to admonish; variant of 證|证

certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症

strokes 7
strokes after radical 5
八纲辨证 八綱辨證 ba1 gang1 bian4 zheng4
pattern-syndrome identification based on the eight principles (TCM)

保证 保證 bao3 zheng4
guarantee; to guarantee; to ensure; to safeguard; to pledge

保证金 保證金 bao3 zheng4 jin1
earnest money; cash deposit; bail; margin (in derivative trading)

保证破坏战略 保證破壞戰略 bao3 zheng4 po4 huai4 zhan4 lve4
assured destruction strategy

保证人 保證人 bao3 zheng4 ren2
guarantor; bailor

毕业证书 畢業證書 bi4 ye4 zheng4 shu1

痹证 痺證 bi4 zheng4
localized pain disorder (in Chinese medicine); arthralgia syndrome; bi disorder

辨证 辨證 bian4 zheng4
to investigate

辩证 辯證 bian4 zheng4
to investigate; dialectical

辩证法 辯證法 bian4 zheng4 fa3
dialectics; dialectic or Socratic method of debate

辨证论治 辨證論治 bian4 zheng4 lun4 zhi4
holistic diagnosis and treatment (TCM)

辨证施治 辨證施治 bian4 zheng4 shi1 zhi4
diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition

辩证唯物主义 辯證唯物主義 bian4 zheng4 wei2 wu4 zhu3 yi4
dialectical materialism

表证 表證 biao3 zheng4
superficial syndrome; illness that has not attacked the vital organs of the human body

不可撤销信用证 不可撤銷信用證 bu4 ke3 che4 xiao1 xin4 yong4 zheng4
irrevocable letter of credit

财产公证 財產公證 cai2 chan3 gong1 zheng4
property notarization

采证 採證 cai3 zheng4
to collect evidence

查证 查證 cha2 zheng4
investigate; check out (a story)

产地证 產地證 chan3 di4 zheng4
certificate of origin (CO or CoO) (commerce)

出生证 出生證 chu1 sheng1 zheng4
birth certificate

出生证明 出生證明 chu1 sheng1 zheng4 ming2
birth certificate

出生证明书 出生證明書 chu1 sheng1 zheng4 ming2 shu1
birth certificate

传闻证据 傳聞證據 chuan2 wen2 zheng4 ju4
hearsay (law)

催证 催證 cui1 zheng4
to call for the issue of a letter of credit (international trade)

村证房 村證房 cun1 zheng4 fang2
"village-certificated house", residence supposedly only transferable to other village residents but often sold on the open market

存款证 存款證 cun2 kuan3 zheng4
certificate of deposit

存托凭证 存託憑證 cun2 tuo1 ping2 zheng4
depository share; depository receipt (DR)

单证 單證 dan1 zheng4
(international trade) documentation (e.g. a bill of lading)

得证 得證 de2 zheng4
to obtain a proof; Q.E.D.

登机证 登機證 deng1 ji1 zheng4
boarding pass

对证 對證 dui4 zheng4

对证命名 對證命名 dui4 zheng4 ming4 ming2
confrontation naming

法兰克福证券交易所 法蘭克福證券交易所 fa3 lan2 ke4 fu2 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3
Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE)

反证 反證 fan3 zheng4
disproof; rebuttal; reductio ad absurdum

反证法 反證法 fan3 zheng4 fa3
reductio ad absurdum

房产证 房產證 fang2 chan3 zheng4
title deeds; certificate of property ownership

干证 干證 gan1 zheng4
witness (in a law suit)

公证 公證 gong1 zheng4
notarization; notarized; acknowledgement

公证处 公證處 gong1 zheng4 chu4
notary office

公证人 公證人 gong1 zheng4 ren2
notary; actuary

孤证不立 孤證不立 gu1 zheng4 bu4 li4
unacceptable as uncorroborated evidence (in law or in textual criticism)

挂号证 掛號證 gua4 hao4 zheng4
register card

过境签证 過境簽證 guo4 jing4 qian1 zheng4
transit visa

合格证 合格證 he2 ge2 zheng4
certificate of conformity

核证模型 核證模型 he2 zheng4 mo2 xing2
verification model

换证 換證 huan4 zheng4
to renew a certificate (ID card etc); to leave an ID at the desk to gain entrance

婚前财产公证 婚前財產公證 hun1 qian2 cai2 chan3 gong1 zheng4
prenuptial agreement; dowry contract

迹证 跡證 ji4 zheng4
(Tw) traces; material evidence (archaeology, criminal investigation etc)

假证 假證 jia3 zheng4
false testimony

假证件 假證件 jia3 zheng4 jian4
false documents

驾驶证 駕駛證 jia4 shi3 zheng4
driving license

检证 檢證 jian3 zheng4
verification; inspection (loanword from Japanese)

检证程序 檢證程序 jian3 zheng4 cheng2 xu4
procedure of verification (accountancy)

间接证据 間接證據 jian4 jie1 zheng4 ju4
indirect testimony; circumstantial evidence

见证 見證 jian4 zheng4
to be witness to; witness; evidence

见证人 見證人 jian4 zheng4 ren2
eyewitness (to an incident); witness (to a legal transaction)

结婚证 結婚證 jie2 hun1 zheng4
marriage certificate

借书证 借書證 jie4 shu1 zheng4
library card

居留证 居留證 ju1 liu2 zheng4
residence permit

居住证 居住證 ju1 zhu4 zheng4
residence permit

举证 舉證 ju3 zheng4
to offer evidence

考证 考證 kao3 zheng4
to do textual research; to make textual criticism

可转让证券 可轉讓證券 ke3 zhuan3 rang4 zheng4 quan4
negotiable securities

例证 例證 li4 zheng4
example; case in point

伦敦证券交易所 倫敦證券交易所 lun2 dun1 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3
London Stock Exchange (LSE)

论证 論證 lun4 zheng4
to prove a point; to expound on; to demonstrate or prove (through argument); proof

履约保证金 履約保證金 lv3 yue1 bao3 zheng4 jin1
performance bond (international trade)

美国存托凭证 美國存託憑證 mei3 guo2 cun2 tuo1 ping2 zheng4
American depository receipt (ADR)

美国证券交易委员会 美國證券交易委員會 mei3 guo2 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

明证 明證 ming2 zheng4
clear proof

纽约证券交易所 紐約證券交易所 niu3 yue1 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

旁证 旁證 pang2 zheng4
circumstantial evidence

票证 票證 piao4 zheng4
a ticket; a pass (e.g. to enter a building)

凭证 憑證 ping2 zheng4
proof; certificate; receipt; voucher

签证 簽證 qian1 zheng4
visa; certificate; to certify

求证 求證 qiu2 zheng4
to seek proof; to seek confirmation

取证 取證 qu3 zheng4
to collect evidence

权证 權證 quan2 zheng4
warrant (finance)

确证 確證 que4 zheng4
to prove; to confirm; to corroborate; convincing proof

人证 人證 ren2 zheng4
witness testimony

人证物证 人證物證 ren2 zheng4 wu4 zheng4
human testimony and material evidence

认证 認證 ren4 zheng4
to authenticate; to approve

入境签证 入境簽證 ru4 jing4 qian1 zheng4
entry visa

上海证券交易所 上海證券交易所 shang4 hai3 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3
Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)

上海证券交易所综合股价指 上海證券交易所綜合股價指 shang4 hai3 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 zong1 he2 gu3 jia4 zhi3
Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Composite Index

上证 上證 shang4 zheng4
Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), abbr. for 上海證券交易所|上海证券交易所

上证综合指数 上證綜合指數 shang4 zheng4 zong1 he2 zhi3 shu4
SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) Composite Index

身分证 身分證 shen1 fen4 zheng4
identity card; also written 身份證|身份证

身份证 身份證 shen1 fen4 zheng4
identity card; ID

身份证号码 身份證號碼 shen1 fen4 zheng4 hao4 ma3
I.D. number

身分证号码 身分證號碼 shen1 fen4 zheng4 hao4 ma3
variant of 身份證號碼|身份证号码; I.D. number

身份证明 身份證明 shen1 fen4 zheng4 ming2
ID card; proof of identity

深圳证券交易所 深圳證券交易所 shen1 zhen4 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, abbr. to 深交所

实证 實證 shi2 zheng4
actual proof; concrete evidence; empirical

实证主义 實證主義 shi2 zheng4 zhu3 yi4
positivism; empiricism

事证 事證 shi4 zheng4

授证 授證 shou4 zheng4
to deliver (a diploma, licence etc); to qualify

书证 書證 shu1 zheng4
written evidence

死无对证 死無對證 si3 wu2 dui4 zheng4
the dead cannot testify (idiom); dead men tell no tales

搜证 搜證 sou1 zheng4
search warrant; to look for evidence

蒐证 蒐證 sou1 zheng4
see 搜證|搜证

台胞证 台胞證 tai2 bao1 zheng4
Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents; Taiwan Compatriot Entry Permit; abbr. for 台灣居民來往大陸通行證|台湾居民来往大陆通行证

铁证 鐵證 tie3 zheng4
ironclad evidence; conclusive proof

铁证如山 鐵證如山 tie3 zheng4 ru2 shan1
irrefutable evidence

听证会 聽證會 ting1 zheng4 hui4
(legislative) hearing

通行证 通行證 tong1 xing2 zheng4
a pass (authority to enter); a laissez-passer or safe conduct

外国人居住证明 外國人居住證明 wai4 guo2 ren2 ju1 zhu4 zheng4 ming2
foreigner's certificate of residence

伪证 偽證 wei3 zheng4

未经证实 未經證實 wei4 jing1 zheng4 shi2

物证 物證 wu4 zheng4
material evidence

相互保证毁灭 相互保證毀滅 xiang1 hu4 bao3 zheng4 hui3 mie4
Mutual Assured Destruction

信用证 信用證 xin4 yong4 zheng4
letter of credit

信用证券 信用證券 xin4 yong4 zheng4 quan4
instrument of credit; letter of credit; see also 信用證|信用证

许可证 許可證 xu3 ke3 zheng4
license; authorization; permit

宣誓供词证明 宣誓供詞證明 xuan1 shi4 gong4 ci2 zheng4 ming2
affidavit; deposition (law)

宣誓证言 宣誓證言 xuan1 shi4 zheng4 yan2
sworn testimony

学生证 學生證 xue2 sheng5 zheng4
student identity card

学位证书 學位證書 xue2 wei4 zheng4 shu1

血证 血證 xue4 zheng4
evidence of murder; bloodstain evidence

循环论证 循環論證 xun2 huan2 lun4 zheng4
circular argument; logical error consisting of begging the question; Latin: petitio principii

眼证 眼證 yan3 zheng4

验证 驗證 yan4 zheng4
to inspect and verify; experimental verification; to validate (a theory); to authenticate

验证码 驗證碼 yan4 zheng4 ma3
verification code; CAPTCHA, a type of challenge-response test (computing)

耶和华见证人 耶和華見證人 ye1 he2 hua2 jian4 zheng4 ren2
Jehovah's Witnesses

以资证明 以資證明 yi3 zi1 zheng4 ming2
in support or witness hereof (idiom)

肄业证书 肄業證書 yi4 ye4 zheng4 shu1
certificate of partial completion; certificate of attendance (for a student who did not graduate)

引证 引證 yin3 zheng4
to cite; to quote; to cite as evidence

印证 印證 yin4 zheng4
to seal; to confirm; to corroborate; to verify

有价证券 有價證券 you3 jia4 zheng4 quan4
securities; collateral (for loan)

预托证券 預託證券 yu4 tuo1 zheng4 quan4
depository receipt (DR, in share dealing)

再保证 再保證 zai4 bao3 zheng4
to reassure

暂住证 暫住證 zan4 zhu4 zheng4
temporary residence permit

债务担保证券 債務擔保證券 zhai4 wu4 dan1 bao3 zheng4 quan4
collateralized debt obligation (CDO), type of bond

债务证券 債務證券 zhai4 wu4 zheng4 quan4
debt security; collateralized debt obligation (CDO), type of bond

债务证书 債務證書 zhai4 wu4 zheng4 shu1
debt instrument

证词 證詞 zheng4 ci2

证婚 證婚 zheng4 hun1
to be witness (at a wedding)

证婚人 證婚人 zheng4 hun1 ren2
wedding witness

证监会 證監會 zheng4 jian1 hui4
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC); abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会

证件 證件 zheng4 jian4
certificate; papers; credentials; document; ID

证交会 證交會 zheng4 jiao1 hui4
US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

证交所 證交所 zheng4 jiao1 suo3
stock exchange

证据 證據 zheng4 ju4
evidence; proof; testimony

证明 證明 zheng4 ming2
proof; certificate; identification; testimonial; to prove; to testify; to confirm the truth of

证明力 證明力 zheng4 ming2 li4
probative value; strength of evidence in legal proof; relevance

证明书 證明書 zheng4 ming2 shu1

证明完毕 證明完畢 zheng4 ming2 wan2 bi4
QED; end of proof (math.)

证明文件 證明文件 zheng4 ming2 wen2 jian4
identification document; documentary proof

证奴 證奴 zheng4 nu2
"a slave to certificates", sb who does one's utmost to obtain as many certificates as possible so to be more employable

证券 證券 zheng4 quan4
negotiable security (financial); certificate; stocks and bonds

证券代销 證券代銷 zheng4 quan4 dai4 xiao1
proxy sale of securities

证券公司 證券公司 zheng4 quan4 gong1 si1
securities company; share company

证券柜台买卖中心 證券櫃檯買賣中心 zheng4 quan4 gui4 tai2 mai3 mai4 zhong1 xin1
GreTai Securities Market (GTSM)

证券化率 證券化率 zheng4 quan4 hua4 lv4
securitization ratio

证券交易所 證券交易所 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3
stock exchange

证券经纪人 證券經紀人 zheng4 quan4 jing1 ji4 ren2

证券经营 證券經營 zheng4 quan4 jing1 ying2
share dealing; brokering

证券商 證券商 zheng4 quan4 shang1
share dealer; broker

证券市场 證券市場 zheng4 quan4 shi4 chang3
financial market

证券委 證券委 zheng4 quan4 wei3
securities commission; abbr. for 證券委員會|证券委员会

证券委员会 證券委員會 zheng4 quan4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
securities commission (of the State Council)

证人 證人 zheng4 ren2

证人席 證人席 zheng4 ren2 xi2
witness stand or box

证实 證實 zheng4 shi2
to confirm (sth to be true); to verify

证实礼 證實禮 zheng4 shi2 li3

证书 證書 zheng4 shu1
credentials; certificate

证物 證物 zheng4 wu4
exhibit (law)

证言 證言 zheng4 yan2

证验 證驗 zheng4 yan4
real results; to verify

证章 證章 zheng4 zhang1

证照 證照 zheng4 zhao4
professional certification; certificate; ID or passport photo

指证 指證 zhi3 zheng4
to testify; to give evidence

质证 質證 zhi4 zheng4
examination of the evidence of the opposing party in a court of law

中国证监会 中國證監會 zhong1 guo2 zheng4 jian4 hui4
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC); abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会

中国证券报 中國證券報 zhong1 guo2 zheng4 quan4 bao4
China Securities Journal

中国证券监督管理委员会 中國證券監督管理委員會 zhong1 guo2 zheng4 quan4 jian1 du1 guan3 li3 wei3 yuan2 hui4
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC); abbr. to 證監會|证监会

准考证 准考證 zhun3 kao3 zheng4
(exam) admission ticket

准生证 准生證 zhun3 sheng1 zheng4
birth permit

资产担保证券 資產擔保證券 zi1 chan3 dan1 bao3 zheng4 quan4
asset-backed security; ABS

佐证 佐證 zuo3 zheng4
evidence; proof; to confirm; corroboration

作证 作證 zuo4 zheng4
to bear witness; to testify

作证能力 作證能力 zuo4 zheng4 neng2 li4