surname Qian

coin; money; unit of weight, one tenth of a tael 兩|两

strokes 10
strokes after radical 5
本钱 本錢 ben3 qian2
capital; (fig.) asset; advantage; the means (to do sth)

不值钱 不值錢 bu4 zhi2 qian2
of little value

茶钱 茶錢 cha2 qian2
tip; gratuity; money for tea

车钱 車錢 che1 qian2
fare; transport costs

趁钱 趁錢 chen4 qian2
variant of 稱錢|称钱

称钱 稱錢 chen4 qian2
(coll.) rich; well-heeled

筹钱 籌錢 chou2 qian2
to raise money

臭钱 臭錢 chou4 qian2
dirty money

出钱 出錢 chu1 qian2
to pay

凑钱 湊錢 cou4 qian2
to raise enough money to do sth; to pool money; to club together (to do sth)

存钱 存錢 cun2 qian2
to deposit money; to save money

存钱罐 存錢罐 cun2 qian2 guan4
piggy bank; coin bank; money box

大钱 大錢 da4 qian2
high denomination of banknotes or coins; lots of money; a big sum (e.g. a bribe)

地钱 地錢 di4 qian2
liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha)

店钱 店錢 dian4 qian2
room charge in a hotel; accommodation expenses

定钱 定錢 ding4 qian5
security deposit; earnest money (real estate); good-faith deposit

赌钱 賭錢 du3 qian2
to gamble

多钱善贾 多錢善賈 duo1 qian2 shan4 gu3
much capital, good business (idiom); fig. good trading conditions

罚钱 罰錢 fa2 qian2
to fine

房钱 房錢 fang2 qian2
charges for a room; house rental

分钱 分錢 fen1 qian2
cent; penny

份子钱 份子錢 fen4 zi5 qian2
gift money (on the occasion of a wedding etc)

俸钱 俸錢 feng4 qian2

付钱 付錢 fu4 qian2
to pay money

搞钱 搞錢 gao3 qian2
to get money; to accumulate money

公钱 公錢 gong1 qian2

工钱 工錢 gong1 qian2
salary; wages

黑钱 黑錢 hei1 qian2
dirty money

花钱 花錢 hua1 qian2
to spend money

花钱找罪受 花錢找罪受 hua1 qian2 zhao3 zui4 shou4
to spend money on sth that turns out to be unsatisfactory or even disastrous

换钱 換錢 huan4 qian2
to change money; to sell

价钱 價錢 jia4 qian5

见钱眼开 見錢眼開 jian4 qian2 yan3 kai1
to open one's eyes wide at the sight of profit (idiom); thinking of nothing but personal gain; money-grubbing

交钱 交錢 jiao1 qian2
to pay up; to shell out; to hand over the money to cover sth

脚钱 腳錢 jiao3 qian2
payment to a porter

借钱 借錢 jie4 qian2
to borrow money; to lend money

金钱 金錢 jin1 qian2
money; currency

金钱豹 金錢豹 jin1 qian2 bao4

金钱不能买来幸福 金錢不能買來幸福 jin1 qian2 bu4 neng2 mai3 lai2 xing4 fu2
money can't buy happiness

金钱非万能 金錢非萬能 jin1 qian2 fei1 wan4 neng2
money is not omnipotent; money isn't everything; money can't buy you love

金钱挂帅 金錢掛帥 jin1 qian2 gua4 shuai4
caring only about money and wealth

金钱万能 金錢萬能 jin1 qian2 wan4 neng2
money is omnipotent (idiom); with money, you can do anything; money talks

酒钱 酒錢 jiu3 qian2

浪费金钱 浪費金錢 lang4 fei4 jin1 qian2
to squander money; to spend extravagantly

捞钱 撈錢 lao1 qian2
lit. to dredge for money; to make money by reprehensible means; to fish for a quick buck

力钱 力錢 li4 qian2
payment to a porter

利钱 利錢 li4 qian2
interest (on a loan etc)

俩钱 倆錢 lia3 qian2
two bits; a small amount of money

俩钱儿 倆錢兒 lia3 qian2 er5
erhua variant of 倆錢兒|俩钱儿

敛钱 斂錢 lian3 qian2
to collect money; to raise funds (for charity)

零花钱 零花錢 ling2 hua1 qian2
pocket money; allowance

零钱 零錢 ling2 qian2
change (of money); small change; pocket money

零用钱 零用錢 ling2 yong4 qian2
pocket money; allowance; spending money

搂钱 摟錢 lou1 qian2
(coll.) to grab money; to rake in money

乱花钱 亂花錢 luan4 hua1 qian2
to spend money recklessly; to squander

买路钱 買路錢 mai3 lu4 qian2
money extorted as a right of passage; illegal toll; (old) paper money thrown along the way of a funeral procession

赔钱 賠錢 pei2 qian2
to lose money; to pay for damages

钱包 錢包 qian2 bao1
purse; wallet

钱币 錢幣 qian2 bi4

钱不是万能的没钱是万万不能的 錢不是萬能的沒錢是萬萬不能的 qian2 bu4 shi4 wan4 neng2 de5 mei2 qian2 shi4 wan4 wan4 bu4 neng2 de5
Money isn't everything but without money you have nothing. (idiom)

钱财 錢財 qian2 cai2
wealth; money

钱钞 錢鈔 qian2 chao1

钱串 錢串 qian2 chuan4
string of cash

钱串儿 錢串兒 qian2 chuan4 er5
erhua variant of 錢串|钱串

钱串子 錢串子 qian2 chuan4 zi5
string of cash

钱袋 錢袋 qian2 dai4
purse; wallet

钱多事少离家近 錢多事少離家近 qian2 duo1 shi4 shao3 li2 jia1 jin4
lots of money, less work, and close to home; ideal job

钱夹 錢夾 qian2 jia1
wallet; Taiwan pr.

钱可通神 錢可通神 qian2 ke3 tong1 shen2
with money, you can do anything (idiom); money talks

钱粮 錢糧 qian2 liang2
land tax; money and grain (given as tax or tribute)

钱能通神 錢能通神 qian2 neng2 tong1 shen2
money is all-powerful; money can move God

钱皮 錢皮 qian2 pi2
Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (1920-), president of Italy from 1999 to 2006

钱其琛 錢其琛 qian2 qi2 chen1
Qian Qichen (1928-2017), former Chinese vice premier

钱起 錢起 qian2 qi3
Qian Qi (c. 710-780), Tang Dynasty poet

钱三强 錢三強 qian2 san1 qiang2
Qian Sanqiang

钱是万恶之源 錢是萬惡之源 qian2 shi4 wan4 e4 zhi1 yuan2
Money is the root of all evil.

钱树 錢樹 qian2 shu4
money tree; prostitute; hen that lays golden eggs

钱塘 錢塘 qian2 tang2
Qiantang River that loops around Hangzhou 杭州 in Zhejiang Province 浙江省

钱塘潮 錢塘潮 qian2 tang2 chao2
tidal bore of Qiantang river

钱塘江 錢塘江 qian2 tang2 jiang1
Qiantang River that loops around Hangzhou 杭州 in Zhejiang Province 浙江省

钱物 錢物 qian2 wu4
money and things of value

钱学森 錢學森 qian2 xue2 sen1
Qian Xuesen (1911-2009), Chinese scientist and aeronautical engineer

钱永健 錢永健 qian2 yong3 jian4
Roger Yonchien Tsien (1952-), US Chinese chemist and 2008 Nobel laureate

钱钟书 錢鐘書 qian2 zhong1 shu1
Qian Zhongshu (1910-1998), literary academic and novelist, author of the 1947 novel Fortress Beseiged 圍城|围城

钱庄 錢莊 qian2 zhuang1
money farm (dealing in illegal foreign currency of money laundering)

取钱 取錢 qu3 qian2
to withdraw money

缺钱 缺錢 que1 qian2
shortage of money

热钱 熱錢 re4 qian2
hot money, money flowing from one currency to another in the hope of quick profit

散钱 散錢 san3 qian2
small sum of money; loose change; Cantonese equivalent of 零錢|零钱

散钱 散錢 san4 qian2
to scatter money; to give to charity

赏钱 賞錢 shang3 qian5
tip; gratuity; monetary reward; bonus

烧钱 燒錢 shao1 qian2
to burn money (esp. paper money as part of religious ceremony); (fig.) to spend money crazily

折钱 折錢 she2 qian2
a loss; to lose money

省钱 省錢 sheng3 qian2
to save money

剩钱 剩錢 sheng4 qian2
to have money left; remaining money

市钱 市錢 shi4 qian2
Chinese unit of weight equivalent to 5 grams

耍钱 耍錢 shua3 qian2
to gamble

私房钱 私房錢 si1 fang2 qian2
secret purse; secret stash of money

摊钱 攤錢 tan1 qian2
to bear part of the cost

体己钱 體己錢 ti1 ji5 qian2
private saved money of close family members

退钱 退錢 tui4 qian2
to refund money

揾钱 搵錢 wen4 qian2
(dialect) to make money

洗黑钱 洗黑錢 xi3 hei1 qian2
money laundering

洗钱 洗錢 xi3 qian2
money laundering

喜钱 喜錢 xi3 qian5
tip given on a happy occasion (traditional)

现钱 現錢 xian4 qian2

香火钱 香火錢 xiang1 huo3 qian2
donations to a temple

血汗钱 血汗錢 xue4 han4 qian2
hard-earned money

压岁钱 壓歲錢 ya1 sui4 qian2
money given to children as new year present

洋钱 洋錢 yang2 qian2
foreign money; flat silver (former coinage); also written 銀元|银元

摇钱树 搖錢樹 yao2 qian2 shu4
a legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken; a source of easy money (idiom)

要钱 要錢 yao4 qian2
to charge; to demand payment

一分钱两分货 一分錢兩分貨 yi1 fen1 qian2 liang3 fen1 huo4
high quality at bargain price

一分钱一分货 一分錢一分貨 yi1 fen1 qian2 yi1 fen1 huo4
nothing for nothing; you get what you pay for

一钱不值 一錢不值 yi1 qian2 bu4 zhi2
not worth a penny; utterly worthless

一钱如命 一錢如命 yi1 qian2 ru2 ming4
stingy; penny-pinching

一切向钱看 一切向錢看 yi1 qie4 xiang4 qian2 kan4
to put money above everything else

一手交钱,一手交货 一手交錢,一手交貨 yi1 shou3 jiao1 qian2 - yi1 shou3 jiao1 huo4
lit. one hand exchanges the cash, the other the goods (idiom); fig. to pay for what you want in cash; simple and direct transaction

银钱 銀錢 yin2 qian2
silver money (in former times)

印子钱 印子錢 yin4 zi5 qian2
usury; high interest loan (in former times)

用钱 用錢 yong4 qian5
variant of 佣錢|佣钱

佣钱 佣錢 yong4 qian5
commission; brokerage

有本钱 有本錢 you3 ben3 qian2
to be in a position to (take on a challenge, etc)

有钱 有錢 you3 qian2
well-off; wealthy

有钱能使鬼推磨 有錢能使鬼推磨 you3 qian2 neng2 shi3 gui3 tui1 mo4
lit. money will make the Devil turn millstones (idiom); fig. with money, you can do anything you like

有钱人 有錢人 you3 qian2 ren2
the rich; the wealthy

有钱有势 有錢有勢 you3 qian2 you3 shi4
rich and powerful (idiom)

有钱有闲 有錢有閑 you3 qian2 you3 xian2
to have money and time; to be part of the leisure class; the idle rich

余钱 餘錢 yu2 qian2
surplus money

冤钱 冤錢 yuan1 qian2
pointless expense; not worth the money spent

冤枉钱 冤枉錢 yuan1 wang5 qian2
pointless expense; not worth the money spent

月钱 月錢 yue4 qian2
monthly payment

涨钱 漲錢 zhang3 qian2
inflation; salary raise

找钱 找錢 zhao3 qian2
to give change

挣钱 掙錢 zheng4 qian2
to make money

值钱 值錢 zhi2 qian2
valuable; costly; expensive

纸钱 紙錢 zhi3 qian2
ritual money made of paper burnt for the Gods or the dead

制钱 制錢 zhi4 qian2
copper coin of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

赚大钱 賺大錢 zhuan4 da4 qian2
to earn a fortune

赚钱 賺錢 zhuan4 qian2
to earn money; moneymaking

租钱 租錢 zu1 qian5
rent; same as 租金