
strokes 24
strokes after radical 19
北京瘫 北京癱 bei3 jing1 tan1
"Beijing slouch", sitting posture said to be adopted esp. by Beijingers, popularized by 葛優|葛优

疯瘫 瘋癱 feng1 tan1
variant of 風癱|风瘫

风瘫 風癱 feng1 tan1
paralysis; see also 癱瘓|瘫痪

截瘫 截癱 jie2 tan1
paraplegia; paralysis

面瘫 面癱 mian4 tan1
facial nerve paralysis

脑瘫 腦癱 nao3 tan1
cerebral palsy

偏瘫 偏癱 pian1 tan1
paralysis of one side of the body; hemiplegia

瘫痪 癱瘓 tan1 huan4
paralysis; be paralyzed (body, transportation, etc)

瘫软 癱軟 tan1 ruan3
limp; weak

瘫子 癱子 tan1 zi5
paralyzed person

陷于瘫痪 陷於癱瘓 xian4 yu2 tan1 huan4
to be paralyzed; at a standstill