variant of 規|规

compass; a rule; regulation; to admonish; to plan; to scheme

strokes 8
strokes after radical 4
按规定 按規定 an4 gui1 ding4
according to regulation

板规 板規 ban3 gui1
plate gauge

半规管 半規管 ban4 gui1 guan3
semicircular canal

半规则 半規則 ban4 gui1 ze2

标准规格 標準規格 biao1 zhun3 gui1 ge2
standard; norm

不规范 不規範 bu4 gui1 fan4
not standard; abnormal; irregular

不规则 不規則 bu4 gui1 ze2

不规则三角形 不規則三角形 bu4 gui1 ze2 san1 jiao3 xing2
scalene triangle (math.)

不规则四边形 不規則四邊形 bu4 gui1 ze2 si4 bian1 xing2
irregular quadrilateral; trapezium

不以规矩,不能成方圆 不以規矩,不能成方圓 bu4 yi3 gui1 ju5 - bu4 neng2 cheng2 fang1 yuan2
without rules, nothing can be done (idiom, from Mencius); one must follow some rules

操作规程 操作規程 cao1 zuo4 gui1 cheng2
operating rules; work regulations

常规 常規 chang2 gui1
code of conduct; conventions; common practice; routine (medical procedure etc)

常规武器 常規武器 chang2 gui1 wu3 qi4
conventional weapon

厂规 廠規 chang3 gui1
factory regulations

陈规 陳規 chen2 gui1
outmoded conventions; old-fashioned ways

陈规旧习 陳規舊習 chen2 gui1 jiu4 xi2
old rules and customs

陈规陋习 陳規陋習 chen2 gui1 lou4 xi2
outmoded conventions; old-fashioned ways

成规 成規 cheng2 gui1
established rules; the beaten track

城市规划 城市規劃 cheng2 shi4 gui1 hua4
town planning

尺规 尺規 chi3 gui1
ruler and compass (in geometric constructions)

尺规作图 尺規作圖 chi3 gui1 zuo4 tu2
ruler and compass construction (geometry)

大规模 大規模 da4 gui1 mo2
large scale; extensive; wide scale; broad scale

大规模杀伤性武器 大規模殺傷性武器 da4 gui1 mo2 sha1 shang1 xing4 wu3 qi4
weapons of mass destruction

法规 法規 fa3 gui1
legislation; statute

犯规 犯規 fan4 gui1
to break the rules; an illegality; a foul

非规整 非規整 fei1 gui1 zheng3
irregular; disordered

服务规章 服務規章 fu2 wu4 gui1 zhang1
service regulation

根据规定 根據規定 gen1 ju4 gui1 ding4
according to provisions; as stipulated in the rules

规避 規避 gui1 bi4
to evade; to dodge

规程 規程 gui1 cheng2
rules; regulations

规定 規定 gui1 ding4
provision; to fix; to set; to formulate; to stipulate; to provide; regulation; rule

规定价格 規定價格 gui1 ding4 jia4 ge2
to fix the price

规范 規範 gui1 fan4
norm; standard; specification; regulation; rule; within the rules; to fix rules; to regulate; to specify

规范化 規範化 gui1 fan4 hua4
to standardize; standardization

规范理论 規範理論 gui1 fan4 li3 lun4
Standard Model (of particle physics)

规范性 規範性 gui1 fan4 xing4
normal; standard

规复 規復 gui1 fu4
to restore (deposed monarch, rule, system of laws, ecological system etc); restoration

规格 規格 gui1 ge2
standard; norm; specification

规管 規管 gui1 guan3
to regulate

规划 規劃 gui1 hua4
to plan (how to do sth); planning; plan; program

规划局 規劃局 gui1 hua4 ju2
planning department

规划人员 規劃人員 gui1 hua4 ren2 yuan2

规诲 規誨 gui1 hui4
to admonish; to instruct

规谏 規諫 gui1 jian4
to remonstrate; to warn earnestly (esp. classical written Chinese); to exhort

规戒 規戒 gui1 jie4
variant of 規誡|规诫

规诫 規誡 gui1 jie4
to warn (against some course); to admonish

规矩 規矩 gui1 ju5
lit. compass and set square; fig. established standard; rule; customs; practices; fig. upright and honest; well-behaved

规矩绳墨 規矩繩墨 gui1 ju5 sheng2 mo4
compasses, set square and straight line marker (idiom); fig. established standard; norms; criteria

规矩准绳 規矩準繩 gui1 ju5 zhun3 sheng2
compasses, set square, spirit level and plumbline (idiom); fig. established standard; norms; criteria

规例 規例 gui1 li4

规律 規律 gui1 lv4
rule (e.g. of science); law of behavior; regular pattern; rhythm; discipline

规率 規率 gui1 lv4
law; pattern

规律性 規律性 gui1 lv4 xing4

规勉 規勉 gui1 mian3
to advise and encourage

规模 規模 gui1 mo2
scale; scope; extent

规劝 規勸 gui1 quan4
to advise

规条 規條 gui1 tiao2

规行矩步 規行矩步 gui1 xing2 ju3 bu4
to follow the compass and go with the set square (idiom); to follow the rules inflexibly; to act according to convention

规约 規約 gui1 yue1
terms (of an agreement)

规则 規則 gui1 ze2
rule; regulation; rules and regulations

规则化 規則化 gui1 ze2 hua4

规则性 規則性 gui1 ze2 xing4

规则性效应 規則性效應 gui1 ze2 xing4 xiao4 ying4
regularity effect

规章 規章 gui1 zhang1
rule; regulation

规整 規整 gui1 zheng3
according to a pattern; regular; orderly; structured; neat and tidy

规正 規正 gui1 zheng4
to admonish

规制 規制 gui1 zhi4
to regulate; rules and regulations; regulatory; style and structure (esp. of building)

合规 合規 he2 gui1

技术规范 技術規範 ji4 shu4 gui1 fan4
technical specification

角规 角規 jiao3 gui1
angle gauge; clinograph

教规 教規 jiao4 gui1
canon; religious rules

戒规 戒規 jie4 gui1
religious precept; taboo; rule

控规 控規 kong4 gui1
regulatory plan

块规 塊規 kuai4 gui1
a gauge block (block for accurate measurement)

联合国环境规划署 聯合國環境規劃署 lian2 he2 guo2 huan2 jing4 gui1 hua4 shu3
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

量规 量規 liang2 gui1
gauge (i.e. measuring device)

陋规 陋規 lou4 gui1
objectionable practices

没有规矩,不成方圆 沒有規矩,不成方圓 mei2 you3 gui1 ju5 - bu4 cheng2 fang1 yuan2
without rules, nothing can be done (idiom); one must follow some rules

没有规矩,何以成方圆 沒有規矩,何以成方圓 mei2 you3 gui1 ju5 - he2 yi3 cheng2 fang1 yuan2
without rules, how can anything be done (idiom); one must follow some rules

明文规定 明文規定 ming2 wen2 gui1 ding4
expressly stipulated (in writing)

墨守成规 墨守成規 mo4 shou3 cheng2 gui1
hidebound by convention (idiom)

潜规则 潛規則 qian2 gui1 ze2
unwritten rules

日规 日規 ri4 gui1

芮氏规模 芮氏規模 rui4 shi4 gui1 mo2
Richter scale

设计规范 設計規範 she4 ji4 gui1 fan4
design norm; planning regulations

守规矩 守規矩 shou3 gui1 ju5
to behave oneself; to abide by the rules

双规 雙規 shuang1 gui1
shuanggui, an extralegal system within the CCP for detaining and interrogating cadres who fall from grace

条规 條規 tiao2 gui1

统一规划 統一規劃 tong3 yi1 gui1 hua4
integrated program

土地利用规划 土地利用規劃 tu3 di4 li4 yong4 gui1 hua4
land use plan (official P.R.C. government term)

网络规划人员 網絡規劃人員 wang3 luo4 gui1 hua4 ren2 yuan2
network planner

违规 違規 wei2 gui1
to violate (rules); irregular; illegal; corrupt

线性规划 線性規劃 xian4 xing4 gui1 hua4
linear programming

萧规曹随 蕭規曹隨 xiao1 gui1 cao2 sui2
lit. Xiao's 蕭何|萧何 governance followed by Cao 曹參|曹参 (idiom); fig. to strictly adhere to the policies of the predecessor; to follow precedent

校规 校規 xiao4 gui1
school rules and regulations

修规 修規 xiu1 gui1
construction plan

循规蹈矩 循規蹈矩 xun2 gui1 dao3 ju3
to follow the compass and go with the set square (idiom); to follow the rules inflexibly; to act according to convention

一般规定 一般規定 yi1 ban1 gui1 ding4
ordinary provision (law)

圆规 圓規 yuan2 gui1
compass (drafting)

圆规座 圓規座 yuan2 gui1 zuo4
Circinus (constellation)

正规 正規 zheng4 gui1
regular; according to standards

正规教育 正規教育 zheng4 gui1 jiao4 yu4
regular education

正规军 正規軍 zheng4 gui1 jun1
regular army; standing army

中规中矩 中規中矩 zhong4 gui1 zhong4 ju3
conforming with the norms of society

子规 子規 zi3 gui1

总体规划 總體規劃 zong3 ti3 gui1 hua4
overall plan; master plan