gift given to sb when meeting them for the first time
江面江面jiang1 mian4
the surface of the river
截面截面jie2 mian4
section; cross-section
洁面露潔面露jie2 mian4 lu4
cleansing lotion
洁面乳潔面乳jie2 mian4 ru3
cleansing lotion
解理面解理面jie3 li3 mian4
cleavage plane (e.g. of slate)
介面介面jie4 mian4
variant of 界面; interface (computing)
界面界面jie4 mian4
contact surface; (computing) interface
九面体九面體jiu3 mian4 ti3
enneahedron (solid figure having nine plane faces)
局面局面ju2 mian4
aspect; phase; situation
烤面包烤麵包kao3 mian4 bao1
toast; to bake bread
烤面包机烤麵包機kao3 mian4 bao1 ji1
可展曲面可展曲面ke3 zhan3 qu1 mian4
(math.) a developable surface
空心面空心麵kong1 xin1 mian4
快熟面快熟麵kuai4 shu2 mian4
instant noodles
拉面拉麵la1 mian4
pulled noodles; ramen
泪流满面淚流滿面lei4 liu2 man3 mian4
cheeks streaming with tears (idiom)
类球面類球面lei4 qiu2 mian4
prolate spheroid (math.)
冷面冷面leng3 mian4
grim; stern; harsh
冷面冷麵leng3 mian4
naengmyeon (Korean dish based on cold noodles in soup)
黎曼面黎曼面li2 man4 mian4
Riemann surface (math.)
黎曼曲面黎曼曲面li2 man4 qu1 mian4
Riemann surface (math.)
里面裡面li3 mian4
inside; interior; also pr.
立面图立面圖li4 mian4 tu2
elevation (architectural drawing)
脸面臉面lian3 mian4
凉面涼麵liang2 mian4
cold noodles
两面兩面liang3 mian4
both sides
两面派兩面派liang3 mian4 pai4
two-faced person; double-dealing
两面三刀兩面三刀liang3 mian4 san1 dao1
two-faced, three knives (idiom); double-cross; double dealing and back stabbing
另一方面另一方面ling4 yi1 fang1 mian4
on the other hand; another aspect
六面体六面體liu4 mian4 ti3
six-sided figure (such as a cube or parallelepiped)
楼面樓面lou2 mian4
露面露面lou4 mian4
to show one's face; to appear (in public)
路面路面lu4 mian4
螺旋面螺旋麵luo2 xuan2 mian4
fusilli (pasta)
螺旋曲面螺旋曲面luo2 xuan2 qu1 mian4
spiral surface
马面馬面ma3 mian4
Horse-Face, one of the two guardians of the underworld in Chinese mythology
买面子買面子mai3 mian4 zi5
to allow sb to save face; to defer to
卖面子賣面子mai4 mian4 zi5
to obsequiously bequeath favors on behalf of another; to give face to sb by doing favors on their behalf; to curry favor for a third party; to intercede on another's behalf
满面滿面man3 mian4
across one's whole face; (smiling) from ear to ear
满面春风滿面春風man3 mian4 chun1 feng1
beaming; radiant with happiness
门面門面men2 mian5
shop front; facade; prestige
蒙面蒙面meng2 mian4
masked; covered face
米面米麵mi3 mian4
rice and noodles; rice flour; rice-flour noodles
面板面板mian4 ban3
panel; faceplate
面板麵板mian4 ban3
kneading board; breadboard
面包麵包mian4 bao1
面包车麵包車mian4 bao1 che1
van for carrying people; taxi minibus
面包房麵包房mian4 bao1 fang2
面包果麵包果mian4 bao1 guo3
jackfruit; breadfruit; Artocarpus heterophyllus
面包糠麵包糠mian4 bao1 kang1
面包皮麵包皮mian4 bao1 pi2
面包片麵包片mian4 bao1 pian4
bread slice; sliced bread
面包师傅麵包師傅mian4 bao1 shi1 fu4
面包树麵包樹mian4 bao1 shu4
breadfruit tree; Artocarpus altilis
面包屑麵包屑mian4 bao1 xie4
面包心麵包心mian4 bao1 xin1
面包渣麵包渣mian4 bao1 zha1
面壁面壁mian4 bi4
to face the wall; to sit facing the wall in meditation (Buddhism); (fig.) to devote oneself to study, work etc
面壁思过面壁思過mian4 bi4 si1 guo4
to face the wall and ponder about one's misdeeds; to stand in the corner (punishment); (fig.) to examine one's conscience
human face, beast's heart (idiom); two-faced; malicious and duplicitous
肉汤面肉湯麵rou4 tang1 mian4
noodles in meat soup
扇面琴扇面琴shan1 mian4 qin2
same as yangqin 揚琴|扬琴, dulcimer
上不了台面上不了檯面shang4 bu4 liao3 tai2 mian4
better kept under the table (idiom); not to be disclosed; too inferior to show in public
上面上面shang4 mian4
on top of; above-mentioned; also pr.
舌面舌面she2 mian4
blade of tongue; laminal
生面团生麵糰sheng1 mian4 tuan2
失面子失面子shi1 mian4 zi5
to lose face; to be humiliated
狮身人面像獅身人面像shi1 shen1 ren2 mian4 xiang4
失体面失體面shi1 ti3 mian4
to lose face
十二面体十二面體shi2 er4 mian4 ti3
十面埋伏十面埋伏shi2 mian4 mai2 fu2
Ambush from ten sides (pipa solo piece); House of Flying Daggers (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋)
饰面飾面shi4 mian4
ornamental facing; veneer
市面市面shi4 mian4
世面世面shi4 mian4
aspects of society; the world
寿面壽麵shou4 mian4
birthday noodles (for longevity)
书面書面shu1 mian4
in writing; written
书面许可書面許可shu1 mian4 xu3 ke3
written permission; written authorization
书面语書面語shu1 mian4 yu3
written language
数据介面數據介面shu4 ju4 jie4 mian4
data interface
双面雙面shuang1 mian4
double-sided; two-faced; double-edged; reversible
双曲抛物面雙曲拋物面shuang1 qu1 pao1 wu4 mian4
hyperbolic paraboloid (math.)
双凸面雙凸面shuang1 tu1 mian4
convex on both sides (of lens); biconvex
水管面水管麵shui3 guan3 mian4
tube pasta (e.g. penne, rigatoni, ziti); macaroni
水面水面shui3 mian4
water surface
水平面水平面shui3 ping2 mian4
horizontal plane; level surface; water level
死面死麵si3 mian4
unleavened dough
死要面子死要面子si3 yao4 mian4 zi5
to regard face as all-important; to consider loss of face unthinkable
死要面子活受罪死要面子活受罪si3 yao4 mian4 zi5 huo2 shou4 zui4
to go through hell for the sake of keeping up appearances (idiom)
四个全面四個全面si4 ge5 quan2 mian4
Four Comprehensives (political guidelines announced by President Xi Jinping, 2015)
四面四面si4 mian4
all sides
四面八方四面八方si4 mian4 ba1 fang1
in all directions; all around; far and near
四面楚歌四面楚歌si4 mian4 chu3 ge1
lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu (idiom); fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help
四面体四面體si4 mian4 ti3
素面素面su4 mian4
face (of a woman) without makeup; solid color (unpatterned)
素面素麵su4 mian4
vegetable noodle dish
素面朝天素面朝天su4 mian4 chao2 tian1
lit. to present oneself confidently to the emperor, without makeup (as did the sister of Yang Guifei 楊貴妃|杨贵妃) (idiom); fig. (of a woman) to show one's natural features, without makeup; to present oneself just as one is, without artifice
速食面速食麵su4 shi2 mian4
instant noodles
胎面胎面tai1 mian4
surface of tire; tread (of tire)
台面檯面tai2 mian4
(table) surface; countertop; mesa (electronics); ante; (fig.) on the table; in public
台面呢臺面呢tai2 mian4 ni2
baize; felt (esp. billiards table cover)
体面體面ti3 mian4
dignity; face (as in "losing face"); honorable; creditable; (of sb's appearance) presentable; respectable
贴合面貼合面tie1 he2 mian4
faying surface
铁面鐵面tie3 mian4
iron mask (as defensive armor); fig. upright and selfless person
铁面无私鐵面無私tie3 mian4 wu2 si1
strictly impartial and incorruptible (idiom)
听墙面聽牆面ting1 qiang2 mian4
surface of wall
通心面通心麵tong1 xin1 mian4
头面頭面tou2 mian4
head ornament (in former times)
头面人物頭面人物tou2 mian4 ren2 wu4
leading figure; bigwig
投影面投影面tou2 ying3 mian4
plane of projection (in perspective drawing)
凸多面体凸多面體tu1 duo1 mian4 ti3
convex polyhedron
凸面凸面tu1 mian4
convex surface
凸面镜凸面鏡tu1 mian4 jing4
convex mirror
凸面体凸面體tu1 mian4 ti3
convex body
图像用户介面圖像用戶介面tu2 xiang4 yong4 hu4 jie4 mian4
graphical user interface; GUI
图形界面圖形界面tu2 xing2 jie4 mian4
Graphical User Interface (GUI) (computing)
图形用户界面圖形用戶界面tu2 xing2 yong4 hu4 jie4 mian4
graphical user interface (GUI)
唾面自干唾面自乾tuo4 mian4 zi4 gan1
to be spat on in the face and let it dry by itself, not wiping it off (idiom); to turn the other cheek; to drain the cup of humiliation
外面外面wai4 mian4
outside (also pr. for this sense); surface; exterior; external appearance
弯管面彎管麵wan1 guan3 mian4
elbow pasta
弯液面彎液面wan1 ye4 mian4
meniscus (physics)
网开三面網開三面wang3 kai1 san1 mian4
to leave the net open on three sides (idiom); let the caged bird fly; to give one's opponent a way out; lenient treatment
网开一面網開一面wang3 kai1 yi1 mian4
open the net on one side (idiom); let the caged bird fly; to give one's opponent a way out; lenient treatment
网路节点介面網路節點介面wang3 lu4 jie2 dian3 jie4 mian4
network node interface
文面文面wen2 mian4
to tattoo the face; face tattoo; to brand (ancient punishment)
纹面紋面wen2 mian4
see 文面
闻名不如见面聞名不如見面wen2 ming2 bu4 ru2 jian4 mian4
knowing sb by their reputation can't compare to meeting them in person (idiom)
乌冬面烏冬麵wu1 dong1 mian4
udon noodles
乌龙面烏龍麵wu1 long2 mian4
udon (thick Japanese-style) wheat-flour noodles
屋面屋面wu1 mian4
屋面瓦屋面瓦wu1 mian4 wa3
room tiles
晤面晤面wu4 mian4
to meet (in person); to meet with sb
西面西面xi1 mian4
west side; west
洗面洗面xi3 mian4
facial cleansing
洗面奶洗面奶xi3 mian4 nai3
cleansing lotion
洗面乳洗面乳xi3 mian4 ru3
cleansing lotion
洗心革面洗心革面xi3 xin1 ge2 mian4
lit. to wash one's heart and renew one's face (idiom); to repent sincerely and mend one's mistaken ways; to turn over a new leaf