Abu Sayyaf, militant Islamist separatist group also known as al-Harakat al-Islamiyya
阿布叔醇阿布叔醇a1 bu4 shu1 chun2
albuterol, chemical used in treating asthma
阿布扎比阿布扎比a1 bu4 za1 bi3
Abu Dhabi, capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE)
阿布扎比市阿布扎比市a1 bu4 zha1 bi3 shi4
Abu Dhabi, capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE)
阿米纳达布阿米納達布a1 mi3 na4 da2 bu4
Amminadab (name)
埃布罗埃布羅ai1 bu4 luo2
Ebro river (in northeast Spain)
埃布罗河埃布羅河ai1 bu4 luo2 he2
Ebro River (in northeast Spain)
安地卡及巴布达安地卡及巴布達an1 di4 ka3 ji2 ba1 bu4 da2
Antigua and Barbuda (Tw)
安提瓜和巴布达安提瓜和巴布達an1 ti2 gua1 he2 ba1 bu4 da2
Antigua and Barbuda
奥布里奧布里ao4 bu4 li3
Aubrey (name)
奥尔布赖特奧爾布賴特ao4 er3 bu4 lai4 te4
Madeleine Albright (1937-), former US Secretary of State
巴布·狄伦巴布·狄倫ba1 bu4 - di2 lun2
Bob Dylan, American folk singer (1941-)
巴布尔巴布爾ba1 bu4 er3
Zaheeruddin Babur (1483-1530), first ruler of Mughal dynasty of India
巴布拉族巴布拉族ba1 bu4 la1 zu2
Papora or Papura, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
巴布亚纽几内亚巴布亞紐幾內亞ba1 bu4 ya4 niu3 ji1 nei4 ya4
Papua New Guinea (esp. Taiwan usage)
巴布亚新几内亚巴布亞新幾內亞ba1 bu4 ya4 xin1 ji3 nei4 ya4
Papua New Guinea
巴布延群岛巴布延群島ba1 bu4 yan2 qun2 dao3
Babuyan Archipelago in Luzon Strait north of the Philippines
巴音布克草原巴音布克草原ba1 yin1 bu4 ke4 cao3 yuan2
Bayanbulak grasslands in Uldus basin of Tianshan mountains
白布白布bai2 bu4
plain white cloth; calico
摆布擺布bai3 bu4
to arrange; to order about; to manipulate
颁布頒布ban1 bu4
to issue; to proclaim; to enact (laws, decrees etc)
贝·布托貝·佈托bei4 - bu4 tuo1
Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007), Pakistani politician, daughter of executed former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and herself prime minister 1993-1996, murdered by Al Qaeda
贝娜齐尔·布托貝娜齊爾·布托bei4 na4 qi2 er3 - bu4 tuo1
Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007), Pakistani politician, daughter of executed former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and herself prime minister 1993-1996, murdered by Al Qaeda
遍布遍布bian4 bu4
to cover the whole (area); to be found throughout
波尔布特波爾布特bo1 er3 bu4 te4
Pol Pot (1925-1998), Cambodian communist leader
泊松分布泊松分佈bo2 song1 fen1 bu4
Poisson distribution (in statistics)
布斐布斐bu3 fei3
buffet (loanword)
布帛布帛bu4 bo2
cloth and silk; cotton and silk textiles
布帛菽粟布帛菽粟bu4 bo2 shu1 su4
cloth, silk, beans and grain; food and clothing; daily necessities
布城布城bu4 cheng2
Putrajaya, federal administrative territory of Malaysia, south of Kuala Lumpur city 吉隆坡市
布达拉宫布達拉宮bu4 da2 la1 gong1
Potala, winter palace of Dalai Lamas in Lhasa, Tibet
布达拉山布達拉山bu4 da2 la1 shan1
Mt Potala in Lhasa, with Potala Palace 布達拉宮|布达拉宫
布达佩斯布達佩斯bu4 da2 pei4 si1
Budapest, capital of Hungary
布袋布袋bu4 dai4
pouch; sack; bag; Budai (the Laughing Buddha); Budai or Putai town in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan
布袋戏布袋戲bu4 dai4 xi4
glove puppetry
布袋镇布袋鎮bu4 dai4 zhen4
Budai or Putai town in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan
布道布道bu4 dao4
to preach (the Christian gospel)
布道佈道bu4 dao4
sermon; to sermonize; to preach; to evangelize
布迪亚布迪亞bu4 di2 ya4
Baudrillard (name)
布丁布丁bu4 ding1
pudding (loanword)
布尔代数布爾代數bu4 er3 dai4 shu4
Boolean algebra
布尔津布爾津bu4 er3 jin1
Burqin county or Burchin nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区, Xinjiang
布尔津县布爾津縣bu4 er3 jin1 xian4
Burqin county or Burchin nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区, Xinjiang
布尔乔亚佈爾喬亞bu4 er3 qiao2 ya4
bourgeois (loanword); also written 布爾喬亞|布尔乔亚
布尔乔亚布爾喬亞bu4 er3 qiao2 ya4
bourgeois (loanword)
布尔什维克布爾什維克bu4 er3 shi2 wei2 ke4
布法罗布法羅bu4 fa3 luo2
Buffalo, New York state
布防布防bu4 fang2
to lay out a defense
布防迎战布防迎戰bu4 fang2 ying2 zhan4
to prepare to meet the enemy head-on
布干维尔布干維爾bu4 gan1 wei2 er3
Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
布干维尔岛布干維爾島bu4 gan1 wei2 er3 dao3
Bougainville island, Papua New Guinea
布告佈告bu4 gao4
posting on a bulletin board; notice; bulletin; to announce
布告栏佈告欄bu4 gao4 lan2
bulletin board
布谷布穀bu4 gu3
布谷鸟布谷鳥bu4 gu3 niao3
cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.); same as 杜鵑鳥|杜鹃鸟
布哈拉布哈拉bu4 ha1 la1
Bokhara or Bukhara city in Uzbekistan
布哈林布哈林bu4 ha1 lin2
Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin (1888-1938), Soviet revolutionary theorist, executed after a show trial in 1937
布痕瓦尔德布痕瓦爾德bu4 hen2 wa3 er3 de2
布基纳法索布基納法索bu4 ji1 na4 fa3 suo3
Burkina Faso
布吉河布吉河bu4 ji2 he2
Buji River, tributary of Shenzhen or Shamchun River 深圳河, Guangdong
布吉纳法索布吉納法索bu4 ji2 na4 fa3 suo3
Burkina Faso (Tw)
布加迪布加迪bu4 jia1 di2
Bugatti (name); Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. (French car company)
布加勒斯特布加勒斯特bu4 jia1 le4 si1 te4
Bucharest, capital of Romania
布建布建bu4 jian4
to progressively extend (service delivery, network etc) to a wider area; rollout; also written 佈建
Brutus (name); Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC), late Roman Republic politician who conspired against Julius Caesar; Lucius Junius Brutus (6th c. BC), founder of the Roman Republic
布鲁图斯布魯圖斯bu4 lu3 tu2 si1
Brutus (name); Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC), late Roman Republic politician who conspired against Julius Caesar; Lucius Junius Brutus (6th c. BC), founder of the Roman Republic
布伦尼布倫尼bu4 lun2 ni2
Brønnøysund (city in Nordland, Norway)
布洛芬布洛芬bu4 luo4 fen1
Ibuprofen or Nurofen; also called 異丁苯丙酸|异丁苯丙酸
布洛陀布洛陀bu4 luo4 tuo2
creator god of the Zhuang minority 壯族|壮族
布满布滿bu4 man3
to be covered with; to be filled with
布幕布幕bu4 mu4
screen (movie theater etc)
布囊布囊bu4 nang2
cloth bag
布囊其口佈囊其口bu4 nang2 qi2 kou3
lit. to cover sb's mouth with cloth; to gag; fig. to silence
布尼亚病毒布尼亞病毒bu4 ni2 ya4 bing4 du2
Bunyavirus; virus of the family Bunyaviridae
布尼亚病毒布尼亞病毒bu4 ni2 ya4 bing4 du2
the bunyaviridae family of viruses
布匿战争布匿戰爭bu4 ni4 zhan4 zheng1
the three Punic Wars (264-146 BC) between Rome and Carthage
布农族布農族bu4 nong2 zu2
Bunun, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
布匹布匹bu4 pi3
cloth (by the yard)
布琼布拉布瓊布拉bu4 qiong2 bu4 la1
Bujumbura, capital of Burundi
布热津斯基布熱津斯基bu4 re4 jin1 si1 ji1
Brzezinski (name); Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-), Polish-American academic and politician, US National Security Adviser 1977-1981
布洒器布灑器bu4 sa3 qi4
布施布施bu4 shi1
Dana (Buddhist practice of giving)
布什布什bu4 shi2
Bush (name); George H.W. Bush (1924-), US president 1988-1992; George W. Bush (1946-), US President 2000-2008
布什尔布什爾bu4 shi2 er3
Bushehr Province of south Iran, bordering on the Persian Gulf; Bushehr, port city, capital of Bushehr Province
布氏非鲫布氏非鯽bu4 shi4 fei1 ji4
zebra tilapia; Tilapia buttikoferi (zoology)
布氏杆菌病布氏桿菌病bu4 shi4 gan3 jun1 bing4
brucellosis (undulant fever or Mediterranean fever)
布氏菌苗布氏菌苗bu4 shi4 jun1 miao2
Brucella vaccine
布氏苇莺布氏葦鶯bu4 shi4 wei3 ying1
(bird species of China) Blyth's reed warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum)
布署布署bu4 shu3
variant of 部署
布松布拉布松布拉bu4 song1 bu4 la1
Bujumbura, capital of Burundi (Tw)
布拖布拖bu4 tuo1
Butuo county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州, south Sichuan
布托布托bu4 tuo1
Bhutto (name); Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1928-1979), president of Pakistan 1971-1979 executed by General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq; Benazzir Bhutto (1953-2007), twice president of Pakistan 1988-1990 and 1993-1996, murdered by Al Qaeda
布拖县布拖縣bu4 tuo1 xian4
Butuo county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州, south Sichuan
布娃娃布娃娃bu4 wa2 wa5
rag doll
布伍布伍bu4 wu3
to deploy troops
布伍佈伍bu4 wu3
to deploy troops
布希布希bu4 xi1
Taiwan equivalent of 布什
布希威克布希威克bu4 xi1 wei1 ke4
Bushwick, a neighborhood in Brooklyn, in New York City
布希鞋布希鞋bu4 xi1 xie2
Crocs (sandals) (Tw)
布下布下bu4 xia4
to arrange; to lay out
布线布線bu4 xian4
布鞋布鞋bu4 xie2
cloth shoes
布须曼人布須曼人bu4 xu1 man4 ren2
bushman (African ethnic group)
布依布依bu4 yi1
Buyei ethnic group
布衣布衣bu4 yi1
plain cotton clothing; (literary) the common people
布衣韦带布衣韋帶bu4 yi1 wei2 dai4
in hemp cloth and with a leather belt; poorly dressed
布宜诺斯艾利斯布宜諾斯艾利斯bu4 yi2 nuo4 si1 ai4 li4 si1
Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina
布置佈置bu4 zhi4
to put in order; to arrange; to decorate; to fix up; to deploy
擦碗布擦碗布ca1 wan3 bu4
dish cloth; tea towel
察布查尔察布查爾cha2 bu4 cha2 er3
Qapqal Xibe autonomous county in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州, Xinjiang
Hoboksar Mongol autonomous county or Qobuqsar Mongghul aptonom nahiyisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区, Xinjiang
和布克赛尔县和布克賽爾縣he2 bu4 ke4 sai4 er3 xian4
Hoboksar Mongol autonomous county or Qobuqsar Mongghul aptonom nahiyisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区, Xinjiang
忽布忽布hu1 bu4
花布花布hua1 bu4
printed cloth; calico
画布畫布hua4 bu4
canvas (artist's painting surface)
黄果树大瀑布黃果樹大瀑布huang2 guo3 shu4 da4 pu4 bu4
Huangguoshu falls, Anshun 安順|安顺, Guizhou
黄果树瀑布黃果樹瀑布huang2 guo3 shu4 pu4 bu4
Huangguoshu waterfalls, Anshun 安順|安顺, Guizhou
火浣布火浣布huo3 huan4 bu4
asbestos cloth
霍布斯霍布斯huo4 bu4 si1
Hobbs (name)
霍尔布鲁克霍爾布魯克huo4 er3 bu4 lu3 ke4
Holbrook (name); Richard C.A. Holbrooke (1941-2010), US diplomat, influential in brokering 1995 Dayton Bosnian peace deal, US special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan from 2009
lit. deal sincerely and fairly (idiom); frank and open-minded; plain speaking; Let's talk frankly and openly between ourselves.; to put one's cards on the table
坎塔布里亚坎塔布里亞kan3 ta3 bu4 li3 ya4
Cantabria, Spanish autonomous region, capital Santander 桑坦德
坎塔布连坎塔布連kan3 ta3 bu4 lian2
Cantabria in north Spain
坎塔布连海坎塔布連海kan3 ta3 bu4 lian2 hai3
Bay of Biscay (Spanish: Mare Cantabrico)
坎塔布连山脉坎塔布連山脈kan3 ta3 bu4 lian2 shan1 mai4
Cantabrian mountain range in north Spain dividing Asturias from Castilla-Leon
科比·布莱恩特科比·布萊恩特ke1 bi3 - bu4 lai2 en1 te4
Kobe Bryant (1978-), Los Angeles Lakers NBA star
科布多科布多ke1 bu4 duo1
Qobto or Kobdo, khanate of outer Mongolia
科特布斯科特布斯ke1 te4 bu4 si1
Cottbus (city in Germany)
库布里克庫布里克ku4 bu4 li3 ke4
昆布昆布kun1 bu4
拉白布条拉白布條la1 bai2 bu4 tiao2
to hold up a white banner (i.e. to protest)
拉布拉多拉布拉多la1 bu4 la1 duo1
Labrador, Canada; Labrador (a breed of dog)
辣哈布辣哈布la1 ha1 bu4
Rahab (name)
莱布尼茨萊布尼茨lai2 bu4 ni2 ci2
Leibniz (name); Gottfriend Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716), German mathematician and philosopher, co-inventor of the calculus
莱布尼兹萊布尼茲lai2 bu4 ni2 zi1
Leibnitz (name); Gottfriend Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716), German mathematician and philosopher, co-inventor of the calculus
帘布簾布lian2 bu4
cord fabric used in vehicle tires
林德布拉德林德布拉德lin2 de2 bu4 la1 de2
Lindeblatt (name)
流布流佈liu2 bu4
to spread; to circulate; to disseminate
流布流布liu2 bu4
to spread; to circulate; to disseminate
卢布盧布lu2 bu4
ruble (Russian currency) (loanword)
卢布尔雅那盧布爾雅那lu2 bu4 er3 ya3 na4
Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia
罗布羅布luo2 bu4
to display; to spread out; to distribute; old spelling of 盧布|卢布, ruble
罗布泊羅布泊luo2 bu4 bo2
Lop Nor, salt lake and nuclear testing site in Xinjiang
罗布林卡羅布林卡luo2 bu4 lin2 ka3
Norbulingka (Tibetan: precious garden), summer residence of Dalai Lamas in Lhasa, Tibet
罗布麻羅布麻luo2 bu4 ma2
dogbane (Apocynum venetum), leaves used in TCM
洛皮塔瀑布洛皮塔瀑布luo4 pi2 ta3 pu4 bu4
Lawpita Falls on the Balu Chaung river, location of Myanmar's biggest hydroelectric plant
吕布呂布lv3 bu4
Lü Bu (-198), general and warlord
吕布戟呂布戟lv3 bu4 ji3
snake halberd
抹布抹布ma1 bu4
cleaning rag; also pr.
麻布麻布ma2 bu4
马布多馬布多ma3 bu4 duo1
Maputo, capital of Mozambique (Tw)
密布密布mi4 bu4
to cover densely
棉布棉布mian2 bu4
cotton cloth
幕布幕布mu4 bu4
(theater) curtain
纳吉布納吉布na4 ji2 bu4
Muhammad Naguib (1901-1984), first president of the Republic of Egypt
内布拉斯加內布拉斯加nei4 bu4 la1 si1 jia1
Nebraska, US state
内布拉斯加州內布拉斯加州nei4 bu4 la1 si1 jia1 zhou1
Nebraska, US state
尼布楚条约尼布楚條約ni2 bu4 chu3 tiao2 yue1
Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing China and Russia