lit. the rear waves of the Yangtze River drive on those before (idiom); fig. the new is constantly replacing the old; each new generation excels the previous; (of things) to be constantly evolving
Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone (economic region including Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu)
长江三峡長江三峽chang2 jiang1 san1 xia2
Three Gorges or Yangtze Gorges, namely: Qutang Gorge 瞿塘峽|瞿塘峡, Wuxia Gorge 巫峽|巫峡 and Xiling Gorge 西陵峽|西陵峡
长脚秧鸡長腳秧雞chang2 jiao3 yang1 ji1
(bird species of China) corn crake (Crex crex)
长角羊長角羊chang2 jiao3 yang2
Tibetan long horned antelope
长颈龙長頸龍chang2 jing3 long2
tanystropheus, long-necked reptile from Triassic
长颈鹿長頸鹿chang2 jing3 lu4
长颈瓶長頸瓶chang2 jing3 ping2
长久長久chang2 jiu3
(for a) long time
长距离長距離chang2 ju4 li2
long distance
长距离比赛長距離比賽chang2 ju4 li2 bi3 sai4
marathon (sports)
长空長空chang2 kong1
(literary) the vast sky; (finance) eventual downturn; poor prospects in the long term
长裤長褲chang2 ku4
长廊長廊chang2 lang2
promenade; long hallway; Long Corridor in the Summer Palace, Beijing 北京頤和園|北京颐和园
长乐長樂chang2 le4
Changle county level city in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian; Princess Changle of Western Wei of the Northern dynasties 西魏, given in marriage c. 545 to Bumin Khan 土門|土门
长乐公主長樂公主chang2 le4 gong1 zhu3
Princess Changle of Western Wei of the Northern dynasties 西魏, given in marriage c. 545 to Bumin Khan 土門|土门
长乐市長樂市chang2 le4 shi4
Changle county level city in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian
长乐未央長樂未央chang2 le4 wei4 yang1
endless happiness (idiom)
长岭長嶺chang2 ling3
Changling county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin
长岭县長嶺縣chang2 ling3 xian4
Changling county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin
长流水,不断线長流水,不斷線chang2 liu2 shui3 - bu4 duan4 xian4
continuous and patient effort (idiom)
长龙長龍chang2 long2
long queue; long line (of cars, people etc)
长矛長矛chang2 mao2
pike; lance
长毛象長毛象chang2 mao2 xiang4
woolly mammoth
长眠長眠chang2 mian2
eternal rest (i.e. death)
长明灯長明燈chang2 ming2 deng1
altar lamp burning day and night
长命富贵長命富貴chang2 ming4 fu4 gui4
We wish you long life and riches! (idiom, conventional greeting)
长年長年chang2 nian2
all the year round
长年累月長年累月chang2 nian2 lei3 yue4
year in, year out (idiom); (over) many years
长宁長寧chang2 ning2
Changning County in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾, Sichuan; Changning District in Shanghai
长宁区長寧區chang2 ning2 qu1
Changning district, central Shanghai
长宁县長寧縣chang2 ning2 xian4
Changning county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾, Sichuan
长袍長袍chang2 pao2
chang pao (traditional Chinese men's robe); gown; robe
长跑長跑chang2 pao3
long-distance running
长跑运动员長跑運動員chang2 pao3 yun4 dong4 yuan2
long distance runner
长辔远驭長轡遠馭chang2 pei4 yuan3 yu4
to control from a distance (idiom)
长篇長篇chang2 pian1
lengthy (report or speech)
长篇累牍長篇累牘chang2 pian1 lei3 du2
(of a text) very lengthy (idiom)
长篇小说長篇小說chang2 pian1 xiao3 shuo1
长片長片chang2 pian4
feature-length film
长漂長漂chang2 piao1
rafting on the Yangtze River; abbr. for 長江漂流|长江漂流
长平長平chang2 ping2
Changping, place name in Gaoping County 高平縣|高平县, southern Shanxi, the scene of the great battle of 262-260 BC between Qin and Zhao
长平之战長平之戰chang2 ping2 zhi1 zhan4
battle of Changping of 260 BC, at which the Qin army 秦軍|秦军 encircled and annihilated a Zhao army of 400,000
长期長期chang2 qi1
long term; long time; long range (of a forecast)
长期饭票長期飯票chang2 qi1 fan4 piao4
(fig.) guarantee of financial support for the rest of one's life
长期共存長期共存chang2 qi1 gong4 cun2
long-term coexistence
长期稳定性長期穩定性chang2 qi1 wen3 ding4 xing4
long-term stability
长期性長期性chang2 qi1 xing4
长期以来長期以來chang2 qi1 yi3 lai2
ever since a long time ago
长崎長崎chang2 qi2
Nagasaki, Japan
长枪長槍chang2 qiang1
长枪短炮長槍短炮chang2 qiang1 duan3 pao4
camera (jocular)
长清長清chang2 qing1
Changqing district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市, Shandong
长清区長清區chang2 qing1 qu1
Changqing district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市, Shandong
长拳長拳chang2 quan2
Changquan - Northern Shaolin (北少林) - Longfist - Martial Art
长裙長裙chang2 qun2
cheong sam (long skirt)
长荣長榮chang2 rong2
Evergreen (Group), Taiwan-based shipping and transportation conglomerate
长荣海运長榮海運chang2 rong2 hai3 yun4
Evergreen Marine Corp. (Taiwan shipping line)
长荣航空長榮航空chang2 rong2 hang2 kong1
EVA Air, Taiwanese international airline
长三長三chang2 san1
(old) high class prostitute
长三角長三角chang2 san1 jiao3
Yangtze River Delta; abbr. for 長江三角洲|长江三角洲
长三角经济区長三角經濟區chang2 san1 jiao3 jing1 ji4 qu1
Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone (economic region including Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu)
长沙長沙chang2 sha1
Changsha prefecture level city and capital of Hunan province in south central China
长沙市長沙市chang2 sha1 shi4
Changsha prefecture level city and capital of Hunan province in south central China
长沙湾長沙灣chang2 sha1 wan1
Cheung Sha Wan (poultry market in Hong Kong)
长沙县長沙縣chang2 sha1 xian4
Changsha county in Changsha 長沙|长沙, Hunan
长衫長衫chang2 shan1
long gown; cheongsam; traditional Asian dress for men or (in Hong Kong) women's qipao
长山山脉長山山脈chang2 shan1 shan1 mai4
Truong Son Ra, mountain range forming the border between Vietnam and Laos and Kampuchea
长舌長舌chang2 she2
loquacious; to have a loose tongue
长舌妇長舌婦chang2 she2 fu4
female gossip; busybody
长蛇阵長蛇陣chang2 she2 zhen4
single-line formation (army); fig. long line
长蛇座長蛇座chang2 she2 zuo4
Hydra (constellation)
长生長生chang2 sheng1
long life
长生不老長生不老chang2 sheng1 bu4 lao3
长生不死長生不死chang2 sheng1 bu4 si3
长生果長生果chang2 sheng1 guo3
peanut; groundnut (slang)
长生久视長生久視chang2 sheng1 jiu3 shi4
to grow old with unfailing eyes and ears (idiom)
长生禄位長生祿位chang2 sheng1 lu4 wei4
tablet and altar honoring a great benefactor (idiom)
长诗長詩chang2 shi1
long poem
长石長石chang2 shi2
stone beam; horizontal slab of stone; feldspar or felspar (geology)
长逝長逝chang2 shi4
to depart this life; to be no more
长寿長壽chang2 shou4
Changshou suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
长寿長壽chang2 shou4
longevity; ability to live long; long lived
长寿区長壽區chang2 shou4 qu1
Changshou suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
长顺長順chang2 shun4
Changshun county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou
长顺县長順縣chang2 shun4 xian4
Changshun county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou
长泰長泰chang2 tai4
Changtai county in Zhangzhou 漳州, Fujian
长泰县長泰縣chang2 tai4 xian4
Changtai county in Zhangzhou 漳州, Fujian
长谈長談chang2 tan2
a long talk
长叹長嘆chang2 tan4
long sigh; deep sigh
长条長條chang2 tiao2
长汀長汀chang2 ting1
Changting county level city in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian
长汀县長汀縣chang2 ting1 xian4
Changting county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian
长筒袜長筒襪chang2 tong3 wa4
长统袜長統襪chang2 tong3 wa4
长筒靴長筒靴chang2 tong3 xue1
tall boots
长统靴長統靴chang2 tong3 xue1
variant of 長筒靴|长筒靴
长痛不如短痛長痛不如短痛chang2 tong4 bu4 ru2 duan3 tong4
better to just get the pain over with, rather than prolong the agony
长途長途chang2 tu2
long distance
长途跋涉長途跋涉chang2 tu2 ba2 she4
long and difficult trek
长途车長途車chang2 tu2 che1
long-distance bus; coach
长途电话長途電話chang2 tu2 dian4 hua4
long-distance call
长途话费長途話費chang2 tu2 hua4 fei4
long distance call charge
长途汽车長途汽車chang2 tu2 qi4 che1
long-distance coach
长途网路長途網路chang2 tu2 wang3 lu4
long distance network
长袜長襪chang2 wa4
hose; stocking
长尾長尾chang2 wei3
the long tail
长尾地鸫長尾地鶇chang2 wei3 di4 dong1
(bird species of China) long-tailed thrush (Zoothera dixoni)
长尾缝叶莺長尾縫葉鶯chang2 wei3 feng2 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) common tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius)
长尾阔嘴鸟長尾闊嘴鳥chang2 wei3 kuo4 zui3 niao3
(bird species of China) long-tailed broadbill (Psarisomus dalhousiae)
长尾鹩鹛長尾鷯鶥chang2 wei3 liao2 mei2
(bird species of China) grey-bellied wren-babbler (Spelaeornis reptatus)
长尾林鸮長尾林鴞chang2 wei3 lin2 xiao1
(bird species of China) Ural owl (Strix uralensis)
长尾奇鹛長尾奇鶥chang2 wei3 qi2 mei2
(bird species of China) long-tailed sibia (Heterophasia picaoides)
长尾山椒鸟長尾山椒鳥chang2 wei3 shan1 jiao1 niao3
(bird species of China) long-tailed minivet (Pericrocotus ethologus)
长尾鸭長尾鴨chang2 wei3 ya1
(bird species of China) long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis)
长尾夜鹰長尾夜鷹chang2 wei3 ye4 ying1
(bird species of China) large-tailed nightjar (Caprimulgus macrurus)
长尾鹦鹉長尾鸚鵡chang2 wei3 ying1 wu3
(bird species of China) long-tailed parakeet (Psittacula longicauda)
长尾贼鸥長尾賊鷗chang2 wei3 zei2 ou1
(bird species of China) long-tailed jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus)
长尾朱雀長尾朱雀chang2 wei3 zhu1 que4
(bird species of China) long-tailed rosefinch (Carpodacus sibiricus)
长武長武chang2 wu3
Changwu County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳, Shaanxi
长武县長武縣chang2 wu3 xian4
Changwu County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳, Shaanxi
长物長物chang2 wu4
surplus; up to scratch
长籼長籼chang2 xian1
long-grained rice (Indian rice, as opposed to round-grained rice)
长线長線chang2 xian4
long term
长相思長相思chang2 xiang1 si1
Sauvignon blanc (grape type)
长效長效chang2 xiao4
to be effective over an extended period
长兴長興chang2 xing1
Changxing county in Huzhou 湖州, Zhejiang
长兴县長興縣chang2 xing1 xian4
Changxing county in Huzhou 湖州, Zhejiang
长袖長袖chang2 xiu4
long sleeves; long-sleeved shirt
长袖善舞長袖善舞chang2 xiu4 shan4 wu3
long sleeves help one dance beautifully (idiom); money and power will help you in any occupation
长吁短叹長吁短嘆chang2 xu1 duan3 tan4
long moan and short gasp (idiom); continually moaning and groaning in pain
lit. for some things a foot may be too short, and for the other an inch will suffice (proverb); fig. everyone has their strong and weak points; everything has its advantages and disadvantages
sow in spring, develop in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter (idiom)
词长效应詞長效應ci2 chang2 xiao4 ying4
word length effect
次长次長ci4 zhang3
deputy chief
从长计议從長計議cong2 chang2 ji4 yi4
to take one's time making a decision (idiom); to consider at length
村长村長cun1 zhang3
village chief; village head
打长工打長工da3 chang2 gong1
to work as long-term hired hand
打长途打長途da3 chang2 tu2
to make a long distance call
大长今大長今da4 chang2 jin1
Dae Chang Kum, a Korean Drama (GM)
大长嘴地鸫大長嘴地鶇da4 chang2 zui3 di4 dong1
(bird species of China) long-billed thrush (Zoothera monticola)
大排长龙大排長龍da4 pai2 chang2 long2
to form a long queue (idiom); (of cars) to be bumper to bumper
大修道院长大修道院長da4 xiu1 dao4 yuan4 zhang3
道长道長dao4 zhang3
Taoist priest; Daoist priest
地久天长地久天長di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2
enduring while the world lasts (idiom, from Laozi); eternal; for ever and ever (of friendship, hate etc); also written 天長地久|天长地久
典狱长典獄長dian3 yu4 zhang3
店长店長dian4 zhang3
store manager
东家长西家短東家長西家短dong1 jia1 chang2 xi1 jia1 duan3
to gossip (idiom)
董事长董事長dong3 shi4 zhang3
chairman of the board; chairman
短波长短波長duan3 bo1 chang2
short wavelength
短中抽长短中抽長duan3 zhong1 chou1 chang2
to make the best of a bad job; to make the best use of limited resources (idiom)
短中取长短中取長duan3 zhong1 qu3 chang2
see 短中抽長|短中抽长
队长隊長dui4 zhang3
captain; team leader
法国长棍法國長棍fa3 guo2 chang2 gun4
防火长城防火長城fang2 huo3 chang2 cheng2
the Great Firewall of China (Internet censorship)
防长防長fang2 zhang3
abbr. for 國防部長|国防部长, Minister of Defense
放长线钓大鱼放長線釣大魚fang4 chang2 xian4 diao4 da4 yu2
use a long line to catch a big fish (idiom); a long-term plan for major returns
飞短流长飛短流長fei1 duan3 liu2 chang2
to spread malicious gossip
蜚短流长蜚短流長fei1 duan3 liu2 chang2
to spread malicious gossip; also written 飛短流長|飞短流长
福寿绵长福壽綿長fu2 shou4 mian2 chang2
good luck and long life
副部长副部長fu4 bu4 zhang3
assistant (government) minister
副秘书长副秘書長fu4 mi4 shu1 zhang3
副市长副市長fu4 shi4 zhang3
deputy mayor
副校长副校長fu4 xiao4 zhang3
副议长副議長fu4 yi4 zhang3
副院长副院長fu4 yuan4 zhang3
deputy chair of board; vice-president (of a university etc)
负增长負增長fu4 zeng1 zhang3
negative growth; economic recession
副州长副州長fu4 zhou1 zhang3
deputy governor (of a province or colony); lieutenant governor of US state
干事长幹事長gan4 shi5 zhang3
各显所长各顯所長ge4 xian3 suo3 chang2
each displays their own strengths (idiom)
弓长岭弓長嶺gong1 chang2 ling3
Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市, Liaoning
弓长岭区弓長嶺區gong1 chang2 ling3 qu1
Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市, Liaoning
股长股長gu3 zhang3
person in charge of a 股 (section or department); head; chief; director; (in a class in a school) student responsible for a specific duty, e.g. 風紀股長|风纪股长 discipline monitor
官房长官官房長官guan1 fang2 zhang3 guan1
chief cabinet secretary (Japan)
关云长關云長guan1 yun2 chang2
courtesy name of 關羽|关羽
光波长光波長guang1 bo1 chang2
optical wavelength
国防部长國防部長guo2 fang2 bu4 zhang3
Defense secretary; Defense Minister
国会议长國會議長guo2 hui4 yi4 zhang3
chair (or president, speaker etc) of national congress
国务长官國務長官guo2 wu4 zhang3 guan1
secretary of state (esp. historical, or Japanese or Korean usage)
行长行長hang2 zhang3
bank president
好景不长好景不長hao3 jing3 bu4 chang2
a good thing doesn't last forever (idiom)
黑长尾雉黑長尾雉hei1 chang2 wei3 zhi4
(bird species of China) mikado pheasant (Syrmaticus mikado)
黑翅长脚鹬黑翅長腳鷸hei1 chi4 chang2 jiao3 yu4
(bird species of China) black-winged stilt (Himantopus himantopus)
黑冠长臂猿黑冠長臂猿hei1 guan1 chang2 bi4 yuan2
black crested gibbon (Nomascus nasutus)
黑颈长尾雉黑頸長尾雉hei1 jing3 chang2 wei3 zhi4
(bird species of China) Mrs. Hume's pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae)
黑眉长尾山雀黑眉長尾山雀hei1 mei2 chang2 wei3 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) black-browed bushtit (Aegithalos bonvaloti)
红头长尾山雀紅頭長尾山雀hong2 tou2 chang2 wei3 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) black-throated bushtit (Aegithalos concinnus)
弧长弧長hu2 chang2
arc length (the length of a curve segment)
弧长参数弧長參數hu2 chang2 can1 shu4
parametrization by arc length (of a space curve)
弧线长弧線長hu2 xian4 chang2
arc length; length of a curve segment
黄长烨黃長燁huang2 chang2 ye4
Hwang Jang-yop (1923-2010), North Korean politician known for defecting to South Korea
辉长岩輝長岩hui1 chang2 yan2
gabbro (geology)
会长會長hui4 zhang3
president of a club, committee etc
会长团會長團hui4 zhang3 tuan2
presidency (Mormon Church)
机长機長ji1 zhang3
captain; chief pilot
几何级数增长幾何級數增長ji3 he2 ji2 shu4 zeng1 zhang3
exponential increase
加长加長jia1 chang2
to lengthen
家长家長jia1 zhang3
head of a household; family head; patriarch; parent or guardian of a child
家长会家長會jia1 zhang3 hui4
parent-teacher conference; parents' association
家长制家長制jia1 zhang3 zhi4
patriarchal system
检察总长檢察總長jian3 cha2 zong3 zhang3
Prosecutor-General (Tw)
见长見長jian4 chang2
to be good at sth; one's forte
舰长艦長jian4 zhang3
commander; captain (of a warship)
较长較長jiao4 chang2
comparatively long
较长絜短較長絜短jiao4 chang2 xie2 duan3
to compare long and short; to compare the pros and cons
较短絜长較短絜長jiao4 duan3 xie2 chang2
to compare long and short; to compare the pros and cons
教务长教務長jiao4 wu4 zhang3
教学相长教學相長jiao4 xue2 xiang1 zhang3
when you teach someone, both teacher and student will benefit
教育部长教育部長jiao4 yu4 bu4 zhang3
Minister of Education; Director of Education Department
教长教長jiao4 zhang3
dean; mullah; imam (Islam); see also 伊瑪目|伊玛目
截长补短截長補短jie2 chang2 bu3 duan3
take from the long to supplement the short (idiom); to offset each other's deficiencies; to complement each other
even if you build a thousand-league awning for it, every banquet must come to an end (idiom)
亲水长廊親水長廊qin1 shui3 chang2 lang2
waterside promenade
酋长酋長qiu2 zhang3
headman (of primitive people); tribal chief; used as translation for foreign leaders, e.g. Indian Rajah or Arab Sheik or Emir
酋长国酋長國qiu2 zhang3 guo2
Emirate; Sheikdom; used as translation for country under a chief
区长區長qu1 zhang3
district chief
取长补短取長補短qu3 chang2 bu3 duan3
lit. use others' strengths to make up for one's weak points (idiom from Mencius); to use this in place of that; what you lose on the swings, you win on the roundabouts
全长全長quan2 chang2
overall length; span
冗长冗長rong3 chang2
long and tedious; redundant; superfluous; supernumerary; verbose (of writing)
冗长度冗長度rong3 chang2 du4
(level of) redundancy
三长两短三長兩短san1 chang2 liang3 duan3
unexpected misfortune; unexpected accident; sudden death
色长色長se4 zhang3
head of a division of the music academy of the imperial court
山高水长山高水長shan1 gao1 shui3 chang2
high as the mountain and long as the river (idiom); fig. noble and far-reaching
擅长擅長shan4 chang2
to be good at; to be expert in
社长社長she4 zhang3
president or director (of association etc)
伸长伸長shen1 chang2
to stretch; to extend
身长身長shen1 chang2
height (of person); length of clothing from shoulders to bottom (tailor or dressmaker's measure)
深长深長shen1 chang2
profound (meaning, implications etc)
审计长審計長shen3 ji4 zhang3
审判长審判長shen3 pan4 zhang3
presiding judge
生长生長sheng1 zhang3
to grow
生长激素生長激素sheng1 zhang3 ji1 su4
growth hormone
生长率生長率sheng1 zhang3 lv4
growth rate
生长素生長素sheng1 zhang3 su4
auxin (plant growth hormone)
省长省長sheng3 zhang3
governor of a province
师夷长技以制夷師夷長技以制夷shi1 yi2 chang2 ji4 yi3 zhi4 yi2
"learn from the foreigners in order to gain command of them", idea advocated by Wei Yuan 魏源
师长師長shi1 zhang3
military division level commander; teacher
时长時長shi2 chang2
市长市長shi4 zhang3
首长首長shou3 zhang3
senior official
瘦长瘦長shou4 chang2
寿命不长壽命不長shou4 ming4 bu4 chang2
one's days are numbered; not to have long to live (often fig.)
说长道短說長道短shuo1 chang2 dao4 duan3
lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits (idiom); to gossip
说来话长說來話長shuo1 lai2 hua4 chang2
start explaining and it's a long story (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly
司长司長si1 zhang3
bureau chief
所长所長suo3 chang2
what one is good at
所长所長suo3 zhang3
head of an institute etc
探长探長tan4 zhang3
(police) detective
特长特長te4 chang2
personal strength; one's special ability or strong points
体长體長ti3 chang2
body length
天长天長tian1 chang2
Tianchang county level city in Chuzhou 滁州, Anhui
天长地久天長地久tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3
enduring while the world lasts (idiom); eternal
天长日久天長日久tian1 chang2 ri4 jiu3
after a long time (idiom)
天长市天長市tian1 chang2 shi4
Tianchang county level city in Chuzhou 滁州, Anhui
田长霖田長霖tian2 chang2 lin2
Chang-lin Tien (1935-2002), Chinese-American professor and chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley 1990-1997
厅长廳長ting1 zhang3
head of provincial PRC government department
亭长亭長ting2 zhang3
ancient official title
庭长庭長ting2 zhang3
presiding judge
土生土长土生土長tu3 sheng1 tu3 zhang3
locally born and bred; indigenous; home-grown
团长團長tuan2 zhang3
regimental command; head of a delegation
拖长拖長tuo1 chang2
to lengthen; to drag out
外交部长外交部長wai4 jiao1 bu4 zhang3
minister of foreign affairs
外长外長wai4 zhang3
foreign minister; secretary of state; minister of foreign affairs
万古长青萬古長青wan4 gu3 chang2 qing1
remain fresh; last forever; eternal
万古长新萬古長新wan4 gu3 chang2 xin1
to remain forever new (idiom)
万里长城萬里長城wan4 li3 chang2 cheng2
the Great Wall
万里长江萬里長江wan4 li3 chang2 jiang1
Changjiang River; Yangtze River
委员长委員長wei3 yuan2 zhang3
head of a committee
细长細長xi4 chang2
细水长流細水長流xi4 shui3 chang2 liu2
lit. thin streams flow forever; fig. economy will get you a long way; to work steadily at something little by little
狭长狹長xia2 chang2
long and narrow
县长縣長xian4 zhang3
county's head commissioner
乡长鄉長xiang1 zhang3
village chief; mayor (of village or township)
萧万长蕭萬長xiao1 wan4 chang2
Vincent C. Siew (1939-), Taiwanese diplomat and Kuomintang politician, prime minister 1997-2000, vice president 2008-2012
消长消長xiao1 zhang3
to ebb and rise; to decrease and then grow
校长校長xiao4 zhang3
(college, university) president; headmaster
斜长石斜長石xie2 chang2 shi2
plagioclase (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)
谢长廷謝長廷xie4 chang2 ting2
Frank Chang-ting Hsieh (1946-), Taiwanese DPP politician, mayor of Kaohsiung 1998-2005
行政长官行政長官xing2 zheng4 zhang3 guan1
chief executive; magistrate
兄长兄長xiong1 zhang3
elder brother; term of respect for a man of about the same age
雄长雄長xiong2 zhang3
fierce and ambitious character; formidable person
修长修長xiu1 chang2
slender; lanky; tall and thin
学长學長xue2 zhang3
senior or older male schoolmate
揠苗助长揠苗助長ya4 miao2 zhu4 zhang3
see 拔苗助長|拔苗助长
延长延長yan2 chang2
Yanchang county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi
延长延長yan2 chang2
to prolong; to extend; to delay
延长线延長線yan2 chang2 xian4
extension cord; extended line; powerstrip
延长县延長縣yan2 chang2 xian4
Yanchang county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi
扬长避短揚長避短yang2 chang2 bi4 duan3
to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses (idiom); to play to one's strengths
扬长而去揚長而去yang2 chang2 er2 qu4
to swagger off; to walk off (or drive off etc) without a second thought for those left behind
一技之长一技之長yi1 ji4 zhi1 chang2
proficiency in a particular field (idiom); skill in a specialized area (idiom)
一无所长一無所長yi1 wu2 suo3 chang2
not having any special skill; without any qualifications
意味深长意味深長yi4 wei4 shen1 chang2
profound; significant; meaningful
议长議長yi4 zhang3
chairman (of a legislative assembly); speaker
音长音長yin1 chang2
sound duration; length of a musical note
银喉长尾山雀銀喉長尾山雀yin2 hou2 chang2 wei3 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) silver-throated bushtit (Aegithalos glaucogularis)
银脸长尾山雀銀臉長尾山雀yin2 lian3 chang2 wei3 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) sooty bushtit (Aegithalos fuliginosus)
鹰击长空鷹擊長空ying1 ji1 chang2 kong1
the eagle soars in the sky (citation from Mao Zedong)
营长營長ying2 zhang3
battalion commander
悠长悠長you1 chang2
long; drawn-out; prolonged; lingering
友谊地久天长友誼地久天長you3 yi4 di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2
Auld Lang Syne, Scottish song with lyrics by Robert Burns 羅伯特·伯恩斯|罗伯特·伯恩斯, sung to mark the start of a new year or as a farewell; also rendered 友誼萬歲|友谊万岁 or 友誼天長地久|友谊天长地久
友谊天长地久友誼天長地久you3 yi4 tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3
see 友誼地久天長|友谊地久天长
与世长辞與世長辭yu3 shi4 chang2 ci2
to die; to depart from the world forever
语重心长語重心長yu3 zhong4 xin1 chang2
meaningful and heartfelt words (idiom); sincere and earnest wishes
寓意深长寓意深長yu4 yi4 shen1 chang2
to have profound import (idiom); to be deeply significant
元长元長yuan2 chang2
Yuanchang township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县, Taiwan
元长乡元長鄉yuan2 chang2 xiang1
Yuanchang township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县, Taiwan
源远流长源遠流長yuan2 yuan3 liu2 chang2
lit. source is distant and the flow is long (idiom); fig. sth goes back to the dim and distant past; a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then
院长院長yuan4 zhang3
chair of board; president (of a university etc); department head; dean
增长增長zeng1 zhang3
to grow; to increase
增长率增長率zeng1 zhang3 lv4
growth rate (esp. in economics)
增长天增長天zeng1 zhang3 tian1
Virudhaka (one of the Heavenly Kings)
站长站長zhan4 zhang3
station master
张家长,李家短張家長,李家短zhang1 jia1 chang2 - li3 jia1 duan3
lit. the Zhangs are better off than the Lis (idiom); to gossip about the neighbors
长辈長輩zhang3 bei4
one's elders; older generation
长成長成zhang3 cheng2
to grow up
长出長出zhang3 chu1
to sprout (leaves, buds, a beard etc)
长大長大zhang3 da4
to grow up
长得長得zhang3 de5
to look (pretty, the same etc)
长点心眼長點心眼zhang3 dian3 xin1 yan3
to watch out; to keep one's wits about one
长官長官zhang3 guan1
senior official; senior officer; commanding officer; sir (term of address for senior officer)
长机長機zhang3 ji1
(military) lead aircraft
长记性長記性zhang3 ji4 xing5
(coll.) to learn one's lesson; to have enough brains to learn from one's mistakes
长见识長見識zhang3 jian4 shi5
to gain knowledge and experience
长进長進zhang3 jin4
to make progress; progress
长老長老zhang3 lao3
elder; term of respect for a Buddhist monk
长老会長老會zhang3 lao3 hui4
长满長滿zhang3 man3
to grow all over
长男長男zhang3 nan2
eldest son
长女長女zhang3 nv3
eldest daughter
长势長勢zhang3 shi4
how well a crop (or plant) is growing; growth
长孙長孫zhang3 sun1
two-character surname Zhangsun
长孙長孫zhang3 sun1
eldest grandson; the eldest son of one's eldest son
长孙无忌長孫無忌zhang3 sun1 wu2 ji4
Zhangsun Wuji (c. 594-659), politician and historian of early Tang
长相長相zhang3 xiang4
appearance; looks; profile; countenance
长兄長兄zhang3 xiong1
eldest brother
长眼長眼zhang3 yan3
to have eyes; (fig.) to look where one is going; to watch one's step; to be cautious
长幼長幼zhang3 you4
older and younger; seniority
长者長者zhang3 zhe3
senior; older person
长知识長知識zhang3 zhi1 shi5
to acquire knowledge
长赘疣長贅疣zhang3 zhui4 you2
to vegetate
长姊長姊zhang3 zi3
older sister
长子長子zhang3 zi3
Zhangzi county in Shanxi 山西
长子長子zhang3 zi3
eldest son
长子的名份長子的名份zhang3 zi3 de5 ming2 fen4
镇长鎮長zhen4 zhang3
town headman; mayor (of small town or village); bailiff
争长论短爭長論短zheng1 chang2 lun4 duan3
lit. to argue who is right and wrong (idiom); to quibble; a storm in a teacup
正长石正長石zheng4 chang2 shi2
orthoclase KAlSi3O8 (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)
织田信长織田信長zhi1 tian2 xin4 chang2
ODA Nobunaga (1534-1582), Japanese shogun (warlord), played an important role in unifying Japan