north China army (esp. during the warlords period)
不着陆飞行不著陸飛行bu4 zhuo2 lu4 fei1 xing2
nonstop flight
次大陆次大陸ci4 da4 lu4
subcontinent (e.g. the Indian subcontinent)
大陆大陸da4 lu4
mainland China (reference to the PRC)
大陆大陸da4 lu4
continent; mainland
大陆架大陸架da4 lu4 jia4
continental shelf
大陆块大陸塊da4 lu4 kuai4
continental plates (geology)
大陆漂移大陸漂移da4 lu4 piao1 yi2
continental drift
大陆坡大陸坡da4 lu4 po1
continental slope (boundary of continental shelf)
大陆性大陸性da4 lu4 xing4
大陆性气候大陸性氣候da4 lu4 xing4 qi4 hou4
continental climate
登陆登陸deng1 lu4
to land; to come ashore; to make landfall (of typhoon etc); to log in
登陆舰登陸艦deng1 lu4 jian4
landing craft
登陆月球登陸月球deng1 lu4 yue4 qiu2
moon landing; to land on the moon
泛大陆泛大陸fan4 da4 lu4
Pangea (geology)
光怪陆离光怪陸離guang1 guai4 lu4 li2
monstrous and multicolored; grotesque and variegated
海军陆战队海軍陸戰隊hai3 jun1 lu4 zhan4 dui4
marine corps; marines
海陆海陸hai3 lu4
sea and land; ocean and continent; army and navy
海陆煲海陸煲hai3 lu4 bao1
sea and land hotpot (Jiangsu specialty)
海陆军海陸軍hai3 lu4 jun1
navy and army; military force
海陆空海陸空hai3 lu4 kong4
sea land air (transport, or military operations)
经陆路經陸路jing1 lu4 lu4
旧大陆舊大陸jiu4 da4 lu4
the Old World; Eurasia as opposed to the New World 新大陸|新大陆 or the Americas
联合古大陆聯合古大陸lian2 he2 gu3 da4 lu4
Pangea or Pangaea
陆川陸川lu4 chuan1
Luchuan county in Yulin 玉林, Guangxi
陆川县陸川縣lu4 chuan1 xian4
Luchuan county in Yulin 玉林, Guangxi
陆地陸地lu4 di4
dry land (as opposed to the sea)
陆丰陸豐lu4 feng1
Lufeng county level city in Shanwei, Guangdong 汕尾
陆丰市陸豐市lu4 feng1 shi4
Lufeng county level city in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong
陆海空军陸海空軍lu4 hai3 kong1 jun1
army, navy and air force
陆海空三军陸海空三軍lu4 hai3 kong1 san1 jun1
army, navy, air force
陆河陸河lu4 he2
Luhe county in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong
陆河县陸河縣lu4 he2 xian4
Luhe county in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong
陆基陸基lu4 ji1
陆机陸機lu4 ji1
Lu Ji (261-303), Chinese writer and literary critic
陆基导弹陸基導彈lu4 ji1 dao3 dan4
land-based missile
陆架陸架lu4 jia4
continental shelf
陆军陸軍lu4 jun1
陆军上校陸軍上校lu4 jun1 shang4 xiao4
陆均松陸均松lu4 jun1 song1
podocarp tree (Dacrydium pierrei)
陆军中尉陸軍中尉lu4 jun1 zhong1 wei4
陆克文陸克文lu4 ke4 wen2
Kevin Rudd (1957-), Australian politician, proficient in Mandarin, prime minister 2007-2010 and 2013
陆劳陸勞lu4 lao2
laborer from Mainland China (Tw)
陆良陸良lu4 liang2
Luliang county in Qujing 曲靖, Yunnan
陆良县陸良縣lu4 liang2 xian4
Luliang county in Qujing 曲靖, Yunnan
陆路陸路lu4 lu4
land route; to go by surface transport
陆陆续续陸陸續續lu4 lu4 xu4 xu4
in succession; one after another; continuously
陆坡陸坡lu4 po1
continental slope (boundary of continental shelf)
陆栖陸棲lu4 qi1
terrestrial; living on land
陆荣廷陸榮廷lu4 rong2 ting2
Lu Rongting (1858-1928), provincial governor of Guangxi under the Qing, subsequently leader of old Guangxi warlord faction
陆上陸上lu4 shang4
land-based; on land
陆生陸生lu4 sheng1
terrestrial (animal, species)
陆探微陸探微lu4 tan4 wei1
Lu Tanwei (active c. 450-490), one of the Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties 六朝四大家
陆委会陸委會lu4 wei3 hui4
Mainland Affairs Council (Taiwan), abbr. for 大陸委員會|大陆委员会
陆西星陸西星lu4 xi1 xing1
Lu Xixing (1520-c. 1601), Ming Daoist author, to whom the fantasy novel Investure of the Gods 封神演義|封神演义 is attributed, together with Xu Zhonglin 許仲琳|许仲琳
陆续陸續lu4 xu4
in turn; successively; one after the other; bit by bit
陆游陸遊lu4 you2
Lu You (1125-1210), widely regarded as the greatest of the Southern Song poets
陆羽陸羽lu4 yu3
Lu Yu (733-804), Chinese writer from Tang dynasty, known for his obsession with tea
陆运陸運lu4 yun4
land transport
陆征祥陸徵祥lu4 zheng1 xiang2
Lu Zhengxiang (1871-1949), Chinese diplomat and Catholic monk
美洲大陆美洲大陸mei3 zhou1 da4 lu4
the Americas; North and South American continents
内陆內陸nei4 lu4
inland; interior
内陆国內陸國nei4 lu4 guo2
landlocked country
内陆河內陸河nei4 lu4 he2
inland river; river draining to inland sea
欧亚大陆歐亞大陸ou1 ya4 da4 lu4
欧洲大陆歐洲大陸ou1 zhou1 da4 lu4
continent of Europe
平陆平陸ping2 lu4
Pinglu county in Yuncheng 運城|运城, Shanxi
平陆县平陸縣ping2 lu4 xian4
Pinglu county in Yuncheng 運城|运城, Shanxi
软着陆軟著陸ruan3 zhuo2 lu4
soft landing (e.g. of spacecraft)
双陆棋雙陸棋shuang1 lu4 qi2
水陆水陸shui3 lu4
water and land; by water and land (transport); amphibian; delicacies from land and sea
水陆交通水陸交通shui3 lu4 jiao1 tong1
water and land transport
水陆两用水陸兩用shui3 lu4 liang3 yong4
amphibious (vehicle)
水陆师水陸師shui3 lu4 shi1
army and navy (in Qing times)
下陆下陸xia4 lu4
Xialu district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市, Hubei
下陆区下陸區xia4 lu4 qu1
Xialu district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市, Hubei
新大陆新大陸xin1 da4 lu4
the New World; the Americas as opposed to the Old World 舊大陸|旧大陆 or Eurasia
亚欧大陆亞歐大陸ya4 ou1 da4 lu4
Eurasian continent
亚欧大陆腹地亞歐大陸腹地ya4 ou1 da4 lu4 fu4 di4
Eurasian hinterland (i.e. Central Asia including Xinjiang)
亚欧大陆桥亞歐大陸橋ya4 ou1 da4 lu4 qiao2
New Asia-Europe Land Bridge; rail line from China through Central Asia to Europe