red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet; Colors of the rainbow
花黄花黃hua1 huang2
yellow flower (cosmetic powder used on women's forehead in former times)
黄白交点黃白交點huang2 bai2 jiao1 dian3
ecliptic line; intersection of the ecliptic with the moon's orbit plane
黄斑黃斑huang2 ban1
macula lutea (anatomy, central area of retina); yellow spot
黄包车黃包車huang2 bao1 che1
黄宾虹黃賓虹huang2 bin1 hong2
Huang Binhong (1865-1955), art historian and literati painter
黄饼黃餅huang2 bing3
黄柏黃柏huang2 bo4
variant of 黃檗|黄檗
黄檗黃檗huang2 bo4
Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense); cork-tree bark (Chinese medicine)
黄不溜秋黃不溜秋huang2 bu4 liu1 qiu1
yellowish; dirty yellow
黄长烨黃長燁huang2 chang2 ye4
Hwang Jang-yop (1923-2010), North Korean politician known for defecting to South Korea
黄巢黃巢huang2 chao2
Huang Chao (-884), leader of peasant uprising 875-884 in late Tang
黄巢起义黃巢起義huang2 chao2 qi3 yi4
Huang Chao peasant uprising 875-884 in late Tang, led by Huang Chao
黄巢之乱黃巢之亂huang2 chao2 zhi1 luan4
late Tang peasant uprising 875-884 led by Huang Chao
黄赤色黃赤色huang2 chi4 se4
golden colored; yellow red
黄大仙黃大仙huang2 da4 xian1
Wong Tai Sin district of Kowloon, Hong Kong
黄疸黃疸huang2 dan3
黄疸病黃疸病huang2 dan3 bing4
黄岛黃島huang2 dao3
Huangdao district of Qingdao city 青島市|青岛市, Shandong
黄岛区黃島區huang2 dao3 qu1
Huangdao district of Qingdao city 青島市|青岛市, Shandong
黄道黃道huang2 dao4
the ecliptic (the plane of the solar system)
黄道十二宫黃道十二宮huang2 dao4 shi2 er4 gong1
see 十二宮|十二宫
黄澄澄黃澄澄huang2 deng4 deng4
glistening yellow
黄帝黃帝huang2 di4
Yellow Emperor, mythological emperor of China, reigned c. 2697-2597 BC
黄帝八十一难经黃帝八十一難經huang2 di4 ba1 shi2 yi1 nan4 jing1
Yellow Emperor's Classic of Eighty-one Difficulties, medical text, c. 1st century AD
黄帝内经黃帝內經huang2 di4 nei4 jing1
Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon, medical text c. 300 BC
黄帝宅经黃帝宅經huang2 di4 zhai2 jing1
one of the earliest classics about Fengshui
黄帝族黃帝族huang2 di4 zu2
tribes under the Yellow Emperor
黄豆黃豆huang2 dou4
黄额鸦雀黃額鴉雀huang2 e2 ya1 que4
(bird species of China) fulvous parrotbill (Suthora fulvifrons)
黄飞鸿黃飛鴻huang2 fei1 hong2
Wong Fei Hung (1847-1924), famous martial artist and revolutionary
黄蜂黃蜂huang2 feng1
黄腹冠鹎黃腹冠鵯huang2 fu4 guan1 bei1
(bird species of China) white-throated bulbul (Alophoixus flaveolus)
黄父鬼黃父鬼huang2 fu4 gui3
Huang Fugui, ghost of legends who provided Liu Juanzi with his magical recipes 劉涓子鬼遺方|刘涓子鬼遗方
黄腹花蜜鸟黃腹花蜜鳥huang2 fu4 hua1 mi4 niao3
(bird species of China) olive-backed sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis)
黄腹鹪莺黃腹鷦鶯huang2 fu4 jiao1 ying1
(bird species of China) yellow-bellied prinia (Prinia flaviventris)
黄腹角雉黃腹角雉huang2 fu4 jiao3 zhi4
(bird species of China) Cabot's tragopan (Tragopan caboti)
黄腹柳莺黃腹柳鶯huang2 fu4 liu3 ying1
(bird species of China) Tickell's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus affinis)
黄腹鹨黃腹鷚huang2 fu4 liu4
(bird species of China) buff-bellied pipit (Anthus rubescens)
黄富平黃富平huang2 fu4 ping2
pen name of Deng Xiaoping during his 1992 southern tour
黄腹山雀黃腹山雀huang2 fu4 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) yellow-bellied tit (Pardaliparus venustulus)
黄腹扇尾鹟黃腹扇尾鶲huang2 fu4 shan4 wei3 weng1
(bird species of China) yellow-bellied fantail (Chelidorhynx hypoxantha)
黄腹树莺黃腹樹鶯huang2 fu4 shu4 ying1
(bird species of China) yellow-bellied bush warbler (Horornis acanthizoides)
黄腹鹟莺黃腹鶲鶯huang2 fu4 weng1 ying1
(bird species of China) yellow-bellied warbler (Abroscopus superciliaris)
黄腹啄花鸟黃腹啄花鳥huang2 fu4 zhuo2 hua1 niao3
(bird species of China) yellow-bellied flowerpecker (Dicaeum melanoxanthum)
黄冈黃岡huang2 gang1
Huanggang prefecture level city in Hubei
黄冈市黃岡市huang2 gang1 shi4
Huanggang prefecture level city in Hubei
黄肛啄花鸟黃肛啄花鳥huang2 gang1 zhuo2 hua1 niao3
(bird species of China) yellow-vented flowerpecker (Dicaeum chrysorrheum)
黄骨髓黃骨髓huang2 gu3 sui3
yellow or fatty bone marrow
黄瓜黃瓜huang2 gua1
黄冠啄木鸟黃冠啄木鳥huang2 guan1 zhuo2 mu4 niao3
(bird species of China) lesser yellownape (Picus chlorolophus)
黄光裕黃光裕huang2 guang1 yu4
Huang Guang'yu (1969-), PRC entrepreneur and millionaire, founder of Guo mei or Gome electronics 國美電器|国美电器
黄果树大瀑布黃果樹大瀑布huang2 guo3 shu4 da4 pu4 bu4
Huangguoshu falls, Anshun 安順|安顺, Guizhou
黄果树瀑布黃果樹瀑布huang2 guo3 shu4 pu4 bu4
Huangguoshu waterfalls, Anshun 安順|安顺, Guizhou
黄海黃海huang2 hai3
Yellow Sea
黄海北道黃海北道huang2 hai3 bei3 dao4
North Hwanghae Province of west North Korea
黄海道黃海道huang2 hai3 dao4
former Hwanghae Province of northwest Korea, divided into North and South Hwanghae Province of North Korea in 1954
黄海南道黃海南道huang2 hai3 nan2 dao4
South Hwanghae Province of west North Korea
黄颔蛇黃頷蛇huang2 han4 she2
adder (zoology)
黄河黃河huang2 he2
Yellow River or Huang He
黄河大合唱黃河大合唱huang2 he2 da4 he2 chang4
Yellow River Cantata (1939) by Xian Xinghai 冼星海
黄河流域黃河流域huang2 he2 liu2 yu4
the Yellow River basin
黄褐斑黃褐斑huang2 he4 ban1
chloasma; melasma
黄鹤楼黃鶴樓huang2 he4 lou2
Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan City, built in 223, burnt down in 1884, rebuilt in 1985; favored place of poet sages, who in legend arrived riding golden cranes; Tang poem by Cui Hao 崔顥|崔颢, with theme 'the past will never return'; one of three famous pagodas
黄褐色黃褐色huang2 he4 se4
tan (color); tawny
黄喉黃喉huang2 hou2
aorta (ingredient of hotpot, Sichuan cuisine)
黄喉蜂虎黃喉蜂虎huang2 hou2 feng1 hu3
(bird species of China) European bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
黄喉雀鹛黃喉雀鶥huang2 hou2 que4 mei2
(bird species of China) yellow-throated fulvetta (Alcippe cinerea)
黄喉鹀黃喉鵐huang2 hou2 wu2
(bird species of China) yellow-throated bunting (Emberiza elegans)
黄喉噪鹛黃喉噪鶥huang2 hou2 zao4 mei2
(bird species of China) yellow-throated laughingthrush (Garrulax galbanus)
黄花黃花huang2 hua1
yellow flowers (of various types); chrysanthemum; cauliflower; (yellow) daylily; a young virgin (boy or girl)
黄花菜黃花菜huang2 hua1 cai4
citron daylily (Hemerocallis citrina Baroni); golden needles (edible flower)
黄花菜都凉了黃花菜都涼了huang2 hua1 cai4 dou1 liang2 le5
lit. the dishes are cold (idiom); fig. to arrive late; to take one's sweet time
the seventy two martyrs of the Huanghuagang uprising of 23rd April 1911
黄花岗黃花崗huang2 hua1 gang3
Huanghuagang (Chrysanthemum Hill) in Guangzhou, scene of disastrous uprising of 23rd April 1911
黄花岗起义黃花崗起義huang2 hua1 gang3 qi3 yi4
Huanghuagang uprising of 23rd April 1911 in Guangzhou, one a long series of unsuccessful uprisings of Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary party
黄花姑娘黃花姑娘huang2 hua1 gu1 niang5
maiden; virgin girl
黄花闺女黃花閨女huang2 hua1 gui1 nv3
maiden; virgin
黄花梨木黃花梨木huang2 hua1 li2 mu4
yellow rosewood
黄花女黃花女huang2 hua1 nv3
maiden; virgin
黄花女儿黃花女兒huang2 hua1 nv3 er2
see 黃花閨女|黄花闺女
黄花幼女黃花幼女huang2 hua1 you4 nv3
maiden; virgin
黄花鱼黃花魚huang2 hua1 yu2
yellow croaker (fish); corvina
黄骅市黃驊市huang2 hua2 shi4
Huanghua county level city in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州, Hebei
黄昏黃昏huang2 hun1
dusk; evening; nightfall
黄昏恋黃昏戀huang2 hun1 lian4
fig. romantic relationship between an elderly couple; falling in love in the autumn of one's life
黄祸黃禍huang2 huo4
Yellow Peril, political novel by Wang Lixiong 王力雄
黄祸黃禍huang2 huo4
yellow peril (offensive term referring to the perceived threat to Western nations, of immigration or military expansion from East Asian nations)
黄鹡鸰黃鶺鴒huang2 ji2 ling2
(bird species of China) eastern yellow wagtail (Motacilla tschutschensis)
黄颊麦鸡黃頰麥雞huang2 jia2 mai4 ji1
(bird species of China) sociable lapwing (Vanellus gregarius)
黄颊山雀黃頰山雀huang2 jia2 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) yellow-cheeked tit (Machlolophus spilonotus)
黄简黃簡huang2 jian3
Wrigley's Juicy Fruit (brand)
黄建南黃建南huang2 jian4 nan2
John Huang (1945-), Democratic Party fundraiser
黄姜黃薑huang2 jiang1
黄酱黃醬huang2 jiang4
yellow soybean paste (fermented and salted)
黄胶黃膠huang2 jiao1
yellow gum; xanthanate gum (polysaccharide food additive used as a thickener)
黄脚绿鸠黃腳綠鳩huang2 jiao3 lv4 jiu1
(bird species of China) yellow-footed green pigeon (Treron phoenicopterus)
黄脚三趾鹑黃腳三趾鶉huang2 jiao3 san1 zhi3 chun2
(bird species of China) yellow-legged buttonquail (Turnix tanki)
黄脚银鸥黃腳銀鷗huang2 jiao3 yin2 ou1
(bird species of China) Caspian gull (Larus cachinnans)
黄教黃教huang2 jiao4
Yellow hat or Gelugpa school of Tibetan buddhism; also written 格魯派|格鲁派
黄巾黃巾huang2 jin1
refers to the Yellow Turbans Peasant Uprising at the end of later Han (from 184)
黄金黃金huang2 jin1
gold; golden (opportunity); prime (time)
黄金宝黃金寶huang2 jin1 bao3
Wong Kam-po (1973-), Hong Kong champion cyclist
黄金档黃金檔huang2 jin1 dang4
prime time
黄金分割黃金分割huang2 jin1 fen1 ge1
golden ratio; golden section
黄金海岸黃金海岸huang2 jin1 hai3 an4
name of various places including Gold Coast (Australian city), Gold Coast (former British colony in Africa) and Costa Daurada (area on the coast of Catalonia, Spain)
黄金辉黃金輝huang2 jin1 hui1
Wee Kim Wee (1915-2005), president of Singapore (1985-1993)
黄巾军黃巾軍huang2 jin1 jun1
the army of Yellow Turbans, a peasant uprising at the end of later Han (from 184)
黄巾民变黃巾民變huang2 jin1 min2 bian4
the Yellow Turbans Peasant Uprising at the end of later Han (from 184)
黄巾起义黃巾起義huang2 jin1 qi3 yi4
Yellow Turbans Peasant Uprising at the end of later Han (from 184)
黄金时代黃金時代huang2 jin1 shi2 dai4
golden age
黄金时段黃金時段huang2 jin1 shi2 duan4
prime time
黄金屋黃金屋huang2 jin1 wu1
lit. house made of gold; fig. luxurious residence
黄巾之乱黃巾之亂huang2 jin1 zhi1 luan4
the Yellow Turbans Peasant Uprising at the end of later Han (from 184)
黄金周黃金週huang2 jin1 zhou1
Golden Week, two 7-day national holiday periods
黄精黃精huang2 jing1
King Solomon's Seal (genus polygonatum)
黄颈凤鹛黃頸鳳鶥huang2 jing3 feng4 mei2
(bird species of China) whiskered yuhina (Yuhina flavicollis)
黄颈拟蜡嘴雀黃頸擬蠟嘴雀huang2 jing3 ni3 la4 zui3 que4
(bird species of China) collared grosbeak (Mycerobas affinis)
黄颈啄木鸟黃頸啄木鳥huang2 jing3 zhuo2 mu4 niao3
(bird species of China) Darjeeling woodpecker (Dendrocopos darjellensis)
黄酒黃酒huang2 jiu3
"yellow wine" (mulled rice wine, usually served warm)
黄菊黃菊huang2 ju2
Huang Ju (1938-2007), Chinese politician
黄菊黃菊huang2 ju2
yellow chrysanthemum; wine
黄克强黃克強huang2 ke4 qiang2
pseudonym of Huang Xing 黃興|黄兴, one of the heroes of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution 辛亥革命
黄蜡黃蠟huang2 la4
黄梨黃梨huang2 li2
pineapple; pear
黄鹂黃鸝huang2 li2
yellow oriole (Oriolus chinensis)
黄连黃連huang2 lian2
Chinese goldthread (Coptis chinensis), rhizome used in medicine
黄脸黃臉huang2 lian3
yellow face (due to sickness etc); yellow-skinned people
黄脸婆黃臉婆huang2 lian3 po2
faded old woman
黄粱美梦黃粱美夢huang2 liang2 mei3 meng4
dream of golden millet; fig. illusions of wealth and power; pipe dream
黄粱梦黃粱夢huang2 liang2 meng4
dream of golden millet; fig. illusions of wealth and glory; pipe dream
黄粱一梦黃粱一夢huang2 liang2 yi1 meng4
see 黃粱夢|黄粱梦
黄陵黃陵huang2 ling2
Mausoleum of Yellow Emperor; Huangling county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi
黄陵县黃陵縣huang2 ling2 xian4
Huangling county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi
黄流黃流huang2 liu2
see 黃流鎮|黄流镇
黄流镇黃流鎮huang2 liu2 zhen4
Huangliu township, Hainan
黄龙黃龍huang2 long2
Huanglong county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi
黄龙病黃龍病huang2 long2 bing4
huanglongbing, citrus greening disease
黄龙县黃龍縣huang2 long2 xian4
Huanglong county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi
黄绿黃綠huang2 lv4
黄绿鹎黃綠鵯huang2 lv4 bei1
(bird species of China) flavescent bulbul (Pycnonotus flavescens)
黄绿色黃綠色huang2 lv4 se4
yellow green
黄麻黃麻huang2 ma2
jute (Corchorus capsularis Linn.); plant fiber used for rope or sacks
黄毛丫头黃毛丫頭huang2 mao2 ya1 tou5
silly little girl
黄酶黃酶huang2 mei2
yellow enzyme
黄梅黃梅huang2 mei2
Huangmei county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈, Hubei
黄眉姬鹟黃眉姬鶲huang2 mei2 ji1 weng1
(bird species of China) narcissus flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina)
黄眉林雀黃眉林雀huang2 mei2 lin2 que4
(bird species of China) yellow-browed tit (Sylviparus modestus)
黄眉柳莺黃眉柳鶯huang2 mei2 liu3 ying1
(bird species of China) yellow-browed warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus)
黄眉鹀黃眉鵐huang2 mei2 wu2
(bird species of China) yellow-browed bunting (Emberiza chrysophrys)
黄梅戏黃梅戲huang2 mei2 xi4
Huangmei opera (local opera of Anhui)
黄梅县黃梅縣huang2 mei2 xian4
Huangmei county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈, Hubei
黄南黃南huang2 nan2
Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Rma-lho Bod-rigs rang skyong khul) in Qinghai
the main river through Shanghai; name of a district in Shanghai
黄浦江黃浦江huang2 pu3 jiang1
Huangpu River in Shanghai
黄埔军校黃埔軍校huang2 pu3 jun1 xiao4
Whampoa Military Academy
黄埔区黃埔區huang2 pu3 qu1
Huangpu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市, Guangdong
黄浦区黃浦區huang2 pu3 qu1
Huangpu district, central Shanghai
黄芪黃芪huang2 qi2
huangqi; milk vetch root (used in TCM); Astragalus membranaceus or Astragalus mongholicus
黄耆黃耆huang2 qi2
milk vetch; plant genus Astragalus; huangqi 黃芪|黄芪, Astragalus membranaceus (used in TCM)
黄秋葵黃秋葵huang2 qiu1 kui2
okra (Hibiscus esculentus); lady's fingers
黄曲霉黃曲霉huang2 qu1 mei2
Aspergillus flavus (fungus typically found on crops)
黄曲霉毒素黃曲霉毒素huang2 qu1 mei2 du2 su4
黄曲霉菌黃曲霉菌huang2 qu1 mei2 jun1
Aspergillus flavus (fungus typically found on crops)
黄泉黃泉huang2 quan2
the Yellow Springs; the underworld of Chinese mythology; the equivalent of Hades or Hell
黄雀黃雀huang2 que4
(bird species of China) Eurasian siskin (Spinus spinus)
黄热病黃熱病huang2 re4 bing4
yellow fever
黄热病毒黃熱病毒huang2 re4 bing4 du2
yellow fever virus
黄色黃色huang2 se4
yellow (color); pornographic
黄色书刊黃色書刊huang2 se4 shu1 kan1
pornographic book
黄色炸药黃色炸藥huang2 se4 zha4 yao4
trinitrotoluene (TNT), C6H2(NO2)3CH3
黄山黃山huang2 shan1
Mt Huang; Yellow mountains; Huangshan prefecture level city centered around Huangshan Mountains in south Anhui
黄山区黃山區huang2 shan1 qu1
Huangshan district of Huangshan city 黃山市|黄山市, Anhui
黄山市黃山市huang2 shan1 shi4
Huangshan prefecture level city centered around Huangshan Mountains in south Anhui
黄鳝黃鱔huang2 shan4
swamp eel; finless eel
黄蟮黃蟮huang2 shan4
Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus)
黄石黃石huang2 shi2
Huangshi prefecture level city in Hubei
黄石港黃石港huang2 shi2 gang3
Huangshigang district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市, Hubei
黄石港区黃石港區huang2 shi2 gang3 qu1
Huangshigang district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市, Hubei
黄石公黃石公huang2 shi2 gong1
Huang Shigong, also known as Xia Huanggong 夏黃公|夏黄公 (dates of birth and death uncertain), Daoist hermit of the Qin Dynasty 秦代 and purported author
黄石公三略黃石公三略huang2 shi2 gong1 san1 lve4
“Three Strategies of Huang Shigong”, also known as Taigong Bingfa 太公兵法, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书, variously attributed to Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙, Huang Shigong 黃石公|黄石公 or an anonymous author
citrine (orange or yellow quartz SiO2); yellow water; name of river in Henan
黄水晶黃水晶huang2 shui3 jing1
citrine (orange or yellow quartz SiO2 as a semiprecious stone)
黄滔黃滔huang2 tao1
Huang Tao (840-911), late Tang poet
黄体黃體huang2 ti3
corpus luteum (glands in female mammals producing progesterone)
黄体期黃體期huang2 ti3 qi1
luteal phase (period in the menstrual cycle when an embryo can implant in the womb)
黄体酮黃體酮huang2 ti3 tong2
黄铁矿黃鐵礦huang2 tie3 kuang4
黄庭坚黃庭堅huang2 ting2 jian1
Huang Tingjian (1045-1105), Song poet and calligrapher
黄庭经黃庭經huang2 ting2 jing1
Huangting Jing, one of the primary scriptures of Daoism
黄酮黃酮huang2 tong2
黄铜黃銅huang2 tong2
brass (alloy of copper 銅|铜 and zinc 鋅|锌)
黄头鹡鸰黃頭鶺鴒huang2 tou2 ji2 ling2
(bird species of China) citrine wagtail (Motacilla citreola)
黄土黃土huang2 tu3
loess (yellow sandy soil typical of north China)
黄土不露天黃土不露天huang2 tu3 bu4 lu4 tian1
a slogan used in reference to a project to improve greenery in some parts of Northern China
黄土地黃土地huang2 tu3 di4
Yellow Earth, 1984 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋
黄土地黃土地huang2 tu3 di4
the yellow earth (of China)
黄土地貌黃土地貌huang2 tu3 di4 mao4
loess landform
黄土高原黃土高原huang2 tu3 gao1 yuan2
Loess Plateau of northwest China
黄腿渔鸮黃腿漁鴞huang2 tui3 yu2 xiao1
(bird species of China) tawny fish owl (Ketupa flavipes)
黄臀鹎黃臀鵯huang2 tun2 bei1
(bird species of China) brown-breasted bulbul (Pycnonotus xanthorrhous)
黄苇鳽黃葦鳽huang2 wei3 yan2
(bird species of China) yellow bittern (Ixobrychus sinensis)
黄纹拟啄木鸟黃紋擬啄木鳥huang2 wen2 ni3 zhuo2 mu4 niao3
(bird species of China) green-eared barbet (Megalaima faiostricta)
黄鹀黃鵐huang2 wu2
(bird species of China) yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella)
黄信黃信huang2 xin4
Huang Xin, character in The Water Margin
黄兴黃興huang2 xing1
Huang Xing (1874-1916), revolutionary politician, close collaborator of Sun Yat-sen, prominent in the 1911 Xinhai Revolution 辛亥革命, murdered in Shanghai in 1916
黄胸柳莺黃胸柳鶯huang2 xiong1 liu3 ying1
(bird species of China) yellow-vented warbler (Phylloscopus cantator)
黄胸鹀黃胸鵐huang2 xiong1 wu2
(bird species of China) yellow-breasted bunting (Emberiza aureola)
黄胸织雀黃胸織雀huang2 xiong1 zhi1 que4
(bird species of China) baya weaver (Ploceus philippinus)
黄癣黃癬huang2 xuan3
favus of the scalp (skin disease)
黄鸭黃鴨huang2 ya1
Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea); same as 赤麻鴨|赤麻鸭
黄岩黃岩huang2 yan2
Huangyan district of Taizhou city 台州市, Zhejiang
黄岩岛黃岩島huang2 yan2 dao3
Huangyan Island (in the South China Sea)
黄炎贵胄黃炎貴胄huang2 yan2 gui4 zhou4
honorable Chinese nationals (idiom)
黄岩区黃岩區huang2 yan2 qu1
Huangyan district of Taizhou city 台州市, Zhejiang
黄羊黃羊huang2 yang2
Mongolian gazelle; Procapra gutturosa
黄腰柳莺黃腰柳鶯huang2 yao1 liu3 ying1
(bird species of China) Pallas's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus proregulus)
黄腰太阳鸟黃腰太陽鳥huang2 yao1 tai4 yang2 niao3
(bird species of China) crimson sunbird (Aethopyga siparaja)
黄腰响蜜䴕黃腰響蜜鴷huang2 yao1 xiang3 mi4 lie4
(bird species of China) yellow-rumped honeyguide (Indicator xanthonotus)
黄页黃頁huang2 ye4
Yellow Pages
黄以静黃以靜huang2 yi3 jing4
Wong Yee Ching or Flossie Wong-Staal (1947-) Hong Kong American virologist, joint discoverer of the HIV AIDS virus
yellow face, emaciated body (idiom); malnourished and sickly in appearance
面黄肌瘦面黃肌瘦mian4 huang2 ji1 shou4
yellow face, emaciated body (idiom); malnourished and sickly in appearance
明日黄花明日黃花ming2 ri4 huang2 hua1
lit. chrysanthemums after the Double Ninth Festival (idiom); fig. outdated; thing of the past; dead letter
命赴黄泉命赴黃泉ming4 fu4 huang2 quan2
to visit the Yellow Springs; to die
命归黄泉命歸黃泉ming4 gui1 huang2 quan2
lit. to return to the Yellow Springs 黃泉|黄泉 (idiom); fig. to die; to meet one's end
奶黄包奶黃包nai3 huang2 bao1
custard bun
男人膝下有黄金男人膝下有黃金nan2 ren2 xi1 xia4 you3 huang2 jin1
lit. the man has gold under his knees; fig. a man who does not easily kneel in front of others (owing to pride or moral integrity)
内黄內黃nei4 huang2
Neihuang county in Anyang 安陽|安阳, Henan
内黄县內黃縣nei4 huang2 xian4
Neihuang county in Anyang 安陽|安阳, Henan
牛黄牛黃niu2 huang2
皮黄皮黃pi2 huang2
Beijing opera (or styles of song in); abbr. for 西皮二黃|西皮二黄
牝牡骊黄牝牡驪黃pin4 mu3 li2 huang2
a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare (idiom); don't judge by outward appearance
浅黄色淺黃色qian3 huang2 se4
buff; pale yellow
青黄青黃qing1 huang2
greenish yellow; sallow (of complexion)
青黄不接青黃不接qing1 huang2 bu4 jie1
lit. yellow does not reach green (idiom); the yellow autumn crop does not last until the green spring crop; temporary deficit in manpower or resources; unable to make ends meet
the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger
天地玄黄天地玄黃tian1 di4 xuan2 huang2
first line of the Thousand Character Classic 千字文
跳进黄河洗不清跳進黃河洗不清tiao4 jin4 huang2 he2 xi3 bu4 qing1
lit. even jumping into the Yellow River can't get you clean; fig. to become inexorably mixed up; mired in controversy; in deep trouble
脱氧麻黄碱脫氧麻黃鹼tuo1 yang3 ma2 huang2 jian3
妄下雌黄妄下雌黃wang4 xia4 ci2 huang2
to alter a text indiscriminately (idiom); to make irresponsible criticism
溪黄草溪黃草xi1 huang2 cao3
Rabdosia lophanthoides (no common name), herb plant of Lamiaceae family (together with mint and lavender), used in TCM
西黄鹡鸰西黃鶺鴒xi1 huang2 ji2 ling2
(bird species of China) western yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava)
细嘴黄鹂細嘴黃鸝xi4 zui3 huang2 li2
(bird species of China) slender-billed oriole (Oriolus tenuirostris)
夏黄公夏黃公xia4 huang2 gong1
Xia Huanggong also known as Huang Shigong 黃石公|黄石公 (dates of birth and death uncertain), Daoist hermit of the Qin Dynasty 秦代 and purported author of ”Three Strategies of Huang Shigong” 黃石公三略|黄石公三略, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武
镶黄旗鑲黃旗xiang1 huang2 qi2
Bordered Yellow banner or Hövööt Shar khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟, Inner Mongolia
小黄小黃xiao3 huang2
(coll.) taxicab (Tw)
小黄瓜小黃瓜xiao3 huang2 gua1
小黄脚鹬小黃腳鷸xiao3 huang2 jiao3 yu4
(bird species of China) lesser yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes)
蟹黄蟹黃xie4 huang2
the ovaries, roe and digestive tract of the crab; soft interior of crab as a food delicacy; crab meat
蟹黄水蟹黃水xie4 huang2 shui3
crab roe; crab spawn; (used for crab meat in general)
信口雌黄信口雌黃xin4 kou3 ci2 huang2
to speak off the cuff; to casually opine
雄黄雄黃xiong2 huang2
realgar; red orpiment
雄黄酒雄黃酒xiong2 huang2 jiu3
realgar wine (traditionally drunk during the Dragon Boat Festival 端午節|端午节)
哑巴吃黄莲啞巴吃黃蓮ya3 ba5 chi1 huang2 lian2
no choice but to suffer in silence (idiom); also written 啞巴吃黃連|哑巴吃黄连; (often precedes 有苦說不出|有苦说不出)
哑巴吃黄连啞巴吃黃連ya3 ba5 chi1 huang2 lian2
no choice but to suffer in silence (idiom); also written 啞巴吃黃蓮|哑巴吃黄莲; (often precedes 有苦說不出|有苦说不出)
to be forced to suffer in silence (idiom); unable to speak of one's bitter suffering; sometimes written 啞子吃黃連,有苦說不出|哑子吃黄连,有苦说不出
腌黄瓜醃黃瓜yan1 huang2 gua1
炎黄子孙炎黃子孫yan2 huang2 zi3 sun1
Descendants of the Fiery Emperor and Yellow Emperor (i.e. Han Chinese people)
眼纹黄山雀眼紋黃山雀yan3 wen2 huang2 shan1 que4
(bird species of China) Himalayan black-lored tit (Machlolophus xanthogenys)
杳如黄鹤杳如黃鶴yao3 ru2 huang2 he4
to be gone forever (idiom); to disappear without a trace
宜黄宜黃yi2 huang2
Yihuang county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi
宜黄县宜黃縣yi2 huang2 xian4
Yihuang county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi
印度金黄鹂印度金黃鸝yin4 du4 jin1 huang2 li2
(bird species of China) Indian golden oriole (Oriolus kundoo)
藏黄雀藏黃雀zang4 huang2 que4
(bird species of China) Tibetan serin (Spinus thibetana)
糟溜黄鱼糟溜黃魚zao1 liu1 huang2 yu2
stir-fried yellow fish filet
糟溜黄鱼片糟溜黃魚片zao1 liu1 huang2 yu2 pian4
stir-fried yellow fish filet
柘黄柘黃zhe4 huang2
yellow dye made from the bark of the 柘 tree
直捣黄龙直搗黃龍zhi2 dao3 huang2 long2
lit. to directly attack Huanglong; fig. to directly combat the root of a problem
纸黄金紙黃金zhi3 huang2 jin1
gold contract; special drawing right (SDR); paper gold (finance)
周瑜打黄盖周瑜打黃蓋zhou1 yu2 da3 huang2 gai4
fig. with the connivance of both sides; fig. by mutual consent; cf Wu patriot Huang Gai submits to mock beating at the hands of General Zhou Yu to deceive Cao Cao 曹操 before the 208 battle of Redcliff 赤壁之戰|赤壁之战