Ah Q, antihero of Lu Xun's influential 1921 novella The True Story of Ah Q 阿Q正傳|阿Q正传
阿Q正传阿Q正傳a1 - zheng4 zhuan4
The True Story of Ah Q, influential 1921 novella by Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅
阿巴阿巴a1 ba1
Aba, southeast Nigerian city; Aba, the Lisu 傈僳 word for grandfather
阿巴嘎旗阿巴嘎旗a1 ba1 ga1 qi2
Abag banner or Avga khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟, Inner Mongolia
阿巴拉契亚阿巴拉契亞a1 ba1 la1 qi4 ya4
Appalachian Mountains in North America
阿巴斯阿巴斯a1 ba1 si1
Abbas (name); Mahmoud Abbas (1935-), also called Abu Mazen, Palestinian leader, Chairman of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) from 2005
阿拔斯王朝阿拔斯王朝a1 ba2 si1 wang2 chao2
Abbasid Empire (750-1258), successor of the Umayyad caliphate
阿坝阿壩a1 ba4
Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: rnga ba bod rigs cha'ng rigs rang skyong khul, formerly in Kham province of Tibet), northwest Sichuan, capital Barkam 馬爾康鎮|马尔康镇; also Ngawa county
阿爸阿爸a1 ba4
Abba (Aramaic word father); by ext. God the Father in Christian gospel
阿爸阿爸a1 ba4
(dialect) father
阿爸父阿爸父a1 ba4 fu4
Abba (Aramaic word father); by ext. God the Father in Christian gospel
阿坝县阿壩縣a1 ba4 xian4
Ngawa county (Tibetan: rnga ba rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州, northwest Sichuan
Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: rnga ba bod rigs cha'ng rigs rang skyong khul, formerly in Kham province of Tibet), northwest Sichuan, capital Barkam 馬爾康鎮|马尔康镇
阿坝州阿壩州a1 ba4 zhou1
Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: rnga ba bod rigs cha'ng rigs rang skyong khul, formerly in Kham province of Tibet), northwest Sichuan, capital Barkam 馬爾康鎮|马尔康镇
阿贝尔阿貝爾a1 bei4 er3
Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829), Norwegian mathematician; (math.) abelian
阿鼻阿鼻a1 bi2
Ceaseless pain (Sanskrit: Avici), one of the Buddhist hells; fig. hell; hell on earth
阿鼻地狱阿鼻地獄a1 bi2 di4 yu4
Ceaseless pain (Sanskrit: Avici), one of the Buddhist hells; fig. hell; hell on earth
阿比阿比a1 bi3
Abby or Abi (name, sometimes short for Abigail)
阿比让阿比讓a1 bi3 rang4
Abidjan (city in Ivory Coast)
阿比西尼亚阿比西尼亞a1 bi3 xi1 ni2 ya4
Abyssinia, historical name of Ethiopia
阿比西尼亚官话阿比西尼亞官話a1 bi3 xi1 ni2 ya4 guan1 hua4
Amharic (language)
阿比西尼亚人阿比西尼亞人a1 bi3 xi1 ni2 ya4 ren2
Abyssinian (person)
阿扁阿扁a1 bian3
A-bian, nickname of Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁|陈水扁
阿兵哥阿兵哥a1 bing1 ge1
(coll.) soldier boy
阿波罗阿波羅a1 bo1 luo2
Apollo (loanword)
阿波罗计划阿波羅計劃a1 bo1 luo2 ji4 hua4
the Apollo project (1961-1975), the NASA moon landing project
Abdulahat Abdurixit (1942-), PRC engineer and politician, chairman of Xinjiang autonomous region 1994-2003, in 2003 vice-chair of 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
阿布沙耶夫阿布沙耶夫a1 bu4 sha1 ye1 fu1
Abu Sayyaf, militant Islamist separatist group also known as al-Harakat al-Islamiyya
阿布叔醇阿布叔醇a1 bu4 shu1 chun2
albuterol, chemical used in treating asthma
阿布扎比阿布扎比a1 bu4 za1 bi3
Abu Dhabi, capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE)
阿布扎比市阿布扎比市a1 bu4 zha1 bi3 shi4
Abu Dhabi, capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE)
阿昌阿昌a1 chang1
Achang also called Ngac'ang or Maingtha (ethnic group)
阿城阿城a1 cheng2
Acheng district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨 in Heilongjiang
阿城区阿城區a1 cheng2 qu1
Acheng district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨 in Heilongjiang
阿初佛阿初佛a1 chu1 fo2
erroneous variant of 阿閦佛, Aksobhya, the imperturbable ruler of Eastern Paradise, Abhirati
阿閦佛阿閦佛a1 chu4 fo2
Aksobhya, the imperturbable ruler of Eastern Paradise, Abhirati
阿茨海默症阿茨海默症a1 ci2 hai3 mo4 zheng4
Alzheimer's disease
阿达比尔阿達比爾a1 da2 bi3 er3
Ardabil in Azerbaijan region of Iran
阿丹阿丹a1 dan1
Adam (name); Aden, capital of Yemen
阿道司·赫胥黎阿道司·赫胥黎a1 dao4 si1 - he4 xu1 li4
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), British novelist and author of Brave New World 美麗新世界|美丽新世界
阿得莱德阿得萊德a1 de2 lai2 de2
Adelaide, capital of South Australia
阿德莱德阿德萊德a1 de2 lai2 de2
Adelaide, capital of South Australia
阿德雷德阿德雷德a1 de2 lei2 de2
Adelaide, capital of South Australia; also written 阿德萊德|阿德莱德
阿迪达斯阿迪達斯a1 di2 da2 si1
Adidas (sportswear company)
阿狄森氏病阿狄森氏病a1 di2 sen1 shi4 bing4
Addison's disease
阿迪斯阿贝巴阿迪斯阿貝巴a1 di2 si1 a1 bei4 ba1
Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia (Tw)
阿弟阿弟a1 di4
younger brother
阿的平阿的平a1 di4 ping2
atabrine or quinacrine, used as antimalarial drug and antibiotic against intestinal parasite giardiasis
阿爹阿爹a1 die1
dad; father; (paternal) grandfather; old man
阿斗阿斗a1 dou3
A-dou, nickname of Liu Chan 劉禪|刘禅 (207-271), son of Liu Bei, reigned as Shu Han emperor 233-263; fig. weak and inept person
阿多尼斯阿多尼斯a1 duo1 ni2 si1
Adonis, figure in Greek mythology
阿多诺阿多諾a1 duo1 nuo4
surname Adorno; Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno 狄奧多·阿多諾|狄奥多·阿多诺 (1903-1969), German sociologist, philosopher, musicologist, and composer
阿尔巴尼亚阿爾巴尼亞a1 er3 ba1 ni2 ya4
阿尔巴尼亚人阿爾巴尼亞人a1 er3 ba1 ni2 ya4 ren2
Albanian (person)
阿尔卑斯阿爾卑斯a1 er3 bei1 si1
Alps (mountain range)
阿尔伯塔阿爾伯塔a1 er3 bo2 ta3
Alberta province of Canada, capital Edmonton 埃德蒙頓|埃德蒙顿
阿尔伯特阿爾伯特a1 er3 bo2 te4
Albert (name)
阿尔茨海默阿爾茨海默a1 er3 ci2 hai3 mo4
Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), German psychiatrist and neuropathologist
阿尔茨海默病阿爾茨海默病a1 er3 ci2 hai3 mo4 bing4
Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia
阿尔茨海默氏病阿爾茨海默氏病a1 er3 ci2 hai3 mo4 shi4 bing4
Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia
阿耳茨海默氏病阿耳茨海默氏病a1 er3 ci2 hai3 mo4 shi4 bing4
Alzheimer's disease
阿尔茨海默氏症阿爾茨海默氏症a1 er3 ci2 hai3 mo4 shi4 zheng4
Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia
阿尔茨海默症阿爾茨海默症a1 er3 ci2 hai3 mo4 zheng4
Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia
阿尔都塞阿爾都塞a1 er3 dou1 sai1
surname Althusser; Louis Pierre Althusser 路易·皮埃爾·阿爾都塞|路易·皮埃尔·阿尔都塞 (1918-1990), Marxist philosopher
阿尔法阿爾法a1 er3 fa3
alpha (Greek letter Αα)
阿尔法·罗密欧阿爾法·羅密歐a1 er3 fa3 - luo2 mi4 ou1
Alfa Romeo
阿尔法粒子阿爾法粒子a1 er3 fa3 li4 zi3
alpha particle (helium nucleus)
阿尔盖达阿爾蓋達a1 er3 gai4 da2
阿耳戈斯阿耳戈斯a1 er3 ge1 si1
Argus; in Greek mythology, a monster with 100 eyes, transformed into peacock's tail
阿尔衮琴阿爾袞琴a1 er3 gun3 qin2
Algonquin (North American people)
阿尔汉格尔斯克州阿爾漢格爾斯克州a1 er3 han4 ge2 er3 si1 ke4 zhou1
Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
阿尔及尔阿爾及爾a1 er3 ji2 er3
Algiers, capital of Algeria
阿尔及利亚阿爾及利亞a1 er3 ji2 li4 ya4
阿尔及利亚人阿爾及利亞人a1 er3 ji2 li4 ya4 ren2
阿尔加维阿爾加維a1 er3 jia1 wei2
the Algarve (southern region of Portugal)
阿尔卡特阿爾卡特a1 er3 ka3 te4
Alcatel, old company name
阿尔坎塔拉阿爾坎塔拉a1 er3 kan3 ta3 la1
Alcántara, municipality in the province of Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain; Alcantara, Brazil space launch site
阿尔梅里亚阿爾梅里亞a1 er3 mei2 li3 ya4
阿尔萨斯阿爾薩斯a1 er3 sa4 si1
Alsace, French department
阿尔山阿爾山a1 er3 shan1
Arxan county level city, Mongolian Rashaant xot, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟, east Inner Mongolia
阿尔山市阿爾山市a1 er3 shan1 shi4
Arxan county level city, Mongolian Rashaant xot, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟, east Inner Mongolia
阿尔斯通公司阿爾斯通公司a1 er3 si1 tong1 gong1 si1
Alstom (company name)
阿尔泰阿爾泰a1 er3 tai4
Altai republic in Russian central Asia, capital Gorno-Altaysk
阿尔泰山阿爾泰山a1 er3 tai4 shan1
Altai mountain range in Xinjiang and Siberia
阿尔泰山脉阿爾泰山脈a1 er3 tai4 shan1 mai4
Altai mountain chain on the border of Russia and Mongolia
阿尔泰雪鸡阿爾泰雪雞a1 er3 tai4 xue3 ji1
(bird species of China) Altai snowcock (Tetraogallus altaicus)
阿尔泰语阿爾泰語a1 er3 tai4 yu3
Altaic language
阿尔泰紫菀阿爾泰紫菀a1 er3 tai4 zi3 wan3
flower or herb of Heteropappus altaicus (used in TCM); Flos seu Herba Heteropappi altaici
阿耳忒弥斯阿耳忒彌斯a1 er3 te4 mi2 si1
Artemis (Greek goddess of the moon)
阿尔瓦雷阿爾瓦雷a1 er3 wa3 lei2
Alvarez (name)
阿尔瓦塞特阿爾瓦塞特a1 er3 wa3 se4 te4
Albacete, Spain
阿法尔阿法爾a1 fa3 er3
Afar region of northeast Ethiopia; Afar people
阿法尔沙漠阿法爾沙漠a1 fa3 er3 sha1 mo4
Afar Desert, Southern Ethiopia
阿法罗密欧阿法羅密歐a1 fa3 luo1 mi4 ou1
Alfa Romeo
阿凡达阿凡達a1 fan2 da2
Avatar (movie)
阿凡提阿凡提a1 fan2 ti2
Effendi, wily and fearless hero of Uighur folk tales; smart guy
阿梵达阿梵達a1 fan4 da2
avatar (loanword)
阿飞阿飛a1 fei1
hoodlum; hooligan; young rowdy
阿非利加阿非利加a1 fei1 li4 jia1
阿非利加洲阿非利加洲a1 fei1 li4 jia1 zhou1
Africa; abbr. to 非洲
阿伏伽德罗阿伏伽德羅a1 fu2 jia1 de2 luo2
Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856), Italian scientist
阿伏伽德罗常数阿伏伽德羅常數a1 fu2 jia1 de2 luo2 chang2 shu4
Avogadro's number (chemistry)
阿芙乐尔号阿芙樂爾號a1 fu2 le4 er3 hao4
Russian cruiser Aurora, firing the shot signaling the 1917 revolution, a favorite of communist iconography
阿芙罗狄忒阿芙羅狄忒a1 fu2 luo2 di2 te4
see 阿佛洛狄忒
阿弗洛狄忒阿弗洛狄忒a1 fu2 luo4 di2 te4
see 阿佛洛狄忒
阿佛洛狄忒阿佛洛狄忒a1 fu2 luo4 di2 te4
Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love; Venus
阿芙蓉阿芙蓉a1 fu2 rong2
阿富汗阿富汗a1 fu4 han4
Afghanistan; Afghan
阿富汗语阿富汗語a1 fu4 han4 yu3
Afghan (language); Pashto language
阿盖达阿蓋達a1 gai4 da2
阿甘正传阿甘正傳a1 gan1 zheng4 zhuan4
Forrest Gump
阿哥阿哥a1 ge1
(familiar) elder brother
阿格尼迪阿格尼迪a1 ge2 ni2 di2
Agnus Dei (section of Catholic mass)
阿根廷阿根廷a1 gen1 ting2
阿公阿公a1 gong1
(old) grandfather; polite address for an elderly man, or a woman's father-in-law; (Taiwanese) grandfather
阿家阿家a1 gu1
husband's mother
阿合奇阿合奇a1 he2 qi2
Aqchi Nahiyisi or Aheqi county in Kizilsu Kirghiz autonomous prefecture 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州, Xinjiang
阿合奇县阿合奇縣a1 he2 qi2 xian4
Aqchi Nahiyisi or Aheqi county in Kizilsu Kirghiz autonomous prefecture 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州, Xinjiang
阿赫蒂萨里阿赫蒂薩里a1 he4 di4 sa4 li3
Martti Ahtisaari (1937-), Finnish diplomat and politician, veteran peace negotiator and 2008 Nobel peace laureate
阿黑门尼德王朝阿黑門尼德王朝a1 hei1 men2 ni2 de2 wang2 chao2
Achaemenid Empire of Persian (559-330 BC)
阿亨阿亨a1 heng1
Aachen, city in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany; Aix-la-Chapelle; also written 亞琛|亚琛
阿亨工业大学阿亨工業大學a1 heng1 gong1 ye4 da4 xue2
RWTH Aachen University
阿亨科技大学阿亨科技大學a1 heng1 ke1 ji4 da4 xue2
RWTH Aachen University
阿訇阿訇a1 hong1
imam; ahung (loanword)
阿华田阿華田a1 hua4 tian2
Ovaltine (brand)
阿混阿混a1 hun4
(dialect) idler; loafer
阿基米德阿基米德a1 ji1 mi3 de2
Archimedes (c. 287-212 BC)
阿加迪尔阿加迪爾a1 jia1 di2 er3
Agadir, city in southwest Morocco
阿加莎·克里斯蒂阿加莎·克里斯蒂a1 jia1 sha1 - ke4 li3 si1 di4
Agatha Christie
阿加维阿加維a1 jia1 wei2
see 阿爾加維|阿尔加维
阿金库尔阿金庫爾a1 jin1 ku4 er3
Agincourt (near Arras in north France, scene of a battle in 1415)
阿喀琉斯阿喀琉斯a1 ka1 liu2 si1
Achilles (or Akhilleus or Achilleus), son of Thetis and Peleus, Greek hero central to the Iliad
Buddhist temple (translit. of Sanskrit "Aranyakah")
阿兰文阿蘭文a1 lan2 wen2
阿勒泰阿勒泰a1 le4 tai4
Altay prefecture level city in Xinjiang
阿勒泰地区阿勒泰地區a1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1
Altay prefecture in Xinjiang
阿勒泰市阿勒泰市a1 le4 tai4 shi4
Altay prefecture level city in Xinjiang
阿里阿里a1 li3
Ali (proper name); Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (c. 600-661), cousin, aid and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed 穆罕默德, the fourth Caliph 哈里發|哈里发 of Islam, reigned 656-661, and the first Imam 伊瑪目|伊玛目 of Shia Islam; Ngari prefecture in Tibet, Tibetan: Mnga' ris
阿里巴巴阿里巴巴a1 li3 ba1 ba1
Alibaba, PRC e-commerce company
阿里巴巴阿里巴巴a1 li3 ba1 ba1
Ali Baba, character from The Arabian Nights
阿里地区阿里地區a1 li3 di4 qu1
Ngari prefecture in Tibet, Tibetan: Mnga' ris sa khul
阿里郎阿里郎a1 li3 lang2
Arirang, famous Korean song of love and tragic separation, based on folk tale from Georyo dynasty; Arirang, series of Korean earth observation space satellites
阿里山阿里山a1 li3 shan1
Alishan township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan
阿里山阿里山a1 li3 shan1
Alishan, mountain range in Taiwan
阿里山乡阿里山鄉a1 li3 shan1 xiang1
Alishan township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, within the Alishan Range, south-central Taiwan
Ariane (name); Ariane European space launch vehicle
阿莲阿蓮a1 lian2
Alien township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县, southwest Taiwan
阿联酋阿聯酋a1 lian2 qiu2
United Arab Emirates; abbr. for 阿拉伯联合酋长国
阿联酋航空阿聯酋航空a1 lian2 qiu2 hang2 kong1
Emirates (airline)
阿联酋长国阿聯酋長國a1 lian2 qiu2 zhang3 guo2
United Arab Emirates; abbr. for 阿拉伯聯合酋長國|阿拉伯联合酋长国
阿莲乡阿蓮鄉a1 lian2 xiang1
Alien township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县, southwest Taiwan
阿列夫阿列夫a1 lie4 fu1
aleph (first letter א of Hebrew alphabet)
阿列克西斯阿列克西斯a1 lie4 ke4 xi1 si1
Alexis (name)
阿灵顿国家公墓阿靈頓國家公墓a1 ling2 dun4 guo2 jia1 gong1 mu4
Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC, USA
阿留申群岛阿留申群島a1 liu2 shen1 qun2 dao3
Aleutian islands (trailing 2250 km southwest of Alaska almost down to Kamtchatka)
阿卢巴阿盧巴a1 lu2 ba1
Aruba, variant of 阿魯巴|阿鲁巴
阿鲁巴阿魯巴a1 lu3 ba1
阿鲁科尔沁阿魯科爾沁a1 lu3 ke1 er3 qin4
Ar Horqin banner or Aru Khorchin khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰, Inner Mongolia
阿鲁科尔沁旗阿魯科爾沁旗a1 lu3 ke1 er3 qin4 qi2
Ar Horqin banner or Aru Khorchin khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰, Inner Mongolia
阿鲁纳恰尔邦阿魯納恰爾邦a1 lu3 na4 qia4 er3 bang1
Arunachal Pradesh, province of northeast Indian bordering on Bhutan and Tibet
阿伦阿倫a1 lun2
Aalen, town in Germany
阿伦达尔阿倫達爾a1 lun2 da2 er3
Arendal (city in Agder, Norway)
阿罗汉阿羅漢a1 luo2 han4
arhat (Sanskrit); a holy man who has left behind all earthly desires and concerns and attained nirvana (Buddhism)
阿罗约阿羅約a1 luo2 yue1
surname Arroyo
阿洛菲阿洛菲a1 luo4 fei1
Alofi, capital of Niue
阿妈阿媽a1 ma1
grandma (paternal) (Tw); (dialect) mother; nurse; amah; (Manchu) father
阿嬷阿嬤a1 ma1
grandma (Tw)
阿玛尼阿瑪尼a1 ma3 ni2
Armani (fashion designer)
阿马逊阿馬遜a1 ma3 xun4
Amazon; also written 亞馬遜|亚马逊
阿曼阿曼a1 man4
阿曼湾阿曼灣a1 man4 wan1
Gulf of Oman
阿芒拿阿芒拿a1 mang2 na2
(chemistry) ammonal (loanword)
阿猫阿狗阿貓阿狗a1 mao1 a1 gou3
any Tom, Dick or Harry; anyone (contemptuous)
阿美恩斯阿美恩斯a1 mei3 en1 si1
Amiens (French town)
阿美尼亚阿美尼亞a1 mei3 ni2 ya4
variant of 亞美尼亞|亚美尼亚, Armenia
阿美族阿美族a1 mei3 zu2
Amis or Pangcah, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
阿妹阿妹a1 mei4
younger sister
阿门阿門a1 men2
amen (loanword)
阿们阿們a1 men5
amen (loanword)
阿蒙阿蒙a1 meng2
Amun, deity in Egyptian mythology, also spelled Amon, Amoun, Amen, and rarely Imen
阿盟阿盟a1 meng2
Alxa League, a prefecture level subdivision of Inner Mongolia; abbr. for 阿拉善盟
阿米巴阿米巴a1 mi3 ba1
amoeba (loanword)
阿米巴病阿米巴病a1 mi3 ba1 bing4
amebiasis; amebiosis
阿米巴痢疾阿米巴痢疾a1 mi3 ba1 li4 ji5
amoebic dysentery; amebic dysentery
阿米巴原虫阿米巴原蟲a1 mi3 ba1 yuan2 chong2
amoeba; ameba
阿米纳达布阿米納達布a1 mi3 na4 da2 bu4
Amminadab (name)
阿明阿明a1 ming2
阿摩尼亚阿摩尼亞a1 mo2 ni2 ya4
ammonia (loanword)
阿摩尼亚水阿摩尼亞水a1 mo2 ni2 ya4 shui3
ammonia solution
阿摩司书阿摩司書a1 mo2 si1 shu1
Book of Amos, one of the books of the Nevi'im and of the Christian Old Testament
阿莫西林阿莫西林a1 mo4 xi1 lin2
amoxicillin (loanword)
阿姆哈拉阿姆哈拉a1 mu3 ha1 la1
Amhara (province, language and ethnic group of Ethiopia); Amharic; Ethiopian
阿姆河阿姆河a1 mu3 he2
Amu Darya, the biggest river of Central Asia, from Pamir to Aral sea, forming the boundary between Afghanistan and Tajikistan then flowing through Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan; formerly called Oxus by Greek and Western writers, and Gihon by medieval Islami
阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特丹a1 mu3 si1 te4 dan1
Amsterdam, capital of Netherlands
阿姆斯特朗阿姆斯特朗a1 mu3 si1 te4 lang3
surname Armstrong
阿穆尔河阿穆爾河a1 mu4 er3 he2
Amur River (the border between north east China and Russia); same as 黑龍江|黑龙江
阿穆尔州阿穆爾州a1 mu4 er3 zhou1
Amur Oblast, in far eastern Russia
阿木林阿木林a1 mu4 lin2
dullard; stupid person
阿奶阿奶a1 nai3
阿囡阿囡a1 nan1
honey (endearment in addressing a little girl)
阿尼林阿尼林a1 ni2 lin2
(chemistry) aniline (loanword)
阿诺阿諾a1 nuo4
Arnold (name); refers to Arnold Schwarzenegger 阿諾·施瓦辛格|阿诺·施瓦辛格
阿诺·施瓦辛格阿諾·施瓦辛格a1 nuo4 - shi1 wa3 xin1 ge2
Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), US actor and politician, governor of California 2003-2011; also written 阿諾德·施瓦辛格|阿诺德·施瓦辛格
阿诺德·施瓦辛格阿諾德·施瓦辛格a1 nuo4 de2 - shi1 wa3 xin1 ge2
Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), US actor and politician, governor of California 2003-2011
阿皮亚阿皮亞a1 pi2 ya4
Apia, capital of the Independent State of Samoa
阿片阿片a1 pian4
opium (loanword)
阿飘阿飄a1 piao1
(coll.) ghost (Tw)
阿婆阿婆a1 po2
granny; mother-in-law
阿普尔顿阿普爾頓a1 pu3 er3 dun4
Appleton (name); Sir Edward Appleton (1892-1965), British physicist, Nobel laureate who discovered the ionosphere
阿普吐龙阿普吐龍a1 pu3 tu3 long2
apatosaurus; former name: brontosaurus; also called 雷龍|雷龙
阿奇里斯阿奇里斯a1 qi2 li3 si1
Achilles (or Akhilleus or Achilleus), son of Thetis and Peleus, Greek hero central to the Iliad
阿奇霉素阿奇霉素a1 qi2 mei2 su4
azithromycin (macrolide antibiotic); Zithromax
阿荣旗阿榮旗a1 rong2 qi2
Arun banner or Arongqi county in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔, Inner Mongolia
阿瑞斯阿瑞斯a1 rui4 si1
Ares, Greek god of war; Mars
阿萨德阿薩德a1 sa4 de2
Assad (Arabic name)
阿萨姆阿薩姆a1 sa4 mu3
Assam, India
阿塞拜疆阿塞拜疆a1 sai4 bai4 jiang1
Azerbaijan, former Soviet Republic and region of northwest Iran in Caucasus
阿塞拜疆人阿塞拜疆人a1 sai4 bai4 jiang1 ren2
Azerbaijan (person)
阿三阿三a1 san1
(derog.) an Indian
阿瑟阿瑟a1 se4
Arthur (name)
阿瑟县阿瑟縣a1 se4 xian4
Arthur County, Nebraska
阿瑟镇阿瑟鎮a1 se4 zhen4
Arthur's Town, Cat Island
阿森阿森a1 sen1
Assen, city in the Netherlands
阿森纳阿森納a1 sen1 na4
Arsenal Football Club
阿森斯阿森斯a1 sen1 si1
Athens, Ohio
阿森松岛阿森松島a1 sen1 song1 dao3
Ascension Island
阿莎力阿莎力a1 sha1 li4
(coll.) straightforward; unreserved; openhearted (Tw) (loanword from Japanese "assari")
阿沙力阿沙力a1 sha1 li4
variant of 阿莎力
阿阇梨阿闍梨a1 she2 li2
Buddhist teacher (Sanskrit transliteration); also written 阿闍黎|阿阇黎
阿阇黎阿闍黎a1 she2 li2
Buddhist teacher (Sanskrit transliteration); also written 阿闍梨|阿阇梨
阿什哈巴德阿什哈巴德a1 shen2 ha1 ba1 de2
Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan
阿什拉维阿什拉維a1 shen2 la1 wei2
surname Ashrawi; Hanan Daoud Khalil Ashrawi (1946-), Palestinian scholar and political activist
阿史那骨咄禄阿史那骨咄祿a1 shi3 na4 gu3 duo1 lu4
Ashina Qutlugh, personal name of 頡跌利施可汗|颉跌利施可汗
阿是穴阿是穴a1 shi4 xue2
painful point (in acupuncture); ashi point; tender spot
阿谁阿誰a1 shui2
阿斯巴特阿斯巴特a1 si1 ba1 te4
aspartame C14H18N2O (artificial sweetener)
阿斯巴甜阿斯巴甜a1 si1 ba1 tian2
aspartame (loanword)
阿斯伯格阿斯伯格a1 si1 bo2 ge2
see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔
阿斯顿·马丁阿斯頓·馬丁a1 si1 dun4 - ma3 ding1
Aston Martin
阿斯兰阿斯蘭a1 si1 lan2
Aslan (from the Narnia chronicles)
阿斯马拉阿斯馬拉a1 si1 ma3 la1
Asmara, capital of Eritrea
阿斯佩尔格尔阿斯佩爾格爾a1 si1 pei4 er3 ge2 er3
Hans Asperger (1906-1980), Austrian pediatrician
阿斯匹灵阿斯匹靈a1 si1 pi2 ling2
aspirin (loanword) (Tw)
阿司匹林阿司匹林a1 si1 pi3 lin2
aspirin (loanword)
阿斯匹林阿斯匹林a1 si1 pi3 lin2
aspirin (loanword); also written 阿司匹林
阿斯塔纳阿斯塔納a1 si1 ta3 na4
Astana, capital of Kazakhstan
阿斯图里亚斯阿斯圖里亞斯a1 si1 tu2 li3 ya4 si1
Asturias, northwest Spanish autonomous principality on the bay of Biscay; ancient Spanish kingdom from which the reconquista was based
阿斯旺阿斯旺a1 si1 wang4
Aswan (town in south Egypt)
阿斯旺高坝阿斯旺高壩a1 si1 wang4 gao1 ba4
the Aswan dam in south Egypt
阿松森岛阿松森島a1 song1 sen1 dao3
Ascension Island
阿苏阿蘇a1 su1
Aso volcano in Kyūshū 九州, Japan, a continuously active volcano
阿苏火山阿蘇火山a1 su1 huo3 shan1
Aso volcano in Kyūshū 九州, Japan, a continuously active volcano
阿苏山阿蘇山a1 su1 shan1
Aso volcano in Kyūshū 九州, Japan, a continuously active volcano
阿特金斯阿特金斯a1 te4 jin1 si1
Atkins (name)
阿特拉斯阿特拉斯a1 te4 la1 si1
Atlas (Titan in Greek mythology); Atlas mountains of north Africa
阿特兰蒂斯阿特蘭蒂斯a1 te4 lan2 di4 si1
阿提拉阿提拉a1 ti2 la1
Attila (406-453), Hun emperor, known as the scourge of God
阿嚏阿嚏a1 ti4
(onom.) atchoo!; to sneeze
阿图什阿圖什a1 tu2 shi2
Atush or Artux city and county in Qizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州; Atushi city near Kashgar in Xinjiang
阿图什市阿圖什市a1 tu2 shi2 shi4
Atush or Artux city in Qizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州; Atushi city near Kashgar in Xinjiang
阿图什县阿圖什縣a1 tu2 shi2 xian4
Atush or Artux county in Qizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州|克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州
阿土阿土a1 tu3
country bumpkin; redneck (derog)
阿托品阿托品a1 tuo1 pin3
atropine C17H23NO3, alkaloid drug derived from deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
阿拖品化阿拖品化a1 tuo1 pin3 hua4
阿佤阿佤a1 wa3
Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanmar, south China and southeast Asia
阿瓦里德阿瓦里德a1 wa3 li3 de2
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia
阿瓦鲁阿阿瓦魯阿a1 wa3 lu3 a1
Avarua, capital of the Cook Islands
阿瓦提阿瓦提a1 wa3 ti2
Avat nahiyisi (Awat county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, west Xinjiang
阿瓦提县阿瓦提縣a1 wa3 ti2 xian4
Avat nahiyisi (Awat county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, west Xinjiang
阿旺曲培阿旺曲培a1 wang4 qu1 pei2
Ngawang Choephel (1966-), Tibetan musicologist and dissident, Fullbright scholar (1993-1994), jailed 1995-2002 then released to US
阿旺曲沛阿旺曲沛a1 wang4 qu3 pei4
Ngawang Choepel (Tibetan, Fulbright scholar)
阿维拉阿維拉a1 wei2 la1
Avila, Spain
阿魏阿魏a1 wei4
Ferula resin (used in TCM); Resina Ferulae
阿物儿阿物兒a1 wu4 er5
thing; (you) useless thing
阿昔洛韦阿昔洛韋a1 xi1 luo4 wei2
aciclovir (also spelled acyclovir), antiviral drug
阿西莫夫阿西莫夫a1 xi1 mo4 fu1
Isaac Asimov (1920-1992), American author and biochemist
阿希姆阿希姆a1 xi1 mu3
Askim (city in Østfold, Norway)
阿仙药阿仙藥a1 xian1 yao4
gambier extract (from Uncaria gambir), used in TCM
阿乡阿鄉a1 xiang1
(coll.) country folk; rustic; see also 鄉下人|乡下人
阿兄阿兄a1 xiong1
elder brother
阿修罗阿修羅a1 xiu1 luo2
Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology
阿亚图拉阿亞圖拉a1 ya4 tu2 la1
ayatollah (religious leader in Shia Islam)
阿衣奴阿衣奴a1 yi1 nu2
see 阿伊努
阿伊努阿伊努a1 yi1 nu3
Ainu (ethnic group of Japan's north and Russia's east)
阿依莎阿依莎a1 yi1 sha1
Ayshe, Aise or Ayesha (name); Aishah bint Abi Bakr (c. 614-678), youngest wife of prophet Mohamed 穆罕默德; also written 阿伊莎
阿伊莎阿伊莎a1 yi1 sha1
Ayshe, Aise or Ayesha (name); Aishah bint Abi Bakr (c. 614-678), youngest wife of prophet Mohamed 穆罕默德
阿姨阿姨a1 yi2
maternal aunt; step-mother; childcare worker; nursemaid; woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child)
阿育吠陀阿育吠陀a1 yu4 fei4 tuo2
Ayurveda (ancient Indian system and health care philosophy)
阿育王阿育王a1 yu4 wang2
Ashoka (304-232 BC), Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty 孔雀王朝, ruled 273-232 BC
阿育魏实阿育魏實a1 yu4 wei4 shi2
seed of ajwain; Semen Trachyspermi coptici
阿月浑子实阿月渾子實a1 yue4 hun2 zi3 shi2
pistachio nut
阿月浑子树阿月渾子樹a1 yue4 hun2 zi3 shu4
pistachio tree
阿月浑子阿月渾子a1 yue4 hun2 zi5
阿芝特克人阿芝特剋人a1 zhi1 te4 ke4 ren2
Aztec (Person)
阿芝特克语阿芝特剋語a1 zhi1 te4 ke4 yu3
Aztec (language)
阿茲海默症阿茲海默症a1 zi1 hai3 mo4 zheng4
Alzheimer's disease
阿兹特克阿茲特克a1 zi1 te4 ke4
埃涅阿斯埃涅阿斯ai1 nie4 a1 si1
Aeneas, hero of Virgil's Aeneid
埃涅阿斯纪埃涅阿斯紀ai1 nie4 a1 si1 ji4
Virgil's Aeneid (epic about the foundation of Rome)
巴阿巴阿ba1 a1
波阿次波阿次bo1 a1 ci4
Boaz (name)
波阿斯波阿斯bo1 a1 si1
Boaz (son of Salmon and Rahab)
大阿姨大阿姨da4 a1 yi2
auntie, eldest of sisters in mother's family
大西庇阿大西庇阿da4 xi1 bi4 a1
Scipio Africanus (235-183 BC), Roman general and statesman
General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), US commander in Pacific during WW2, sacked in 1951 by President Truman for exceeding orders during the Korean war
狄奥多·阿多诺狄奧多·阿多諾di2 ao4 duo1 - a1 duo1 nuo4
Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno (1903-1969), German sociologist, philosopher, musicologist, and composer
东阿東阿dong1 e1
Dong'e county in Liaocheng 聊城, Shandong
东阿县東阿縣dong1 e1 xian4
Dong'e county in Liaocheng 聊城, Shandong
东方阿閦佛東方阿閦佛dong1 fang1 a1 chu4 fo2
Aksobhya, the imperturbable ruler of Eastern Paradise, Abhirati
阿堵阿堵e1 du3
money; this, this one (archaic)
阿堵物阿堵物e1 du3 wu4
阿附阿附e1 fu4
to fawn (as flatterer)
阿胶阿膠e1 jiao1
donkey hide glue (used in TCM); Colla Corii Asini
阿弥陀佛阿彌陀佛e1 mi2 tuo2 fo2
Amitabha Buddha; the Buddha of the Western paradise; may the lord Buddha preserve us!; merciful Buddha!
阿弥陀如来阿彌陀如來e1 mi2 tuo2 ru2 lai2
Amitabha, Buddha of infinite light
阿难阿難e1 nan2
Prince Ananda, cousin of the Buddha and his closest disciple
阿难陀阿難陀e1 nan2 tuo2
Prince Ananda, cousin of the Buddha and his closest disciple
阿房宫阿房宮e1 pang2 gong1
Epang Palace in Xi'an
阿其所好阿其所好e1 qi2 suo3 hao4
to pander to sb's whims
阿谀阿諛e1 yu2
to flatter; to toady
阿谀奉承阿諛奉承e1 yu2 feng4 cheng2
flattering and fawning (idiom); sweet-talking
二阿姨二阿姨er4 a1 yi2
auntie, second eldest of sisters in mother's family
非阿贝尔非阿貝爾fei1 a1 bei4 er3
(math.) non-abelian
扶不起的阿斗扶不起的阿斗fu2 bu4 qi3 de5 a1 dou3
weak and inept person; hopeless case
刚正不阿剛正不阿gang1 zheng4 bu4 e1
upright and plainspoken
荷尼阿拉荷尼阿拉he2 ni2 a1 la1
Honiara, capital of Solomon Islands (Tw)
何西阿书何西阿書he2 xi1 a1 shu1
Book of Hosea
赫图阿拉赫圖阿拉he4 tu2 a1 la1
Hetu Ala (Manchu: Yellow Rock), Nurhaci's capital at the 1619 Battle of Sarhu
雷阿尔城雷阿爾城lei2 a1 er3 cheng2
Ciudad Real
雷诺阿雷諾阿lei2 nuo4 a1
Renoir (name); Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919), French impressionist painter
Louis Pierre Althusser (1918-1990), Marxist philosopher
麦阿密麥阿密mai4 a1 mi4
variant of 邁阿密|迈阿密
迈阿密邁阿密mai4 a1 mi4
Miami (Florida)
麦克阿瑟麥克阿瑟mai4 ke4 a1 se4
General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), US commander in Pacific during WW2, sacked in 1951 by President Truman for exceeding orders during the Korean war
明尼阿波利斯明尼阿波利斯ming2 ni2 a1 bo1 li4 si1
Minneapolis, a nameplace in the USA, notably in Minnesota
纳德阿里納德阿里na4 de2 a1 li3
Nad Ali, town in Helmand province, Afghanistan
拟阿拖品药物擬阿拖品藥物ni3 a1 tuo1 pin3 yao4 wu4
atropinemimetic drug
努库阿洛法努庫阿洛法nu3 ku4 a1 luo4 fa3
Nuku'alofa, capital of Tonga
努美阿努美阿nu3 mei3 a1
Nouméa, capital of New Caledonia
普密蓬·阿杜德普密蓬·阿杜德pu3 mi4 peng2 - a1 du4 de2
Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-2016), king of Thailand 1946-2016
三阿姨三阿姨san1 a1 yi2
auntie, third eldest of sisters in mother's family
沙特阿拉伯沙特阿拉伯sha1 te4 a1 la1 bo2
Saudi Arabia
沙特阿拉伯人沙特阿拉伯人sha1 te4 a1 la1 bo2 ren2
a Saudi; Saudi Arabian person
沙乌地阿拉伯沙烏地阿拉伯sha1 wu1 di4 a1 la1 bo2
Saudi Arabia (Tw)
守正不阿守正不阿shou3 zheng4 bu4 e1
to be strictly just and impartial
图阿雷格圖阿雷格tu2 a1 lei2 ge2
Tuareg (nomadic people of the Sahara)
托马斯·阿奎纳托馬斯·阿奎納tuo1 ma3 si1 - a1 kui2 na4
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Italian Catholic priest in the Dominican Order, philosopher and theologian in the scholastic tradition
瓦努阿图瓦努阿圖wa3 nu3 a1 tu2
Vanuatu in south pacific (formerly New Hebrides)
吴下阿蒙吳下阿蒙wu2 xia4 a1 meng2
General Lü Meng 呂蒙|吕蒙 of the southern state of Wu (idiom); model of self-improvement by diligent study (from unlettered soldier to top strategist of Wu)
锡霍特·阿林錫霍特·阿林xi1 huo4 te4 - a1 lin2
Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russian far east opposite Sakhalin Island
锡霍特·阿林山脉錫霍特·阿林山脈xi1 huo4 te4 - a1 lin2 shan1 mai4
Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russian far east opposite Sakhalin Island
夏洛特阿马利亚夏洛特阿馬利亞xia4 luo4 te4 a1 ma3 li4 ya4
Charlotte Amalie, capital of the United States Virgin Islands (USVI)
小阿姨小阿姨xiao3 a1 yi2
auntie, youngest of sisters in mother's family
亚西尔·阿拉法特亞西爾·阿拉法特ya4 xi1 er3 - a1 la1 fa3 te4
Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini (1929-2004), Palestinian leader, popularly known as Yasser Arafat