adornment; to adorn; dress; clothing; costume (of an actor in a play); to play a role; to pretend; to install; to fix; to wrap (sth in a bag); to load; to pack

strokes 13
strokes after radical 7
安装 安裝 an1 zhuang1
to install; to erect; to fix; to mount; installation

扮装 扮裝 ban4 zhuang1
to dress up and make up (like an actor)

扮装皇后 扮裝皇后 ban4 zhuang1 huang2 hou4
drag queen; female impersonator

包装 包裝 bao1 zhuang1
to pack; to package; to wrap; packaging

包装物 包裝物 bao1 zhuang1 wu4

包装纸 包裝紙 bao1 zhuang1 zhi3
wrapping paper

抱抱装 抱抱裝 bao4 bao4 zhuang1
"hug shirt" worn by members of the Free Hugs Campaign (see 包包團|包包团)

便装 便裝 bian4 zhuang1
casual dress

变装皇后 變裝皇后 bian4 zhuang1 huang2 hou4
drag queen

不懂装懂 不懂裝懂 bu4 dong3 zhuang1 dong3
to pretend to understand when you don't

盛装 盛裝 cheng2 zhuang1
(of a receptacle etc) to contain

重新装修 重新裝修 chong2 xin1 zhuang1 xiu1
refurbishment; renovation

传动装置 傳動裝置 chuan2 dong4 zhuang1 zhi4
transmission (i.e. gears)

倒装 倒裝 dao4 zhuang1
inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect); anastrophe

倒装句 倒裝句 dao4 zhuang1 ju4
inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect); anastrophe

吊装 吊裝 diao4 zhuang1
to construct by hoisting ready-built components into place

放着明白装糊涂 放著明白裝糊塗 fang4 zhe5 ming2 bai5 zhuang1 hu2 tu5
to pretend not to know (idiom)

分装 分裝 fen1 zhuang1
to divide into portions; to package in smaller quantities; to separate into loads

分装机 分裝機 fen1 zhuang1 ji1
racking machine; filling machine

封装 封裝 feng1 zhuang1
to encapsulate; to enclose; to wrap; to seal inside

封装块 封裝塊 feng1 zhuang1 kuai4
capsule; encapsulated unit (e.g. circuit board)

浮力调整装置 浮力調整裝置 fu2 li4 tiao2 zheng3 zhuang1 zhi4
BCD; Buoyancy Compensation Device (diving)

服装 服裝 fu2 zhuang1
dress; clothing; costume; clothes

服装秀 服裝秀 fu2 zhuang1 xiu4
fashion show; clothes show

改装 改裝 gai3 zhuang1
to change one's costume; to repackage; to remodel; to refit; to modify; to convert

高叉泳装 高叉泳裝 gao1 cha1 yong3 zhuang1
high leg swimsuit

高档服装 高檔服裝 gao1 dang4 fu2 zhuang1
haute couture; high fashion clothing

个人防护装备 個人防護裝備 ge4 ren2 fang2 hu4 zhuang1 bei4
individual protective equipment

工装裤 工裝褲 gong1 zhuang1 ku4
overalls (clothing); coveralls

古装 古裝 gu3 zhuang1
ancient costume; period costume (in movies etc)

古装剧 古裝劇 gu3 zhuang1 ju4
costume drama

罐装 罐裝 guan4 zhuang1
canned (food, coffee etc)

核爆炸装置 核爆炸裝置 he2 bao4 zha4 zhuang1 zhi4
nuclear explosion device

核装置 核裝置 he2 zhuang1 zhi4
nuclear device

化装 化裝 hua4 zhuang1
(of actors) to make up; to disguise oneself

激进武装 激進武裝 ji1 jin4 wu3 zhuang1
armed extremists

激进武装分子 激進武裝份子 ji1 jin4 wu3 zhuang1 fen4 zi3
armed extremists

集装箱 集裝箱 ji2 zhuang1 xiang1
container (for shipping)

集装箱船 集裝箱船 ji2 zhuang1 xiang1 chuan2
container ship

假装 假裝 jia3 zhuang1
to feign; to pretend

嫁装 嫁裝 jia4 zhuang5
variant of 嫁妝|嫁妆

简易爆炸装置 簡易爆炸裝置 jian3 yi4 zha4 dan4 zhuang1 zhi4
improvised explosive device (IED)

简装 簡裝 jian3 zhuang1
paperback; plainly packaged; opposite: 精裝|精装

精装 精裝 jing1 zhuang1
hardcover (book); elaborately packaged; opposite: 簡裝|简装

旧瓶装新酒 舊瓶裝新酒 jiu4 ping2 zhuang1 xin1 jiu3
lit. new wine in old bottles; fig. new concepts in an old framework; (loan idiom from Matthew 9:17, but fig. meaning is opposite)

军装 軍裝 jun1 zhuang1
military uniform

旅行装备 旅行裝備 lv3 xing2 zhuang1 bei4
travel equipment; travel gear

滤毒通风装置 濾毒通風裝置 lv4 du2 tong1 feng1 zhuang1 zhi4
filtration equipment

男扮女装 男扮女裝 nan2 ban4 nv3 zhuang1
(of a man) to dress as a woman (idiom)

男装 男裝 nan2 zhuang1
men's clothes

内装 內裝 nei4 zhuang1
filled with; internal decoration; installed inside

女扮男装 女扮男裝 nv3 ban4 nan2 zhuang1
(of a woman) to dress as a man (idiom)

女装 女裝 nv3 zhuang1
women's clothes

女装裁缝师 女裝裁縫師 nv3 zhuang1 cai2 feng5 shi1

配装 配裝 pei4 zhuang1
to install; to assemble; to load goods (on ships etc)

拼装 拼裝 pin1 zhuang1
to assemble

平装 平裝 ping2 zhuang1
paperback; paper-cover

瓶装 瓶裝 ping2 zhuang1

平装本 平裝本 ping2 zhuang1 ben3
paperback (book)

奇装异服 奇裝異服 qi2 zhuang1 yi4 fu2
bizarre dress

起落装置 起落裝置 qi3 luo4 zhuang1 zhi4
aircraft takeoff and landing gear

潜水装备拖轮箱 潛水裝備拖輪箱 qian2 shui3 zhuang1 bei4 tuo1 lun2 xiang1
diving bag; diving suitcase

倩装 倩裝 qian4 zhuang1
elegant adornment; finely dressed up

乔装 喬裝 qiao2 zhuang1
to pretend; to feign; to disguise oneself

乔装打扮 喬裝打扮 qiao2 zhuang1 da3 ban4
to dress up in disguise (idiom); to pretend for the purpose of deceit

情侣装 情侶裝 qing2 lv3 zhuang1
matching outfit for couples

球栅阵列封装 球柵陣列封裝 qiu2 shan1 zhen4 lie4 feng1 zhuang1
ball grid array (BGA), type of microchip package

全副武装 全副武裝 quan2 fu4 wu3 zhuang1
fully armed; armed to the teeth; fig. fully equipped

戎装 戎裝 rong2 zhuang1
martial attire

三件套式西装 三件套式西裝 san1 jian4 tao4 shi4 xi1 zhuang1
three-piece suit

散装 散裝 san3 zhuang1
loose goods; goods sold open; draft (of beer, as opposed to bottled)

上装 上裝 shang4 zhuang1
upper garment

盛装 盛裝 sheng4 zhuang1
splendid clothes; rich attire; one's Sunday best

时装 時裝 shi2 zhuang1
fashion; fashionable clothes

时装表演 時裝表演 shi2 zhuang1 biao3 yan3
fashion show

时装剧 時裝劇 shi2 zhuang1 ju4
contemporary drama

时装鞋 時裝鞋 shi2 zhuang1 xie2
dress shoes

室内装潢 室內裝潢 shi4 nei4 zhuang1 huang2
interior decorating

输墨装置 輸墨裝置 shu1 mo4 zhuang1 zhi4
ink supply mechanism

束装 束裝 shu4 zhuang1
to bundle up (one's possessions for a journey)

索具装置 索具裝置 suo3 ju4 zhuang1 zhi4

唐装 唐裝 tang2 zhuang1
Tang suit (traditional Chinese jacket)

套装 套裝 tao4 zhuang1
outfit or suit (of clothes); set of coordinated items; kit

童装 童裝 tong2 zhuang1
children's clothing

透视装 透視裝 tou4 shi4 zhuang1
see-through clothing

涂装 塗裝 tu2 zhuang1
painted ornament; livery (on airline or company vehicle)

橐中装 橐中裝 tuo2 zhong1 zhuang1
gems; jewels; valuables

娃娃装 娃娃裝 wa2 wa5 zhuang1
baby-doll dress

微型封装块 微型封裝塊 wei1 xing2 feng1 zhuang1 kuai4

伪装 偽裝 wei3 zhuang1
to pretend to be (asleep etc); to disguise oneself as; pretense; disguise; (military) to camouflage; camouflage

未武装 未武裝 wei4 wu3 zhuang1

武装 武裝 wu3 zhuang1
arms; equipment; to arm; military; armed (forces)

武装部队 武裝部隊 wu3 zhuang1 bu4 dui4
armed forces

武装冲突 武裝衝突 wu3 zhuang1 chong1 tu1
armed conflict

武装分子 武裝份子 wu3 zhuang1 fen4 zi3
armed groups; fighters; gunmen

武装力量 武裝力量 wu3 zhuang1 li4 liang4
armed force

西装 西裝 xi1 zhuang1
suit; Western-style clothes

西装革履 西裝革履 xi1 zhuang1 ge2 lv3
dressed in Western-style clothes; impeccably attired

下装 下裝 xia4 zhuang1
to take off costume and makeup; bottom garment (trousers etc)

卸装 卸裝 xie4 zhuang1
(of an actor) to remove makeup and costume; (computing) to uninstall; to unmount

新瓶装旧酒 新瓶裝舊酒 xin1 ping2 zhuang1 jiu4 jiu3
old wine in a new bottle (idiom)

行装 行裝 xing2 zhuang1
clothes and other items packed for traveling; baggage; luggage

选装 選裝 xuan3 zhuang1
optional (equipment)

洋装 洋裝 yang2 zhuang1
Western-style dress

佯装 佯裝 yang2 zhuang1
to pretend; to pose as

衣装 衣裝 yi1 zhuang1

异装癖 異裝癖 yi4 zhuang1 pi3

引爆装置 引爆裝置 yin3 bao4 zhuang1 zhi4

萤幕保护装置 螢幕保護裝置 ying2 mu4 bao3 hu4 zhuang1 zhi4
see 屏幕保護程序|屏幕保护程序

泳装 泳裝 yong3 zhuang1

预装 預裝 yu4 zhuang1
prefabricated; preinstalled; bundled (software)

原装 原裝 yuan2 zhuang1
genuine; intact in original packaging (not locally assembled and packaged)

阅读装置 閱讀裝置 yue4 du2 zhuang1 zhi4
electronic reader (e.g. for barcodes, RFID tags etc)

孕妇装 孕婦裝 yun4 fu4 zhuang1
maternity dress

造型服装 造型服裝 zao4 xing2 fu2 zhuang1

整装 整裝 zheng3 zhuang1
to equip; to fit out; to get ready (for a journey); to arrange (clothes) to be ready

整装待发 整裝待發 zheng3 zhuang1 dai4 fa1
to get ready (for a journey); ready and waiting

正装 正裝 zheng4 zhuang1
formal dress

指向装置 指向裝置 zhi3 xiang4 zhuang1 zhi4
pointing device (computing)

置装 置裝 zhi4 zhuang1
variant of 治裝|治装

治装 治裝 zhi4 zhuang1
to prepare necessities (chiefly clothes) for a journey abroad

治装费 治裝費 zhi4 zhuang1 fei4
expenses for 治裝|治装

置装费 置裝費 zhi4 zhuang1 fei4
variant of 治裝費|治装费

中国人民武装警察部队 中國人民武裝警察部隊 zhong1 guo2 ren2 min2 wu3 zhuang1 jing3 cha2 bu4 dui4
Chinese People's Armed Police Force (CAPF)

中山装 中山裝 zhong1 shan1 zhuang1
Chinese tunic suit

中装 中裝 zhong1 zhuang1
Chinese dress

装扮 裝扮 zhuang1 ban4
to decorate; to adorn; to dress up; to disguise oneself

装备 裝備 zhuang1 bei4
equipment; to equip; to outfit

装逼 裝逼 zhuang1 bi1
variant of 裝屄|装屄

装屄 裝屄 zhuang1 bi1
to act like a pretentious prick

装B 裝B zhuang1 bi1
variant of 裝屄|装屄

装病 裝病 zhuang1 bing4
to feign illness; to malinger

装成 裝成 zhuang1 cheng2
to pretend

装出 裝出 zhuang1 chu1
to assume (an air of)

装船 裝船 zhuang1 chuan2

装袋 裝袋 zhuang1 dai4
to bag; to fill (a bag); bagging

装弹 裝彈 zhuang1 dan4
to charge (ammunition into gun); to load

装点 裝點 zhuang1 dian3
to decorate; to dress up; to deck

装点门面 裝點門面 zhuang1 dian3 men2 mian4
lit. to decorate the front of one's store (idiom); fig. to embellish (one's CV, etc); to keep up appearances; to put up a front

装订 裝訂 zhuang1 ding4
bookbinding; to bind (books etc)

装疯卖傻 裝瘋賣傻 zhuang1 feng1 mai4 sha3
to play the fool (idiom); to feign madness

装裹 裝裹 zhuang1 guo5
to dress a corpse; shroud

装潢 裝潢 zhuang1 huang2
to mount (a picture); to dress; to adorn; decoration; packaging

装璜 裝璜 zhuang1 huang2
variant of 裝潢|装潢

装货 裝貨 zhuang1 huo4
to load sth onto a ship etc

装机 裝機 zhuang1 ji1
to install; installation

装甲 裝甲 zhuang1 jia3
vehicle armor

装甲车 裝甲車 zhuang1 jia3 che1
armored car

装甲车辆 裝甲車輛 zhuang1 jia3 che1 liang4
armored vehicles

装可爱 裝可愛 zhuang1 ke3 ai4
to act cute; putting on adorable airs; to pretend to be lovely

装料 裝料 zhuang1 liao4
to load; to charge; to feed (esp. a machine)

装聋作哑 裝聾作啞 zhuang1 long2 zuo4 ya3
to play deaf-mute

装满 裝滿 zhuang1 man3
to fill up

装门面 裝門面 zhuang1 men2 mian4
see 裝點門面|装点门面

装萌 裝萌 zhuang1 meng2
(slang) to act cute

装模作样 裝模作樣 zhuang1 mo2 zuo4 yang4
to put on an act (idiom); to show affectation; to indulge in histrionics

装嫩 裝嫩 zhuang1 nen4
to act young; to affect a youthful appearance

装配 裝配 zhuang1 pei4
to assemble; to fit together

装配工厂 裝配工廠 zhuang1 pei4 gong1 chang3
assembly plant

装配线 裝配線 zhuang1 pei4 xian4
assembly line; production line

装配员 裝配員 zhuang1 pei4 yuan2
assembly worker

装腔作势 裝腔作勢 zhuang1 qiang1 zuo4 shi4
posturing; pretentious; affected

装穷叫苦 裝窮叫苦 zhuang1 qiong2 jiao4 ku3
to feign and complain bitterly of being poverty stricken (idiom)

装入 裝入 zhuang1 ru4
to load

装傻 裝傻 zhuang1 sha3
to act stupid; to pretend to be naive

装设 裝設 zhuang1 she4
to install; to fit (e.g. a light bulb)

装神弄鬼 裝神弄鬼 zhuang1 shen2 nong4 gui3
lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify; to deceive people; to scam

装饰 裝飾 zhuang1 shi4
to decorate; decoration; decorative; ornamental

装饰品 裝飾品 zhuang1 shi4 pin3

装饰物 裝飾物 zhuang1 shi4 wu4
ornament; ornamentation

装束 裝束 zhuang1 shu4
attire; clothing

装蒜 裝蒜 zhuang1 suan4
to act stupid; to play dumb; to pretend to not know

装卸 裝卸 zhuang1 xie4
to load or unload; to transfer; to assemble and disassemble

装卸工 裝卸工 zhuang1 xie4 gong1
docker; longshoreman

装修 裝修 zhuang1 xiu1
to decorate; interior decoration; to fit up; to renovate

装佯 裝佯 zhuang1 yang2

装洋蒜 裝洋蒜 zhuang1 yang2 suan4
to feign ignorance

装有 裝有 zhuang1 you3
fitted with

装运 裝運 zhuang1 yun4
to ship; shipment

装载 裝載 zhuang1 zai4
to load; to stow

装帧 裝幀 zhuang1 zhen1
binding and layout (of a book etc)

装置 裝置 zhuang1 zhi4
to install; installation; equipment; system; unit; device

装置物 裝置物 zhuang1 zhi4 wu4
fixture; installation

装作 裝作 zhuang1 zuo4
to pretend; to feign; to act a part

着装 著裝 zhuo2 zhuang1
to dress; dress; clothes; outfit

自装 自裝 zi4 zhuang1
self-loading (weapon, tape deck etc); self-charging

总装备部 總裝備部 zong3 zhuang1 bei4 bu4
General Armaments Department (GAD)

组装 組裝 zu3 zhuang1
to assemble and install