sly; crafty

strokes 13
strokes after radical 6
吊诡 弔詭 diao4 gui3
bizarre; paradoxical; a paradox (from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)

吊诡矜奇 弔詭矜奇 diao4 gui3 jin1 qi2
strange and paradoxical

诡辩 詭辯 gui3 bian4
specious arguments; sophistry

诡辩家 詭辯家 gui3 bian4 jia1
sophist; one who relies on specious arguments

诡辩术 詭辯術 gui3 bian4 shu4
specious arguments; sophistry

诡计 詭計 gui3 ji4
trick; ruse; crafty scheme

诡计多端 詭計多端 gui3 ji4 duo1 duan1
deceitful in many ways (idiom); wily and mischievous; full of craft and cunning

诡谲 詭譎 gui3 jue2
weird; sly; treacherous

诡秘 詭祕 gui3 mi4
secretive; furtive; surreptitious

诡笑 詭笑 gui3 xiao4
smirk; insincere smile

诡异 詭異 gui3 yi4
strange; weird

诡诈 詭詐 gui3 zha4
sly; treacherous

奇诡 奇詭 qi2 gui3
strange; queer; intriguing

阴谋诡计 陰謀詭計 yin1 mou2 gui3 ji4
crafty plots and machinations (idiom)