surname Ji

to calculate; to compute; to count; to regard as important; to plan; ruse; meter; gauge

strokes 4
strokes after radical 2
阿波罗计划 阿波羅計劃 a1 bo1 luo2 ji4 hua4
the Apollo project (1961-1975), the NASA moon landing project

安培计 安培計 an1 pei2 ji4
ammeter (loanword from "ampere meter")

按照计划 按照計劃 an4 zhao4 ji4 hua4
according to (the) plan ...

百计千方 百計千方 bai3 ji4 qian1 fang1
to exhaust every means to achieve sth (idiom)

百年大计 百年大計 bai3 nian2 da4 ji4
a project of vital and lasting importance

本底计数 本底計數 ben3 di3 ji4 shu4
background count

笔记本计算机 筆記本計算機 bi3 ji4 ben3 ji4 suan4 ji1
laptop; notebook (computer)

并行计算 並行計算 bing4 xing2 ji4 suan4
parallel computing

波美比重计 波美比重計 bo1 mei3 bi3 zhong4 ji4
Baume hydrometer

不计 不計 bu4 ji4
to disregard; to take no account of

不计其数 不計其數 bu4 ji4 qi2 shu4
lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless; innumerable

唱空城计 唱空城計 chang4 kong1 cheng2 ji4
lit. to sing “The Empty City Stratagem” (idiom); fig. to put up a bluff to conceal one's weakness; (jocularly) (of a place etc) to be empty; (of one's stomach) to be rumbling

程序设计 程序設計 cheng2 xu4 she4 ji4
computer programming

从长计议 從長計議 cong2 chang2 ji4 yi4
to take one's time making a decision (idiom); to consider at length

大计 大計 da4 ji4
large scale program of lasting importance; project of paramount importance; to think big; annual national audit

倒计时 倒計時 dao4 ji4 shi2
to count down; countdown

滴漏计时器 滴漏計時器 di1 lou4 ji4 shi2 qi4
hourglass; water clock; clepsydra

电脑辅助设计 電腦輔助設計 dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 she4 ji4
computer-aided design

电脑辅助设计与绘图 電腦輔助設計與繪圖 dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 she4 ji4 yu3 hui4 tu2
computer-aided design and drawing

电位计 電位計 dian4 wei4 ji4

电压计 電壓計 dian4 ya1 ji4

电子计算机 電子計算機 dian4 zi3 ji4 suan4 ji1
electronic computer

发型设计师 髮型設計師 fa4 xing2 she4 ji4 shi1

反间计 反間計 fan3 jian4 ji4
stratagem of sowing dissension

放射性计时 放射性計時 fang4 she4 xing4 ji4 shi2
radiometric dating

风速计 風速計 feng1 su4 ji4

风险估计 風險估計 feng1 xian3 gu1 ji4
risk assessment

辐射计 輻射計 fu2 she4 ji4

伏特计 伏特計 fu2 te4 ji4

盖革计数器 蓋革計數器 gai4 ge2 ji4 shu4 qi4
Geiger counter

概率和数理统计 概率和數理統計 gai4 lv4 he2 shu4 li3 tong3 ji4
probability and mathematical statistics

工业设计 工業設計 gong1 ye4 she4 ji4
industrial design

工于心计 工於心計 gong1 yu2 xin1 ji4
scheming; calculating

共计 共計 gong4 ji4
to sum up to; to total

共商大计 共商大計 gong4 shang1 da4 ji4
to discuss matters of vital importance

共享计划 共享計劃 gong4 xiang3 ji4 hua4
joint project; partnership

估计 估計 gu1 ji4
to estimate; to reckon; (coll.) to suppose

古腾堡计划 古騰堡計劃 gu3 teng2 bao3 ji4 hua4
Project Gutenberg

诡计 詭計 gui3 ji4
trick; ruse; crafty scheme

鬼计多端 鬼計多端 gui3 ji4 duo1 duan1
full of devilish tricks and cunning stratagems (idiom); sly; crafty; malicious

诡计多端 詭計多端 gui3 ji4 duo1 duan1
deceitful in many ways (idiom); wily and mischievous; full of craft and cunning

国家发展计划委员会 國家發展計劃委員會 guo2 jia1 fa1 zhan3 ji4 hua4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
PRC State Development and Planning Committee, set up 1998 to replace State Planning Committee 國家計劃委員會|国家计划委员会, replaced in 2003 by National Development and Reform Commission 國家發展和改革委員會|国家发展和改革委员会

国家计划委员会 國家計劃委員會 guo2 jia1 ji4 hua4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
PRC State Planning Committee, set up in 1952, replaced in 1998 by State Development and Planning Committee 國家發展計劃委員會|国家发展计划委员会 then in 2003 by National Development and Reform Commission 國家發展和改革委員會|国家发展和改革委员会

国家计委 國家計委 guo2 jia1 ji4 wei3
PRC State Planning Committee, abbr. for 國家計劃委員會|国家计划委员会

国家统计局 國家統計局 guo2 jia1 tong3 ji4 ju2
(China) National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)

合计 合計 he2 ji4
to add up the total; to figure what sth amounts to; to consider

鸿图大计 鴻圖大計 hong2 tu2 da4 ji4
important large scale project

化学剂量计 化學劑量計 hua4 xue2 ji4 liang4 ji4
chemical dosimeter

缓兵之计 緩兵之計 huan3 bing1 zhi1 ji4
delaying tactics; stalling; measures to stave off an attack; stratagem to win a respite

活计 活計 huo2 ji4
handicraft; needlework; work

夥计 夥計 huo3 ji5
variant of 伙計|伙计

伙计 伙計 huo3 ji5
partner; fellow; mate; waiter; servant; shop assistant

计步器 計步器 ji4 bu4 qi4

计策 計策 ji4 ce4

计程车 計程車 ji4 cheng2 che1
taxi; cab (Tw)

计都 計都 ji4 du1
concept from Vedic astronomy (Sanskrit Ketu), the opposite point to 羅睺|罗睺; imaginary star presaging disaster

计分 計分 ji4 fen1
to calculate the score

计分环 計分環 ji4 fen1 huan2
scoring ring (on shooting target)

计分卡 計分卡 ji4 fen1 ka3

计划 計劃 ji4 hua4
plan; project; program; to plan; to map out

计画 計畫 ji4 hua4
variant of 計劃|计划

计划经济 計劃經濟 ji4 hua4 jing1 ji4
planned economy

计划目标 計劃目標 ji4 hua4 mu4 biao1
planned target; scheduled target

计划生育 計劃生育 ji4 hua4 sheng1 yu4
family planning

计价 計價 ji4 jia4
to valuate; valuation

计价器 計價器 ji4 jia4 qi4
fare meter; taximeter

计件工资 計件工資 ji4 jian4 gong1 zi1
piece rate wage; remuneration based on one's output; opposite: time rate wage 計時工資|计时工资

计较 計較 ji4 jiao4
to bother about; to haggle; to bicker; to argue; plan; stratagem

计量 計量 ji4 liang4
measurement; to calculate

计量棒 計量棒 ji4 liang4 bang4
measuring rod; dipstick

计量制 計量制 ji4 liang4 zhi4
system of weights and measures

计谋 計謀 ji4 mou2
stratagem; scheme

计票 計票 ji4 piao4
count of votes

计生 計生 ji4 sheng1
planned childbirth; birth control; family planning; abbr. for 計劃生育|计划生育

计时 計時 ji4 shi2
to measure time; to time; to reckon by time

计时比赛 計時比賽 ji4 shi2 bi3 sai4
time trial (e.g. in cycle race); timed race; competition against the clock

计时测验 計時測驗 ji4 shi2 ce4 yan4
time trial

计时法 計時法 ji4 shi2 fa3
time reckoning

计时工资 計時工資 ji4 shi2 gong1 zi1
time rate wage; remuneration based on one's time and skill; opposite: piece rate wage 計件工資|计件工资

计时器 計時器 ji4 shi2 qi4
timer; chronograph; timepiece; clock; timekeeping device (sundial, water clock)

计时赛 計時賽 ji4 shi2 sai4
time trial (e.g. in cycle race); timed race; competition against the clock

计时收费 計時收費 ji4 shi2 shou1 fei4
time charge

计时炸弹 計時炸彈 ji4 shi2 zha4 dan4
time bomb

计数 計數 ji4 shu4
to count; reckoning

计数法 計數法 ji4 shu4 fa3
calculation; reckoning

计数管 計數管 ji4 shu4 guan3

计数率仪 計數率儀 ji4 shu4 lv4 yi2

计数器 計數器 ji4 shu4 qi4
counter; register

计数者 計數者 ji4 shu4 zhe3

计算 計算 ji4 suan4
to count; to calculate; to compute

计算尺 計算尺 ji4 suan4 chi3
slide rule

计算复杂性 計算複雜性 ji4 suan4 fu4 za2 xing4
computational complexity (math.)

计算机 計算機 ji4 suan4 ji1
computer; (Tw) calculator

计算机比喻 計算機比喻 ji4 suan4 ji1 bi3 yu4
computer metaphor

计算机动画 計算機動畫 ji4 suan4 ji1 dong4 hua4
computer animation

计算机断层 計算機斷層 ji4 suan4 ji1 duan4 ceng2
CT, computed tomography (medical imaging method)

计算机辅助设计 計算機輔助設計 ji4 suan4 ji1 fu3 zhu4 she4 ji4
CAD computer-aided design

计算机工业 計算機工業 ji4 suan4 ji1 gong1 ye4
computer industry

计算机集成制造 計算機集成制造 ji4 suan4 ji1 ji2 cheng2 zhi4 zao4
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)

计算机科学 計算機科學 ji4 suan4 ji1 ke1 xue2
computer science

计算机科学家 計算機科學家 ji4 suan4 ji1 ke1 xue2 jia1
computer scientist

计算机可读 計算機可讀 ji4 suan4 ji1 ke3 du2
computer-readable; machine-readable

计算机模拟 計算機模擬 ji4 suan4 ji1 mo2 ni3
computer simulation

计算机模式 計算機模式 ji4 suan4 ji1 mo2 shi4
computer simulation

计算机制图 計算機制圖 ji4 suan4 ji1 zhi4 tu2
computer graphics

计算器 計算器 ji4 suan4 qi4
calculator; calculating machine

计算数学 計算數學 ji4 suan4 shu4 xue2
computational mathematics; numerical mathematics

计提 計提 ji4 ti2
to set aside; to make provision for (capital requirements)

计议 計議 ji4 yi4
to deliberate; to talk over; to plan

家计 家計 jia1 ji4
family livelihood; a household's economic situation; family property

奸计 奸計 jian1 ji4
evil plan; evil schemes

减计 減計 jian3 ji4
to write down (i.e. to decrease the expected value of a loan)

将计就计 將計就計 jiang1 ji4 jiu4 ji4
to beat sb at their own game (idiom)

阶梯计价 階梯計價 jie1 ti1 ji4 jia4
volumetric pricing; tiered pricing; differential pricing

斤斤计较 斤斤計較 jin1 jin1 ji4 jiao4
to haggle over every ounce; (fig.) to fuss over minor matters; to split hairs

锦囊妙计 錦囊妙計 jin3 nang2 miao4 ji4
brocade sack of miracle plans (idiom); bag of tricks; fiendishly cunning masterplan (written out by strategic genius of fiction, and given to the local commander in a brocade bag)

景观设计 景觀設計 jing3 guan1 she4 ji4
landscape design

救恩计划 救恩計劃 jiu4 en1 ji4 hua4
plan of salvation

据估计 據估計 ju4 gu1 ji4
according to estimates

具体计划 具體計劃 ju4 ti3 ji4 hua4
a concrete plan; a definite plan

据统计 據統計 ju4 tong3 ji4
according to statistics

君子不计小人过 君子不計小人過 jun1 zi3 bu4 ji4 xiao3 ren2 guo4
see 大人不記小人過|大人不记小人过

空城计 空城計 kong1 cheng2 ji4
the empty city stratagem (in which Zhuge Liang presents himself as unperturbed while making it evident that his city is undefended, hoping his adversary will suspect an ambush); double bluff

苦肉计 苦肉計 ku3 rou4 ji4
the trick of injuring oneself to gain the enemy's confidence

库仑计 庫侖計 ku4 lun2 ji4

会计 會計 kuai4 ji4
accountant; accountancy; accounting

会计科目 會計科目 kuai4 ji4 ke1 mu4

会计师 會計師 kuai4 ji4 shi1

会计学 會計學 kuai4 ji4 xue2
accounting; accountancy

会计制度 會計制度 kuai4 ji4 zhi4 du4
accounting system

会计准则理事会 會計準則理事會 kuai4 ji4 zhun3 ze2 li3 shi4 hui4
accounting standards council

雷电计 雷電計 lei2 dian4 ji4
brontometer; apparatus to measure thunder and lightning

雷电计图 雷電計圖 lei2 dian4 ji4 tu2
brontograph; record of thunder and lightning

累计 累計 lei3 ji4
to accumulate; cumulative

里程计 里程計 li3 cheng2 ji4
speedometer (of a vehicle)

联合国开发计划署 聯合國開發計劃署 lian2 he2 guo2 kai1 fa1 ji4 hua4 shu3
United Nations Development Program

连环计 連環計 lian2 huan2 ji4
interlocked stratagems

量计 量計 liang2 ji4

流量计 流量計 liu2 liang4 ji4

美人计 美人計 mei3 ren2 ji4
honey trap; sexual entrapment

密度计 密度計 mi4 du4 ji4
density gauge

妙计 妙計 miao4 ji4
excellent plan; brilliant scheme

谋计 謀計 mou2 ji4
stratagem; scheme

木马计 木馬計 mu4 ma3 ji4
wooden horse stratagem (cf Trojan horse)

气压计 氣壓計 qi4 ya1 ji4

千方百计 千方百計 qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4
lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means

巧计 巧計 qiao3 ji4
maneuver; scheme

权宜之计 權宜之計 quan2 yi2 zhi1 ji4
plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure; makeshift stratagem; interim step

人口统计学 人口統計學 ren2 kou3 tong3 ji4 xue2
population studies; population statistics

人类基因组计划 人類基因組計劃 ren2 lei4 ji1 yin1 zu3 ji4 hua4
Human Genome Project

三十六计 三十六計 san1 shi2 liu4 ji4
The Thirty-Six Stratagems, a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, and in civil interaction; all the possible schemes and stratagems

三十六计,走为上策 三十六計,走為上策 san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 - zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4
Of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, fleeing is best.; see also 三十六計|三十六计

三十六计,走为上计 三十六計,走為上計 san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 - zou3 wei2 shang4 ji4
see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策

商计 商計 shang1 ji4
to negotiate; to discuss

商业计划 商業計劃 shang1 ye4 ji4 hua4
business plan

设计 設計 she4 ji4
plan; design; to design; to plan

设计程式 設計程式 she4 ji4 cheng2 shi4

设计程序 設計程序 she4 ji4 cheng2 xu4
design process

设计规范 設計規範 she4 ji4 gui1 fan4
design norm; planning regulations

设计师 設計師 she4 ji4 shi1
designer; architect

设计者 設計者 she4 ji4 zhe3
designer; architect (of a project)

审计 審計 shen3 ji4
to audit; to examine finances

审计署 審計署 shen3 ji4 shu3
audit office; public accounts committee

审计员 審計員 shen3 ji4 yuan2
accountant; auditor

审计长 審計長 shen3 ji4 zhang3

生计 生計 sheng1 ji4

室内设计 室內設計 shi4 nei4 she4 ji4
interior design

授计 授計 shou4 ji4
to confide a plan to sb

数以百计 數以百計 shu4 yi3 bai3 ji4
hundreds of

数以千计 數以千計 shu4 yi3 qian1 ji4
thousands (of sth)

数以万计 數以萬計 shu4 yi3 wan4 ji4
tens of thousands; numerous

数以亿计 數以億計 shu4 yi3 yi4 ji4
countless; innumerable

速度计 速度計 su4 du4 ji4

算计 算計 suan4 ji5
to reckon; to calculate; to plan; to expect; to scheme

岁计 歲計 sui4 ji4
annual budget

岁计余绌 歲計餘絀 sui4 ji4 yu2 chu4
annual budgetary surplus or deficit (accountancy)

太阳神计划 太陽神計劃 tai4 yang2 shen2 ji4 hua4
the Apollo project

体温计 體溫計 ti3 wen1 ji4
clinical thermometer

体重计 體重計 ti3 zhong4 ji4
weighing scale

停车计时器 停車計時器 ting2 che1 ji4 shi2 qi4
parking meter

统计 統計 tong3 ji4
statistics; to count; to add up

统计表 統計表 tong3 ji4 biao3
statistical table; chart

统计结果 統計結果 tong3 ji4 jie2 guo3
statistical results

统计数据 統計數據 tong3 ji4 shu4 ju4
statistical data

统计学 統計學 tong3 ji4 xue2

统计员 統計員 tong3 ji4 yuan2

推计 推計 tui1 ji4
to estimate; to deduce (by calculation)

外观设计 外觀設計 wai4 guan1 she4 ji4
look; external appearance; design; overall brand look or logo that can be patented

网络设计 網絡設計 wang3 luo4 she4 ji4
network design; network plan

网页设计 網頁設計 wang3 ye4 she4 ji4
web design

温度计 溫度計 wen1 du4 ji4
thermometer; thermograph

无计可施 無計可施 wu2 ji4 ke3 shi1
no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end; at the end of one's tether; powerless

五年计划 五年計劃 wu3 nian2 ji4 hua4
Five-Year Plan

献计 獻計 xian4 ji4
to offer advice; to make a suggestion

小计 小計 xiao3 ji4

心计 心計 xin1 ji4
scheming; shrewdness

心理统计学 心理統計學 xin1 li3 tong3 ji4 xue2
psychometrics; quantitative psychology

行动计划 行動計劃 xing2 dong4 ji4 hua4
action plan

血压计 血壓計 xue4 ya1 ji4
blood pressure meter; sphygmomanometer

压力计 壓力計 ya1 li4 ji4
pressure gauge; manometer; piezometer

言听计从 言聽計從 yan2 ting1 ji4 cong2
to see, hear and obey (idiom); to take advice; to take sb at his word

依计行事 依計行事 yi1 ji4 xing2 shi4
to act according to plan

一年之计在于春 一年之計在於春 yi1 nian2 zhi1 ji4 zai4 yu2 chun1
the whole year must be planned for in the spring (idiom); early planning is the key to success

一日之计在于晨 一日之計在於晨 yi1 ri4 zhi1 ji4 zai4 yu2 chen2
make your day's plan early in the morning (idiom); early morning is the golden time of the day

以亿计 以億計 yi3 yi4 ji4
to number in the thousands

阴谋诡计 陰謀詭計 yin1 mou2 gui3 ji4
crafty plots and machinations (idiom)

应计 應計 ying1 ji4
accrual (accounting)

应计基础 應計基礎 ying1 ji4 ji1 chu3
accruals basis (accounting)

用计 用計 yong4 ji4
to employ a stratagem

有统计学意义 有統計學意義 you3 tong3 ji4 xue2 yi4 yi4
statistically significant

预计 預計 yu4 ji4
to forecast; to predict; to estimate

约计 約計 yue1 ji4
approximate estimate; a rough count

约略估计 約略估計 yue1 lve4 gu1 ji4
approximate estimate; to reckon roughly

在所不计 在所不計 zai4 suo3 bu4 ji4
irrespective of; to have no concerns whatsoever about

针线活计 針線活計 zhen1 xian4 huo2 ji4
needlework; sewing

正电子发射计算机断层 正電子發射計算機斷層 zheng4 dian4 zi3 fa1 she4 ji4 suan4 ji1 duan4 ceng2
PET, positron emission tomography (medical imaging method)

智能设计 智能設計 zhi4 neng2 she4 ji4
intelligent design (religion)

中国教育和科研计算机网 中國教育和科研計算機網 zhong1 guo2 jiao4 yu4 he2 ke1 yan2 ji4 suan4 ji1 wang3
China Education and Research Network (CERNET); abbr. to 中國教育網|中国教育网

中计 中計 zhong4 ji4
to fall into a trap; taken in by a stratagem; cheated; ripped off

煮蛋计时器 煮蛋計時器 zhu3 dan4 ji4 shi2 qi4
egg timer

主计 主計 zhu3 ji4
chief accounting officer; controller; comptroller; (Han Dynasty) treasurer

主计室 主計室 zhu3 ji4 shi4
auditing department; accounting department; comptroller office

资本计提 資本計提 zi1 ben3 ji4 ti2
capital requirement

综计 綜計 zong1 ji4
grand total; to add everything together

总计 總計 zong3 ji4
(grand) total

走为上计 走為上計 zou3 wei2 shang4 ji4
see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策

最大似然估计 最大似然估計 zui4 da4 si4 ran2 gu1 ji4
maximum-likelihood estimation (statistics)