content; calm; still; quiet; safe; secure; in good health; to find a place for; to install; to fix; to fit; to bring (a charge against sb); to pacify; to harbor (good intentions); security; safety; peace; ampere
Erdogan (name); Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (1954-), Turkish politician, prime minister from 2003
安·海瑟薇安·海瑟薇an1 - hai3 se4 wei1
see 安妮·海瑟薇
安邦安邦an1 bang1
to bring peace and stability to a country, region etc
安保安保an1 bao3
to maintain security (abbr.)
安倍安倍an1 bei4
Abe (Japanese surname)
安倍晋三安倍晉三an1 bei4 jin4 san1
Abe Shinzo (1954-), Japanese LDP politician, prime minister 2006-2007 and from 2012
安瓿安瓿an1 bu4
ampoule (loanword)
安步当车安步當車an1 bu4 dang4 che1
to go on foot (idiom); to do things at a leisurely pace
安瓿瓶安瓿瓶an1 bu4 ping2
ampoule (loanword)
安插安插an1 cha1
to place in a certain position; to assign to a job; to plant; resettlement (old)
安次安次an1 ci4
Anci district of Langfang city 廊坊市, Hebei
安次区安次區an1 ci4 qu1
Anci district of Langfang city 廊坊市, Hebei
安达安達an1 da2
Anda county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang
安达曼岛安達曼島an1 da2 man4 dao3
Andaman islands; variant of 安達曼群島|安达曼群岛
安达曼海安達曼海an1 da2 man4 hai3
Andaman Sea
安达曼群岛安達曼群島an1 da2 man4 qun2 dao3
Andaman islands
安达仕安達仕an1 da2 shi4
Andaz (hotel brand)
安达市安達市an1 da2 shi4
Anda county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang
安打安打an1 da3
base hit (baseball)
安大略湖安大略湖an1 da4 lve4 hu2
Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖
安大略省安大略省an1 da4 lve4 sheng3
Ontario province, Canada
安道尔安道爾an1 dao4 er3
安道尔城安道爾城an1 dao4 er3 cheng2
Andorra la Vella, capital of Andorra
安道尔共和国安道爾共和國an1 dao4 er3 gong4 he2 guo2
Republic of Andorra
安德海安德海an1 de2 hai3
An Dehai (-1869), the Qing equivalent of Rasputin, all-powerful court eunuch with the dowager empress Cixi 慈禧太后, executed in 1869 by her rival Empress Mother Empress Dowager Ci'an 慈安皇太后
安得拉邦安得拉邦an1 de2 la1 bang1
Andhra Pradesh or Andhra State in southeast India
安德肋安德肋an1 de2 lei4
Andrew (Catholic transliteration); also 安德魯|安德鲁 (Protestant transliteration)
安德烈安德烈an1 de2 lie4
Andre (person name)
安德鲁安德魯an1 de2 lu3
安抵安抵an1 di3
to arrive safely
安地卡及巴布达安地卡及巴布達an1 di4 ka3 ji2 ba1 bu4 da2
Antigua and Barbuda (Tw)
安地斯安地斯an1 di4 si1
the Andes mountains
安第斯安第斯an1 di4 si1
the Andes mountain chain
安第斯山安第斯山an1 di4 si1 shan1
the Andes mountain range
安第斯山脉安第斯山脈an1 di4 si1 shan1 mai4
Andes mountain chain of South America
安定安定an1 ding4
Anting township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县, Taiwan
安定安定an1 ding4
stable; quiet; settled; stabilize; maintain; stabilized; calm and orderly
Anhui Province (Anhwei) in south central China, abbr. 皖, capital Hefei 合肥
安徽中医学院安徽中醫學院an1 hui1 zhong1 yi1 xue2 yuan4
Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
安魂弥撒安魂彌撒an1 hun2 mi2 sa5
Requiem Mass (Catholic)
安吉安吉an1 ji2
Anji county in Huzhou 湖州, Zhejiang
安吉尔安吉爾an1 ji2 er3
angel (loanword)
安吉县安吉縣an1 ji2 xian4
Anji county in Huzhou 湖州, Zhejiang
安吉星安吉星an1 ji2 xing1
OnStar, communications system for motor vehicles featuring speech recognition, GPS navigation etc
安家安家an1 jia1
to settle down; to set up a home
安家立业安家立業an1 jia1 li4 ye4
stable household, established profession (idiom); settled and comfortably off
安家落户安家落戶an1 jia1 luo4 hu4
to make one's home in a place; to settle
安检安檢an1 jian3
safety check
安捷伦科技安捷倫科技an1 jie2 lun2 ke1 ji4
Agilent Technologies (research and manufacturing company)
安静安靜an1 jing4
quiet; peaceful; calm
安居安居an1 ju1
to settle down; to live peacefully
安居安居an1 ju1
Anju district of Suining city 遂寧市|遂宁市, Sichuan
安居工程安居工程an1 ju1 gong1 cheng2
housing project for low-income urban residents
安居乐业安居樂業an1 ju1 le4 ye4
to live in peace and work happily (idiom)
安居区安居區an1 ju1 qu1
Anju district of Suining city 遂寧市|遂宁市, Sichuan
安卡拉安卡拉an1 ka3 la1
Ankara, capital of Turkey
安康安康an1 kang1
Ankang prefecture level city in Shaanxi
安康安康an1 kang1
good health
安康地区安康地區an1 kang1 di4 qu1
Ankang prefecture, Shaanxi
安康市安康市an1 kang1 shi4
Ankang prefecture level city in Shaanxi
安可安可an1 ke3
encore (loanword)
安克拉治安克拉治an1 ke4 la1 zhi4
Anchorage (Alaska)
安克雷奇安克雷奇an1 ke4 lei2 qi2
Anchorage (city in Alaska)
安拉安拉an1 la1
Allah (Arabic name of God)
安乐安樂an1 le4
Anle district of Keelung City 基隆市, Taiwan
安乐安樂an1 le4
peace and happiness
安乐区安樂區an1 le4 qu1
Anle district of Keelung City 基隆市, Taiwan
安乐死安樂死an1 le4 si3
安乐窝安樂窩an1 le4 wo1
comfortable niche
安理会安理會an1 li3 hui4
(United Nations) Security Council
安利安利an1 li4
Amway (brand)
安联安聯an1 lian2
Allianz, German financial service company
安龙安龍an1 long2
Anlong county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州, Guizhou
安龙县安龍縣an1 long2 xian4
Anlong county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州, Guizhou
安陆安陸an1 lu4
Anlu county level city in Xiaogan 孝感, Hubei
安禄山安祿山an1 lu4 shan1
An Lushan (703-757), famous general and favorite of Tang emperor Xuanzong, eventually precipitated catastrophic An Shi rebellion (755-763)
安陆市安陸市an1 lu4 shi4
Anlu county level city in Xiaogan 孝感, Hubei
安曼安曼an1 man4
Amman, capital of Jordan
安谧安謐an1 mi4
tranquil; peaceful
安眠安眠an1 mian2
to sleep peacefully
安眠酮安眠酮an1 mian2 tong2
methaqualone; hyminal
安眠药安眠藥an1 mian2 yao4
sleeping pill
安民告示安民告示an1 min2 gao4 shi4
a notice to reassure the public; advance notice (of an agenda)
安娜安娜an1 na4
Anna (name)
安娜·卡列尼娜安娜·卡列尼娜an1 na4 - ka3 lie4 ni2 na4
Anna Karenina, novel by Leo Tolstoy 列夫·托爾斯泰|列夫·托尔斯泰
安纳波利斯安納波利斯an1 na4 bo1 li4 si1
Annapolis (place name)
安纳托利亚安納托利亞an1 na4 tuo1 li4 ya4
Anatolia, Asia minor
安乃近安乃近an1 nai3 jin4
analgin (loanword)
安南安南an1 nan2
Annam (Tang Dynasty protectorate located in what is now northern Vietnam); Annam (autonomous kingdom located in what is now northern Vietnam, 10th-15th century); Annam (central part of Vietnam during the French colonial period); old name for Vietnam; Anna
安南区安南區an1 nan2 qu1
Annan district of Tainan City 臺南市|台南市, Taiwan
安南山脉安南山脈an1 nan2 shan1 mai4
old term for Truong Son Ra 長山山脈|长山山脉, mountain range forming the border between Vietnam and Laos and Kampuchea
安南子安南子an1 nan2 zi3
see 胖大海
安妮安妮an1 ni1
Annie (name)
安妮·海瑟薇安妮·海瑟薇an1 ni2 - hai3 se4 wei1
Anne Hathaway (1982-), American actress
安妮·夏菲维安妮·夏菲維an1 ni2 - xia4 fei1 wei2
see 安妮·海瑟薇
安宁安寧an1 ning2
Anning District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市, Gansu; Anning City, to the west of Kunming 昆明, Yunnan
安宁安寧an1 ning2
peaceful; tranquil; calm; composed; free from worry
安宁病房安寧病房an1 ning2 bing4 fang2
安宁片安寧片an1 ning2 pian4
安宁区安寧區an1 ning2 qu1
Anning District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市, Gansu
安宁市安寧市an1 ning2 shi4
Anning county level city in Kunming 昆明, Yunnan
安排安排an1 pai2
to arrange; to plan; to set up; arrangements; plans
安培安培an1 pei2
ampere (loanword)
安培表安培表an1 pei2 biao3
安培计安培計an1 pei2 ji4
ammeter (loanword from "ampere meter")
安培小时安培小時an1 pei2 xiao3 shi2
ampere-hour (Ah)
安贫乐道安貧樂道an1 pin2 le4 dao4
to be content with poverty and strive for virtue (idiom)
安平安平an1 ping2
Anping county in Hengshui 衡水, Hebei; Anping district of Tainan City 臺南市|台南市, Taiwan
安平区安平區an1 ping2 qu1
Anping district of Tainan City 臺南市|台南市, Taiwan
安平县安平縣an1 ping2 xian4
Anping county in Hengshui 衡水, Hebei
安琪儿安琪兒an1 qi2 er2
angel (loanword)
安庆安慶an1 qing4
Anqing prefecture level city in Anhui
安庆地区安慶地區an1 qing4 di4 qu1
Anqing prefecture, Anhui
安庆市安慶市an1 qing4 shi4
Anqing prefecture level city in Anhui
安丘安丘an1 qiu1
Anqiu county level city in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊, Shandong
安丘市安丘市an1 qiu1 shi4
Anqiu county level city in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊, Shandong
安全安全an1 quan2
safe; secure; safety; security
安全掣安全掣an1 quan2 che4
emergency stop
安全措施安全措施an1 quan2 cuo4 shi1
safety feature; security measure
安全带安全帶an1 quan2 dai4
seat belt; safety belt
安全灯安全燈an1 quan2 deng1
safety lamp; safelight
安全阀安全閥an1 quan2 fa2
safety valve
安全感安全感an1 quan2 gan3
sense of security
安全局安全局an1 quan2 ju2
security bureau
安全考虑安全考慮an1 quan2 kao3 lv4
security consideration
安全壳安全殼an1 quan2 ke2
containment vessel
安全理事会安全理事會an1 quan2 li3 shi4 hui4
(United Nations) Security Council
安全帽安全帽an1 quan2 mao4
safety helmet
安全期安全期an1 quan2 qi1
safe period; safe days of a woman's menstrual cycle (low risk of conception)
安全气囊安全氣囊an1 quan2 qi4 nang2
safety airbag (auto.)
安全套安全套an1 quan2 tao4
安全网安全網an1 quan2 wang3
safety net
安全问题安全問題an1 quan2 wen4 ti2
safety issue; security issue
安全无事安全無事an1 quan2 wu2 shi4
safe and sound
安全无恙安全無恙an1 quan2 wu2 yang4
see 安然無恙|安然无恙
安全无虞安全無虞an1 quan2 wu2 yu2
safe and secure
安全性安全性an1 quan2 xing4
security; safety
安全眼罩安全眼罩an1 quan2 yan3 zhao4
safety goggles
安然安然an1 ran2
safely; peacefully; at a rest
安然无恙安然無恙an1 ran2 wu2 yang4
safe and sound (idiom); to come out unscathed (e.g. from an accident or illness)
安人安人an1 ren2
to pacify the people; landlady (old); wife of 員外|员外, landlord
安仁安仁an1 ren2
Anren county in Chenzhou 郴州, Hunan
安仁县安仁縣an1 ren2 xian4
Anren county in Chenzhou 郴州, Hunan
安如磐石安如磐石an1 ru2 pan2 shi2
as solid as rock (idiom); as sure as houses
安如泰山安如泰山an1 ru2 tai4 shan1
as secure as Mount Taishan; as solid as a rock
安塞安塞an1 sai1
Ansai county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi
安塞县安塞縣an1 sai1 xian4
Ansai county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi
安山岩安山岩an1 shan1 yan2
andesite (geology)
安设安設an1 she4
to install; to set up
安身安身an1 shen1
to make one's home; to take shelter
安身立命安身立命an1 shen1 li4 ming4
settle down and get on with one's pursuit
安神安神an1 shen2
to calm (soothe) the nerves; to relieve uneasiness of body and mind
安生安生an1 sheng1
peaceful; restful; quiet; still
安石榴安石榴an1 shi2 liu2
安史之乱安史之亂an1 shi3 zhi1 luan4
An-Shi Rebellion (755-763) of 安祿山|安禄山 and 史思明, a catastrophic setback for Tang dynasty
安适安適an1 shi4
quiet and comfortable
安舒安舒an1 shu1
at peace; relaxed; serene
安顺安順an1 shun4
Anshun prefecture level city in Guizhou 貴州|贵州
安顺地区安順地區an1 shun4 di4 qu1
Anshun prefecture in Guizhou
安顺市安順市an1 shun4 shi4
Anshun prefecture level city in Guizhou 貴州|贵州
安塔那那利佛安塔那那利佛an1 ta3 na4 na4 li4 fo2
Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar (Tw)
安泰安泰an1 tai4
at peace; healthy and secure
安特卫普安特衛普an1 te4 wei4 pu3
Antwerp (city in Belgium)
安藤安藤an1 teng2
Andō (Japanese surname)
安提瓜岛安提瓜島an1 ti2 gua1 dao3
安提瓜和巴布达安提瓜和巴布達an1 ti2 gua1 he2 ba1 bu4 da2
Antigua and Barbuda
安替比林安替比林an1 ti4 bi3 lin2
antipyrine (loanword)
安图安圖an1 tu2
Antu county in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin
安徒生安徒生an1 tu2 sheng1
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)
安图县安圖縣an1 tu2 xian4
Antu county in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin
安土重迁安土重遷an1 tu3 zhong4 qian1
to hate to leave a place where one has lived long; to be attached to one's native land and unwilling to leave it
安瓦尔安瓦爾an1 wa3 er3
Anwar (name); Anwar bin Ibrahim (1947-), Malaysian politician, deputy prime minister 1993-1998, imprisoned 1999-2004 on charges including alleged homosexual acts, subsequently overturned
安危安危an1 wei1
safety and danger; safety
安慰安慰an1 wei4
to comfort; to console
安慰剂安慰劑an1 wei4 ji4
安慰奖安慰獎an1 wei4 jiang3
consolation prize; booby prize
安稳安穩an1 wen3
smooth and steady
安息安息an1 xi1
to rest; to go to sleep; to rest in peace; (history) Parthia
安溪安溪an1 xi1
Anxi county in Quanzhou 泉州, Fujian
安西安西an1 xi1
Anxi county, former name of Guazhou county 瓜州縣|瓜州县 in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu
安息国安息國an1 xi1 guo2
安息茴香安息茴香an1 xi1 hui2 xiang1
see 孜然, cumin
安息日安息日an1 xi1 ri4
安溪县安溪縣an1 xi1 xian4
Anxi county in Quanzhou 泉州, Fujian
安西县安西縣an1 xi1 xian4
Anxi county, former name of Guazhou county 瓜州縣|瓜州县 in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu
安息香安息香an1 xi1 xiang1
Styrax officinalis or Styrax benzoin; benzoin resin (used in TCM); Benzoinum
安息香科安息香科an1 xi1 xiang1 ke1
Styracaceae, tree family including silver-bell, snowdrop and benzoin
安息香属安息香屬an1 xi1 xiang1 shu3
Styrax (tree genus); snowdrop; benzoin
安息香脂安息香脂an1 xi1 xiang1 zhi1
benzoinum; benzoin resin (used in TCM)
安闲安閒an1 xian2
peaceful and carefree; leisurely
安闲安閑an1 xian2
at one's ease; carefree
安闲舒适安閑舒適an1 xian2 shu1 shi4
leisurely and free (idiom); carefree and at ease
安闲随意安閑隨意an1 xian2 sui2 yi4
leisurely and free (idiom); carefree and at ease
安闲自得安閑自得an1 xian2 zi4 de2
feeling comfortably at ease (idiom)
安闲自在安閑自在an1 xian2 zi4 zai5
leisurely and free (idiom); carefree and at ease
安县安縣an1 xian4
An county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳, north Sichuan
安乡安鄉an1 xiang1
Anxiang county in Changde 常德, Hunan
安乡县安鄉縣an1 xiang1 xian4
Anxiang county in Changde 常德, Hunan
安详安詳an1 xiang2
安祥安祥an1 xiang2
serene; composed; unruffled
安歇安歇an1 xie1
to go to bed; to retire for the night
安心安心an1 xin1
at ease; to feel relieved; to set one's mind at rest; to keep one's mind on sth
安新安新an1 xin1
Anxin county in Baoding 保定, Hebei
安新县安新縣an1 xin1 xian4
Anxin county in Baoding 保定, Hebei
安阳安陽an1 yang2
Anyang prefecture level city in Henan
安阳地区安陽地區an1 yang2 di4 qu1
Anyang prefecture in Henan
安阳市安陽市an1 yang2 shi4
Anyang prefecture level city in Henan
安阳县安陽縣an1 yang2 xian4
Anyang county in Anyang 安陽|安阳, Henan
安养安養an1 yang3
to foster; to provide care (esp. for the elderly)
安养院安養院an1 yang3 yuan4
nursing home; hospice
安义安義an1 yi4
Anyi county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi
安逸安逸an1 yi4
easy and comfortable; easy
安义县安義縣an1 yi4 xian4
Anyi county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi
安营安營an1 ying2
to pitch camp; to camp
安营扎寨安營紮寨an1 ying2 zha1 zhai4
to set up camp; Taiwan pr.
安于安於an1 yu2
to feel contented with
安于现状安於現狀an1 yu2 xian4 zhuang4
to take things as they are (idiom); to leave a situation as it is; to be happy with the status quo
安源安源an1 yuan2
Anyuan district of Pingxiang city 萍鄉市|萍乡市, Jiangxi
安源区安源區an1 yuan2 qu1
Anyuan district of Pingxiang city 萍鄉市|萍乡市, Jiangxi
安远安遠an1 yuan3
Anyuan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi
安远县安遠縣an1 yuan3 xian4
Anyuan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi
安岳安岳an1 yue4
Anyue county in Ziyang 資陽|资阳, Sichuan
安岳县安岳縣an1 yue4 xian4
Anyue county in Ziyang 資陽|资阳, Sichuan
安葬安葬an1 zang4
to bury (the dead)
安泽安澤an1 ze2
Anze county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾, Shanxi
安泽县安澤縣an1 ze2 xian4
Anze county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾, Shanxi
安贞安貞an1 zhen1
Antei (Japanese reign name, 1227-1229)
安枕安枕an1 zhen3
to sleep soundly; (fig.) to rest easy; to be free of worries
安之若素安之若素an1 zhi1 ruo4 su4
bear hardship with equanimity; regard wrongdoing with equanimity
安置安置an1 zhi4
to find a place for; to help settle down; to arrange for; to get into bed; placement
安重根安重根an1 zhong4 gen1
An Jung-geun or Ahn Joong-keun (1879-1910), Korean independence activist, famous as assassin of Japanese prime minister ITŌ Hirobumi 伊藤博文 in 1909
安装安裝an1 zhuang1
to install; to erect; to fix; to mount; installation
安卓安卓an1 zhuo2
Android (operating system for mobile devices)
安祖花安祖花an1 zu3 hua1
flamingo lily (Anthurium andraeanum)
奥利安奧利安ao4 li4 an1
Orion (constellation, loan word); also written 獵戶座|猎户座
白安居白安居bai2 an1 ju1
B&Q (DIY and home improvement retailer)
保安保安bao3 an1
to ensure public security; to ensure safety (for workers engaged in production); public security; security guard
宝安寶安bao3 an1
Bao'an district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong
保安部队保安部隊bao3 an1 bu4 dui4
security forces
保安局局长保安局局長bao3 an1 ju2 ju2 zhang3
Secretary for Security (Hong Kong)
宝安区寶安區bao3 an1 qu1
Bao'an district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong
保安人员保安人員bao3 an1 ren2 yuan2
security personnel; member of police force
保安团保安團bao3 an1 tuan2
peace keeping group
保安自动化保安自動化bao3 an1 zi4 dong4 hua4
security automation
保安族保安族bao3 an1 zu2
Bao'an, also called Bonan (ethnic group)
北安北安bei3 an1
Bei'an county level city in Heihe 黑河, Heilongjiang
北安普敦北安普敦bei3 an1 pu3 dun1
Northampton, town in central England, county town of Northamptonshire 北安普敦郡
北安市北安市bei3 an1 shi4
Bei'an county level city in Heihe 黑河, Heilongjiang
Darhan Muming'an united banner in Baotou 包頭|包头, Inner Mongolia
大安大安da4 an1
Da'an or Ta'an district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市, Taiwan; Ta'an township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan; Da'an county level city in Baicheng 白城, Jilin
大安的列斯大安的列斯da4 an1 di4 lie4 si1
Greater Antilles, Caribbean archipelago
大安的列斯群岛大安的列斯群島da4 an1 di4 lie4 si1 qun2 dao3
Greater Antilles, Caribbean archipelago
大安区大安區da4 an1 qu1
Da'an or Ta'an district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市, Taiwan; Da'an district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市, Sichuan; Ta'an township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
大安市大安市da4 an1 shi4
Da'an county level city in Baicheng 白城, Jilin
大安乡大安鄉da4 an1 xiang1
Ta'an township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县, Taiwan
大兴安岭大興安嶺da4 xing1 an1 ling3
Daxing'anling mountain range in northwest Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江 in northeast China; Daxing'anling prefecture
大兴安岭地区大興安嶺地區da4 xing1 an1 ling3 di4 qu1
Daxing'anling prefecture in northwest Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江 in northeast China
大兴安岭山脉大興安嶺山脈da4 xing1 an1 ling3 shan1 mai4
Daxing'anling mountain range in northwest Heilongjiang province
More moral strength increases one's safety, more power and influence increases one's danger (idiom, from Records of the Historian 史記|史记). cf Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it (William Pitt the Elder, 1770).
德安德安de2 an1
De'an county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi
德安县德安縣de2 an1 xian4
De'an county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi
第勒尼安海第勒尼安海di4 le4 ni2 an1 hai3
Tyrrhenian Sea between Sardinia and the Italian mainland
定安定安ding4 an1
Ding'an county, Hainan
定安县定安縣ding4 an1 xian4
Ding'an county, Hainan
东安東安dong1 an1
Dongan county in Yongzhou 永州, Hunan; Dong'an district of Mudanjiang city 牡丹江市, Heilongjiang
东安区東安區dong1 an1 qu1
Dong'an district of Mudanjiang city 牡丹江市, Heilongjiang
东安县東安縣dong1 an1 xian4
Dongan county in Yongzhou 永州, Hunan
都安县都安縣du1 an1 xian4
Du'an Yao autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州, Guangxi
都安瑶族自治县都安瑤族自治縣du1 an1 yao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Du'an Yao autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州, Guangxi
福安福安fu2 an1
Fu'an county level city in Ningde 寧德|宁德, Fujian
伏安伏安fu2 an1
volt-ampere (measure of apparent power in alternating current circuits)
福安市福安市fu2 an1 shi4
Fu'an county level city in Ningde 寧德|宁德, Fujian
富国安民富國安民fu4 guo2 an1 min2
to make the country rich and the people at peace
高安高安gao1 an1
Gao'an county level city in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi
高安市高安市gao1 an1 shi4
Gao'an county level city in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi
公安公安gong1 an1
(Ministry of) Public Security; public safety; public security
公安部公安部gong1 an1 bu4
Ministry of Public Security
公安官员公安官員gong1 an1 guan1 yuan2
public safety officials
公安机关公安機關gong1 an1 ji1 guan1
public security bureau
公安局公安局gong1 an1 ju2
public security bureau (government office similar in function to a police station)
公安县公安縣gong1 an1 xian4
Gong'an county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州, Hubei
公共安全罪公共安全罪gong1 gong4 an1 quan2 zui4
crime against public order
苟安苟安gou3 an1
see 苟且偷安
苟且偷安苟且偷安gou3 qie3 tou1 an1
seeking only ease and comfort (idiom); making no attempt to improve oneself; taking things easily without attending to responsibilities
固安固安gu4 an1
Gu'an county in Langfang 廊坊, Hebei
固安县固安縣gu4 an1 xian4
Gu'an county in Langfang 廊坊, Hebei
广安廣安guang3 an1
Guang'an prefecture level city in Sichuan
广安地区廣安地區guang3 an1 di4 qu1
Guang'an prefecture level city in Sichuan
广安门廣安門guang3 an1 men2
Guanganmen in Xuanwu 宣武區|宣武区 district of southwest Beijing
广安市廣安市guang3 an1 shi4
Guang'an prefecture level city in Sichuan
国安部國安部guo2 an1 bu4
PRC Ministry of State Security; abbr. for 國家安全部|国家安全部
国安局國安局guo2 an1 ju2
abbr. for 國家安全局|国家安全局
国家安全國家安全guo2 jia1 an1 quan2
national security
国家安全部國家安全部guo2 jia1 an1 quan2 bu4
PRC Ministry of State Security
国家安全局國家安全局guo2 jia1 an1 quan2 ju2
National Security Bureau (NSB) (Tw); National Security Agency (NSA) (USA)
国内安全保卫局國內安全保衛局guo2 nei4 an1 quan2 bao3 wei4 ju2
Domestic Security Protection Bureau, the department of the Ministry of Public Security responsible for dealing with dissidents, activists etc
国泰民安國泰民安guo2 tai4 min2 an1
the country prospers, the people at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
Since they have come, we should make them comfortable (idiom). Since we're here, take it easy.; Since this is so, we should accept it.; Now we have come, let's stay and take the rough with the smooth.; If you can't do anything to prevent it, you might as
甲基安非他命甲基安非他命jia3 ji1 an1 fei1 ta1 ming4
建安建安jian4 an1
reign name (196-219) at the end of the Han dynasty
江安江安jiang1 an1
Jiang'an county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾, Sichuan
江安县江安縣jiang1 an1 xian4
Jiang'an county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾, Sichuan
焦虑不安焦慮不安jiao1 lv4 bu4 an1
worried too much
教安教安jiao4 an1
teach in peace (polite phrase to end a letter to a teacher)
捷安特捷安特jie2 an1 te4
Giant Manufacturing
金安金安jin1 an1
Jin'an district of Lu'an city 六安市, Anhui
金安区金安區jin1 an1 qu1
Jin'an district of Lu'an city 六安市, Anhui
晋安晉安jin4 an1
Jin'an district of Fuzhou city 福州市, Fujian
晋安区晉安區jin4 an1 qu1
Jin'an district of Fuzhou city 福州市, Fujian
经济安全經濟安全jing1 ji4 an1 quan2
economic security
靖安靖安jing4 an1
Jing'an county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi
静安区靜安區jing4 an1 qu1
Jing'an district, central Shanghai
靖安县靖安縣jing4 an1 xian4
Jing'an county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi
就业安定费就業安定費jiu4 ye4 an1 ding4 fei4
Employment Stability Fee (Taiwan), a minimum monthly fee for employing foreign workers
居安思危居安思危ju1 an1 si1 wei1
to think of danger in times of safety; to be vigilant in peacetime (idiom)
局促不安局促不安ju2 cu4 bu4 an1
ill at ease; uncomfortable
郡治安官郡治安官jun4 zhi4 an1 guan1
克里斯蒂安克里斯蒂安ke4 li3 si1 di4 an1
Kristian or Christian (name)
克里斯蒂安松克里斯蒂安松ke4 li3 si1 di4 an1 song1
Kristiansund (city in Norway)
拉姆安拉拉姆安拉la1 mu3 an1 la1
来安來安lai2 an1
Lai'an county in Chuzhou 滁州, Anhui
来安县來安縣lai2 an1 xian4
Lai'an county in Chuzhou 滁州, Anhui
赖安賴安lai4 an1
Ryan (name)
乐安樂安le4 an1
Le'an county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi
乐安县樂安縣le4 an1 xian4
Le'an county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi
李安李安li3 an1
Ang Li (1954-), Taiwanese-American film director (films include Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 臥虎藏龍|卧虎藏龙 and Brokeback Mountain 斷背山|断背山)
the old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise; it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good; also written 塞翁失馬焉知非福|塞翁失马焉知非福
Xi'an district of Liaoyuan city 遼源市|辽源市, Jilin; Xi'an district of Mudanjiang city 牡丹江市, Heilongjiang
锡安山錫安山xi1 an1 shan1
Mount Zion
西安市西安市xi1 an1 shi4
Xi’an, sub-provincial city and capital of Shaanxi 陝西省|陕西省 in northwest China
西安事变西安事變xi1 an1 shi4 bian4
Xi'an Incident of 12th December 1936 (kidnap of Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石)
西安外国语大学西安外國語大學xi1 an1 wai4 guo2 yu3 da4 xue2
Xi'an International Studies University (XISU)
咸安区咸安區xian2 an1 qu1
Xian'an district of Xianning city 咸寧市|咸宁市, Hubei
相安无事相安無事xiang1 an1 wu2 shi4
to live together in harmony
翔安翔安xiang2 an1
Xiang'an district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市 (Amoy), Fujian
翔安区翔安區xiang2 an1 qu1
Xiang'an district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市 (Amoy), Fujian
新安新安xin1 an1
Xin'an county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan
心安理得心安理得xin1 an1 li3 de2
to have a clear conscience; to have no qualms about sth
心安神闲心安神閑xin1 an1 shen2 xian2
with one's heart at ease and one's spirit at rest (idiom)
新安县新安縣xin1 an1 xian4
Xin'an county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan
心得安心得安xin1 de2 an1
propranolol (beta-blocker used to treat high blood pressure)
心神不安心神不安xin1 shen2 bu4 an1
to feel ill at ease
兴安興安xing1 an1
Xing'an county in Guilin 桂林, Guangxi; Hinggan league, a prefecture level subdivision of Inner Mongolia; Xing'an district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗, Heilongjiang
兴安盟興安盟xing1 an1 meng2
Hinggan league, a prefecture level subdivision of Inner Mongolia
兴安区興安區xing1 an1 qu1
Xing'an district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗, Heilongjiang
兴安县興安縣xing1 an1 xian4
Xing'an county in Guilin 桂林, Guangxi
兴安运河興安運河xing1 an1 yun4 he2
another name for Lingqu 靈渠|灵渠 canal in Xing'an county 興安|兴安, Guanxi
行人安全岛行人安全島xing2 ren2 an1 quan2 dao3
pedestrian refuge; traffic island
雅安雅安ya3 an1
Ya'an prefecture level city in Sichuan
雅安地区雅安地區ya3 an1 di4 qu1
Ya'an prefecture in Sichuan
雅安市雅安市ya3 an1 shi4
Ya'an prefecture level city in Sichuan
雅利安雅利安ya3 li4 an1
亚利安娜亞利安娜ya4 li4 an1 na4
Ariane (French space rocket)
延安延安yan2 an1
Yan'an prefecture level city in Shaanxi, communist headquarters during the war
延安地区延安地區yan2 an1 di4 qu1
Yan'an prefecture, Shaanxi
延安市延安市yan2 an1 shi4
Yán'ān prefecture level city in Shaanxi 陝西|陕西, communist headquarters during the war