metal
奖金獎金jiang3 jin1
premium; award money; bonus
奖学金獎學金jiang3 xue2 jin1
交响金属交響金屬jiao1 xiang3 jin1 shu3
symphonic metal (pop music); heavy metal with symphonic pretensions
杰夫·金尼傑夫·金尼jie2 fu1 - jin1 ni2
Jeff Kinney
金安金安jin1 an1
Jin'an district of Lu'an city 六安市, Anhui
金安区金安區jin1 an1 qu1
Jin'an district of Lu'an city 六安市, Anhui
金霸王金霸王jin1 ba4 wang2
Duracell (US brand of batteries etc)
金斑鸻金斑鴴jin1 ban1 heng2
(bird species of China) Pacific golden plover (Pluvialis fulva)
金榜金榜jin1 bang3
lit. tablet with inscription in gold; pass list for the top imperial examinations; roll of honor
金榜题名金榜題名jin1 bang3 ti2 ming2
to win top marks in the imperial examinations
金宝金寶jin1 bao3
Campbell (name); Kampar, town in the state of Perak, Malaysia
金背三趾啄木鸟金背三趾啄木鳥jin1 bei4 san1 zhi3 zhuo2 mu4 niao3
(bird species of China) common flameback (Dinopium javanense)
金本位金本位jin1 ben3 wei4
gold standard
金币金幣jin1 bi4
gold coin
金碧辉煌金碧輝煌jin1 bi4 hui1 huang2
gold and jade in glorious splendor (idiom); fig. a dazzling sight (e.g. royal palace)
金碧荧煌金碧熒煌jin1 bi4 ying2 huang2
splendid in green and gold (idiom); looking radiant
金边金邊jin1 bian1
Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia
金钵金缽jin1 bo1
(gold) alms bowl (of a Buddhist monk)
金箔金箔jin1 bo2
gold leaf
金伯利岩金伯利岩jin1 bo2 li4 yan2
Kimberlite (geology)
金灿灿金燦燦jin1 can4 can4
golden-bright and dazzling
金蝉金蟬jin1 chan2
Golden Cicada
金蝉脱壳金蟬脫殼jin1 chan2 tuo1 qiao4
lit. the cicada sheds its carapace (idiom); fig. to vanish leaving an empty shell; a crafty escape plan
金昌金昌jin1 chang1
Jinchang prefecture level city in Gansu
金阊金閶jin1 chang1
Jinchang district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市, Jiangsu
金阊区金閶區jin1 chang1 qu1
Jinchang district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市, Jiangsu
金昌市金昌市jin1 chang1 shi4
Jinchang prefecture level city in Gansu
金朝金朝jin1 chao2
Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), founded by the Jurchen 女真 people of North China, a precursor of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty
金成金晟jin1 cheng2
Sung KIM, US diplomat and director of US State Department's Korea office
金城江金城江jin1 cheng2 jiang1
Jinchengjiang district of Hechi city 河池市, Guangxi
金城江区金城江區jin1 cheng2 jiang1 qu1
Jinchengjiang district of Hechi city 河池市, Guangxi
金城镇金城鎮jin1 cheng2 zhen4
Jincheng (common place name); Chincheng town in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县 (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan
金翅金翅jin1 chi4
oriental greenfinch (Carduelis sinica)
金翅雀金翅雀jin1 chi4 que4
(bird species of China) grey-capped greenfinch (Chloris sinica)
金翅噪鹛金翅噪鶥jin1 chi4 zao4 mei2
(bird species of China) Assam laughingthrush (Trochalopteron chrysopterum)
金川金川jin1 chuan1
Jinchuan county (Tibetan: chu chen rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州, northwest Sichuan
金川区金川區jin1 chuan1 qu1
Jinchuan district of Jinchang city 金昌市, Gansu
金川县金川縣jin1 chuan1 xian4
Jinchuan county (Tibetan: chu chen rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州, northwest Sichuan
金葱粉金蔥粉jin1 cong1 fen3
glitter (sparkling material)
金葱胶金蔥膠jin1 cong1 jiao1
glitter glue
金大中金大中jin1 da4 zhong1
Kim Dae-jung (1926-2009), South Korea politician, president 1998-2003, Nobel peace prize laureate 2000
金代金代jin1 dai4
Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), founded by the Jurchen 女真 people of North China, a precursor of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty
金雕金鵰jin1 diao1
(bird species of China) golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
金顶戴菊金頂戴菊jin1 ding3 dai4 ju2
goldcrest (Regulus satrapa)
金顶戴菊鸟金頂戴菊鳥jin1 ding3 dai4 ju2 niao3
goldcrest (Regulus satrapa)
金东金東jin1 dong1
Jindong district of Jinhua city 金華市|金华市, Zhejiang
金东区金東區jin1 dong1 qu1
Jindong district of Jinhua city 金華市|金华市, Zhejiang
金盾工程金盾工程jin1 dun4 gong1 cheng2
Golden Shield Project, also known as the Great Firewall of China
金额金額jin1 e2
sum of money; monetary value
金额雀鹛金額雀鶥jin1 e2 que4 mei2
(bird species of China) golden-fronted fulvetta (Alcippe variegaticeps)
金额丝雀金額絲雀jin1 e2 si1 que4
(bird species of China) red-fronted serin (Serinus pusillus)
金额叶鹎金額葉鵯jin1 e2 ye4 bei1
(bird species of China) golden-fronted leafbird (Chloropsis aurifrons)
金发金髮jin1 fa4
blond; blonde; fair-haired
金发碧眼金髮碧眼jin1 fa4 bi4 yan3
fair-haired and blue-eyed; blonde; of Western appearance
金饭碗金飯碗jin1 fan4 wan3
secure and lucrative job
金峰金峰jin1 feng1
Jinfeng or Chinfeng township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县, southeast Taiwan
金峰乡金峰鄉jin1 feng1 xiang1
Jinfeng or Chinfeng township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县, southeast Taiwan
金凤区金鳳區jin1 feng4 qu1
Jinfeng district of Yinchuan city 銀川市|银川市, Ningxia
金富轼金富軾jin1 fu4 shi4
Kim Busik (1075-1151), court historian of the Korean Georyo dynasty 高麗|高丽, compiler of History of Three Kingdoms 三國史記|三国史记
金柑金柑jin1 gan1
金刚金剛jin1 gang1
King Kong
金刚金剛jin1 gang1
diamond; (used to translate Sanskrit "vajra", a thunderbolt or mythical weapon); guardian deity (in Buddhist iconography)
金刚杵金剛杵jin1 gang1 chu3
vajra scepter (ritual object of Buddhism)
金刚狼金剛狼jin1 gang1 lang2
Wolverine, comic book superhero
金刚怒目金剛怒目jin1 gang1 nu4 mu4
to have a face as terrifying as a temple's guardian deity (idiom)
金刚萨埵金剛薩埵jin1 gang1 sa4 duo3
金刚砂金剛砂jin1 gang1 sha1
carborundum; emery
金刚山金剛山jin1 gang1 shan1
Kumgangsan Tourist Region in east North Korea
金刚石金剛石jin1 gang1 shi2
diamond; also called 鑽石|钻石
金刚手菩萨金剛手菩薩jin1 gang1 shou3 pu2 sa4
Vajrapani Bodhisattva
金刚鹦鹉金剛鸚鵡jin1 gang1 ying1 wu3
金刚总持金剛總持jin1 gang1 zong3 chi2
金刚座金剛座jin1 gang1 zuo4
Bodhimanda (place of enlightenment associated with a Bodhisattva)
金戈铁马金戈鐵馬jin1 ge1 tie3 ma3
very powerful army
金阁寺金閣寺jin1 ge2 si4
Kinkakuji or Golden pavilion in northwest Kyōto 京都, Japan; informal name of Buddhist temple Rokuonji 鹿苑寺
金菇金菇jin1 gu1
enoki mushroom; abbr. for 金針菇|金针菇
金箍金箍jin1 gu1
gold band
金箍棒金箍棒jin1 gu1 bang4
golden cudgel, weapon wielded by Sun Wukong in the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记
金瓜金瓜jin1 gua1
pumpkin (Gymnopetalum chinense); a mace with a brass head resembling a pumpkin
金瓜石金瓜石jin1 gua1 shi2
Jinguashi, town in Ruifang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan, noted for its historic gold and copper mines, used as a prisoner-of-war camp by the Japanese (1942-1945)
金冠戴菊金冠戴菊jin1 guan1 dai4 ju2
goldcrest (Regulus regulus); gold-crowned kinglet
金冠地莺金冠地鶯jin1 guan1 di4 ying1
(bird species of China) slaty-bellied tesia (Tesia olivea)
金冠树八哥金冠樹八哥jin1 guan1 shu4 ba1 ge1
(bird species of China) golden-crested myna (Ampeliceps coronatus)
金光党金光黨jin1 guang1 dang3
racketeers; con artists
金光闪烁金光閃爍jin1 guang1 shan3 shuo4
金龟金龜jin1 gui1
tortoise; scarab beetle
金龟车金龜車jin1 gui1 che1
Volkswagen Beetle (Tw)
金龟婿金龜婿jin1 gui1 xu4
wealthy son-in-law; wealthy husband
金龟子金龜子jin1 gui1 zi3
scarab (Scarabeus sacer); beetle
金柜金櫃jin1 gui4
strongbox; safe; metal bookcase
金匮金匱jin1 gui4
variant of 金櫃|金柜
金桂冠金桂冠jin1 gui4 guan1
Kim KyeGwan (1943-), North Korean diplomat, vice-foreign minister of
金柜石室金櫃石室jin1 gui4 shi2 shi4
safe places for storing important articles
金匮石室金匱石室jin1 gui4 shi2 shi4
variant of 金櫃石室|金柜石室
金国汗金國汗jin1 guo2 han2
the Later Jin dynasty (from 1616-); the Manchu khanate or kingdom that took over as the Qing dynasty in 1644
金合欢金合歡jin1 he2 huan1
金衡金衡jin1 heng2
troy weight, system of weights for precious metals and gemstones based on the 12-ounce pound (or 5,760 grains)
金红金紅jin1 hong2
reddish-gold (color)
金红石金紅石jin1 hong2 shi2
rutile (mineral form of titanium oxide TiO2)
金喉拟啄木鸟金喉擬啄木鳥jin1 hou2 ni3 zhuo2 mu4 niao3
(bird species of China) golden-throated barbet (Megalaima franklinii)
金湖金湖jin1 hu2
Jinhu county in Huai'an 淮安, Jiangsu; Chinhu town in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县 (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan
金湖县金湖縣jin1 hu2 xian4
Jinhu county in Huai'an 淮安, Jiangsu
金湖镇金湖鎮jin1 hu2 zhen4
Chinhu town in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县 (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan
金华金華jin1 hua2
Jinhua prefecture level city in Zhejiang
金华地区金華地區jin1 hua2 di4 qu1
Jinhua prefecture, Zhejiang
金华火腿金華火腿jin1 hua2 huo3 tui3
Jinhua ham
金华市金華市jin1 hua2 shi4
Jinhua prefecture level city in Zhejiang
金黄金黃jin1 huang2
golden yellow; golden
金黄鹂金黃鸝jin1 huang2 li2
(bird species of China) Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus)
金黄色金黃色jin1 huang2 se4
gold color
金汇兑本位制金匯兌本位制jin1 hui4 dui4 ben3 wei4 zhi4
gold exchange standard (economics)
金鸡金雞jin1 ji1
golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)
金鸡独立金雞獨立jin1 ji1 du2 li4
golden rooster stands on one leg (tai chi posture); standing on one leg
金鸡纳金雞納jin1 ji1 na4
quinine (Cinchona ledgeriana)
金鸡纳树金雞納樹jin1 ji1 na4 shu4
Cinchona ledgeriana; the quinine tree
金鸡纳霜金雞納霜jin1 ji1 na4 shuang1
quinine powder
金家庄金家莊jin1 jia1 zhuang1
Jinjiazhuang district of Ma'anshan city 馬鞍山市|马鞍山市, Anhui
金家庄区金家莊區jin1 jia1 zhuang1 qu1
Jinjiazhuang district of Ma'anshan city 馬鞍山市|马鞍山市, Anhui
金奖金獎jin1 jiang3
gold medal; first prize
金匠金匠jin1 jiang4
金角湾金角灣jin1 jiao3 wan1
Zolotoy Rog or Golden Horn Bay in Vladivostok (famous for its pollution)
金酒金酒jin1 jiu3
金橘金橘jin1 ju2
kumquat; also written 金桔
金桔金桔jin1 ju2
金科玉律金科玉律jin1 ke1 yu4 lv4
golden rule; key principle
金口河金口河jin1 kou3 he2
Jinkouhe district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市, Sichuan
金口河区金口河區jin1 kou3 he2 qu1
Jinkouhe district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市, Sichuan
金库金庫jin1 ku4
金矿金礦jin1 kuang4
gold mine; gold ore
金眶鸻金眶鴴jin1 kuang4 heng2
(bird species of China) little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius)
金眶鹟莺金眶鶲鶯jin1 kuang4 weng1 ying1
(bird species of China) green-crowned warbler (Seicercus burkii)
金兰金蘭jin1 lan2
profound friendship; sworn brotherhood
金兰谱金蘭譜jin1 lan2 pu3
lit. directory of golden orchids; fig. genealogical record (esp. exchanged between sworn brothers)
金兰之交金蘭之交jin1 lan2 zhi1 jiao1
intimate friendship (idiom)
金里奇金里奇jin1 li3 qi2
(Newt) Gingrich
金陵金陵jin1 ling2
pre-Han name for Nanjing; common place name
金陵大学金陵大學jin1 ling2 da4 xue2
University of Nanking
金铃子金鈴子jin1 ling2 zi5
chinaberry (Melia azedarach)
金领金領jin1 ling3
gold collar; high level senior executive; highly-skilled worker
金镏子金鎦子jin1 liu4 zi5
gold ring
金卤金鹵jin1 lu3
metal halide
金銮殿金鑾殿jin1 luan2 dian4
throne room
金马奖金馬獎jin1 ma3 jiang3
Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards
金毛狗金毛狗jin1 mao2 gou3
golden retriever (dog breed); Cibotium barometz, Asian tropical tree fern with hairy fronds (used in TCM)
金毛犬金毛犬jin1 mao2 quan3
golden retriever (dog breed)
金茂大厦金茂大廈jin1 mao4 da4 sha4
Jin Mao Tower, skyscraper in Shanghai
金门金門jin1 men2
Kinmen or Quemoy islands off the Fujian coast, administered by Taiwan; Jinmen county in Quanzhou 泉州, Fujian, PRC
金门岛金門島jin1 men2 dao3
Kinmen or Quemoy islands off the Fujian coast, administered by Taiwan
金门县金門縣jin1 men2 xian4
Kinmen County, Taiwan (the Kinmen or Quemoy islands off the Fujian coast); Jinmen county in Quanzhou 泉州, Fujian
金迷纸醉金迷紙醉jin1 mi2 zhi3 zui4
lit. dazzling with paper and gold (idiom); fig. indulging in a life of luxury
金明金明jin1 ming2
Jinming district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市, Henan
金明区金明區jin1 ming2 qu1
Jinming district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市, Henan
金目鲈金目鱸jin1 mu4 lu2
Barramundi; Lates calcarifer (a species of catadromous fish in family Latidae of order Perciformes)
金宁金寧jin1 ning2
Chinning township in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县 (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan
金宁乡金寧鄉jin1 ning2 xiang1
Chinning township in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县 (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan
金牛金牛jin1 niu2
Taurus (star sign); Jinniu district of Chengdu city 成都市, Sichuan
金牛区金牛區jin1 niu2 qu1
Jinniu district of Chengdu city 成都市, Sichuan
金牛座金牛座jin1 niu2 zuo4
Taurus (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
金瓯金甌jin1 ou1
Ca Mau, Vietnam
金牌金牌jin1 pai2
gold medal
金盆洗手金盆洗手jin1 pen2 xi3 shou3
lit. to wash one's hands in a gold basin (idiom); fig. to abandon the life of an outlaw
金平金平jin1 ping2
Jinping district of Shantou city 汕头市, Guangdong
金瓶梅金瓶梅jin1 ping2 mei2
Jinpingmei or the Golden Lotus (1617), Ming dynasty vernacular novel, formerly notorious and banned for its sexual content
金瓶梅词话金瓶梅詞話jin1 ping2 mei2 ci2 hua4
Jinpingmei or the Golden Lotus (1617), Ming dynasty vernacular novel, formerly notorious and banned for its sexual content
money is not omnipotent; money isn't everything; money can't buy you love
金钱挂帅金錢掛帥jin1 qian2 gua4 shuai4
caring only about money and wealth
金钱万能金錢萬能jin1 qian2 wan4 neng2
money is omnipotent (idiom); with money, you can do anything; money talks
金枪鱼金槍魚jin1 qiang1 yu2
金秋金秋jin1 qiu1
fall; autumn
金球奖金球獎jin1 qiu2 jiang3
Golden Globe Award
金曲奖金曲獎jin1 qu3 jiang3
Golden Melody Awards
金泉金泉jin1 quan2
Gimcheon (city in South Korea)
金雀花金雀花jin1 que4 hua1
broom; furze (family Fabaceae)
金日成金日成jin1 ri4 cheng2
Kim Il Sung (1912-1994) Great Leader of North Korea
金融金融jin1 rong2
banking; finance; financial
金融风暴金融風暴jin1 rong2 feng1 bao4
banking crisis; storm in financial circles
金融风波金融風波jin1 rong2 feng1 bo1
financial crisis; banking crisis
金融改革金融改革jin1 rong2 gai3 ge2
financial reform
金融杠杆金融槓桿jin1 rong2 gang4 gan3
financial leverage; leveraging (i.e. buying shares on borrowed funds)
金融机构金融機構jin1 rong2 ji1 gou4
financial institution; banking institution
金融机关金融機關jin1 rong2 ji1 guan1
financial organization
金融家金融家jin1 rong2 jia1
financier; banker
金融界金融界jin1 rong2 jie4
banking circles; the world of finance
金融区金融區jin1 rong2 qu1
financial district
金融时报金融時報jin1 rong2 shi2 bao4
Financial Times
金融时报指数金融時報指數jin1 rong2 shi2 bao4 zhi3 shu4
Financial Times stock exchange index (FTSE 100 or footsie)
金融市场金融市場jin1 rong2 shi4 chang3
financial market
金融危机金融危機jin1 rong2 wei1 ji1
financial crisis
金融系统金融系統jin1 rong2 xi4 tong3
financial system
金融衍生产品金融衍生產品jin1 rong2 yan3 sheng1 chan3 pin3
financial derivative
金融业金融業jin1 rong2 ye4
financial sector; the banking business
金三角金三角jin1 san1 jiao3
Golden Triangle (Southeast Asia)
金色金色jin1 se4
golden; gold (color)
金色林鸲金色林鴝jin1 se4 lin2 qu2
(bird species of China) golden bush robin (Tarsiger chrysaeus)
金色鸦雀金色鴉雀jin1 se4 ya1 que4
(bird species of China) golden parrotbill (Suthora verreauxi)
金沙金沙jin1 sha1
Jinsha county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区, Guizhou; Chinsha town in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县 (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan
金沙江金沙江jin1 sha1 jiang1
Jinsha river, upper reaches of Yangtze river or Changjiang 長江|长江 in Sichuan and Yunnan
金沙萨金沙薩jin1 sha1 sa4
Kinshasa, capital of Zaire
金沙县金沙縣jin1 sha1 xian4
Jinsha county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区, Guizhou
金沙镇金沙鎮jin1 sha1 zhen4
Chinsha town in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县 (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan
金山金山jin1 shan1
Jinshan suburban district of Shanghai; Jinshan or Chinshan township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan
金山区金山區jin1 shan1 qu1
Jinshan suburban district of Shanghai
金山寺金山寺jin1 shan1 si4
Jinshan Temple, where Fahai lives (from Madam White Snake)
金山乡金山鄉jin1 shan1 xiang1
Jinshan or Chinshan township in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan
金山屯金山屯jin1 shan1 zhun1
Jinshanzhun district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang
金山屯区金山屯區jin1 shan1 zhun1 qu1
Jinshanzhun district of Yichun city 伊春市, Heilongjiang
金狮奖金獅獎jin1 shi1 jiang3
Golden Lion, award at the Venice Film Festival
金石金石jin1 shi2
metal and stone; fig. hard objects; inscription on metal or bronze
金石良言金石良言jin1 shi2 liang2 yan2
gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice
金石学金石學jin1 shi2 xue2
金史金史jin1 shi3
History of the Jurchen Jin Dynasty, twenty second of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, composed under Toktoghan 脫脫|脱脱 in 1345 during the Yuan Dynasty 元, 135 scrolls
金饰金飾jin1 shi4
gold ornaments
金氏金氏jin1 shi4
Guinness (name) (Tw)
金属金屬jin1 shu3
金属板金屬板jin1 shu3 ban3
metal plate
金属棒金屬棒jin1 shu3 bang4
metal rod
金属薄片金屬薄片jin1 shu3 bao2 pian4
foil; Taiwan pr.
金属材料金屬材料jin1 shu3 cai2 liao4
metal material
金属键金屬鍵jin1 shu3 jian4
metallic bond
金属疲劳金屬疲勞jin1 shu3 pi2 lao2
metal fatigue
金属破片金屬破片jin1 shu3 po4 pian4
金属探伤金屬探傷jin1 shu3 tan4 shang1
metal crack detection
金属外壳金屬外殼jin1 shu3 wai4 ke2
metal cover
金属线金屬線jin1 shu3 xian4
metal wire
金水金水jin1 shui3
Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市, Henan
金水区金水區jin1 shui3 qu1
Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市, Henan
金斯敦金斯敦jin1 si1 dun1
Kingstown, capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Kingston, capital of Jamaica
金丝猴金絲猴jin1 si1 hou2
golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana)
金丝雀金絲雀jin1 si1 que4
金丝燕金絲燕jin1 si1 yan4
giant swiftlet (collocalia gigas)
金塔金塔jin1 ta3
Jinta county in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu
金塔县金塔縣jin1 ta3 xian4
Jinta county in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu
金台金臺jin1 tai2
Jintai District of Baoji City 寶雞市|宝鸡市, Shaanxi
金台区金臺區jin1 tai2 qu1
Jintai District of Baoji City 寶雞市|宝鸡市, Shaanxi
金坛金壇jin1 tan2
Jintan county level city in Changzhou 常州, Jiangsu
金坛市金壇市jin1 tan2 shi4
Jintan county level city in Changzhou 常州, Jiangsu
金堂金堂jin1 tang2
Jintang county in Chengdu 成都, Sichuan
金堂县金堂縣jin1 tang2 xian4
Jintang county in Chengdu 成都, Sichuan
金天翮金天翮jin1 tian1 he2
Jin Tianhe (1874-1947), late Qing poet and novelist, author of Flower in the sea of evil 孽海花
金田村金田村jin1 tian2 cun1
Jintian village in Guiping county 桂平, Gveigangj or Guigang prefecture 貴港|贵港, Guangxi, starting point of the Taiping Tianguo 太平天國|太平天国 rebellion in 1851
金田起义金田起義jin1 tian2 qi3 yi4
Jintian Uprising
金条金條jin1 tiao2
gold bar
金铜合铸金銅合鑄jin1 tong2 he2 zhu4
copper gold alloy
金童玉女金童玉女jin1 tong2 yu4 nv3
lit. golden boys and jade maidens (idiom); attendants of the Daoist immortals; fig. lovely young children; a golden couple; (of a couple who are in the public eye) a lovely young couple
金头缝叶莺金頭縫葉鶯jin1 tou2 feng4 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) mountain tailorbird (Phyllergates cuculatus)
金头黑雀金頭黑雀jin1 tou2 hei1 que4
(bird species of China) gold-naped finch (Pyrrhoplectes epauletta)
金头扇尾莺金頭扇尾鶯jin1 tou2 shan4 wei3 ying1
(bird species of China) golden-headed cisticola (Cisticola exilis)
金头穗鹛金頭穗鶥jin1 tou2 sui4 mei2
(bird species of China) golden babbler (Stachyridopsis chrysaea)
lit. the golden bird of the sun sets in the west, the jade hare of the moon rises in the east; fig. at sunset
金无足赤金無足赤jin1 wu2 zu2 chi4
not all gold is sufficiently red (idiom); no-one is perfect
金溪金溪jin1 xi1
Jinxi county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi
金溪县金溪縣jin1 xi1 xian4
Jinxi county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi
金夏沙金夏沙jin1 xia4 sha1
Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Tw)
金县金縣jin1 xian4
King County
金乡金鄉jin1 xiang1
Jinxiang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁, Shandong
金乡县金鄉縣jin1 xiang1 xian4
Jinxiang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁, Shandong
金小蜂金小蜂jin1 xiao3 feng1
a parisitoid wasp (genus Nasonia)
金星金星jin1 xing1
Venus (planet)
金星金星jin1 xing1
gold star; stars (that one sees from blow to the head etc)
金胸歌鸲金胸歌鴝jin1 xiong1 ge1 qu2
(bird species of China) firethroat (Calliope pectardens)
金胸雀鹛金胸雀鶥jin1 xiong1 que4 mei2
(bird species of China) golden-breasted fulvetta (Lioparus chrysotis)
金熊奖金熊獎jin1 xiong2 jiang3
Golden Bear, award at the Berlin International Film Festival
金秀县金秀縣jin1 xiu4 xian4
Jinxiu Yao autonomous county in Laibin 來賓|来宾, Guangxi
金秀瑶族自治县金秀瑤族自治縣jin1 xiu4 yao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Jinxiu Yao autonomous county in Laibin 來賓|来宾, Guangxi
金眼鹛雀金眼鶥雀jin1 yan3 mei2 que4
(bird species of China) yellow-eyed babbler (Chrysomma sinense)
金阳金陽jin1 yang2
Jinyang county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州, south Sichuan
金阳县金陽縣jin1 yang2 xian4
Jinyang county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州, south Sichuan
金腰燕金腰燕jin1 yao1 yan4
(bird species of China) red-rumped swallow (Cecropis daurica)
金曜日金曜日jin1 yao4 ri4
Friday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy)
金银金銀jin1 yin2
gold and silver
金银箔金銀箔jin1 yin2 bo2
gold and silver foil; gold and silver leaf
金银岛金銀島jin1 yin2 dao3
Treasure Island by R.L. Stevenson 羅伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森|罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森
金银花金銀花jin1 yin2 hua1
金银块金銀塊jin1 yin2 kuai4
金银铜铁锡金銀銅鐵錫jin1 yin2 tong2 tie3 xi1
the 5 metals: gold, silver, copper, iron and tin
金印金印jin1 yin4
golden seal; characters tattooed on a convict's face
金庸金庸jin1 yong1
Jin Yong or Louis Cha (1924-), famous Wuxia writer, author of 1957-1961 Condor Hero trilogy
金永南金永南jin1 yong3 nan2
Kim Yong-nam (1928-), North Korean politician, foreign minister 1983-1998 and president of Supreme people's assembly from 1998 (nominal head of state and described as deputy leader)
金泳三金泳三jin1 yong3 san1
Kim Young-sam (1927-), South Korean politician, president 1993-1998
金鱼金魚jin1 yu2
金鱼佬金魚佬jin1 yu2 lao3
pedophile (slang, referring to the case of a Hong Kong child abductor)
金鱼藻金魚藻jin1 yu2 zao3
hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
金宇中金宇中jin1 yu3 zhong1
Kim Woo-jung (1936-), Korean businessman and founder of the Daewoo Group
金玉金玉jin1 yu4
gold and jade; precious
金玉良言金玉良言jin1 yu4 liang2 yan2
gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice
金玉满堂金玉滿堂jin1 yu4 man3 tang2
lit. gold and jade fill the hall (idiom); fig. abundant wealth; abundance of knowledge
gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on the inside (idiom)
金元券金元券jin1 yuan2 quan4
currency issued by Nationalist Government in 1948
金圆券金圓券jin1 yuan2 quan4
currency issued by Nationalist Government in 1948
金寨金寨jin1 zhai4
Jinzhai county in Lu'an 六安, Anhui
金寨县金寨縣jin1 zhai4 xian4
Jinzhai county in Lu'an 六安, Anhui
金帐汗国金帳汗國jin1 zhang4 han2 guo2
Golden Horde (ancient state)
金针金針jin1 zhen1
needle used in embroidery or sewing; acupuncture needle; orange day-lily (Hemerocallis fulva)
金针菜金針菜jin1 zhen1 cai4
day lily (Hemerocallis), used in Chinese medicine and cuisine
金针菇金針菇jin1 zhen1 gu1
enoki mushroom (Flammulina velutipes, Japanese えのき茸 enokitake), used in cuisines of Japan, Korea and China, cultivated to be long, thin and white; abbr. to 金菇
金针花金針花jin1 zhen1 hua1
orange day-lily (Hemerocallis fulva)
金正恩金正恩jin1 zheng4 en1
Kim Jong-un (c. 1983-), third son of Kim Jong-il 金正日, supreme leader of North Korea from 2011
金正男金正男jin1 zheng4 nan2
Kim Jong-nam (1971-2017), the eldest son of Kim Jong-il 金正日
金正日金正日jin1 zheng4 ri4
Kim Jong-il (1942-2011), Dear Leader of North Korea 1982-2011
金正银金正銀jin1 zheng4 yin2
former spelling of Kim Jong-un 金正恩
金正云金正雲jin1 zheng4 yun2
erroneous form of Kim Jong-un 金正恩
金枝玉叶金枝玉葉jin1 zhi1 yu4 ye4
golden branch, jade leaves (idiom); fig. blue-blooded nobility, esp. imperial kinsmen or peerless beauty
金钟金鐘jin1 zhong1
Admiralty, Hong Kong
金州区金州區jin1 zhou1 qu1
Jinzhou district of Dalian 大連市|大连市, Liaoning
金主金主jin1 zhu3
financial backer; bankroller
金砖金磚jin1 zhuan1
BRIC; BRICS economic bloc (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)
lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks; With a will, you can achieve anything.
lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks; With a will, you can achieve anything.
旧金山舊金山jiu4 jin1 shan1
San Francisco, California
开金開金kai1 jin1
carated gold (alloy containing stated proportion of gold)
a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a promise that must be kept
一言千金一言千金yi1 yan2 qian1 jin1
one word worth a thousand in gold (idiom); valuable advice; words of enormous weight
一掷千金一擲千金yi1 zhi4 qian1 jin1
lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw (idiom); to throw away money recklessly; extravagant
一字千金一字千金yi1 zi4 qian1 jin1
one word worth a thousand in gold (idiom); (in praise of a piece of writing or calligraphy) each character is perfect; each word is highly valued
义结金兰義結金蘭yi4 jie2 jin1 lan2
to be close friends
印度金黄鹂印度金黃鸝yin4 du4 jin1 huang2 li2
(bird species of China) Indian golden oriole (Oriolus kundoo)
营运资金營運資金ying2 yun4 zi1 jin1
working capital
佣金佣金yong4 jin1
尤金尤金you2 jin1
Eugene (name)
尤金·塞尔南尤金·塞爾南you2 jin1 - sai4 er3 nan2
Eugene Cernan (1934-), US astronaut in Apollo 10 and Apollo 17 missions, "last man on the moon"
有色金属有色金屬you3 se4 jin1 shu3
non-ferrous metals (all metals excluding iron, chromium, manganese and their alloys)
郁金香鬱金香yu4 jin1 xiang1
约当现金約當現金yue1 dang1 xian4 jin1
cash equivalent (accountancy)
约翰·霍金斯約翰·霍金斯yue1 han4 - huo4 jin1 si1
John Hawkins (1532-1595), British seaman involved in sea war with Spain; Johns Hopkins (1795-1873), American entrepreneur, abolitionist and philanthropist
Zhijin county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区, Guizhou
织金锦織金錦zhi1 jin1 jin3
gilt brocade
织金县織金縣zhi1 jin1 xian4
Zhijin county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区, Guizhou
纸黄金紙黃金zhi3 huang2 jin1
gold contract; special drawing right (SDR); paper gold (finance)
指数基金指數基金zhi3 shu4 ji1 jin1
index fund
纸醉金迷紙醉金迷zhi3 zui4 jin1 mi2
lit. dazzling with paper and gold (idiom); fig. indulging in a life of luxury
滞纳金滯納金zhi4 na4 jin1
overdue fine; late fine
中央汇金中央匯金zhong1 yang1 hui4 jin1
central finance; Chinese monetary fund
重金重金zhong4 jin1
huge money; extremely rich; very expensive
重金属重金屬zhong4 jin1 shu3
heavy metal
众口铄金眾口鑠金zhong4 kou3 shuo4 jin1
lit. public opinion is powerful enough to melt metal (idiom); fig. public clamor can obscure the actual truth; mass spreading of rumors can confuse right and wrong
周转金周轉金zhou1 zhuan3 jin1
revolving fund; working capital; petty cash; turnover
助学金助學金zhu4 xue2 jin1
student grant; education grant; scholarship
准备金準備金zhun3 bei4 jin1
reserve fund
资金資金zi1 jin1
funds; funding; capital
资金杠杆資金槓桿zi1 jin1 gang4 gan3
(finance) leverage; gearing
紫金紫金zi3 jin1
Zijin county in Heyuan 河源, Guangdong
紫金鹃紫金鵑zi3 jin1 juan1
(bird species of China) violet cuckoo (Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus)
紫金牛紫金牛zi3 jin1 niu2
Japanese ardisia (Ardisia japonica)
紫金山紫金山zi3 jin1 shan1
Purple Mountain in suburbs of Nanjing, with Ming tombs and Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum