to repeat; to double; to overlap; complex (not simple); compound; composite; double; diplo-; duplicate; overlapping; to duplicate

strokes 14
strokes after radical 9
半保留复制 半保留複製 ban4 bao3 liu2 fu4 zhi4
semiconservative replication

重复 重複 chong2 fu4
to repeat; to duplicate

重复法 重複法 chong2 fu4 fa3
repetition; duplication; reduplication; anadiplosis

重复节 重複節 chong2 fu4 jie2
repeated segment (networking)

重复启动效应 重複啟動效應 chong2 fu4 qi3 dong4 xiao4 ying4
repetition priming effect

重复使力伤害 重複使力傷害 chong2 fu4 shi3 li4 shang1 hai4
repetitive strain injury (RSI)

重复语境 重複語境 chong2 fu4 yu3 jing4
duplicate context

错综复杂 錯綜複雜 cuo4 zong1 fu4 za2
tangled and complicated (idiom)

繁复 繁複 fan2 fu4

复本 複本 fu4 ben3

复比 複比 fu4 bi3
compound ratio (i.e. product of two ratios)

复变 複變 fu4 bian4
(math.) complex variable

复变函数 複變函數 fu4 bian4 han2 shu4
function of a complex variable (math.)

复变函数论 複變函數論 fu4 bian4 han2 shu4 lun4
(math.) theory of functions of a complex variable

复词 複詞 fu4 ci2
compound word; polysyllabic word

复迭 複迭 fu4 die2
variant of 複叠|复叠

复叠 複叠 fu4 die2
reduplication of words or syllables (as a stylistic device in Chinese)

复读 複讀 fu4 du2
(of an audio device) to repeat a recorded phrase (e.g. for language learning)

复方 複方 fu4 fang1
compound prescription (involving several medicines)

复共轭 複共軛 fu4 gong4 e4
complex conjugate (math.); complex conjugation

复合 複合 fu4 he2
complex; compound; composite; hybrid

复合材料 複合材料 fu4 he2 cai2 liao4
composite material

复合词 複合詞 fu4 he2 ci2
compound word

复合词素词 複合詞素詞 fu4 he2 ci2 su4 ci2

复合弓 複合弓 fu4 he2 gong1
composite bow (archery)

复合母音 複合母音 fu4 he2 mu3 yin1
diphthong; compound vowel

复合元音 複合元音 fu4 he2 yuan2 yin1
diphthong (such as putonghua ɑi, uei etc)

复句 複句 fu4 ju4
compound phrase

复利 複利 fu4 li4
compound interest

复平面 複平面 fu4 ping2 mian4
complex plane

复赛 複賽 fu4 sai4
(sports) semifinal or quarterfinal; to compete in a semifinal (or a quarterfinal)

复社 複社 fu4 she4
late Ming cultural renewal movement, led by Zhang Pu 張溥|张溥 and others

复试 複試 fu4 shi4
to sit for the second round of a two-stage exam

复式 複式 fu4 shi4
double; multiple; compound; combined; double-entry (accounting)

复视 複視 fu4 shi4
double vision; diplopia

复数 複數 fu4 shu4
plural; complex number (math.)

复述 複述 fu4 shu4
to repeat (one's own words or sb else's); (in the classroom) to paraphrase what one has learned

复数平面 複數平面 fu4 shu4 ping2 mian4
complex plane (math.); Argand plane

复数形式 複數形式 fu4 shu4 xing2 shi4
plural form (of a countable noun)

复数域 複數域 fu4 shu4 yu4
field of complex numbers (math.), usually denoted by C

复听 複聽 fu4 ting1
double hearing; diplacusis

复习 複習 fu4 xi2
variant of 復習|复习

复线 複線 fu4 xian4
multiple track (e.g. rail); multi-lane (e.g. highway); the complex line (math.)

复写 複寫 fu4 xie3
to duplicate; to carbon copy

复写纸 複寫紙 fu4 xie3 zhi3
carbon paper

复姓 複姓 fu4 xing4
two-character surname such as 司馬|司马 or 諸葛|诸葛

复选框 複選框 fu4 xuan3 kuang4
check box

复眼 複眼 fu4 yan3
compound eye

复叶 複葉 fu4 ye4
compound leaf (botany)

复音词 複音詞 fu4 yin1 ci2
disyllabic word; polysyllabic word

复音形 複音形 fu4 yin1 xing2
diphthong; liaison

复印 複印 fu4 yin4
to photocopy; to duplicate a document

复印机 複印機 fu4 yin4 ji1

复印件 複印件 fu4 yin4 jian4
photocopy; duplicate

复印纸 複印紙 fu4 yin4 zhi3
photocopier paper

复韵母 複韻母 fu4 yun4 mu3
compound final

复杂 複雜 fu4 za2
complicated; complex

复杂化 複雜化 fu4 za2 hua4
to complicate; to become complicated

复杂系统 複雜系統 fu4 za2 xi4 tong3
complex system

复杂性 複雜性 fu4 za2 xing4

复殖目 複殖目 fu4 zhi2 mu4
Order Digenea (including trematode worms that parasite humans)

复殖吸虫 複殖吸蟲 fu4 zhi2 xi1 chong2
digenetic trematode worm (i.e. from Order Digenea 複殖目|复殖目)

复制 複製 fu4 zhi4
to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone

复制品 複製品 fu4 zhi4 pin3
replica; reproduction

高尔基复合体 高爾基複合體 gao1 er3 ji1 fu4 he2 ti3
Golgi complex (in cell biology)

共轭复数 共軛複數 gong4 e4 fu4 shu4
complex conjugate number (math.)

合义复词 合義複詞 he2 yi4 fu4 ci2
compound word such as 教室, 國家|国家, but unlike 玫瑰, whose meaning is related to the component hanzi

计算复杂性 計算複雜性 ji4 suan4 fu4 za2 xing4
computational complexity (math.)

衍声复词 衍聲複詞 yan3 sheng1 fu4 ci2
compound word such as 玫瑰, 咖啡, whose meaning is unrelated to the component hanzi, which often cannot be used singly

羽状复叶 羽狀複葉 yu3 zhuang4 fu4 ye4
bipinnate leaf (in phyllotaxy)