real; true; honest; really; solid; fruit; seed; definitely

strokes 8
strokes after radical 5
阿育魏实 阿育魏實 a1 yu4 wei4 shi2
seed of ajwain; Semen Trachyspermi coptici

阿月浑子实 阿月渾子實 a1 yue4 hun2 zi3 shi2
pistachio nut

艾实 艾實 ai4 shi2
mugwort fruit (TCM); also called fruit of argyi wormwood; Fructus Artemisiae argyi

摆事实讲道理 擺事實講道理 bai3 shi4 shi2 jiang3 dao4 li3
present the facts and reason things out

贝尔实验室 貝爾實驗室 bei4 er3 shi2 yan4 shi4
Bell Labs

避实就虚 避實就虛 bi4 shi2 jiu4 xu1
stay clear of the enemy's main force and; strike at his weak points

不诚实 不誠實 bu4 cheng2 shi2

布鲁克海文国家实验室 布魯克海文國家實驗室 bu4 lu3 ke4 hai3 wen2 guo2 jia1 shi2 yan4 shi4
Brookhaven National Laboratory

布鲁克海文实验室 布魯克海文實驗室 bu4 lu3 ke4 hai3 wen2 shi2 yan4 shi4
Brookhaven National Laboratory

不切合实际 不切合實際 bu4 qie4 he2 shi2 ji4
impractical; not conforming to reality

不切实际 不切實際 bu4 qie4 shi2 ji4
unrealistic; impractical

不确实 不確實 bu4 que4 shi2

超现实主义 超現實主義 chao1 xian4 shi2 zhu3 yi4

诚实 誠實 cheng2 shi2
honest; honesty; honorable; truthful

成实宗 成實宗 cheng2 shi2 zong1
Satyasiddhi school of Buddhism

诚心实意 誠心實意 cheng2 xin1 shi2 yi4
earnestly and sincerely (idiom); with all sincerity

充实 充實 chong1 shi2
rich; full; substantial; to enrich; to augment; to substantiate (an argument)

从实招来 從實招來 cong2 shi2 zhao1 lai2
to own up to the facts

捣实 搗實 dao3 shi2
to ram (earth); to compact earth by ramming

调查核实 調查核實 diao4 cha2 he2 shi2
to investigate; investigation; fact-checking

笃实 篤實 du3 shi2
loyal; sincere; sound

恶恶实实 惡惡實實 e4 e4 shi2 shi2
very fierce

耳听为虚,眼见为实 耳聽為虛,眼見為實 er3 ting1 wei2 xu1 - yan3 jian4 wei2 shi2
Take what you hear to be false, only believe it when you see it (idiom). Don't believe what people tell you until you see if for yourself.; It ain't necessarily so.

非写实 非寫實 fei1 xie3 shi2

肥实 肥實 fei2 shi2
plump (of fruit); fat (of meat); fertile (of land)

付诸实施 付諸實施 fu4 zhu1 shi2 shi1
to put into practice; to carry out (idiom)

国家重点实验室 國家重點實驗室 guo2 jia1 zhong4 dian3 shi2 yan4 shi4
State Key Laboratories (university laboratories in PRC supported by the central government)

果实 果實 guo3 shi2
fruit (produced by a plant); (fig.) fruits (of success etc); results; gains

果实累累 果實累累 guo3 shi2 lei2 lei2
lit. prodigious abundance of fruit (idiom); fruit hangs heavy on the bough; fig. countless accomplishments; one great result after another

果实散播 果實散播 guo3 shi2 san4 bo1
fruit dispersal

憨实 憨實 han1 shi2
simple and honest

夯实 夯實 hang1 shi2
to tamp; to ram (earth etc)

核实 核實 he2 shi2
to verify; to check

荷枪实弹 荷槍實彈 he4 qiang1 shi2 dan4
(of the military or police) to carry loaded rifles ready for an emergency

厚实 厚實 hou4 shi5
thick; substantial; sturdy; solid

华而不实 華而不實 hua2 er2 bu4 shi2
flower but no fruit (idiom); handsome exterior but hollow inside; flashy

欢实 歡實 huan1 shi5
lively; full of vigor; vibrant; spirited

货真价实 貨真價實 huo4 zhen1 jia4 shi2
genuine goods at fair prices

既成事实 既成事實 ji4 cheng2 shi4 shi2
fait accompli

纪实 紀實 ji4 shi2
record of actual events; documentary (factual rather than fictional)

坚实 堅實 jian1 shi2
firm and substantial; solid

见之实施 見之實施 jian4 zhi1 shi2 shi1
to put into effect (idiom)

脚踏实地 腳踏實地 jiao3 ta4 shi2 di4
to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground (idiom); realistic without flights of fancy; steady and serious character

结实 結實 jie1 shi2
to bear fruit

结实 結實 jie1 shi5
rugged; sturdy; strong; durable; buff (physique)

紧实 緊實 jin3 shi2
tight; firm; dense; packed

句句实话 句句實話 ju4 ju4 shi2 hua4
to speak honestly (idiom)

据实 據實 ju4 shi2
according to the facts

据实以告 據實以告 ju4 shi2 yi3 gao4
to report according to the facts; to tell the truth; to tell it like it is

军事实力 軍事實力 jun1 shi4 shi2 li4
military strength; military power

科学实验 科學實驗 ke1 xue2 shi2 yan4
scientific experiment

口实 口實 kou3 shi2
food; salary (old); a pretext; a cause for gossip

扩增实境 擴增實境 kuo4 zeng1 shi2 jing4
augmented reality (computing)

老实说 老實說 lao3 shi2 shuo1
honestly speaking; to be frank, ...

老实 老實 lao3 shi5
honest; sincere; well-behaved; open and guileless; naive

老实巴交 老實巴交 lao3 shi5 ba1 jiao1
(coll.) docile; well-behaved; biddable

丽实 麗實 li4 shi2

落实 落實 luo4 shi2
practical; workable; to implement; to carry out; to decide

密密实实 密密實實 mi4 mi5 shi2 shi5
thick; concentrated

密实 密實 mi4 shi2
close (texture); dense; densely woven

名不符实 名不符實 ming2 bu4 fu2 shi2
the name does not correspond to reality (idiom); it doesn't live up to its reputation

名不副实 名不副實 ming2 bu4 fu4 shi2
the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in name than in fact; Reality does not live up to the name.; Excellent theory, but the practice does not bear it out.

名存实亡 名存實亡 ming2 cun2 shi2 wang2
the name remains, but the reality is gone (idiom)

名副其实 名副其實 ming2 fu4 qi2 shi2
not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)

名实 名實 ming2 shi2
name and reality; whether reality lives up to its reputation

明实录 明實錄 ming2 shi2 lu4
annals of the Ming Dynasty 明朝 (1368-1644)

难以实现 難以實現 nan2 yi3 shi2 xian4
hard to accomplish; difficult to achieve

喷气推进实验室 噴氣推進實驗室 pen1 qi4 tui1 jin4 shi2 yan4 shi4
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, R&D center in Pasadena, California

批踢踢实业坊 批踢踢實業坊 pi1 ti1 ti1 shi2 ye4 fang1
PTT Bulletin Board System (Tw)

平实 平實 ping2 shi2
simple and unadorned; plain; (of land) level; even

朴实 樸實 pu3 shi2
plain; simple; guileless; down-to-earth; sincere and honest

其实 其實 qi2 shi2
actually; in fact; really

芡实 芡實 qian4 shi2
Gorgon fruit; Semen euryales (botany); see also 雞頭米|鸡头米

羌无故实 羌無故實 qiang1 wu2 gu4 shi2
to have no basis in fact (idiom)

切合实际 切合實際 qie4 he2 shi2 ji4
practical; corresponding to reality; geared to practical situations

切实 切實 qie4 shi2
feasible; realistic; practical; earnestly; conscientiously

切实可行 切實可行 qie4 shi2 ke3 xing2

勤俭朴实 勤儉樸實 qin2 jian3 pu3 shi2
hardworking, thrifty, plain, and honest (idiom)

勤俭务实 勤儉務實 qin2 jian3 wu4 shi2
hardworking, thrifty and pragmatic

清实录 清實錄 qing1 shi2 lu4
Qing historical archive, currently 4484 scrolls

确实 確實 que4 shi2
indeed; really; reliable; real; true

如实 如實 ru2 shi2
as things really are; realistic

软实力 軟實力 ruan3 shi2 li4
soft power (in international relations)

失实 失實 shi1 shi2
to give a false picture of the situation

实报实销 實報實銷 shi2 bao4 shi2 xiao1
to be reimbursed for actual expenses

实变 實變 shi2 bian4
(math.) real variable

实变函数 實變函數 shi2 bian4 han2 shu4
function of a real variable (math.)

实变函数论 實變函數論 shi2 bian4 han2 shu4 lun4
(math.) theory of functions of a real variable

实不相瞒 實不相瞞 shi2 bu4 xiang1 man2
truth to tell; to be quite honest...

实测 實測 shi2 ce4
to take measurements; measured (speed etc); observed (as opposed to "estimated"); observational (astronomy)

实诚 實誠 shi2 cheng2
sincere; honest

实穿 實穿 shi2 chuan1
(of an item of clothing) practical

实词 實詞 shi2 ci2
content word

实弹 實彈 shi2 dan4
live ammunition

实地 實地 shi2 di4

实地访视 實地訪視 shi2 di4 fang3 shi4
onsite visit

实分析 實分析 shi2 fen1 xi1
real analysis; calculus of real variables

实付 實付 shi2 fu4
actually paid; net (payment)

实干 實幹 shi2 gan4
to work industriously; to get things done

实干家 實幹家 shi2 gan4 jia1
sb who gets things done; doer

实根 實根 shi2 gen1
real root (of a polynomial)

实话 實話 shi2 hua4

实话实说 實話實說 shi2 hua4 shi2 shuo1
to tell the truth; to tell it as it is

实惠 實惠 shi2 hui4
tangible benefit; material advantages; cheap; economical; advantageous (deal); substantial (discount)

实际 實際 shi2 ji4
reality; practice; practical; realistic; real; actual

实际情况 實際情況 shi2 ji4 qing2 kuang4
actual circumstances; the real situation; reality

实际上 實際上 shi2 ji4 shang4
in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; in practice

实际性 實際性 shi2 ji4 xing4

实际应用 實際應用 shi2 ji4 ying4 yong4
practical application

实践 實踐 shi2 jian4
practice; to put into practice; to live up to (a promise); to carry out (a project)

实践是检验真理的唯一标准 實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準 shi2 jian4 shi4 jian3 yan4 zhen1 li3 de5 wei2 yi1 biao1 zhun3
Actual practice is the sole criterion for judging truth (item from Deng Xiaoping theory, from 1978)

实缴资本 實繳資本 shi2 jiao3 zi1 ben3
paid-in capital; contributed capital (finance)

实景 實景 shi2 jing3
real scene (not set up or posed); real location (not a film studio set or theater); live action (not animation)

实况 實況 shi2 kuang4
live (e.g. broadcast or recording); what is actually happening; scene; the real situation

实况录音 實況錄音 shi2 kuang4 lu4 yin1
live recording

实况转播 實況轉播 shi2 kuang4 zhuan3 bo1
live relay; broadcast of actual scene; to broadcast live

实利 實利 shi2 li4
advantage; gain; net profit

实力 實力 shi2 li4

实例 實例 shi2 li4
an actual example; living example; an illustration; a demonstration

实利主义 實利主義 shi2 li4 zhu3 yi4

实力主义 實力主義 shi2 li4 zhu3 yi4

实名 實名 shi2 ming2
real-name (registration etc); non-anonymous

实名制 實名制 shi2 ming2 zhi4
system for identifying users (on a rail network, the Internet etc)

实女 實女 shi2 nv3
female suffering absence or atresia of vagina (as birth defect)

实拍 實拍 shi2 pai1
candid photograph; genuine photograph (not set up or doctored)

实情 實情 shi2 qing2
actual situation; truth

实施 實施 shi2 shi1
to implement; to carry out

实施例 實施例 shi2 shi1 li4
(patent) implementation; embodiment

实时 實時 shi2 shi2
(in) real time; instantaneous

实事 實事 shi2 shi4
fact; actual thing; practical matter

实事求是 實事求是 shi2 shi4 qiu2 shi4
to seek truth from facts (idiom); to be practical and realistic

实收 實收 shi2 shou1
net receipts; real income

实收资本 實收資本 shi2 shou1 zi1 ben3
paid-in capital; contributed capital (finance)

实受资本 實受資本 shi2 shou5 zi1 ben3
paid-up capital

实属 實屬 shi2 shu3
(to) really (be)

实属不易 實屬不易 shi2 shu3 bu4 yi4
really not easy (idiom)

实数 實數 shi2 shu4
real number (math); actual value

实数集 實數集 shi2 shu4 ji2
set of real numbers

实数值 實數值 shi2 shu4 zhi2
real-valued (math.); taking real numbers as values (of a function)

实岁 實歲 shi2 sui4
method of calculating a person's age in years from birth; see also 虛歲|虚岁; see also 足歲|足岁

实体 實體 shi2 ti3
entity; substance; thing that has a material existence (as opposed to a conceptual, virtual or online existence); the real thing (as opposed to an image or model of it)

实体层 實體層 shi2 ti3 ceng2
physical layer (OSI)

实体店 實體店 shi2 ti3 dian4
brick and mortar business; physical (rather than online) retail store

实物 實物 shi2 wu4
material object; concrete object; original object; in kind; object for practical use; definite thing; reality; matter (physics)

实务 實務 shi2 wu4
practice (customary action, as opposed to theory); practical

实物教学 實物教學 shi2 wu4 jiao4 xue2
object lesson

实习 實習 shi2 xi2
to practice; field work; to intern; internship

实习生 實習生 shi2 xi2 sheng5
intern (student)

实线 實線 shi2 xian4
solid line

实现 實現 shi2 xian4
to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about

实相 實相 shi2 xiang4
actual situation; the ultimate essence of things (Buddhism)

实效 實效 shi2 xiao4
actual effect; practical result; efficacy

实心 實心 shi2 xin1
sincere; solid

实心皮球 實心皮球 shi2 xin1 pi2 qiu2
medicine ball

实行 實行 shi2 xing2
to implement; to carry out; to put into practice

实验 實驗 shi2 yan4
experiment; test; experimental; to experiment

实验室 實驗室 shi2 yan4 shi4

实验室感染 實驗室感染 shi2 yan4 shi4 gan3 ran3
laboratory infection

实验所 實驗所 shi2 yan4 suo3
laboratory; institute

实验心理学 實驗心理學 shi2 yan4 xin1 li3 xue2
experimental psychology

实业 實業 shi2 ye4
industry; commercial enterprise

实业家 實業家 shi2 ye4 jia1

实意 實意 shi2 yi4

实用 實用 shi2 yong4
practical; functional; pragmatic; applied (science)

实用价值 實用價值 shi2 yong4 jia4 zhi2
practical value

实用主义 實用主義 shi2 yong4 zhu3 yi4

实在 實在 shi2 zai4
really; actually; indeed; true; real; honest; dependable; (philosophy) reality

实则 實則 shi2 ze2
actually; in fact

实战 實戰 shi2 zhan4
real combat; actual combat

实证 實證 shi2 zheng4
actual proof; concrete evidence; empirical

实证主义 實證主義 shi2 zheng4 zhu3 yi4
positivism; empiricism

实值 實值 shi2 zhi2
real-valued (math.); taking real numbers as values (of a function)

实职 實職 shi2 zhi2
active participation

实质 實質 shi2 zhi4
substance; essence

实至名归 實至名歸 shi2 zhi4 ming2 gui1
fame follows merit (idiom)

实质上 實質上 shi2 zhi4 shang4
virtually; essentially

实质性 實質性 shi2 zhi4 xing4
substantive; substantial; material; considerable

实肘 實肘 shi2 zhou3
full arm (method of painting)

实足 實足 shi2 zu2
full; complete; all of

史实 史實 shi3 shi2
historical fact

事实 事實 shi4 shi2

事实婚 事實婚 shi4 shi2 hun1
common-law marriage; de facto marriage

事实求是 事實求是 shi4 shi2 qiu2 shi4
to seek the truth from facts

事实上 事實上 shi4 shi2 shang4
in fact; in reality; actually; as a matter of fact; de facto; ipso facto

事实胜于雄辩 事實勝於雄辯 shi4 shi2 sheng4 yu2 xiong2 bian4
Facts speak louder than words. (idiom)

属实 屬實 shu3 shi2
to turn out to be true; verified; true

说实话 說實話 shuo1 shi2 hua4
to speak the truth; truth to tell; frankly

踏实 踏實 ta1 shi5
firmly-based; steady; steadfast; to have peace of mind; free from anxiety; Taiwan pr.

塌实 塌實 ta1 shi5
variant of 踏實|踏实

踏踏实实 踏踏實實 ta1 ta1 shi2 shi2
steady; steadfast

吐实 吐實 tu3 shi2
to reveal the truth; to spill the beans

妥实 妥實 tuo3 shi2
proper; appropriate

王实甫 王實甫 wang2 shi2 fu3
Wang Shifu (fl. 1295-1307), author of Romance of the West Chamber 西廂記|西厢记

委实 委實 wei3 shi2
indeed; really (very much so)

未经证实 未經證實 wei4 jing1 zheng4 shi2

稳实 穩實 wen3 shi2
steady; calm and practical

务实 務實 wu4 shi2
pragmatic; dealing with concrete issues

现实 現實 xian4 shi2
reality; actuality; real; actual; realistic

现实情况 現實情況 xian4 shi2 qing2 kuang4
current state; current situation

现实主义 現實主義 xian4 shi2 zhu3 yi4

详实 詳實 xiang2 shi2
detailed and reliable; full and accurate

翔实 翔實 xiang2 shi2
complete and accurate

橡实 橡實 xiang4 shi2

写实 寫實 xie3 shi2
realism; realistic portrayal; realistic; true to life

信实 信實 xin4 shi2
trustworthy; reliable; to believe something to be true

虚拟实境 虛擬實境 xu1 ni3 shi2 jing4
virtual reality (Tw)

虚拟现实 虛擬現實 xu1 ni3 xian4 shi2
virtual reality

虚拟现实置标语言 虛擬現實置標語言 xu1 ni3 xian4 shi2 zhi4 biao1 yu3 yan2
virtual reality markup language (VRML) (computing)

虚实 虛實 xu1 shi2
what is true and what is false; (to get to know) the real situation

虚虚实实 虛虛實實 xu1 xu1 shi2 shi2
hard to tell if it's real or sham

言符其实 言符其實 yan2 fu2 qi2 shi2
(of one's words) to be in accord with reality (idiom)

言过其实 言過其實 yan2 guo4 qi2 shi2
to exaggerate; to overstate the facts

严实 嚴實 yan2 shi5
(sealed) tight; close; (hidden) safely; securely

严严实实 嚴嚴實實 yan2 yan2 shi2 shi2
(sealed) tightly; (wrapped) closely; (covered) completely

眼见为实 眼見為實 yan3 jian4 wei2 shi2
seeing is believing

眼见为实,耳听为虚 眼見為實,耳聽為虛 yan3 jian4 wei2 shi2 - er3 ting1 wei2 xu1
to believe what one sees, not what one hears (idiom). Don't believe what people tell you until you see if for yourself.; It ain't necessarily so.

贻人口实 貽人口實 yi2 ren2 kou3 shi2
to make oneself an object of ridicule

以虚带实 以虛帶實 yi3 xu1 dai4 shi2
to let correct ideology guide practical work (idiom)

殷实 殷實 yin1 shi2
thriving; well-off; substantial

硬实 硬實 ying4 shi2
sturdy; robust

硬实力 硬實力 ying4 shi2 li4
hard power (i.e. military and economic power)

有名亡实 有名亡實 you3 ming2 wang2 shi2
lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists only in name; nominal

有名无实 有名無實 you3 ming2 wu2 shi2
lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists only in name; nominal

予人口实 予人口實 yu3 ren2 kou3 shi2
to give cause for gossip

语言实验室 語言實驗室 yu3 yan2 shi2 yan4 shi4
language laboratory

匀实 勻實 yun2 shi5
even; uniform

扎实 扎實 zha1 shi5
strong; solid; sturdy; firm; practical

扎实推进 扎實推進 zha1 shi5 tui1 jin4
solid progress

扎扎实实 扎扎實實 zha1 zha5 shi2 shi2
firm; solid; reliable; real; practical

扎实 紮實 zha2 shi5
see 扎實|扎实

真才实学 真才實學 zhen1 cai2 shi2 xue2
solid learning; real ability and learning; genuine talent

真凭实据 真憑實據 zhen1 ping2 shi2 ju4
reliable evidence (idiom); conclusive proof; definitive evidence

真情实意 真情實意 zhen1 qing2 shi2 yi4
out of genuine friendship (idiom); sincere feelings

榛实 榛實 zhen1 shi2

真实 真實 zhen1 shi2
true; real

真实感 真實感 zhen1 shi2 gan3
the feeling that sth is genuine; sense of reality; in the flesh

真实性 真實性 zhen1 shi2 xing4
authenticity; truthfulness; veracity; reality; validity

真心实意 真心實意 zhen1 xin1 shi2 yi4
genuine and sincere (idiom); wholehearted

征名责实 徵名責實 zheng1 ming2 ze2 shi2
to seek out the real nature based on the name (idiom); to judge sth at face value

征实 徵實 zheng1 shi2
levies in kind; grain tax

证实 證實 zheng4 shi2
to confirm (sth to be true); to verify

证实礼 證實禮 zheng4 shi2 li3

枳实 枳實 zhi3 shi2
dried fruit of immature citron or trifoliate orange (used in TCM)

忠实 忠實 zhong1 shi2

种实 種實 zhong3 shi2
seed; seedpod; aril

壮实 壯實 zhuang4 shi5
robust; sturdy

着实 著實 zhuo2 shi2
truly; indeed; severely; harshly

子实 子實 zi3 shi2
variant of 籽實|籽实

籽实 籽實 zi3 shi2
seed; grain; kernel; bean

自我实现 自我實現 zi4 wo3 shi2 xian4
self-actualization (psychology); self-realization