danger; dangerous; rugged

strokes 9
strokes after radical 7
保险 保險 bao3 xian3
insurance; to insure; safe; secure; be sure; be bound to

保险单 保險單 bao3 xian3 dan1
insurance policy (document)

保险费 保險費 bao3 xian3 fei4
insurance fee

保险杠 保險槓 bao3 xian3 gang4
car bumper

保险柜 保險櫃 bao3 xian3 gui4
a safe; strongbox

保险盒 保險盒 bao3 xian3 he2
fuse box

保险解开系统 保險解開系統 bao3 xian3 jie3 kai1 xi4 tong3
arming system

保险丝 保險絲 bao3 xian3 si1
fuse wire; (electrical) fuse

保险套 保險套 bao3 xian3 tao4

保险箱 保險箱 bao3 xian3 xiang1
safe deposit box; a safe

避险 避險 bi4 xian3
to flee from danger; to avoid danger; to minimize risk; (finance) hedge

不避艰险 不避艱險 bu4 bi4 jian1 xian3
shrink or flinch from no difficulty or danger; make light of difficulties and dangers

财务再保险 財務再保險 cai2 wu4 zai4 bao3 xian3
financial reinsurance; fin re

出险 出險 chu1 xian3
to get out of trouble; to escape from danger; a danger appears; threatened by danger

风险 風險 feng1 xian3
risk; hazard

风险估计 風險估計 feng1 xian3 gu1 ji4
risk assessment

风险管理 風險管理 feng1 xian3 guan3 li3
risk management

风险投资 風險投資 feng1 xian3 tou2 zi1
venture capital

高风险 高風險 gao1 feng1 xian3
high risk

高风险区 高風險區 gao1 feng1 xian3 qu1
high risk area

国民年金保险 國民年金保險 guo2 min2 nian2 jin1 bao3 xian3
(Tw) old age pension; citizens' annuity

哈克贝利·芬历险记 哈克貝利·芬歷險記 ha1 ke4 bei4 li4 - fen1 li4 xian3 ji4
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 馬克·吐溫|马克·吐温

好险 好險 hao3 xian3
to have a close call; to have a narrow escape

化险为夷 化險為夷 hua4 xian3 wei2 yi2
to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster

艰难险阻 艱難險阻 jian1 nan2 xian3 zu3
untold dangers and difficulties (idiom)

奸险 奸險 jian1 xian3
malicious; treacherous; wicked and crafty

艰险 艱險 jian1 xian3
difficult and dangerous; hardships and perils

健康保险 健康保險 jian4 kang1 bao3 xian3
health insurance

惊险 驚險 jing1 xian3
thrilling; a thriller

居心险恶 居心險惡 ju1 xin1 xian3 e4
to have sinister motives

据守天险 據守天險 ju4 shou3 tian1 xian3
to guard a natural stronghold

据险 據險 ju4 xian3
to rely on natural barriers (for one's defense)

劳动保险 勞動保險 lao2 dong4 bao3 xian3
labor insurance

历险 歷險 li4 xian3
to experience adventures

履险如夷 履險如夷 lv3 xian3 ru2 yi2
lit. to make one's way through a dangerous pass as if walking on level ground (idiom); fig. to handle a crisis effortlessly

冒风险 冒風險 mao4 feng1 xian3
to take risks

冒生命危险 冒生命危險 mao4 sheng1 ming4 wei1 xian3
to risk one's life

冒险 冒險 mao4 xian3
to take risks; to take chances; foray; adventure

冒险家 冒險家 mao4 xian3 jia1

冒险者 冒險者 mao4 xian3 zhe3

冒险主义 冒險主義 mao4 xian3 zhu3 yi4
adventurism (a left-wing error against Mao's line during the 1930s)

妙妙熊历险记 妙妙熊歷險記 miao4 miao4 xiong2 li4 xian3 ji4
Adventures of the Gummi Bears (Disney animated series)

凭险 憑險 ping2 xian3
(to resist the enemy) relying on inaccessible territory

潜在危险度 潛在危險度 qian2 zai4 wei1 xian3 du4
latent hazard

抢险 搶險 qiang3 xian3
emergency (measures); to react to an emergency

抢险救灾 搶險救災 qiang3 xian3 jiu4 zai1
to provide relief during times of emergency and disaster (idiom)

全民健康保险 全民健康保險 quan2 min2 jian4 kang1 bao3 xian3
National Health Insurance (Tw)

人寿保险 人壽保險 ren2 shou4 bao3 xian3
life insurance

山高水险 山高水險 shan1 gao1 shui3 xian3
lit. the mountains are high and the torrents swift; to undertake an arduous task or journey (idiom)

社会保险 社會保險 she4 hui4 bao3 xian3
social security; abbr. to 社保

涉险 涉險 she4 xian3
to take risks; involved in adventure

寿保险公司 壽保險公司 shou4 bao3 xian3 gong1 si1
life insurance company

寿险 壽險 shou4 xian3
life insurance; abbr. for 人壽保險|人寿保险

探险 探險 tan4 xian3
to explore; to go on an expedition; adventure

探险家 探險家 tan4 xian3 jia1

探险者 探險者 tan4 xian3 zhe3

汤姆·索亚历险记 湯姆·索亞歷險記 tang1 mu3 - suo3 ya4 li4 xian3 ji4
Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain 馬克·吐溫|马克·吐温

汤姆索亚历险记 湯姆索亞歷險記 tang1 mu3 suo3 ya4 li4 xian3 ji4
Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

天险 天險 tian1 xian3
a natural stronghold

铤而走险 鋌而走險 ting3 er2 zou3 xian3
to take a risk out of desperation (idiom)

挺而走险 挺而走險 ting3 er2 zou3 xian3
variant of 鋌而走險|铤而走险

投资风险 投資風險 tou2 zi1 feng1 xian3
investment risk

脱离危险 脫離危險 tuo1 li2 wei1 xian3
out of danger; to avoid danger

脱险 脫險 tuo1 xian3
to escape (danger); to rescue; to come out alive

危险 危險 wei1 xian3
danger; dangerous

危险警告灯 危險警告燈 wei1 xian3 jing3 gao4 deng1
hazard lights

危险品 危險品 wei1 xian3 pin3
hazardous materials

无限风光在险峰 無限風光在險峰 wu2 xian4 feng1 guang1 zai4 xian3 feng1
The boundless vista is at the perilous peak (proverb); fig. exhilaration follows a hard-won victory

险恶 險惡 xian3 e4
dangerous; sinister; vicious

险峰 險峰 xian3 feng1
perilous peak; the lofty heights

险境 險境 xian3 jing4
critical circumstances; risky conditions; danger zone

险峻 險峻 xian3 jun4
arduous; steep

险情 險情 xian3 qing2
peril; dangerous circumstance

险球 險球 xian3 qiu2
dangerous ball (in soccer, volleyball etc)

险象环生 險象環生 xian3 xiang4 huan2 sheng1
dangers spring up all around (idiom); surrounded by perils

险些 險些 xian3 xie1
narrowly; almost; nearly

险要 險要 xian3 yao4
strategically situated and easy to defend; strategic location

险诈 險詐 xian3 zha4
sinister and deceitful

险兆 險兆 xian3 zhao4
evil omen

险症 險症 xian3 zheng4
critical illness

险种 險種 xian3 zhong3
insurance type

险阻 險阻 xian3 zu3
dangerous and difficult (path)

信用风险 信用風險 xin4 yong4 feng1 xian3
credit risk

凶险 兇險 xiong1 xian3
dangerous; ruthless; treacherous

养老保险 養老保險 yang3 lao3 bao3 xian3
old-age insurance

医疗保险 醫療保險 yi1 liao2 bao3 xian3
medical insurance

一切险 一切險 yi1 qie4 xian3
all risks (insurance)

阴险 陰險 yin1 xian3
treacherous; sinister

阴险毒辣 陰險毒辣 yin1 xian3 du2 la4
treacherous and murderous

友邦保险公司 友邦保險公司 you3 bang1 bao3 xian3 gong1 si1
American International Group (AIG), insurance company

有惊无险 有驚無險 you3 jing1 wu2 xian3
to be more scared than hurt (idiom); to get through a daunting experience without mishap

遇险 遇險 yu4 xian3
to get into difficulties; to meet with danger

再保险 再保險 zai4 bao3 xian3
reinsurance (contractual device spreading risk between insurers)

真心话大冒险 真心話大冒險 zhen1 xin1 hua4 da4 mao4 xian3
The Moment of Truth (TV show); Truth or Dare (game)

中国保险监督管理委员会 中國保險監督管理委員會 zhong1 guo2 bao3 xian3 jian1 du1 guan3 li3 wei3 yuan2 hui4
China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)

总风险 總風險 zong3 feng1 xian3
aggregate risk

走险 走險 zou3 xian3
to take risks; to run risks