lining; interior; inside; internal; also written 裏|里

strokes 12
strokes after radical 7
矮子里拔将军 矮子裡拔將軍 ai3 zi5 li5 ba2 jiang1 jun1
lit. choose a general from among the dwarfs; fig. choose the best person available (out of a mediocre bunch)

暗地里 暗地裡 an4 di4 li5
secretly; inwardly; on the sly

把心放在肚子里 把心放在肚子裡 ba3 xin1 fang4 zai4 du4 zi5 li3
(coll.) to be completely at ease

百里挑一 百裡挑一 bai3 li3 tiao1 yi1
one in a hundred; cream of the crop

半表半里 半表半裡 ban4 biao3 ban4 li3
half outside, half inside; half interior, half exterior

背地里 背地裡 bei4 di4 li5
behind sb's back

鞭辟入里 鞭闢入裡 bian1 pi4 ru4 li3
penetrated; trenchant; incisive

表里 表裡 biao3 li3
the outside and the inside; one's outward show and inner thoughts; exterior and interior

表里不一 表裡不一 biao3 li3 bu4 yi1
outside appearance and inner reality differ (idiom); not what it seems; saying one thing but meaning sth different

表里如一 表裡如一 biao3 li3 ru2 yi1
external appearance and inner thoughts coincide (idiom); to say what one means; to think and act as one

不明就里 不明就裡 bu4 ming2 jiu4 li3
not to understand the situation; unaware of the ins and outs

不知就里 不知就裡 bu4 zhi1 jiu4 li3
unaware of the inner workings; naive; unwitting

衬里 襯裡 chen4 li3

吃里爬外 吃裡爬外 chi1 li3 pa2 wai4
to work against the interests of sb one derives support from; to double-cross one's employer; to bite the hand that feeds you

吃着碗里,看着锅里 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡 chi1 zhe5 wan3 li3 - kan4 zhe5 guo1 li3
lit. eyeing what's in the pot as one eats from one's bowl (idiom); not content with what one already has; (of men, typically) to have the wandering eye

吃着碗里,瞧着锅里 吃著碗裡,瞧著鍋裡 chi1 zhe5 wan3 li3 - qiao2 zhe5 guo1 li3
see 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡|吃着碗里,看着锅里

揣在怀里 揣在懷裡 chuai1 zai4 huai2 li3
to tuck into one's bosom; also written 搋在懷裡|搋在怀里

搋在怀里 搋在懷裡 chuai1 zai4 huai2 li3
to tuck into one's bosom; also written 揣在懷裡|揣在怀里

从里到外 從裡到外 cong2 li3 dao4 wai4
from the inside to the outside; through and through; thoroughly

达乌里寒鸦 達烏裡寒鴉 da2 wu1 li3 han2 ya1
(bird species of China) Daurian jackdaw (Coloeus dauuricus)

打心眼里 打心眼裡 da3 xin1 yan3 li5
from the bottom of one's heart; heartily; sincerely

放在眼里 放在眼裡 fang4 zai4 yan3 li3
to pay attention to; to care about; to attach importance to

骨子里 骨子裡 gu3 zi5 li3
beneath the surface; fundamentally; at the deepest level

行家里手 行家裡手 hang2 jia1 li3 shou3
connoisseur; expert

糊里糊涂 糊裡糊塗 hu2 li5 hu2 tu2
confused; vague; indistinct; muddle-headed; mixed up; in a daze

葫芦里卖的是什么药 葫蘆裡賣的是什麼藥 hu2 lu5 li3 mai4 de5 shi4 shen2 me5 yao4
what has (he) got up (his) sleeve?; what's going on?

话里套话 話裡套話 hua4 li3 tao4 hua4
to use seemingly innocent conversation topics as a pretext to glean information; to touch upon other matters not central to the topic being discussed

话里有话 話裡有話 hua4 li3 you3 hua4
to have hidden meaning; implication; more than just the apparent meaning; something hinted

怀里 懷裡 huai2 li3
embrace; bosom

鸡蛋里挑骨头 雞蛋裡挑骨頭 ji1 dan4 li5 tiao1 gu3 tou5
to look for bones in an egg; to find fault; to nitpick (idiom)

记在心里 記在心裡 ji4 zai4 xin1 li5
to keep in mind; to store in one's heart; to remember perfectly

家里 家裡 jia1 li3

捡到篮里就是菜 撿到籃裡就是菜 jian3 dao4 lan2 li3 jiu4 shi4 cai4
all is grist that comes to the mill (idiom)

就里 就裡 jiu4 li3
inside story

看在眼里 看在眼裡 kan4 zai4 yan3 li5
to observe; to take it all in

邋里邋遢 邋裡邋遢 la1 li5 la1 ta5
messy; slovenly; unkempt

里边 裡邊 li3 bian5

里边儿 裡邊兒 li3 bian5 er5
erhua variant of 裡邊|里边

里出外进 裡出外進 li3 chu1 wai4 jin4
uneven; in disorder; everything sticking out

里带 裡帶 li3 dai4
inner tube (of tire)

里勾外连 裡勾外連 li3 gou1 wai4 lian2
to act from inside in coordination with attackers outside; attacked from both inside and out

里海 裡海 li3 hai3
Caspian Sea

里海地鸦 裡海地鴉 li3 hai3 di4 ya1
(bird species of China) Pander's ground jay (Podoces panderi)

里脊 裡脊 li3 ji5
(tender)loin (of pork, beef etc)

里里外外 裡裡外外 li3 li3 wai4 wai4
inside and out

里面 裡面 li3 mian4
inside; interior; also pr.

里手 裡手 li3 shou3
expert; left-hand side (of a machine); left-hand side (driver's side) of a vehicle

里头 裡頭 li3 tou5
inside; interior

里外 裡外 li3 wai4
inside and out; or so

里外里 裡外裡 li3 wai4 li3
all in all; either way

里应外合 裡應外合 li3 ying4 wai4 he2
to coordinate outside and inside offensives (idiom); (fig.) to act together

里子 裡子 li3 zi5
lining; (fig.) substance (as opposed to outward appearance)

流里流气 流裡流氣 liu2 li5 liu2 qi4
hooliganism; rowdyism

马德里 馬德裡 ma3 de2 li3
variant of 馬德里|马德里, Madrid

迈杜古里 邁杜古裡 mai4 du4 gu3 li3
Maiduguri, city in north Nigeria

朦在鼓里 朦在鼓裡 meng2 zai4 gu3 li3
variant of 蒙在鼓裡|蒙在鼓里

蒙在鼓里 矇在鼓裡 meng2 zai4 gu3 li3
variant of 蒙在鼓裡|蒙在鼓里

蒙在鼓里 蒙在鼓裡 meng2 zai4 gu3 li3
lit. kept inside a drum (idiom); fig. completely in the dark

绵里藏针 綿裡藏針 mian2 li3 cang2 zhen1
lit. a needle concealed in silk floss (idiom); fig. ruthless character behind a gentle appearance; a wolf in sheep's clothing; an iron fist in a velvet glove

蓦地里 驀地裡 mo4 di4 li3
suddenly; unexpectedly

哪里 哪裡 na3 li3
where?; somewhere; anywhere; wherever; nowhere (negative answer to question); humble expression denying compliment

哪里哪里 哪裡哪裡 na3 li3 na3 li3
you're too kind; you flatter me

那里 那裡 na4 li5
there; that place

噼里啪啦 噼裡啪啦 pi1 li5 pa1 la1
(onom.) to crackle and rattle; to pitter-patter

劈里啪啦 劈裡啪啦 pi1 li5 pa1 la1
variant of 噼裡啪啦|噼里啪啦

情人眼里出西施 情人眼裡出西施 qing2 ren2 yan3 li3 chu1 xi1 shi1
lit. in the eyes of a lover appears 西施 (idiom); fig. beauty is in the eye of the beholder

情人眼里有西施 情人眼裡有西施 qing2 ren2 yan3 li3 you3 xi1 shi1
In the eyes of the lover, a famous beauty (idiom). Beauty in the eye of the beholder

曲里拐弯 曲裡拐彎 qu1 li3 guai3 wan1
winding and turning (idiom)

日里 日裡 ri4 li3
daytime; during the day

傻里傻气 傻裡傻氣 sha3 li5 sha3 qi4
foolish; stupid

手里 手裡 shou3 li3
in hand; (a situation is) in sb's hands

手里剑 手裡劍 shou3 li3 jian4
straight or circular throwing-knife used by ninja and samurai (loanword from Japanese 手裏剣 shuriken)

死里逃生 死裡逃生 si3 li3 tao2 sheng1
mortal danger, escape alive (idiom); a narrow escape; to survive by the skin of one's teeth

四下里 四下裡 si4 xia4 li5
all around

索马里 索馬裡 suo3 ma3 li3
variant of 索馬里|索马里; Somalia

桶里射鱼 桶裡射魚 tong3 li3 she4 yu2
to shoot fish in a barrel; to attempt sth too easy

土里土气 土裡土氣 tu3 li3 tu3 qi4
unsophisticated; rustic; uncouth

湾里 灣裡 wan1 li3
Wanli district of Nanchang city 南昌市, Jiangxi

湾里区 灣裡區 wan1 li3 qu1
Wanli district of Nanchang city 南昌市, Jiangxi

往泥里踩 往泥裡踩 wang3 ni4 li3 cai3
to belittle; to attack sb

往死里 往死裡 wang3 si3 li3
(coll.) (to beat etc) to death

往心里去 往心裡去 wang3 xin1 li5 qu4
to take sth to heart; to take sth seriously

窝里斗 窩裡鬥 wo1 li5 dou4
internal strife (family, group, etc)

窝里反 窩裡反 wo1 li5 fan3
see 窩裡鬥|窝里斗

窝里横 窩裡橫 wo1 li5 heng4
(coll.) meek and civil in public, but a tyrant at home

稀里哗啦 稀裡嘩啦 xi1 li5 hua1 la1
(onom.) rustling sound; sound of rain or of sth falling down; in disorder; completely smashed; badly battered; broken to pieces

小里小气 小裡小氣 xiao3 li5 xiao3 qi4
stingy; petty

笑里藏刀 笑裡藏刀 xiao4 li3 cang2 dao1
lit. a dagger hidden in smiles (idiom); friendly manners belying hypocritical intentions; when the fox preaches, look to the geese

心里痒痒 心裡癢癢 xin1 li3 yang3 yang5
lit. itchy heart; to be itching to do sth (idiom)

心里有谱 心裡有譜 xin1 li3 you3 pu3
to have a plan in mind

心里有数 心裡有數 xin1 li3 you3 shu4
to know the score (idiom); to be well aware of the situation

心里 心裡 xin1 li5
chest; heart; mind

心里话 心裡話 xin1 li5 hua4
(to express one's) true feelings; what is on one's mind; secret mind

心里美萝卜 心裡美蘿蔔 xin1 li5 mei3 luo2 bo5
Chinese roseheart radish (shinrimei radish), green on the outside, purple-red on the inside, a favorite Beijing vegetable

心里有鬼 心裡有鬼 xin1 li5 you3 gui3
to have secret motives; to have a guilty conscience

雪里红 雪裡紅 xue3 li3 hong2
potherb mustard; Brassica juncea var. crispifolia

雪里蕻 雪裡蕻 xue3 li3 hong2
potherb mustard; Brassica juncea var. crispifolia

眼里容不得沙子 眼裡容不得沙子 yan3 li3 rong2 bu5 de2 sha1 zi5
can't bear having grit in one's eye (idiom); unable to put sth objectionable out of one's mind; not prepared to turn a blind eye

也好不到哪里去 也好不到哪裡去 ye3 hao3 bu4 dao4 na3 li3 qu4
just as bad; not much better

夜里 夜裡 ye4 li5
during the night; at night; nighttime

阴沟里翻船 陰溝裡翻船 yin1 gou1 li3 fan1 chuan2
to meet with unexpected failure (idiom); to fail miserably (where failure was not expected)

由表及里 由表及裡 you2 biao3 ji2 li3
to proceed from the outside to the inside; to see the essence merely by looking at the superficial appearance

苑里 苑裡 yuan4 li3
Yuanli town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县, northwest Taiwan

苑里镇 苑裡鎮 yuan4 li3 zhen4
Yuanli town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县, northwest Taiwan

云里雾里 雲裡霧裡 yun2 li3 wu4 li3
amidst the clouds and mist; (fig.) mystified; puzzled

这里 這裡 zhe4 li3

字里行间 字裡行間 zi4 li3 hang2 jian1
between the words and the lines (idiom); implied meaning; connotations

嘴里 嘴裡 zui3 li3
mouth; in the mouth; on one's lips; speech; words