surname Xue

snow; snowfall; to have the appearance of snow; to wipe away, off or out; to clean

strokes 11
strokes after radical 3
阿尔泰雪鸡 阿爾泰雪雞 a1 er3 tai4 xue3 ji1
(bird species of China) Altai snowcock (Tetraogallus altaicus)

阿拉斯加雪橇犬 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 a1 la1 si1 jia1 xue3 qiao1 quan3
Alaskan malamute

暗腹雪鸡 暗腹雪雞 an4 fu4 xue3 ji1
(bird species of China) Himalayan snowcock (Tetraogallus himalayensis)

白斑翅雪雀 白斑翅雪雀 bai2 ban1 chi4 xue3 que4
(bird species of China) white-winged snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis)

白马雪山 白馬雪山 bai2 ma3 xue3 shan1
Baimaxue mountains, up to 5430 m., in Dechen or Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州, Yunnan

白雪 白雪 bai2 xue3

白雪皑皑 白雪皚皚 bai2 xue3 ai2 ai2
brilliant white snow cover (esp. of distant peaks)

白雪公主 白雪公主 bai2 xue3 gong1 zhu3
Snow White

白腰雪雀 白腰雪雀 bai2 yao1 xue3 que4
(bird species of China) white-rumped snowfinch (Onychostruthus taczanowskii)

报仇雪耻 報仇雪恥 bao4 chou2 xue3 chi3
to take revenge and erase humiliation (idiom)

报仇雪恨 報仇雪恨 bao4 chou2 xue3 hen4
to take revenge and wipe out a grudge (idiom)

暴风雪 暴風雪 bao4 feng1 xue3
snowstorm; blizzard

暴雪鹱 暴雪鸌 bao4 xue3 hu4
(bird species of China) northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis))

冰天雪地 冰天雪地 bing1 tian1 xue3 di4
a world of ice and snow

冰雪 冰雪 bing1 xue3
ice and snow

冰雪聪明 冰雪聰明 bing1 xue3 cong1 ming5
exceptionally intelligent (idiom)

冰雪皇后 冰雪皇后 bing1 xue3 huang2 hou4
Dairy Queen (brand)

曹雪芹 曹雪芹 cao2 xue3 qin2
Cao Xueqin (c. 1715-c. 1764), accepted author of A Dream of Red Mansions 紅樓夢|红楼梦

铲雪车 鏟雪車 chan3 xue3 che1

车尔尼雪夫斯基 車爾尼雪夫斯基 che1 er3 ni2 xue3 fu1 si1 ji1
Nikolai Chernyshevsky

程门立雪 程門立雪 cheng2 men2 li4 xue3
lit. the snow piles up at Cheng Yi's door (idiom); fig. deep reverence for one's master

打雪仗 打雪仗 da3 xue3 zhang4
to have a snowball fight

大雪 大雪 da4 xue3
Daxue or Great Snow, 21st of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-21st December

单板滑雪 單板滑雪 dan1 ban3 hua2 xue3
to snowboard

鹅毛大雪 鵝毛大雪 e2 mao2 da4 xue3
goose feather snow (idiom); big heavy snow fall

飞鸿踏雪 飛鴻踏雪 fei1 hong2 ta4 xue3
see 雪泥鴻爪|雪泥鸿爪

飞鸿雪爪 飛鴻雪爪 fei1 hong2 xue3 zhua3
see 雪泥鴻爪|雪泥鸿爪

飞雪 飛雪 fei1 xue3
Flying Snow, a character in "Hero"

风花雪月 風花雪月 feng1 hua1 xue3 yue4
wind, flower, snow and moon, trite poetry subject (idiom); effete language without substance; love affair; romance is in the air; dissipated life

各人自扫门前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜 各人自掃門前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜 ge4 ren2 zi4 sao3 men2 qian2 xue3 - mo4 guan3 ta1 jia1 wa3 shang4 shuang1
sweep the snow from your own door step, don't worry about the frost on your neighbor's roof (idiom)

哈巴雪山 哈巴雪山 ha1 ba1 xue3 shan1
Mt Haba (Nakhi: golden flower), in Lijiang 麗江|丽江, northwest Yunnan

褐翅雪雀 褐翅雪雀 he4 chi4 xue3 que4
(bird species of China) Tibetan snowfinch (Montifringilla adamsi)

赫鲁雪夫 赫魯雪夫 he4 lu3 xue3 fu5
see 赫魯曉夫|赫鲁晓夫

黑喉雪雀 黑喉雪雀 hei1 hou2 xue3 que4
(bird species of China) Pere David's snowfinch (Pyrgilauda davidiana)

滑雪 滑雪 hua2 xue3
to ski; skiing

滑雪板 滑雪板 hua2 xue3 ban3
ski; snowboard

滑雪术 滑雪術 hua2 xue3 shu4

滑雪索道 滑雪索道 hua2 xue3 suo3 dao4

滑雪运动 滑雪運動 hua2 xue3 yun4 dong4

浣雪 浣雪 huan4 xue3
to cleanse oneself of false accusations

积雪 積雪 ji1 xue3
snow; snow cover; snow mantle

积雪场 積雪場 ji1 xue3 chang3

湔雪 湔雪 jian1 xue3
to wipe away (a humiliation); to redress (a wrong)

降雪 降雪 jiang4 xue3
to snow; snowfall

聚萤映雪 聚螢映雪 ju4 ying2 ying4 xue3
lit. to collect fireflies and study by their light (idiom); fig. ambitious student from impoverished background; burning the midnight oil

李雪健 李雪健 li3 xue3 jian4
Li Xuejian (1954-), Chinese actor

林雪平 林雪平 lin2 xue3 ping2
Linköping, city in southeast Sweden

梅里雪山 梅里雪山 mei2 li3 xue3 shan1
Meilixue or Meri snow mountains, with peaks up to 6000 m., in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州, Yunnan

珀西·比希·雪莱 珀西·比希·雪萊 po4 xi1 - bi3 xi1 - xue3 lai2
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), English Romantic poet

融雪 融雪 rong2 xue3
melting snow; a thaw

融雪天气 融雪天氣 rong2 xue3 tian1 qi4
a thaw

瑞雪 瑞雪 rui4 xue3
timely snow

扫雪车 掃雪車 sao3 xue3 che1

伸雪 伸雪 shen1 xue3
variant of 申雪

申雪 申雪 shen1 xue3
to right a wrong; to redress an injustice

霜雪 霜雪 shuang1 xue3
frost and snow; (fig.) snowy white (hair); adversity

似雪 似雪 si4 xue3

踏雪 踏雪 ta4 xue3
to go for a walk in the snow

踏雪寻梅 踏雪尋梅 ta4 xue3 xun2 mei2
to walk in the snow to view the flowering plum

跳台滑雪 跳臺滑雪 tiao4 tai2 hua2 xue3
ski jumping

洗雪 洗雪 xi3 xue3
to erase; to wipe out (a previous humiliation etc)

下雪 下雪 xia4 xue3
to snow

小雪 小雪 xiao3 xue3
Xiaoxue or Lesser Snow, 20th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 22nd November-6th December

雪白 雪白 xue3 bai2
snow white

雪板 雪板 xue3 ban3
snowboard; to snowboard

雪豹 雪豹 xue3 bao4
snow leopard

雪暴 雪暴 xue3 bao4
blizzard; snowstorm

雪崩 雪崩 xue3 beng1

雪碧 雪碧 xue3 bi4
Sprite (soft drink)

雪城 雪城 xue3 cheng2
Syracuse, New York

雪耻 雪恥 xue3 chi3
to take revenge for a past insult; to expunge a disgrace or humiliation

雪鹑 雪鶉 xue3 chun2
(bird species of China) snow partridge (Lerwa lerwa)

雪地车 雪地車 xue3 di4 che1

雪地靴 雪地靴 xue3 di4 xue1
ugg boots

雪貂 雪貂 xue3 diao1

雪顿 雪頓 xue3 dun4
Lhasa Shoton festival or yogurt banquet, from first of July of Tibetan calendar

雪顿节 雪頓節 xue3 dun4 jie2
Lhasa Shoton festival or yogurt banquet, from first of July of Tibetan calendar

雪耳 雪耳 xue3 er3
snow fungus (Tremella fuciformis); white fungus

雪纺 雪紡 xue3 fang3
chiffon (loanword)

雪菲尔德 雪菲爾德 xue3 fei1 er3 de2
Sheffield (City in England)

雪峰 雪峰 xue3 feng1
snowy peak

雪佛莱 雪佛萊 xue3 fo2 lai2
Chevrolet, US car make

雪佛兰 雪佛蘭 xue3 fo2 lan2

雪佛龙 雪佛龍 xue3 fo2 long2
Chevron (oil company)

雪佛龙公司 雪佛龍公司 xue3 fo2 long2 gong1 si1
Chevron Corporation

雪佛龙石油公司 雪佛龍石油公司 xue3 fo2 long2 shi2 you2 gong1 si1
Chevron Corporation

雪糕 雪糕 xue3 gao1
frozen treat

雪鸽 雪鴿 xue3 ge1
(bird species of China) snow pigeon (Columba leuconota)

雪柜 雪櫃 xue3 gui4
icebox; refrigerator (Hong Kong usage)

雪花 雪花 xue3 hua1

雪花膏 雪花膏 xue3 hua1 gao1
vanishing cream; cold cream (makeup)

雪茄 雪茄 xue3 jia1
cigar (loanword)

雪茄头 雪茄頭 xue3 jia1 tou2
cigarette lighter plug (inserted in a car's cigarette lighter socket to draw power)

雪茄烟 雪茄煙 xue3 jia1 yan1

雪克 雪克 xue3 ke4
(milk)shake (loanword)

雪莱 雪萊 xue3 lai2
Shelley; abbr. for 珀西·比希·雪萊|珀西·比希·雪莱

雪兰莪 雪蘭莪 xue3 lan2 e2
Selangor (Malaysia)

雪酪 雪酪 xue3 lao4
sherbet; sorbet

雪梨 雪梨 xue3 li2
snow pear (pyrus nivalis)

雪梨 雪梨 xue3 li2
Sydney, capital of New South Wales, Australia (Tw)

雪里红 雪裡紅 xue3 li3 hong2
potherb mustard; Brassica juncea var. crispifolia

雪里蕻 雪裡蕻 xue3 li3 hong2
potherb mustard; Brassica juncea var. crispifolia

雪利酒 雪利酒 xue3 li4 jiu3
sherry (loanword)

雪莲 雪蓮 xue3 lian2
snow lotus herb; Saussurea involucrata

雪亮 雪亮 xue3 liang4
lit. bright as snow; shiny; dazzling; sharp (of eyes)

雪泥 雪泥 xue3 ni2
dirty snow; slush; abbr. for 雪泥鴻爪|雪泥鸿爪

雪泥鸿爪 雪泥鴻爪 xue3 ni2 hong2 zhao3
a goose's footprint in the snow; vestiges of the past (idiom); the fleeting nature of human life (idiom)

雪葩 雪葩 xue3 pa1
sorbet (loanword)

雪片 雪片 xue3 pian4

雪橇 雪橇 xue3 qiao1
sled; sledge; sleigh; bobsled

雪青 雪青 xue3 qing1
lilac (color)

雪球 雪球 xue3 qiu2

雪人 雪人 xue3 ren2
snowman; yeti

雪山狮子 雪山獅子 xue3 shan1 shi1 zi5
Snow lion, mythological animal, a banned symbol of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism

雪山狮子旗 雪山獅子旗 xue3 shan1 shi1 zi5 qi2
Snow lion banner, banned flag of Tibetan independence movement, featuring mythological Snow Leopard

雪山太子 雪山太子 xue3 shan1 tai4 zi3
Meri snow mountains in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州, Yunnan; also written 梅里雪山

雪上加霜 雪上加霜 xue3 shang4 jia1 shuang1
to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on top of another; to make things worse in a bad situation

雪松 雪松 xue3 song1
cedar tree; cedarwood

雪条 雪條 xue3 tiao2
ice lolly; popsicle

雪铁龙 雪鐵龍 xue3 tie3 long2
Citroën (French car manufacturer)

雪鹀 雪鵐 xue3 wu2
(bird species of China) snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)

雪线 雪線 xue3 xian4
snow line

雪鸮 雪鴞 xue3 xiao1
(bird species of China) snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus)

雪鞋 雪鞋 xue3 xie2

雪蟹 雪蟹 xue3 xie4
snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio)

雪雁 雪雁 xue3 yan4
(bird species of China) snow goose (Anser caerulescens)

雪岳山 雪嶽山 xue3 yue4 shan1
Seoraksan, mountain near Sokcho, South Korea

雪仗 雪仗 xue3 zhang4
snow fight; snowball fight

雪中送炭 雪中送炭 xue3 zhong1 song4 tan4
lit. to send charcoal in snowy weather (idiom); fig. to provide help in sb's hour of need

雅拉香波雪山 雅拉香波雪山 ya3 la1 xiang1 bo1 xue3 shan1
Mt Yarla Shampo, in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县, Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan

雅拉雪山 雅拉雪山 ya3 la1 xue3 shan1
Mt Yarla Shampo, in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县, Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan

姚雪垠 姚雪垠 yao2 xue3 yin2
Yao Xueyin (1910-1999), PRC novelist, author of historical novel Li Zicheng 李自成

雨夹雪 雨夾雪 yu3 jia1 xue3
sleet; mixture of snow and rain

玉龙雪山 玉龍雪山 yu4 long2 xue3 shan1
Mt Yulong or Jade dragon in Lijiang 麗江|丽江, northwest Yunnan

藏雪鸡 藏雪雞 zang4 xue3 ji1
(bird species of China) Tibetan snowcock (Tetraogallus tibetanus)

藏雪雀 藏雪雀 zang4 xue3 que4
(bird species of China) Henri's snowfinch (Montifringilla henrici)

障碍滑雪 障礙滑雪 zhang4 ai4 hua2 xue3
to slalom; slalom

昭雪 昭雪 zhao1 xue3
to exonerate; to clear (from an accusation); to rehabilitate

终年积雪 終年積雪 zhong1 nian2 ji1 xue3
permanent snow cover

棕背雪雀 棕背雪雀 zong1 bei4 xue3 que4
(bird species of China) Blanford's snowfinch (Pyrgilauda blanfordi)

棕颈雪雀 棕頸雪雀 zong1 jing3 xue3 que4
(bird species of China) rufous-necked snowfinch (Pyrgilauda ruficollis)