Stories Old and New by Feng Menglong 馮夢龍|冯梦龙, collection of late Ming baihua 白話|白话 tales published in 1620
关说關說guan1 shuo1
to speak for sb; to intercede for sb; to lobby illegally
光说不练光說不練guang1 shuo1 bu4 lian4
all talk and no action (idiom); to preach what one does not practice; same as 光說不做|光说不做
光说不做光說不做guang1 shuo1 bu4 zuo4
all talk and no action (idiom); to preach what one does not practice
海底扩张说海底擴張說hai3 di3 kuo4 zhang1 shuo1
theory of seafloor spreading (geology)
好说好說hao3 shuo1
easy to deal with; not a problem; (polite answer) you flatter me
好说歹说好說歹說hao3 shuo1 dai3 shuo1
to try one's very best to persuade sb (idiom); to reason with sb in every way possible
横说竖说橫說豎說heng2 shuo1 shu4 shuo1
to explain sth over and over again; to repeat
胡说胡說hu2 shuo1
to talk nonsense; drivel
胡说八道胡說八道hu2 shuo1 ba1 dao4
to talk rubbish
胡诌乱说胡謅亂說hu2 zhou1 luan4 shuo1
to talk random nonsense (idiom); to say whatever comes into one's head
话说話說hua4 shuo1
It is said that ... (at the start of a narrative); to discuss; to recount
话说回来話說回來hua4 shuo1 hui2 lai5
returning to our main topic,...; that said,...; again,...; in this connection; in passing; nevertheless,...; anyhow
话又说回来話又說回來hua4 you4 shuo1 hui2 lai5
returning to our main topic,...; that said,...; again,...; in this connection; in passing; nevertheless,...; anyhow
换句话说換句話說huan4 ju4 hua4 shuo1
in other words
浑天说渾天說hun2 tian1 shuo1
geocentric theory in ancient Chinese astronomy
极短篇小说極短篇小說ji2 duan3 pian1 xiao3 shuo1
flash fiction
假说假說jia3 shuo1
简单地说簡單地說jian3 dan1 de5 shuo1
to put it simply; simply put
见说見說jian4 shuo1
to hear what was said
解说解說jie3 shuo1
to explain; to comment
解说词解說詞jie3 shuo1 ci2
a commentary
解说员解說員jie3 shuo1 yuan2
就是说就是說jiu4 shi4 shuo1
in other words; that is
就职演说就職演說jiu4 zhi2 yan3 shuo1
inaugural speech
举例来说舉例來說ju3 li4 lai2 shuo1
for example
据说據說ju4 shuo1
it is said that; reportedly
具体说明具體說明ju4 ti3 shuo1 ming2
explicit explanation; to specify
科幻小说科幻小說ke1 huan4 xiao3 shuo1
science fiction novel
科技惊悚小说科技驚悚小說ke1 ji4 jing1 song3 xiao3 shuo1
techno-thriller novel; science fiction thriller
空口说白话空口說白話kong1 kou3 shuo1 bai2 hua4
to make empty promises
老实说老實說lao3 shi2 shuo1
honestly speaking; to be frank, ...
愣说愣說leng4 shuo1
to insist; to allege; to assert
乱说亂說luan4 shuo1
to talk drivel; to make irresponsible remarks
慢说慢說man4 shuo1
not to mention ... (i.e. in addition to sth)
漫说漫說man4 shuo1
not to mention ... (i.e. in addition to sth)
没得说沒得說mei2 de5 shuo1
really good; excellent
没说的沒說的mei2 shuo1 de5
really good
民间传说民間傳說min2 jian1 chuan2 shuo1
popular tradition; folk legend
能说会道能說會道neng2 shuo1 hui4 dao4
can talk really well (idiom); the gift of the gab
评说評說ping2 shuo1
to comment; to evaluate
浅说淺說qian3 shuo1
simple introduction; primer
谴责小说譴責小說qian3 ze2 xiao3 shuo1
novel of denunciation (according to Lu Xun's 鲁迅 classification)
且不说且不說qie3 bu4 shuo1
not to mention; leaving aside
且说且說qie3 shuo1
劝说勸說quan4 shuo1
to persuade; persuasion; to advise
燃素说燃素說ran2 su4 shuo1
phlogiston theory
日心说日心說ri4 xin1 shuo1
heliocentric theory; the theory that the sun is at the center of the universe
色情小说色情小說se4 qing2 xiao3 shuo1
pornographic novel; dirty book
少说为佳少說為佳shao3 shuo1 wei2 jia1
Few words are best.; Brevity is the soul of wit.
申说申說shen1 shuo1
to state; to assert
什么好说什麼好說shen2 me5 hao3 shuo1
sth pertinent to say
神魔小说神魔小說shen2 mo2 xiao3 shuo1
supernatural novel; novel of ghosts and goblins
声说聲說sheng1 shuo1
to narrate
实话实说實話實說shi2 hua4 shi2 shuo1
to tell the truth; to tell it as it is
史传小说史傳小說shi3 zhuan4 xiao3 shuo1
historical novel
是啥说啥是啥說啥shi4 sha2 shuo1 sha2
call a spade a spade (idiom)
世说新语世說新語shi4 shuo1 xin1 yu3
A New Account of the Tales of the World, collection of anecdotes, conversations, remarks etc of historic personalities, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing 劉義慶|刘义庆
述说述說shu4 shuo1
to recount; to narrate; to give an account of
说客說客shui4 ke4
(old) itinerant political adviser; (fig.) lobbyist; go-between; mouthpiece; also pr.
说白了說白了shuo1 bai2 le5
to speak frankly
说不出话来說不出話來shuo1 bu4 chu1 hua4 lai2
说不通說不通shuo1 bu4 tong1
it does not make sense
说不准說不準shuo1 bu4 zhun3
unable to say; can't say precisely
说不出說不出shuo1 bu5 chu1
unable to say
说不定說不定shuo1 bu5 ding4
can't say for sure; maybe
说不过去說不過去shuo1 bu5 guo4 qu4
cannot be justified; inexcusable
说不上說不上shuo1 bu5 shang4
to be unable to say or tell; to not be worth mentioning
说曹操,曹操到說曹操,曹操到shuo1 cao2 cao1 - cao2 cao1 dao4
see 說曹操曹操就到|说曹操曹操就到
说曹操曹操就到說曹操曹操就到shuo1 cao2 cao1 cao2 cao1 jiu4 dao4
lit. speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrives; fig. speak of the devil and he doth appear
说长道短說長道短shuo1 chang2 dao4 duan3
lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits (idiom); to gossip
说唱說唱shuo1 chang4
speaking and singing, as in various forms of storytelling such as 彈詞|弹词 and 相聲|相声; (music) rapping
说出說出shuo1 chu1
to speak out; to declare (one's view)
说辞說辭shuo1 ci2
excuse; pretext; entreaties; arguments
说道說道shuo1 dao4
to state; to say (the quoted words)
说到做到說到做到shuo1 dao4 zuo4 dao4
to be as good as one's word (idiom); to keep one's promise
说道說道shuo1 dao5
to discuss; reason (behind sth)
说得过去說得過去shuo1 de5 guo4 qu4
acceptable; passable; justifiable; (of a course of action) to make sense
说得上說得上shuo1 de5 shang4
can be counted or regarded as; to be able to tell or answer; to deserve mention
说定說定shuo1 ding4
to agree on; to settle on
说动說動shuo1 dong4
to persuade
说法說法shuo1 fa3
to expound Buddhist teachings
说法說法shuo1 fa5
way of speaking; wording; formulation; one's version (of events); statement; theory; hypothesis; interpretation
说废话說廢話shuo1 fei4 hua4
to talk nonsense; to bullshit
说风凉话說風涼話shuo1 feng1 liang2 hua4
to sneer; to make cynical remarks; sarcastic talk
说服說服shuo1 fu2
to persuade; to convince; to talk sb over; Taiwan pr.
说服力說服力shuo1 fu2 li4
说好說好shuo1 hao3
to come to an agreement; to complete negotiations
说合說合shuo1 he2
to bring together; to mediate; to arrange a deal
说话說話shuo1 hua4
to speak; to say; to talk; to gossip; to tell stories; talk; word
说话不当话說話不當話shuo1 hua4 bu4 dang4 hua4
to fail to keep to one's word; to break a promise
说话算话說話算話shuo1 hua4 suan4 hua4
to do as promised; to be as good as one's word; to honor one's word; to mean what one says
说话算数說話算數shuo1 hua4 suan4 shu4
to keep one's promise; to mean what one says
说话要算数說話要算數shuo1 hua4 yao4 suan4 shu4
promises must be kept
说谎說謊shuo1 huang3
to lie; to tell an untruth
说谎者說謊者shuo1 huang3 zhe3
说教說教shuo1 jiao4
to preach
说来话长說來話長shuo1 lai2 hua4 chang2
start explaining and it's a long story (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly
说了算說了算shuo1 le5 suan4
to have the final say; to be the one in charge
说理說理shuo1 li3
to reason; to argue logically
说溜嘴說溜嘴shuo1 liu1 zui3
to make a slip of the tongue
说漏嘴說漏嘴shuo1 lou4 zui3
to blurt out; to let slip
说媒說媒shuo1 mei2
to act as a matchmaker
说明說明shuo1 ming2
to explain; to illustrate; to indicate; to show; to prove; explanation; directions; caption
说明会說明會shuo1 ming2 hui4
information meeting
说明书說明書shuo1 ming2 shu1
(technical) manual; (book of) directions; synopsis (of a play or film); specification (patent)
说破說破shuo1 po4
to lay bare (actual facts, secrets etc); to reveal
说葡萄酸說葡萄酸shuo1 pu2 tao5 suan1
sour grapes (set expr. based on Aesop); lit. to say grapes are sour when you can't eat them
说七说八說七說八shuo1 qi1 shuo1 ba1
after all
说起說起shuo1 qi3
to mention; to bring up (a subject); with regard to; as for
说亲說親shuo1 qin1
to act as a matchmaker
说情說情shuo1 qing2
to intercede; to plead for sb else
说三道四說三道四shuo1 san1 dao4 si4
to make thoughtless remarks (idiom); to criticize; gossip
说上說上shuo1 shang4
to say; to speak; to talk
说时迟,那时快說時遲,那時快shuo1 shi2 chi2 - na4 shi2 kuai4
(idiom) no sooner said than done; before you know it
Shuowen Jiezi, the original Han dynasty Chinese character dictionary with 10,516 entries, authored by Xu Shen 許慎|许慎 in 2nd century
说文解字注說文解字註shuo1 wen2 jie3 zi4 zhu4
Commentary on Shuowen Jiezi (1815) by Duan Yucai 段玉裁
说笑說笑shuo1 xiao4
to chat and laugh; to crack jokes; to banter
说一不二說一不二shuo1 yi1 bu4 er4
to say one and mean just that (idiom); to keep one's word
说岳全传說岳全傳shuo1 yue4 quan2 zhuan4
"The Story of Yue Fei", biography of Song dynasty patriot and general Yue Fei 岳飛|岳飞
说着玩說著玩shuo1 zhe5 wan2
to say sth for fun; to be kidding; to joke around
说着玩儿說著玩兒shuo1 zhe5 wan2 er5
erhua variant of 說著玩|说着玩
说嘴說嘴shuo1 zui3
to boast
俗话说俗話說su2 hua4 shuo1
as the proverb says; as they say...
诉说訴說su4 shuo1
to recount; to tell of; to relate; (fig.) (of a thing) to stand as testament to (some past history)
虽说雖說sui1 shuo1
though; although
太极图说太極圖說tai4 ji2 tu2 shuo1
philosophical book by Song dynasty scholar Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤|周敦颐, starting from an interpretation of the Book of Changes
谈情说爱談情說愛tan2 qing2 shuo1 ai4
to murmur endearments (idiom); to get into a romantic relationship
谈天说地談天說地tan2 tian1 shuo1 di4
to talk endlessly; talking of anything under the sun
听说聽說ting1 shuo1
to hear (sth said); one hears (that); hearsay; listening and speaking
通俗小说通俗小說tong1 su2 xiao3 shuo1
popular fiction; light literature
图解说明圖解說明tu2 jie3 shuo1 ming2
explanatory diagram
推理小说推理小說tui1 li3 xiao3 shuo1
murder mystery (novel); whodunit
推说推說tui1 shuo1
to plead; to claim as an excuse
妄说妄說wang4 shuo1
to talk irresponsibly; ridiculous presumption talk
微型小说微型小說wei1 xing2 xiao3 shuo1
flash fiction
无话可说無話可說wu2 hua4 ke3 shuo1
to have nothing to say (idiom)
武侠小说武俠小說wu3 xia2 xiao3 shuo1
a martial arts (wuxia) novel
细说細說xi4 shuo1
to tell in detail
戏说戲說xi4 shuo1
dramatic form consisting of historical narration; history as jocular narrative; to stretch history for a joking story; amusing story with strained interpretations of history; to make an unreasonable comparison in jest
戏说剧戲說劇xi4 shuo1 ju4
period costume drama (on TV)
瞎说瞎說xia1 shuo1
to talk drivel; to assert sth without a proper understanding or basis in fact; not to know what one is talking about
现身说法現身說法xian4 shen1 shuo1 fa3
to talk from one's personal experience; to use oneself as an example
小说小說xiao3 shuo1
novel; fiction
小说家小說家xiao3 shuo1 jia1
School of Minor-talks, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家 during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)
It's a long and intricate story, I hardly know where to start.
一说一說yi1 shuo1
an expression of opinion; according to some
异说異說yi4 shuo1
different opinion; dissident view; absurd remark
影射小说影射小說ying3 she4 xiao3 shuo1
roman à clef
郢书燕说郢書燕說ying3 shu1 yan1 shuo1
lit. Ying writes a letter and Yan reads it; fig. to misinterpret the original meaning; to pile up errors; refers to the letter from capital 郢 of 楚 in which the inadvertent words "hold up the candle" are mistaken by the minister of 燕 as "promote the wise"
游说遊說you2 shui4
to lobby; to campaign; to promote (an idea, a product); (old) to visit various rulers and promote one's political ideas (in the Warring States period)
游说集团遊說集團you2 shui4 ji2 tuan2
lobby group
游说团游說團you2 shui4 tuan2
lobby group
游说团体游說團體you2 shui4 tuan2 ti3
lobby group
游戏说遊戲說you2 xi4 shuo1
theory of free play (in Kant's philosophy)
有话快说有話快說you3 hua4 kuai4 shuo1
spit it out!
有话要说有話要說you3 hua4 yao4 shuo1
to speak one's mind
有苦说不出有苦說不出you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1
having unspeakable bitter suffering; (often used after 啞巴吃黃連|哑巴吃黄连)
有说服力有說服力you3 shuo1 fu2 li4
有说有笑有說有笑you3 shuo1 you3 xiao4
talking and laughing; to jest; cheerful and lively
杂说雜說za2 shuo1
scattered essays; various opinions; different manners of speaking
灾变说災變說zai1 bian4 shuo1
catastrophism (theory that geological changes are brought about by catastrophes such as the biblical flood)
再活化假说再活化假說zai4 huo2 hua4 jia3 shuo1
reactivation hypothesis
再说再說zai4 shuo1
to say again; to put off a discussion until later; moreover; what's more; besides