wind; news; style; custom; manner

strokes 4
strokes after radical 0
八般头风 八般頭風 ba1 ban1 tou2 feng1
(TCM) eight kinds of "head wind" (headache)

八风 八風 ba1 feng1
see 八風穴|八风穴

八风穴 八風穴 ba1 feng1 xue2
"eight wind points", name of a set of acupuncture points (EX-LE-10), four on each foot

八级风 八級風 ba1 ji2 feng1
force 8 wind; fresh gale

把风 把風 ba3 feng1
to keep watch (during a clandestine activity); to be on the lookout

白癜风 白癜風 bai2 dian4 feng1

饱经风霜 飽經風霜 bao3 jing1 feng1 shuang1
weather-beaten; having experienced the hard ship of life

暴风 暴風 bao4 feng1
storm wind; storm (force 11 wind)

暴风雪 暴風雪 bao4 feng1 xue3
snowstorm; blizzard

暴风雨 暴風雨 bao4 feng1 yu3
rainstorm; storm; tempest

暴风骤雨 暴風驟雨 bao4 feng1 zhou4 yu3
violent wind and rainstorm; hurricane; tempest

背地风 背地風 bei4 di4 feng1
behind sb's back; privately; on the sly

避避风头 避避風頭 bi4 bi4 feng1 tou2
to lie low until the fuss dies down

避风 避風 bi4 feng1
to take shelter from the wind; to lie low; to stay out of trouble

避风处 避風處 bi4 feng1 chu4
lee; windstop

避风港 避風港 bi4 feng1 gang3
haven; refuge; harbor

飙风 飆風 biao1 feng1

冰风暴 冰風暴 bing1 feng1 bao4
icy storm; hailstorm

捕风捉影 捕風捉影 bu3 feng1 zhuo1 ying3
lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows (idiom); fig. groundless accusations; to act on hearsay evidence

不解风情 不解風情 bu4 jie3 feng1 qing2
unromantic; insensitive

不正之风 不正之風 bu4 zheng4 zhi1 feng1
unhealthy tendency

采风 採風 cai3 feng1
to collect local cultural material (recording folk songs, taking photos etc)

长风破浪 長風破浪 chang2 feng1 po4 lang4
lit. to ride the wind and crest the waves; to be ambitious and unafraid (idiom)

乘风 乘風 cheng2 feng1
to ride the wind; to use a fair wind; to take an opportunity

乘风破浪 乘風破浪 cheng2 feng1 po4 lang4
to brave the wind and the billows (idiom); to have high ambitions

叱咤风云 叱咤風雲 chi4 zha4 feng1 yun2
lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world; all-powerful

抽风 抽風 chou1 feng1
to ventilate; to induce a draught; spasm; convulsion

抽风机 抽風機 chou1 feng1 ji1
exhaust fan

出风口 出風口 chu1 feng1 kou3
air vent; air outlet

出风头 出風頭 chu1 feng1 tou5
to push oneself forward; to seek fame; to be in the limelight; same as 出鋒頭|出锋头

穿堂风 穿堂風 chuan1 tang2 feng1

吹风机 吹風機 chui1 feng1 ji1
hair dryer

吹冷风 吹冷風 chui1 leng3 feng1
to blow cold; damping expectations by discouraging or realistic words

吹枕边风 吹枕邊風 chui1 zhen3 bian1 feng1
to sway (sb) through pillow talk

春风得意 春風得意 chun1 feng1 de2 yi4
flushed with success; proud of one's success (in exams, promotion etc); as pleased as punch

春风和气 春風和氣 chun1 feng1 he2 qi4
(idiom) amiable as a spring breeze

春风化雨 春風化雨 chun1 feng1 hua4 yu3
lit. spring wind and rain (idiom); fig. the long-term influence of a solid education

春风满面 春風滿面 chun1 feng1 man3 mian4
pleasantly smiling; radiant with happiness

春风深醉的晚上 春風深醉的晚上 chun1 feng1 shen1 zui4 de5 wan3 shang5
Intoxicating Spring Nights, 1924 short story by Yu Dafu 郁達夫|郁达夫

春风一度 春風一度 chun1 feng1 yi1 du4
to have sexual intercourse (once)

大风 大風 da4 feng1

大杀风景 大殺風景 da4 sha1 feng1 jing3
to be a blot on the landscape; to dampen spirits; to spoil the fun; to be a wet blanket

大煞风景 大煞風景 da4 sha1 feng1 jing3
see 大殺風景|大杀风景

挡风玻璃 擋風玻璃 dang3 feng1 bo1 li5
windshield; wind screen

挡风墙 擋風牆 dang3 feng1 qiang2
lit. windbreak; fig. protector

德律风 德律風 de2 lv4 feng1
telephone (loanword)

低俗之风 低俗之風 di1 su2 zhi1 feng1
vulgar style (used of items to be censored)

电吹风 電吹風 dian4 chui1 feng1
hair dryer

电风扇 電風扇 dian4 feng1 shan4
electric fan

跌风 跌風 die1 feng1
falling prices; bear market

顶风 頂風 ding3 feng1
to face into the wind; against the wind; fig. against the law

顶风停止 頂風停止 ding3 feng1 ting2 zhi3
to lie to (facing the wind)

定风针 定風針 ding4 feng1 zhen1
wind vane; anemometer; weathercock

东风区 東風區 dong1 feng1 qu1
Dongfeng district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯, Heilongjiang

兜风 兜風 dou1 feng1
to catch the wind; to go for a spin in the fresh air

独领风骚 獨領風騷 du2 ling3 feng1 sao1
most outstanding; par excellence

断线风筝 斷線風箏 duan4 xian4 feng1 zheng1
a kite with cut string (idiom); fig. gone beyond recall

躲风 躲風 duo3 feng1
lit. to avoid the wind; fig. to keep low to avoid a difficult situation; to stay out of trouble

耳边风 耳邊風 er3 bian1 feng1
lit. wind past your ear; fig. sth you don't pay much attention to; in one ear and out the other

耳旁风 耳旁風 er3 pang2 feng1
lit. wind past your ear; fig. sth you don't pay much attention to; in one ear and out the other

防风 防風 fang2 feng1
to protect from wind; fangfeng (Saposhnikovia divaricata), its root used in TCM

防风固沙 防風固沙 fang2 feng1 gu4 sha1
sand break (in desert environment)

放风 放風 fang4 feng1
to allow in fresh air; to allow a prisoner out for exercise; to give out information

焚风 焚風 fen2 feng1
foehn wind (loanword)

风暴 風暴 feng1 bao4
storm; violent commotion; fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis etc)

风暴潮 風暴潮 feng1 bao4 chao2
storm surge

风标 風標 feng1 biao1
wind vane; anemometer; weathercock; fig. person who switches allegiance readily; turncoat

风波 風波 feng1 bo1
disturbance; crisis; disputes; restlessness

风波不断 風波不斷 feng1 bo1 bu4 duan4
constantly in turmoil; crisis after crisis

风采 風采 feng1 cai3
svelte; elegant manner; graceful bearing

风潮 風潮 feng1 chao2
tempest; wave (of popular sentiment etc); craze or fad

风车 風車 feng1 che1
pinwheel; windmill

风尘 風塵 feng1 chen2
windblown dust; hardships of travel; vicissitudes of life; prostitution

风尘仆仆 風塵僕僕 feng1 chen2 pu2 pu2
lit. covered in dust (idiom); fig. travel-worn

风成 風成 feng1 cheng2
produced by wind; eolian

风城 風城 feng1 cheng2
The Windy City, nickname for Chicago 芝加哥, Wellington, New Zealand 惠靈頓|惠灵顿 and Hsinchu, Taiwan 新竹

风驰电掣 風馳電掣 feng1 chi2 dian4 che4
fast as lightning

风传 風傳 feng1 chuan2
it is rumored that

风窗 風窗 feng1 chuang1
air vent; louver; window

风吹雨打 風吹雨打 feng1 chui1 yu3 da3
lit. windswept and battered by rain; to undergo hardship (idiom)

风挡 風擋 feng1 dang3

风档玻璃 風檔玻璃 feng1 dang4 bo1 li5
windscreen (car window)

风笛 風笛 feng1 di2

风电厂 風電廠 feng1 dian4 chang3
wind farm; wind park

风调 風調 feng1 diao4
character (of a person, verse, object etc); style

风洞 風洞 feng1 dong4
wind tunnel

风度 風度 feng1 du4
elegance (for men); elegant demeanor; grace; poise

风帆 風帆 feng1 fan1
sail; sailing boat

风范 風範 feng1 fan4
air; manner; model; paragon; demeanor

风风火火 風風火火 feng1 feng1 huo3 huo3
bustling; energetic

风干 風乾 feng1 gan1
to air-dry; to season (timber etc); air-dried; air-drying

风格 風格 feng1 ge2

风骨 風骨 feng1 gu3
strength of character; vigorous style (of calligraphy)

风光 風光 feng1 guang1
scene; view; sight; landscape; to be well-regarded; to be well-off; grand (dialect); impressive (dialect)

风寒 風寒 feng1 han2
wind chill; cold weather; common cold (medicine)

风和日丽 風和日麗 feng1 he2 ri4 li4
moderate wind, beautiful sun (idiom); fine sunny weather, esp. in springtime

风和日暖 風和日暖 feng1 he2 ri4 nuan3
gentle wind and warm sunshine (idiom)

风和日暄 風和日暄 feng1 he2 ri4 xuan1
gentle wind and warm sunshine (idiom)

风花雪月 風花雪月 feng1 hua1 xue3 yue4
wind, flower, snow and moon, trite poetry subject (idiom); effete language without substance; love affair; romance is in the air; dissipated life

风华 風華 feng1 hua2

风华绝代 風華絕代 feng1 hua2 jue2 dai4
magnificent style unmatched in his generation (idiom); peerless talent

风华正茂 風華正茂 feng1 hua2 zheng4 mao4
in one's prime

风化 風化 feng1 hua4
decency; public morals; to weather (rocks); wind erosion

风化区 風化區 feng1 hua4 qu1
see 紅燈區|红灯区

风化作用 風化作用 feng1 hua4 zuo4 yong4
weathering (of rocks); erosion (by wind etc)

风机 風機 feng1 ji1
fan; ventilator

风纪 風紀 feng1 ji4
standard of behavior; moral standards; discipline

风景 風景 feng1 jing3
scenery; landscape

风镜 風鏡 feng1 jing4
goggles (esp. against wind and sandstorms)

风口 風口 feng1 kou3
air vent; drafty place; wind gap (geology); tuyere (furnace air nozzle)

风口浪尖 風口浪尖 feng1 kou3 lang4 jian1
where the wind and the waves are the fiercest; at the heart of the struggle

风浪 風浪 feng1 lang4
wind and waves; stormy sea

风力 風力 feng1 li4
wind force; wind power

风力发电厂 風力發電廠 feng1 li4 fa1 dian4 chang3
wind farm; wind park

风力水车 風力水車 feng1 li4 shui3 che1
wind-powered waterwheel

风凉话 風涼話 feng1 liang2 hua4
sneering; sarcasm; cynical remarks

风流 風流 feng1 liu2
distinguished and accomplished; outstanding; talented in letters and unconventional in lifestyle; romantic; dissolute; loose

风流佳话 風流佳話 feng1 liu2 jia1 hua4
romance; romantic affair

风流云散 風流雲散 feng1 liu2 yun2 san4
lit. dispersed by wind and scattered like clouds (idiom); fig. scattered far and wide (of friends and relatives)

风流蕴藉 風流蘊藉 feng1 liu2 yun4 jie4
temperate and refined

风流韵事 風流韻事 feng1 liu2 yun4 shi4
poetic and passionate (idiom); romance; love affair

风流债 風流債 feng1 liu2 zhai4
lit. love debt; fig. moral obligation in consequence of a love affair; karmic consequences of a love affair

风马牛不相及 風馬牛不相及 feng1 ma3 niu2 bu4 xiang1 ji2
to be completely unrelated to one another (idiom); irrelevant

风马旗 風馬旗 feng1 ma3 qi2
Tibetan prayer flag

风貌 風貌 feng1 mao4
style; manner; ethos

风靡 風靡 feng1 mi3
fashionable; popular

风靡一时 風靡一時 feng1 mi3 yi1 shi2
fashionable for a while (idiom); all the rage

风能 風能 feng1 neng2
wind power

风平浪静 風平浪靜 feng1 ping2 lang4 jing4
lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment; all is quiet; a dead calm (at sea)

风泼 風潑 feng1 po1

风起潮涌 風起潮湧 feng1 qi3 chao2 yong3
lit. wind rises, tide bubbles up; turbulent times; violent development (idiom)

风起云涌 風起雲湧 feng1 qi3 yun2 yong3
lit. rising winds, scudding clouds (idiom); turbulent times; violent development

风气 風氣 feng1 qi4
general mood; atmosphere; common practice

风切变 風切變 feng1 qie1 bian4
wind shear (meteorology)

风琴 風琴 feng1 qin2
pipe organ (musical instrument)

风情 風情 feng1 qing2
mien; bearing; grace; amorous feelings; flirtatious expressions; local conditions and customs; wind force, direction etc

风趣 風趣 feng1 qu4
charm; humor; wit; humorous; witty

风圈 風圈 feng1 quan1
ring around the moon; lunar halo; solar halo

风骚 風騷 feng1 sao1
literary excellence; flirtatious behavior

风沙 風沙 feng1 sha1
sand blown by wind; sandstorm

风扇 風扇 feng1 shan4
electric fan

风尚 風尚 feng1 shang4
current custom; current way of doing things

风声 風聲 feng1 sheng1
sound of the wind; rumor; talk; news; reputation

风声鹤唳 風聲鶴唳 feng1 sheng1 he4 li4
lit. wind sighing and crane calling (idiom); fig. to panic at the slightest move; to be jittery

风声紧 風聲緊 feng1 sheng1 jin3
(fig.) the situation is tense

风湿 風濕 feng1 shi1

风湿关节炎 風濕關節炎 feng1 shi1 guan1 jie2 yan2
rheumatoid arthritis

风湿热 風濕熱 feng1 shi1 re4
rheumatic fever

风湿性关节炎 風濕性關節炎 feng1 shi1 xing4 guan1 jie2 yan2
rheumatoid arthritis

风蚀 風蝕 feng1 shi2
wind erosion

风霜 風霜 feng1 shuang1
wind and frost; fig. hardships

风水 風水 feng1 shui3
feng shui; geomancy

风水轮流 風水輪流 feng1 shui3 lun2 liu2
see 風水輪流轉|风水轮流转

风水轮流转 風水輪流轉 feng1 shui3 lun2 liu2 zhuan4
fortunes rise and fall; times change

风水先生 風水先生 feng1 shui3 xian1 sheng5
fengshui master; geomancer; stock figure in folk tales, as wise adviser or as charlatan

风俗 風俗 feng1 su2
social custom

风速 風速 feng1 su4
wind speed

风速计 風速計 feng1 su4 ji4

风瘫 風癱 feng1 tan1
paralysis; see also 癱瘓|瘫痪

风恬浪静 風恬浪靜 feng1 tian2 lang4 jing4
lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment; All is quiet.; a dead calm (at sea)

风调雨顺 風調雨順 feng1 tiao2 yu3 shun4
favorable weather (idiom); good weather for crops

风头 風頭 feng1 tou2
wind direction; the way the wind blows; fig. trend; direction of events; how things develop (esp. how they affect oneself); public opinion (concerning one's actions); publicity (usually derog.); limelight

风土 風土 feng1 tu3
natural conditions and social customs of a place; local conditions

风土人情 風土人情 feng1 tu3 ren2 qing2
local conditions and customs (idiom)

风味 風味 feng1 wei4
distinctive flavor; distinctive style

风闻 風聞 feng1 wen2
to learn sth through hearsay; to get wind of sth

风物 風物 feng1 wu4
scenery; sights

风险 風險 feng1 xian3
risk; hazard

风险估计 風險估計 feng1 xian3 gu1 ji4
risk assessment

风险管理 風險管理 feng1 xian3 guan3 li3
risk management

风险投资 風險投資 feng1 xian3 tou2 zi1
venture capital

风箱 風箱 feng1 xiang1

风向 風向 feng1 xiang4
wind direction; the way the wind is blowing; fig. trends (esp. unpredictable ones); how things are developing; course of events

风向标 風向標 feng1 xiang4 biao1
vane; propellor blade; weather vane; windsock

风邪 風邪 feng1 xie2
pathogenic influence (TCM)

风信子 風信子 feng1 xin4 zi3
hyacinth (flower)

风行 風行 feng1 xing2
to become fashionable; to catch on; to be popular

风行一时 風行一時 feng1 xing2 yi1 shi2
to be popular for a while; to be all the rage for a time

风穴 風穴 feng1 xue2
wind cave

风衣 風衣 feng1 yi1
windbreaker; wind cheater; wind jacket

风油精 風油精 feng1 you2 jing1
essential balm containing menthol, eucalyptus oil etc, used as a mosquito repellant

风雨 風雨 feng1 yu3
wind and rain; the elements; trials and hardships

风雨晦冥 風雨晦冥 feng1 yu3 hui4 ming2
conditions of extreme adversity (idiom)

风雨漂摇 風雨漂搖 feng1 yu3 piao1 yao2
tossed about by the wind and rain (idiom); (of a situation) unstable

风雨飘摇 風雨飄搖 feng1 yu3 piao1 yao2
tossed about by the wind and rain (idiom); (of a situation) unstable

风雨凄凄 風雨淒淒 feng1 yu3 qi1 qi1
wretched wind and rain

风雨如晦 風雨如晦 feng1 yu3 ru2 hui4
lit. wind and rain darken the sky (idiom); fig. the situation looks grim

风雨同舟 風雨同舟 feng1 yu3 tong2 zhou1
lit. in the same boat under wind and rain (idiom); fig. to stick together in hard times

风雨无阻 風雨無阻 feng1 yu3 wu2 zu3
regardless of weather conditions; rain, hail or shine

风雨欲来 風雨欲來 feng1 yu3 yu4 lai2
lit. storm clouds approach; troubles lie ahead (idiom)

风喻 風喻 feng1 yu4
see 諷喻|讽喻

风谕 風諭 feng1 yu4
see 諷喻|讽喻

风月 風月 feng1 yue4
romance; beautiful scenery; small or petty (of talk etc)

风云 風雲 feng1 yun2
weather; unstable situation

风云变幻 風雲變幻 feng1 yun2 bian4 huan4
changeable situation (idiom)

风云人物 風雲人物 feng1 yun2 ren2 wu4
the man (or woman) of the moment (idiom); influential figure

风韵 風韻 feng1 yun4
charm; grace; elegant bearing (usually feminine)

风韵犹存 風韻猶存 feng1 yun4 you2 cun2
(of an aging woman) still attractive

风灾 風災 feng1 zai1
damaging storm; destructive typhoon

风疹 風疹 feng1 zhen3
rubella; urticaria

风筝 風箏 feng1 zheng1

风致 風致 feng1 zhi4
natural charm; grace

风中之烛 風中之燭 feng1 zhong1 zhi1 zhu2
lit. candle in the wind (idiom); fig. (of sb's life) feeble; hanging on a thread

风中烛,瓦上霜 風中燭,瓦上霜 feng1 zhong1 zhu2 - wa3 shang4 shuang1
lit. like a candle in the wind, or frost on the roof (idiom); fig. (of sb's life) feeble; hanging on a thread

风烛残年 風燭殘年 feng1 zhu2 can2 nian2
one's late days; to have one foot in the grave

风姿 風姿 feng1 zi1
good looks; good figure; graceful bearing; charm

风姿绰约 風姿綽約 feng1 zi1 chuo4 yue1
graceful; charming; feminine

风阻尼器 風阻尼器 feng1 zu3 ni2 qi4
wind damper (engineering)

风钻 風鑽 feng1 zuan4
pneumatic drill; jackhammer

扶风 扶風 fu2 feng1
Fufeng County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡, Shaanxi

扶风县 扶風縣 fu2 feng1 xian4
Fufeng County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡, Shaanxi

附庸风雅 附庸風雅 fu4 yong1 feng1 ya3
(of an uneducated person) to mingle with the cognoscenti; to pose as a culture lover; to be a culture snob; having pretensions to culture

甘拜下风 甘拜下風 gan1 bai4 xia4 feng1
to step down gracefully (humble expression); to concede defeat; to play second fiddle

罡风 罡風 gang1 feng1
in Daoism, astral wind on which immortals may ride; strong wind

高风峻节 高風峻節 gao1 feng1 jun4 jie2
a high class upright character (idiom)

高风亮节 高風亮節 gao1 feng1 liang4 jie2
of noble character and unquestionable integrity (idiom)

高风险 高風險 gao1 feng1 xian3
high risk

高风险区 高風險區 gao1 feng1 xian3 qu1
high risk area

跟风 跟風 gen1 feng1
to go with the tide; to blindly follow the crowd; to follow the trend

古风 古風 gu3 feng1

鼓风 鼓風 gu3 feng1
a forced draft (of wind, for smelting metal); blast (in blast furnace); bellows; to draw air using bellows

鼓风机 鼓風機 gu3 feng1 ji1
bellows; ventilator; air blower

鼓风炉 鼓風爐 gu3 feng1 lu2
a blast furnace (in modern times); a draft assisted furnace for smelting metals

刮风 颳風 gua1 feng1
to be windy

观风 觀風 guan1 feng1
on lookout duty; to serve as lookout

管风琴 管風琴 guan3 feng1 qin2
organ; pipe organ

光风霁月 光風霽月 guang1 feng1 ji4 yue4
lit. light breeze and clear moon (idiom); period of peace and prosperity; noble and benevolent character

海风 海風 hai3 feng1
sea breeze; sea wind (i.e. from the sea)

寒风刺骨 寒風刺骨 han2 feng1 ci4 gu3
bone chilling wind (idiom)

喝西北风 喝西北風 he1 xi1 bei3 feng1
lit. drink the northwest wind (idiom); cold and hungry

和风 和風 he2 feng1
(Tw) Japanese-style (cooking etc)

和风 和風 he2 feng1

黑旋风 黑旋風 hei1 xuan4 feng1
Black Whirlwind, nickname of 李逵, known for his fearsome behavior in combat and his dark complexion

候风地动仪 候風地動儀 hou4 feng1 di4 dong4 yi2
the world's first seismograph invented by Zhang Heng 张衡 in 132

呼风唤雨 呼風喚雨 hu1 feng1 huan4 yu3
to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers; fig. to stir up troubles

画风 畫風 hua4 feng1
painting style

宦海风波 宦海風波 huan4 hai3 feng1 bo1
lit. raging sea of bureaucracy; officials causing a big fuss

唤雨呼风 喚雨呼風 huan4 yu3 hu1 feng1
to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers; fig. to stir up troubles; also 呼風喚雨|呼风唤雨

簧风琴 簧風琴 huang2 feng1 qin2

疾风 疾風 ji2 feng1
storm; gale; strong wind; flurry; blast

疾风劲草 疾風勁草 ji2 feng1 jing4 cao3
the storm put strong grass to the test (idiom); fig. troubled times test a faithful minister; to show one's true colors after a stern test

疾风知劲草,烈火见真金 疾風知勁草,烈火見真金 ji2 feng1 zhi1 jin4 cao3 - lie4 huo3 jian4 zhen1 jin1
the storm put strong grass to the test, fire tests true gold (idiom); fig. troubled times test a faithful minister; to show one's true colors after a stern test

疾风知劲草 疾風知勁草 ji2 feng1 zhi1 jing4 cao3
the storm put strong grass to the test (idiom); fig. troubled times test a faithful minister; to show one's true colors after a stern test; also written 疾風勁草|疾风劲草

季风 季風 ji4 feng1

见风使舵 見風使舵 jian4 feng1 shi3 duo4
lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation

见风使帆 見風使帆 jian4 feng1 shi3 fan1
lit. see the wind and set your sails (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation

见风是雨 見風是雨 jian4 feng1 shi4 yu3
lit. see the wind and assume it will rain (idiom); fig. gullible; to believe whatever people suggest

见风转舵 見風轉舵 jian4 feng1 zhuan3 duo4
lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically; to be flexible and take advantage of the situation

接风 接風 jie1 feng1
to hold a welcoming dinner or reception

借东风 借東風 jie4 dong1 feng1
lit. to use the eastern wind (idiom); fig. to use sb's help

金融风暴 金融風暴 jin1 rong2 feng1 bao4
banking crisis; storm in financial circles

金融风波 金融風波 jin1 rong2 feng1 bo1
financial crisis; banking crisis

惊风 驚風 jing1 feng1
infantile convulsion (illness affecting children esp. under the age of five, marked by muscular spasms)

经历风雨 經歷風雨 jing1 li4 feng1 yu3
to go through thick and thin (idiom)

劲风 勁風 jing4 feng1
strong wind; gale

九寨沟风景名胜区 九寨溝風景名勝區 jiu3 zhai4 gou1 feng1 jing3 ming2 sheng4 qu1
Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historical Interest Area, Sichuan

飓风 颶風 ju4 feng1

卷风 捲風 juan3 feng1
see 龍捲風|龙卷风

砍头不过风吹帽 砍頭不過風吹帽 kan3 tou2 bu4 guo4 feng1 chui1 mao4
to regard decapitation as no more important than the wind blowing off your hat (idiom)

空穴来风 空穴來風 kong1 xue2 lai2 feng1
lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom); fig. unfounded (story); baseless (claim)

空穴来风未必无因 空穴來風未必無因 kong4 xue2 lai2 feng1 wei4 bi4 wu2 yin1
wind does not come from an empty cave without reason; there's no smoke without fire (idiom)

口风 口風 kou3 feng1
meaning behind the words; what sb really means to say; one's intentions as revealed in one's words; tone of speech

哭秋风 哭秋風 ku1 qiu1 feng1
autumnal sadness

狂风 狂風 kuang2 feng1
gale; squall; whole gale (meteorology)

狂风暴雨 狂風暴雨 kuang2 feng1 bao4 yu3
howling wind and torrential rain (idiom); (fig.) difficult, dangerous situation

拉风 拉風 la1 feng1
trendy; eye-catching; flashy

阑风 闌風 lan2 feng1
continuous blowing of the wind

阆风 閬風 lang2 feng1
Langfeng Mountain; same as Langyuan 閬苑|阆苑 paradise, home of the immortals in verse and legends

阆风巅 閬風巔 lang2 feng1 dian1
Langfeng Mountain; same as Langyuan 閬苑|阆苑 paradise, home of the immortals in verse and legends

老骥嘶风 老驥嘶風 lao3 ji4 si1 feng1
old steed sniffs the wind (idiom); fig. aged person with great aspirations

老马嘶风 老馬嘶風 lao3 ma3 si1 feng1
old horse sniffs the wind (idiom); fig. aged person with great aspirations

雷厉风行 雷厲風行 lei2 li4 feng1 xing2
pass like thunder and move like the wind (idiom); swift and decisive reaction

类风湿因子 類風濕因子 lei4 feng1 shi1 yin1 zi3
rheumatoid factor

两袖清风 兩袖清風 liang3 xiu4 qing1 feng1
lit. both sleeves flowing in the breeze (idiom); having clean hands; uncorrupted; unsoiled by corrupt practices

龙卷风 龍捲風 long2 juan3 feng1
tornado; hurricane; twister; cyclone

露风 露風 lou4 feng1
to divulge a secret; to leak

落于下风 落於下風 luo4 yu2 xia4 feng1
to be at a disadvantage

滤毒通风装置 濾毒通風裝置 lv4 du2 tong1 feng1 zhuang1 zhi4
filtration equipment

麻风 麻風 ma2 feng1
leprosy; Hansen's disease

麻风病 麻風病 ma2 feng1 bing4
leprosy; Hansen's disease

马耳东风 馬耳東風 ma3 er3 dong1 feng1
lit. the east wind blowing in a horse's ear (idiom); fig. words one pays no heed to

卖风流 賣風流 mai4 feng1 liu2
to exert flirtatious allure; to entice coquettishly

麦克风 麥克風 mai4 ke4 feng1
microphone (loanword)

满城风雨 滿城風雨 man3 cheng2 feng1 yu3
lit. wind and rain through the town (idiom); fig. a big scandal; an uproar; the talk of the town

满脸风尘 滿臉風塵 man3 lian3 feng1 chen2
lit. with a face full of dust; showing the hardships of travel (idiom)

满面春风 滿面春風 man3 mian4 chun1 feng1
beaming; radiant with happiness

冒风险 冒風險 mao4 feng1 xian3
to take risks

门风 門風 men2 feng1
family tradition; family principles

密不透风 密不透風 mi4 bu4 tou4 feng1
wrapped up tight; bundled up tight; closed up tight; air-tight

民风 民風 min2 feng1
popular customs; folkways

明月清风 明月清風 ming2 yue4 qing1 feng1
see 清風明月|清风明月

沐雨栉风 沐雨櫛風 mu4 yu3 zhi4 feng1
to work unceasingly regardless of the weather (idiom)

男风 男風 nan2 feng1
male homosexuality; buggery

脑中风 腦中風 nao3 zhong4 feng1
cerebral stroke

逆风 逆風 ni4 feng1
to go against the wind; contrary wind; a headwind

暖风 暖風 nuan3 feng1
warm breeze

欧洲防风 歐洲防風 ou1 zhou1 fang2 feng1
parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)

排风口 排風口 pai2 feng1 kou3
exhaust vent

披风 披風 pi1 feng1
cloak; cape

骈偶文风 駢偶文風 pian2 ou3 wen2 feng1
early Tang literary style despised as shallow by the classicists

飘风 飄風 piao1 feng1
whirlwind; stormy wind

平地起风波 平地起風波 ping2 di4 qi3 feng1 bo1
trouble appearing from nowhere; unforeseen situation

屏风 屏風 ping2 feng1

破伤风 破傷風 po4 shang1 feng1
tetanus (lockjaw)

蒲福风级 蒲福風級 pu2 fu2 feng1 ji2
Beaufort scale for wind speed

凄风苦雨 淒風苦雨 qi1 feng1 ku3 yu3
lit. bleak wind and icy rain (idiom); fig. hardships; miserable circumstances

骑士风格 騎士風格 qi2 shi4 feng1 ge2

抢风 搶風 qiang1 feng1
a headwind; a contrary wind

戗风 戧風 qiang1 feng1
a headwind; a contrary wind

抢风航行 搶風航行 qiang1 feng1 hang2 xing2
to tack against the wind (sailing)

强风 強風 qiang2 feng1
strong breeze (meteorology)

抢风头 搶風頭 qiang3 feng1 tou2
to steal the show; to grab the limelight

轻风 輕風 qing1 feng1
breeze; light wind

清风 清風 qing1 feng1
cool breeze; fig. pure and honest

清风劲节 清風勁節 qing1 feng1 jing4 jie2
pure and high-minded (idiom)

清风两袖 清風兩袖 qing1 feng1 liang3 xiu4
honest and upright (idiom)

清风明月 清風明月 qing1 feng1 ming2 yue4
lit. cool breeze and bright moon (idiom); fig. peaceful and clear night; (allusively) living a solitary and quiet life

秋风过耳 秋風過耳 qiu1 feng1 guo4 er3
lit. as the autumn breeze passes the ear (idiom); not in the least concerned

秋风飒飒 秋風颯颯 qiu1 feng1 sa4 sa4
the autumn wind is soughing (idiom)

秋风扫落叶 秋風掃落葉 qiu1 feng1 sao3 luo4 ye4
lit. as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves (idiom); to drive out the old and make a clean sweep

秋风送爽 秋風送爽 qiu1 feng1 song4 shuang3
the cool autumn breeze (idiom)

祛风 祛風 qu1 feng1
to relieve (cold, rheumatic pain etc); lit. to dispel pathogenic wind (TCM)

裙带风 裙帶風 qun2 dai4 feng1
the practice of favoring sb because of the influence of the person's wife or other female relative; (by extension) culture of favoritism towards relatives, friends and associates

染风习俗 染風習俗 ran3 feng1 xi2 su2
bad habits; to get into bad habits through long custom

饶有风趣 饒有風趣 rao2 you3 feng1 qu4
bubbling with humor (idiom); witty and interesting

热带风暴 熱帶風暴 re4 dai4 feng1 bao4
tropical storm

热风枪 熱風槍 re4 feng1 qiang1
heat gun

任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台 任憑風浪起,穩坐釣魚臺 ren4 ping2 feng1 lang4 qi3 - wen3 zuo4 diao4 yu2 tai2
lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite wind and storm (idiom); to stay calm during tense situation; a cool head in a crisis

日落风生 日落風生 ri4 luo4 feng1 sheng1
a gentle breeze comes with sunset (idiom)

入风口 入風口 ru4 feng1 kou3
air intake vent

弱不禁风 弱不禁風 ruo4 bu4 jin1 feng1
too weak to stand up to the wind (idiom); extremely delicate; fragile state of health

撒网捕风 撒網捕風 sa1 wang3 bu3 feng1
lit. the wind cannot be caught in a net; to waste one's effort (idiom)

萨克斯风 薩克斯風 sa4 ke4 si1 feng1
saxophone (loanword)

杀风景 殺風景 sha1 feng1 jing3
variant of 煞風景|煞风景

煞风景 煞風景 sha1 feng1 jing3
to be an eyesore; (fig.) to spoil the fun; to be a wet blanket

扇风 扇風 shan1 feng1
to fan oneself; to fan (sb)

扇风耳朵 扇風耳朵 shan1 feng1 er3 duo5
protruding ears

煽阴风 煽陰風 shan1 yin1 feng1
to raise an ill wind

善风 善風 shan4 feng1
fair wind

伤风 傷風 shang1 feng1
to catch cold

伤风败俗 傷風敗俗 shang1 feng1 bai4 su2
offending public morals (idiom)

上风 上風 shang4 feng1
on the up; currently winning; rising (in popularity etc)

神风特攻队 神風特攻隊 shen2 feng1 te4 gong1 dui4
kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II)

神风突击队 神風突擊隊 shen2 feng1 tu1 ji1 dui4
kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II)

什么风把你吹来的 什麼風把你吹來的 shen2 me5 feng1 ba3 ni3 chui1 lai2 de5
What brings you here? (idiom)

生活作风 生活作風 sheng1 huo2 zuo4 feng1
behavior; conduct

失风 失風 shi1 feng1
trouble; damage; setback; sth goes wrong

时代不同,风尚不同 時代不同,風尚不同 shi2 dai4 bu4 tong2 - feng1 shang4 bu4 tong2
customs change with time (idiom); other times, other manners; O Tempora, O Mores!

石林风景区 石林風景區 shi2 lin2 feng1 jing3 qu1
Petrified forest scenic area in Shilin Yi autonomous county 石林彞族自治縣|石林彝族自治县 in Kunming 昆明, Yunnan

世风 世風 shi4 feng1
public morals

世风日下 世風日下 shi4 feng1 ri4 xia4
public morals are degenerating with each passing day (idiom)

手风琴 手風琴 shou3 feng1 qin2

手摇风琴 手搖風琴 shou3 yao2 feng1 qin2
hand organ; hurdy-gurdy

书风 書風 shu1 feng1
calligraphic style

树大招风 樹大招風 shu4 da4 zhao1 feng1
lit. a tall tree attracts the wind (idiom); fig. a famous or rich person attracts criticism

树欲静而风不止 樹欲靜而風不止 shu4 yu4 jing4 er2 feng1 bu4 zhi3
lit. the trees long for peace but the wind will never cease (idiom); fig. the world changes, whether you want it or not

水力鼓风 水力鼓風 shui3 li4 gu3 feng1
hydraulic bellows; water-driven ventilation (for metal smelting furnace)

顺风 順風 shun4 feng1
lit. tail wind; Bon voyage!

顺风车 順風車 shun4 feng1 che1
vehicle that gives one a free ride; (fig.) (ride on sb's) coattails; (take advantage of) an opportunity

顺风耳 順風耳 shun4 feng1 er3
sb with preternaturally good hearing (in fiction); fig. a well-informed person

顺风转舵 順風轉舵 shun4 feng1 zhuan3 duo4
to act according to whatever is the current outlook; pragmatic; unprincipled

说风凉话 說風涼話 shuo1 feng1 liang2 hua4
to sneer; to make cynical remarks; sarcastic talk

朔风 朔風 shuo4 feng1
north wind

朔风凛冽 朔風凜冽 shuo4 feng1 lin3 lie4
The north wind is icy cold.

随风 隨風 sui2 feng1
wind-borne; care-free

随风倒 隨風倒 sui2 feng1 dao3
to bend with the wind

随风倒舵 隨風倒舵 sui2 feng1 dao3 duo4
to trim one's sails with the wind; to adopt different attitude depending on the circumstances (idiom)

随风倒柳 隨風倒柳 sui2 feng1 dao3 liu3
lit. a willow that bends with the wind; one with no fixed principles (idiom)

台风 颱風 tai2 feng1
hurricane; typhoon

台风 臺風 tai2 feng1
stage presence, poise

太阳风 太陽風 tai4 yang2 feng1
solar wind

谈笑风生 談笑風生 tan2 xiao4 feng1 sheng1
to talk cheerfully and wittily; to joke together

探风 探風 tan4 feng1
to make inquiries about sb or sth; to fish for information

探口风 探口風 tan4 kou3 feng1
to sound out opinions; to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning

天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福 tian1 you3 bu4 ce4 feng1 yun2 - ren2 you3 dan4 xi1 huo4 fu2
fortune as unpredictable as the weather, every day may bring fortune or calamity (idiom); sth unexpected may happen at any moment

听风就是雨 聽風就是雨 ting1 feng1 jiu4 shi4 yu3
lit. to believe in the rain on hearing the wind (idiom); to believe rumors; to be credulous

听见风就是雨 聽見風就是雨 ting1 jian4 feng1 jiu4 shi4 yu3
lit. on hearing wind, to say rain; to agree uncritically with whatever people say; to parrot other people's words; to chime in with others

通风 通風 tong1 feng1
airy; ventilation; to ventilate; to disclose information

通风管 通風管 tong1 feng1 guan3
ventilation duct

通风孔 通風孔 tong1 feng1 kong3
air vent; louvre

通风口 通風口 tong1 feng1 kou3
air vent; opening for ventilation

痛风 痛風 tong4 feng1

头风 頭風 tou2 feng1
headache (Chinese medicine)

投资风险 投資風險 tou2 zi1 feng1 xian3
investment risk

抟风 摶風 tuan2 feng1
to rise very quickly

团风 團風 tuan2 feng1
Tuanfeng county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈, Hubei

团风县 團風縣 tuan2 feng1 xian4
Tuanfeng county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈, Hubei

颓风 頹風 tui2 feng1
degenerate custom; decadent ways

歪风 歪風 wai1 feng1
unhealthy trend; noxious influence

歪风邪气 歪風邪氣 wai1 feng1 xie2 qi4
noxious winds, evil influences (idiom); malignant social trends

外交风波 外交風波 wai4 jiao1 feng1 bo1
diplomatic crisis

万事皆备,只欠东风 萬事皆備,只欠東風 wan4 shi4 jie1 bei4 - zhi3 qian4 dong1 feng1
everything is ready, all we need is an east wind (idiom); lacking only one tiny crucial item; also written 萬事俱備,只欠東風|万事俱备,只欠东风

万事俱备,只欠东风 萬事俱備,只欠東風 wan4 shi4 ju4 bei4 - zhi3 qian4 dong1 feng1
lit. everything is ready, all we need is an east wind (idiom); fig. lacking only one tiny crucial item

汪啸风 汪嘯風 wang1 xiao4 feng1
Wang Xiaofeng (1944-), fourth governor of Hainan

往事如风 往事如風 wang3 shi4 ru2 feng1
the past is vanished like the wind; gone beyond recall

望风 望風 wang4 feng1
to be on the lookout; to keep watch

望风捕影 望風捕影 wang4 feng1 bu3 ying3
see 捕風捉影|捕风捉影

望风而逃 望風而逃 wang4 feng1 er2 tao2
to flee at the mere sight of (idiom)

微风 微風 wei1 feng1
breeze; light wind

威风 威風 wei1 feng1
might; awe-inspiring authority; impressive

威风凛凛 威風凜凜 wei1 feng1 lin3 lin3
majestic; awe-inspiring presence; impressive power

蔚然成风 蔚然成風 wei4 ran2 cheng2 feng1
to have become common practice (idiom); to become a general trend

文风 文風 wen2 feng1
writing style

文风不动 文風不動 wen2 feng1 bu4 dong4
absolutely still; fig. not the slightest change; also written 紋風不動|纹风不动

纹风不动 紋風不動 wen2 feng1 bu4 dong4
absolutely still; fig. not the slightest change; also written 文風不動|文风不动

闻风而动 聞風而動 wen2 feng1 er2 dong4
to respond instantly; to act at once on hearing the news

闻风丧胆 聞風喪膽 wen2 feng1 sang4 dan3
hear the wind and lose gall (idiom); terror-stricken at the news

闻风先遁 聞風先遁 wen2 feng1 xian1 dun4
to flee at hearing the news (idiom)

无风不起浪 無風不起浪 wu2 feng1 bu4 qi3 lang4
lit. without wind there cannot be waves (idiom); there must be a reason; no smoke without fire

无风三尺浪 無風三尺浪 wu2 feng1 san1 chi3 lang4
lit. large waves in windless conditions (idiom); fig. trouble arising unexpectedly

无限风光在险峰 無限風光在險峰 wu2 xian4 feng1 guang1 zai4 xian3 feng1
The boundless vista is at the perilous peak (proverb); fig. exhilaration follows a hard-won victory

下风 下風 xia4 feng1
leeward; downwind; disadvantageous position; to concede or give way in an argument

下风方向 下風方向 xia4 feng1 fang1 xiang4

掀风鼓浪 掀風鼓浪 xian1 feng1 gu3 lang4
to raise a storm; to stir up trouble; to instigate

校风 校風 xiao4 feng1
the tone of a school; campus atmosphere

新风 新風 xin1 feng1
new trend; new custom

信风 信風 xin4 feng1
trade wind

信用风险 信用風險 xin4 yong4 feng1 xian3
credit risk

腥风血雨 腥風血雨 xing1 feng1 xue4 yu3
lit. foul wind and bloody rain (idiom); fig. reign of terror; carnage

兴风作浪 興風作浪 xing1 feng1 zuo4 lang4
to incite trouble; to stir up havoc

雄风 雄風 xiong2 feng1
lit. powerful wind; awe-inspiring

旋风 旋風 xuan4 feng1
whirlwind; tornado

旋风脚 旋風腳 xuan4 feng1 jiao3
whirlwind kick (martial arts)

学风 學風 xue2 feng1
style of study; academic atmosphere; school discipline; school traditions

熏风 熏風 xun1 feng1
warm south wind

烟花风月 煙花風月 yan1 hua1 feng1 yue4
refers to lovemaking (idiom)

眼风 眼風 yan3 feng1
eye signal; meaningful glance

羊角风 羊角風 yang2 jiao3 feng1

羊痫风 羊癇風 yang2 xian2 feng1

妖风 妖風 yao1 feng1
evil wind

要风得风,要雨得雨 要風得風,要雨得雨 yao4 feng1 de2 feng1 - yao4 yu3 de2 yu3
to get whatever one wants; to have everything going one's way

野火春风 野火春風 ye3 huo3 chun1 feng1
abbr. for 野火燒不盡,春風吹又生|野火烧不尽,春风吹又生

野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 野火燒不盡,春風吹又生 ye3 huo3 shao1 bu4 jin4 - chun1 feng1 chui1 you4 sheng1
lit. even a prairie fire cannot destroy the grass - it grows again when the breeze blows (proverb); fig. cannot be easily eliminated; abbr. to 野火春風|野火春风

一帆风顺 一帆風順 yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4
propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom); plain sailing; to go smoothly; have a nice trip!

一路风尘 一路風塵 yi1 lu4 feng1 chen2
to live an exhausting journey

一路顺风 一路順風 yi1 lu4 shun4 feng1
to have a pleasant journey (idiom)

遗风 遺風 yi2 feng1
tradition or style from the past; old ways; surviving tradition; relic

颐指风使 頤指風使 yi2 zhi3 feng1 shi3
lit. to order people by pointing the chin (idiom); to signal orders by facial gesture; arrogant and bossy

意气风发 意氣風發 yi4 qi4 feng1 fa1
high-spirited; full of mettle

译意风 譯意風 yi4 yi4 feng1
simultaneous interpretation facilities (loanword from "earphone")

阴风 陰風 yin1 feng1
chill wind; (fig.) evil wind

淫风 淫風 yin2 feng1
lascivious; wanton

吟风弄月 吟風弄月 yin2 feng1 nong4 yue4
lit. singing of the wind and the moon; fig. vacuous and sentimental (of poetry or art)

迎风 迎風 ying2 feng1
in the wind; facing the wind; downwind

迎风飘舞 迎風飄舞 ying2 feng1 piao1 wu3
to whirl about in the wind

迎风招展 迎風招展 ying2 feng1 zhao1 zhan3
to flutter in the wind (idiom)

有风 有風 you3 feng1

遇事生风 遇事生風 yu4 shi4 sheng1 feng1
to stir up trouble at every opportunity (idiom)

云散风流 雲散風流 yun2 san4 feng1 liu2
lit. clouds scatter, wind flows (idiom); the crisis settles down; people disperse home; things return to normal

占上风 佔上風 zhan4 shang4 feng1
to take the lead; to gain the upper hand

占下风 佔下風 zhan4 xia4 feng1
to be at a disadvantage

涨风 漲風 zhang3 feng1
upward trend (in prices)

招风 招風 zhao1 feng1
lit. to invite the wind; fig. conspicuous and inviting criticism

招风耳 招風耳 zhao1 feng1 er3
jug ears; jug-eared

招风揽火 招風攬火 zhao1 feng1 lan3 huo3
see 招風惹草|招风惹草

招风惹草 招風惹草 zhao1 feng1 re3 cao3
to stir up trouble (idiom); to sow discord

招风惹雨 招風惹雨 zhao1 feng1 re3 yu3
see 招風惹草|招风惹草

遮风避雨 遮風避雨 zhe1 feng1 bi4 yu3
to give shelter from the wind and rain; to keep out the elements

枕边风 枕邊風 zhen3 bian1 feng1
pillow talk

阵风 陣風 zhen4 feng1

争风吃醋 爭風吃醋 zheng1 feng1 chi1 cu4
to rival sb for the affection of a man or woman; to be jealous of a rival in a love affair

整风 整風 zheng3 feng1
Rectification or Rectifying incorrect work styles, Maoist slogan; cf Rectification campaign 整風運動|整风运动, army purge of 1942-44 and anti-rightist purge of 1957

整风运动 整風運動 zheng3 feng1 yun4 dong4
Rectification campaign; political purge; cf Mao's 1942-44 campaign at Yanan, and his 1950 and 1957 anti-rightist purges

只欠东风 只欠東風 zhi3 qian4 dong1 feng1
all we need is an east wind (idiom); lacking only one tiny crucial item

栉风沐雨 櫛風沐雨 zhi4 feng1 mu4 yu3
lit. to comb one's hair in the wind and wash it in the rain (idiom); fig. to work in the open regardless of the weather

中风 中風 zhong4 feng1
to suffer a paralyzing stroke

追风逐电 追風逐電 zhui1 feng1 zhu2 dian4
proceeding at a tremendous pace; getting on like a house on fire

自然风光 自然風光 zi4 ran2 feng1 guang1
nature and scenery

总风险 總風險 zong3 feng1 xian3
aggregate risk

走风 走風 zou3 feng1
to leak (a secret); to transpire

作风 作風 zuo4 feng1
style; style of work; way

作风正派 作風正派 zuo4 feng1 zheng4 pai4
to be honest and upright; to have moral integrity