imperial official; court eunuch

surname Huan

strokes 9
strokes after radical 6
官宦 官宦 guan1 huan4
functionary; official

官宦人家 官宦人家 guan1 huan4 ren2 jia1
family of a functionary (i.e. educated middle class in Qing times)

宦官 宦官 huan4 guan1
court eunuch

宦海 宦海 huan4 hai3
officialdom; bureaucracy

宦海风波 宦海風波 huan4 hai3 feng1 bo1
lit. raging sea of bureaucracy; officials causing a big fuss

宦门 宦門 huan4 men2
family of officials; family with connections to the bureaucracy (i.e. the middle classes in imperial China)

宦骑 宦騎 huan4 qi2
horse guard; imperial cavalry guard (of officials or eunuchs)

仕宦 仕宦 shi4 huan4
(literary) to serve as an official

显宦 顯宦 xian3 huan4
high official